The "Ohsha Daily Bee EDITORIAF PAGES 13 TO 24. Fullest and timeliest sport news and tfossip in The Dee day by day. Special Sport Section every Sunday. I I VOL. XLV-XO. 133. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1915. On Tralaa, at KY.l H.w S1ad., to., AO. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Friday, November 19, 191&- Victor Kaeorda for WoTmbp Many ffnlanrtM g.lctlon Tonrth .Floor. -BURQESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- In Omkh. Only M Bnrf -Haih Con Ton Bviy th. CMflnrlW. -Telephone Douglas 137. urgess-Naslh News for Ssv,tardsv,y Exquisite Collection of Pattern Hats Formerly $25 for $10 Gold Lace Hats Silver Lace Hats Beautiful creations, eTery one new, no two alike, all made from dainty gold and silver laces and trimmed with French flowers. No exchanges No approvals for this sale. Hats that were formerly to 125.00 offered Saturday, at $10. Saxraaa-XTMU Co -8oond rloor. CLEARAWAY of WOMEN'S SHOES AT $1.00 OFF REGULAR PRICE THE sale includes all short lines and odd pairs left from the season's Belling. The schedule shows the exact sizes and widths patent leather. duU calf, kid skin and tan Russia calf. . , ' $3 OO chlce ' the I Yur c,1lc of all tha Tour choice of all the grades. . .. $4.00 I grades. . . . $3.00 I grades .... $2.50 SIZES lm 2 2K1 3! 3K 4 4tt 6 5H 6 6Va 7 7ft H AA . . --1- . 1111 7 4 6 6 10 3 ........... 11 2 j!7 9 8 8 7 7 1 6 ....... 2 9124 2410 2517 17 9 1012 8 E . -. . ,. .13 522 2315 2829 17U 138 11 .......11 1 1 9j 2 7 1424 2525 -99 1410 20 ....... 3 7i 7 9j 2 ... Burr-HMh Co. Sooosta rloor. MESH BAGS AT LESS THAN THE COST OF THEIR MANUFACTURE A t MAKER'S entire, surplus, divided into four groups. An opportune ' time to anticipate Xmas gifts. Mesh Bags to $5.00, Now $1.00 German silver, either lined or unllned, some reversible ring mesh and unbreakable Bailey mesh, plain and fancy frames. Mesh Bags to $12.50, Now $1.95 German silver, genuine gunmetal, heavy gold plated Silver and gun metal combination, etc.; some have double skirts or fringes, reversible mesh, some silk lined. Shell Top Mesh Bags, $5.95 Values, $3.19 Reversible mesh finished with tassels on sides and bottom, guaran teed shell or amber frame and handle. Shell Frame Mesh Bags, $10.00 Values, $4.95 Reversible mesh, finished with tassels, beautifully silk lined, ;shell and amber frames, studded and hand engraved.'aah Co. SItn rloor. Goat NEW BLOUSE FASHIONS Received Within the Past Few Days TO complete your suit, a blouse must harmonize or must contrast and above all bo correct. Upon the proper selection of blouses depends so much of the charm of one's costume. New Blouses at $5.95 Crope de chine blouses In pink,' white and maize. Georgette crepes in suit shades, maize, white and flesh. Lace blouses in black and cream. Simple smartly tailored blouses of striped silk. . Pretty Blouses, $7.50 to $29.50 Many other new and different blouses with bright touches of em broidery, smart fur trimmings, choker collars and gold and silver lace, trimmed blouses blouses of simple semi-tailored fashion for street wear the dressier models for afternoon teas, matinees, church and the theater. Prices range $7.50, fio.oo, $12.50, Slft.00 to $20.50. Bnr..-lT.h Co. Sc?nd Floor. Another Lot of Women's Gloves Including Values to $1.50, Saturday, at 95C the Pair THE assortment consists of travelers' samples, small lots and broken sizes of women's one-clasp English cape gloves In leather shades;. two-clasp kid gloves in white and colors, also, a small, quantity of silk lined mocha gloves. Every pair is in perfect condition and the real value is to $1.50 the pair. Saturday 05c the pair. Children's Wool Gloves ..and Mit- Attention. Men! Here's a SMART Including Values of $1.50 to $3.50, Saturday, at flC v tens at 25c the Pair Large variety from "which to make lection In all the best colors. orr.ta.IlMk Co. In Floor. se A DRUG AND TOILET GOODS Sale Saturday of Much Importance Pebeco tooth paste, 50o- size for 290- Sal 60c sice for 20c 1 Household am-', monia, 1 qt. 18c Jad Saltfil 7 Be size .... .-..40c I1 q 4 1 d Teea' Boap, SOo sine: for . .'. 20o Canthrox sham poo, 60o size for .......20o Wool powder puffs .....l&o German hair restorer, 1 $1" size for. . . . 70c R e movable chamois buffers 2 So values. 10c Lister Ine, 60' size, So Danderlne, 60c size ...... .80o Peroxide soap, lOo cake. . . ,7c i USTMittf Iae'bell's face powder, flesh color. 60c size for ....... loo Colgate's dental paste, 10c, SOc W o o d b u ry'a soap, 26c size for ;:.l7o Azurea or Le T r e f 1 e pow der 05c Williams' shav ing -soap, per cake . '. ..v.aHe Ivory soap, spe cial at 10 cakes for 37c Evening Jas mine fuco pow der, 60c size for ....... 20c Abonlta face cream, SOc size for 20o Ideal hair brushes, double bristle, large size ......70o Toilet paper, crepe finish, 10c grade, 6 rolls for. . ,25c Pure c a s 1 1 1 e soap, large 3 lb. cake. . . .40o Thermos bottle, 1 qt. size, $l.HO Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 60c size . . .20c'asli Co. T r a n s parent handle tooth brush in box for 14o Hand and nail scrub brush, 35a and 46o values . . . .Sfio White Ivory handle Hughes' ideal hair brush for 91.70 French Ivory powder boxes and hair re ceivers . .fl.OO C o m b in atlon, red rubber bot tle and syringe, 11.76 val.. 07o Rubber Gloveti, a pair..... 10c G h amberlaln's cough remedy, 25c sire... 18c Kondon's ca tarrh jell, 25o size IRo Eels Naphtha soap, 10 cakes for OHo Denver mud, 25c size. . . .18o lllue Jay corn and bunion plasters, 16c size, lie; 26o size 10c Beef, Wine and iron, 1 pint. 42c Witch Hazel, 1 qt., best grade, for 20d , Main rloor. Bath salts, 60o size 10o Eskay's food, 75c size. ...40c Jap Rose , soap, 2 cakes. . . .llo 20-Mule . Team borax. 1 lb. .Oo , Lunch Kit . $1.40. Very desirable: for the labor er, children, hunter and of flee man, con sisting of one pint thermos bottle and caae, very spe cial .... 11.40 Santtol tooth paste, 26o size for 16o P.&G. Naphtha sofcp, 10 cakes for 8Mo Borax chips, large package for 10o LUao Rose soap cake 7c O'Cedar oil, 26o size 18c nush can 17cK:l SSL) WE (X)NS11)EH the offering the biggest in point of value-giving of any that wo have offered tins season. Thoy'ro the road or traveling salesman's samples, together with a big quantity , of broken lines from a largo manufacturer. Every shirt is new, made this season from a wide selection of the most favored ma terials, and tho lot includes ,an extremely largo range of styles and colorings. Thero are nil' sizes represented a shirt sale you cannot afford to overlook values $1.50 to $3.50 for 95c, , Bnrr.s-Ba,.h Co. Main Floor. Men's $2.00 Stiff HATS AT $1.00 NEW fail and winter shapes, all sizes, a limited quantity to close oxiU- Regular price 42.00, now fl.oo. Men's Hats, $1.95 The guaranteed kind at $3.00, several styles either soft or stiff, black and shades. Men's $1 and $1.50 Caps, 45c For fall and ' winter, with or without Inband, blue serge and fancy mixtures; were $1 to $1.60, for 45c. -. . , , Barfoss-Wasto Cor Tonrth Hoof. Character BABY DOLLS AT 49c THEY'RE ..unbreakable; good size; a splendid knock about doll for the llttlev tots,' very specially priced for Saturday at 40c. Dear Old Santa Glaus la eendlnx In toy and dolls every day for us to get In place for his coming to open the big TOY TOWN on the fourth floor. Yester day we received a bis: shipment of im ported high grade jointed dolls that range In price from $2.75 to $7.50. Buriu-Xuli Co. Tonrth rloor. B I 1 c u Men's Strictly Hand Tailored SUITS and OVERCOATS TlIE sort of suits and overcoats that will appoal to men who are inutile habit of wearing 'merchant tailored, clothes. , . : Every garment is strictly tailored made to conform to the require ments of the "Buunaasc Standard." - of quality which means the very best possible at the price. Men's Overcoats, $20.00 All wool black kersey, sizes 36 to 46, quilted lined, imported cloth, astrakhan collars, stylish and very warm. Boy's Suite $4.98 Two-pant suits, all new stock, corduroy or fancy, pants lined throughout, remark able values. Boy's MacMnaws, $4.95 All wool with skate pocket, for ages 8 to 15 years. BarfMa-iraeli Co-Tourth floor. s Si uecia $1 9.50 PLUSH, CORDUROY, BROADCLOTH, KERSEYS and ZIBEUNES OUR coat stock was never so complete in sizes styles and shades as at the present time. The linings are guaranteed, the materials are.of the best, and all are 'warmly, interlined. Misses' and ladies' sizes. Many with fur collars and cuffs. Other coats in seal plushes and velvets, $25, $29.50 to $50. Pur-Trimmed, Plush-Trimmed, Full Flaring, Fur-Collared and Loose-Fitting Coats, $25.00 and $35.00 T-TANDSOME great coats, richly trimmed with furs, big swinging models, with full ripples, two-tone corduroys, Bayedere cloths, velvet veiours ana otner line weaves in almost endless variety. Co. coa4 rioor. Hudson Lynx Furs 0a B'g Bargain Square Main Floor AVERY Choice assortment of fine lustrous black furs which we purchased before the big advance In price, and have marked them for this sale at prices that will mean a substantial saving. Black Hudson Lynx Muffs at $5.00 Black Hudson Lynx Muffs at $7.50 Black Hudson Lynx Muffs at $10.00 Black Hudson Lynx Choker at $3.50 Black Hudson Lynx. Choker at $5.00 Black Hudson Lynx Scarfs at $7.50 Bnrcoaa-Baah Oo Vain Flow. erase N AEU BASE ME NT "P. D." Brand Grape Fruit. Each - - - 5c i flgf THIS fruit is grown at Orlando, Florl da, Is large size, juicy, se lected and care fully packed under instructions tuiumned by the U. S. Government and passed the government acid test. The best fruit grown, heavy and thin skinned, each Individually wrapped, very special for Satur day at 5c each. Burs-Ms-VMli Co. BM.m.nt. A Sale of NUTS THE highest grade first qual ity 1916 crop, no better grown; at special prices for Saturday: English walnuts, large size, lb. 21c Peanuts, fresh roasted, lb. ..7 Ho English walnuts, small size, Cali fornia's best, lb 17c Almonds, California's best, lb. 22c Pecans, the large kind, lb. . . ,20o Filberts. large and well filled, per lb. 10c Brazil nuts, large, washed, lb. ,21c Mixed nuts walnuts, almonds, Brazil, pecans, filberts and pea nuts, per lb loo Barr.i-Br..h Co. Butatit HOME FURNISHING NEEDS Oak heaters, heavy cast Iron ftrepot, full nickel trimmed, guaranteed to be $ 7.60 val.. 5.5(i $ 8.60 V4J., $7.50 $10.50 val.. f8.BO P e r f e ction oil heater, 4-quaxt leaded teel font, guaranteed to be odorless and smokeless, $3.60 value, at.. .C2.85 Stove boards, all wood lined, zinc covered, 30x30 size, $1.10 val ues H5c Stove pipe, 6 ln. size, extra heavv. polished steel, regular 26c quality; special at 18c Furnace scoops, full size, good quality steel blade, hard wood ban die, regular 60c value, special, 80c Japanned eoal hods, 16-!n. size, reinforced bot tom, regular 25c. values, at . . . 15o v-!, Corrugated el- t'. bows, one piece, lis V-p. blue steel. 6-lnch X size, 10c value; special at 7o Continuing the Special Sale of WOMEN'S COATS Including Values of $15 to $18, at $i e-95 THE surplus and sample line of a prominent manufacturer who be came over stocked on account of the mild season and who willingly let go at a sacrifice. The coats are all brand new, made within the past two weeks In the sea son's favored styles, all have full flar ing skirts, some belted models, ferw fur collars and some with chin chin collars. The materials are: Black Kersey Novelty Heather Mixtures Striped and Plaid Zibeline Black and White Checks Black Zibelines Broken Checks Two-Tone Zibelines, Novelty Mixtures There are all sizes for women and misses and every coat Is a. splendid $15.00 to $18.00 value, Saturday, at $0.05. . Barswaa-Baa Oo, Artificial ROSE BUDS, 19c THEY look like real and have the natural perfume made of the best quality fibre, In the tea rose shades, with long sterna and foliage. Very special at 10c each. BargMe-Baali Co, Ml Plow. fEVE RYD ODYO OTORE CHINESE LILY BULBS, 5c Chinese lily bulbs, the usual lOe kind, special. Be each. Chrysanthemums, carnations and roses at special prices. BurffMa-WMh Oe-atala rioor. )