Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, SOCIETY AMUSEMENTS, Page 3-B, Image 15

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    rnE OMAHA SUNDAY 1M-TK: NOVEMBER 21. 1913.
is Going On
in Society Circles
(Continued from Page Two)
groom and beat man, Mr. Andrew Hae,
cousin of the bride, and tho ceremony
performed before a number of Invited
quests. The room were beautifully dec
orated In smlla and cut flowera, pink,
white and green, being the color scheme-
The brtde'a dress was beautiful In IU
. .-implicit)-, being made of white pussy
willow taffeta and silk fillet. She carried
.1 boq'iet ' of bridal rosrs and wore a
snray of lilies of the valley In her hair.
The matron of honor, wore n, shell pink
crepe de rhine town, trimmed In coffee
color lace and old rose velvet. The
brldo'n maid wore a dress of cornflower
bhio ollk crepe de chine, lace trimming.
Both carried arm boquets of pink and
white carnations. The refreshment were
In pink and white, after a short wedding
trip the young couple will go Into their
own new home, at 90 Crown Point ave
nue. Tho out-of-town guests were:
Miss Helen Maua, Altoona, Tenn.: Mr.
James Suerls. Mr. Thomas Suerla, Hays,
Kan.; Mr. Fred Qullle, New York City.
Buffet Supper After Dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller gave
a supper dance at their homo following;
the Subscription club dance Thursday
evening. The guests were:
Messrs. nnd Mcsdamcs
Harry Burkley,
F. W. Judson.
James Paxton.
V,. l. Hprngue.
W. H. Bucholi,
W. A. Fraser,
C. Pedivk.
Henry Wyman.
Warren Rogers,
M Uses
Iaisv Donne.
C. W. Hull.
Harry McCormtck.
A. D. Reed.
F. H. Gaines.
I'lement Chase,
lavtd Baum.
Arthur Remington.
M lanes
Ida Bharp,
Faxnam Smith.
Frank Burkley.
Earl Gannett.
Former 0"iahans Kpturn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gibson, who form
erly lived In Omaha for many ,years and
who now live In Los Angeles, Cal., are
In Omaha for a week. They are stop
ping at the Hotel Fontenelle and would
be pleased to see their old friends.
Weddinir Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Brandt of Fort
Crook. Neb., announce the marriage of
their aon, Edward E. to Gladys May
Welty of Omaha, on November 17. The
young couple will be at home at 2919
Mason street, after December 1.
Social Circles
Gorton Roth spent part of last week on
a business trip to Exeter, Neb.
Ben Bennett of Seattle. Wash., Is ft
guest at the home of J. Mackln.
Mrs. A. U Rice haa gone on an extended
visit with relatives In Exeter, Neb.
Mrs. - J. Amlih entertained the Jolly
Seven Club of Omaha at dinner on Thurs
day. Mrs. J. C. Campbell wat taken to an
Omaha hospital last week for an opera
tion. Mrs. O. J. Belts will be hostess for the
Aufwaldersehen club next Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. T. Hermansen, who has been 111
for some time, has been taken to the
Methodist hospital.
Mrs. James Maney has been appointed
as administratrix of her late husband's
stata.. valued at HO, 000.
Wllbert E. BosweH has left for his
ham la Toronto. Canada, after ft visit
at the bom of A. E. Mlmms.
The fir department made plans for ft
fca to be given at the Odd Fellows' hail
on the evening of November 24.
The Benson Kensington was entertained
at ft 1 o'clock dinner at the home of Mrs.
C. C Williams Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gladden of Bra
xeau. Mo., were guests last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marshall.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Marshall on Thursday and ft daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence beets on Tues
day last.
Miss Mable Otto left here on Monday
after a few days' visit at the C. Btlger
home while enroute from Aurora, Neb., to
A daughter was born last week to Mrs.
John Morgan of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs.
Morgan was formerly Miss Zella Camp
tell of Benson.
Mrs. William Snyder entertained fifty-
five guests at her home In honor of her
mother, Mrs. Tlmme's, seventy-first birth-
day anniversary.
Misses Nell and Myrtle Sraisor enter
tained at their home Tuesday evening at
a, miscellaneous shower In honor of Mrs.
Guy Cabbage, a recent bride.
The local Women's Christian Temper-
ante union met on Friday at the home of
Mrs. F. 8. King, when Miss Sanborn gave
a domestic science demonstration.
The Westminster guild held a meeting
preceded by a o'clock dinner Monday
evening-, and the Brotherhood one on
Thursday evening at the Presbyterian'
Mr. and Mra Herman Wulff entertained 1
lor out-of-town guests during the last ,
wtek, who were Mrs. John Blaco of Ken- J
nard, Mrs. A. Kbner of Denver, Colo., '
and Mrs. Warrick of Colorado Springs,
Social Activities
Mr. Clifford McMann of Oman was
visilng with friends Thursday.
Mr. Joe Ham returned from Wyoming
Saturday for ft few days' visit with his
Quite a number from this vicinity at
tended the basket ball at Papillion Fri
day evening.
Mr. James W. Potln left for Platts
mouth last week, where he will spend
several weeks.
Mr. D. L. Hun departed for the
Yakima valley. Washington, last week
to look after some matters of business.
The ladles of the Seymour Lake Coun
try club attended the "Birth of ft
Nation" 'at the Brandels Friday after
noon at the matinee.
Mr. W. H. Taylor departed for his
horn at Plalnvlew, Neb., after visiting
with his slater ana family, Mr. and Mra.
R. T. Props
Society Notes
Mrs. J. V. Rose Is visiting in Nebraska
Mrs. Robert Holllster Is visiting In Bos
ton, Mass.
Mrs. Raymond Hayward Is spending a
week In Chicago.
Mrs. Joseph Allberg left Wednesday to
spend ft few days In Norfolk,
Mr. O. Ev Terry haa gone for ft trip to
the eastern and southern states.
Mr. 'Donald Bridge of Norfolk Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridge.
Mrs. Weida of Columbus. O., Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Brayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tlmms are spend
ing two weeks at Excelsior Springs, Mo.
I Mrs. F. R. Straight and Mrs. J. A. John-
: son are spending a week In Carthage, Mo.
The Ladles' AM society of the Dundee
church met Friday with Mrs. Fred Martin.
Miss Ruth Slabaugh gave a bridge party
Tuesday for Mrs. Henry Adams of Sheri
dan. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cuscaden returned
Monday from a visit In Excelsior Springs,
Miss Helen Chesney returned Wednes
day from a visit In St. Joseph and Kansas
Mr. D. I Johnston Is making extensive
Improvements to hts home at 4930 Cali
fornia. Mrs. W. fl. T. Belt and daughter Dor
othy are visiting on a ranch near Tor
rlngton. Mrs. Samuel Googe of North Platte Is
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Elliott, Jr. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Brown have moved
Into their new home at 111 North Fifty
third street.
Mr. Paul Cooley of San Francisco Is the
guest of his brother, Mr. Arthur Cooley,
and Mrs. Cooley.
Mrs. Frans Nelson entertained her di
vision of the Dundee Aid society at lunch
eon Wednesday.
Mr. William Coney of Leadvllle, Colo.,
was ft guest last week of his sister, Mrs.
D. L. Johnston.
Miss Murilla Maxwell of Fremont was
a guest last Saturday of the family of
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hamilton.
Miss Myra Cole of Atlantic City. N. J.,
enroute to California. Is spending a few
days with Mr. and Mra J. T. Brownlee.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kyle and daughter
Helen of Minneapolis will spend Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mra. Royal D. Miller.
Mrs. Wlnshlp and daughter Ruth of (
Chicago are guests of Mrs. Wlnship's i
sister, Mrs. R. C. Peters, and Mr. Peters. 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson enter-!
talned at dinner Tuesday for MUa Flor-
ence Robinson and Colonel Robinson of i
St. Louis.
The Misses Margaret and Mary White
of Des Moines have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Dodds and Mr. and Mra.
J. E. Dodds for the last two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Abercromble and
children of Houston,
Tex., have taken
rooms at the Colonial for the winter.
Mrs. Abercromble Is a sister of Mrs.
Charles O'Neill Rich, and has visited here
a number of times.
A delightful reception was given Tues-
' j si wio rresDytertan
c,iurch to welcome the new pastor and
his wife. Rev. and Mra. George B. Fos
ter. A program of mualo and addresses
was given, followed by refreshments. In
the Sunday school room, which was taste
fully decorated for the occasion.
West Ambler
Society Doings
Mrs. Glen Gerken has had aa her truest
Mrs. W. C. Potts of Cedar Rapids, Is.
Mr. Jack Bostock of Glenwood. la,
spent Sunday with Mr. Frank Cockayne
and family,
Mrs. Dr. Lynch of Valentine. Neb., was
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Glen
Jerken, last week.
Mrs. George Sutton was called to New
York City last week by the serious ill
ness of her father.
The Grace Saxe Bible class will meet
Tuesday morning at V) o'clock with
Mrs. John Gants, 4HOJ Hickory street
The 8. D. I. club gave a large dancing
party at the Woodmen hall on Tuesday
evening, with about thirty couples par
ticipating. Miss Henry Evans, who has been visit
ing her .daughter. Mrs. William Wrleth,
for several weeks, has returned to her
home in St. Lawrence, 8. D.
Mrs. T. W. Smith returned Tuesday
from ft week's visit In Bertrand, Neb.
Mra. J. Fermen returned with them and
expects to remain here this winter.
Mrs. Herman Paulsen entertained at a
kenslngton Wednesday 'afternoon, when
covers were laid for Mesdames George
Baldwin. Dave Suttle, Maude Aust,
Glen Gerken. Johnson, Olden, M. Polu,
Charles Buttle.
Mrs. Oscar Grant entertained at lunch-
w.ji ... a
i . ... ' i III I
eon Wednesday for the following gtiests:
Medamea Joseph Ullinore. Theodore
Ilagerman, tlrant. II. V. Ktewart. V. I.
Gllmore and the Mioses Violet Haaer
man and Elisabeth Ullmore.
Mrs. A. J. Wlsler entertained at a
dinner party Thursday evening for Mrs.
Fmest Harvey and Mrs. Tnill Rohlff of
Winnipeg. Canada. The others Invited
were Mr. and Mrs. John Wlsler, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Feger. Mrs. F. Lynch and
Marvin Kohlff.
Mrs. K. A. Winn entertained the of
ficers of the Royal Neighbors laM week.
Those present were: Mcsdames John
W'Uler. A. J. Wlsler, Frank Cockayne.
W. C. Johnson. Scott. F.. .lmmsn, F.d
ward Maack. H. E. Hants. W. I.. (Jll
more, Oeorge Cole. R. J. button. Fred
Tex, 3. It. l.emley. Jay Cole, Allen and
the Misses I.ydla ojid Carrie Wls'.er.
Miss Martha Marshall gave a large
dancing party at her home laft Satur
day evening. Miss Marshall was assUted
by Mrs. 1a Gilchrist and Mrs. J. Young.
Those present were:
MIhspm Mlnscs
Rose Woodard. Kdlih Sprlngburg,
Catherine 'I reemon, Helen Matha.
Hasel James. Clara (iilchrlst.
Helen Strintreser, Jessie Bartlett.
Tllllo Strintreser,
Sara Savldge,
Henry Sunburst,
Ray IMckens,
William Goodwin,
Sidney Fngland.
Chester Rouse,
l.ucilo t'oleman,
.Moi-nnerlle Case.
Messrs .
iihain House.
Allvrt Anderson,
J. Brown.
William La Page.
Social Items
William Gordon Is very III at his home.
Dnvo Andrews Is visiting a sister In
Dea Mclnes.
Mrs. Rennlger 1st he guest of friends at
Wahoo, Neb.
Miss Clara Pllnnt has returned from a
two weeks' vacation.
. . - i . .1
Miss Ada LaBayer spent the last week
I with relatives at De Soto.
Mrs. W. Menrke entertained a few
t frtnria Monrlnv afternoon.
Mrs. Lou Cartwrlnht entertained Thurs
day In honor of a few friends.
Mrs. Ford of Yankton was the guest of
Mrs. L. R. Griffith Wednesday.
Mrs. White of Omaha spent Tuesday
with her sister. Mrs. R. A. Goldlng.
Mrs. S. W. Shelbel has returned from,
Canada, where she spent her vacation.
Mrs. Oscar Duncan of Little Sioux Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Glasgow.
Mrs. A. L. Lynch has been called to
Cheyenne, where Mr. Lynch Is very sick.
Mrs. Harold Reynolds will entertain the
G. O. P. club at her home Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Clarence W. Holtxman and daugh
ters of Kansas City are guests of Mrs.
W. B. Parks.
Mrs. Tuttle and Miss Ruth Tuttle will
go to Denver this week, where they will
v'slt relatives.
Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Johnson of Omaha
were guests of Mrs. W. Barahm Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Webster of Den
ver, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Webster Sunday.
Mrs. Peets and Mrs. Oamble were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Green
Monday evening.
Miss Elisabeth Plats has been spending
the last week with her sister, Mrs. B.
Benton in Omaha.
Miss Carrie Parks will entertain Fri
day at a miscellaneous shower in honor
of Miss Jennie Petersen.
The Ponca Kensington club will meet
at the home of Mrs. Raymond the first
Wedensday in December.
Mrs. Harold Reynolds entertained In
honor of her cousin, Mrs. H. L. Porter
field of Kansas City. Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ingles, who have been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow, re
turned to their home In North Platte, Neb.
Mrs. F. D. Leach was called to Te
kamah the first of the week on account
of the Illness of her mother, Mrs. Pal
rrat'er. . Mr. Harold Reynolds expects to leave
soon for Sioux City, where he will be man
ager for the People's Ice and Cold Storage
Mr. and Mrs. George Green are plan
ning on leaving about the first of De
cember for Yankton, where they will
make their home.
Mr. Iy)Uls Cortwrlght snd Miss Bell
were married Wednesday afternoon by
miv. iwiv.i mum
W .VT-C22ft8)
' I
Ef-. -i
If S I ; 'r
III ,aTi 'r f '
111 " iii'l f
klii'M-i i
1513-15 Douglas Street.
3eula.Dale Turner-
Judg iowery. They are now at home
to their many friends In Florence.
The women of the Chrlfllan church
gave a very successrui cmcnen supper
',., , ,
rresbyterian church will nolJ th
chicken pie
supper the first part of
Numerous Stars
to Appear Later
at the Orpheum
Valeska Suratt Is again to be an Or
pheum headliner. The radiant Suratt Is
gifted with Ideas as well as appearance
and Is as liberal with one as with the
other. She will return with a greatly
embellished edition of her fantasy "Black
Crepe and Diamond."
8am Bernard, high priest of "synco
pated English," Is to be one of the Or
pheum circuit's Important headllners this
season. Mr. .Bernard is one or tne most
popular of American stars. His last
year's stellar medium was "The Belle of
Bond Street," which he played In London
as well aa In America.
The fashion show that was put on orig
inally for the week of October 11 at the
Palace theater. New York, proved such
a success that the engagement was ex
tended and it has been decided to make
of It an annual event. Twenty stunning
models exhibited the latest creative ideas
of Gotham's dress creators.
It Is announced that Anna Held haa
been added to the ltot of vaudeville cele
brities. Her daughter appeared here at
the Orpheum two years ago. ,
Lillian Russell's contemplated return to
the stage Is now a reality. On October SI
the moat radiant star of them all made
her re-entry Into vaudeville at the Palace
theater. New York, bringing some old
and some new songs and a very elaborate
sartorial Investiture. Miss Russell will
continue In vaudeville.
, Mrs. Langtry (Lady de Bath),, who ter
minated her American tour because her
play did not have an American appeal,
U again to make a vaudeville tour. Tits
"Jersey Lily" seen In a one-act
play called "Ashes," written for her by
Fercy Fendell, who. In collaboration with
F. C. Phillips, wrote her greatest suc
cess. "As In a Looking Glass." In
vaudeville Mrs. Langtry will be supported
by members of the company which she
brought from England with her.
The Four Marx brothers, in their new
is tie time to select your
Piano or
Player Piano
Tbe Finest and Best Stock In the
City to Holert from.
Upright Piano of Reliable
Htftiidard Makes
$175 to $800
Player Pianos
$375 to $1,000
Grand Pianos
$455 to $2,000
Including the renowned and
world premier
Mason & Hamlii
Thm High ft Prietd Piano
in thm World
Terms to suit the most modest
pocket book.
Cat This Cbupon Off, as4 Kail
ToaUrbt A. jtua vw.
Without obligation on mv m-t,
mall photoirraphs and description
f pianos, player-pianos and icraiid
Street and No.
' !
rn I
, . Si
i, v . A
'Pack Home." have entered
jvnudevil'.o and will be seen at the
I' Orpheum the week of November 2. One
of the brothers, Julius Marx Is said to
. be a rlngrr for Sam Bernard and could
easily be mistaken for Mr, Reman!.
Julius Is a Hutch comedian. There are
twenty In the company presenting "Back
Miss Farrar Tells
of Way Entrance in
Movies Was Received
A vast amount of dlscusMon was I
caused last spring when It was an- I
no::nc d thrt t'craldio Farrar, the great '
American singer, who Is now making a i
concert toi:r. was golnjr to !.os Angeli s I
to pose for motion rl'tures. S.ime of her
fr'f'nrts sr.d o few of her coller.,Tues hrl I I
up tlrlr hands In holy horror st th
Idea, cnrsUlc:'lng It unworthy of her art '
and the place she held In It. M1.H Farrar '
eouU not ro It In way st all She
believes that for artists "the movies'.
are at least aa legltlma'. as the talk- I
Ing machines and no question has ever
been raised about Iho latter. She believes
that all the people In America who hear
her voice In a talking marhlno likewise
would like to see her In eome of her roles
and for all but a comparative few of the
W.C,coo In the Vnlted States this s
Impossible. She says that the general
public, according to her mall, throughly
approved of her venture. Speaking of It
she sd recently:
I Rot onlv tetters expressing sstls-
factlon and enthusiasm llh my deci
sion. Most of those who wrote took tho
view that, since they had only been able
to make my acquaintance through phon
ograph records, pictures and articles,
they would be glad to see me on the
screen to get an Idea what my characters
were In action. Most of these letters
enme from small towns, many of them
that I had never even heard of.
"There were a few from operatic col
leagues, departed after the breakup of
the season, who said they were glad t
had 'gone Into the movies,' aa that bel
established a precedent for them."
The Methodist church at Benson has
added over fifty members, organised a
brotherhood and reorganised the choir
with Mrs. F. L. Rumpus as leader. The
choir will be robed for the first time
at today's (Sunday) service.
The Methodist brotherhood was organ-
Paxton & Gallagher
We announce a special Thanksgtv
mr Sale of genuine diamonds, htau
tUul welUspread stonns, from 125 up.
.ill wonderful values. Home priced at
60 nnd are regular 160 values. To.i
would lo dellKhlnd to wear and own
one of these genuine sparkllnr dls
.unnds l'cir and take your choice of
any Diamond In our house.
Z.a TaDlare.
D- -- "ew
JTo. Men's ina-
tnond King, l
prong T o o t n
nouiUor 14-k
dd.... $80
ti.aa a Woek.
(toftis rerfaetlo
Mo. TI 1- V si
ller, solid gold,
beautifully de
slgnsd hand
made. 1 fine Dia
mond, mmn u I n e
fearl Irop 11 in.
8-l.Lad"tea- Dia
mond Hins. 14k aoil4
ol4. Lufiu "Op.
Biountln . Nr w
5 acoatk
Sr.?4 1 4
OreUt Terms t '.
tM ft Monti. I
13 BROS & COL Opwlts
Now for Thanksgiving as essential to jftH,
your good dinner, as turkey, is
"""Coffee L ;
r ' ' ' Ti Tir niiiiiiiiigMii sum in i nwiiHisi Bfjn iirnimirsafTi i r p g. J 11 - 11 ' r --ktM m' -t - - - --
Ilea with the following officers: Presi
dent, Leon Plckcnson; vice-president, J.
C. Edwards; secretary, 3. M. Pulley and
Paul McDonald; assistant treasurer, J. H.
s me j'apusi qusrxeriy neoi m iiru-
son Friday elcht circles were repre- I
sented and the lmmanuat circle led In j
the amount of monry used for mlsrlonw
since the last repr-rt. The local circle
will hold a meeting nett Friday at the I
home of Mrs. John Klssell. !
The women of the F.ngllsh Lutheran .
church held a baranr'nnd chicken aupper
last Tucdoy and next Tuesday evening
'the women of the Augustana church will
hold a haianr.
H. F. FredrlcV.son has returned from a
May of several tl:ys In Denver on busi
ness. Z
Tells IIow To Opn Clocpeo! Nos
trils and End Head-Colds.
You ten line In u few moments. Your
cold In head or catarrh will be gone.
Your clogged nostrils ulll open. The air
passsgca of your head will clear snd you
can breathe freely. No more dullness,
I headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous
discharges or dryness; no struggling for
breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a smatl
bottle of Kly's Cream Balm. Apply a
little of thla fragrant, antiseptic cream
In your nostrils, let It penetrate throngh
even' ntr rr.rsngo of the head; soitlie
and heal the swollen, Inflamed mucous
membrane, nnd relief comes ir.itently.
it Is Just what ev rv cold and ratnrrh
sufferer nerds. Don't stay stuffed-up
and miserable. Advertisement.
411 Ho. Ifllh 8t. Cily Nntlonnl Bank IMtlg.
Vlth a complete stock of the market's most seasonable and prettiest
flowers. .......
All kinds of Floral deslgng for funerals. Beautiful flower ef
fects worked out for weddings and other social functions. ' ' .
We will appreciate your patronage. ...
Co., Omaha.
Suggestions for
Gifts That Aro
Worth While
fXanmnd King" 118 0 up
Diamond 1. Vail teres It 00 up
Diamond Urooches 7.0 up
Diamond liar lJtns 1.0 up
Dia.rvni Dockets M OO un
Diamond Kar Hcrews IIS. 00 up
Diamond Bracelets til. 00 up
DIui.'U nd Set Watches, solid old
at US "P
Watch Kracelete, solid sold. I?4. 76 un
Watch Bracelets. loll filled 111 U tip
'VatrhC'S, soll'l gold 114 0 m
Hmcelete. solid void 110.00 up
Prof elds, sold filled ....... .11.00 up
Diamond Cuff Dinks ts.OO up
Diamond flcarf I'lns 14 80 up
Diamond Hnuls 11(1.00 uo
KmMem Ulngs I 00 up
Planet Rings -...14. SO up
Oold Filled Watches. .110.00 up
Ho'l.l Hold Coat Cha'ns IS 00 un
Onld Filled Coat Chains. ... IT. SO un
Solid Oolrl Fot M.OO uo
Solll Oold Cuff Links 14.60 up
We rarry a complete line of sold
jewelry, hand havs. vanity cases, solid
bilverwar. and fine plated ware, cut
class, clocks, toilet articles in seta
snd slnxle nieces, and a full stock of
no elites for the cai buyer as well
as on charge account.
National Credit Jewelers
Mala loo. City Vattoaal Baak 110.
Bftrgssajraali Ce. Xepe-tsa. knore.
Where Quality
Reigns Supreme
Exrrv city has a lewelry store
that stan'N st the top Is rerog
nlwd ns the nica? Tl'ice In which
to huv, snd l.i noted for the su
periority of Its w frts. ' The Albert
Kdholm cMnbll'ihment occupies
thin poMt'on In Cmohn. -
l.!re nnalllv relgni supreme,
and prims are n reasonable ns
nnv in the ountrv for sama ex
ecll in nrt:c.i.
t mrhn Is Invited to this store
t-i tee oar exn-lt'nn of exquisite
platinum r.muntctl pieces, the
chnire crentioi r of our Uastern
ir.;irec tions.
De .ritpurns of our glorlovs gems
tn sll the TrK st durante and heau
tlfil styica are Idle. They hold, it
seems, the greatest beauty of the
wild and reflor the Integrity,
distinctive ehnTeter and moderate
rirlces of the F.riholm Store. Your
nspectlon of our selections Is re
quested. You are under no obliga
tions to buy. Suggestions gladly
Omnhft's Oldest EsfaMlslietf
Sixteenth nnd Harney St.
Apnrtments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent." '
. rxrr. -V
InclunVd In this eale Is a fine. Una of
Vatcies, Open Face or Hunting Case,
solid gold and sold filled' ail stand aril
novementa Illinois, Klein. Waltham,
etc. Vou are always sure of exact tlmn
whei you purchase a Watch at LOFTia
nUOS. fts CO. We a-uarantee every Watcii
e S"U. and our prices are always low
est, fcvervthin confidential.
xast oupr nuu .i -
12 Size Thin "cdsl Elgin
a v
To. UPS Cases a-., uuuble stock' rold
filled, wa'ranted for 26 years. Ma
ipollshed or beautifully ene-rav.1 V I
rkoas Soarlas 1444 aa4 Owr f nlis
maa Win Call With Articles BeareC
Call or write for Catalog No. 0J.
0V MILT TXtS, If.'at, '