Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1915, News Section, Page 2, Image 2

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rrii Kodittei Will Hot Deal with
German Who Sayi He ii Acting
for President's Fiancee.
PARIS, Nor. 19. The Paris dress
makers' eradicate has blacklisted two
American customers of German ori
gin, one of them a man named Kurs
mann, reputed to bare been commis
sioned to buy gowns for Mrs. Norman
Gait who Is to be the bride of Presi
dent Wilson, according to Gustav
Terr's newspaper, L'Ocuvre.
The newspaper aTera kunmnnn haa
threatened to raise a, dlplomatto quee
tlon because of tha modistes' refusal to
acecpt orders from him. L'Ocuvre de
clares, however, that each house from
which ha ordered sowna haa offered to
supply them with Its compliments to Mrs.
Salt without having them pass through
lb hands of an Intermediary.
Kemasaaa Makea Threats.
Paul Polret, president of the Preea
tnakers' syndicate. Is absent from Paris.
His confidential secretary, however, con
firmed tha statement that K unman n haa
threatened to rata a diplomatic aueatlon
over the declination of tha mod lite to
fin hla orders for sowna, which, ha
maintains, are Intended for Mr. Gait
"Tou may declare that no members of
our syndicate will deliver (owns to Kurs
mann, or through Kursmann or any other
German house," aatd the seoretary. "At
tha earn time, each or every mnmber of
the syndicate would be proud to be hon
ored with a commission to make a gown
for President Wilson's flanree and would
be moat happy If permitted . to present
H wnn lie cuii'iiiimcnu.
Rue Pe ta Pals and other 'leading
houses refuse to state whether or nut
they have had orders for sowna for the
president's flanoee. Borne of them say.
however, that they have had orders from
Kursmann which they are unable to fill
In consequence of the decision of the
syndicate. All express regret that such
an Incident has come up and state they
hop it will cauae no annoyance to Presi
dent Wilson. They are endeavoring to
dispose of tha matter without too much
publicity, but declare that they cannot
Ove body.
A Paris dispatch early thla month ssld
Charles Kursmann of New Tork was
there to select gowns for the wedding of
President' Wilson and Mr a. OalL He was
quoted as saying that while it "would be
indiscreet to taU about clothea ordered
by the Wilson, family before obtaining
permJsslon from the White House," hs
felt that "Washington can look forward
to a brilliant social season after the
(Continued from Pag One.)
officers eared dtlnr mtjtM cauae i
other outbreak front him and did not
fait to remove the clothing he wore. -
Ills breakfast, which was placed before
him about o'clock, remained un-
tasted and In fact unnoticed, as he was
then In th midst of his nervous out-
; Body Claimed by Rovraa.
: HUlstrom's body waa claimed by Ed
Rowan, secretary of the local Induatrlal
Workers of the World organisation, who
Intimated theit It would be sent to Wyo
ming for burial, as requested by 11111
strom In a telegram to W. D. Haywood
yesterday. '
Telegrams from O N. Hilton 'of Den
ver, one, of HUlstrom's attorneys, assert
ing that WTlllara Busky of Seattle Had
made an affidavit that he waa with 1UU
atrom the night on which J. O. Morri
son was murdered and that Hlllatrom
was Innocent, were received by Governor
Bpry and other officers of the state and
county early this morning The sheriff
was requested to postpone the execution
Vutn this ..statement had been Investi
gated. Warden Arthur Pratt of the
prison tbea asked Hlllatrom if he knew
Buaky and Hlllatrom answered that ha
did not. Tha sheriff waa then, directed
to proceed with the execution,
t Nona of Hillstrom's Industrial Workers
of the World friends were present The
law provides that not more than ' five
friends of a condemned man may be
present If their presence be requested by
him. Htllstrom declared last night that
he did . not wish any of his friends to
see the execution and a commute 11
the Induatrial Worker of America was
accordingly denied admission the
Marrteoa'a Haas Salt.
Officers are tnuoh perplexed by a pe
culiar Incident that developed last night
In connection with arrangements for the
execution of HUlstrora today. Hlllatrom
expressed a desire to wear a dark suit
which had been under lock and key with
hla other effertta. Deputy Warden A. C
lire of the slate prison got out the suit
and examined It preparatory to having
it pressed. He discovered the name
"Morrison," which ia the name of the
man of whoae murder Hlllatrom waa con
victed, written la lnd.llble Ink on the
white lining of the suit. When he re
ported to HUlstrora that he had found
a nam on the suit HUlstrora Inquired
: whether the name was "Morrison'' and
said he believed the name had been
Disced there h ''iahi. phun .ttlt
'at the nniintv tail HMiImm M th.
- ault Iw.. kniiiiht klM k. j
after his arrest. -
The suit, however, doea not fit Hlll
atrom. It Is much too large for him and
fits men about the else of Morrison, who
was much larger than Hlllatrom. Some
of the local officers say that the suit
the time of his arrest. Mrs. J. G. Morri
son, widow of the murdered man, says
her husband had a suit similar to the
. one under Investigation and that the
writing resembles that of her husband,
. but aba ia unable to identify the suit posi
tively aa hla. She is also unable to say
whether her husband'a suit was taken
from the house at one of the two rob
beries committed at the Morrteon horns
not long before Morrtaoa waa killed.
Another ault was obtained for HiU
strom to wear at his execution.
Takes (irass Jalee.
Hlllatrom declined an offer of stimu
lants from tha prison doctor yesterday.
saying he had never used stimulants of
anv kind, but ir.uiHi I'L. - I i - .
" ' ' - ..a v m 1 V'J
puice, hKh waa fc-1v-n to bin. . .
lie a lit Mveral farewell telegrams this
Industrial Workers of the World, Chi
cago, read:
"It ia a hundred miles from here to
Wyoming. Could you arrange to hare
my body hauled to the stats tins to be
burled t Pon't want to be found dead In
the state of TTtah."
Another telesram to Haywood read:
"Ooodbya, Bill. I will die like a true
blue rebel. Pon't waate any time in
(ompcufi New long.
A meaaage to Elisabeth Ourley riynn.
New Tork, read:
''Compoeed new aong last week with
music dedicated to the dove of peace.
It's coming. And now, goodbye, Ourley,
dear. I nava lived like a rebel-end I
shall die like a rebel."
Other meaaagea were sent to Industrial
Workers of the World members In Mlnne
epolls and Ban FTanclsoo.
Story of Baaky'a Affidavit.
PRATTLE Waah., Nov. l.-AceordlnC
to a story told today at Induatrlal Work
era of the World headquarters here,
William Buaky, a Oerman-Amerlcan,
Induatrlal Worker last night, was over
heard to say that hs knew Hlllatrom
was not rullty. Husky ws questioned by
Induatrial Workera who heard him and
then waa taken to headquarters where
he mane affidavits that he was with
Hllletrom continuously from I p. m. to
10 p. m. on the day of the murder and
that he and Hlllatrom were seeking work
at tha Murray, ftah amelter. Telegrama
containing a summary of Husky's affi
davit were sent at 1 o'clock thla morn
ing to Governor Spry, President Wllaon
and O. N. ailton. HUlstrom's attorney.
(Continued from Pag One.)
of notable to preserve order, but it Is
feared It will not be possible to restrain
the banda of Komltajla (Irregulars) In
the environs of ths city.
Ths Serbian army Is expected to retreat
toward Albania. It Is estlmsted there are Barb In the Monastlr region op
posed to more than 80.000 Bulgers.
Streasle for florfsa Coatlaaea.
ROMK. Nov. U.Vla p,rta. Nov. 1
Contlnuatlon of tha desperate and long
continued struggle for Oorlsla Is re
counted In an official statement Issued
lonay at tne headquarters of th Italian
general staff. Ths communication fol
lows: "During all of yesterday there was an
Intense artillery action on both aldea.
The enemye suns were particularly
active In th Gariiia sons. W have
seen that from the suburbs and even
from the center of the town shots of
all calibers are being fired against our
"We also have noticed columns cf
troops coming from the town crossing
the bridge of Slsondo and climbing th
heights of Sabotlna and Podgora to r
In force and renlaM tnwin. .i.
Our aviator hav discovered Austrian
uanenea posted on th belt of heights
dominating Oorlsla from th east."
Governor Dunne.
Calls Extra Session
BPR'NOrTIELD, 111.. Nor. l-A call
for an extraordinary session ef the T4U
nols legislature to meet Monday,1 Novem
ber It, -was Issued today by Governor
Dunne. Among subjects th legislature
will consider ar: Amendment of th pri
mary election law, amendment of th act
relatlnr to the governor's veto power,
provision for ordinary and contingent ex
penses made necessary by a recent de
cision of ths ststs supreme oourt, appro
priations for the payment of the officers
and members of th next general assem
bly and th salaries of stats officers.
UNION, Neb.. Nov. l.-(Spcla!.)-Bns
Allc B. O'Donell, a popular clerk, went
to Nebraska City yesterday and was mee
rled to John F. Busk of Casper, Wyo.
The young people are well and favorably
known here, and after a short visit with
friends snd relatlvea they will reside In
Casper, whore the groom has a farm.
Oaly Oae "Brosao Oalalae."
To get the genuine, call for full name,
lAxatlv Bromo Quinine. Look for sig
nature of B, W. Grove. Cures a cold In
on day. 5c Advertisement
Imported Japanese Baskets, worth 40c to 50c, with, every pur
chase of BOc or more In our store Saturday. The basket make very
acceptable Christmas gifts. '
2 Be Bromo BeHser., 17c
26c X lb. Peroxide Hydro
gen ioc
SOc DeMar's Densoln and Al
mond lotion 25o
36c Caatorla lOo
26c Mentholatum loo
26c Carter's Little Liver
Pills 16c
o0o Pebeco Tooth Past.... 83c
36c Durham Duplex Razor
and one blade.. 10o
(Good for 16 shaves.)
$6.00 Durham Duplex Rator,
complete with pkf . of blades,
sharpener and leather case,
all for HOc
tc Antiseptic Safety
Rasors fto
10 OhaaeeUor Cigars, Ooa
ehaa aiae. United S to a
customs? Se
So X.lru Chaaoeaor, box
. of Wo
10c Si Ooateuto, so, os box
ef SS $ljg
10 Oeorgw th Io art. So I
box of ao
Denatured Alcohol, per'
' rallon 75o
60c Fitch Hair Tonic 28c
76c Piver's La Trefla Sachet.
.In bulk. pr os .or
25o Packers' Tar Soap 15o
25c Rlckaecker's Skin Soap.. Ifto
26c Cutlcura Soap lOe
11.00 Ptnaud's Quinine Soap.704
20c Pear's Unacented Soap.. lie
26c Beecham's Pills 17o
Llsterlne, 8c 18c, 14 and. .fittc
60o Doan's Kidney Pills. . . .8 tc
60c Dewitt's Kidney Pills.. Mo
60c Box Linen Stationary. 48
sheets and 41 envelopes,
Saturday Wc
$1.00 Hood's Raraa partita... Toe
11.00 Duffy Malt Whlakey. ,To
60c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets. SOo
25e Pond's Vanishing
Cream tea
Conpresi Faces Task of Providing
Additional Income for the Gov
ernment at Once.
fFrom a Rtaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 19.
(Special.) Beyond question con
gress will have to provide some
means for ralslnc additional revenue
during the coming session. But for
the change In bookkeeping. In the
dally statement of available balances,
which makes a very good appearance
In the report of the treasury depart
ment, thla dally statement of avail
able funds will be preceded by the
minus sign on the first of January,
and on that date the war revenue
act goes ont of exlutenee by Its own
terms. When this occurs, should
there be no re-enactment.of that law,
there will be consternation among
the producers of sweet fortified
wines and patent medicines, for the
reason that brandy now used In those
industries Is taxed only 56 cents a
gallon, or one-half of the tax where
th product Is used for direct con
sumption. If the war revenue act
Is not re-enacted, brandy used for
fortifying and medicinal purposes
will immediately be subject to a tax
of $1.10 per gallon, and already the
wine growers and patent medicine
manufacturers are Industriously en
gaged In attempting to prevent the
repeal, at least of that section of
the law.
Tax on Medfelae Proposed.
It Is likely that congress will consider
It advisable to Impose a direct tax upon
all patent medlclnea as well as upon
denatured alchohol. A report recently
Issued by the health department of the
state of Indiana has received a great
deal of attention m the treasury depart
ment during th past few weeks because
It shows what an enormous profit there
Is In many of these patent medlclnea.
Th official publication of th Indiana
stat board of health Is headed "Medicine
Frauds" and Is the result of careful
analysis of tha contents of some hundred
or more proprietary articles and shows
not only ths contents of each but the
valu of tha Ingredients contained, and
th retail prices received. A few figures
taken at random Indicate how gullible
th publlo Is, and how easy it might be
to tax these preparations without Impos
ing any burden on the poor fools who
annually blow In millions of dollars under
th belief that they will be benefited.
On remedy for "tha
pllepsy" shows, upon chemical analysis, i
sixteen per osnt of sodium potassium
brotnid and ate per cent alchohol, and
trae of ammonia alerlate. The cost
of these Ingredients Is shown to be ten
cent, while the retail price of th "cure"
Is H.71. , A connection of sodium sulphate,
glycerin and water cos'ta the manufac
turer two cents and retails for one dpi
ta. "A reliable remedy for th treat
ment of th liquor habit," for which
th victim is taxed tl 00, contains a
large quantity of sugar, a trace of chlor
ide of gold and seventeen per cent of
chloride of ammonia, tha combined value
of which Is Stated as three cents. A little
powdered alum which sells for $1.00 and
costs ons cent Is guaranteed to "abso
lutely kill your rheumatism." One menu
facturer actually sells one-half cent's
worth of common salt under a mvatertous
name, which probably Induces the pur
chaser to neilev that be Is getting a
real remedy,
Th treasury officials will probably
recommend to congress that denatured al
cohol be taxed, largely because of the
fact that It Is used principally today In
th manufacture ef war materials and
Order Your Suit Today
and I will have it ready for
Thanksgiving Day,
16e Rloord's Charcoal Tab
lets ao
COo Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets i CM).
26e 8anitol Bbampo 17c
oajtdt xmrr.
O IV Btelea Chocolates 89
SO Chocolate Ooatea Vwaaats.
balk, pes la 40
BOo Mixed Star. Candy, lb. gft
W ax at eat for XI ay tar's
Caas, Johasoa-a. Lowurs
aad Clnta'i Cboaolate sad
Boaboaa. Ftaoas you orders.
Ws silver fr sOl part of
26c Tooth Brushes, your
choice ioc
40q and 60c Tooth Brushes.
your choice 25c
40c and 60e Nail Brushes,
solid backs 2Ao
11.26 and $1.60 Ebony Hair
Brushes, solid back, your
choice 75c
60c Hay's Hair Health 8oo
We sell the genuine Edlsoa
Max da Lamps.
26 and 40-Watt Maida
Lamps 87
60-Watt Maada Lamps.. ... ,86c
100-Watt Idasda Lamps e&c
Delivered and Installed at
above prlcea.
Lot of Ladiea' and Gentle- ' "'
men's Combs, worth up
to 60c, Saturday
26e DeMar's Glycerine, Al
mond or Violet Soap, 3
cakes for
6c Ivory Soap, S cakes tor. .
6UB rerfumes, all odors,
per os.
a nortle of
OiX . avo . bo
today aad ee how quickly it
snake Press Shields aaaeoe.
saxy (ex sm, aa4 yoa oaa Saaoe
wssi rsnsusuoa
Inasmuch as the manufacture of hls;h
explosives sre reaping enormous profits
snd as It costs th government a great
deal of money to supervise the manufac
ture snd denaturatlon of alcohol It would
seem that this Is an excellent medium
for Increaalng th revenues of the gov
ernment without detriment to any Indus
try. Alcohol Experiment Fall ere.
All attempts to produce alcohol on the
farms, which has been one of the efforts
of the Department of Agriculture, have
come to naught thus far, for the reason
that the cost of manufacture Is so great
as to make It absolutely prohibitive. The
Department of Agriculture, for Instance,
without any reference to the fact that the
law prohlblte the Installation of a still
without the payment of the stipulated
government tax, spent $11,000 in building
a still and then made some experiments
to eee what could be done In the manu
facture of alcohol from waste farm prod
ucts. Among other means of producing
the eplrlt the deportment experts decided
on watermelons, It bnlng the belief that
thousands of these melons annually go to
waste on the farms where they are
grown. Consequently a carload of water
j " . i I " capital,
Do You Know
The Full Value of
$1 in buying Silk
Yon don't unless you
know of these special $1
Silk Hose of ours made
for women who are par
ticular, fashioned of pure
dyo silk with lisle tops
and soles, in black, white,
navy, brown, bronze, sil
. ver and all evening
shades, $1.00 a pair.
Hosiery Headquarters has
every style and color, and
quality, and price in hos
iery that'a undeniably
New Fabric Gloves
For Winter Wear
Kayser's Duplex Leath
erette Gloves, in wiiite,
ZZ-Tr?. .50c
New Leatherette Gaunt
let Gloves, in white, gray
and sand, .made attract
ively with a strap and
clasp - . - .$1.00
Cashmere Gloves, in all
silk lined 25c-50c
Thompson-Belden & Co.
Is the most effective means of enlarging a business. Large corporations as
well as people of small means, if they are progressive, realize this. '
When a man advertises in THE BEE it carries his message to thousands
and thousands of BEE readers in and about Omaha, proclaiming his goods
or what he has to offer in the way of Real Estate, Farms, Business Chances
and a hundred and one other things. In this way he becomes known to a
steadily enlarging public and it means new customers and more trade.
No enterprise can languish if you use the Want Ad columns of
rrn tt tt tt i
melons was purchased end brought to
the still where they were ground up and
the alcohol extracted. They produced al
cohol all right, at a cost of upwards of
fll a gallon. Bo little more ia heard of
the aatablhihment of stills on Individual
farms for the use of waste material, such
ss cornstalks, small potatoes and other
semi-oseless products. But In the mean
time the United States will need to raise
at least 00,000,600 more revenue next year,
and twice that much If the president's pro
gram for Pre pa redness g carried out, and
th Treasury department officials think
that denatured alcohol affords a medium
of producing a Tory large portion of this
f hewls (Ism Tax Productive.
Few people have any Idea as to the
receipts by th Treasury department from
the taxation of chewing gum. Every
time a manufacturer sends out a box of
chewing gum he Is required under the
law to place revenue stamps to the value
of 4 cents on each packaire containing $1
worth of this confection. It Is Impossible
to ascertain the exact receipts from this
particular branch of the war revenue
taxation, but It Is known that on manu
facturer alone has paid within ths last
twelve months fSOO.OOO for revenue stamp
New Neckwear
Every Day
Prom the most original
makers, who really create
things that are new. A
large variety from which
to choose.
High Collars, in colors,
with high turnover effect,
50c to $1.60.
Roll Collars, in Georgette
and mull, for coats, SOc to
Butch Collars, in organ
die, net and crepe, 50c to
$1.75. ,
Collars with cuffs to
match, 50o to $2.00.
Ask to see the New Ruf
fling for the Chin-Chin
. Collars. Very attractive
styles aind a practical pro
tection for - the collars,
S5o to 75o a yard.
Special Saturday.
1-1 tk. boxes of Fine
. 39c
Chocolates ' -I
-lb. boxes, same
Quality, tor
Toilet Articles
At Special Prices
Powder Puffs f
Complexion Brushes ....25
Hnd lotion ........ .g
upon his product. This manufacturer I
one of the biggest In the business, but
the American Chicle company, which is
a consolidation of a number of chewing
gum manufacturers. Is understood to do
even a larger buslnene than the concern
which pays ths federal treasury $410,000
per annum for the tax stamps on gum.
Ro that It la not surprising that Oblonel
Thompson In his address befor th Navy
league on Monday last should have stated
that the people of this country pay more
for chewing gum than they do for sup
porting the army. Schedule B, which is
the scheduls under which chewing gum
Is taxed, produces about ,.,000,000 a year,
and the estimate Is that ot this $2,600,000
at least and possibly $3,000,000, Is received
from the stamps that are -placed upon
boxes of chewing gum. If chewing gum
sells for 6 cents a package and each $1
worth thua aold pays the government a
revenue of 4 cents, the school children of
this country can probably figure out Just
how many million packages of Chewing
rum are consumed annually within the
United State. And. going further. It la
a nice problem for them to attempt to
ascertain approximately, at least how
much chicle la annually Imported from
Mexico In order to supply this demand
A Sale of Mixture Coats
For Misses and
Small Women
Sizes. 14-16-34-36-38
$14.50, to $22.50
For any alteration serv
ice a small charge will be
In Addition
A Special offering of
fine All-Lined Broad
Cloth Coats
-Special Pricings-
On All Hand
Tailored Suits
$15, $24.75, $35, $45
McCall's Magazine
"We suggest it now as an
appropriate ,gift because,
beLng recognized ' as an
authority, McCall's Fash-
50c a Year and a 1
asssss J
for this means of mastication.
Barber S applies' Tax la I.on cr.
Cosmetics, toilet soaps with beauiifylnx
quauuea, oaroersr auppues ueea oy tne
manipulator of rasors to Increase tb '
beauty of tils male patrons, pay cents
on each $1 of retail value, and chewing
gum pays 4 cents. And while th chewing
pum people do not seem disposed to de
mand that their tax be reduoed. In fact
the man referred to above, who pay
$00,000 a year, says he la quite content
with th tax, they do think that other
who ar paying less proportionately
should be brought to a par with them.
And this Is likely to be done when the
next revenue bill la brought up.
Be Want Ada Produce Results.
hepartmrnt Orders,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 19-fSpeclal Tcl
etrram.) Nebraska per f Ions rranted:
Krancos L. Halier. Kenesaw, 12; KTe:i
Pavls, Blommlnirton,' 12; Katharine
Rocke, Atkinson. 11.
Po-tnfflce at Krold, Deuell county. Ne
braska, dlscon'lnued. mall to Julesburg.
The comptroller of the currency has
received ."?nl!;t.lon to convert the
Farmers nnd Merchants State Rank,
Alce.iter, S. D. Into "The farmers an 1
Merchants National bank of Alceater."
Capital, $60,000.
The Store for
"Very attractive stylish
blouses ,
$3.95 to $16.50
One Year for 50c
ion Magazine will be very
helpful throughout the
year, and the small costr
is a pleasant feature,
5c Pattern Free.
11 ' ml
I BEATON DRUG CO., 15th and Farnam
afiiM-iuK4s. One of them, addressed to W,
IX Usyeocd. secretary-treasurer of th