ROW IN AURORA OYER REYIYALIST mcipai oi ttifa bcnooi critic un Hii Teaching and People Support Her. BUT MINISTERS ARE SILENT AUIWftA. Neb., Nor. JO. (rclal.) Tk Ministerial .association of the city f Aoror hu besn confronted with a prohlem which blJ welj to create a well dsflssa -break in religious circles and which hu already caused a wave of In dignation to sweep smopc the eitlsens hsr, . kn evangelist by the nam of Kirkland, wba la an imitator f tba atyla and meth od Of "Billy" Sunday In his preachlnss. la Us hornet around which the atorm centers. A ahort time afo, after one of Kirkland' s sensational aermona, Mies Kathleen Q. Hearn, principal of the Aurora High school, wrote letter to members of the .Ministerial association requesting that association to send Kirk land from the olty on the grounds that the evangelist "la sowing In the ears of the children the seeds of vlleness and wickedness, and under tha cloak of re Ittioa la preaching not Christ, but Kirk land." ; ' . Mlalater Are Sliest. Ko ackaowledrment ef the letter was made by the Ministerial association and it ts understood no action baa been taken. following the composition of the lette tha evangelist ts ald to have several times taken occasion to refer Indirectly la hla public addresses, or at least by Inneado, to Miss Hearn In denunciation. It la also asserted that Kirkland has not modified the alleged otfenatve speech and methods, but has, on the contrary, em phasised them. Two weeks after Miss Hearn sent her letter to the ministers a petition was circulated among the business men of Aurora, and tt to said It was signed by practically every man to whom it waa presented. This petition aska that tha Ministerial association make Dubllo a statement which shall express either ap proval or disapproval of the views ex pressed by Kirkland with regard to the character ef the high school principal, fltlseas Roaaed. Tha association continues to remain silent In this matter also. It Is known the evangelist when he earns to Aurora ak4 tha local clergy to remain silent If they were unable to approve of his methods. But the degree of forbearance whlqh tha ministers are maintaining la beyond the understanding of the citlsena of the city. ' Criticism of Kirkland has been almost general throughout the town. He Is called a mere "muckraker" by many and by others a "Cheap Imitation of 'Billy Sun day." The Aurora Republican of recent flats print an editorial which Is entitled "A Travesty on Religion." In denuncia tion of Kirkland'a methods and the news Paper appears to have expressed the senti ment of tha entire population. Clark Sees Wilson; Is Not Committed to All Defense Details W'SMlNOfON'. Nov. S0.-Champ Clark. 1 .-ktr of the house, told lresldent Wil li totiny tht he, favored a national de- nu- rrogram within reasonable limits, lie said he had not committed himself to the details of the administration's pro pose srwy and nacy Increase because Re fi'S not" Thoroughly considered them, but that he believed the coming congress would work out satisfactory legislation. "I only talked to the president for a few mlnutea," said t ho speaker after leaving tha White House. "We briefly dismissed tha army and navy program that has been proposed. I frankly said that I would be In favor of legislation which wauid assure reasonable defense fat the country against any possible enemy. I did hot go into details. For one thing I think that there might be difficulty in working out the plan for raising the so called continental army, but t am confi dent that the congress will work out a general scheme of Increased defenses which will be satisfactory to everybody." Speaker Clark said he proposes to In troduce a bill to double appointments to Weat Point and Annapolis, and also to make it possible for any qualified youth te attend either Inatltutlon at hla own expense and at actual cost. Hudson Maxim Urges Big Army and Navy KANSAS CITT. Mo., Nov. .-Hudsom Maxim. Inventor and authority on high explosives; William .Hale Thompson, mayor of Chicago, and Henry Dodge Estabrook ef New Tork delivered the ad dresses of honor here tonight at tba an nual John Jay dinner of the Kansas City Commercial club. Tha immediate preparation of a large army and navy was advocated by Mr. Maxim, who declared their need "from every aenne of obligation, from every sense of economics and from every sense ef duty and religion.'' Leap from Coach Kills Film Villain SANTA BARBARA. Cal. Nov. .A leap from a stage coacli whose horses were supposed to be running Sway cost tha life today of Leslie Reed, a moving picture actor, aged J. Reed made the jump while Impersonating a villain. German "Reports of Disorders in India Denied by British LONDON. Nov. iO.-The Indian office today made formal announcements that German press statements circulated In foreign countries regarding disorders in lndV.a aro absolutely unfounded. The announcement specifically denies the re port that a revolt has broken out any where In India, or that rirahmlns, Bud dhists and Mohammedans have united to make' difficulties for the -"detested Eng lish." as ststed from Gorman sources. Denial likewise Is given te the asser tion that the rajah of Ilhasflui has headed any uprising.' or that grave dm. orders already have occurred in Bombay, Madras; Bahpur, Alahaba and Maspur, or that rebels have Interfered with the de parture of native troops, causing the British troops to retire and subsequently occupying their barracks and arsenals. "There Is not a word of truth In these statements, from beginning to end." the "ecrejary of state, for India announces. "There is no such person as the 'rajah of Bhnglpur. If they think Nawab of Bahawalpur Is referred to. he Is a minor U years of age." TTTR OMAIIA SUNDAY KEE: NOVEMBER 21, 1013. 9- Bicycle Racer Killed By Thirty-Foot Fall CHICAOO. Nov. 80. In the first heat of ' the amateur handicap at the open ing of the slT-day bicycle races tonight, louts Kuehl'wa killed Instantly on his third lap, when he flew over the rail on the north turn and tumbled thirty feet to the concrete floor below. Herman Hoffman, who was leading, started to slip and Kuehle swung; high to avoid him, skidding over the. rail. Dozen Are Killed by Air Bombs at Udine ROME,. Nov. (Via rnrl.-Autrlan aviators threw fifteen bombs on Udlne. Italy, on Friday, killing twelve people and wounding twenty-seven, according to an official announcement made by tha Italian war office. Another squadron of aeroplanes dropped bombs on Verona and Virenia, In the Italian province of Vene tla, and on Grado. POLICE ATTACHES FIRED; ' VIS1TAN ILLEGAL RESORT BT. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 20. Police Sergeant Wm. Harrison and three clerks at headquarters, one of them employed In the office of Chief of Police Young, were dismissed from the department to night as the result of evidence that they had visited an alleged Illegal resort and that one of them had accepted "hush money." The clerks were Isadora Rittcr of the chiefs office; Emmet Collar d and Tom Egaa. WAR COUNCIL TO MEETJN, LONDON Next Conference of Allied Chiefs Will Be Held in British Capital. RUSS AND ITALIANS TO JOIN . PARIS, Nov. 20. The next meet ing of the allied war council will be held In London. It la likely the Rus sian and Italian governments will designate representatives to attend this council. One session of the war council In Paris this week waa held at the for eign office and another, presided oi er by President Potncare, at the F.lysee palace. In addition the sev eral members of the French and Brit ish committees bad long consulta tions apart. Fremler Asqulth, who Is acting tem porarily as war secretsry, conferred with the French war minister, General Oal lienl: A. J. Ralfour. first lord of the Brit ish admiralty, with Admiral Lacasace, French minister . of marine: Premier FSrinnd, who Is In charge of the French foreign portfolio, with Blr Edward Orey, British foreign secretary, and Albert Thomas. French under secretary of war for munitions, with David IJoyd Qeorge, British munitions secretary. It is understood that an understanding has been arrived at in regard to various subjects and energetic action is expected to result. Charity Federation For Omaha is Urged By Welfare Committee A movement looking toward the fed eration of the various charltlna in Onuhi and, the Installation of a budget system of handling finances, ' has 'been started. A committor to tonsult with the heads of the various charities In Omaha with regard to such a plan was appointed at noon by the welfare committee of the Commercial club. AGED TEAMSTER SERIOUSLY HURT IN FALL FROM WAGON Taylor Bansbury. eged so years, a team ster living at Tenth and Clark streets, sustained a fractured skull when hn waa thrown from his wagon In a run away, Just as he waa' nearing his home last evening. He was found by Mike Toth, a neighbor boy. Dr. Charles Zlmmerer and .Dr. . Charles Shook who attended him say it Is doubteful whether he will live. Ancona Captain Gives His Story of Disaster LONDON. Nov. JO. A dispatch to tho Dally Telegraph from Milan gives the deposition of Captain Massardo of the Italian steamer Ancona, which was re cently sunk In the Mediterranean by a -rsubmarine. The deposition wsa taken by a commission for the Italian government. The deposition ssys that the submarine kept firing at the Ancona as It ap proached. The occupants . of the first boat were panic stricken and were drowned when the boat capslsed. The submarine, says the deposition, only stopped firing when It was within 200 yards of. the liner. By then nearly all aboard were in the lifeboats or had Jumped overboard with lifebelts. The submarine, said tha captain's state ment, discharged a torpedo,, hitting the Ancona between the first and second water compartments. It waa then that the underwater boat hoisted a large Aus trian flag, says tha deposition. Ida Grove Trims Lake City Eleven, Fourteen to Six IDA OROVE. la. Nov. J0-(Ppec'sl Telegram. With Fullback King, Half back Finer end Guards Clooss and Jen Sen, of the regular Ida Grove f ot ball team on the side lines and their places filled by substitutes, Ida Grove defeated Lake City this afternoon. 14 to . Early In the third qnsrter It looked like the game would end In a row pa lake City refused to accept a penalisa tion of half way to their goal and banish ment of Tackle Wright for slugging. It was claimed that Wright hsd been prev iously warned twice to desist. ' Lake City scored first, a long forward pass to Cochran paving the way. Ida Orove rallied strong and five minutes had carried the ball the length of the field for a touchdown and added another In the third qusrter. Just before the game ended. Lake City held Ida Grove for downs on their one-yard line. Goodrich made both scores for Ida Orove and Nokes scored for Lake City. Ida Grove ends the sea son Thanksgiving day with a game with Omaha Commercial Hlgn school here. They have gone through thus far with a uniform list of victories. I JUL DLTKI MOULDS For ypnr jolly or oranberrit's. Sot of l'J, regular 40c, stVoial ... '.. .,2G & SONS CO. 5 HARNEY Useful Utensils for Thanksgiving at Very Special Low Prices ! Read Them Every Cay, It Will Pari The Want Ads In Tho Bee Birthday Gifts Pour in on Billy STKACTJSE. N. Y.. Nov. JO. (Special Telegaram.) Billy Sunday wna !W yeara , old yesterday. From the time the even gellst awoke until he retired, exhausted, , but happy after a strenuous day he was not allowed to forget the fact. The first ! mail this morning brought a deluge of , congratulatory letters and cards, one of j tho former coming from Korea and each succeeding mall waa heavier. gyracaseans who were unable to scour muuniu hnvs found tho reason In lh fact that all were busy carrying telegrame and gifts to Sunday headquarters. A dentist sent a dosen caps of honey. A butcher sent a turkey, and German friends sent sauer kratf. The. Syracuse - ministerial association and newspapers sent rosea. These were a r f tha manr. but the climax came this evening when presentstion followed presentation. The rnoir gave a lo.imam pen.1 but floral remerriorsnces predomin ated, transforming the tlatform Into S rose garden. CONTRABAND NOTES TO GO TO ALL BELLIGERENTS WASHINGTON. Nov. .-American protest against ths placing of nearly all articles of commerce on the contra band lists of European belllgorents. win go to Germany and Auatrla as well as to Oreat Britain and its allies. la the last note to Great Britain re garding Interferences with neutral trade, Secretary Lanafng gave notice of an In tention to make contraband the subject of a later communication and prepara tion of this dooument already Is In pro gress. Today It became known that when It Is forwsrded to London vlrually Identical notes wtl be dispatched to the Teutonic allies and to France and Italy. 7 4 "Te, staasga Hibllc. ST. JOUIS. Nov. -E. n. Lllley. form erly general manager of the Express aqd the Tribune of Los Angeles, has been appointed general manager of the t. Louis Republlo,.- wsa nnpunced to night Before going to, California. Mr. Lllley was associated In the direction of the Plain Dealer of Cleveland. O. KNIVES AND FORKS Triple silver plated, plain round handles; regular $4, ppoeial $3. iS Food Chopper Ikfrular $1.45 size, with 4 cutters; our special Thanksgiv ing price, only, at 81.112 H r HI H 1 .V ft STOVES RANGES GAS RANGES AND FIRELESS COOKERS. ROASTERS Largo size, Live Oak oval roasters; special till Tlianks- fcivinK 48 Iargt? Savor' roaster, so cial 98 Aluminum roaster... $1.75 Lik roasters, up from 91.50 OPEN ROAST PANS 8x10 size only 10x12 size, only 8 10x15 size, only. J) 18x19 size, only lG TOASTERS (no shape, reg ular 2.V, 8jxcial price, only 1G O Covered Casserole Hrpwh and white lined, imported; regular $1.33, spe cial 92 CARVING SETS pieces, knife, fork and steel, in satin lined box; reg ular $3.00 . value, special, earh 82.98 Waffle Iron High frame, for gas s t o v e, r o u n d or square; regular $1.15; our spe cial price, 78 t V ELECTRIC LAMPS, TOASTERS, IRONS, PERCOLATORS AND CHAFING DISHES. SUIT FCR BIG DAMAGES HAS BEEN DISMISSED Al,'BtRN. Neh.. Nov. .. (Special.) The district fourt for Nemaha rouiity convened again wll'i JuWc J. E. Bt-gley of! lion on the bench. In th cass of Mclninch against Coline, alleging libel, a motion to require liia plaintiff to give security for rostx. Mr. Mclnlnrn having moved to Kansas City, Mo., i-lnce the commencement of the suit, was sus tained.: and Mr. Mclninch declining to give tha security the case wss dlfcmtasbd. A Jury wss empaneled in the case of Fred G. Hawsby against Jamea Sparks, and yesterday afternoon returned a vrr dict for the plaintiff for ro. The Jury la tbe rase of Coryell sgslnat Williams returned a verdict for the de. fendant. This suit was for the breach of. a contract to el corn. Pislntifr claimed that fart of the contra' t was that be was to pay 4 telephone call and this took the ease out of the ststute. De fendant denied the phone rail was part of the contract, but admitted the sale of the corn, and that he knew the plaintiff had resold tt. Cora had advanced be- ' tween the time of making of the sqle i and the time of delivery. , Itead Thorn Every Day. It Will l-sj: The Bee Waot Ads in Tbe bee , Put a Modern Heating Plant in Your Home MAKE IT COMFORTABLE NOW THERE WILL BE FIVE LONG MONTHS of WINTRY WEATHER INSTALL A VACUUM FURNACE v (n. B. Morrill & Co! 's) ; - ' . "We can put it in complete in one day, either in a new or an old house, without disturb ing you in any way or without cutting up th e walls or woakening the construction. MODERATE IN PRICE SAVES 1-3 YOUR FUEL THE VACUUM FURNACE IS AN IMMENSE SUCCESS COLD AIR HOT AIR COLD AIR a. f A f XX I ti t Briefly here are its good points: 1.. Gives more heat with 1-3 less fuel than pipe furnace. 2. Absolutely no fire risk. 3. Complete circulation of heated air all over your house. 4. Gives perfect ventilation in every room by constant changing of air. 5. No heat wasted in the basement, thereby giving you good vegetable storage. 6. No heat wasted between the walls, a sav. ing of 33 1-3 per cent in fuel. 7. Draws all tho cold air out of the rooms and replaces with heated air. 8. Heat balances in the entire house one-half hour after fire is started. 9. Rooms -farthest away frpm main' register warm up first. . 10. Tho Vacuum Furnace is the-biggest ad vance mado in hot air heating in a generation. Every Statement above Is Acid Proof We court the fullest investigation. A sample Vacuum Furnace is on display in our basement. . ! , Come and See It and Get Testi monials From Satisfied Owners ConvcTiier.t terms can be arracged if you wiah Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 411-41&423 Zcmfh EntDtsaQi Sired, Exclusive' A gents for Omaha ' , m n J. n ' . ?! - n -.V 1 If. 1 1 - : ' " i : ( 4t i -1 -a The "Six Mickeh" are Spreaders of the VICTROLA Christmas Idea f ay WWW f The "Six MickeVs are Featuring Nebraska's Greatest VICTROLA Stock The Model XI, $100 VICTROLA Shown Below Contains Ellore Joy to the Square IeigEi Than Any Other Single Christmas lift in the World Only1 a Hundred Dollars For Joy Unconfincd lEnffl. IIP ! I M EASY )S Look at this magnificent entertainer. It is tl latest Improved model ; It has Terr feature aa4 erery deTloe that has made the VletroU famous throughout tbe world; it Is the selfsame, su premely perfected product that has made millions happy; It sings, plays, laughs, Jokes and talks with you and for you and all for one hundred dollars. This, however, Is merely one of the many . models of Vlctrolaa shown here ; our demonstrat ing rooms at all times Include over one hundred Vlctrolas in every conceivable finish at front flS to $200. And when .It comes to records, make up your mind to it that our shelves Include practi cally tbe entire Victor catalog. Choose your Vlctor-Victrola soon, no matter which model you have in mind, for there will be an Immense Vlctrola shortage in a few ahort weeks they are selling faster than any other similar devloe has sold In the history of the world. If out of town, send for our Mall Order Plan but, in town or away own a Vlctrola for Christmas. Remember This Big Vietrola at EASY PAYMENTS If You Like My mm At The "Six Mickels'" Nebraska Cycle Co. Cor. 16th & Harney Sts., Omaha 4 4 4 4- 4-4-4- 4-4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4-4- 4-4- 4 4- 7793 n if ITumphrej-s Sevcntr-seven For Grip, Influenza, LOS Homeopathic. In Homeopathic treatment It is not tbe quantity of the drug but its proper selection and prompt use that counts. To get tbe best results, take "Seventy-Seven" at tbe very beginning of a Cold. If you wait until you begin to cough and sneeze. It may take longer. A smaU vial of pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket. 2te n4 II at all drusslsts or tnallsd. Humphreys' Ilomso. Medlctos Co., Hi William fctreet. New York Yea! lost but while there is life there is hope and while there's hope there's The Omaha Bee. Try Our "Lost and Foimd" Column Call Tyler 1009 THE OMAHA BEE Evryhody Read Bse Want Ads