the m:v.: omaha, titksday, novkmukk l1:?. i!i:. 3 Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska HOSPITAL HEAD . JUGGLED PAPER Superintendent Vanderslice Deducts from Warrants to Employ Additional Help. HEW SYSTEM WILL BE USED work, north of the passenger depot, hy a Missouri Pacific construction train and bad Ms right leg crushed off Just above the knee. He tried to cross the bridge ahead of the approaching train. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 8. (Special.) The two members of the state board of control who visited the Kearney hospital for tubercular patients have returned and this morning George Weldenfleld, bok keeper for the board, went to Kearney to check up the books of the institution, which, to use an expression of the board, have been kept In a very "childish" manner. The board Is of the opinion that the superintendent, K. R. Vander Slice, has not wilfully been dishonest, but has ap propriated the funds from one source In order to apply them in another where the deficiency was needed. Cheeks On Account It appears that the superintendent was lit the habit of taking warrants made out to employes and signing their names to them with his own underneath and depositing them In the bank, where he had his own private account lie then drew checks for a smaller amount for the payment of the employe. He gives as his reason for doing so that the board of control only allowed a stated sum for the payment of employes. He needed additional help and so he took the dif ference between what the warrant was made out for and the amount the em ploye received and applied It In employ lug more help. To Keep Ills Farmer la one Instance, that of the institution farmer, the board cut the pay of that' Individual from $45 a month to HO to correspond to the salary received by farmers of other institutions of the state. Van Slice was afraid that he would lose his farmer and so he cut the warrant of another employe five dollars and ap pted It on the salary of the farmer. In other Instances he hired help, applying the same methods In order to get the neegsary funds. The whole transactions would amount to about $36 a month and ' will probably run about three months. Hall Starts New Plan State Treasurer George Hall, will in the future lay down a new rule which will make a like arrangement Impossible upless the employe enters into the ar rangement. He will require that every person receiving money from the state shall make out a voucher. In the past it has been the custom for the pay roll of the Institutions to be sent to Lincoln and the warrants are drawn to each in' dividual separately. I Boys Lesj Cat Off by Train. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) Oliver Brown, a 15-year-old colored boy, was caught on a tressel Nebraska City Man Accidentaly Kills Self With Rifle NEPrtAPKA CITY. Neb.. Nov 22. (Spe cial.) Jerome C. Dulln, a gardncr resid ing near the city limits, shot himself while cleaning his ilfle Saturday nlsrht. Ho was in the kitchen when the accident ce ntred and in the next room his wife, who is paralysed, heard the shot and hi groans, but could not move to pa lo his assistance. He was not found until his daughter came home two hours after ward. He died from the effects of the shot Sunday morning, tho bullet having entered his breast just below the heart. His funeral was held totiay. Ho is sur vived by his wife, a daughter and two sons. Ho conducted a shooting gallery In the fall and winter and was getting his rifles ready for Thanksgiving. He was born In Kelthburg. IH., IXcemher 2. 19. and moved to Canada, whero he was mar ried, anj came to this city some twelve years ego. ALFALFA PROVES TO BEJSOLD MINE Nebraska's Crop Will Mount Up to Total of Twenty-Four Millions. DAWSON HOLDS THE FLAG ( fr'rom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nov. 21. (Special -Nebraska's l'.UJ alfulfa crop, according to flKures prepared by the Slate Hoard of Agi Iculture. . presents a nice little gold mine, the value being iL't.Ml.iSS, figuring the price at ffi per ton. There were 1,191,310 acres raised In the slate, which produced 4,V8,'!N tons, an average of S.42 tons per acre. This would make each a;'re produce on an average of someth tig like $.0 6rt. liawsnn county rnlsed the largest crop, lfil.OW tons, while Hooker rnlsed only 626 tons. The, hllest yield per acre was in l'ouglas and Tolk counties, where the svernse Is given at IS. The smallest wis in Banner county, .S being the average tons. OTOE FARMER DIES OF BLOOD POISONING NEBRASKA CITY. Nov. 22. (Special.) The funeral of Albert Wcnscl.-a wealthy J farmer, took place yesterday. Five weeks ago he had a scratch on his great to and neglected the same and when It became annoying put some salve thereon. It continued to grow worse and not until tho toe turned almost black did he con sult a physician. The foot was amputated and last Thursday his whole ' leg was taken off, because of the infection, but he never rallied from the shock Incident to the last operation, because he was too weak and his body so Infected. He leaves a widow and family of grown children. Felix DeOenoa, one of the best known Italians of this section, died Saturday afternoon of an operation for gangrene of the gall -duct. His funeral was held Sunday from the family home, and wan under the direction of Kim Camp, No. 29, Woodmen of the World, of whlcn lodge he was a charter member. He leaves a widow and four children, all small. He came to this city some twelve years ago. HASTINGS DEMOCRAT FILES FOR RAIL BOARD (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov.' 22. (Special.) The Job of railway commissioner appears to have an attraction to the democratic soul, an other filing for the nomination being received this morning by Secretary of btate Pool from Andrew Clutir of Hast ings. Mr. Cluter is a traveling man and will take a chance with Fire commis sioner Rldgell, Senator Grace and prob ably others for the democratic nomination. Bee Want AOs Produce Results. TECUMSEH BAND WILL GIVE MINSTREL SHOW TECUMSEH, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special. -The members of the Tecumseh military band are ready with their annual min strel show and It will be put on at the opera house Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The company giving the r formanoe, Including the band, orchestra and a male vocal chorus. Is styled the "Tecumseh Ticklers." The usual m'nstrel first part will be glvtn. with the vocal solos, clu.ruses, etc., and the second part of the performance will be a farce entitled "The Isle of Stew." The farce was writ ten by a home man and Includes Just enough of a plot to allow the Introduction of many specialties. Frof. H. H. Hohrs, bandmaster, has charge of the show. HALL COUNTY FARMER HIT BY AUTOMOBILE GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Nov. S2. (Spe cial. Telegram.) Fred Meyer, a farmer, aged about 55, was struck by an auto mobile last night on the Lincoln high way near the Merrick county line and lies In the General hospital with a crushed skull. It appears that he was walking behind a rig and did not see the automobile after it had passed the rig In time to get out of. the way and that the automobile was going too fast to atop after the driver saw Meyer. Fred Miller, a farmer, residing near Chapman, was the driver ot the car and Is quite broken up over the accident. Meyer had not regained consciousness twelve hours nftcr being struck. I News Notes of trmril. SEWARD, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) Sixty people responded to the Invitation at the close of Dr. Hamilton's invitation last night to become Christians. Eleven hundred people were present at this serv- Ko, people coming for fifticn miles away. J. 1. lnhl, who has been demonstrating a self starter on a kitchen range, hark Tired his auto and s t fire to it. He almost lost the machine, but finally extinguished tho f re. Thieves entered Wcllcr tc Bertram's store ot Stnplctinist Sunday night and took ITo out of the cash drawer. Ex-Mayor Miles Is Still Undecided Whether to File (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. -(Special.) C. J. Miles of Hastings, former mayor of that rlty and president of the Nebraska State Baseball league, called at the office of the secretary of stato today and applied for filing blanks In order that he may have his name placed upon the primary ballot as a candidate for the republican nomlnntlon for governor If ho decides to make the race. Mr. Miles Is not certain yet that he desires to file. "When 1 do," said he. "I slinll do so because I feel that It I t n laudable ambition for any man to want to serve his state as its chief executive i officer I believe I have many friends who would be glad to sign a petition ask- j Ing that my name bo placed upon the pri mary ballot, but I do not believe I shall trouble them along that line. I sruld like to be governor of the state and d"o not believe I am going outside of the bounds of political propriety If I file my personal application Instead of a petition. The death of Mrs. Miles, six weeks ago today, has been a hard blow to the iormer mayor; their plans for the future, j should ho enter the race and be success- 1 ful have been rudely shattered. He wl'l take a short trip to the coast and will make up his mind on his return as to the future and his political plans. YEISER, KENNEDY TO MEET Secretary of State Pool Will Give Latter Chance to Protest Tomer's Filing. RELICS OF THE DAYS GONE BY Nebraska Notes from lira trice. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) Gardle Anderson, who resides near tho town of Mayberry, Just over tho line In I'awnee county, Saturday reported a yield of eighty-seven and a half bushels corn from a four-acre tract of land. This Is the largest yield reported in this vicinity this season. D. M. Urown, a pioneer of Beatrice, lled Saturday morning of heart failure, agod 74 years. He Is survived by a widow and three children, Mrs. Paul Wltikl and Mrs. (J race Thomas of this city being among them. The quarantine on the last case of diphtheria In Beatrice was raised Satur day. There Is but one case of smallpox under quarantine and tho patient will be released in a few days. The wreck at Randolph, Kan., a month nun. In which twelve people lost their lives, has caused a general shakeup of I'nlon Toclflc employes on that division and six men employed In various depart- ) mcnts have been discharged. I. Apartments, nats, nouses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." tl'i-cm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 22. (Special. )-Thn last foot ball game of tho season lias been played In IJiu-olu, the Steelier-lliissane wrestling match will come off Thanks giving afternoon, and after that very little of an exciting nature will be left to draw the attention of the people and amuse them, so Secretary of State Pool Is preparing to pull off a curtain-raiser for the political game which ought to draw like a porous plaster. On January 8. YM wa fl'ed In the office of the secretary of state a ctltlon by John O. Yclser of Omaha and others asking that tho name of Theodore Roose rvelt be placed upon the primary ballot for the republican nomination for the presidency. On January 9, three dnya later, that valiant statesman and hero of many a political battlefield. Senator Crawford Kennedy, filed a protest against the placing of the name of the aforesaid Roosevelt upon the primary ballot, giv ing as his reasons for his protest that tho laws of Nebraska provided no method for filing a candidate three years before the primary and also that Mr. Roosevelt had left the republican party itt his own free will and accord and was not, there fore, a republican any more and there fore could not be entitled to a place as Its nominee. Two days later Mr. Yclser replied to tho protest of Senator Kennedy and denied the allegations set forth In the senator's protest and defied the alienator. Now, as the time draws near when the matter should be settled. Secretary of State Pool announces that he will In the near future act a date when both Colonel Yelser and Senator Kennedy will be privi leged to meet and show cause why they should not both be shot at sunrlso If they do not make good in the rlalivu made by them In their petition and protest. , When thse two sturdy warriors meet one or the other Is bound to have his shoulders pinned to the mat In the talk feat that will follow. MAYOR CHARLES BRYAN TO FIGHT THE COUNCIL good en his statement or taken It back. n the former trouble over the organisa tion of the new commission last spring, (VmnilAslnner Wright stood with the commission as against the three old members, Sehroedcr, Hensley anil Day ton, but In this Instance he stands with the old members, leaving the mayor to flKht his battles alone. stolen Car Traced to Omaha. NKttnASKA CITY, Neb., Nov. 22. ( Special.) Rudolph Schruender was at tending church Saturday night and left his auto In front of the city Jail. When he came out tho car was gone. Two strangers that wero seen standing near tho car about ten minutes before he missed it are supposed took the same. The car ws traced going to Omaha and then tho trace was lost. Officers Say Ship Zelandia Searched Inside 3-Mile Limit WASHINGTON. Nov. 22.-Offleers of tho battleship Kentucky at Progreso, Mcx., have reported that the American steamer Zcalandla was one-quarter of a mile Inside tho three-mile limit when re cently forcibly searched by a boarding party from a British cruiser, and there fore was In a neutral port. They agree with the British report, however, that no papers were aboard the ship to show Its nationality, but were In the American consulate ashore. The British officers contend also that the vessel was a quarter of a mile outside the three-mile limit and therefore on the high seas. The carranta government already has protested to Great Britain against the alleged violation of Mexican neutrality, and the subject probably will become a matter of diplomatic action betreen Great Britain and the I'nlted States. CUT THIS OUT. OLD EBTOIiIftK BCCIfB TO CATS., anil BEAl-ITEftS iSD EEAO BTOISES. If yoti know of 1 some one who is troubled with leaines. h"n I noises or ordinary ratarrh cut out Ill's torintila anu unti l u j int..., hi.u t .... will have been the means of saving soma PMr suffrrer icrlinnfl f r nn total deaf li" n. In Kngland scientists for long time past have recognised that catarrh Is a constitutional disease and neces sarily requires a constitutional treat nwtit. Spinys, Inhalers and nose douche er' liahle to irritate tho delicate ainpussnges Mini force tne disease, into ine in.., i.j ear which frequently means total deaf ness, or else the Ulneaan Is driven down the air passages towards the luns wnlclt Is eiiialy as dangerous. The folloA'l :ig formula which is Ked extensively In the clamp KiiKllsh climate Is a constitutional treatment anil should prove especially ef ficacious to sufferers here who live under more favorable cl mate conditions." Srure from your Druggist 1 ounce of Parmlnt (Double strength). Take this home and add to It 4 pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar; rtlr until dissolved. Take one tablespoon ful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief Ironi dlxticxamg bead noiFe. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy snd hcar'Ug Improve ns th Inflammation In the eustachian tunes la reduced. Parmlnt Is used In this way as It arts directly non the hlood and mucous surfaces of the system and has a slight tonlo action that facilitates the recovery of the patient. The preparation Is easy to make, costs little and is pleasant to take. Kvery person who has catarrh should give this treatment a trial. Advertisement. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 22.-(Spcclnl Telegram.) "ar has broken out again in the Lin coln city council. Mayor Bryan having made the public, charge that "special In terests" and an "Invisible government" wero Influencing tho city government. The charge was made through a local newspaper and today tho other four mem bers of the commission William Schroc der, T. J. Hensley, George Dayton and John Wright called upon the mayor to prove It and show In what way and what special interests or what Invisible govern ment was controlling the commission. Tho commission also resolved that there would be no action on the mayor's wel fare ordinance until the mayor has made BRITISH FREIGHTER IN DISTRESS AT SEA HALIFAX, N. S. Nov. 22.-The Rrltlsh steamer Oakfleld. bound from West Hartelepool, England, for an American port, Is In distress about (K10 miles south east of Cape Rare, N. F., according to a wireless message received at the Cape Race station early today. Tho message came from the steamer San Giorgio, Now York for Mediterranean ports, which re ported that It was standing by the Oak flelj and that the latter steamer had lost all Its propeller blades. The Oakfleld Is a vessel of 2,290 tons. Oar Jitney Offer fa Is aid 5s. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this sllP. enclose with to and mall It to Foley A Co., Chicago, III., writing your nam and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and back, rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartlo Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing ca thartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Bold tv ry whore. Advertisement, Tp fiHiSKrH K , ! V" A , itttrTtv-" I B 2 BiEGSR'S Monogram WHISKEY Express Prepaid 8 Full Quarts BegsT! Msnonrssl t ff? rrnrthi Stock U 4 Full Quart a JDesVi ManogrBM J UllSJM W V " f r ftwrft aamnla litrC, bottles, sold tipped elnss and cork screw witneveryorai over 250,OOOcutom ers have proven this whiskey best ever dis tilled. For smooth ness ana mellowness of flavor it cannot b equaled. Send remlt- tnnca with order. Money refunded If not perfectly satisfactory, f. StlSQIK CO- MniKi ,T, no. ELL-A IMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Rent Your Vacant House bj Use of Bee Want Ads. ' i . riin..m ii ii in i) i i i) , 111 '"I i V? V V v it DOLLY MORRIS SET With ' " THK OAT NEW YORKERS " OPPORTUNITY COMES TO EVERYONE THIS MAY BE YOURS; WHO CAN TELL? FREi The(G' w This 1916 Model Greatest QQ Touring Car on Earth. You Would Be Proud to Own It. Maybe You Will. Its-crllndsr "L"-bad cast en bloe; 10-li h. p. Pressed stssl oil pan. Oiling System - flplash, pump circulation. OsUnf Thsrmo-Byphon, cellular type radi ator fan. Talves Nlcksl steel head, carboa steel stem. Caia ttbaft Drop-farted, special steel, one Inch diameter, cams Integral, driven by helical sears, four-bearlnge, babbitt lined. Skeletonized Specifications of the SAXON-" 5 IX" We Shall Present to Some Patron drop-forced steel. Onwk Hhaft Special three bearings. Connecting Hods Drop-forged steel, '!'- beam section. Ignition Atwster-Kent. Klectrtc Starting and Lighting Pyitero Two-unit system. Fuel Gravity from ten-gallon tank, located In cowl. Body Streamline, ave-passenger. Front doors, concealed hinges. Color Olive green, running gear black. Central Center control, throttle and spark center of steering wheel, foot accelerator. Transmission Selective forward and revere. type, three speeds Drive Shaft drive. one-Inch alloy steel, dou ble universal Joint. Clutch Multiple disc, dry piste, steel en rsy beatoe. Hteerlng dear -Worm and gear type. Seven- trell-lnch wheel. Ilrakee Two sets on rear wheels. Service brake, external contracting, ten-Inch di ameter, two-inch face. Prout Arita Single piece, drop-forging, 1 lHam section, heat-treated. Itear Al Three-quarter floating. Pressed steel housing. Two-plnloa differential car ried on Tlmken besrlnga. Kpringa Cantilever front and rear. Vanad ium steel. Tread -Htandsrd or sixty-Inch, optional. M heelhass I li-inrh. Wheels ISil'i Inches. Wood beet grade hickory with demountable rims. Frame Pressed steel channel section inches. Equipment tilectrlo lighting and starting system; two headlights; dash light and tall light; one-man top; windshield; .aleo trlo horn; speedometer; extra rim; tire Irons; tools and Jack. Hooks- UrSI Vonr Uhilo, To Be Given To a Patron of This Week's Attraction WITH FOX & STEWART sasT asBrllsgSTSJBja sVsafefs'eH (BIT car nou on exhibition o;j the streets ouniriG the day On Becoming Patrons of the Theatre, Auto Tickets Will be Obtained Inside. ASK AT BOX OFFICE FOR DETAILED PARTICULARS ,i JUST THINK! SOMEONE WILL WALK TO THE GAYETY AND RIDE HOME IN THEIR OWN NEW SAX0N-"SIX" I 11 1 i 11 i i ii i i i ii ii ... i ' W. i "fee - " " if" '. , .- ' - ' -..; lv-':v - - ::v:"; p -',, ' 11 ' c ', ..-.'. " - v V . ' ..- a - ::; - '-': .' ' ... -" I ', . . . ... .S . : J . .... 'l ' . .. IMA KLEM1NO Mit a THK CAT MCW VOKalEBS " I- ''". I'.., jSMMiiyu, isw,.i.w.ii less t a a wan lusai . i iin .... .-. . ";? A ' Mi. .. v " '-'.:. '. . . i; -. - - - - - -I I I---- I