Tim BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 1 WANT ADS Want ads rtwlwa at any time, but to Incurs proper classification mit be pre sorted before II o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:4i b. m. for morning and Fund ay editions. Want ads received after ch hours will be under tha heading. "Too Lata to Claaaify." CASH RATES. wren consecutive times. 1 eent a wort each Insertion. Two or mora consecutive tlroea. 14 nti word. One; tin.. I fata a wort. CHAROB PATES. hwn rtwtaeoutiva times, I vnt a line each Insertion, Three consecutive time. It ccnta a line each Insertion. One tlm, ll cents a Una. Count als average words to a Una, Minimum charge. fO ccnta. An advertisement Inserted to ',n ntll discontinued roust ba stopped by written order All clalma for error, must bo mane within fifteen fays sftr tha last Inser tion of the advertisement. Too can place your want ada In Tlia Baa bjr telephone. TELEPHONE TTL.RH 1000. np.ATim and riJiKBU noticf.. PF.T.T,-MecP.. died Saturday, Nov. 2. aged 8 yearn; employe)) by Omaha Merchanta' Express company for (rwrt. Funral services Monday at 2 o clock at Hulae A Rlepen chapel. 7il South six teenth afreet. Friends welcome. Inter ment West Uwn cemetery. BIRTH AD DKATIti. Blrtba Fuirene H. and Ptella ft. Cof feen. 2717 Howard, boy; H. H. and JesMle Bmlth, 1R?4 8011th Twenl y-flve, boy; Al bert and Minnie Kcott, hoapltaJ, boy; 1r red and LAiella fiherod, Hint, ulrl; Robert and Jeaala (Jslt, Ma Tltua avenue, boy; T. A. and Nellie Matthews, 2412 Temple ton, boy; Glen M. and Marie VVlKKens, ZM South Twenty-elRhth, girl: Thomas H, nn.1 (pltola Rrown, North Twenty-fifth avenuo. rlrl; W. . and Ella M. Mager, 2707 North Twenty-fifth, boy, Christian and CarnlfU Hemmlnnson. 21 North Thlrty-ilxth aa-enuej nirli Geors-e and Reulah hharp. WW K, loy. leatha el Campbell. 4(t. h"Pllnl; Raymond Hurley. 1. iftt Pou.th Ihlrty- thlrd: F Is"!;.. Allano, Z, 1 Ui rotim Twenty-fourth. William C. Adams, Hi un KnrtU Twent v.flrat : Thomas Iv Cluck. 60. city Jail; Kay Hopkins. I, Maeon; Rocco lAttanzio. 23. ill North Kltfleenth; John Iee, 2i. 2iH DwlKe; Nora Moalv, . hospital; Alverletta Hathbiirn, , hospital; Laiula Wyate, 3a, 1214 laven- pori. M A R R I A f i K I,ICKF.. The followlnn marrlago llcensea were issued : Nam, and Residence. ARC Andrew Knzlna. Hauth Side " Anna Mertllk, Omaha 21 forest 1. Hill Rchtivler 21 Ruth Webster, Central City 1 I.ylr H. Whttlock. Mayton 23 Ruth Lynch. Wichita, Kun 24 Jnmn V Chrlntensen Rm'kford. 111.... 2 Johanna M. Lundarren. Rockford, III.... 22 Robert Oertler. South Ride Over 21 Jennia Wawriynklewlcs Over 1 Charlea K. Puaek, South Bide T Helen Lastovlca, Omaha 23 TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM DovratMvra. EMPRESS 15 & Douglas Show," featuring "A Night In tha Charlj Chaplin. "When Arpearanee Pecelve.' "Friend Wllson a Daughter." Canlmatod Noos l'lctoi lal. Hearst-tSellir No. 82. PRINCESS. 1817-19 DOUGLAS. Ed Coxen and Winifred Greenwood In The Key to the 1'ast." 2-reel Urainn. Uarxsret Marsh In "A Itnmanca of tlia Alps.1 thrilling 2-act drama. Anitas Rutterfly, a clover comedy. Nnrth. GRAND. 1CTII AND B1NNEY. Father and Son, I reel drama. Auto Itunxalow Fracas, 1-reel comedy. Mistakes jf Mammy Lou, 1-reel drama. LOTIIROP. 24TU AND LOTHROP. Francis X. Bushman In The Great Silence W hen a Fellow s Nusu 1. Out of Joint, vltagraph comedy. Paramount Travel Picture.. Boat. SHS4 LEAVENWORTH APOLLO. The Painted World, special feature, Lilly'a Stratagem. Diana of the farm. TV" eel. MONROE. ir.55 FARNAM. Julia lean In "Judge Not," or "The Woman of Mona DlgKlngH," a Broad way Universal plav ia in da. ftealh td. BESSE. 24th & N. EVELYN NESBIT THAW RUSSELL WILLIAM, "HER SON" JACK CLIFFORD IN A 5-ACT LUBIN MASTER PICTURE "THREADS OF DESTINY" OKPHLUM. Hull.. I WeeWtu ITH AND M. 4ut of the Ashes, t reels. Twin Brldea. Fieddie, the Fake Fisherman. , MOVIES FEATURES ij TODAY BES3E. 14T1I ft N. Jsca Clifford In a -act Lubin rnaater-pn-tuie. ' Thresds of Itestiny." LOTHKOP, 24TU ND'iATTlllOPT I'; the Goll Rooster play, 1 I e htiender. Hit rAhNAil. Ji.itt Iean In "Judge Not," or "The V uuuxn of iioun Litvgii.ga," I icela. ANNOUNCEMENTS F.XEMCINK at T M. C. A Huatneas mea Simo Money. Homo Milliner. Tied 2 16. DANCE Given bv plaza ci.fn Thanksgiving Eve.. November 21th Metropolitan Mall, Twnty-thlrd and Harney. $10 Sapphire Ring to bo (liven Away. Admission tw Per Couple Music by K. A. Reese's Orchestra. A ITOMOni LK9 Whenever you aro considering eel Una or During a need car and you want full value for your money or vou want people who ara willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car eolumn of Tha Bee. Pl.one Trier KlOO. Overton's for leaky radiatoiTfric, dealers' or by null H'O-4 Ave.. Co. Hluffa. la. MILKS of mileage In yoi7 nfd Urea (Rebuilt). Send tnern to DUO TIRE CO., I11 Chicago' Bt DITT ROITKR tourlnr car, elacTrl! lights and starter, f,iir equipped T. J. Norlhwall Company. 914 Jones KC Tela. phone niUKla 1 ,07. IPiO RKWARD for any maxneto we can t repair Colls rend Hnysdorfei. ?10 N. 1Mb. CAfll for Konl car, any condition. Ad rtreaa 431, pee. AUTO, clearma- house Huy. sell and ea change n- -A cara Pirnum D Tut NKHHAHKA Hulrk Service Htatlon, lMt farnam St. I'hone Dnualns 721. Industrial Oarage Co.. 2Xh Harney Bta. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Rualnas Cna-nce will snd rlald Inxettltratlon ana is just what It la advertised, or If you are looktna to start In business for yourse't yoj will ba per fectly satisfied If you use tha Ruslness Chance column of The Hea. When buy. Ing or aelllng a business t-liona Tyier IO09. A RARE CHANCE for $450 To purchase a good paying; established business. Look ted on a Kood bu.-lntsa corner, In the north pari of tho city. Complete stoc k of magaslm a, periodicals, cigars, toharuo, candles, notions, etc.; 3d per cent profit, and all caah trade. Can bo taken care of by lady while hualainl works. If you ara thlnxliu of huytnir look Into this. Must lie sold at once. Write mo for further Information. U 333, care Omaha lice. Y' I'OTLL. restaurant, confectionery, ..,ua- i'r,rt H.W, rent 11. receipts, 1l,fO year, JIM HAY, Slot X C1TV. LA1UIK, well eslablished, and profitable retail wall paper and decorating; busi ness, for sale, In prosperous city of 26,(xa, Discontinuing retail department to de vote entire time to wholesale business. A real bargain and wonderful opportunity- For terms and particulars, address Y 148. Hee. HUbINKNS places, land, clly property handled, all stales. Jim Wray, eloux City. la. WANTKD partner, to take cash and lK)k after dining room hulp In my res taurant. Cannot depend on hired help. Kxpcrlenca not necessary If sober and steady. Am A-l chef cook and do cook ing and buying. Choice downtown lo cution. Ing lease. Capacity trial given. i0 required, Hoa owner, 12IS Karnam. Ktilt SAL K A well equipped automobile, repair shnn In a live eastern Nelira.ka town; plenty of work and a money maker for the right party. Address Y 147. Hee. wrrivr. ior real estate or Insurance; samo floor as Hee office; 13x21 feet: Lw. Ihe Hee Hlilg., Office Room 1. THKATKHS Huy. tse or sell your the. ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxch. Co.. 14rt Farnam. I. lsn7. AHK fur my Heal Katale Hulleiln. It Includes largest and bust Hat of bar gains In II atatea. W. U. Tompleton. IXI l'ee Hldg. A LIM1TKD amount of 7H per oent pre ferred atock. cumulative and non assesssble. In Nebraska. iion ( par. U'W Der snnre. if vno l,.u. urpius runns ann are looking ror a good, afe Investment that will uet 7Si per cent, address Hog at, Omana, Neb., or tele phone Douglas 3W0. . FOR SALE One of the best ins nance and building and loan I ftOal ll ffi-rtrt chat "0 SKLL or buy oi'ntiibtN, cnil nt. TO GET In or OUt or tuisloees r.tl vinor.gai. i.j iiee lililg. IK)llg, S4. BEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for baiT gains In established shows. D. 5W. 6,Wt0 Implement atock and hualneaa at executrix sale In Axtell. Neb., Novem ber 2ft, 1MB. Write Hague & Anderbery. Mlnden, Neb., for paitlculnrs. KDUCATIONAI. Tlio VAN SANT SCJ100L STENOGRAPH T BOOKKEEPINQ. Day School for Toung Women. Evening iK-hool for Vouug alesv and W omen. balurday morning class In typewrltlog. loo C Duffy. Owner and Manager. Bo ISth St. On'iaha. EAl'EKT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting lulling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Instruction. 4UI Dougiua bL TeL Walnut 1U27. DA If 8C1KMJI, BOTLEtf COLLEGS NIGHT bv'liuUL Every day la enrollni.u.t day. Book keeping, fchorthand, tttuoi, -.y. Typewrit ing. Telegraphy, Civil bervlce all Coio nisrcial and fciifcllsh branches, Catalogue tree. HOTIJCS COLLEGE. Uth and Harney Sta. Tel. lougiaa I60& box lea Hldg. Tel. U Oioai.a, Na. FOR sale, the following achoiarshlpa In a first class Omaha Luslneas Collvge: Oiw unlimited oomblnalluu business and shorthand course. One unlitnltea sieuographlo eouraa. One three-montba' business or steno graphic (.ouree. Will be sold at a discount at tha offloe Of 't he Omaha Pee- HUBlNESa COLLKUii STUDENTS 8AVB MONEY ON COUR8E3. For sale, with good reasona for selling S variety of couisea in a reliable bust, uess tichool, one of the leading business colleges ot Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable-- ay below regular prii e. If you are considering taking a course invtttlgale this at once, since Fall tens begin soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. FOK SALE saratlare, liuiaarkwidi Uuotim, t.le. 8AROAIN8 IN FURNITURK AND HARDWARE, 1KI N. I4TH. WEB1WI. SXK MAi.U Here Is a classiriuailon that la of the utmost Importance to every reaJcr, as this column offers some eacep llon.il op port unit lea every tiay and a anuUI want ad wlii sell your auicle at Its full value. Phone JTyler I'Dt PRA8S beds, chiffoiilers. dressers, dining room talUe, dining chairs, bu fet. china floset. rugs, rocntia, library luble, dress leg tables, borkmc d.ivenport, curtains tti-. All living room an I di la loom fur I'lture In fumed oak of the Itio-iune qual ity, Pedruoin In Circassian walnut ani blrds-eya maple. yi cal.fornta bt. 1 bene llarnry 1W7. Desks LVnl ",'d J- c- Reed. "c"" KM Fan, sin si. Douglas si4! Xuip baseburner. St. iitix4lX. Ilwraee aad Yr nicies. FARM wsiion. mi; hamsss. new. Jotusoo-Lsnlo.in Co.. Clark f-u IT0; both Uth aud I SPAN mules. 1 years old, Wt-ll broke ldy owner leavlug city. 124 8. I4x ia m 10 MAKE s. we IK II I. 1 lkl IOm footed: all ruaranteed as wnr.i.iu..i For all kinds of boises see us. Tain i liv Kd. Co., Pt Davenport. at astral lastrasarala. etrletlv hlu-h grade piano. Web. L'lg City r':TWnn - lug city. u-l. woi in IjoJ. li.rnvy 1 FOR RALE w ntiiirF, r.KR, nun sapiMiee. MX1 grain, I'm lbs. II . 78 Wagner. "1 W U STEHEOTTl'fc; matrirea make tha beat and rheapest lining for poultry houses. They ara 17x23 Inrhea, lronrr and mora durable than tarred felt and ptartlrally rtreproof. TVs a h'indred at The IW office. Typewriters. FOR SALE New and second-band rarnrn and pocket hlUtnrd tahlea and bowline lieva and acceoriee; bar fliturea of all kinds; easy rayment The Krunawlck Vialke-CollenoVr Co.. 4C7-o a. 0th 8t KTKNJTVI'B for sale, t(iod as new. lona S. a. TTTFWRITr.Rf for rent V Mee HI da;. RKLIANCE Rlhbon and( arhon Co., car bon paper and Inked rlbbona l I'4? TVl'KVV RITKiU) sold, rented, repaired. ( entral Typewriter F.xe. l Farnam. M Ise-el inneoaa. linl-STKINJersey helfcr calf from hUh produrs on Nov. 4. Price, tL.M fur quick sale. J. W. Welch. Henson 403. New Second-hand mimrt, dynamoa, magnetoa, eto., mechanical r.i. t r a T a II .n 1. 1 . . Works lls-So H liih 8t Columbian dictaphone, good as new, Ein.r.!p-lgg;ltL.H Price. 6. Hrandels Rldg. YOCNO pigs for aitic. Florence !'. FOR 8ALH CHEAP Fu sin ess College Course. Full and complete scholarship In ena f," . Omaha ourmeas schools. Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be oll very revnably. If Interested investigate t onca. because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of con rasa for sale. For Particulars Inuulre at the office of The Omaha He. A PPI.F.S; we deliver, t'ederaon. Klor. 1.41. Wales add, mach.j good eondl. C 3, Hee. $3.20S ten West tviilskv. i run rts bottied In bund. ore. I. Cackley Bros.. Omaha Coal i baskets delivered, II. S. Mown thai, lll lycavenwnrth I. 6131. 1 elect rlo motors. Room a, Hee Bldg. FOR 8ALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling elleya and accessories; bar fixtures of all sinus; easy payments. The Brunswick- Halke-Cid lender Co.. 407-4W S. loth St. CONCHETK mlxeMTor sale," or will trade for 19i model, 6-passenger Ford; must be In first-class condition. C. K. Lum ferry, I'hono M-6. Craig, Nob. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. TWO stenographers, 1 15 week; good placea. HIJSINKSH MKN'I RfcF. A'SSN., 1414 W. O. W. Hldg. feretory ! Iradee. . OirtL to learn nairorneiins wppenhelra. LA I I KM wauled for decorating sofa pil lows; experlencj unnecessary: good pay. Call forenoon. 2.107 . 13tn. tloasekerpera aad Domestics. THE Servant Ulr Problem Solved. The pfTw'".r.un i'"'it Girl Wanted Ad Fltr.B until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, teoulh Omaha and Council liluffs. Hrlng ad to Ihu l-ee otfha or tulnnuone Tyler louo WANTKD An experienced second Kirl with references. . WANTKii A jib I for general housework. No washing, 317 No. 41st St. Wal, 344. WANTED Young girl to assist wlthlcTT-! ei.l housework in stnr.lt family. Call I fiUL71f- "' Walnut 2f.77. WANTKIV-Mald for general housework. .u"tl", nettt nd dean and good plain cook.. Three children. 3324 Seward, liar MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; just one in the family: no wages expected. Web. J135. 27m Grand. ANTED irl to assist with housework and care for email child; one attending chool half day preferred. Puoue Harney Jpos, COMPETENT woman, without children. to take full charge in small home, t In family, must be mwi. ni.in do laundry: - good wages. n.nn...ni place. 2403 N. 19th Bt, Web. 2)1. COM PETENT girl for general hou'seT work. .Mrs. E. A. Pegan, Col. 4B2. WANTED Experienced housemaid or gin ior second work. No washing; high wages. Walnut, tilfi. Mr. jni,n i i" ns.lv ' " "v" WANTED Girl to help with housework and be companion to elderly lady; no wages paid; only one in family. 27b4 Gi ant Bt. Webster 3IS&. . WANTED-Competeht girl for general housework. Iu34 I'ark Ave. Harney 710. IMI position aa second girl, special cook or general housework. Web. 7iid. WANTED A forelgn-borit r7u7e girt about 30 years of age; good wagea. Ad dresaK JJ6, careBee. W A N T E I M lidle-a"ged German woman 7(167 ' eneral nouork; wages, 5. Web. W.A.?!rSIoTrJ,'r,...,0r 'n,''l housework. . IS-'6 N. IHth. Webster 120. WANTED White maid for general housework. I In family. Call Harney 2444 before l In flw. i.,.,..o... . i t and 7 In the evening. 41 N. SMh Ave. W'ANTED Olrl to asalat with Ke"nTraT " .'"i I win ty . uc.l O. tolll A V. WANTED Gill for general housework- no laundry work. Mrs a i ki th Ht, Harney ' WANTED white girl for general housed work; small family. 30.2 Pacific Mt. Parney 6a3. WANTKii-Experienced girl for upstairs work. Mrs. Jostph Barker, liO& 8. Sth. 'uiisiki ajnw. WANTED Competent cook; 3 In family; references reguiied. Cti 8. S8th SL Har ney 3in.. UrsVnaeni, WOMEN WANTED-Goieinment Joha. List free.' Write Immedlutel n...v. Iln Institute. Dept. 6 8 J. Hot-heater. N. Y. VUlINl) women coiulna to oiiuh. strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian sisoclstlon building at Bt Marys Ave and 17th St.. where they will te directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our trsvelera' guttle at I'nlon station. A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv ing; home aewlng; plain cloth seams: any aewlng machine; steady; no canvass ing; no tuners wanted; samples loc- re turned If not satiafactorv. I Co., Jobbers p-ewing, Kehobolh. Del. HELP WANTED MALE ClerlcHl nnd Offloe. STEN'O. and Diet. Opr.. 175. WATTS REF. CO., mx-4t-4. Brand. Thea. IMiilI-GKA IiM commeiciat posit t.-a. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A8SN j oiuaha Nat. Pank Bldg. HI 1. 1, Kit. 140. WATTS REF. CO., KW-40-4- Brand. Thea. As-al.. ..l..- ....... it OypEBOOK MAGA- i-ej. eniisniena you richly. New Century Supply, l. Moines, Iowa. ArivertisWiM- fmtm K AGETS-Try our office and factory ape- - - 1-111 roiir. write at once; we will send vou r,e n-.i....i... C. J. Htlcknev A I'n Wsl.pi-lil. , AGENTS wunted in every town to eell . .ci iV ruiu owners. Hlir profits. Smith Mfg Co.. Omaha. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I.' M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. G00D opening for experienced, Industrial Insurance salesman; no lapse debit apply at once. i Hrandels Hldg. AGENTS Chare in Immense t'hrliunsi pi uflta: our agency system aura f..e i or new. Particulars free; clean and aure Greyaon Geoig Co.. Box 7M, Little Rock. Ark. Sectaries navel 1wee. WE need men; bad tura down twa lobe Itnr week lately, nt tm- leer. ... our method; get one of these Jobs. Cats- logue it a. ir. Nebraska Automobile fechool. 240s Ieavenworth Sl Drug t-tore 8nnps Jobs. K'neist. Mee Bidg. MOLEK BARBEK COLLEQE LEARN Uie barber trada h .... Ism of expert Inetructlona and free clliiic Positions waiting. Call or write for eata loaue. Omaha. Neb.. A. B. Moler. pres. LEAHN THE HAHHEH t'radk. 1 . ... - "v ow ri (union, including set of toui-, wages paid; else I rlo iiiauage. hydra. .lio chaue; ctUigus free. Ii.'4 iHiuglus tit.. Otuaha 'WKCHANU-AL "'U.-u wirnT , piy m i.-, l id. Ap- UV.X.V WANTED MALE Mlscellaaeoaa. , RAILWAY mall clerks wanted: fTS month: Omaha examinations coming: sample questions free. Write Immediately, franklin Institute, Uen't 2.1 J. Rochee ler, N. T. GOOD MEN W ANTF.If t once to learn aut work te fill pos'tions which we have open right now and are waitinir for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autoe. tractors, elec. starting ays. Free catalog at once. AMKKICAN AUTO COI.LrOE. MM Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. AWHITKCT. ARf MITF'TI-RAI, DRAFTSMAN MANDLK MOST ANY LIN K OF HI ILD- l MATKKIAL OH SPKCIA LTIBS. PP. NKWMAN. 2SJ) N. 25TH ST. WANTKD N'amea of ambitious men. 18 or over, wanting railway mall clerk positions. 175 W month. Answer immedi ately. Y L-9. Hee. HELP WANTED Mali: ami iumale. WANTKD Man or woman to put out leather ventilators. Wnte lor samidi end particular by mail, luc. U S. rtr den. iiotel NevllW, Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED VVA,'lhu-i(u,uuU ka eteaia liremall. hotel clerk or ail around house and yard inan. Call Vv, cnei, fnoos uuuaias iHf. WANTED Position as liuucKeeper b Coloreu lady, goul rcirenccs. Tel. Doug las 244. COLOKKD man, position as cook for boarding house or rewlaiirant, Weh, 2n4. KXPIilUK.NCKI) colored girl wants place as chambermaid or dishwasher. Tel. Wb, 6A.'7; ask for Ella. WANTKD stenographic position by young lady; some experience. Col. l. POSITION as bar porter, lun-h man, stock or house man: h itel clerk an.l buffet cxpeiieni'e; reliable, h nest and eober; excellmt references. Will consider any offer, city or out. M. John.trne, JS2t Cafet. Phone Tyler 1461. WANTKD Job as house carpenter by steady competent mechanic. Addrcsa, 3.TU9 Myrtle avenue. WANTKt Position for light housework and aewlng by middle aged woman. I'hone South go. A neat, competent, middle aired lady de sires a position in a refined, private family of two. No laundry work. Only A-l need reply. Best city reference fur nished. Web. 0203. Call between a. m. and 12 m. FAMILY washing. .Harney T1W. Work guaranteed. RKFiNKD UeimHn lady, 46 yeais, wishes position Ha housekeeper l:i respectable home. Without reference. D28 N. 32U St." SITUATION wanted by a young man, 29. Good laborer. Give me an opportunity to demonstrate my ability to work; v. Hi take moderate salary to start. Address Charlea Larvler, care General Delivery, Omnha. GIRU speaks French and English fin. ' French Rotli eniijr, wauin position as housekeeper in isi cutos rcierences. Aduresa general dellverv ne eaii rtii 1VWU, LOST AND FOUND tost or Found ada In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street care. Many artlcloa each dav ara turned in and tha company Is anxious to restore r M 1'I.OYM KNT. 10 YFAKS' K- typewriter. Address 8. C. ms. Hee. them t'tha Ta-htful owiYe- r.ll n.o J7 ,"mll,c or brding houses of the high tnem to the Ightful owner. Call Doug. 4 ,,t wU, (oum, , tb Furnished iAJBT a lodge pin with name, Braniles and German-American flag engraved on It. Reward. Call Webster 1273. LOST Brlndle bull-pup; answers to the name of "Ted." Finder please return to 1021 S. 30th Ave., or call Harney 1737. Satisfactory reward. Strayed from Council Bluffs atock yards sis (6) French war horses, branded on front foot and right hip; tall cut off at hocks. Reward. Phone 1213 Council Bluffs. F. II. HOLLINGSWORTII. Agent ior r rencn oovt. 15 REWARD for return of handbag lost on or near 24th Bt.; contained valuables and photograph; can be Identified by name, "Selma frikold.", which appears on side of bag; return to Bee office and re ceive reward. STRAYED or stolen, black and white Holstein cow, one black yearling heifer. Address 1808 Pierce St. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga lines. We collect. We d.strlhute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, i:io-l)li-1114 Dodge St. Invalids Need Pensions 8.0M SUSB3CR1PTIONS EARNS 1.000. For the Inva'.ds Pension association. The I .ariles Home Journal. 31.60; Satur day Evening Poet, 11.50; Country Gentle man, fl. 0J. 3!8 needed in November. Your order or renewal contributes 60 cent. Please phone Douglas 7'63 or address GORDON, The Magaxlne Man. Omaha. YOUR furnace cleaned, 31; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop, Douglas 45M. YOUNO women coming tu Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the young Women's Christian association building St 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable bosrding places or otherwise assisted. I.ook fur our travelers' guide at the Unlja station. BWAPPEItS CXHJ5IN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use tor and get something you really Deed? It coats you nothing to loin ths Swappers' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping things. Write Room IiM, Bee Hldg., or phone Tyler Mod. AUTOMOBILE. 1S14 Model Mitchell gpe clul, 67-h. P.. 7-paa., t cylinder; run 10.0UO miles; electric light; electric, starter one year old; coat $J,2."); elegant shape; snap for small car; lots, diamonds, clear land or grocery atock. 8. C. 4i, Hee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains aee the "Automobile" classifi cation. GOOD three-hole burner and oven gaso line stove for a good washing machine. fl. C. . QXH oak. alx-foot. extension dlnliw table, Iron bed and aprlng.-i;. want small range. Aduresa 8. W. . Bee. GOOD sewing mac line and Icebox: will trede for good daveniort. S..C. 518. B-e. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, s snovels. t rakea, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edison recorda, or anything. Ad dress ,1. C. 334. Bee. tf HAVE a buggy, good as new, cost $,jo7 would consider a late model injtorcycla or what have you? S. C. 617. Bee HA E large fine mammotli Jack that cost roe last spring 1 5'JO, that I w V twap for automol lie. l.ve stcc.t rr any thing I ran use. Jack la 6 years old l',S hands hlkh. wvight at-ojt 1.K0, U s'oun 1 and registered. S. C. t3, Bee. HAVE two Indian motorcycles In fina si. ape. both twin mat bines, that I w II wsp for auto, any make. s. C. 6t. H.-o. I HAVE new full leather 2o-volume set of "Messages of the Presidents" to swap for diamond, or what have you to offer. Books can be eeen and examined. Address 8. C. , Bee. 4-MONTH scholarship, value SJo; to ex change fur something of euual value. 8 C. 6i. Omaha Hee. PIANO Hamilton piano In tip-top shape; uimca. waiuui case ami oat lit. Tra le for clear lot or lots In Omaha or Ulufrs 8. C. fct. Hee. PAINTING WU1 exchange firat-ciaaa painting for plumbing work. Address 3 IV Hee. eMAl.T. soft roa heater for dresser, in good slutne. or what Liva vouT 8. C. 3U). Le SWAITEIW CLIMN J-JtiH.M, modern hoose; hot water heat: 3.140 S. inth St. Will take 5-passeneer car or lot In Carter Lake club as part payment. I'hono Webster 3L or address O 4.1., Hee. TWO-CTLJNDK.R gaso.lne engine, good aa new. Will wp for anything I oan use. Motorcycle picferred. Ad iruaa S. C. :?. Rre. TWO and one-hnlf horeower electric motor. Will trade gasoline engine, or anything I can u;.e. Address 8 C. 7, :ee. TO SKLL or trade your shotgun or rlfla. See FRIKPMAN. I?ll Oouglaa VACTJl'M cleaner, cleans ruga, curtains, wall paper, etc. Want second-hand ADDING machine; cost 000 new; excel- leni conouion want jewelry, bonk- fm mm riltn. t Innt 1 1 1 stock .or anything of 'value. Aduresa 8.1 t . 1 a. Hee. AUTO Light weight, 1515 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tires, to swap ror four or five-passenger car. Address il. C. 133; Bee. tf ADDING machine: cost 13 000 new. ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, hook- esses, ruing canmeis. auicmoDiie. uooa stock cr anythlug of value. Address 8. c KT.s. Hee. A I-OT-WU1 trade for a Fort. dtrsiyi. 286i Man- POOKCASfWIll swap large oak revolv ing nooKcase, suitable for books, pamphlets or advertising matter, for office table or anything I can use. Ad drea S. C. ?4 Bee. CAMKRA "Refiea," 6x7, reversible back, double plate holders. Local plane shutter, to l-IOUo second, Eueynas," F 46 anastlgmnt lens by Rodenstock, Munich, all in first-class condition. Cost I1M. for what have you about same v'"eT Address S. V, Bee. DOG Thoroughbred Irish water spaniel pup. Will make a fine retriever and watch dog. will swap for poultry, I nderwood typewriter, or what have youT Address 8. C. (Wli, Bee. DKTROIT OAS STOVE with oven and broiler to trade for library table, or will aeli at a bargain. This stove la In good condition. S. C. Wl, Bee. DKSK Will swap good roll-top desk and chair for large oak office table or any thing I can use. Address S. C. T7, Bee. ELKCTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven. vibrator type; cost 11000. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberoi) records. Address ti. C. 333. Bee. tt FOR KENT Apartuirsti atad Flata. The For Rent advertisement appearing m the For Rent column of The Hee ilsllv cannot be beat fur variety that will please and till the needs of any one desiring to rem i lion i yiee llii FINE steam heated, apartment, 4 or I rooms, on West Karnam 6t JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1W2 FARNAM ST. HOARD AND ROOM In private home for two. Call Webster 7fi0A MOD. 7-rm. apartment, including beau tiful east sun room. In West Farnam qisirict. for rent Dec. 1. Harney 8-ROOM brick flat and 6-room apt., near roownen MHII. l'OUg. ZOW. FINE 4-rootn apartment, Nathan Apts., Sherman and Willis Aves. ; everything first class; nice large rooms; oak finish. Party leasing this apartment leaving city. See Janitor, Apt. No. 1, or call office, Doug. 1009. SCOTT A HILL CO. FOl'R ROOM APARTMENT. California Apt. See Janitor. Doug. 8237. FOUR modern excellently furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2302 Howard. Red SliiS. FOR RENT 2107 Blnney St., 6-room brick flat. 127.60. Wlrbster 781. nnarit aaa kiitiMi, Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In prlvata Rooms column of The Bee. Phono Trier IW0. HARNEY ST., 2666 Nice, large southeast room for man and wife or business peo ple; first-class homo cooking a specialty. I hoho Douklas NICELY furnished rtom with excellent Diard, in fine private home. Rtason- able. close In. Phone Tyler 0i5fi. LADY of experience would like to open up business men's home or club. Those ir.tereste.1 call Douglas 6621. i!2 N. ltlth 8t fur, rms. Tyler 1084 W. Bd. A rm. for two gentlemen. Wal. 26S2. N. 2:d. 614 Modern rooms. Doug. Itwl. 1610 Blnney; bd. and rm. $5 week. W. 1611 2U20 LA KE Km. A bd ., 13 per wk. W. 1103, t;vi ai r. 1- bt., i4i koori and board in pi lvate home for one or two gentlemen; home all modern; one block from car line. Phone Webster 2407. Famished Rouoia. NICELY furnished room, close In. all modern. 631 8. 22d St. ;ftl8 DEWEY AVE. Just moved in and r modeled place; finely furnished and well kept: gentlemen only. T. 2os3. TUu mod. furnished room; close In; hot water. 2118 Davenport. Tyler 24.10-W. ROOM for rent In turn. mod. home; mother and daughter or man and wife preferred; have use of house. Colfax iiMv. IN BRAND new flat; everything up-to-date, with young married couple, to young lady or gentleman. Paxton Court Terrace, half block from 26th and Far nam. Harney 61. References. NICELY furnished room, clueo In; ail .modern. 631 K. 2'd St. THp. MILLER HOUSE. 2163 St. Mary's Ave., excellent rooms by day or week; In fine location: handy to business dis trict. DoukIm.. 462. West karnam Large, nicely furnished room; modern; hot water heat: private; walking distance. Phone Harney 3012. 2214 DOUGLAS Newiy furntstird rooms. Furnace heel. Close in. Red 606I. S. 21ST AVE, 610 Nicely lurnieiied. mod ern rooms, close In; quiet home. Tel Douglas 7S13. SPECIAL LOW HA'iEs TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANFOKD, lth anj Farnam, HOTEL HARLEV. 2uth end Farnam. IumjM and board In new, private, mud-.in bungalow. Call Uolfax S&",7. FOR RENT One room to gentleman. In strictly modern private home; cl se In; referencea. Phone Tyler t02?. ROOM for one or two gentlemen, Chicago Bt. Apt. A. Doug. 73.D. 1612 NICELY furnished room for refined gen tleman In strictly private modern home fyi leer Park Blvd. Tyler 2U42-W. 801 PACIFIC Delightful, coxy, home like rooms, for business men; strictly modern and newly furnlniied. Home privileges and reasonable rates to right parties Call Hsrney lolH. KOt'NTZE PLACE private home; sult able I or 2; board optional. Webster 6T4S. FOH RENT Dec. 1 Urge furnished room; private until, mrce closet: have good references. Well locate.!. H. 1:191. Faralahed lloaaea. 6-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished; desirable neiKhborhood, near car. lool llnkney. I afuratsb-d kooai, 3 MODERN, well-heated rooms; private tamily. 1II8 Pavenix rt. 1 yl-r NSft-W. Ilsasekeepia Itouma. TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, on first floor, with pri vate entrance; partly modern. Call Col fax 269. FOR RENT Strictly nuHlero. newly tuT niched rms . heat furi..; pri.ato. IL .ll'.ifi. DA V F N PO 1!T. 2. l.v-TVV" it OR TURK E NH'NJ.Y Fl RMSHED HKPU. ItOoMd REASONABLE. lleaare ill Cwltasiea. Nrtb. I-ROCM cottage: modern except heat. Ap 1 ly3210 Hamilton 81. FOR RE N T G-'room house, all modern conveniences. Vi block to car, rilj N Mh St. M. A. Past. 4613 N. 3Sth Bt Phone Colfax 1173. 2-tl Bl'RDETTK -ro. rn house with bath oil lumace. ju. 1 all v rtister 4iA. SIX-EOO.M cottage mouern except heat, f-.'O N. Ith Kt. Phone Webster 3231. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN. THIS PAGC) Ready Reference Directory vsaw as.ss a .a . j va.4kaa will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. RFKD ABSTRACT CO, oldrst abstract offlrs In Nebraska, r Rrandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. S. 17th St. I'hone D. W. ACCOi'NTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. f-437 Ramce Hldg Phone Doug. 740k. ADVEHTMIXO NOVELTIES, M. V. Shafer Co., Ktlj. Famam. D. T474. AMATIil'R FIXISIII.no. FLt1lM., ivelored free If purchased from Photo Ctsft Shop. 41 Bee Bid. Dept. l. ARCHITECTS. Kverett g .JjodVlg. Tpaxton Hlk. p. wn. ATTOIt.EYsT P. T. IMcklnsnn. rll Paxton Plk. r. 104. At CTIOEERl. Powd Auction Co., nim W O VP T TTTt AUTO ISl RAMCE TO sJKAL INSURANCB AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRsT Omaha Radiator Rep, Co SfrJW F,r, p. BATHS. BATH-fli Baled Blk.. iTth and Douglas. MbhZAtZFnin.Ztp.OT an1 '""O"" Turkish attendant For IdresnSwed?.tHemn: lglgEarnamr Bt Poughiii jtt1""88"' BAKERIES. B. H. REEDER ivm m isi. . . - .qui. vep. 0-21. BRASS AM) IRON roUNDRIEsT .tor.MnchellCo.. rth mm M.rtna CARPENTERS AND CONTRACT oTt STEVENSON. mTm. Doug,,.. Loaaard Son. 1900 Cap. Are. T. 1631 9 W Hokanaon TV L-nwth. Tvt no T CHIBOPRlcri. - ! .nail, ADJD'MTl Pr. t. C. LawrenceTlBalrd BM, p. Wl51 Nervrffi CS , DR. KN0LLENBER0, 02 Be Bld- Tyler 19J6. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Buford. g20 p BJ COFFEE BV MAILl 1 f -v Kave money. Use ffe is its. better high grade W. A. Ekalf. epaid, cwitshita, NuBone corseta. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4392. DANtlna ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. MM DE LUXE, ACADEMY, in S. 18th SL .T17.1118 SCHOOL OF DANCING. ' 2Sth and Farnam. Classes and private lessons. Harney 6143. . vie Just completed, forty-four-page book of a,cHrJo?UC ; 1MS.P C?enrly dl scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpin. Ev. ery teacher should have a copy. Mall orders filled. Price, $1. . DRESSMAKINU. Terry Dress mak'g college. 30th A Farnara LADIES' JACKETS remodeled in the lat- ear. style; reasonable nr ce. 1911 p.e. nam Bt. Phone Douglas 2823. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster'r Dressmaking Col., I62S City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. R07J. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all casea. Tyler IIM. DETECTIVE Fifteen years' experience, commercial and private cases; lady aa sietant. Address B 434, Bee. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 313 W.O.W. Bid. Pyorrhea. Dr. Ftckles, 734 City Nat Rank, Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. P. 2134. DRUGS. asaaasaawaa DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on 810 orders; cataloguea free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. C24 Bee Bldg. Red SOU. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, glde, knife, sunburst, bog pleating; covered buttons, all slxea and styles; hemstitlcbing, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Douglas 116. . . FURNACE AND TIN WORK. H A BERSTROH. 402" Hamilton. Wat 3371 ' " FLoHlSl . BATH'S, florists, lou Farnam St, D. 3000. U HENDERSON, lfflt Douglaa. D. 1253. Member Florists Telegrapu Del. Asa a. HESS BWOBODA. 1IU Farnam 8L A. DONAGHUE. 1623 Harney. Doug. 100L Ft'HHlEUS. SAM KNEEER. 1920 Farnam. Red 6S31 H. Rothholi. 1 Leavenworth. H. 2763. HISTOStACAL 4.QSICA1ES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical cumuni" m - Theo. Lfeben Son. 1..1 nowarq. tm 1NSTHI CI IO.N. Kngllsh. Trench Instruction. StS Lyrle Bid. JUSTIIES OK THE PEACH. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 512 Paxton Blk. Red 74uL notary puuuc. ocijvikiwii C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker Block. "TlGlli'l!U FIXTIUES, WIUIMu. rtTTTJTTTM Thoinna, rougla 2613. Cuml ilng St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. M ASb EC K. Masesge, women. Call D. 3227 fer apptmt. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-PAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 27ul Leavenworth. MOVING I'lCTlBB MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS Eyes examined, glaases fitted, pay as you can. Dre. McCartyJLlU W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. CIS Bee Bldg. 4) PATENTS. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red nil PATEVI . U. A. Eturgea. 43! Brandela Theater Bldg. 1 " Mval -K. .'m. y w a, s uu . . PILLOWS A ft D BEDHUtO. r li OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses ms'tl 1 1 to order or remade. 1!7 t timl is-. D. 2I7 rLlMEl (LhAMvD, CfRLKD. dyed D. Ktsele fw rtty Nat. SAFE A.mTtIMB LOCK EXPERTS SAFES Opened, repaired, comb changed. F. E. Daren port. 14 Dod re. D. 1U m PIANOS FOR ItK.M. 13 K0 per month A. Ifospe. isu Douglas PRINTING. WATFRS-RARNHART Ptg. O).. quallt Printing. Tel Doug. 210. 624 8. llth BU CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1754, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. rxvtiglas K44. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 813 S. 12th. D.MI SHOE RF.PAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., ahoe repair, tit a If, Hailev Shoe Rep'r. Co.. OI Tarn m. R.344T SEWING MACHINES. W G r'nt' rPlf sell needles ant parts for a'l sewing machine, "MIClvEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. . ISth and Hamey. Douglas lssx' STEEL CEILINGS. RZE5?le?t,etR,J?0ir,n'n'''n,'L? STORE ANI OFFICE! FIXTLRBS. DESKS, eafes, scales, showcases. ehelv Ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-18-18 8. 12th. Doug. 17?. STOVE AND FCRNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnaea colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wki. 12.)8-S Douglas Bt. Tyler It TliLKtTIlK; MOTOR REPAIRING'. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Bp Bid. D.STa, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply-, 207 8. llth. D. US TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELTNG ft STEIN LIS. 1806 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS Foil RRNtT RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for IV Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1904 Farnam, BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 313 3. 13th bt. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Reminffton " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 13sl VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. Tyler loll. E. B. Williams, 308 8. ISth. WATCH SPECIALISTS). Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 vr. expX.- WtDUIiNO STATIONERY. Wedding announcements, Doug. Ptg. Oo. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 13th Bt. Wlnea. llquora, cigars. Plate dinner U to 3. loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 16th and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. (23 N. 16th, Douglas leOa, MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. athle0;; Fy cure" rlitm- "tul anl other rectal diseases without aurgloat operaUon. Cure guaranteed and no money pald . U1U cured- Write for book 04 tf011 '?'easea with testimonials. DR. li. R. TARRY. 240 Bea Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated iuc sfully, re aulta guarant'd. Dr. BowserTsU Bee Bids-. RUPTURE cured In few 1.1 SU or wr1t W ray, 304 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established lSt Z2 FOR RENT lionaea and Cottages. RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS-Nlce eight-room house; newly decorated modern except heat; storm windows an J doors; price reduced to $18. Web 6O60 cmai,i. j-amiLiY Entire upstairs Of residence: X niee - mtnicsi excepc neat; clean comfortable; 110. Web. 600. and SEVEN rooms and bath, all modern. 2o2l' Mandoraon St. Web. 3206. 3-ROOM brick, strictly modem, 1810 Clark. Phone Web. 2s,"5. HOUSE for rent. Phone Florence 23S. Rent Reduced TM. Wob 72 re"1 4511 Corby SU 2407 Binney. 6-r. brick flat. Web. 731. 7 ROOMS. 24-n Charlea. $18. Wal. 2651. 2405 EM MKT. 6-r. cottage. W. 1069 FOR RENT 6-room, new. modern, up l4 Tef DJTO11" Wi"lS AV" Re"t 6-ROOM house, all modern, and one 6 room house modern except heat; one block from car line. Call Colfax 448. 6-ROOM, all modern house, In good lo catlon. $20 per mo. Phone Walnut 855. 6-KouM cottage. ater mIH 1U a 26th 81.. $16. RENT free until Deo... 8-r., mod., oak. -iL.ejjiyJ)eltd: flae In. Wal. 2617. NICE l-ruu.'ii cottage, nun minion k7 Vard a n.w - " 3u32 MARCY. 7-room house, strictly mod ernJwjthjfBrage r,. Harney 27115. STRICTLY MODERN s-r. cottage with new gare stove. 2411 So. 24th. West. I-ROOM house, new, modern, ready now ?. Ni-Ut J,,; Per lno'lh- Address W. J. Keane. 1001 18th St.. 1 es Moines la FOR RENT JtSS Harney fet.. modern 10-room brick house; hot water he it. Inuulre T J O El len. Tel. H P 91, l. 121 J- 7-ROOM modern house! with o. r. 22 i Howard. Call Tyler !18. ' 43a N. MH AVE" " 7-room; liet location, near cathedral snd Saunders school; will finish room 3 floor or build garage. Hent. Hi or more according to Improvements eased "'Tv1 Kv-:AL ESTATE CO.. 10IH Om. Nat. Bk. D. 2716. Funday cr Evenings. Colfax 1561 or Wal. . 31 iscrllaaroaa. Harney ,HK!TAntsTKu"'lur SlOM - rRE" CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE"" COLUMN ONK4, j Globe Van&Storage dip. Hatuiai ion guar. D. txjs 4 Tr tja. H J I ' 5 I i r ) v'a i V j