Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, SOCIETY AMUSEMENTS, Page 2-B, Image 14

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Interesting Questa.
Ml Helen Tat and M1h rrtofn OrK-
srshauaen, house rueita of Mr. F. IT. '
Col, whe rvtnrncd to their horn Friday '
renins, are among many of tha globe
trotting Americana who are awing their i
ewi country, and aaneclaJly tha went '
and mM-west, for tha flrat time. Miss 1
Oekernheusen, who la eloaa kin to the j
Field. Reoeerelt and Vaaderbllt families
of New Tork, shewed tha greateat Intrr-1
t in western conditions and affaire.
Both rlsttors returned home expressing
themselves aa glad that they had awn in
an lotlmata way a great aectloa of their
own country.
Research Club Affair.
Tha Research olnb will entertain at a
ThaBkagtvlng card party at I o'clock
Monday evening at the ' Knights of
Colurobua home. The hostcssr of the
ecaaton will be Mra. Harry Burklcy
and ' Mra. C. W. Hamilton, aaalated by
Mra. John Bueche and Misses Harvey
Reward, Mary Carter, Alice MePhane.
Veronloa O'Connor and Sophia Mc
KllllB, Social Affair Planned.
Tha Retina club will give a card party
and danoa Tuesday evening In Centurion
hall, (tenth Bide. 1
Tha South Side Procreaalve Card club
will give tta annual Thankaglring party
Monday evening at the club hall.
A number of the evening high achool
etudenta have formed a dancing club
called tha "Evening High Bohool Mixers."
eorreapondlng to tha Central "High
Achool Spirits."
, Mr. and Mra. William U Holaman will
ba at home Informally to all their
frlenda at 104 South Thirty-eighth street,
Sunday afternoon and evening. Novem
ber a. In honor of their guest, Mlaa
Rosalie Rchmuckler.
The plan la to have a dancing cub
that will hold together throughout the
year and the danrea will be given espo
rlally for tha atudenta of tha night
erhool, although outalders will be ad
mitted. Tha flrat (lance will be given
on Saturday evening, November 17, at
tha Hotel Roma ballroom. Oliver Klckura
la obairman of tha committee on ar
rangement. Wedding- Plant.
On Thursday afternoon at i o'clock
Miaa Anna Orloff, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. lxuts Orloff of Foreat Farm, and
Joaeph I. Holland, ton of Mr. and Mra.
A. Holland of thla city, will be united
In marriage by Rabbi Frederic Cohn.
Miaa Orloff la a graduate of Nebraska
Bute unlveralty. Mr. Holland and hta
bride will make thelr.homa In Chicago.
Mr. and Mra. C. C Cope, ar., announce
tha engagement of their daughter,
lAiiretta, to Earl Hllillng Parker, the
wedding to take place In December.
Entertain Foot Ball Team.
The Vnlveralty "Mixers" club will en
tertain tha Crelghton unlveralty foot bail 1
team at a dancing party at the Hotel
Fontenelle Tuesday evening. The affair
will be chaperoned by the ntenlhere of tha
athletic board of thd anlvereltj' and their
w'vea. Attendance a reetrlo'tVd to atu
t'enta and alumn) of the university.. Tha
chaperonca will be: , , .. '''
Meaara. and Mrertamoe-
T. C. liru, T. V.. Redmuud,
J. V. Oscl. - ht. J. McVartni
U. A. Crelghton, . J. V. nalln. .
Moaara ' Mcum- - . '..
Vitn U. IMitler, K.Walker. .
V. J. Hurklny. V.. Wine. "
Tha guuata will b-W. V arret.'
Captain J. tfhktinoii.C Stuart.
ManaKer J. Martin, i. Manny,
Coacn Mllia.
It. t'allntmn. '
Coach lluward,
C. Mgro,
A. Sullivan. .
K. Kieiianr.-'
T. Meully, .'
J. Hale,
'A. loty, k
V, Morgan, -
A. Itourke,
M. Fiamcaan,
J. Stanku,. .
K. I'lata.
C. Luts.
' 1
11. Gray.
H. Htapleton,
K. Urey.
H. Stapl
xd. .
W. lirennan.
Bance Postponed, : ; . :
The Toung Married Folks' Danotng uk
hac, poatponed Indefinitely . the danoa
'which waa to bo given Wednaaday even
ing, November M
.Paat'Festiyitiei. .'..-' . ' 'y
Mra A. B.'williama waa hoateaa Thura
' day tor a meeting of the V Volt Kan
.iingtoni'elub at luncheon.
. ; Mra Bea Elrod entertained Friday avo-
elng for her a later, Mlaa Ann Koakey,
' who will aoon leave for Detroit.
Mrs. Bert Illanchard waa hoataaa for
'thS Monti Cello club Tueaday .at a 1
o'clock luncheon. followed ' by auction
bridge. Oueeta of tha club were Mra. J.
J. MoAUIater and Mlaa Mabel Malchor.'
Covers were laid for:
Mesdamea '' Maadamna '
H. Novak. . C. A. Malchor.
J. M. Tanner. J. JMcAllleter,
W. M. lleeelmlre, B. llancijard.
William Anderaon, C. RHy,
Ft. Farka
Mlaa Mabel Malchor.
'December Bridei.
A Deoamber bride will be Mlas Ruth
jevans. third daughter of Mr. and Mra
Richard R- Evana Mlaa Bvana' mar
riage to Mr. Hugh Henry Harper will
' b aolemaiaed la the latter part of Da
Mlaa Alice Maude Gatea. daughter of
.Mr. and Mra William Howard Oatea.
wboae marriage to Mr. La Roy French
Johnaton of Oraaetta, Arts.; will make
. her one of tha December brides.
Penonal Mention,
Mlas Avtlda D. Moor returned Friday
afternoon from Orchard.
Mra Nancy i. Meore and sons are mov
ing tnte the Drake apartmianta
Mrs. .William Tracy Bums, who la vis
iting In the east, la expected home Mon
' day week, '
Mr. Wendell W. Moore went to Linoola
: Friday afternoon te remain over Satur
day for tha -Nebraska-Iowa foot ball
game. Mr, Moors was a gueat at the
Delta Tan Delta fraternity house.
Dr. Mary jr. Breckenridge. who has
len ylatUag bar daughter, Mra R, W.
vrecfcearldca. for the last three month a,
eft Tueaday morning for - Aberdeen.
Wash , to vUit her daughter, Mra tL p.
In and Ont ef the Bee Hire.
Mr. and Mra Freak Hamilton returned
rburedey fram New Tork,
Mra Charles T. Kountse returned Sat
urday from a few days spent In Cleve
land, O., where she went to see her son.
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith and
daughter. Ml Harriet Huntington
Smith, rvtM"be4 this morning from Chl-
raso, where they spant a faw daya
Mr. G. W. WatUis returnod Tueaday
Vora New Tork, where Mra. Watt lee re
nain4 with his aiater, Mra Mclluh.
J re Wat tire la Improving la health.
Mra. J. H. Carae has returned home.
Anna Orloff
after vlaltfng the lust two month in
Okland, Cel., wltn her alater, Mra. Love
D., and her son and family, Went
worth Carae.
Dr. and Mra. I R. Fluahman, who were
married hnre October 20 and who have
been on a momh'a honeymoon trip, will
return to Omaha' Monday. The trip In
cluded vlnlta at Chicago and New Orleans
and two weeks spent at Havana
Notes of Interest. :.
Mra. Anthony Merrill and Mra William
K. Martin of Omaha have been In Molina
and Evanaton recently, where Mra. Mer
rill has been giving lectures. Mra Martin
has gone to . Detroit tj arrange for a
course of lectures there.
John J. Hsnlghen, Jr., In his third year
at Cornell, was last week elected to the
Bavaga dub of that unlveralty, a coveted
honor and one which goes only to ths
musical or dramatlo mon of the unlver
alty. The club was atarted In UM and, la
a branch of the actors' olub of the same
name In London. Mr. Hanlghea ' la a
member of the' Cornell Olas dub and
loured with It last winter during tb
solldajrsi ,, ' i ,v, ';
v. v ' '
Byrd-Yeati, Weddlngr.
The marriage of Mlaa Mar Teats,
daughter of Mr. and Mra D. O. Teats,
and Mr. Forrest W. liyrd. waa Celebrated
Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the
(lood Shepherd Kplacopal church. Rev,
Thomas O. Collar offlolatlng.
Mrs. Carol Marhoff ntu played ths
tjohetigrln wedding march on ths pips
organ for the entrance of the bridal
party, the marriage lines being read be
fore an altar of pink and yellow chrys
anthemums and ferns.
. The bride was moat attractive In1 tier
white' satin gown, fashioned with , the
draped bneque bodloe and trimmed with
pearls. The bridal veil of white tulle
was held In place with Ullea ef ths valley
and the bride carried an arm bouquet of
lilies of the valley and brlde'a maea.
Mlaa Susan Teat a, alater of the. bride,
waa the maid of honor. Miss Teats wore
pink crepe da meteor with pearl trim
mine; and carried an arm bouquet of
pink, chryennthemum, ,
Mlaa Lola Byrd and Mlaa Beulah Byrd,
alater of the groom, were the brides
maid. . Miss Lola Byrd wfes gowned In
pale green, crepe de meteor with' allver
lace trimming and carried 1tnk chrys
anthemums, whils Miss Beulah Byrd
Wore yellow crepe de mter trimmed
wltflfuld Uoa and carried yellow chrya
antheanuma The bridesmaids wore plo
ture hats, matching their costumes.
Miss SUU a Rich and Miss Ruth Thomp
sstt at retched whits satin ribbons for ths
bridal party.
.Mr. Clifford Kelly at ' OMmefl Bluffs
waa the" beat nan and .the uahera war
Mr. Wtnfleld Scott and Mr. Cecil Veay.
After a wedding supper at ths home of
ths brlde'a parents, ths young eoupie left
for a short wedding trip. On their return
they will be at home In Omaha.
Honor Bride-Elect
.Wednesday evening a party ef O'Neill
young people came to Omaha and rare
a mlacetlaneoua shower to Miss Mary
1 "V:
f , ' ,vv ' 4 1
l - ( K ' ' t
A ;- - A A : -- . -
State House Poetess Writes
Ode to Pare Food, "By Jing"
Miss Helen Carraher of the Stat Hotel
eonunlsaton, who has attained consider
able publicity because of her poems,
whloh have begun to appear at different
times, and who is known as ths "Stats
House Poeteaa," haa contributed a poeia
to "purs food, which appoars In thla
month's Issue of Food Commissioner Her
man's food Journal and Is dedicated to
Thanksgiving day. The poem la as fol
Oh. thou life preserver. Food!
xng before man ever chewed
The firai cry lie ever mewed
Waa (or you;
And since thun. be tolled and save
Day by day great trials he braved.
C'haalrd. stole and mwbehaved
Ills life UirousU.
Oh, the homes that have been wea
And the hairy livea begun
V hea some mother a baudaoms son
Ate a meal
Fashioned by the dainty hand
Of some Her wfce noreiaMls
. How d i .ton oft commands
Cupid's dtal.
Scientist will all concede
That the food vn l.lih we feed
Makes - pood or tad, indted,
fume or wild.
And the 11 an who gvia ahead.
L'J " ' ay aa-. a j
. - - ; : j
; y ,
i ? , J !
St V, j
s' V ''V I i
f , ' - . .: :
f 1 f fir J
Murray, whoae marriage to Mr. James
Cain will be olemn'ie,l Monday.
Kriday evenlni Mln Arah Lama en
tertained at a kitchen ahower for Mlaa
Murray. Thoee preaent were:
Mlaaee Mlaaea--Helen
Murray, Uliih-th Kaln,
Arah Lama, Mary Helen Kelley.
Merv Holen H-len Mary Car-
McDonald, mody.
TTianksfriTinq. with Social Set.
Three tlg foot ball gamea within the
week, the Tate-Hnrvard Saturday at
Cambridge, the rennaylvnnla-Cornell
Thankanlvlng day In Philadelphia, and
i the Army and Navy In New Tork next
Saturday, make Thankaglvlng week a
merry one for the boye and glrla eaat at
oollege and achool, for moat of them
manage to take In one or more of the
games. Among ths Omaha boys and girls
at Saturday's gams were: Mlas Naomi
Towle. Mlaa Raging Cnnnell. Miss Eliza
beth Reed. Mia Clara Hart, Jarvl Of
futt, Iaaae Carpenter, Jr.; Clarence-and
Douglas Peters, Frits Ruchols, Malcolm
Bnldrlge, Judaon Squlrea and probably
many more.
Mlaa Florence Neville, who Is at Ogonts,
will spend Thankairlvlng In Philadelphia
with a school friend, snd will attend ths
gams there and alao the Army and Navy
gams In New Tork. .
Mlaa Virginia Offutt Is to be the gueat
of her roommets, Mlas Buahnell of Now
Tork, for Thanksgiving and will attend
ths Army and Navy game Saturday.
Mlaa Margery Smith from Pryn Mawr
will see both ths big gamea next week.
Mlaa Emily Keller, who la to be the
guest of Mr. and Mra J. II. Molntosh at
Yonksr for Thanksgiving, will sss ths
Army and Navy gama
Mlas Josephine Congdon will spend the
Thankagivlng vacation from Vasaar with
her aunt at Mount Vernon and a day or
ao at the Blltmore In New Tork with
Mlas Oracs Alltaon and Miss Carlta
O'Brien and a chaperon. Theas girls have
chosen ths Blltmore because of ths Ice
akatlng link which Is to be opened In
connection with It. and have sent for
their skates preparatory V .taking up
ths new fad, which, ts said to be usurp
ing' ths' place ef dancing. . '
Ths Millard boys, Joseph, Ray and WH
lard, ar to be with therr aunt. Mra
Oeonr Chrlatlancy, near. New Tork, for
their vacation, and Jerri Offutt and Al
bert Blbbernnv Francis Oa,ln and a
number of other Omaha boys will be In
New Tork at that time.
Mlas Brna Reed will be In Boston, ths
guest of her roommate at Vasaar, for
Thankagivlng. Judaon Squires will at
tend the debut dance of Miss Mary Buck
nor at Rlverdate, just above New Tork
City, the day after Thanksgiving. Mlaa
Buckner will be remembered a( the young
girl who vlalted Mra.. Erneat ' Hart In
Council Bluffs last summer. . .
Mlas Eathsr Wilhelin will go from Miss
Spence's school to Philadelphia with
Mlas Kathartn Baum for ths Thankagiv
lng vacation.
Mlaa Ruth Kinaler will remain In Wash
ington with frlenda.
Denman Kountse will go to Indlanapo
lis for Thankagivlng with his aunt. Mra
Meredith Nicholson. :.
Miss Alice Rushton goes to New Haven
to spend her vacation from Miss Mason's
sohool at Tarrytown with a claaainata.
Mis Elisabeth .Fresentua .
Robert Edwards will go down from Cor
nell with his parents, Mr. and Mra H.
O. Edwards, to attsnd ths Philadelphia
Miss Virginia Crofoot will spend
Thanksgiving In Philadelphia with
At Excelsior Springs'.
Mra Thomas Latham Davis la spending
two week at Exoelslor Springs and will
be home In time for Thanksgiving. Bar
father, Mr. John 8. Brady, went down
with bar. but cams horns ths latter part
sf last week.
Mr, and Mra Fred Cuacaden. Mr. J,
A. Cavers and Mr. James Paxton, who
motored down, and Mr. and Mra C. F.
Waller and Mr. J. Clark Colt, ail came
home from ths Springs Monday. Mr. and
Mra Frank Ranaom returned a few days
earlier. Mr. and Mra O. W. Wlckersham
hva been spending ths week at the
Nine) times eut of tea. Us said.
it s ine purs mux be was fed
vvnen a onuu.
Oh. ths tragedies you bring
And ths dirges that men eing
And ths f un ral tolls that ring
Jut for voul
And we little realise
While we eat our tarts and plas
' We're preparing for the akles
W hile we chew I
Many brave deeds havs been dared
Many noble live, have been spared.
Just because thuu were prepai-ed
Pure and well.
Harpv famlllea have been smashed
Battles lost and kingdoms erash-d
From bad food, and souls been dashed
Into Helll
Food, thou mendest many breaks,'.
mm km s. nis cans ana a4
And Is mollified by steaks
ana ty sups;
Boclal intercourse were flat
Weodlnss, f.aal-daya and ail that'
Were lbre not the frteudly chat
O'er the cups.
' ' What were old Thankagivlng day.
Mla.a.d food, with you away.
And no grata nor toasta to ssy
When we meot?
io we'll si I join handa and aing
1 hanks to f.wid. pure food, by Jing!
And let tne merry Jny b.-lls ring
WhUe t eat'
rfrv moto
Springs and may be home today or Mon
day. Mr. Jack Baldwin Is another Omaha
visitor at the Springs.
For St. Louis Guest.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roblnaon enter
tained at dinner Tuesday evening, at
their home in honor of their gueata, Misa
Florence Roblnaon and Colonel Roblnaon
of St. Loula. The tablo wua In red and
white and novel place carda conta'nlnK
conundrum gave the gueata a chance to
show their cleverness at guessing. Among
thoae present were:
Mlases Mlases
June Brown, . " Eleanor Mocker.
Luclle Hrown, Anne CJIflord.
r rance uocnatetler,
Fred Daughr.rty,
Robert Switiler,
Dr. Hall.
Jack Summers.
St. Berchman's Entertains.
The senior clasa of St Berchman's
academy entertained at their flrat annual
dancing party at Chambers' academy
Tueaday evening. The hall was beauti
fully decorated with pennants and the
class colors. The young ladles who at
tended Include: '
Misses Mary Drummy,
Mlaes- Merls Ousted.
Henrietta C. West. . Jean Wallace.
.Elizabeth 1 Redmanuuth Wheeler,
Agnes N. Bushman, Ruth Oalncs.
Vivian K, Foley, Agnes (Jfntleman,
Clare M. May, Irene Helehanty,
Loretta M. Ryan, Lucille Brown,
Kathleen M. MfCran Marguerite Fallon,
Ruth L Wheeler, Mildred Werts,
Martha I. Oalnea. Htella Roblnaon.
Marcella Kavanaugh(ary O Orady.
Agnes O Oraday, Marie Monohue,
FJleen Edwarda. Helen Sturaeon,
Margaret Morrison, H-len Hutchlns,
Father Panlela, T.larle Watt
Kamllla Kane. Margaret Ortman,
Iorothy Flemmlng, Gertrude Reck.
Mildred McCrann, nuth Gentleman.
Vivian Foley.
Jeaale Neale.
Franola Wntcrman,
Luclle Srhall,
Helen Belael
Oladye Crook,
Olndva Tate.
Mmlcllne Mulvlhlll,
Clair Cromwell,
Annabel Flnclalr,
Fleen Ovnter.
Mildred Collina.
Mnrcella Kennedy,
Mona Roaalter.
rertruHe Cobry,
Mamie Folv,
Adelaide Fotrer,
FVancea Udell.
Kntherlne Fnellah,
Kthel Maaney.
Dorothv Merirlam.
F.llen Nnah,
Mara-nret Williams,
Mnrsraret Savage,
MarceMa Honlton,
Ruth Nortnan.
Mary Kennedy,
Ruth Reatv,
telon O'Prlen,
Florence Hamneon,
?'rv MArrlaon,
Flale Foilrea.
Marion McMartln,
Tla. Krueer.
Florence MWrann,
bertha Ooodnll,
Esther Connolly.
Margaret O'Nell,
lnlao Bollars.
The pafrona and patroneaaeg were
Meaara. and Meadamea
f. V. Weat
.T J. TTannlchen.
T. T. Redmond. '
F. Hamilton,
A. A. nalnca,
Jamea May,
P. W. Oalnes,
William Hannon.
T. Quintan.
TV. M. rtttahman.
J. P. Redman,
John B. Hasken.
Mlas N. Bushman,
Cfnngsm Dance.
Ths Clnosam Dancing club wffl hold
Its second party at Scottish Rite eathe-1
drel Wednesday evening. The date for
thla dance was changed from Thursday
evening, ths regular night, to Wedneaday
svsnlng on account of Thursday being
Twinkle Diner Dance.
Tha Twinkle club will give a dance &tj
the Hotel Rome ball room Tuesday eve-1
nlng. preceded by a complimentary dln-i
ner given by Mr. snd Mrs. Rome MUler
and ths Twinkle club to the parents of
girl guests of ths Twinkle club.
To Honor Bride.
Mrs. B. J. Outnans and Miss Mabel
Carlson entertained at a miscellaneous
shower at the horns of Mra Outnans, on
Tuesday, to honor of Mrs. A, R. Tate,
formerly Mis Bertha Thornberg of Lin
coln. Those present weret
A. R, Tate.
F. Oulnane.
W. Dlneen,
Hasi-l Thombertr.
Kdlth Vcnderholiu,
Catherine Paul,
O. A Waah.
George KlnimeL
K. J. Gulnane.
Anna Paul.
Violt Carlson.
Mamta Ilnen
Mabel Carlson.
Mlaa Mabel Carlaon entertained at a
dinner on Tuesday evening In honor of
Mr. and Mra A. R. Tate of Wood Lake.
Those preeent were:
Messrs. and Meedames
A. R. Tate.
K. J. Oulnana
UrtAen Mlsaee
Hasel Thornberg, Mabel Carlson.
Violet Carlson.
Messrs. . 7
Ous Klmmel, A. 8. Carlson.
Fred Carlson,
jjeWS 0f tlie Wayfarers.
Mr. snd Mra H. O. Fil wards havs gone
east snd will spend Thanksgiving In I
Philadelphia with their son Robert, who
j U st Cornefl. and Who win go to PhTla-
delpnia tor ine rmni'mnia jornu game
that dsy.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford saw tha
Harvard-Yals foot ball game at the H.r
vard stad uin Saturday. ' Mr. Crawford,
vtho is a Yule man, aat In the Yalo tc-
- " "-v.: '
!t,on- Mr- n'1 Mr"' Crawford are expected
home the flr?t of the year.
Mlas Luclle Bacon has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. May on Hyde Park boule
vard in Chlcax. and Is expected home
Monday. Mlaa Bacon ha been the honor
gueat at a number of entertainments dur-
,1ns her atay. Including a dinner-dance at
! the South Shore Country club.
; Mr. end Mra Barton Millard and. Mr.
, and Mra. Lout 8. Clarke, who hav been
'n California for the pat five weeke,
1 have sprnt moat of the time motoring
outh from San Fmnclaro and laat week
were at Coronalo. They will return by
motor to Ix Angeles and from there
wll come east by train by way of the
Or.-ird fanyon, arrlvlnn here about De-
'. cemher 1.
Et-A-Virp Dance.
The Et-A-VIrp club gave a dance at the
Rom" hotel Tuesday evrnlt:ir. Thoae prea-
ent were:
I.llll Itohlff
A L. l.l. rk
CliMla liri
Taullno Fajkner
Rfulnh Maxwell
Irene Sullivan
J'-anette Wilson
Marlon Staples
June Oaf ford
Krll Itipmham
Cfrtrurl" Anthea
Mprte Hynek
It'ith Reynold
Mabel Beocher
Anna Offerman
Winifred Loree
Clara Hrhuebel
Helen Keating
C-race Barber
Theresa Flanagan
Sndlo Noonan
Katherlne Wilcox
Mary Taylor
Hlnni-he Htaplea
HoaMle Reynold
Mnhel Miller
Beu'ah Hotrhkl
Mildred Iedlm
Irene Hlgbee
Oorge Steele
Roy .uiisjtrave
Frank Sullivan
W. V. Sellers
1 Hanson
A. J. Jackaon
Victor H. Roos
Frank B. Helntis
Frank J. Penny
F. A. Robbln
W. A. Weaterllng
W. J. Palmer
Arthur J. Offerman
Ueorge Rowlea
L. U Soderberg
Robert Nblaon
A. R Swanaon
Charlea Rrttt
Charles Aaeman
n. 8. Ymmg
P. F. Orlawold
P. K. Orlawold
A. 8. Nurae
F. Keaenhart
O. Kin if
L. E. Anthony
Freeman Bradford
M"ssf and Meadamea
T. M. Palling Hayes Oaantuer '
O. M. Miilmrom c. H. Rock
B. J. Kuhn
MacDonald-Horne Wedding. ,
One of the prettleet weddings of the
season took place Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
snd Mrs. W. W. P. Horns, when their
daughter. Myrtle Clare, became the bride
of Mr. Peter McDonald, Rev. Thomas
Anderson officiating. To ths strains o
the wedding march played by Mies Myrtle
Hayden, the bridal party came down tha
stairway led by ths matron of honor,
Mrs. Howard Horns, and ths bride's maid,
Mlas Mart ret Barry. Following cams the
bride leaning n the arm of her father.
They were met In ths living room by ths
(Continued on Page Three CoL One)
The Diamond takes pre
cedence In the list or
gift poBBlblllties. Early
glft-eeekers will be de
lighted with the Jewels In
our collection, which In
clude: ,
Rraceleta Cluster Rings
Pendants Circle Brooches
Rar Pins Sautolrs
Scarf Pins Solitaires
Lavalllerea Necklaces
Dinner Rings
Flawless In auaJltv and
workmanship, moderate In
firice If you cannot oome
n we will gladly arrange
the sendlnr of a seiectiou
for examination.
Jewelry Co.
403 So. 16th St.
City National Bank
Raisins. Currants, Citron, Orange
snd Lemon Peel. Cider Mines
Meat. Plum Pudding and Fruit
Cake. Bellevue Celery.' Cranberries
and Sweet Potatoes. Layer Rais
ins. Figs. Dates and Staffed Dates.
Nuts and Shelled Nuta.
nA.cs Tovm odx majaxT.
H. Duffett (SL Son
TsL XKsnsT. via.
When of Roast Turkey,
Mince Pie, and of guch
You have eaten enough
or wee bit too much.
Just reach In thla box of
fresh, wholesome gum
And out you will pull
a digestive Spruoe Oum.
Such la the delightful little
Terse appearing on a card w
which la attached a tiny box
containing a tasty bit of Spruce
Oum. These used as place cards
for your Thanksgiving Dinner
Party will start the feast with a
smile, set your guests at ease,
and relieve them of all sense of
formality. ,'
It Is lust one of the many
pretty table favors we are
showing. Come to see our col
lection; surely you will find
something which will Just suit
Book and Stationery Store
1030 Harney Fboee D, 3lt
Opposite Boyd Theatre . .
rt I l
, ; '''I t-.;.v:v'' ,
, tSLiT-Irt f " fill ail
Do not fall to hear th great American Soprano, supported by
the World's Greatest Piano
STEIXWAV GltM)S, In beautiful satin mahoffanr cse Ca
now bn purchased nt the unusual low price of $750. Uprights In
mahogany rases ftSOO.
Convenient term of payment If desired. Your old Mina will
be taken as part payment. We would be pleased to have you call
at our Stclnwny pnrlors and see and hear these world-famed Instru
ments. Art Booklet Free to All Visitor.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farncm Street, Omaha, Neb.
Exclusive Steinway R prcHntatlves for Nebraska and Western Iowa,
T. L, Combs & Co.
1520 Douglas Street - - - Omaha
WMte or colored, fur collars, muffs or coats, we clean
and make them soft and bright as new.
"We guarantee perfect work, and are responsible in
case of loss by fire or theft.
Repeated cleaning does not injure white furs send
them often; also send us your Seal or Mink garments; you
probably do not realize how much soil and germs they
contain. . . .
White Muff and Collar ft. 25 to ft .BO
Colored Muff and Collar l.OO to 1.&Q
Children's Muff and Collar SO to .75
Seal or Mink Coats '. , . 2.60 to M.Bq
White Coats . 2.60 to 8.00
Tou can't get better work than we do anywhere or at any price.
Bend us a trial order along with your other cleaning.
"Good Cleaners and Dyers'' .
1518-15-17 Jones St. Phone Doug. 90S.
2016 Faraam St. Pbone Doug. 1720.
South Side, 4708 So. 24th St. Phone So. 1268.
N. B. We pay P. P. charges one way on all out of town orders.
Write for complete Price List.
At the Old Stand
16th and Douglas Streets
At the Sign of the Crown, Up the Golden Stairs.
Watch for Our Oiristmas Opening
VI K IK. mwtA nnjivilala rrutlniu in . . - T i .... ..
At prices not to be found elsewhere. Souvenirs for the ladles at our
Christina. Opening Display, Monday, No?ember 29th
j See real estate columns for bargains
The Greatest American Soprano
VYlioae) name has been widely
hrralriexl in America and
Enrope, who ap?er la .
Tuesday Evening,
November 23d,
at. m
Omaha Auditorium
L'sen and endorraes the Stelnway
Piano In preference to all
With a larger and mors varied stock
of beautiful and approprlats Xmas
gifts (than ever before.
The careful Christmas shopper ap
preciating that only the highest stand
ards have prevailed at this store for
over 25 years naturally turna to
ward Santa Combs at this season.
Santa Combs has been preparing
for months, for the Tuletlde season
and today hla mart Is over brimming
with gifts for mother, father, brother,
elster or sweetheart.
But don't wait until Decem
ber 24 th before you decide to
buy. Come in tomorrow avoid
the regular eleventh-bour rush
enloy your ehorolng by do
ing It NOW.
'"'' 1