THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 21, 1915. 3 A n Nobraska Nebraska Nebraska AERO SQUADRON .... AT WORK TODAY General Hall Gives State Guard Air craft Taik of Getting Message to Omaha. NEBRASKA FIELD OF HOSTILITIES (Worn a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. . Speclal.)-Th war . la on. General Hall, In charge of the Nebraska National Guard, haa Issued to ll flay the followln gproblenis to be worked out ty the aero corps, which will start out about S o'clock Sunday afternoon from Lincoln to make flight to Omaha. The bombs to be used will be the new Hayael kind. Invented by Major Haysel of the Nebraska National Guard. The two problems are aa follows: . . PROBLEM NO. 1. "The state of Nebraska Is considered as a territory. Recent hostilities and up rising among the natives has caused the president to send troops Into the territory far the purpose of restoring peace and. 'camped at Omaha under Major General L i 'A. Brigadier General 'B.' with one brigade of Infantry, has taktn peaceful possession of the city of Lincoln and fortified It. . "News haa been received that a general uprising Is under way and an attack will be made upon Lincoln within twelve hours. All lines of communication have Men shut off. The natives are massing in all the surrounding towns for a gen eral attack. General 'A' at Lincoln real ises that he cannot hold out long against such a force and desires to send word to Omaha for reinforcements. Captain R. E. McMlllen, commanding 17-3, haa been ordered to proceed to Omaha via Ashland. One regiment Is tocamped at Ashland. U-2 will land at Ashland, If possible, submitting the news regarding the uprising, and instruct Colo nel 'C to Join the reinforcements coming from Omaha. U-2 la also ordered to de stroy and break up all mass meetings en route by bomb dropping, and to photo graph as many of the towns as possible. In order that the reinforcements will have a complete map of the territory to he covered en route to Lincoln." PROBLEM NO. 2. "IT-l reports at Ashland and receives Information that the surrounding country U also hostile. He delivers his orders and proceeds on to Omaha, destroying all town en route." ) Twenty-Nine Pledges By the Sororities i From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 20.-8peclal Tel- trjm.) Twenty-nine pledges were an nounced by sororities of the University of Nebraska at the Close ' Of the cecond pledge day here tonight The list fol io rs: A choth Florence Sandy, Oretna; Dal l;ne lasers. Red Oak, la.; Aulal Soott, Lincoln. Ainha Chi Omega Anna t,uckey. Uni versity Place; Edith Minor, Lincoln; fieatrice Jones, Springview; Myrtle FYan- . Flandreau, 8. P.; Mabel Bentley, Mor- Alpha Delta Pt Not vledKtnsr. Alpha Omlcron PI Ruby Andrews, Uni versity Place; Lydla Dawson, Llnwood. Alpha Phi Beatrice Dierka, Lincoln; Kathertno New branch. Omaha; Marlon Henninger, Lincoln. Alpha XI' Delta Selma Kauf. Hastings; Mary Means, Olive Means, Orleans. Ch Omega Helen McOery. Falls City; Elizabeth Chaney. Havelock; Flora Wene. 6turgls, 6. D. Delta Gamma Not pledging. Delta Delta Delta No announcement. Delta Zeta Mlna Hull, Fremont; Ge neva Cole. Denver, Colo. Gamma Phi Beta Nell Morrissey, Chad ' ron. Kappa Kappa Gamma No announce ment. Kappa Alpha Thta Emma Garrett. Mcdibon: Katherlne Kohl, Hastings; Ger trude McOe. Rspld City. S. D. Pi Beta Phi Daphne Stickle, Kearney; Margaret Galbratth, Lincoln. ASSOCIATED IRRIGATORS CONVENE AT SCOTT'S BLUFF SCOTT'S BLUFFS, Neb., Nov. JO. (Special.) The semi-annual meeting of the Associated Irrigators of western Ne braska was held in Scott's Bluffs Wednesday. Among those present were A. YV. Atkins of Bridgeport. F. N. Bands of Gering. 3. T. Whitehead of Mitchell. A. A. Smlth.of Mitchell, J. W. Farton of Morrill, J. 6. Woodman of Morrill, Frits Knorr of Mitchell. William Kent of Uaynard. This association Is composed of repre sentative delegates from nearly all of the large irrigation projects In the west ern part of the state and was organized in March of this year. W. N. Barbour Is president and F. 8. McCoffree, secretary. I IMPERIAL ISAFTER A TRAIN Weit Nebraska Dwellers Complain that Service Given is Far from Satisfactory. HALL CONDUCTS A HEARING 'From a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 30. Speclal.)-Rall-Commlssioner Hall has returned from Imperial, where ho conducted a hearing on an application of the patrons along that branch of the Burlington for addi tional train service from McCook. it appears that the train service con sists of a mixed train which carries pas sengers, frelgtit, a milk car. stock car and every other kind, of car, which runs to Imperial from MoToook In the morn ing and back at night. On Wednesday and Saturday a special engine pulls all full CHrs of freight up nnd back which the regular train Is unable to handle. The company refuses to put on another train because the record shows but 4i cents ranting per train train mile for passenger service west and but C cents per train mile service east, which they claim i not adequate to warrant the ex pense of an extra train. There are three sugar beet spurs along the line, which adds to the Inconvenience of the passengers and the reliability of the train to make time. Business men at the hearin gfrom along the line sug gested that while In a business way t would not bo as well for them, that pos sibly a passenger train with a freight three days in the week might he a solu tion of the question. Real estate men along the line testi fied that because of the poor service it was hard work to get people Interested In land, and they went to points In the state where the service was better. THOMAS GIYES OUT ODE CONTEST RULES State Superintendent Tells What Is Necessary for Budding Poets of State to Do. SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO JUDGE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2.-(Ppecial.)-State Superintendent Thomas Is receiving many Utters of Inquiry regarding the. rule which will srovern the writing of a poem ! under the offer made by John D. Hankell of Wakefield of Sid for a poem on No braska which can be set to music. The rules have been made and are as follows: 1. The poem should contain not l.'sst than (our stanxaa and not more than six. 2. The theme should be of such a nature that It will be suitable always for Ne braska. 3. Meter suitable for music should be ui-ed. 4. Althouch not essential, the poem should be typewritten on paper eight and one-half liu hea by eleven inchei and on one side of tne paper only. 6. The contest Is open to all residents of Nebraska. 6. The arthor's name and address should be placed on a enrd and enclose'!' with the poem. The name should not appear on the poem. 7. Tha poem rhould be In the hands of the committee not later than Inrch 1, 1 .916. A special committee will be named to Judge the merit of these productions and award tho prise. When the llrst contest la over, a second will be anno-inced for the purpoee of securing the music. A priss of Mr0 will be offered for this I feature also. Participants In the first contest may also enter the second. MUKDAY GUILTY; GIYEN FIYE YEARS Illinois Banker Convicted by Morris Jury on the Fifth Ballot. L0 RIMER WILL BE TRIED NEXT MORRIS. 111., Nov. 20. Charles Munday, vice president of the La Salle Street Trust and Savings bank of Chicago, of which William Lorl mer was president, last night was found glluty of conspiring to wreck the Institution and his punishment was fixed by a Jury at five jears in prison. The Jury took five ballots. They disagreed on the penalty, nine stand ing at first for the maximum punish ment, which would taavo been five years imprisonment and a fine of $2,000. Munday nnd his son, J. G. Munday, were in the court room. Munday's wife, his two daughters and one son. Rev. Father Josh Mun t;ay, were not In court. The LaSalle Street bank was organised? by Munday, and, according to charges 1 f the state's attorney In the present . trial, the name "Senator" was capitalized as one of the bank's assets. When the bank failed In June. 1914, there followed the collapse of nine other hanks nnd trust companies of the so-called Lorlmcr Munday string. Fourteen persons were indicted, Lorl- mer and Munday being the chief of them. The Indictments charged them with loot ing the Institution of almost t:,BXi,0O0 and with violation of practically every banking law of the state. The- state elected to try Munday first and when ho contended that his associ ations with Mr. Lortmer precluded a fair trial In Chicago, a charge of venue to this rltv wss granted. It was charged that assets of the La Sallo street concern were stolen to organise other banks In the chain, that checks had been "kited" and that the parent bank had been Insolvent for soma time prior to the collapse. 1M nif neeenlnr. Munday's rise was spectacular. He went rapldlv from manas."r of a small telegraph office to part ownership In eleven banks and a dosen large business concerns. He was born ami raised In Litchfield. 111., where his father was Justice of the peace. Maclay Hoyne. state's attorney of Cook county, said the verdict was satis factory. Lorlmer and Henry W. Huttls. of Muscatine, la., will go to trial after the first of next year. Hoyne said. Motion for a new trial will be heard tomorrow morning. "I will fight this cae to the last ditch." was tho only comment Hint Mundsy would make after the lury returned. The Jury fixed the renalty. The verdict was: "We the Jury find the defendant. Charles B. Munday, guilty in tho form and manner charged In the Indictment and fix the penalty at five years Im prisonment In the state penitentiary." The Jury deliberated six hours and twenty-five minutes, after a trial of eight weeks duration. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA A "For bale" ad will urn second-hand furniture Into cash. 0. W. Meldon, round Wandering-j Half Demented, Put in Way j of Getting Job. CHILD IS DEAD OF DIPHTHERIA O. W. Meldon. 1713 Cass street, North Fide, Is a new man now as the result of the philanthropic characteristic of; Captain John Brlggs of the South Bide police force. When the former was on his last step and was about to desert his wife and family because of his In ability to get a Job and support them, the captain secured a Job for him at the Alfalfa Mills. Officer Tom Qulnn arrested Meldon aa he was wandering In a half domented condition, going west at Thirty-ninth and L streets. Absent mlndedly he told the officer that he was bound for Uncoln or almost anywhere. Qulnn brought the man to the station. He told how he had searched for months for a Job In vain and of how he was unable to support his family. The man broke down and cried during the session. He was sent home happy and gratified that he would bo able to work, t hanvr t hnrrh .Maine, At a meeting of the board of trustees of the First Hnptlst church at Twenty fifth and H streets Tuesday evening. Dr. A. J. Young and C. A. Burns were elected 'as trustees to enter at once on active service as board members. Dr. W. Bom gardner was elected aa superintendent of the Sunday reboot. In order to do away with the conflict with the North Side First Hnptlst church, originating with consolidation of Omaha and South Omaha, the name was changed to "Trinity IlnptiHt church." It Is proliaMv that some sctlon will be takon to rhantje tho name of the First Presbyterian churh In the South 81de, aa It Is the only other church which con flict with yn Omaha church organisa tion. Shortly after consolidation members of th board cf Ir sicca of the First Mcthi.ilisl church ph-iimd the name to the "Grate Methodist church." Ilenth frni'i Diphtheria. Raymond. 14 m.-.ntis old, infont son of Mr. and Mrs. Iennls Hurley, died Friday of diphtheria. Funeral will be held at the residence, K4 South Thirty-third street, this morning at 10 o'clock. In terment Pt. Mary's cemetery. Funeral private. Steal avlnaa Hank. A sneak thief broke Into the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Fllton Peoples, 2ilS K street, last evening between t and 1:30 o'clock and made away with a small savings bank containing 11.90. The bank was on the State Savlnga bank. Peoples was t work, while his wife was away shopping at the time. The police were notified. Vtnorlc t tty (inaals). The ladles of the Grace Methodlsf church will hold their annual church basaar on Ieceinber 2. The location baa not been decided on yet. The ladles of the Moose club will give a party Monday evening st the Moose hull at Twenty-fifth and M streets. All members are Invited. The ladl of Ht. Agnes' parish will entertain at a card party Monday even ing, November 2!, at the Mc"rann hall, at Twenty-fourth and O streets. Tho rhry"ntemum bssaar given under the auspices of the I nlted Pres byterian chur. h at Twenty-third and H streets Thursday and Friday evenlnsn turnod out a success In every way. Mny local high school girls took a prominent pert In the nitwlcl exercises given. First Hnptlst enurcii, Twenty-fifth and H (Streets! Kev7 William K. Hill. Faster Divine services at U a. m. and TM p. m.; preaching by rtor; baptismal serv ices at close of evening program; Bun day school st a. m.; Uaraca class for young mn will organise; Junior oclety at Young People's meeting at 6;30 o'clock. Miss Anna Lane will lead. , Red Cross Nurse From Seat of War Visits Broken Bow BROKEN BOW, Neb., Nov. 20. (Spe cial.) Miss Alice Beetle, secretary of the Red Cross association of nurses ' at Cleveland, and who has Just returned from Budapest, after fourteen, months of Red Cross work In the, war hospitals there. Is In Broken Bow th"T?":eck visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Beetle. Miss Beatle was supervisor of nurses at Budapest and during her so journ ther shevrote home many Inter esting letters w her experience, which were published In a number of leading paper throughout the country. At the Invitation of the citizens here she will give an informal talk Sunday night on the Red Cross work and the conditions prevailing In the theater of war at the present time. PREST-O-LITE COMPANY MAY BUILD NEW PLANT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. . (Speclal.) The Prest-O-Llte company, a corporation In Indiana, has written Labor Commis sioner Coffey asking for Information re garding the workmen's compensation law of Nebraska. The Company dpes a big business in this and other states, re charging batteries, and, heretofore, the! batteries have been shipped away for re charging. The contents of the letter would Indicate that the company contem plates the erection of a branch plant somewhere in this state. Iaereaaa la Tar Dyes. WASHINGTON. Nov. S Important In creases .in the production of coal tar dyes In the United states since the be ginning of the European war aru reported In an official statement today by the Hureau of Foreign and Domestiee Commerce. Notes from Chadron And Dawes County CHADRON. Neb., Nov. 20.-(Speclat.) C. 8. Hawk baa resigned his position oa farm agent for Dawes county. His work haa been of great benefit to the county and It la with great regret the farm management accept his resignation to take effect January L, The' democratic part7 haa retained the services of A. H. Wright as deputy United States marshal, he having Just received his now commission. The county court has been busy for two days hearing testimony against Wil liam T. Kusel accused of setting fire to a barn belonging to Peter Norman, which was burned at Whitney, October 3. Kusel proved an alibi and the court refused to bond him over. WlUlam Sherman Hebbart, who came to Dawes county in UST, died on the homestead he took at that time. He leaves a widow and one son. Scott De Forest Hebbart. Attending the funeral were his aged father, one sister, Mrs. Alta Brewer of Camp Crook, S. D.. and three brothers, Harry and John of Spade, Neb., and George of Hemingford, Neb. Deceased waa bom at Clarlnda. la.. In 18. Prank Sacrist, a Bohemian, committod suicide In the barn of George Gregs Thursday. Mrs. Gregg went out to th j barn and found him dead. He had shot himself in the heart while sitting on a , stool milking a cow. He had been worVc-j Ing for Mr. Gregg for four months and ! had no relatives In this country so far! as can be ascertained. The body was taken to Alliance for burial. Nebraska Rural School Plan Meets With Much Favor (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 20. (Special.) State Superintendent A. O. Thomas Is much pleased with the result Of his attendanco upon the national . conference of rural school workers, which was held In Nash ville, Tenn.. laet week. 1 - was accom- panted on the trip by A. V. Teed, as- I slstant superintendent under Dr. Thomas, ' who has charge of the rural school work ' of this state. The Nebraska plan for the establish ment of rural schools and the consolida tion of districts meets with great favo by the delegates, many of whom were federal officials, J. L. McBrlen. formerly of Nebraska, being one of the number. Some of the Nebraska plans which seemed to meet with favor were the ade quate preparation of a sufficient number of teachers for rural schools; a school term of not less than ISO days; consolida tion of school districts, cottage homes for teachers, ' with demonstration farms and plats.. Secretary Pool Enjoys Birthday (Fspm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. JO. (8peclal.)-Seore-tary of State Charles Washington Pool hnd a birthday today and his office force reminded him of It by the presenting of a fine bouquet of flowers. Mr. Pool refuses to tell how old he Is, but the oldest Inhabitant of the state remembers him as far back as the signing of the declaration of Independence, and while Mr. Pool's name Is not on that famous document, it Is not his fault, his auto mobile "busting" a tire, and he falling to arrive until after the thing was signed all up. However, despite his age, Mr. Pool still retains his youthful beauty and "girlish laughter" and Is one of the of ficials in the state house who really works. Ulrl Hit by Automobile. ' BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 20. (Special.) The i-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlttan. who reside nine miles southeast of Beatrice, was struck by an automobile driven by O. A. Hutch inson, a neighbor, as she wss returning from school, and sustained a fractured hip, a broken rib and severe cuts and bruises about the body. Rdaar Ballda Tnhnlar fire K scape. EDGAR. Neb..- Nov. 20 (Special.) The board of the Edgar schools Is hav ing a tubular fire escape. Installed on the west side of the high school build ing. Till uacd in conjunction with the stalls will enable the pupils to get out of tlic building in a minute or less. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. W. F. Flary Leaving fop California. ST. EDWARD. Neb., Nov. !rt.(Spe-i cial.)-W. F. Foley, cashier of the First! National bank, has severed his connection wrlth that Institution and leaves next Monday for Long Beach. Cel., to make his future home. Mr. Flory has been a constant worker in the Commercial club and all things for advancement of the comunity In which he lived. The Com mercial club met at the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows hall this evening in a farewell banquet In his honor, and as a token of remembrance Mr. Flory waa presented with a handsome gold watch appropriately engraved. DEATH RECORD Ibram t. Fisher. HARVARD. Neb., Nov. ZO. (Special.) A bra in C. llnher. a pioneer settler of Clay county, died at' his homo In this city at about 10 o'clock this morning of diabetes. He had been a sufferer for many years. He served during the war of the rebellion from October, 1S63 to February, l&flS, in Company K, Ninth Iowa cavalry, and was a member of Richardson Post No. 60. Grand Army of the Republic. He la survived by his wife and several grownup children. Dies In California. SANTA BARBARA. Cel.. Nov. .'O. George M. ISclintt. who whs the first gentile mayor of Palt Iske City, died todav at Pan Mateo, where he hud gone to visit relatives. For several years Mr. Scott, who was more than years of age. had made his home in this city. Balaar Offlrrrs diuily War. PETROGRAD. Nov. 30. (Via London, Nov. . Many Kulgariun officers are now attachod to the German staffs oil the Russian trout, according to the Hour. Casettr. Tbstt officers have be-ii isent frcm Hulvaria to study German methods of warfare. ore Steamer Hila Mlur. LONDON. Nov. 2rt.The Norwegian etemer tSan Miguel of I, tons uro truck a mine in the North t-a Thurs day and sank. The crew was rescued em! landed at Grimsby today. Tatt at Heal Irou Meet. WAFHINGTOV. Xov. .Form-r Pres ident 'I aft PrtMKi.d toij.iy oer a meeting here of the -xeeui;c cwnmittre of th At.ierlran. National Red Cross tor the first t'me sin. e his recent annoiutmcit as chairman by President Wilson. DR. nRAltBtnV IX ST.W OFFICES. Delicate Crowns or Fillings will not stand the toll of wear and tear that the mastication of your food demands. I can Rive you Uental work that will rough it with you. Bo many people who have had flimsy fillings, crowns, bridges or plates feel that they must ho careful for fear of losing what they have had done. The right material, with enomh cf It, and put up by an experi enced hand, will avoid thee circumstances, and you can eat what you want, when you want it, knowing that the work will be there when you got through. Try lr. Bradbury, tbe specialist in Quality Dentistry without the. pJn. Gum diseases treated at home or office. Hend for booklet on unusual Dentistry. Porcelain rlUlnga, $1.00 Up. Railroad Fare for AO Miles Allowed. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST "7 Yean. In Omaha. tr-Jl-2'i Woodmen of the World Kid. Phone P. 175A. If th ajid Farnauii SI., Omaha. Hours, 8 to fl; Sundays, JO to la. ( f;A .j Orchard & Wilhelm Co! 4 14-4 16-4 18 South Sixteenth Street Announcing the Opening of "The Yuletide Tea Room" on December 1st From December first to Christmaa, the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will conduct a Tea Boom on the Fifth Floor of thia store for the benefit of the new church edifice. Luncheon and Afternoon Tea will be served between the hours of half vast eleven and half past five Special Display and Sale of Dining Room Furniture for Thanksgiving Buffet, $40 1 sT7 Buffet, $41 (Like Cut) This Is a Haeh plank top. qtiartersawcd oak, fumed finish buffet, well made of thoroughly seasoned material, baa a French beveled mirror, 48 Inches long. Price $41 (Like Cut) oak, long-. small Made of select quartersawed golden finish, plank top, 48 In. heavy scroll pilasters, one drawer lined and partitioned for sil ver, large double cabinet for dishes. Price $40 1 j) t- )7 -.2 Newest Patterns and Colorings in Medium Priced ' Wilton Rugs The first shipment from the selection made by our buyer, who has just returned from New York. " Buying for our combined wholesale and re tail departments, we are able to offer you rugs that we positively know are better Wilton rug values than can be offered elsewhere at these prices. , Wilton Eup ttri S-lxlO-S Slz, 7JU.JV . Wilton Bugs iQQ rj g Sxll slie, 9 JZJLJ The materials entering into these rugs arc of the best and the designs and colorings are such as hitherto have only been found in the more expensive grades. Special at $5.00 36x63 Decorators' Sample Rugs Only one of a pattern consisting of plain colors, Moresque froundu, Oriental patterns In qualities worth to 110.50; special st $5. ' "l,H ill China Cabinet (Like Illustration) Mads of select oak, comes in either told en or fumed finish, is 42 Inches wide, 16 inches deep. Has plank top, wood knobs. Price, either finish $28.00 Some Special Items at Special Prices 1209 Dlnlnc Room Suite, consisting- of large buffet, china cabinet, serving table and 54-inch top dining table, all In fumed oak, massive design; spe- . clal for four pieces, 9150. $68 Buffet, fumed oak, twisted post design, $53 $198 Three-Plece Suite, consisting of buffet, china cabinet and serving able, fumed osk Charles II 4a sign; special for three pieces, 8140. 188 Dining Room Suite, famed oak, consisting at buffet, china cabinet, serving table and 54-tncn round top pedestal dining table; special, 9150. 130 Serving Table, fumed oak, 48-lnch top; spe cial at 822.50. 60 Buffet, quartered oak, early English flnfaih; special at 845. 1387 Dining Room Suite, genuine mahogany, Sheraton pattern, large buffet. 60-lnch round top table, seven chairs; special, 280. $56 Buffet, genuine mahogany, Colonial deetga;. special at 842. $55 Buffet, golden wa. quartersawed oak; special at 827.50. $37 Dining Table, quartersawed oak, golden oak finish. 48-inch round top, 920. . $54 Dining Table, golden oak, round top, 64 inches in diameter; special, 835. $4) Dining Table, golden oak, all quartersawed, round ton, 64 inches in diameter; special, 833. $11.50 Dining Chair, quartered golden oak, heavy Colonial scroll baEc; special, 87. Etamine and Marquisette Window Curtains Special $1.65 Pair Approximately 100 pairs of cur tains are In this offering in 12 dif ferent styles. The Etamine and Marquisette are of good quality and curtains are de signed with hemstitch and Cluny edge, front and bottom. rartaias are ti white, ivory and ccrs. Special, Pair. $1.65 Moquette Couch Covers Special at $9.85 Each Ten new styles reproductions of classic Oriental These are regular $12.60 values for, each, $3Ao. rvs patterns. Remnants of Upholstery and Drapery Fabrics at Half Price and Less These materials are of the finest Tapestries. Damasks, Silks, Ar mures and Cretonnes large enough to cover small pieces of furniture for pillows snd many of the fancy articles so acceptable for gifts. Regolar values frem $3.00 to $10.00 Selling at I US to (10. Laee nets and overdrapery material at reduced prices. An Oriental Rug The Gift of Gifts for the Home The practice of making a Gift to tbe Home Is the true spirit of Christmas giving. It has Use virtue of thougbtfulness and pur potie. It is giving without reckoning on a sift in return. Yet the pleasure of its giving Is thereby increased a hundredfold. It is for tbe enjoymrct of each of the family cir cle and Its appreciation Is lasting. A particularly fine collfrtion ef Klrmanshah and khlva ruiri la a wide raage of slses Is effercd for j yoar Inspectloa at this store. The prices are low. This is of especial Interest at this time when the horrors of Turkish warfare in Asia Ml no have exter. mlnated the source of supply. A Wireless From Santa Claus "Tell everyone to come to the 'Toy Shop' Wednesday, Dec ruber 1st. I want to see all the good little boys and girls and their mammas, too. SANTA." and the sly old rogue goes on to tell how he slipped past the English navy and got every single toy out of Germany that he went after. He is certainly an optimist, even If he is as old as the hills, and whea be let us into his secret we agreed with him that the "Toy Shop" would be a wonderful place this year. Remember, December the 1st at Orchard U Wilhelm'-