Tin; NKE: omaiia. tjitusda v, x 1 I BRINGING ii. it ' nnvr. riT i i . . i i t i i i A.H" MADAM , KtyS COMfcENT"QM. vt LL ' AH' ilR-vril' L VOOHAND-VOU M QUTtoUMOW WOULD Le TO MA.E 6A.D .J". I AK AC1?ANDLAnY M avhxhum .V"U " WHAT I A F.NTUE rA . J ' ' " ( " ' PRIME TO STAGE ! TOG-O'-WAR HERE Speedway Promoter PUi Intern. Mon&l Poll at Auditorium Such . ai Held in Omaha in 1! JO. BUILDS SPEEDWAY AT ST.' JOE An International tug-ef.war, aurh a ha staged, at the Coliseum In JM with uch arrest success, la the Mm at Jack Prince, ; fameu promoter of bloycle, motorcycle and automobile eneedwaye, Prince riant to lu hU second. International tug-uf-i w t the Omaha Auditorium the Mi at wak In January aad waa In Omaha -, terday making a few preliminary plana ! for the avent. foen after the erection of the Coliseum j Trine staged hla tug-of-war la 1KX It I lasted aeven consecutive night with igh teams participating, KViur tug vera held aach night The Swedish team won tha honor attar a three-hour, pull I with tha Dane aa tha wlndua. Pnnoe j declare that tug-f-war waa hla biggest i success In all hla yeare aa a promoter, Th. tug-of-wsr next January will b staged along tha aam Una. sgya rrlnra : "We will have elpht tama." h 4clrtd, ''Hwadca, . Danra, Qermana, ICnsllah, 'rlah, Keotch, Bohemians aad Amarloana. tttur matrhet will ba hojd each alfht fpa aavan etraitht Blfrhta. , Tha teama will pull un ; tU o team has pullad up aeVa feet of rer. flra wilt ha ao tlma ItmUl. one , of tha matchea will o va an4 thraa hour, There ia tio atomMna for a raat. It la ona constant pull mill one team or ! tha athef takea up aaven ft of rot j from tha flat In the center, Thora Wl be l men on each Imivi,'1 Speedway la at. Joarpn. rrinoa a atpreaant. lit P Joaepn pia Motlruj a mllo and a half anaedway there. jTlntva declnrea that the atreet railway rmpany haa lvn io acrea of ground 4r tha track and that a popular alack uluirj-i.U(.n la being taken to ralaa the Xmida for tha building of tha apeedway. Elll ilckena. formerly manager of Uar My ClUlld and IJnln Hearhey, will Jt'nlta wHh Prlnca In ataglna the llrat Maca,'whlrh will be held eome time leA ;reen, ArfU 30 and May 1. - Prlnca doclarea he will run a ioQ-tnll .a-a with two fifty-mile quallfjinil keata, mm i ' i u . . . . . .a m . I ! . . i ... w n in no inioraa;mi ana laa -.'x-tAter eannat heap track of tha ear. tn St, Joaeph w will alaaa tha ahprter wcea and. only twelve ear will b vt ir.MmX ta tart lit tha final avent. Thla method la n.uch. belter than tha at Iwuf rare.' Htcher Shaw Shot ' While Hunting PITTSBURGH. Pa.. Nov. 17. It became known her, today that James Shaw, a pitcher of tha Washington club Qf the American league, waa probably fatally Injured yesterday while hunting la West moreland county, Blaw and a ooro panion were making their way through a wood when Shaw' gun wag accidentally discharged aa he el Imbed over a fenc. Tho charge entered hla mwk ( tan to a farm house nearby and than brought on to. a hoapltaj hare. SURPRISES FEATURE THE PRAIRIE. PARK WHIST PLAY The Prairie Park Whist club play Monday evening developed a number af eurprlaea. The Council Bluff contingent waa again an hand, but failed to land the flret money, although they crowded .Into aecond. place on both ald- NeUon aod Chamueia. a tiw coinblnallun, won .high score In the east and wart can test, while King and Wheelock, a dark horse pair, took the premier honor In tha north and south, bills and Martin, conceded t be n at tha alrongeat CteJra. riJ.i a. hMlv rirn nf It m ry. I - n.lu n best Place, - score:1 J EAST AND WKrfT I'LAVtJtS. ! WlNNt-HS. elaon and ChamWra plua UC .Krnjaniin and lirulnglun of C'oun- ril blutfa plua 8l J-fr and iAiiaff llntr plus 'Aloj'ila end PrnnUlon plua IV . , l.ukH. J only and twla mluna l i.hru-e and &lann,i.g iinuue t "liulrey and tUi. ,., Iniliua 4I ,AbkyoIt and t'owdiev - nriija W i , NOKTU AM' i-Ol'TH 1'LAYs.Kd. ' I W1NNKHM Kin and M'helfvta plua ;M;thn aad McNutt pf 4'vuncil . l.lufa ., , .....plua huck and bhawcrose plua 1 fuok and Mot-ana .plua V I I .OS K HA. ,I'ryfua ar.d ctiinul minus U , J urton and fternulda mlaua 1 I "urn inn rlllUlull or t.OUB, ell iiiuflj o.Ibu. ,1- I -ilia and Martin luinue I Mj. our Aaelp, Mrs. Jennt Miner. ri.wi .. t wrltee: ran truthfully say rdey Ca j thartle Tablet are the Ust J ever uaed. They are so mild la action. 1 feel like J have baen aaada aver again." Good health hag no greater enemy than cos. atluatlon. Kola L'athxrtta T.l.l.i. the atomA'h eet. liver active, bowela . regular nq eauuu biuauantjaa. sk2M ', tieadaxbea. sour stoinaoh. blout persona wetco(ue-4Q bgnt. rrue reeling they give. " kv;4 vtrywtete-AdvrUnint UP FATHER Tom Jones Says He ; is Going to Back tho Turk on Turkey Day CHICAGO, Nov. W.-lii aurh wonderful Condition la Vunlff Hutmnne, the Turk, at the preeent time, that he haa gained anrae powr financial barking In ' h' match of ThankaHlvlag afternoon, with Joai Pteeh-r, the Nebraska won.ler,. at Urtrnln. Tuaaday, Tom Jonaa, manager of Jesa Wlllard, while browalng around a local gymnaelum, oama upon lluaaane hard at werk with Paul Martinaon, They atiaady had been on tha mat for an hour and were going to It Ilka a couple of enraged bulla, ... Jonea looked on In irprle, and than began to talk eaoltedly to the other apectatora. There' a a man In the jnnat perfect ah a re I ever aaw an atlileta," ha eld. "If he cin't win. there la nph Ing at all In thla cry about condition. I know ha can wregtla, too, and unlcaa ".lecher It tha marvel of tha world Una sane aurely will heat Mm," later Jopr talked with Kuaaane and found that ha waa confident of tha -result. 'That settles It." Jonea Bald. ."I'm going to bet soma money, It happena that t have about tlft.000 that Isn't work ing t present, and I might just aa well placa It where It wl double Itself. J in going out to lilnoaln aad ana If 1 can get It may fvn Indwi Ja wiiiMrl to coma on nft pe tbla match, which should he ona of tha greateat ever aqan." - r'rwin what la( known of the Nebraska betting men t la certain that Jonea wen' I have to look far to gat a taker or Ajoepg tha other men of promtnena at tha rlngsidei -Thankaglvlng afternoon wlU be Jim riyna, veteran fighter and stable mat of Huaaana. Jim llkra to watch, the wreatlera and la fond of having a amall wager down on them. Ha will hand.1 lluaaane during tha match Itself. Just aa ha handled Aaiorlrua at Unooln la fttccher'a last big match. lluaaane will wdKh about !W pound going on tha mat, he. says. lie la down to about that figure at the preaont time and frm now on "will eaa ff In hla work bit al altamnt pp' to remm In hi preanut wonderful condition. He la, mighty careful of hla diet and, while in l1trKO haa employed a prt vate rook at the homo of a friend, whera he etg U f hla meaia. These are hut two (n 'nuwhap' during . tha twenty-four hour, hut both at them are heavy. Tha Turk la a big water drinker, too, like any o.Uire of the foreign wrvatlera and beltevea It la a good thing for athlotea who do not have to make wclcjit and kava la wwrk hard to get into oondltton. BoatDoanelis Tho Slogan with Bellevue College Pour daya gone and two to go before Bellevue meeta Doane. nn the gridiron Vrlday. la tha way, Uellevua eollege Peo ple count time thla week, Tha four day gone have been filled with ataadlly ris ing enthuatnam. whh-h waa at It height Wednesday morning In chapel, when 15. U Pula led a happy ahaklng-up rally. Raymond OUmore, atudent manager at tha Athletlo aaaocatton; Prof, P. W, Evana, faculty manager; roach Ben lamln, and Hernlo Miller, gymnasium in- atruotor, apoka on tha need of financial and epirltual cupport of the lout ball team. 1 fttudent anawer roll call In claasca Ith "Beet noane.' Blina are being evolved whl'.h bear the Word a. "Beat t'oane,". each tudent ia Uvlng with the thought. "Boat Doane," uPPrnioat In hla mind. Rally will follow rally unt I the tour cornea when, led by their mac-t, I'oh bin. the dog, the Bellevue aiigrcgatlon will anake-dance around the field lefore forming the gauntlet through which the Plueky team will trot out upon tha field, ta Beat Doane.'' ' Kamanski of the Creighton Toam Under the Knife Paul Kamanakl, center on the Crelahton university foot ball team, wa obliged to undergo an operation to get relief from aa Injury ba euataiued In the Haskell In dlan gam hare. It Wat kicked on the ahln at the time, but thought nothing ol tha Injury until U recently became con aiderably palnfuly, attended by a pro nounced (welling araund the brulaa. Kamanakl went to a doctor who found It necessary to cut Into the swelling, re moving about a eup of water which hail accumulated. He will be able to play against South Dakota, Thanksglvtn, asv. ertheleaa. Kenneth Klepser, one of the Varaity halfbacka. dislocated a kneecap yetr day by striking hi knee en the edge of the Teuag Men' Oirtatlsn association swimming pool during hla dally splash and will ba unabl to tak part In egrtnv mag work for a vera! daya. farla tiaras l. The Provldrnoe club of tha Interna- jtlotikl league has aia-uti Anlkony Carle. 'npyrtght. 1915. Internatl'.n-,! Nts twrvlre Registered l'. Patent Office. , 1 1 " r ' -1 1 i r i 1 T7 OMAHA' BOWLERS TO OPEN TOURNAMENT Six Squada f Local Pin Tumblers Will Start Midweit Off at Far nam Alley Irldty Night. NATIONAL CHAMP WILL ROLL! W aquada ef Omaha pin ' rmblra will open tha ninth annual Mid want Bowling Cbngreae tournament at tho farnam allay Friday night. , The Omaha men will tnka tha allay at :M and will occupy the atx alleys which are now being cross-planed and over hauled. The Omaha teama whe will open the big tournament and their captains are: Caraaha, liHeotrlo Ught and power com pany, H. V. laard; Pagtnn hotel, H. C. Oreeri Omaha and Council Blurfa tttrert Hallway company, Y. H. I-ewla; Metro Imlltan HUra. W. A. Keysi t'Uy rtoblnson company, V, D, Itark; Klopp nartlett company. Orl Anderaon. On Saturday pigkt a contingent from St. Ixiula will occupy the runways, lict year the Alpen Bruaa pf Hi. loul won the team championship In the tourna ment at eiou Olty, They are hoping to repeat. It ha been announoed that William Pioroe of Pueblo, who won the alnglea championship of tha country at tho American Bowling enngrcaa in Peoria, will roll In Omaha on Thanksgiving day. Pierce tumbled 7)1 Idna when ho won the ehamjilonahlp, which la the boat score lever made In an American Bowling oongreaa tournament. Cteorga B). Iowa of Kansas City, secre tary of the Midwest oongreaa, will arrive In Omaha Prklajr and will immediately lake charge of the toutney. Mr. Uwe Will be assisted by Our) Calh, secretary ef tha local tournament aasoclation. Ou Schocnmnn Pt the Kirimm ailuys haa Installed seat for the aiectatora and ha aaalguad ppeoe for the tueoutlvo offlcera of the opngrrsa and the news paper men. A lunch will be aerved the bowlera contlnuoualy at the alleya and several entertainments havo been ar ranged for than). The tournament will last ten daya and IS teama will taka part. Bucholz Sees Yale Play and Says Eli Will Liok Harvard W. II. Buchol, vie president or tho Omaha National bank, ha returned to Omaha after a visit to the east, where he aaw the Yale-Prlnceton game laat Sat urday. And after aeelng that Tale team In action Nr. Uuchotg venture tha opin ion that the bulldog, will triumph over the Ciimaon thla coming Baturday. The Omaha man declarea Tale la now a great foot hall machine and believe It Is atrong enough to down that commanded by Percy Haughton. Seats in Omaha for Nebraska-Iowa Game Beat for tha Cornhuaker-Hawkeye bat tle In Uncoln, Saturday, have been placed on sale In Omaha. They are obtainable at the Beaton Prug company or at t!e YailhS Men's rbriatlM ncl.Hnn A j spot ial train for the game will run from I Omaha aver the Burlington. It will leave i-.ia, arriving ai Lincoln in time fcr the game and will return at 6: JO. arriving lr Omaha about 7 o'clock. tiatkeahara lllsk VttiiK (.aaie. GOTHKNBl'lia Nov. 17. (peclal.) Uothenburg high aehool foot ball team wanta a game with a crack team this week. I'p to date Oothenburg haa scored 10 points to tha opponente V. OFFICERS ELECTED BY FOREIGN PRESS EDITORS Foreign preaa publlahera of the atate who met at Uncoln to organise the Ne braska Foreign Press,' an association separate but cooperating with the Ne braska Manufacturing aaaoclaiten, elocte 1 Ihe tulloialng offKcre: . Val J. Peters, president, owner Oniahi Tribune, Omaha; Nelson T. Thora. in, secretary, owner Omaha Poaten, Omaha; Richard Ooehrlng, vice president, owner Nebraska Herald, Orsnd Island; Vao Buresh, treasurer, owner Pokrok Pub lishing company, Omaha. Directors: Samuel Marcuso, El Stampa. Omaha; Walter Roeleky, Oaveta America, Omaha; II. a. Nulaon. Panakerrn. Blair. Neb. The organisation embraces the pub llahera of all foreign publications In Ne braska and la the first of Us kind In America, organised for the purpoao of exploiting the patronage and cenatlt uenoy ef the foreign born. Publishers represented were: Richard OohrtnK, Grand lsltnd: II. W. Kixierle. Uncoln; lHipoll JogKt. ColU'nhut: If S. NMana. Blatrl Charles Wnw, Hart Ington: Nelson T. Vhorix-n. Val J. Pet-rs. Vaa.UueMh. U mdanelll. rvmuet Mar cuso. Walter RcacVy, Thomas Koaiol, Omaha; J. R. Ferren. College View. Use The Be' "Swapper" column. HONOR LISTS AT CREIGHTON Kesalts of First Quarterly Exami nation! Bead to Students by Dean Kelly. TALK IS MADE BY PRESIDENT Results of the first quarterly examina tions were announced at CrelKhton uni versity, department of arta ajit aolencaa, yeetarday l afternoon by llev. Robert Kelly, dean. The studenta aaaembled In the college auditorium for the reading of marks, a short program being given In connection with the event. Following the announcement of the grades made by each student, Father MnMenemyi presi dent of the university, addreaaed the atu dents, nommending them uon the fine spirit shown at tha Notre Dame game, ami advlaing them to put forth eu,ual efforts In their studies. Honors are considered at Creighton as follows: The atudent ranking first in hia claas merits hlgheat honors, all making over SO per cent receive flrat honors, while those whose grades are between so and W per cent reoelve second honors. Following la the honor Hat for the first uuartor'a work: t'OI.I.KGB DEPARTMENT, Ronlor and Junior Claaaca No honor llxtn iii hi lahed. HophniiiorH (lass IllKheat honors. Era rmt Itandolph, SI; flrat honoia, Elmer Uergmun; aecond honors, Klmor Burr. Hophoinoie Premodio 'lan lllgheat honors, Albert Hwedholm, M; flrat honors, jwrno Uronney, Dean Tipton: second honoia, Bernard MeGovern, r'red lam, K.UKcno McC'nbc, John Mcltonough, John Munnlon. r'reahman ("laaa lllgheat honora, Paul Kcnneheik; ficat honoia, Ralston Ppear inan: Wavne Keitaoa; enond honoia, Kenneth Roper, Oeoree (V Tool a. bMward Perahoff, Marshall I) Nell Kiuxhinun Premodio Claaa (alx-yenr course) U Uht'Hl honora, Joseph Malloy; seionii honors. Homer Palmateer, Kmmet DoiiKhei ty, James IniKher, Karl May. Kreshnmn I'remedlo laaa (five-year course) HUhest honors, JoaepU I.oren sen, Ifluilore Hlpn; first honors, t'&rroll Jensen, Wendell Moure; aecond punors, Jacob Landc, Patrick McOovcrn. In the high achopl department hlgnest honors were a follows: Fourth High A Class Ralph Wilson, Fourth lliuh B C1hb L.yle Dnran. Third High A dims Ralph Svoboda. Third MUh'B t'lusa Brendan Brown. 8eond lli'li A Clnaa Oeorge Ilennegan. Second HlKh B CIh John Rellly. ; Second High O Claas Burk Shea. First lilKh A Claas Carl Kruger. First High B Class Robert Burkley, F.dKar Norris. First Mix Class-Clifford Craft, ; First HiKh D nuss Allen Ryan, WILL NOT NOW CONSIDER . RESERVE BANK CHANGES WASHINGTON, Nov, 17. Determina tion of its attitudo toward a reduction In the number of federal reserve districts has been postponed by the Federal Re- serve board and may not be taken up for several weeks. After some discussion of the Questions Involved the board decided (o let tha problem wait until every mem ber could be present. : In the. meantime tha board, will not iake up the appeals of member banka In various districts for changes In the loca tion of reserve banka or In the lines of the reserve districts, aa It la deemed tnad vlHKble to pass upon any of theae quea tlona until a general policy ha bean agreed upon. A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer The Want Ads In The Bee. Culls from the Wire The annual report of A. D. Parker, vice president of tho Colorado & Southern Railroad company, for the fiscal year ending June hows an increase in net earning of ttift!,KKI over tha previous year and an Increase In gross earnings pf M?.T1s. A spark from a broken needle In a sew ing mat nine aet flro to the powder In the I'nllod slates govemnie.nl araenal at ricallnny, N. J . and resulted In a panic among women workers and the serious burning of four nirls. The fire occurred n a hullilinK where bags are made and llled With powder. ChemWila of the New York Board of Health tonlxht began analyzing samples pf chicken sandwiches aerved at a lunch eon given at the American Museum ef Natural History to guests from the uni versities throughout the country. Three of the guests are 111 from ptomaine poison ing, put not seriously. That tho value of the poultry interests In the illicit States now approximates f l.toU.OoO.Ot'O or more than enough to buy out several of the live stock induatriea. waa ilia statement mane iy r.. H. Thomp son 01 sMiienia, .1. i., in an auarrss wniclt pponed the convention at San Francisco pf the American Poultry association. Miss Mabel K. Howell, superintendent Of the Kcsrrltt Bible and Training echo., I at Kanaaa lltv. Mo.. adinttt,t tl,at ihu ! enduwmeut funda of the inatitutlon have ! alio , ui,u, uv cii(oi are (aid to have been misappropriated by a Kansas Cltv livvestinent ciiiiiHnv Th loss la aallinated at between fluu.ooo and Ruporta from aeventeen cltlea which the city maiiaiieiiieiil form of munic pal government were present at a moet iix of the City Managers', aaaociaiion. which la holding Its second annual con vention at Dayton. O. All of the reports SKived that the taxpayera receive full value for every dollar paid in taxes when their municipal tioveriiiiient is directed ly a any manager. Twenty-one thousand dollars Is appro- priatod annually by the Oklahoma legt. laiure lor tne oreveiiiion 01 acciuents In (acturtas and shops, and VS.Ow a apl ro- Irlated for the propagation of "rabbits ud thins," Harry Myers told the "salty first" luocattng at Oklahoma Oty un der the aurpices of the state department ft labor. Myera ia s machinist in the hlcsgo. Rock Inland A I'acillc railroad shops at Shawnee, OkL Laying of Ihe four-ton cornerstone of the rvr w state capital of tUilahoma at Oklahoma t Jly, on the eighth enittkaraary of Oklahoma a statehood, was attended by elaborate exercises and the full aia, aonn ritual. Dra vn foi 0O MM BE AD Alton OUT yooLl takc the , -i COUNT? WORKHEN HEAR CANDIDATES TALK John L . Kennedy, C. 0. Lobeck and A. L. Sntton Appear Before South Side Gathering-. SEVEN HUNDRED AT MEETING Seven hundred men, voter all, lis tened with rapt interest to appeals for brotherly love, more fraternal Ism and good, oltlienihlp by candi dates and speaker! of Greater Omaha at a Douglas county meeting of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at the South Bide lodge hall last eve ning. John L. Kennedy, candidate for United States senator; Congress man C. O. Lobeck, Judge A, h. Sut ton and Rev, Robert L. Wheeler spoke. The meeting was the most successful held In yeara in the South Side. -:.-:' . Mr. Kennedy led the speaker with an address on "Open Door of Oppor tunity." Character to remnt. "The time la not far distant when the character of man will be considered of far greater value to the American race than coin," the candidate for senator told hi listeners. "The war In Kurope, where more than i,0oo,ouo nin have been shot dead as though mere nothing. Is 'our greateat example the result of pure greed and avarice, "Oun people are educated today. The beat blood, brawn and brain of the old oountry haa landed on American soil, not for hope of wealth and contentment, but for the ambition to become m.ore ctvillaed. and more satisfied In life,", Mt. Kennedy told. PC the signing of the contract for building the first live stock exchange In South pmaha. There was only a cornfield where the great stock exchange now stands," he said. "Today we see the wonderful re ault of grasping opportunity." "' Wraith Xot All. "Do not feci discouraged that you havo not auccceded in the accumulation of wealth. The problem today Is not ao muoh to ace what we can get out of the world, but to aee how much we can give to It and humanity. I hold that no man has made a failure who haa died leaving no material possession yet a wife and family. Thla 1 the greatest God and man can expect of a fellow citlxen." Congressman C, O. Uobeck took the floor laat and facetloualy In hia Intro ductory remark predicted that Mr. Ken nedy, his opposite In political faith, would, become United States senator from Ne braska at the next election. Ha also hoped that the new senator when elected would confer on Rev. Robert I.. Wheeler, grand old man of Nebraska Workmen, the honor of being chaplain from the atate of Nebraska at Washington. Luhrrk'i Views. The congressman aald: "I am for pre paredneag. I shall give my vote and my voice far the protection of the honor of thla greatest government of all. But not one atom of backing; will I give to a policy pf offense. ' Judge Sutton made a short but pointed speech. He dwelt mainly on the problem of the European war. "Can anyone tell me why thla war waa etarted? No! There la no reason for It, except that the peoples of the old coun- trlea at 111 cling to the old teachings of monarcha, to hate rather than to love." Rev. Robert I Wheeler, one of the very fill ffSgllji ,1 ;;v,-V. r- TWIN To St. Paul & Minneapolis Leaves Arrives Omaha - 8iM P. M. St Paul - 730 A. M. Council Dluff 6130 P. Me Minneapolis 8:05 A. M. XV, Train ls 0al 7:23 A. Ill, otnc CauMcil Mmfh 7:59 A. itf, eni Amttt 5J3 rnuua Bt Onih ! I StM 7,49 P. H.MimiueflU8:tSPM life Bee by George McManus "TOO HIT THE BS?ori JUST BECAUSE HE POT Hli APMS ABOUND YOU DiDri" iTtLuYOO that the custom: oldest membera of the order, euoke of tlie enduring qualities of the Workmen ordor. The aged pastor of the First Preabyterlon church of tha South Side told of the daya of labor strife In the early history of the town and concluded with an eulogy of fraternallam. , Pioneers Attend. Many Of the pioneer of Douglas county were seated In the audience. Bnthuslasm waa general all evening and shouting and cheering greeted the close of each speak er a address. A banquet on the first floor of the Tem ple hall waa held after the meeting. Sev eral musical selections were given by 1 JL- Via lpcI:Jcvrvcl Li Enjoy th Southland's balmy climate durina this cominz winter beautiful beaches, grovea of palm trees and everything that make for a summer in winter in the semi-tropics.' Tickets cm tale daily to April 30th with return limit of June 1st, 1916 Only J50.68 for the round trip to Jacksonville, JTa.', 187.18 to Havana, Cuba, with corresponding reductions to other points in the South and Southeast, Liberal Stopover Privilegtg Connecting service via Rock Island Una Automatic Block Signal Finest Modem All-Steel Equipment Abtoluta Safety. Superb Dining Car Service S. S, S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail Ttatarq'i Remedy for Blood Troab. The PurifylBjr and curative pro ertles or Nature's great remedy have made a. a. for the Blood" a household tJiug, Thousands today enjoying perfect health owe their recovery from Wood or skin disease. to this universally used blood purifier. 8, 8, 8, la made entirely from roots, herbs sjxd barks, which poases cleansing and healing ingredients. Ton cannot be well when your blood la Impure; you lack strength and energy natural with health; your complexion becomes pale and allow; your vitality 1 weakened. When waste or refuse matter, which Na ture Intends shall be thrown off. is Jk. It CITY LIMITED r HE BU4TED THE CiCAfS IN MY POCKtl individual and organised groups of ihe lodges of Donglaa county retii twntvd. VOTE COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY PLACE AWAY WASHIOTON. Nov. 17.-Apo!itinn of tho office of comptroller of the currency, which has direct supervision over the operation of all national banks, waa pro posed today to the Federal Reserve hoard by the advisory council, created by the federal reserve act to advise the board on mattere of Importance to the reserve banking system. '. Write, phone or call at Rock I!and Trvl Bureau, 1123 Farnam Street, (or tickets, reservation, informa tion. J. S. McN ALLY, Division Paasenger Agant Phone Doajglat 42S -I 'WL'JLgT left iu tha system, It is absorbed into the Wood and boils, pimplea, rashea, blotches, and other eruptions of th skin appear. B. 8. 8. gres into the circulation nd removes every particle of blood taint or poison of every character, All skin dlseasee and eruptions paaa away, and the smooth clear skin, glowing with health, shows that the body is being nourished by rich, pure blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrof ula, Contagious Blood Poison, all are deep-seated blood disorders, and tor their treatment nothing equals S. 8. 8. Oet 8. 8. 8. at any drug store. If yours is a peculiar case write 8. S, 8. Co.. Atlanta. Oa. I msinnnBu. i "ia Baaajaapage Gets There First :.'"!t ill! , I I": ITioue noagju 3fl. 22L