ir, THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVUM HEH 20, 1915. By MELLIFIGIA. Friday, November 19, 1915. IS3 MART SIIAW gave a little U!k Thursday afternoon to the mem TV T bers of the Omaha Women ' Press club and their guests. Mtaa shw ,n the count of experiences touched upon her career aa a press agent. In relating incidents regarding press notices of a popular actress Miss Shaw gare one of her delightful asides, "The stories did not need to be true at all." It was rather a disillusion to some of the laity present and recalled to mind an Omaha girl mho once adored all and everything associated with the stage. - ' This girl had every picture and pose of every footllght personage and she clipped newspaper articles about them by the yard, talked tbem over with friends and pasted them Into real reams of records. Harry was a reporter and a friend of this girl and he would laugh at her faith In theatrical press "dope," as he called it. One of the girl's greatest objects of adoration was the late Mr. Rich ard Mansfield, In which Harry did not share. Mansfield's greatness, the reporter asserted, was bat a case of an actor's possessing the best press 'agent In the United States. ".' Then came the notice of Mr. Mansfield's untimely death. "I wonder how Harry will find a way to deny this, too." said the girl; "but he will ,he sure to find some way to prove It Is but the work of a clever press .agent." 'Thankxriring Duetts. . ' Mine Florence Riley, with her an. Minn Meryl Francis and Miss Vtna Kolher of Flandreau. S. P.. will spend Thank riving with Mlas Riley's parents, Mr. and Mi. El T. Riley. Mini Edna Riley and Mlw Ksn Rpauld Jn. who are at school at Chevy rhase. "Washington, will spend , Ttvankawtvin; with friends in New York City and will also see the Army and Navy foot ball Rama and the Pennsylvania and Cornell .'game. ' . ElkY Dancing Party. The fotlowlna were present at the Elks' darning party given in the'elub rooms. ''Thursday evening. Those present were: Wnwi. and Meadaniaa A. W. Fit slmon. F. Irat Harwood, Taylor T. Iny. O. C. Wlntaraotv. tJorlnn J. Kyte, John J. MrMahcn. A. C. Hunt. W. 1L Plainer. If. V. l EckarmannJ. W. Ovaratreet, larenro is. Hall, k. a. jinan. O. K. Mall. MfMra Ed H. TTawlay, J. Walter Doyle. Georae Bteela, A. Cheek. i A. Dwvlna. C. T Iranian. Maaara. Tifin Nlrlwn. Jiobart J. Hhlelda. j I.. Fwaneutt. -, H. Erimnnaton, . W. Predion. M iases nn Andreeeen, J'oiella Andrecaen, tlrla Brass. . Mredames oore. Mlaaea Oartrude Craig, Ixnilsa Iws, Maria Kuni, Meedames Nleman. Afternoon Tea. Mrs. Itobrrt Donald Neely and Miss Margharetta Burke gave a tea this af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Neely. The ' reoeptlon rooma were decorated In yellow button chrysanthemums and large white chrysanthemums, with the dining room in red carnations. Assisting Mrs. Naely and Mlas Burke were: i Mead am as-. Walter Hopewell of Tekamah. Missaa Alice Duval. Tarda tfoott, Ruth ntagerald. Meadames Vrrdarlrk Cos... jumper Brecae, Mtsaas Murjorla Foote, Nail Beatty, lluth Gould, Ituth Thompson, Pridav Bridre Xuncneon Club. "Miss Elisabeth Davis was hostess this afternoon for the Friday Bridge Lunch- 6n club. The members ars: Meedamae Ralph Tatars, John Potter Webster Mlnaaa Kathrtina Thummel, Kliiabath Davla, Mrllora Davla. Rllaabeth Bruce. Block of and Mrs. nounoad. Rock Island, III., aon of Mr. A. Block of Omaha, Is an- bean away all aummar. Fifteen mem bars were preannt, and Meedamaa Ray mond CroMmin, T. N. Crosby, J. E. todd. J. J. Dodds, D. L. Johnton. J. M. Dow. H. B. Foster, A. I Orean anl O. O. Ouenter were gueata of the club. Pleaiureg Past Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amlsh entertained at dinner Thursday evening for the Jolly Seven club. Covars ware laid for: Maeara. and Meedames J. Johanaen. C. Allan. Mradamas A. Henim, A. Oartslauer. Misses Erma Johansan. Masere. H. C. Nalaon. U Karhal. 8. Butlar, Mxadamaa O. Kauah. P. S. Soranann, R. Chrtattanaan, Mlaaaa Tj. rVhlcher, Dorothy Pateraon, Maaara. I.. Andarann, C"U Nalaon. Mlia Anna David entertained at dinner Thuraday evening, when covers ware laid for six ..guests. Mlaa Alta Anaon was honor guest. Mm. Oeors-a 8. Johnston enlertalnad Informally,- at luncheon Thursday. Covers ware plafed for: Mesdamra Maadamaa A. ifl. EU1uk. FVad A. Oiseaden, J. A. C. Kennedy. W. II. Whaalar, W. B. l"onrta, Helen Roblnaon. , Arthur 'Walsh, Oeorga 8. Johnston, For Miss Funkhouier. Mrs. Edrar Armstrong and Mrs. Will Guild entertained the Dundee Kensing ton club at the Hotel Royal this after- St. Mary'i Alumni Organize. Fourteen alumni of St. Mary a college organised Wednaaday evening to form an Omaha branch of the Bt. Mary's Collage Alumni aseoclatlon. Dr. P. T. Conlan was apnonlted tamporary chairman. Mr. John J. Gallagher was made secretary pro tern. The meeting was devoted to discussion of ways and means of or ganising, and each member was to con sider himself a committee of one to look up other graduates and bring them Into the society. Among . the speakers were Dr. F. T. Conlan, Messrs. B. Wlckham, J. P. Ford and I Phllbln, Jr. Other alumni present were: Messra. Messrs. H. B. Byrnea. teo DeBarker. Charlea H. Ruaeelt, Cheater Gllrannnn. Mlnhael Hill, lo TtKhe Porter M. Munaon. Bradford Murphy. Oeorge Campbell. The next meeting of the alumni will be on Wednesday evening, December L Pergonal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Abercromble and children of Houston. Tex., who vlslteil Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Rich last winter, have taken rooms at the Colonial. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea H. Brown and their son. Master Charles Henry Brown, Jr., are expected In Omaha next week to spend Thankaglvlng with Mr. Brnwn'a mother, Mra 3. J. Brown. They are now touring in the east, and if they don't coma next week they will arrive within a few weeks. Mrs, W. D. Comaman, who underwent an operation at the Iord LUter hospital nearly two weeks ago, Is doing as well as possible. Her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Steele of Kansas City has been here for three weeks. Byron Oberat of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mra Martin Oberat. spent the week end here on his way horae from North Platte. , Mr. Oberst and his family will move to North Platte. December i. Concordia Club. . . Mrs. X. H. A ray entertained the Con cordia club Thursday afternoon, which) was the first fall meeting. This party was a "welcome home" for .Mrs. Martin Oberat and Mrs. Helen Morton, who had Mildred Fnnkhouser, whose marriage will ha solemnised on Thankaglvlng day. Among the Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Smith have aa their guests for a few days Mr. snd Mrs. Ransom Hull of Burthlll, O. Mr. Paul Cool-y of Ban Franciaco is the guest of hi brother, Mr. Arthur Cooley and Mra. Cooley. The Mlaaea Mariraret and Mary White of Dee Moines have been gueata of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dodda and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dndds for two weeks. I Miss Mary Kirk and Mr. I.auranre Avery of Floux City, are coming tody to spend the week-end with Mlaa Mrn OllchrlaC Misa Gilchrist will clve a theater party for them thla evening. Future Affairs. The Week-End Dance club will slve a dance Saturday evening at ChambarV academy. Mra. W. O. Templeton and Mrs R. D. Miller will entertain the Thimble club Tuesday. Mies Esther Graff will ejitfrtein the Junior Bridge club Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad will rntar taln one of the Informal evening bridge clubs Saturday. Three tablra of I'fr.yera will be present. Today'g Events. Mlas June Abrams (rave a luncheon this afternoon at the Hotel Tonicnolle. After the luncheon the party went to the Or pheum theater. The T'nitarlan Junior cluh will have a social meeting thla evening at the club house. Wedding Announcement. Mlaa Anna M. Dunn will rx married on Saturday. December 4. to Mr. Thomas J. Morgan of Portland, Me. The mar- tomorrow to spend the winter In Cali fornia. Mra. Robert Holllfter la vlaiting In Beaton, Maim. Mra. F. R. Straight and Mrs. J. A. Johnaon left Wedneariay to spend a week In Carthago. Mo. Honor List at the Commerce High The Rlil of the HlKh School of Com m'r,.e loud the boys on the honor roll of the r.-.lrltrrm marks which wit an novnr'd uv Principal Adams Thuraday morning in an eacmbly of the students. The plr-le received twenty-four honors, while the boys received twenty-two. The fioehincti. who uaually aeem more In clined to work harder than the other Ktudcnta. lead the claaaes by having twenty on the list. To be on the lift the atudenta' couM not be tardy once and muat have at lenat three "As"' and m study below "B" In their midterm marks. Those who are ono the list are aa follow: F'tbel Adler. Gladys t.araon W ill am Allert. Lillian I.awson. tieorse Preer. F'loyd Mi Elroy. Joa-ph Rrnli'a. A.b Mever. Poria Honrrtman. I-ennert Mlllher Clifford Bfimie. Thoiraa Miller v rmren Mmwnneia. r.ura Jloriran noon at an Informal tea In honor of Mlaa , rlage will be aolemnlxed at 7 o'clock in the evening by the Rev. Dr. Kountse Memorial church. Baltily of In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mlas Helen Cheaney returned Wednes day from a visit in St. Joseph and Kan aaa City. Mrs. Rsymonfl Hayward Is spending a week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Fort and children and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Fort will leave Hdtth CBatlrman. I enna Hiprerle. Ruth Ellington. Mabel Klmquist. John Flxa. Helen Forater. Fdlth Frolden. Abe Oreenberc. F.tta Groasman. Mnrv Grove. '"Indya I'anscn. Gejirae Hanson. Hniel Homestead. Ruth Holmes. Irving Horton. tleorge Kowaleakie. Peatrlce oiann. Wllhur.Olaon. Rose Paaral. Hilma Peterson. Stella Pcteraon. Gertnide Redman. Mildred Sandbar. Kvelyn Sandherg. H aale Snltier. Oopre-ia Tuma. HJI Weaver. Sadie Welaa. Lawrence Wells. Sa.rah Wohlner. Wilbur Wolf. Elmer Krebe. Holdups Get Small Returns from Their Night's Activities Nora Myrtle, 1311 William street, 'was stopped Thursday evening at Ninth and William streets by two armed men who commanded her to hold her hands up. Her purse containing til 60 was taken. U 1m Lohner, 192T Beventh avenue. Council Bluffs, railroad brakeman, was held up near Sixth and Pacific streets during the evening by three men. who supplemented their demands by holding revolvers close to lohner's body. After taking the victim's watch the trio re turned the timepiece upon a plea that it was valued for sentimental reasons. James Keller of Fremont and R. O. Corrtuan of Battlo Creek. Mich., re ported to the police that their pockets were picked at Fourteenth and Doug, laa streets, the former losing $8 and a watch and the latter U in caah and n check for tso. Philip Welnehl of 2301 Leavenworth lost his automobile, which had been parked at a downtown location. A. P. McLaughlin and " Mrs. S. C. Schavel, officers of the Methodist hos pital, requested the police to Investigate the theft of Jewelry from the hospital. A "For bale" ad will vurn second-hand furniture Into cash. . ARRESTED AS SUSPECT IN SAL00NHOLDUP CASE On suspicion of being mixed up in a recent holdup occurring at Dan Head Kreen's saloon, C18 South Thirteenth street, John J. Clarke, Thirteenth and Dodge streets, is being heid at police headquarters. It la asserted by Detec tives Rich and Pszanowski. who made the arrest, that Clark stole aeveral re volvers from Harry Lucas, J310 O street, on November IS. -jr'k. .... . aa. ft ;:2iiii The New "Camille" Two-Tone Velour Boot Colors black, brown, ' Russian green, blue. pi rs Read Them Every Day. It WBl Pay' The Bee Want Ada in The Bee. BAD BREATH Maadamaa Harold Pritchett, Hen Wood. Mlaaea Mary Hurkley, J)aphne Petere, Oladva Patera. . Mildred Butlar. Louiae Dinning, tctnres TndaT. Ii Walter Scott Perry of Piatt Institute.! bf Brooklyn, will give the la't lecture of) hla series before the Omaha Society of I iX'tne Arts at ths Hotel Fontenelle at 4 ' : o-ciock. 'The Aih.mhra-the . F.iry Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets Get Talace of the Moors' will be his subject.. , , ;;;Miss Jeannette Miriam Uoldberg of! at tile G&US6 aUCl RemOVO it. Philadelphia will occupy the pulpit at 'tTempls Iaraol tonight. Misa Goldberg la, 'field secretary of the Jewish Chautauqua society. Hoe wlU be the guest of Mrs. J. .ft. Kopsld until Monday. ' . .i For Mri. Cole'i Gueit. 'Mrs.'B. r.CrtmnsT gave a 'luncheon 'at her home this ' afternoon - for Mra ' X'rancaa Oscherhausen and Mlaa , Helen :agg of New Tor City. Mra F. H. CoU's house guests, who leave' for' New York this evening. , , Omahani at ptceliior Springs. Mr. shd Wrs A.'U TUnnla ars at the jilms. Excelsior Hptlnga, , , "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I 'Tlmms are pending two weeks at Excelsior Springs. :I-Mr. and Mra Fred A. Cuacadan returned JJonday rrom a visit to Excelsior fiprlnga i Mrs. C. B. 'Toung la at Kxoelslor rprings. t' " , ' Engagement! Announced. ;',Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Evans an nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Hugh Henry llarper. The wedding will take place (he latter part of December. ' The engagement of Mlas Fannie Roth child of Davenport. Ia.( and Mr. Maurice Ihr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, aot gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with had breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-ooated tab lats are taken for bad breath by all who know them. . , Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimu lating thera to natural aetlon. clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire sys tem. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics are derived from Dr. Bdwarda' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or disagreeable effects of any kind. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the for mula after seventeen years of practice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwarda Olive Tablets are purely a vara table compound mixed with oltve oil; you will know them by their olive color. , iaae one or two every nignt tor a week and note the effect lOe and 2So per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. Saturday Sale Fresh, Delicious andies Every Saturday we offer several special bargains tn sealed-at-tl e factory Candles. It will pT Candy purchaser to se oar assort men: first. V are agents 1a Omaha for the famous LIGGKTT'8 KI.IXT CHOCOLATES. (tome attractive features in our Candy Department are: Llgsof.'a Elect Chocolates H-lb.. 40c; 1-lb., aoo fenway s Dainty Dutch Dellghta -lb 90c 14b, aoo Llssatt'a Butter and Milk BUtersweeta H-lb, eooi 1-lb., aoe Uk-sett's Fruit Cordials H-lb. gOoi 1-lb, gl.00 Guth a Bontona and Chocolates S-b, eoe 1-lb, too liarr-s Originaj Saturday Candy, sold freah each Baturday, only, 14b.. ..gfrs Oo Maxlxe Cherries for , as soe Triola 8 weia for , ae Full Pound Qutfc's Caramela, Saturdays, at Ie Outh's Cramt o Peppermint. In Chocolate, lb ao Uncle Joahua's Old Fashioned Hoarhound. lb..., aoe 1-lb. Jordan Akmonda to 1-lb. Martan to Ctiocolatee for tee 1-lb. Oalvaa Ripe Pineapple Chocolates for Ss cuEnr.mii a .ucontiEu drug co Ccr. letk and Bodge Kreeta Owl Vtag Co, Cor. let fe Saraey. Harvard Pbaraaacy. 4th k Faraaaa. Xeyal Pharmacy, aor.g v. xeta Bt. 8 Suits, 85f).50 Instead of $7500. S Models, were tt.50, for S55.75. fl Clever Oarmeints, were $7T61. J 2 Very Oe-ntl Suits, were 903.00. All even S5Q.OO for the pick. . The other day a very delightful gentleman stopped at our desk to tell us about ASURERETTJRN method of advertising-. He was a good talker exceedingly gentlemanly a nd we were almost ready to capitu late and say "Almost thou persuades t me," when he said "Now Oobbs would be a splendid thing for you to try this method on. Do you know,' ' said he, "I never knew you had a Candy department before." ' Now, he had Ir T'nuifTa Arl . i f ne 0reen Cl0th Sult S02.50 Instead of $80.00 We tell of remarkable Linen Bargains Saturday, We tell of wonderful Suit Selling Saturday. We tell of Annual China Sale Saturday. We tell of Last of the Season Shoe Cleanup Saturday. We tell of astonishing Hat values Saturday. ALL IN ALL, should draw the bigs est crowds of . the year. - , We Will Start on the Second Floor and Work Downwards UNUSUAL SUIT RALE. We have grouped together the trream of the stock motst of them exclusive models Ordinarily this 1b the sort of pricing you expect the week after Christmas this year we have decided to have a sort of SUIT MKELLIAH. ' . , . PARTICULARS f ' One 'Suit of Paane Velvet, i fox trimmed, 8115 instead of $160. ; . Hat and Muff Included, :'' V'- Two Suits, one Velvet, the other Broadcloth, S0S.00 Instead of - $II6.0." " ' - ? One Brown Broadcloth, beaver trimmed," S76.50' Instead of $85.00. One Dark Green Broadcloth Suit, 869.50 Injstead of $87.60. - One Tailored Sheep's Gray cloth Suit, 867.50 ln Itead of $85.00. " One Black Broadcloth, Marten trimmed, 867.50 ln tead of $81.50. ' visited us several times, we have advertised Cobb considerably, so we were ready to exclaim: "What in Sam Hill's the use, if people don't read ads and won't use their eyes. What does it profit a man" Per haps we better put a brake on our phraseology or we'll be accused of trail ing THE PUZZLE IS AFTER ALL TO GET YOU TO READ THOMAS KILPATRICK AND CO.'S MHELLIAH IS NOW ON. Hundreds of Suits made for our kind of trade . combining elegance and usefulness all priced to cause excitement and then we will show a group of Staple . Berges and Poplins, usually $25.00, for 813.50. SECOND VERY IMPORTANT SALE FOR BATUROAX Tailored Skirts In two lots 84.08 87.05. Black Skirts and Navies Coverts and Mixtures, for merly up to $7.60. at 84.08. '- Exclusive 'designs in Taffetas, Velvets, Broadcloths, etc., formerly p to $16.60, at 87.05. Don't 'gloce this over no fancy atory facts should Interest ekirt wanters. ' . ' V , 1 Wonderful what changes occur In' one short week. Seems but jester day when we could sit outdoors, when I we were careful to shut the screen door to keep the flies out. flow fires are burning ' brightly and we are snuggling tip to keep warm. - UNDERWEAR TIME THEREFORE OURS IS AN EXPERT SERVICE Women tf experience in the women's section. . . Men of knowledge in the. Men's department. ' Specials every Saturday in. Men's Section. Get In line. Join the happy throng of those who always prefer the Kllpatrick Standard Quality Fit Price. CiLOVE SALE SATURDAY To absolutely rid the stork of all imperfect soiled damaged or trled-on gloves, we hare gathered together in lots and dlv'ded into classes all the odds 10 29V 49d and 80t Per pair. JUNIOR SECTION Upstairs again, please. Saturday Sale on the fine Hats for little ones, 3 to 12 years: . Hats which sold up to $S.50. for 85.00 each. Hats which sold up to $6.00, for S3.&5 each. Small Slim women In large numbers have expressed their gratitude to us for calling attention to our readi ness to serve them with Junior sizes in Suits -Saturday we offer 2 specials A very attractive gathering, which Include Suits up to $20.00. at 812.75. . . .... An extra fine collection, which sold to $27,50; t 818.50. - LAST Shoe Sale of the Season SATURDAY 800 pairs or thereabouts were thrown on the counters "-Friday we sold a great many we have now gathered all the : odd lots left from a busy season's aelllng. The finer ' shoes for women sold at $5, $6 and $7, Saturday, all that are left, will go at 82.65. EXPERT Shoe men to aid you ip getting a FIT. And Now What Is a Mhelliah? .... , On Elian Vannln (with its green hills by. the sea), they have a custom or a festival known as theSMheUlah. . Af ter the summer Is past and the harvest Is ended they hold a sort of harvest-home. Originally they gathered in the fields after the grain was harvested and ' engaged themselves eating , and drinking their drink was . called lough a sort of mild home brewed ale. Later they gathered in the barns and sat up to tables weighted down with the fullness of the earth and feasted to their heart's content. Afterwards tables ware cleared and to the muste of the fiddle the concertina the Jews' harp, etc., danced till' break of day and sometimes kept it up all the next day. This then Is what Mhelliah means. A sort of forerunner of our Thanksgiving, Isn't It? Never In the history of this nation was there ' such reason for a Thanksgiving as this year. The Cobbs have prepared wonderful good things for you. Let us quote a little list. First, for the hostess, a box of Cobb's Dandy. That will give you the proper entree as it were, so to speak. High grade Chocolates and Bon Bone, G0t the box, Baited Almonds and large Texas Pecans (new crop), 81.00 the lb. Candled Fruits from bleeding France erstwhile so sunny, 804 the It?. Black Walnut Croquettes, 604 the lb. ' Creamed stuff Dates. 604. Chocolate Roman Nougats, 604. Creamed California Grapes, 604. Usually 80c and . rarely found in the ordinary shop. . CAKES You remember what Will says "Dost think because thoa art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale?" We haven't the ale, but we surely do hsve the Cakes that rich Black Fruit Cake, which keeps but which is rarely allowed to remain long 804 the lb. And we don't know of any finer. ' And then the Plum Puddings. Do you remember how 2 or S months before the eating time, mother used to make the Plum Pudding? In our boyhood days after it was made they used to hang it up on the ceiling near the open fire end somehow or other, few puddings taste as mother's did. Try Cobb's this year all ye doubting Thomases, who dream of the past good things rlcn with fresh fruits and raisins 604 You can have a stick in the sauce if you like and this is Cobb's. ICE CREAMS What novelties; no place like Amer ica for dainty conceits of every kind. Individual tur keys, pumpkins. Horns of plenty, roses, nesselrode pud ding, froien egg nogg, Tuttl Fruttt Order early to be sure of beet service. May we mention a few specials for Saturday? Black Walnut Pillows, Crispy the interior of Blsck Walnut Israels, chewey, lasting and delicious; 304 the lb. box. Scores will buy 2 boxes, one for Sunday and t'other for Thanksgiving. Cream Caramel Roll Made Just as you make a Jelly roll a layer of buttery delicious caramels with Vanilla Cream fondant rolled op In as toothsome a randy as ever melted In your mouth; H-lb. bos for lff . Scores of other delightful delicacies but as Byron said: I'Wby go on, I'm almost sorry that I e're beg'in." for mouth is getting moist and I must stop to sample. Please get your orders In on Saturday morning. AT SALE. Extraordinary We read a monograph the.other day written by Oscar Wilde in which he bewailed "THE DE CAY OF LYING" Now Oscar has been gone to the great beyond these several years. If he were living today his regrets would be greater, for there is a change A VERY DECIDED CHANGE and we hope we may be pardoned if we claim some of the credit. We have tried always to keep within the limit of truth and to day we have to confess that we are curbing our selves limiting our adjectives for if we were to convey nothing but the simple unvarnished truth about the next item some who do not know us, might accuse us of EXAGGERATION. LISTEN Our connection is very close with one of the BIGGEST MILLINERY MEN IN AMERICA. He shipped us a lot of HATS A FEW DAYS AGO and wired us: "I have ship ped you hats worth at retail from $7.50 to $30.00. Sell tbem at AND YOU'LL SET THE LADIES WILD." We waited till the hats arrived and found our friend was easily, within the limits of truth. Marvelous as some of our Hat Sales have been wonderful as the Values have been, we never presented such an attractive lot. Hats of all kinds beautiful plumes worth three times" the price asked Plush Velvets China Sale ' While but little of the China sold nowadays comes from the Flowery Kingdom he of the erstwhile pigtail TAUGHT EUROPE THE ART. Saturday Special Sale on Dinner Sets Many popular lines must be discontinued. Heaven only knows when business will be nor mal with Allies or Central Powers. Several beautiful Dinner Sets will be offered at One-Half Price The entire Basement Center given over to this sale. Tables at 25, 50 and $1.00. As we write they are busy as bees working overtime laying out the different lots. Cups and Saucers Plates Vases all kinds of choice ware for your own use cr for gifts. Away below usual prices. Cut Glass Nappies' etc., on the $1.00 table. Come in the morning early for pick. Ornaments Black White Large Small Every Hat fashionable New and splendidly put together. Sale starts as soon as the doors open Saturday morning. What ever else you neglect DON'T MISS IT, that is, of course, if YOU WEAR A HAT. We have much to be thankful for this year.. Every reason why we should have a Mhelliah. When the poet wrote: "Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay," or words to that effect, he did not vision the Europe of to day. Perhaps after all, the people of Cathay are happier than their white brother. We are led to this dissertation on the Celestial King dom because we next mention CHINA. Every year, just before Thanksgiving, we have