Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, News Section, Page 10-A, Image 10

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At the Omaha
Automobile Club
Omaha ht)t a "look In," at laat, at
North and South highway, by tha rout
In touching Kansas City. After all. a
mere nam 1 not going to mak tnr i hrart
highway "tha main road." Tha Omaha
Kansas City rout, in average weather
condition, la aa good. If not a great doal
better, than the Mlssourl-Iowa section of
the Interstate trail frsrt of the Jefferson)
from Ranwia City to Dei Molne. From
Xanana City to Winnipeg, Canada, via
Omaha, fllaug City, Ploux Falla, Orton
vllle and Fargo, la Kin mllea shorter than
the proposed "meridian" route of the
Jefferson highway. Omaha chance at
this overland north and south traffic de
pends on the co-operation along the Una
in placing the omaha-Kansa City trail
In the best pjosstble condition.
Another big fart or which Is going to
roll this traffic via Omaha Is the snlen-
Focmer Star Maxwell Salesman
Takes Literature Into Front
Line Trench in Big War.
DETROIT. Not. 20. From star auto
mobile salesman end contract expert to
private soldier, doing bla humble pert
In the trenchea la the rapid transition
through which "C. 'M. Eaatlake, formerly
of the Maxwell company, haa passed In
the last few months.
Eaatlak Is a Canadian by birth. W hen
aa waa declared be patriotically re
signed bla fine position and enlisted. For
eome time he has been at the front
Occasionally he manages to get a letter
through to some of bis former associates
in the motor Industry.
With a pvrsonal answer to one of the-
lettere. C. E. Stebblna. F-astlake former 1 did Teltowstone trail to Tellowstone nark,
commanding officer, sent, at tha sol-! which the tourist strikes at Mlllbank and
dler s requent. ft 1W Maxwell catalogue. ' Ortonvllle. Minn. Travel to Tellowstone
According to Eastlake' reply, the
catalogue reached him in the first lint
trenches, "And, believe me. It sura
looked cood," be comments.
tVhs)t ft If fe-enre n Year Makes.
" It teems fynny to tit here," he adds,
"with your letter and the catalogue In
front of me, and the rifle fire, and the
roar of the big guns, and reslii the
difference from year ago, and then
try to picture where I will be a year
from -ow.
'I -n rer knew there could be so many
of one thing as we have here, and that
Is sandbats. Aa fur as I can see, we
ate absolutely short of nothing. W
have millions of men and money, muni
tions n plenty, and the artillery Is err
tainly wonderful.
"The Belgian people treat ua fin. We
have lots of money and are not afraid
to spend it. The army grub Is flno and
they feed you all you can eat. Tha one
, thin I envy you chapa Is a bathroom.
We can build a fire and hoat water for
a shave any time, hut Oh ye Cods for
a regular bath in a tiled, bathroom and
, not In a nolo in the ground!
"Of course, we don't know a tiling
about what th big men are doing and
we are only a very small part of the line,
but a chap can draw Ms own conclusions
and I can assur you we have it on them
cold. You'll hear all about It one of
these dsys when wo start across Bel
gium. "It's good news to hear how busy th
factory la, and how finely the new car
Is delivering the goods.' It looks like a
wondeiful car 'to sell. I only hop I get
out of this mesa with enough of me
in one tiers to get place back on your
Eastlake's latter beats the data of
October 8 since which ther have been
two major action along the front oc
ciiplod by tha Canadians. No news ha
ben received from him by his Maxwell
friends rinc that date.
Tells Why Allen
Builds Own Motor
motors as we do, the owner of one of
our cars la assured plenty of power and
a smooth, quirt running motor that is
only found In the highest grade automobiles."
. The Mechanician
Tbia col iimn la t be reroWr
featnra of the Auto rag gad win
be devoted to th orooir car. of
automobiles. Contribution will
park, government officials declare, la go
ing to be tremendous next year, and the
"meridian" route via Omaha from Kan
sas City Is the shortest and best in get
ting onto this trail. The Tellowstone is
well marked and Is being put In good
Wukliiloa Coasitr Roads.
Douglas county roada will hav to bow
to th Washington county highways aa
being superior. On most of th roada up
there the motorist experience th pie
ur .of rldlig In th center of th road.
On moat of our rosds th renter Is either
too high )r It is piled up with soft dirt
left by the drag or scraper. "You don't
know how to make roada out here," re
marked an eastern tourist.
Llarola'a tonvtct-Made Road.
Th ne-w concrete convict-made road
down near Lincoln should be the begin
ning of more permanent road building by
itat prisoners. ,
Costs MIO to Held Road.
It cost W. W. Ingraham o West Lib
erty, la.. Just $10 to "hog" th road from
his fellow motorists, n. N. Carson and
party drove up behind Ingraham and
signalled that they wished to pass, but
Ingraham continued to hold tha highway.
H was irrested for violating the state
statute regulating th giving of one-half
of th public highway to a passing vo
Loading; the Hlga lir.
Motorists of Omaha who follow the club
direction signs within a radius of thirty
mile little ratlz the great pain the
sign cr driver goes to In order to mark
th road properly. The club car carries
a carpentar outfit, ft post-hole digger,
can of paint, an axe. a spade and a sup
ply of 200 signs. Last week Mr. Schafer.
the driver, In order to place ft bunch of
signs on the proper corner built up
farmer's corner fence, placed ft new post
In th ground and mad th pot look 100
per cent better.
Model Traffla Ordlaaace.
Th National Safety First federation haa
drafted model street traffic ordinance
which haa received much favorabl com
ment. , The near-aide stop Is on of th
Important section In th ordinance.
T. F. Stroud, one of the director of th
club, expoc to leave soon for California,
ulier he will spend a few months, mo:ly
In the southern part.
A storage battery cannot run on one
half a charge." or with Insufficient sup
ply of dlalllled wnter to keep the electro
Jyt up to the proper level, without
erioua Injury. Title arts just lll th
abuse of a tire by running on sixty
pound of air preasuie when It should
hav eighty pounds. The owner does
not realise that anything Is wrong until
ftfter the damage u done and hi tir I
rim-cut and ruined.
Batteries, ilk tires, begin to wear out
ft soon as they are made, whether used
or not, because the battery is a chemical
apparatus and chemical action Is going
n to somo c:;tcni at all tl.nes in th
am way that rubber becomes brittle
nd lose its life.
In both ce proper attention greatly
prolongs tha service to the car owner
nd means money In his pocket.
(Contributed by Elmer Kosengren. Ne
bresk Stcras, Battery comptny.)
Saxon Takes Place
On Main Floor of
U, S, Auto Show
A story of tem-nkahle growth Is be-
I hind th announcement tbrt fan f an
"Moti.r company will exhibit nromlnontlv
, on th rnn'n floor In Orand Centval
i taJnrc at H " York Automobile -how
In January.
! It as h than two yrir ago that
the f.Xvn finpny ilrat rxli'ctiei at
'. an p'it i.-:cli e',ow. lis booth be'ng lo
cated in en obnc .iv corner on the fourth.
'flo.ii of Oiand Crniritl patar. ,t the
sho- lat .imry the staxnn company,
on it- Is?-: of thtnments for the first
fri moii'hn cf its exIMencr. was awurded
a. location tu the second floor, tl.u mov
ing dfin to floors This year It miket
its entrance into the "rig league" among
automobile manufacturer by exhibiting
on the main floor.
Shipments of faxoa car In the first
eighteen months brought the Faxon com-1
pany to the position of seventh among'
Detroit automobile manufacturer, and
tenth amor.g the motor car companies of'
the world in volume of annual sale. j
; One r.f the mo.t recent of the pro-!
iretxlve moves In the "axon company!
was i ie purensse by Harry W. Ford
of the Faxon stock held by Hugh Chal
mers, the deal Involving a caeh trans
action of t.w.ffftO. jjr Kor(J thwby
came th largcM Individual holder of
e'axon stock.
AoaoHnst 'all '.'
Th first dose of Dr. King' New Dis
covery helps your cougli, soothe throat.
Oct a bottle today, fte. All druggist.
"The motor la by far the most Import
ant point to consider by the prospective
purchaser of an automobile," said W. O.
Allen, In ft letter to Carl Changstrom.
Allen dealer of th Standard Motor Car
company. Omaha.
Mr. Allen went on to asy, "As the
Is credited with being the center
of vital life to the human body, so th
motor is the mechanical fore that
vitalise th whole automobile. The
motor 1 the 'foundation unit' In the con
struction of Allen motor car"
"Great csre ha been exercised In
maintaining a power plant In our car
that would respond to every deal re of
th purchaser. Manufacturing our own
WoM comea from the Thoraa B. Jef
fery company. Kenosha, Wis., that cold
weather nas completely snowed under
their body building department. Orders
for the new Jeffery Sedan have stormed
the factory without a letup since the
first real chill of fall crept Into the air.
In fact, the demand continues so heavy
that it la now certain there will not be
enough Pedana to go around. Those deal
ers who put In large order early In the
season are patting themselves on the
back, and the compsny Is recommending
that all buyers who want their ears
promptly will have to order early.
Those who have seen the Bedan remark
on Its beauty of line and finish. Msny
say It Is the first real custom-made en
closed roach to sell at such moderate
price. No one would ever suspect that the
top la removable yet It la, and everyone
who buy the car will have the comfort
and luxury of a closed car this winter
without having to buy touring cr when
summer come.
Baron Shlhusaw of Japan, accom
panied by nine servant will arrr In
Omaha over the Union Pacific, at 8:15
o'clock 8unday evening, enroute to Wash
ington. The baron Is traveling In a
private car and from here he will go
east over the Burlington.
I ' ji? the
- 5 "'I-'' t ' ''f 'i! t-
I " - ' i jt; 'Sie!
II 30 -
i km 32 x
v 33x4-
Jml 36x41
" 0J 37x5 - -
3 - - - - -3J
- - - - -
3a "
- - 9.45
- $12.20
- $14.00
- $20.00
- $20.35
- $28.70
- $33.90
- $46.00
Buick Breaks Another Record
tilMt MaaaaUJ a,sxfaw f'-M 'r. iV-r
- . . .-' - - X f.
: : J - . i - ,. f
t c v - - in fev? -. vf : m
Mark the advent of the new
"Black-Tread" Goodrich Tire
A DEPENDABLE Fabric Tire, with the
fine BLACK-Tread style of the aristo
cratic "Silvertown" Cord Tire.
We can't supply "Silvei towns" fast enevgh
to meet the demand for them (until three
times as much of the special Machinery required
for sufficient volume can be completed). .
bo, we do the next-best thing, viz: supply
"Silvertown Cord" armearance. in its native
and long-established color and design, on the
standard Goodrich Fabric Tire, at the usual low
"Fair-List" prices.
All the Mileage and Dependability that is
"Goodrich," in a handsome new dress.
Observe that in this, as in practically all
other real advances in Tire-building and Rubber
manufacturing, the pioneer work is done by
The B. F. Goodrich Co. of Akron, 0.
er Gar
The Maxwell Roadster
A "snappx" very fast two-pgagenger roacUter.
With top up, a beautiful, comfortable
run-about; with top down, a fast roadster that
equals the performances and the appearance of
cars that sell at three times its price.
This roadster has the same powerful quiet
'Velvet running" motor that has earned for the
Maxwell it's title of the "Wonder Car."
We areraiting to take you for a
test ride in the car that has broken
all low "First-Cost" records, and is
breaking ali low "After-Cost" records.
W II 11 If I f
'Maqncfo Ignition
2024 F&rnam St., Omaha, Neb.
More Bonuses
LAST week we told the public that the manufac
turer whose cars we represent had offered us a
bonus for placing a certain number of cars in this
territory during the month of November.
We have only a few more cars of our allotment to sell
upon which this bonus will apply.
. y i
Now is your opportunity to purchase one of these
new 1916 Touring Cars or Roadsters and get this
bonus. This amounts to $ No, we won't
give the figures here. Suffice it to say that the
amount is much more than you will expect.
These cars sell for less than $1,000 and are exact
duplicates of those that will be shown by the manu
facturer at the New York and Chicago National
It has a 'AO H. P. motor, llo-inch wheelbsse, easy
riding, genuine cantilever springs, 4-inch tires, elec
tric starting and lighting, genuine leather upholster
ing, in fact it is finished and equipped right up to
the minute in every way.
And our regular service and the manufacturer's
written guarantee for one year goes with each car.
Come see the cars, or phone us and we will bring one
to you.
McShane Motor Co.
C. A. BISHOP, Mgr.
ill Happiness at .
Goodrich Branch
Kvtry one connected with th Oood
H h Til tomwiiy branch of Omaha I
in th bst cf spirits this wk nJ th
oos is in such a generous fram
miim that
hanria of
Lee Burroughs Breaks Automobile Record Between Lincoln and
Omaha With a Buick Light "Six"
Ail aAitoroobUe record from Lincoln to
Omaha war shattered Tuastiay morn'ng
when Charles C. Dawlrr piloted a alx
cylinder, forly-flve-hora power Buick
from th capital city to tha metropolis
In on hour, thlny-fsv minute and
thlrty-MVn second. Th previous rec
ord waa on hour and forty-nln min
ute, mad by a Cadillac eight.
The race acainst tiro waa th result
of a water betwaea Lc Burroughs,
owner of the machine Daw ley drove,
and Jack Matthew. Matthew offered
to gamble M that the dtstano could
riftar are forced Into the not b mad in taaa than two hour.
II frw rjUa rrcardleaa nf Bjrrourhe took him up sod proceeded to
m-httu-r trwy amoko or not. cop th bet.
Tin currrtifly cordial atmojphrr ' Th car atarted from Thirteenth and
cauwd oue or two Inqulrlfvi. which de- 1 0 liweu la Lincoln at U a. m. and
vftlpwj tU fart that W. 8. Rutherford arrived at th litMishaw hotel hare at
of I
is trie prvud father of a baby boy. Wal
ter (v-ott rutlifrford, Jr. U the new
arrival and ue waa born a Kansaa ray
Noveinbt-r 12. Mrs. Rutherford and Wai Kcott, Jr.. are in Kansas City at the
boir of Irs. Rutherford partnU. but
aili tc'uin to Umaba abortly.
10 iO
Th Butk carried four passengers. In
cluding: wley. th driver; Burroughs,
the owner; Bert Sturm a timekeeper
and Jo C. Orcutt a observer.
nior oartain of th Urn
ck Matth and H. E.
IBo aa to ba n
t th rua Jac
Bldlea clocked the car a It departed from
Lincoln, and dale link 1th and be
Huff caught th time of Its arrival in
Halrk Record Caaae Traable at
It developed that the offlrers at Wav
rly wanted Iae Murrougha and the oo
cupant of his car. hlch waa driven
from Lincoln to Omaha In l.Si J7. break.
Iiik all existing records.
When tha men reported to the offioer
at Waverly. H. E. Bidlws and C. H. Shore
of th Nebraska Buick Auto company of
Lincoln accompanied them to intercede
in their behalf and to admit that the
boys bad certainly violated the speed or
dinance. They thought, however, in view
of th sport connected with th run and
th Interest which th general public, had
taken in It. that thry were justified to a
certain extent.
Th chairman of th town board. John
Munn. did not agree. He said ther waa
too much dlaaatuifact Ion among th clti
acn for him to let th violation go by
unpunished, and for that reason fined
them M and costs, amounting to I).
Thla tin was paid by Mr. H. E. Sidles
of th Nebraska Buick Auto company
and when he returned to Lincoln a com
mittee sent y th cltueus of Waverly,
composed of E. H. Miller. J. R, Buckner.
A. r. W'lebk followed him and tendered
him th .40. together with the following
letter. Thl Witter clearly indicates that
th chairman of th town board waa the
only cltlsea who entered complaint:
"We, the cttisena of Waverly, resent
the fine of ) put on the Nebraska Buick
Auto company by the village of Waverly
and we hereby subscribe to a fund to
make up th HO, which will reirubura
th Nebraska Buick Auto company for
th said fin.
Th following subscribed to the fund
E. II. Miller, grain business; J. R. Buck
ner, banker; A. r. Wiebke, confection
ery; J r. Reiner, garage; William
Wlebka, carpenter; J. A. Bertwell, tele
phone manager; W. A. Dungan, hotel;
J. If. Hclnsh. H. Etleg. Benuett It Mora.
stock buyers and meat market; F. EJ.
Beechell, liver)" L.. R. Curtla. barber;
L. A. Price, capitalist; William F. Oable.
hardware; Pr. A. Lt. Emery.
"It took Just fifteen minute to got this
amount and ther was mor money of
fered, but not needed. The are all rep
resentative merchants and citlsena of the
village of Waverly and it la th desire
of the cltliena of Waverly to do every
thing they can to promote th traffic of
the general public and tourist over the
Omaha-Linooln-Penver highway. They
regret very much that anything of this I
nature has happened to put their town in
the light which it ha before th general
Mr. 81dles replied to this committee aa
"I appreciate th e.ntlment expressed
In your letter mor than 1 do the money
that you tendered m and I return, that
money, but shall preserve always this !
letter from the business men of Waverly I
aa a memento which I and my asso
ciates esteem very highly.'
Dong. 6486
2216-18 Farnam St.
)J A Bf iLl ' r l
If you aren't one of tha many who
come to ua every month for free battery
inspection, you don't recognize a good
thing when yoU see it. Get busy.
Nebraska Storage Battery Co.,
203 Faroam St. Tel. IXiug. MOfJ
- - j t iir ic
Let The Bee jfet you z good job
"Situations Wsatcd" ads are frf.c