if 'a 2 St BRINGING I - J I 7 C 7 s A WONDERFUL HEftE FRIDAY ' r r TVb Change in St. Louis Team Takes the Lead in Doubles Event ' ' ' ' . . . Herman Bruggeman's Single Game of Sunday Remains High; but Jarrett and Hauser Pass Doubles Mark. ST. JOSEPH TEAM COMES SECOND PINOLES LEADERS. . lat. 2d. M.Tot. H. liHmm, Sioux City 1W 117 27 o4 Jul ftchmltt. Bt. Louis Ml IHl 2il (24 T, Sohlapp. St. Louie JH5 214 tit Ui M. R. K.m'ti.i Bt. Joseph. 14 2IH 2I tt'il U Waldecker, Bt. Loula... 212 211 ITS ft -5 r;. miner, Bt. Iioula 2.a 177 ! C Lrickson, PL Iul 15 2u6 211 U1 UOVUUKS LEADERS. lat. 2d. M.Tot. R. Jarrett, St. Loula 2Z) 2.T3 174 ) ... Mauser. . Bt. Lo4ile VW8 2w) 20O.fi Total MM W. Nadler, Bt. Joseph 1 171 J14 f74 0. Tolman. Bt. Joaaph las 244 li M Total 1,12 iJ. J. Wehrle, ft. Lout)..,. 176 194 15 K4 it. Scheefar, Bt. Louie.... Ill 212 177 ToUl 1,14 C. Vandewater. St. Louis. M 220 1K1 m . F. 1'tley, BU Loula 181 lij ltd 647 Total ,1,1,1 . Cola, Minneapolis 17S I ft) 714 b4 W. Rhea, Minneapolis 177 1 H4 Total i ltf L. WaldacHar. 8t. l4)Ull....W7 JS W a f. Pandora. . Loula....... 107 , 1W HI M loul J.M4 ; Monday1 bowline brought no chatiffa Itk the leaderahlp-In tbalnga avanta of tha ninth annual Mid weal Bowline eon .Rreaa tournamant now In projroa on the Farnam alley. II. R. Blnmena of fit. Joaph rollad tha Mh lnlcvi avrnt am of tha day with 2L Thla la thirty plua brhlnd tha record of Herman Brufeaman, tha l-yerwld Sioux Cty boy, ' who racked M total. 6lmom landed In fourth alaca, juat two ptna behind T. Bchlapp of St. Loula, through hi Mon day acor. Ilraca J arret t, . by rolliiia; . two Rood rcorf hi tha double and alnglea event yeatarday, went Into tha lead In the allr eventa. Jarratta toUl for all-avnnta la 1. H2. Ha rolled 871 In tha team match, In tha doublea and U In the alnglca. While Jarrett'a total U good, the genaral ImpreaaloM ia that It will be aurpartcd reveral Uroea before the tourney rloaea. Roll Below A rentae. The rolling In the alnglaa yreterday waa very ordinary. Piemen wa the only man who toppd tha 800 mark. O. Detwtler of t Loula waa second high with Ui7. and the remainder of tha acorea were In the 448 or too claaa. Brar Jarrett and C. Hauaer took the lead la the double) yesterday by crack ing tha lumber for a 1.198 count. Thla mark ahould land tha "show ma" pin tumblar well up In the doublea money upfeaa aome extraordinary shooting rould occur In aubeequent matchee. Jarrett la lllsfe. ' Jarrett'a total of W0 pulled the averaee of tha MUaourl team up. Brace plugged tha wood for 4 In hie flrat game and 233 la hi aeoond. Prosperity waa too much for him and hta third gome fell to 174. If he bad kept up hi standard he would have carried the team total past tha cherished LSOO mark. W. H. Nadler and a. O. Tolman of fit. Ioula went Into aeoond place In the doublea yeaterday. The Joetown lad marked up a total of l.ltt. Wehrle and Bchaefer of Bt. Loula, who led the field I Bunday. dropped back Into third place. Boorea In tb slnglea yeaterday were a follows: . .. Name. Town. II. Blemana, Bt. Joseph. U. ItwaUler. Bt. Louia A. Towrnun, 8t. Loula.. Ji. Jarrett. Bt. Louts.... o. Bteln, St. Loula 1st. rd. Id. Tot. Ill 111 21 631 t 1-4 21-6T ....It") m lil 674 ....1 ! 211 5i ...Jul 15 170014 ....1M )W Kl 611 V. Hranch. LeMara .., V. Webber. leMara., H. Hmlth. Bt. Loula... K. Hyan. BU Loula K. 'aiahn. Bt Ixiula., ..7 IK n 43 ..vi 1U7 17fc4t ' M IwIfcJl7 ! ivi ia i7j,j J. Pfllnaer, Bt. Loula y. Bteriiasle, Bt. Loula 11 1,4 161 4i( W "mZui'& lA litJJ O. Kbrtcht. Bloux city H4 ih 17s an Name Town lat. Jd. Id. Tot. y.-slranu,1?:: W f. Meman, Bloux City... ..If 10 Ixl-f.ll ! J. Hader Bloux city 147 m l6iM II. Schuuk Bloux City lift in isrtf,7 ! ft rtir::: 12 M W. Cobb. Bt Joseph.. 171 mi '4-4 . Wadler Bt. Joaaph. ...i7 ho 172 ,v) J. Wella. Omaha ioi lv it .vr. o,.h....:.;..:;;ia m gqsr it Btortevanl. (imsba 11 yi M ."lmlra. Omaha... .14 1M 14 411 N. Rafrlgler. Omaha iii 1) li.7 411 A. Btora. Oinalia ,...171 144 IV M A. hoegin. L Mara ll ia lS7-4i.1 f." M"r - M,r !s 1"0 17-44 K Branch. 1 Mara 114 il iw-4uo - Ko- h, tjmaha... '.ilea lit !V-ei U. Whliehead. xt. Ixiula " "m i i uZZ Ik-urea la the douoles were ss follows: duoi.. .r. n 1st. Id Id. Total. W. Menerraott A. Antaiar ..... Toll I'erklikS .... F. Tolrniun .... Total , O. Hbrecbt .... bchunk 1-lel B. Jajrwtt .... 4'. Iiauaar .... Twi.i J- ,a ...... J. I ... n ,... 4 XiAfj .: 134 lfK) 1W 474 1M U t?i "T l.Odl 144 IH m U 171 11 I i - 1,0-sS IKt 1M JTO 6 ..Ul 1M 17 6 4 Lv S in ra 174 tw uU iti fes .......w Xl' Jw M H 6-7 U U l U Z-i ZU U ui UP FATHER Singles; Ryan Total W. Webber , Val hranch , Total M. Clary .... U. Pie n Total ..... II. Hmlth A. l.auinan . Total .... ...Wt 148 172 47!) ' lint 'i4 'iii". 'hut I.".'!". I8?..!6...!.! " i&j 17? m 1,1 it ;:' m W w...t., .,..1.111 O. Smith j..l! 1HU 175 4J (. r.liidcnholm .'...211 lull ltilt Mi Total 1...I1WI Xame. . ; . lat. rri ..1.1. Tut. ""'"I.!.' Ji2 Jl Total ...'"'.!. 1,024 bowlers were so well represented and i. flei!m;n'::::;::::::::::::l!3.ii i4S 6!ut p uch tron b,d for the Total i.or6 L. Vandinteg ... V. Hranch i.;.... Total K. Vauxhn O. Whitehead ... Total A. HoMn r. Wehlr ......... Total If.'. W. . Lure II. Klanians ..... Total i... W. Nedler 'J. Tolman Total ill m , - l. 177 1W HiO 1 202 178 Wi 5 11 ,M ......142 U2 174'' 4; ......173- 1 7 123 72 M ' .;;...ic3 m no 1H4, 2ovm 89 ..1.04J 1H1 171 214 IH m 224 i7 m 1,11 Women Bowlers to . Occupy Alleys in . Midwest iourney fix team' of Omaha women bowler ll Itak the alleys In the Slldweat Bowl ing rongren tuuruamr.i , now be'ng hold In Omnha tM evening. Thla la fie first year women ever rompeted' In ' a Mlda-est event. Tha Omuha women aie all giod bowlers nd they ai-a expected to turn In ome big scores. The teams which will tak part are Urandels. - Haydtns. Omaha TowelBupply, A. II. Oweet Shop. Tele phone Ulrlt and Burgess-Nash company. SHORT TERM CONTRACTS FOH THti CUti PLAYERS CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Short term con tracts will hereafter be offered player of the Chicago National league club, It waa announced today. It wa said thitt tha officers of the club had become convinced that the. long agreement, extending over aeveral aee sons. give players too much opportunity to shirk. rhll Louglaa, a pltther obtained from Brooklyn a few months aso, signed a ona year contract today, Kalraaoat IMlea t s Blsr Score. FAIRMONT Neb.. Nov. 22.-4 Hpeelal , -Fairmont .High echoul duftaU'd Btreng Hlgh school BaturJay fa to f. ftrann'a only acorea were made on fouls, tho vlaijoga heme; shut out without a field roal. Thla Is the aecnnd game of the eeaaon. Lett week Fairmont defu.-ilad i ration 6J to 17. Dum-Dums Pinch-Hit . For Cupid's Arrows Three weeks ago. as a matter of dla. 'Mine, Will Harvey, nejro. discolored the optic of Ella Bheppard. lu cior- I1" treL ElU U hl" d,,,,,y " theart UI bight he turned the tablra. Kb. had a gun. She shot four times. One f1"1 tln Mlnal hi. akull. oau.l,,. 'he arm. causing him to howl in such pain that nalghbora turned In a riot call r aiaorderly C1dUct "tath aw right, Mletah Lawl Dath aw rlghtl Ah'm even Rtephen wld dat trmin' ,-' hll WM b,n boohed. -Nex" time dat wufleee hlgh-trowit cum roun" me ..i.. . i . " "Wl British Again Seize American Steamer I KBW TORK, Nov. -The aeliur of unlimn crulMr reported to the . American Trana-Atlantlu Co. todav k I, . ... - .. M... V, . . . "'- . um iimainuseeu, rrora alt Luola, British West Ind'es. Captain Bssmussen. la a cable dispatch, said that the Oeneoae, which cleared front Nor folk October 14. with a cargo of coal tor Montevideo, was taken to Bt. Lucia by a prtae crew from the cruiser The Qennoeo Is owned oy tna earn ooiupaay that owns the Hocking, seised by a British cruiser and taken Into Hali fax recamUy. , Tha Qcnearei kf on the brffc. list of ettaxnar IhUila to selsure. 1 Copyright. 191S, international New Service. Registered li. H. Patent Office ST. LOUIS G I YE N BOWLERS' MEET .'lound City Captures 1916 Tourney and Promiies to Enter Hundred Teams on Allevs Then. , PRESIDENT STROTZ EE-ELECTED rrra.au.ir uadiki Tsam City. Jack DsaJela, It. Touls 2alao Cafe, fee Mar Alpan Braaa, Bt, Louis Washtnctsns, St. X,oois TaJataffa, . X.oui St, Ioola tpeolala. Bt. Lout core. . .9.700 . . 8.704 . .a,6l . .8.089 . .t.est . .MM Dupont Powflar Co Bt. XiOula . .981 riata, Mlnneapolla 8,830 St. Louts wa choaon as the place for holding the 116 tournament of 1 the Midwest Dowllng association, and th chlef officers were reflected, at the nnu,Ll Pieetlnit of the assocla- tlon, held Sunday t the Farnam alleys, where the big bowling tourney la belnsr rolled. . " . . ina cnoice or bt. louis tor tne next tournament was done'after little deliberation, for the down-river .Honor or entertaining tho next tourn- ment, that Lincoln, the only other bidder, was hardly In the race at all. ' Wll Knter Ilandreel Trana, The Bt. . Loula bowler were on hand fifty atrong, and by way., of clinching thdr' claim to the next tournament, they guaranteed to enter 100 Bt Louis teams next year. That will certainly make "some" tourney, the bowler agreed and voted to go to Bt. Loula after they had heard the Bt. Louis representative 'talk. 11. C. Menne. prealdent of the Bt. Louis Bowling association and city treasurer of that city, wa the big gun for that dele gation. In. landing the 1911 tournament. He was also elected first Tlce-pres'.dent of tha association. , Will lie Lrsrstf Mleya. As . Lincoln wa the oniy other city after the next convention, It waa goner ally -agreed that that city would be able to have the tournament come there the ear . after, In 1917. In spite of being overwhelmed thl time, Lincoln put up a strong bid By vote of the association, the board of directors were authorised to uee eight Instead of alx alleys In future tournaments, because of the large list of entrant. Following 1 the list of officer and executive committee elected: President. Oeorge V. Stroll, pes Moines. rc icciea. Becre ary. Qeorae C Lowe. Kinni riiv tf-electd. Troasuier. II. B. Farley, Kantaa City. ie-electd. First vioa president, II. C. Menn, St. Louis. T Becond vice-president, C. IS, 111, Bloux City. Third vice-president. Charlie Terrtll. Omaha. Kourtb vice-president, D. D. Neblctt. Maruhalltown, 1 a. bxucutlve committee Morris Clary Ft. Louis; C. U. WlUla. Bt Iouls; Ned Btermigl, Eart ft. Loula: c. .1. Tain. Omaha; W. 11. Mualck. Frorla; O. M. C. t.brecht. Bloux City: Oeors Tollman, Bt Joaeph; Otto Hemke, IJncoln: J. rori, Fort Oodge: I.. J. Mackln. lubmiue: L It. Hammond, Fremont: B. Boblenkl, Mason City; Jimmy Iolan, Minneapolis; Henry I'atteraon, 8t. Faul; F. L. Tralnor eioux Falla; Frank Hrugaeman. Burling ton; Henry Hchanwetier. Mlirliell, B. ii j L. Van ! Bteg, I t Mar; Kred McConkie. Ccdai Itaplda. Chealr Weekes, Umaha Ueoigo Zimmerman. Omaha. Matchre llotir I'omoa.eal. Although !ast nlghfi rivo-man team matchea at the Farnam alloy were In tereattng and hotly contested, none of the scores approached the high lead of 1.760 chalked up he night before by the Jnck Daniels quintet of Bt. Loula. which still hold the lead. The Palace Cf five of LeMara came the cloeeat to the leaders, making a tout of 1.704. The Alpen Brau team of Bl. lxul, lart year's champs, aoored only 2,tK. so will have to go some If they re tain their title tMe year. Four Omaha teams that bowled- laat night, tailed to got Into the claaa of tb leader among the visiting "team. Fol lowing were laat night five-man team scoie; FALACB CAFK. LKMARfl, IA. ., . 2d id Totsl. F. Itrauob. n? 1M i m I? .yaiideallg IM isj 19J jt) V. W eoer i(k. lAa ifu k F- Wain u:i 17.1 141 . Kraucn 230 34 JtO 14 Totals ALPtN BilAl C Hauaer O. Whitehead. T. Blernasle .. lv Vauai.ii.... J. I'f.engrr 91S M 9.1 1.704 . BT. LOfla Champ'onsl 1 1st 2d Id Total. SKI 11 1 64T If. l!t 214 631 Mi 1.7 16 4i7 14'i 1SS 1M) fc.. 1 212 12 M Totala I'M fcU SIT l.Hi WASHINGTON 8, 8T. LOl'18 w .. ,'" :d Total. M. D. Cleary 21S '7 1'4 17 H. Bmith I J i; 4; O. Ietweller 17J lit ' IS , 4J.J A. Iuinan... 1M 149 1 S 4 7 O. Bieln. Jr 177 . 241 li 679 Totala 87 911 ! 1 6d! CLEVKH CLOTHES SHOP. SIOUX CITT . 1st. Id Id. Total. J. Coughlln 11 172 1,9 (14 F. Kelley L'l 1 Lt 43 F. Nientan iA 1M 447 O. llngman 1" Hit l7 boi C. Ferklixs 174) 171 14 kit Total Ml 84 S3 S.M2 .APEX FIVE, bt JOSEP1L 1st. 1.1 Id. Tetet. H. Btomana. n IW lT 6U Iu.... 1 y?vu''.b J W M . 14 ' 9 ' 4VVV' v a . -r 14 . ri 4.M TIIH P.HK: OMAHA, Tl'KSDAY, NDVKMHKK -2?,. WW TRAINING HARD FOR TURKEY DAY MAT CONTEST. JOB STEC1IER. VOCSIFF HUS3ANE. 1 Ir . - 8?c. I -' ... 'i-y . , Jfn O. Totman. S0 172 . IN 648 Totals g. 7S 869 .2,633 NIAGARAS. BlOUX C1TV. let. Id. id. Total. II. Bchlunk.. 12.4 1.H3 131 14 K. Hrug:erman 17 161 1K1 tV (. Kbrecht 1IU 13S 165 4h W. McOermott 141 167 144 44 A. Amslsr.. 141 167 212 (II Totals 7S2 731 Ml t.l&l BOBBV ROBERTSON S JNC, OMAHA. 1st. Id. M. Total. Causfclun 14t 147 1 41 Knapp ig 1:4 11 4't Mllek ill- 1:4 , Its 121 Hushman 1M lw lis 411 Morton 201 1 1S 67 Total m 761 ri 1.475 SOUTH OMAHA MRRCHANT9. lat 1 1. M. Total. J. F. McDonnell 18 T4 IW 4M Haul Chaal 127 161 1" 414 William Hancock.. 167 13 169 442 A. J. Korh 11 12 W fO Ben Hull m . 1" 173 (U Totals 812 ?4 817 2.401 BURQE88-NASH CO. let. 2d. Id. Total. R. Bperry 141 IS 141 444 F. Carey W 14 111 Oeorgo Graham.... HO 11 '3 0 ,'ohn Munroe .. 12 140 4 Tom Reynolds 164 21 1M Wl Total '"0 7 ' 719 1.W4 . CORET-M'KISNZIrl lt. 2d. Sd. Total. Hutchison 1S7 171. 161 40 Holmes 12 Vd 102 831 Duff M Krt 108 M Zlinmor .., 10s 148 lr4 Rliodes 140 111 171 43 Totals.' 84 'CI b 1.918 Timid Clerk Thought He'd Foiled Stickup "Oh. no, eld boy: you ain't going to stick tills bird up! I'm too wise for you!" exclaimed Fred Birneman, t'nion Pacific clerk, who lives at the Toung Men's Christian association dormitory, last nlht when he saw a man with a handkerchief tied around his fare and atanding near Twenty-ninth and Harney. He fled aa fast as his lega would carry him to the nearest telephone and called the police. The dragnet, hurriedly set resulted In the rapture of the would-be "highway- Isnan." It was W. A. MscKillop. repre Isentative of the A. B. Dlok eompany of I Chicago, who lives at 4 South Twenty . n'nth. ' "Sure, I'm the highwayman." laughed 'MarKtTlop. "I bad the handkerchief tied around my neck because I was chilled and am subject to colds. I wondered at that guy when he ran away from tna so suddenly. Thla is a good joke." , The polloe laughed over U. toe. EMPRESS OF JAPAN IS IN PERFECT HEALTH TOKIO. Nor. 22. In rlew of aUrmlM ramors which have bsan tn elrcularlon eonoarnlng the anipreaa. a nml-otncuU tatcnent was Issued today aaaertlng; aha la Inj prftct health. ( Drawn for The Bee by George McManus I 1 WOMEN AND LITTLE CHILDRENIN ARMY Great Number of Helpless Accom pany Serb Forcea Retreating; Through Hilli. ITALIAN LOSSES APPALLING BERLIN, Nov. JJ.i (By wireless to Sayvllle.) Discussing the situa tion in the Balkans, the Overseas News agency says: "The defeated Serbian army drags slowly along over the enowcovered mountain trails, accompanied by a large number of women, children and aged persons. The Serbians already have crossed the Montenegrin frontier, but inasmuch as Montenegro already is suffering from lack of food, it is extremely difficult to care for the newcomers.' Frequently Montenegrin patrols approach the Austrian vanguard sentries and beg for bread. Retorn aa Desert era. "On account of these conditions, In creasing numbers of Serbians are return ing aa deserters Into old Serbia, which la now completely In the hands of the Auatro-Oerman forces. "Special reports from the front say that the number of Serbian prisoners taken last week, was 24.0CO and that the Berblana lost more than 000 cannon. ' "Meanwhile Austrian and German miiiiifiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiffliiiiiin;s TJVJT -d TXJf . . trn v 6TiT 7 - it$&P' . iS,.,,, - 4rYk. I 1 T"-.-;-.'. rVrWNltlfc WORLD OVER jlJ; DO you realize that $5 invested in a Gillette Safety Razor for a Son, Hus bind or Brother this Christmas will insure his shaving com fort and save him forty to sixty dollars every year? Christmiis Gillettes now in the stores $5 to $50 Aleut tlx nicest "ttitb gift" Ur tU Cillettt Uur U m pmclet BlaittSQe. r $1 GIIJLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO, BOSTON CRANU rUZE-HIGUST AWAJm-Panama-Paclile ExpoaiUoa troops are marching through the Panjak. "Apparently heavy cannon and ammu nition already have arrived at the Oallt poll peninsula for reinforcement of the Turkish artillery. In this connection I Interest attaches to the recent speech In the house of commons of A. Bonar Law, British secretary for the colonies, who was preparing publto opinion for evacu ation of the Galllpoll peninsula In the near future. Field Marahal Kitchener I to decide to what part of the world the Dardanelles army shall be transferred. It probably will be aent to SalonlkL Italy Rejeeta Appeal. "No one expects Italy to give assist ance to the entente troop In Macedonia. Field Marahal Kitchener, himself, made an effort In Rome to obtain a promise of troop, at least for Egypt, 1n rase Eng land ahould be obliged to send reinforce ment to India and southern Persia for her army In Egypt. '"The Italian losses on the Isonso front have been appalling. If attempts to con quer Gorilla once mors fall. Italian publlo opinion will not consent under any clr cumatancea to the use of Italian troop outside of Italy In order to help England out of her embarrassment after her failure at the Dardanelles and In Serbia." MEXICAN GENERAL KILLS ANOTHER IN DANCE HALL EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 22. General Pablo Scauzes shot and killed General Pablo Luna and an unnamed corporal tonight In a dance resort of Juarez. The shooting waa the result of a personal quarrel. It was said.' . Kent Restlnsr Eaatly. 8AN RAFAF.L, Cel.. Nov. 22-Conrre-man William Kent, who waa operated on last nlRht for appendicitis at a hospital here, waa reported by his physicians to night to be resting easily and "In as good condition as could be expected." "-Mill1 J smssgtr:. , DOUBLE TRAGEDY ENDS ROMANCE Charles Ward, Nejro, Kills Bride of Two Weeks and Then Ends His Own Life. HIS WIFE RECENT DIVORCEE Strenuous love resulted In a double tragedy early last night when Charles Ward, former Union Pacific dining car chef, shot and kilted his bride of two weeks and then ended his own life. The hooting occurred In their, .rooms at 118 North Eleventh street, a few feet away from central polloe headquarters. Both are negroes. The shooting was heard by the police, but by the time surgeon arrived . both were dead. Neighbors said that Vvard threatened to kill the woman three weeks ngo un less she married him. He did stnb her, but not seriously, and a dv or two after wards they were married. AI Stewart, barber In tho "1,11 MI--soory" shop. Twelfth and HodRn, Is a former husband of tho rtend womm. Mo said that her marriage to Ward occurred four days before her decree of divorce became absolute. Police could not lesrn the cause of tho shooting. Ward had an unsovprnab'o temper when " drinking, the police rny. and It la thought that the act was one. of drunken Impulse rather than one of meditation. Saturday the couple waa seen on the street together , Apartments, flats, houses and cottage can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." , ', 7 n s7wj inniM .Tr,HI4IIIMMIIM 'Hill r111111n1111T11mf.fi Ua lU