Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1915, News Section, Page 12, Image 12

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T X -I i I fall H 1 1'
In.:.!. j OH BATTLES
JIarwd mi Tale Meet In Final
Contest of Their Hsipectlra
CAMBRIDGE. Kin., Nor. II. With
their baaner of crimson and blu fun
t th breese aa In tha old days when
they battle for the championship of th
nidlmn. th foot ball team of Harvard
and Tal meet her today In th final
contest of their respective schedule. A1
thouth shorn of much of their former
rlory ther la not th slightest abatement
In general Interest In the annual claah
of th rival elevens end the greatest of
11 eastern foot ball classics win be wlt
leseed by a throne; of thousands which
will test th rapacity or th Harvard
tadlum as In the years when the winner
was acclaimed th premier team ot th
While ther Is no possibility of new
attendance or 'rate receipt records this
fact la du to Inability to accommodate
more than 47.000 persons In the stadium of
oWlers field. If th rreat Harvard
smphfthrater had th seating capacity
f th Tale bowl It Is not unlikely that
th . gridiron struggle of the morrow
would attract a Catherine; as lame as
lhat which was present at th dedication
f the Ella arena last antumn, when Har
vard won from Tale" M to 0. The demand
for tickets, which Is far In excess of th
supply, has demonstrated that lure of th
(am la not dependent upon the elevena
f th famous universities entering the
Tlnal contest of th year with unblem
shed banners.
Yale Oatlantc Not Rriikt.
If auch wer th can ther would be
tiany empty tiers In the stadium today,
'nr not in many yeara has Tale com to
Tambrldire with surU a dismal record as
:hat.mad by the team of 1915. Eliminat
ing; all consideration of th Princeton
ram th fact remains that th Blue
lost four of th first seven tames of Its
ichedule, being defeated by Virginia.
Brown, Oolgat and Washington and
Jefferson. A desperate effort to rally the
shattered forces of th Blue was mad In
the closing weeks of th season, but with
partial success. A new corps of coaches
was called In after Colgate's triumph
and against Brown and Frlnceton th Ell
leven showed marked Improvement.
Compared with Harvard' record of vic
tory over all teama faced this fall, except
Cornell, th outlook for th Blue to de
feat th Crimson Is not particularly
Tber ar reasons, however, why Tsl
has not entirely given up hope of being
hie to save a most disastrous season
from rout by winning or tying witS th
Cambridge combination In the closing
contest of th year. Th Eli foot ball
material Is not without its merit and
wh'le It Is admitted that Tale mad a
wretched start th faithful adherents of
th tsam bellev that th eleven wilt
arts to th occasion today and surprise
the optimistic Harvard oontlngant Cor
nellproved that th Crimson was not
invincible while Penn Stat and Prince
ton. although defeated several times,
threatened to overwhelm th Cambrldg
Crimea Great Machlae. k
That Tale should succeed where these
powerful team failed seems Unlikely, 'but
th hopeful point out that man for man
ther is little advantage oiy way or th
other. Harvard, with Its almost perfect
coaching system, has evolved a fine foot
ball tnachtn while Tal ha yet to find
itself. Veterans recall that In 1M0 much
th sam conditions prevailed. Tal had
been defeated by Brown and th Army;
held to a scoreless tie by Vanderbllt; had
great difficulty In defeating Syracuse and
Holy Cross, yet rallied under th eleventh-hour
coaching of Shevlln and suc
ceeded In defeating Princeton and holding
Harvard to a no-score tie.
Those who know th real meaning of
the old Tal fighting spirit; th possi
bilities of th present squad and th driv
ing power of Bhevlln, an emergency
coach, hop for th best and ar not
avers to wagering reasonable sums on
th Blue at the odds Harvard cohorts
hav been offering. To th great majority
f follower of th two universities th
question of victory or defeat Is not the
utmost Import - Th fact that Tal and
Harvard are to meet In th greatest
ports event of th Inter-varslty year Is
sufficient reason for their presence In the
tadlum on Saturday and they will be
ther with their wives, sisters and sweet
hearts until ther remains not room fop
another person. Other eleven may be
hailed as champions, but today all that
will be forgotten as th two anotent
rival struggle In th green turfed pit
surrounded by th towering wall of th
stadium to which will cling. In serried
rows, thousands of th loyal follower of
the universities.
Yale Wla Meet Gauae.
Even though defeat be its portion.
Tal will not be without aom consola
tion, for It will be many years before
Harvard can overtake th long lead that
th Ulu gained In th early days of
foot ball between th two institution
Wne l7S the teams of th Blue and
Crimson hav met on tb gridiron thlrty
flv time. Of then games Tal has won
twenty-two; Harvard eight and flva hav
resulted in U contests. Sine lfatS, when
tha point coring systsm was Introduced.
Tals has rolled up a total of CT point to
Harvard's 143.
Sooy .,,
General Interest Center, on Cam
bridge Game, but Several Other
of Importance Slated.
NEW TORK, Nov. 19. Wh'le the Harvard-Tale
contest overshadows all other
foot bsll gsmes to be played on eastern
gridirons tomorrow, there are several
(ther struggles which will have an Im-
yM in-miun v., iiiu inmi bli iff uiiKlli III
the elevens for the season of 1915.
Oeneral Interest will be focused upon
the outcome of tha annual meeting of the
I nine ana v nmiwin, dui ine uarrmouin-
o nu-uw, i:oigRie-.teorgeiown, innny
Wreieyan eon lefts and those In which the
Army and Navy teama compete will all be
followed with more than usual keenness.
Ther will be missing from the weekly
lineup, however, several of th larger
Institutions, for-Princeton haa completed
Its schedule, while Cornell and Pennsyl
vania are resting for their Thanksgiving
day gsme, which will close th season
for both teams.
Harvard a Favorite.
Based upon the theoiy and science of
modern foot ball. Harvard should be and
Is favored to defeit Tale, but that the
game will follow thes lines Is not at
all certain, since gridiron form ha re
ceived .far more than the usual number of
Jolts and upsets this fall. Foot ball la a
team game, where the perfect co-operation
of eleven players on offense and de
fense should outweigh th efforts of an
equal number of athletes who fall to
work with, the ram harmony and cohe
sion. It sometimes happens, however,
thst (he strength nnd individual ability
of men forming such a combination Is so
great that It will conquer a perfect ma
chine moulded from medlocer material,
especially If th breaks In the gam favor
the stronger but cruder playing eleven.
This was Remonstrated In th victory of
Tale over Princeton.
The Harvard eleven of 1915 I not of
th same caliber as Princeton, however,
, for the Crimson la built of better material
and by a coaching system which Is thor
oughly established and working with per
fect smoothness. Th Cambrldg team
haa been carefully trained and brought
forward especially for th Yale game,
whereas Princeton appeared to reach Its
best form at least two weeks before th
Blue was met
How Olmaoa Beat Tiger.
' Eliminating all consideration of ' th
games that preceded th triangular con
test between Yale, Princeton and Har
vard it will be found that Harvard de
feated Princeton th result ot a per
fectly engineered team touchdown and
on field goal by Mahan. against two by
Tlbbott Tal also conquered tha Tiger as
the result of two field goals by Guernsey
and a touchdown mad after Way had
picked up a fumbled ball and crossed
th tin through an absolutely clear field.
In this gam Tale was not atrong enough
to prevent Princeton from making a
team touchdown and barely escaped at
least on other.
It seems unlikely that Harvard will dis
play th weak apota In generalship and
strategy that Princeton wsa guilty of at
critical points In last Saturday's, gam,
or that Tal will find tha breaks of th
play falling o attadlly in its favor. Under
auch circumstance th ' Ella will hav
t depend 'upon either powerful tndlvtd
ual efforts or strong team play to over
come th Crimson machine.
Yale Makes stride.
Tal. sine Its string of defeat at th
hands' of Waahlngton and Jefferson, Col
gat and Brown, haa made remarkable
stride under th coaching of Tom Bhev
lln and other. It waa th development
of a powerful fighting aplrit and unuaual
keenneaa In following th ball rather than
any advancement In team work, either on
attack or defense, that got th Blue vic
tory over Princeton. That th' sam
methods applied to Harvard will result
In another win appears unlikely, although
It Is conceded that th battl will be far
closer than was thought a few weeks ago.
for th Ella now believe, and rightly so,
that they hav a chance of defeating t
Crimson. Th lines from tackle to tackle
ar about equal, while th Crimson has
the advantage at th end. At quarter
back Watson has shown himself to be a
better general than Van Nostrand, but
th Tal quarter plays a stronger Indi
vidual gam. Both teams hav powerful
backflelds. Harvard with Mahan, King
and Boles haa a great trio of plunger
and nd runners. For Tale, Captain Wil
son, Bingham and Guernsey, with Bcovll
as alternate, ar almost It not quit, as
In th kicking department of th
gam Captain Mahan punts th ball fur
ther and with better direction than
Guernsey, but after th letter's drop
kicking feata against Princeton it would
be a hardy prophet who would predict
that Mahan will outpoint Querns? In
Left end
ft tackle
eft guard
Center ,
ItiKtit guard.,...
Kiht tackle....
flight end
If t halfback...
hiKht hiUtback.
Ift end
Ift tackle
titstx guard
night saurd....
n.lit t&rkle....
Kight end
l--ft hslfburk
....laylor 1m;
Parson i
....llarte 17i
aUon 147
NoVe i,7
.....Kln i7o
VaW (C 171
Name. Weisht.
H HKlnbotham ....171
J. bbeldon ...
Van Nuntrand
.Ml n ham
r ,,1.1.. .u a
RED CtWD. Neb., Nov. l.-Speclal
' Telegram.) Red Cloud High school over
whelmed Oxorrd her today. II to 0. Ox
' ford waa outclassed and only had posses
sion of tb ball thre time during the
gam. Overlease of Red Cloud ran ssv-enty-flv
yards for a touchdown.
Touchdowns: Overlees (3). Follnlcky
?). Han (21. tvileon. KJrr. Goals:
Polaclky tZ). 5). Refer: Oellat-
W. Bed Cloud plays Franklin academy
her Thanksgiving day.
4'arl. staita tp.
The Provldrno club of the Interna
Utual league has slned Anthony Carlo.
Says Body is a
Poison Factory
Urges everyone to drink glass
of hot water before
t breakfast.
Just as coal, when It burns, leave ba
hind a certain amount of Incombustible
material In th form of ashes, so th food
and drink taken day after day leave la
the alimentary canal a certain amount
of Indigestible material, which If not
completely eliminated from th system
each day. becomes food for th millions
ot bacteria which infest th bowela
From this mass of left-over waste, toxins
snd ptomalne-ltk poisons ar formed and
sucked Into th blood.
Men and women who can't get feeling
'right must begin to take Injld batha
Befor eating breakfast each morning
drink a glaaa of real hot water with a
teaapoonful of llmeeton phosphate In it
to wash out of th thirty feet of bowela
th previous day a -accumulation of pola
ooa and toxins and to keep the entire
alimentary canal clean, pur and fresh,
Thos who ar subject to sick headache,
colds, biliousness, constipation, others
no wake up with bad taste, foul breath,
backache, rheumaUo stiffness, or hav
sour, gassy stomach after meals, ar
urged to get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from th drug stor. and begin
practicing Internal sanitation. This will
cost vry imi. but U ufflclnt to make
ayon an enthusiast on th subject,
lte member Insld bathing la mora Im
portant lbn outsida bathing, bacau th
skin pores do not absorb impurities Into
th blood, causing poor health, while th
bowel pore do. jUst as soap and hot
water cleanse, sweetens and freshens th
skin, so hot water and limestone phos
phate act on the stomach, Uver. kidneys
and bowels. Advertisement
this respect, despite the fame and record
of Mahan as a field goal klckr.
May lllaere an Stars' Work.
It Is not unlikely that the final outcome
of the struggle will hinge upon the re
spective work of theee two stars on their
punting and drop-kicking duels.
In other games of tomorrow, Dartmouth
nd Syracuse ar certain to have" a battle
royal, with th odds favoring th Orange,
which has defeated decisively every
leven faced this fall except Princeton,
and even the Tigers had to be satisfied
with a single field goal against Syracuse.
Colgate will meet a strong southern
eleven at Georgetown, but should win
from th Washington team unless still
crippled from th terrlfio atruggl with
Fyrscose a week ago.
Both th Army and Navy ar called
upon to play team of moderat strength
nd both should emerge victorious.
Fpringfletd Young Men's Christian as
sociation training school, which meet
th cadets haa a fast but rather light
leven and while welt equipped with
overhead plays la hardly atrong enough
to hold th rushing soldiers In check.
Th Middies will find Urslnus stronger
In Una plunging and nd running plays
and with a fair repertoire of passes.
Pine these conteats will be th final
gam for both Army and Navy before
they meet In their annual Ihter-servlc
battle, th results will be awaited with
Interest by all followers of th two
academy elevena.
List of Chief Games.
Th most Important game in th east
tomorrow with th score of last seas
aon'a conteats wher th same Institutions
net, ar as follows!
Yale at Harvard. 0 to K
Dartmouth at Hyracune, 40 to 0.
Trinity at Wealeyan, 0 to .
Colsate at Georgetown, did not meet
flprlnefleld t Army, I to 11'
Vrslnua at Navy, 2 to t.
iAfayette at lhlgh, T n 17.
Carlisle at Fordham. did not play.
Columbia at New York university, did
not Hay.
Bulger at Ptevena. 83 to 0.
Haverford at Hwarthmore. I to I.
Buffalo at Rochester, did not play.
Some Think Chicago and Wisconsin
Ilave Chance of Defeating-Foei.
CHICAGO, Nov. 19.-On1y the happen
ing of th unexpected tomorrow can un
knot th tie between Illinois and Min
nesota for th conference championship.
On form, Minnesota should down the
Badgers and Illinois should defeat the
Maroons, leaving unsolved the puxsle,
as It waa when Gophers and Illlnl fin
ished their battl to a to draw, Octo
ber 30.
But in a year of upsets prophets are
wary of pred ctlons based on past per
formances, and declare they would not
be surprised to se Chicago beat Zup-
pke'a team, despite the superiority for
Illinois which comparative scores show,
snd even ar inclined to give Wisconsin
an outMdo chance of beating Minnesota.
Should both Chicago and Wisconsin
win, the situation would be clouded than
ever, but a victory for the Maroons and
on for th Gophers would leave the
latter the best claim while th Illlnl
could establish a fair title to 1915 honors
by defeating Chicago while the Badgers
down "Minnesota.
Th card for tomorrow which practi
cally closes the season In the central
states Includes combats of historic In
terest as well as of championship im
portance, as follows r
At Chicago Illinois against Chicago.
At Madison Minnesota against Wis
consin. At Lincoln Iowa against Nebraska.
At EvanetonOlilo Btate against North
western. At Bloomlnxton Purdue miiui In
Indianapolis Wabash against Bepauw.
Slow Field is Likely
For Stagg Field Game
CHICAGO. Nov, 1.-Wlth th llnup aot
definitely settled upon. Coach Stag will
end his Maroons against the mini tomor
row on a field which is likely to be slow.
to th detriment of both teams. Rain
and soft snow seeped through th straw
blsnket at Stsgg field today, but fair
weather is ptomised for the final game.
The Maroons' handicaps In th matter
of Injuries may be offset to a certain
extent by the extra set of backs and by
th experience they all hav had. Flood
probably will be tn th game, but Gor
don, 6parka, Pobeon, McUbnhcll and
I .arson ar pretty certain to remain on
th aid tinea.
Coach Zappka expect to have Ms star
backs at tho start of tha game, and his
Una, whose members have been free from
aeriou hurts, will be Intanct
I This aa Ossea f
CAMBRHXIF- Mass.. Nov. 1.-Tsle de
feated Harvard at association foot ball
txlay. two goala to one. The players
silppod about on a muddy field. Accurate
shooting by Yale overvame weakneeaea
In the team's defense, which placed the
ball In Yale territory moat of the game.
Use The Bee a "swapper column,
SCOTT'S BLUFF. Neb., Nov. (Spe
cial Telegram. -Oothenburg High school
foot ball team defeated Pcott s Bluff
High school, 13 to 0. st 8cotta Bluff
Feet Ball In the nnh.
ATLANTA, Ga.. Nov. l.l.-Aa'd" from
tho gsme at Wanlilnjtton between Uoors-i-town
and South .arollna. tomorrow's
Southern foot ball schmlil.e is without Im
portant feature. Moat of the leading
teams. Including Virginia. Suwanee, Au
burn. Vniulerhilt. Gcorala nnd Georsrvi
Tech., will rest In preparation for the
Thankagtvlne; day conteats.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition
San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915
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CAUTION: Ctt the genuine with our trade-mark oa the package.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
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. u, a. fat. err.
Hilfe ill
"CpOR A LIMITED TIME only-we will give positively free a $1.25
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You are going to buy polish anyhow, and you get a full dollar's worth of the best polish
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you should not take advantage of this offer, and get a $1.25 Polly Prim Polish-Mop free.
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Do not confuse Polly Prim with ordinary polish.
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You can sit in a chair that has been polished with Polly
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It will not rouchen. fadft. Rtnln
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3 ' Pollv Prim Polish fa n rUor crtlnttn ..rlF.., &
It contains no cum. rosin, add or
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accomplishes three operations with one
m a . b
simple application, it cleans thoroughly
brightens like new and preserves the
It removes stains, dirt, dust grime
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maculate cleanliness and giving a rich,
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The varnish pores Up Polly
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scaling and dulling.
Polly Prim Polish lengthens the life and fa indispensable in
the proper care of good furniture, pianos, oil paintings, carriages,
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It Is employed in fine homes, hotels, art salons, piano and
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Polish is sold in three sizes full quart (32 oz.) can, $1.00; 14 oz,
50c! 6 oz., 25c
.Brandeis Storei
Throw Away Your Old Mop
Do not bother with an old-style, heavy, tiring, awkward,
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The Polly Prim Mop fa so light it does not tire you to use It
It fa made of metal, handsqmely nickel plated, with
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The PoUy Prim Mop is replenished
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the mop strands.
You can hang the Polly Prim Mop
back of the door without soiling wood
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We know that if you once use the
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It fa a genuinely good value at the regular price of $1 .25. For
a limited time you can get a Polly Prim Mop free with a Si 00
full quart (32 oz.) can of Polly Prim Polish.