10 TITE BEE: OMATTA, NOVEMBER 'lfm. WANT ADS Want da received at any time, but to Inturd proper classification must be pre- eneo: nernr 11 o clock noon tor vnmK eniMon ana 7:44 p. m. for morninf ana Sunday edition, want ad received fter aurh hour will he under th beading. 'Too Lata to Claify." CASH RATES. M roneecutlv time. 1 eant a word rh Insertion. Two or mora conawcatlv times, ltt cants word. On time, I rents a word. CH A ROB BATE. a", eortneeutlv tlmaa, cents a Una ch Insertion. Three consecutive time. 10 ccnU a HnS each Insertion. On time. It rent a Una. , Count six average word to Im. Minimum charge. 20 centa. An advertisement Inserted to un a mil discontinued roust ba topped fy written cMr. . . All claim for rrrora mnrt bo ma within fifteen Car after tho lat Inser tion ot tba advertisement. Ton ean plc your want ads In Tho Boa by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER W. LODGE NOTICES. ORDER OF 8TA03 next meeting will be held Runday, i December 6. i P. Ini., Swedish Audt- Itorlum. We now hare over 800 members. Our aim la Omaha la (ton Charter ' fee of $5 remains until next meeting. Due. 75c monthly no assess ment. BENEFITS : Weekly sick or ac cident, $7; 1125 funeral. Free physi cians, 25 to aelect from. Free em ployment bureau. Free lawyer. 8 tags' Office, SO 6-8 Urandois Theater. Douglas KK. Open till P. m. DKATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES KIMBALL Richard Rovers, at long Reach, CaJ., Saturday, November , 1815. Funeral aervlrea will be held at the residence of Mra. Thomas I- Klmhall, 2i frt Mary' avenue, at I p. m.. Mon day. November 15, Iter. T. J. Mackay officiating- Interment at Forest Uwn. PRTMBAU Charle M., Sr.; ged TJ rear. Norember is. lie la survived by two son, t'harlee M.. Jr.. and Henry M , and two . daughters, Mrs. It. Costello end Mra. J. F. Craynnr. Funeral Thursday morning from resi dence, ixit Myrtle Are., at 6.30 a- m., to St Cecelia' church, at 9 a. m. Inter ment at -Holy Bepulcher cemetery. BIRTH AND DEATHS. Birth William and Orstila Stanka, IA6 South Thirty-third, South Side, boy; John and Anna Bona. 121 Houth Third, atlrt ; John and 111 Cayley, hospital, Klrl; Thomaa and France Lynch, 3i llHrney, hoy: Charles F. and Adeline Malnell. 473 South Thirteenth. Houth Hide, boy; Peter and Rnale Moacrey, 141S Hnuth Kleventh, Irtrl; Mike and Mary Oster, 2021 Houth Seventh, boy; Vllhem and Maggie Ob aoro, 1X4 South Fourteenth, boy; Joseph and Marie Polater, 6fi01 Houth Nineteenth, boy; Joaeph and Anna fikuha, lu34 Y. Klrl. Death Emma T. Wylle, 14, hoapltal; Mary Mlodowskl, 1, '.1H H: John Mlo dowakl. 6, J6ig II; John Foral, 62, HIS Here. MARRIAGH MtKNBR. Licenses to wed have bean granied the following couples: Name and Ad drees. Aire. Will Sheets, Omaha H Ina Velma Teghtmeyar, Omaha 21 WlUtam M. Locke. Omaha Over 21 Elaa IL Haarmann. Omaha Oror IS Arthur It. Moore, Elmo, Mo 2 Nellie Monro. Elmo. Mo 24 Clifford Rutler. Omaha M Louie Hendricks Omaha...., M lather W. Cartrlght, Florence M OUle Bell, Florence Roy Snyder, Omaha. U Iena Apel, Omaha Zt Ray Dodr, Omaha 21 Sylvia Hhlpley, Omaha Vi Olenn Wllley. Osceola, la U Myrtle Uuxton. Oaceola, la ti BlILDINU I'KRMITS. Mrs. A. Pearaon, US) Crown Tnlnt ave tiue, frame dwelling, 2,U; J. W. Welch, Ml South Sixteenth, repair to atore, Ki.oOii; John Kosloyakl, M18 Houlh Tlilrty-thlil, frame dwellltiK, 7i0; Hanker liealty and Investment company, frame dwelling M and 612 Martha, Sl.lxJO each. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM llswaiuwa. EMPRESS 15 & Douglas 'Th UghthouM by th Bra," t-reel Ea anay drama. "Hats Is Hats," Vita graph comedy. "A Cellar Spy." Lubln comedy. Ilearst-Sellg No. SO. PRINCESS, lil7-l DOUGLA8. This I th Uft, taken front th Saturday Uventng Poat etory by Cbas Van Loan, In 4 thrilling acta. In the Hands of the Enemy, t-r drama, founded on the present war. And a special selected Keyatona comedy. North. I6TH AND BINNEY, GRAND, FEATURE DAT. Francl X. Huehman In The Gtar of th LlKhta. drama. Tlllle th Terrlbl. eomedy. So America Klret, scenic. seeping up with the Joneses, cartoon LOTHROP, 84T11 AND LOTH ROK lAibln presents "Th DUtHct Attorney." i porta. ' APOLXO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH Sfrarst-Sellg. No. ST. IJiilun'a Husbands, t-r. Vltagraph com. 1 roncha Hilly Misled. V.Mt. 35BS FARNAM. MONROE, 5 r a n r 1 n X. Ruahman In Thirteen r.w. lrl Wllllama and Anita Htewart In Hort or in v no v am rTom iteaven. Seat. la. 24TH ft N. 13 ESSE. To Cherish and Protect, I parts. A Billy Iteevea comedy. Alao th Kalem Player. OllPHEUM. i4TH AND M. I'lamond From th Sky, No. 17 Mr. Mason's Will, t reals. MOVIES TODAY GRAND, 16TII AND BINNEY. Th Brink." a tory cf advantur la tii gambling world. ClltPHttii. 14TH AND M l ismond From the Eky, No. V. J 1UNCES5. ian-l DOUGLAa: This 1 th tilt, 4 thrilling act. II 7 I , At'TOMOHILKS Whenever you are considering selling or buylr.a a ned car and you want full valu for your money or Vou ant ieople who are willing to pay for what they are gettmK you will have no regret If you buy or advertise throuch the unel car column or The Hee. Pbone Tyler lum. Induatrial tJHraKe t'o . 2(ith liarney Hta. AI'TOMi I'.I1,K owners, we wart you tu read irur booklet, "How to Avoid ( arhon Trouble. 1'rlr e. i;la. Th N. It. linger t'o. IHvlalnn A, I'eru, Neb. ALTO, cleailng house. Huy. fell and ex. chanjre u: d car 71 Farnam 1. 3iS. Overton for leaky radiator. i c, dealer, or by mall H'-M Ave.. Co. Hluffa, la. MlLHS of mlTeaite In your oM'ltlrea" Rebuilt). Send tnem to DUO TIRE CO.. tHl Chlcaa-o Ht IJIJI ROITKH louring car, electric IlKht and aterter, fully equipped $.Tif.. T. J. Northwall Compnny, 1)14 Jonos t Tclo phone I'ouglaa 1.07. NKHILA.MKA lluli k Pervice Htatlun, Farnam Ht. I'hona Pougln 721. 191B K)IU touring car, KOod condition; electric lights; Kalxon horn. For quick wlc, l.'T'i. Frances Auto Co.. tCt Kiirnam PACK A Kl W Perfect order. Just d .no over, llrmuslne and touring bod.ea; bar gain, 11,'irti. Telephone Iwiiglaa 4::H. $110 REWARD for ny magneto we can t repair Coll repd Hayadorfer. 210 N. 18th. A NXOt N CT I KNT9 AlXTluN. Rarr land on account of severe torm on the loth will be held on Friday, Nov. IKth at l o'clock sharp. This fine farm constats of jf acres located 3 mile riut of Oroenwood, 6 mile north of Alvo and 14 mile from Lincoln. Terms of aula: Ten per cent of purchnae price will be paid on the date of sale. Halance cash with the exception of tnnrtgago of $!. running about S year at 6 per cent which purchaser will assume. Halance of deferred payment will t made on or before the first day of March, !1U. A clear title, ahatract and waranty deed furnished. The purpose of thla sale 1 to satisfy the owner In making proper di vision and will positively be sold to the highest bidder. IMrect all Inqulrle to J. W. Parr. University I'lnce, Neb., 703 K. IM street Do j,ot forget the dnte, November IS, Mr. Cora Schtlelke, Mrs. F.dna Cunningham. Mrs. Inexetta Matthews, J. W. Harr, R. A. Harr. W. R. Harr. owners. Col. ,. H. Hrajison, auc tioneer, Lincoln, Neb. F.XKHC1HK at r M. C. A Buin mn Save Money. Home Milliner. Red 72IS. BUSINESS CTIANCK.S If your ftustne Chance wfll etand rigid Investigation and I Just what It I advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourse'f you will b per fectly satisfied If you us th Huslnes Chance column of Th Hee. When buy. Ing or selling a bulneas t-hon Tyier luoo. HllHI.Nfc.sa places, land, city property handled, all state. Jim Wry, tiloux City, la. FOR BALK Must sell at onoa. on ac count of ill health, on of the snnppteat book, stationery and wall paper store In Iowa. Doing a fin cash business. Will ell at a bargain for cash only. Must get action quick. Will require about 4,0u0. Add res Y 138, lie. COMPLETE MOV ING PICTURE EQUIPMENT Her' your chance to get Into th moving picture business. An Kdison ma chin, piano. 18 do, chair, Jngus 4 II. P. gH engine, dynamo and motor. Every thing you need and all In excellent condi tion, only slightly used. Write tno at once a first reasonable offer take it. AI. D. POLLARD, NEIIAWKA, NEB.-o UHLKNHIO opportunity for one Interested In millinery and ladle' furnishings; stock and fixtures Invoice ta.HuO; popula tion, K,6u0; must sell on account ot fading health. Address Y 187. Hee. THKATICHS Huy, las or sell your the ater. mAcliln end auublle throuvh Thsnter Exch. Co.. 11 Karnam l. WW. AHIv (or my Real Estate Hulletln. It include largest and best list of bar- falna In II state, w. U. Tcinpleton, 003 lee Hldg. Some Omaha Man Within th next week will hav th op portunity of making a connection with a business protHialtlon. such Is seldom offered. Will tak some money, but It Is worth It. NOT A JOH HUT A HUSI NKHb. If you're fixed to handle this, see 13. FARDER, PAXTON HOTEL. A LIM1TK1J amount of 1 per cent pre ferred stock, cumulative and non saaeaaabla. In Nebraska. Omaha corpora tion at par, SlOu per share. If you hav surplus funds and ar looking for a good, saf Investment that will net 7Vfc per cent, address Hox bM, Omaha, Neb., or tele phone Dougla I1M0. FOR BALE Restaurant, hotel and barber shop, ?il Ave. A. oppfwlte car barn. Phone HlacV 1K38, Council muffs. FOR SALE, MY SALOON N. E. CQIt.,.1324 DOUGLAS ST. PARTY MUST ACT QUICK ON ACCOUNT OF NEW LICENSE JAN. 1ST, 1915. HUGO F. BILZ. tC BELL or buy a business, call on Busch A Borthoff. Friser Hik. 1. SSia TO OKT In or out ot business call on uswui-iiiAii, t-n nee nidg iwui. J47. EE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar-" gain In established show. D. .. FOR 8AUH or trade, modern hotel, thirty room; ataam heated; In county seat. 140 acres land. I mile from town. 80 acre land, t miles from town. Address Jo. F. Vltek. Winner, B. 1. I WAN'fpai-Uier'to tak rash ajid look after front In restaurant. Kxiwrlenne unneceaaary. 1 am che(--ook and !. cooking and buying. Choice downtown location, larg seating capacity, reason able rent, long lease, price for Interest io. Call at 1215 Fmmam St. ICE business. Including acre ground house, ic bouse nd barn: plenty of water; will sell at bargain If taken at once. Address box 24. Randolph. Nrb EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPINfA, ' Day Bcoool for Young Wotnan. Evening Hchoul for Young Mea r omen. baturday mjrnlng class In typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager. V Ro ISth 8t Omaha. t-XFKHT lady ateuographer will tak yujiia, Buuriusau, iuucd typewriting lulling and punctuation taught Indi vidual Iro-uucuou. b24 LKiuglus L i'L DAY tCHuOIj BOY L1-1S COLLEGat NIGHT Se. HuoL Kvery day la cnrollmcr.t day. Book, keeping. Shorthand, bleuoiy Typewrit, lug, Telegraphy, Civil service all Com mercial aud English branchea. Catalogu tie. BOYLES COLLEGE. lth and Harney St. TL Douglass l.v. i:ilOAT!OV.ti HUS1NKSS COLLEUB 8TU DENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES, For sole, with good reason for selling S variety of courses In a reliable liusi tiess Hchonl, one of the leading business college o4 Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable-- wsy below regular prb-a. If you ar considering taking a cour Investigate this at once, since Fall terra beglni, eoon. t all office. Omaha Hoylea Hldg. Tel. D. V. Omaha, Nsb. FOR sal, the following scholarships In a first rises Omaha Huslnea College: One unlimited combination business and rhnrthand cour?. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-month' business or steno graphic course. Will b sold st a discount at th offlo of Th Omaha Pea. I on RALE Kurnlt are, llnvsehold t.oods, Kte. BAROAINH IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE, 18.19 ff. TH. WEB 1607. (INK bed davenport: one wicker baby buggy. 117 H. 2th fit. PRArlS beds, chiffoniers, dressers, dining room table, dining chairs, buifet, china rloaet, ruga, rockers, library table, dress ing tables, bnokcasn. davenport, curtains, t All living room and dining room fur tiliure In fumed oak of thn life-time qual ity. Hedroom In Circassian walnut and bird's-eye maple. y,25 California Ht. I 'hone Harney 19.T7. 2 steel range, bookcase. Webster 7 2.. HASH HI 'RN Kit, cost '6, will s .crii.Lj for 110 If taken at once. Walnut Tloal-b bought and old. J. C. I.e. x-rt.oivo yM .-(,ril.,n Sl. Douglas 5le. FtJK SAI.U Here Is a clssetriuatlun thai I of th utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offer some excep tional opportunities every day and a mall want ad will sell your artlcl at Us full value. Phone Tvler MOO FiK HA LK Household furniture on c count of leaving town. 2327 Capitol Ave. lloraea and Vehicle. FARM wagon, 111; harness, $: both new. Johueon-Danforlh Co.. 16th and Clark Sta. Ilorae and Vehicle. MATCH FID pair of mare, 1,700 lb.; also delivery horse, J.CmO lbs. Lady owner. 124 So. 24th. (INK ran? bay horse, weight 1,300 lbs., 8 years old, extra fast, cheap, or will trade for Ford car and pay difference. Wal. 1117. Musical Instruments. NEW WAHHm.'HN guitar. Red Sm. t'oaltry, Ear; and Svnplle. MXD grain. UK) lb. 11.76. Wagner. SOI N.I. BTKItKOTYPK matrlce mk tn beat end rheapest lining for poultry lionsea. They are 17x23 inches, stronger and mor iurahl than tarred felt and practically fireproof, to a hundred at Th I offlia. Typewriter. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment The Hrunawlck- name-. ouenaer t o., uv-e v B. lutn t- 8TKNOTY I'll for sale, good new, $25. T ..... i.nn J "run 0"P.-. TYPBWRITKRH for rent. 22t He Hldg. RKLIANCB RlhlKin nd Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked rlhbon. . 3J42. TYPK WRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Tyiewrlter Kic 19 Farnajn. M lace I lan eon HOL8TKIN Jersey heifer calf from high producer on Nov. 4. Price, Vi.tf for quick sale. J. W. Welch. Benann 403. FOR BALR CHK.AP Ruslnesa College Course. Full and complete vcholarshlp In on Of th beat Omaha buslnea schorl. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he aol-J very reasonably. If Interested investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. Ttir ar a variety of courses for sal. For particulars lnqulr at th offlc of Th Omaha Rm. Wale add, macb.; good Condi. C 130, Bee. QMJ On0(,1l,n Wnl Whisky. 4 full tn."l.ll9url bottled In bond, prw r"'wu iiahl. rackley Bros.. Omaha f nnl t basket delivered, fl. 8. Rosen VjUttl thai, 1S11 Leavenworth D. 6131. I electrio motor. Room i, Beu Bldg. FOR SALIC Metal Oarag. M. I). Cam eron. To). H. 2M4. FOR SALK New and second-hand carom and Docket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment. tne uriinswicx-Halke-Oollonder Co., 4O7-40 8. brth St. GOOD dinomi ring for aula. 616 lie Bldg. , . HELP WANTED FEMALE ( Irrieal and Office. STF.NO. AND DICT.. OPR ITS STENOGRAPHER- 40 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Si OFFICK CI. KICK. w WAITS R K F. tX3., 83H0-42 Brand. Thea. bTENO.. $J0-.H5; office girl. $2.".; bkpr.. some shorthand. U week: steno., whole sale, tij. NO FILING FEP1 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 1KW W. O. W. Hldg. ASST. bookkeeper, experienced, good writer, accurate. Intelligent, capable of advancing rapidly; give age, experience, salary, references, etc. F iS2, Bee. AarenCa and aateawomeu. SALESLADIES AND SOLICITORS. Salary and commission to saleslady ot ability who can sell hlgh-clasa epecialty to women ; referauces required. Sit Bran del Hldg. irsflfart 1 OIRL to learn halrdressing. ppnblm. FIFTEEN machine operator In necktl Derjt Kmith 1aIiu,v.i xtf r and Caatellar bts. Itouaekevper and Domestic. THE Servant Girl Problem Bolvad. Tb Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FhEB until you get th desired result. Thla applies tu resident of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Hluffa. Hrtng ad to Tb He of floe or telephone Tvler lout). WANTED Good German housekeeper. Catholic; widuw betwen 10 and 36 pre ferred; one or two children no objection; must be Catholic, clean and neat, by Ger man widower with 1 children, on farm 4 miles from town; wages, 46 a week. Ad dres and referencea to Y 13, Bee. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light houwork and to b companion for an elderly lady; just one In th family; no wage expected. Web. 1136. t!6i Grand. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care for small child; on attending school bait day preferred. Pnon Uaruey ltuk. WANTED Position a housekeeper, widow with two little girl. Addraaa Edith Iwrence, aom California St. WANTED A colored girl for second work; city references required, UUJ rtootwortn Ave. nnr. M3. WANTED A girl for general housework In a family of two. 3.J7 Harney St. WANTKD Girl for general housework. Two in family. Call iKiuglaa -" befur w a. in. ana alter i p. m. WANTED School girl to assist with houework luornliigs and evening tor board, room and small salaiy. Call Wal nut 74X. W'ANTK1 Good honest girl for hous work. S704 8. 16th St, WANTED Competent maid for general nousework. Mr. J. L. Haker. Har. I.J6. YOCNG girl tu assist with housework m and car of 1-year-old child. Har. 2260. WANTED Girl for general housework; family three adults; small hous. 114 rv own ft. l ei. tiamey &u. WANTEI A young whit Klrl for light nousewora; no cooaing. iiV4 Lak St Web. 23M. WANTEl A roinietnt girl for general houvework. Walnut lg-3. "WANTED 'ompetene girl for house work. No washing. Vt'alnut 2i.'.l. GIRL for general housework; I in lamny. xit Farnam. h. 17. WANTED Competent girl for general housework ; no washing; good pay 140 N. Slat Ave. Harney 54. EXPERIENCED" girl for general hous. work, no wash ng or Ironing,, good watte. S3 16 Hurt St. WANTKD An experienced bit girl for general h iuen.r good waae. Walnut lt. .' N. th St. ANTED Young gir! to ass st with general housework. Harney 741. 1304 S. Lih St. II KM' . NTKI FF.MALE If naekeefer anal Domrllirl, WANTKD Uood girl for general house work; good wages. Colfax KTi. WISH position second girl, special cook or general housework. Web. T".9. WA.NTKI Young girl for housework. No washing op cooking. Walnut 11TH. Mlseella neons. WOMFN WANTKIwio.etnment Jobs. List free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. J. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers r Invited to visit tne Young Women' Christian association building St St Marys Ave. and 1'th Ht,, wher they will te directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Iook for our traveler' guide at t'nlon station. BTKNO.. state experience. K 16. He. WR FURNISH cook, maids, waitresses, waiters, liellboys, husboy and dish washers, especially for hotels and rea tauianla. International Employment Of fice, 614 S. 13th St. HELP WANTED MALE l lerleet rind Office. OROCKRY talesman $lnj Young man solicitor 60 File clerk, South Omaha 25 NtFILINl FFR. BFSINES3 MKN'S HKITEHKXCB ASS'N, . H' W. O. W. Hldg. KAI.rKVIAN, Iowa territory. .exp. and I00 OKFH.'K CLKRK, It. II 75 KTKMMllurilKR 75 KTKNOO HA F'HKK 65 WATTS HKF. Ci., H-40-42 H rand. The a, STENO., bright, brainy, accurate young man to an-lut buyer of large corpora tion: splendid chance to advance if jk- exsed of "right atuff;" give age, cx crl ence, referene, salary, elc, .1 321, Hee. H HiHHiRA I K commercial poallu;:. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND ASSN.. 7C2 Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. Asrenta, gnleamen ana Solicitor. MONEYMAKERS' OUIDKROOK MAQA ZINE, 2c postpaid; enllKhten you richly. New Century Supply, Dee Moines, '"- overusing rate. 2c word AOI'..T8-Try our office and factory spe cialty; 100 per cent profit. Write at once; we will send you ftre particulars. . J. Stick ney A Co.. Watery-Ilia, q. IF you are a single man and desire de voting yotir efforts to a highly profit able newapaper proposition yielding big ""np,y. write stating full particular. M 429. Bee. A a KNTH wonted in overy town to sell our vulcsnlxer to auto owners, lliir profits. Smith Mfg Co.. Omaha. COAL agents wanted In every town; gel a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. GOOD oiienlng for experienced. Industrial Miuium salesman; no lapaa dcDit apply at once, gm Brandel Hldg. AGENTS-Share In Immense Christmas profit; our agency system sure for old or new. Particulars free; clean and sure. Oreyson George Co., Box 784. Little Rock, Ark. Factories and Iraln. WT! need men; had to turn down two Job per week lately: get In; learn by our method; get one of these Job. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobll Bchool. 2409 Leavenworth St. MOl.EK BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instructions and free clinic. Poflltione waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Molor, Prea. LEARN THE HARHEK TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; eleo trio mansage, hydraulic chairs; catalogu free. 1124 Dougla St.. Omaha. WANTED Two-thlrder who can feed press and set type. Opportunity to learn Intertype. Nonparlel, Central City, Neb. Drug f'tore Snaps. Joha Kneiat. Bee Rids. Tailor Wanted All arounl man. Address ituan Tailoring t'o.. 1'lattsmouth. Neb, Miscellaneous. RAILWAY mall clerk wanted; 175 month; Omaha examination coming; sample queatlnn free. Write Immediately, r'ranklln Institute, Dep't 221 J. Roches ter. N. Y. ABLE-BODIED MEN for firemen. brake men. 1120 monthly. Railway. Y ad. He o. GOOD MEN WANTED at one to learn auta work ta fill positions which w hav open Hghi now and ar waiting for com petent men. Learn by our aystero of actual work on auto, tractors, lee. starting gys. Pre catalog at once, AMERICAN AUTO COLLEOB. 2061 Farnam St. Omaha. Nb. AHLEIIOD1KD men for firemen, brake men, 1120 monthly: experience unneces- Snry. Address Y 121. Hee. o WANTED Names of ambitious men, 18 or over, wanting railway mall clerk Positions. I750I month. Answer ImnuHL ately. Y 129. Bee. HELP WANTED MALK AMD FKHttE, WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Writ for samula and particulara by mall. 10c L, S. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. WANTKD Cooks, maids, waiters, wait resses, bellboy, dishwashers and hnu.L keeper. International Employment Of fice, 614 8. 13th. SITUATIONS WANTED W' AN TED Position a steam fireman, hotel clerk or all around house and var4 man. Call F. W. Carter, Fnou Douglas Ju7. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. iv.uk. laa 240. YOl'NO man, stenographer, cspabla and experienced, wishes Dermanent imuln,n gool reterences. Address A. E. J., 2oOS pi. aisrj s avenue, j'none L.ougias tw77. YOUNG man, steady work; private place or farm: good referencea: sober a 20th. G. Meadowcroft. CHAUFFEUR Experienced, reliable. i.ii.im wiin pnvai xamuy, de livery or service car; best references and satisfactory service guaranteed. Address R. B. Btanbrough, 2104 Farnam St. A CoLOiKKD woman, middle-aged with a little girl 11 years old, would like a place out of town to do housework. Ad dress 216 S. 2m h Ave., or will take work py pay, i ei. riarney ifiub. MAN and wife, who ar first class farm hand w;h poi'tlon on farm. Can furnish beat of references. Call Harney 20.12. C. o. Benson. 27( Dodge St. EXPERIENCED whit girl want place M, chambermaid or dishwasher. TcL Web. 6t7; ask for Ella. SITUATION wanted by firat class cook" mviws'iii mn j.wqge, ja. GERMAN middle-aged man, speaking vrl diffeeer.i language. Is compe tent workman, wishes poattlon, anything iirr iinng nouer for heat ing plant for business block, apt, or vatw 1U. or aure John A. Reupel. . M. C A. BO RT KR or lunchman, hotel or saloon trustworthy, honest and sober, long exl perlenco, will accept any offer, city or out, a J., isa Caas St. Phone Tyler 1464. LOST A.N'D FOCND I ASl W,.11t. , , , . - vinsiw a ijosi and Found mediums mean th Immediate re- iT w ii avertmea: In Th "w snu r ounq paper OMAHA A OWNC1L Bl-Lfr-S STREET Persons having lost om srtlcl would fl A AVnW 1 B X sa,ll Bin m Mi - ... .w vine or th Omaha A Council Bluff Streat Railway . fT? wr," wnemer thy left It ir. th stlMt car. .11 rt,clu ec.h dy ar urnd In nd th c.impany U anxious to reator ""i owner, t a'l Doug. LOST a lodge pin with name, Brand . V. ' erican nag eriKraved on tl. Reward. Call Webster 1: LOST-Black fur crf between loth and Leavenworth and So. Omaha. Return to Mr. H. L. Mitchell. laTiJth 1U? ney lwi. Reward. r' LOST Brlndle bull-pup; answer to th nam of "Ted." Finder pleas return to pel S. 10th Ave.. or call Harney 17W Satisfactory reward. Strayed from Council Bluffs atock yard six (6) French war horses, branded OH front foot and right hip; tall cut off at hock. Reward, phou li-1 Council Bluff. r. H. 'HOLLINOS WORTH Agent for French Govt. LOST AND FOUND DARK brown water spaniel; answer to the name of Hess; rewird; return to engine houe No. 4, 31th and Ixard. Tel. Douglas 7fo6. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your Ha clothing, furniture, maga line. We collect. We d.strlbute Phon DoiiKlaa 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. Invalids Need Pensions S.109 SUSBSCRIPTIONS EARNS 11,000. For the Invartla' Pension association. The 'Ladles Home Journal, II. Ml; Satur day Evening Post. 11. SO; Country Gentle man II 01. :W needed In November. Your order cr rcnewnl contributes f0 cms. Please phone Douglas 7163 or nddress, GORDON, The Mavaxinn Man. Omaha. YOl'NO women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit l he Young Women's Christian nssoclation building t 17th St. and St. Mary' Ave., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at thn Unlm statkin. YOUR furnace cleaned, tl; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 46S4. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wsnted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer hav any use tor and get something you really need? It cost you nothing to Join th Swapper' club and you will find it lota of fun swapping thing. Write Room lot. Bee Hldg., or phone Tyler 10UO. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see th "Automobile'' classifi cation. AUTO Light weight, 1916 model, perfect hape, fully equipped, new tire, to swap for four or five-passenger car. Address II. C. 13. Be. tf ADDING machine; coat 13(0.00 new, ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cabinets, automobile. Good stock or anything of value. Address S. C. its, Hee. A LOT Will trade for a Ford. 2865 Man dtrson. AU'iOAloHlLh-lltil Mitchel Special, 67 h. p., 8 cylinders; in excellent shape: electrio starter, eloctrlc lights; run around 10,000 miles; 4 extra tires; trade for clear lot or lots or clear land or mortgage, diamonds or any good commercial prop erty or paper. S. C. 6M, Bee. BOOKCASE Will swap large oak revolv ing bookcase, suitable for books, pamphlets or advertising matter, for offlc table or anything I can us. Ad dress S. C. 6D, liee BICYCLE Lady7 wheel. In perfect shape except tires, to trade for small soft-coal heater. 8. C. 6T7 Bee. CAM ERA "Reflex," 6x7, reversible back. 6 double plate holders. Local plane shutter, W to 1-10U0 second, "Eueynas," F 4.6 anastlgmat lens by Rodenstock, Munich, all in first-class condition. Cost 1150, for what have you about same value? Address S. C, I5. Bee. C. & H. BICYCLE In good condition, with new eet of puncture-proof tire. What have you. S. C. id9. Bee - DOG Thoroughbred Irish water spaniel pup. Will make a fine retriever and watch dog. Will swap for poultry, UnHerwood typewriter, or what have you? Address 8. C. fit;2, Hee. DETROIT GAS STOVE with oven and broiler to trade for library table, or will sell at a bargain. This stove is In good condition. S. C. 081. Bee. DESK Will swap good roll-top desk and chair for large oak office table or any thing I can use. Address S. C. 6t7, Bee, DUPLEX perforated snare drum. 4x- inches, new heads. Drum Is In excellent condition, used very little. Cost 3S. What have you? Address s. c. MS, ELECTRI C AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost 11000. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Add res S. C. 833. Bee. tf FINE, large Reglna muslo box with big bunch of tune sheet, all In fin shape. Want small cad or motorcycle. S. C. 640, Bee. GOOD three-hole burner and oven gaso line stove for a good washing machine. 8. C. tMSO. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, X (novels, 1 t i a t i . - . . J , rvRfs, noe inu grass mine, iu irsuv iur t mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad dress 3. C. 334. Bee. tf GARLAND half range. In fine shape, to trade for gas range, or what? 8. C. 6f.2, Bee. HAVE large fine mammoth Jack that cost me lest spring 11,600, that I will cwid for automobile, live stock or any thing I ran use. Jack la S years old, 154 hands hl;h. weight about 1.1C0, Is sound and registered. 8. C. C63, Bee. HAVE two Indian motorcycles In fine shape, both twin machines, that I will swap for auto, any make. S. C. 064. Beo. HAVE a Marlln lever action, 26-shot. .22 caltber rifle, which tius been used only 2 months. Will swap for good foot ball and good headgear. 8. C. 647. Bee. I WILL exchange cement work founda tion for good car suitable for truck, Ad- drrs S. C. 64. Bee. JACKS' bell buttons. 10-Inch, and fine home mover' rollers to swap for what have you. S. C. 651. Bee. MOTOR 1 moter, 1B12, Interlocking relay. made by the Union Switch and Signal Co.; cost 170. What hav you? Address s c. eu6. Hee. N EW flertrlo Iron, with all connections; also t large volumes of MacFadden's Encyclopedias of Physical Culture, last inane; will swap for few chickens, pota toes or anything useful. S. C. 614. Bee. PIANO Hamilton piano In tip-top shape; black walnut case ami coat 1 1 0. Trade for clear lot or lots In Omaha or Bluffs. S. C. 663, Bee. U-ROOM house, 2440 S. 20tb Ave.; M acres of land 4 miles west of Sterling, Colo.; will trade for smaller Omaha or South Omaha property, or any business place. E. 4, Beo. RIG Rubber tired, t seated rig, or buggy, with full leather top. side cur tains, etc.; almost new. Will swan for groceries, or what hav you? Address S. f. 511. care Hee. SEWING machine, drop head, 6 drawers, oak case, good condition. Trad for rug, or what have you for It? Address 8. C. 641, Hee. STEEL tank, good condition, 22 feet long, 1 feet high. 3 feet wide. What hav you? Addiesa 8. C. 6.O. Bee. STENOTYl'E To ewap at a bargain; new. S. C. 146, Bee. SINGLE-BARREL breech-loading shot gun. In perfect condition, cost 165, anS leather case that c at tx. What have you to offer? Address Dwlght Williams, car The Hee, Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITER Remington No. 2; lust rebuilt and In good shape. Wish a light buggy or harne-s to value cf about 112. jd. Address 8. C. tfio. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rlfl Se FRIEDMAN. 1211 ougia. WILL swap dressor. In good condition, for sm-ill heating stove. 8. C. 645. Bee. WILL swap a nsw Rensor gaa heater on or for a rlfl or shotgun; glv detail. 8. C. M4. Z1NC-COV ERED kitchen-cabinet table. to exchange for mall dresser, chiffonier or anything I can use. S. C 616, Be. FOR It EXT Apartment and Flat. Th For Rent advrtlment appearing la tb For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot b beat for Variety that will pleas nd lll th need of ny on desiring to rnt Phon Tyler 1X 4-R. mod, ex. I I. Doug A Park. Red 4. till l'AMif,rti.l.U Iur,- 1 - - -. . . -- .was . - a.,'s.I llliajfll, part mod., block to car and stores, good halltl...,l,wUl 1U1T lt... 4.' FINE steam heated apartment. 4 or f w.i-. iu ;, r si Usui 01. John w. bobbins. iw2 farnam bt. FOR RKNT-21 Binney St. -r. brick fl-a -- In ti'.t. -j i inc. (-.. nr. ti ru. toi. 4-lioom Apartment Beautiful four-room apartment In th Alsatian, lit So. Jith St. Rental: 1st floor, j and 10. Teters Trust Co. 11 Farnam St. Dougla K9S o. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN 6 EVEN. TUI3 PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLR. BRFD ABSTRACT CO, oldm sbafrnet oiiice in iNenraK. uranaei I'tie. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 06 S. 17th St. Phone D. 67. ACCOUNTANTS'. E. A. DWORAK, C. T. A. 41-4.77 Rsmgw Bldg. Phone Dong. 74"6. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Sharer ft Co.. 12th. Farnam. P. 774. AMATEUR FIXI9IIIWQ. FlkM.S e'oned free If purchased from Photo Ciaft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCH ITECTS Everett ft. Podd. 6i Paxton Rig. D. 201. ATTORNEYS'. C T. PleMnson. Ml Pwxton Blfc. r. 104. AUCTIONEERS. Powd Auction Co.. 111S-1H W O W. R. w. AUTO INSURANCE. ACO n?TP XF1 INSURANCE CO., Douglaa 28l. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 8n?g r,r, n. W01. BATHS. " BATH 114 Balrd Bls 17th and Douglas. MbaVh?M!:n.Por and ''rn Turkish I J InHe and gentlemen- ladv BAKERIES g. H. P.CTDEnl5arN. nth, xvtb. K97. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES PatorHMItchellCo 27th and Martha St.. CARI'RNTERSAND CO N T R ACTORsT STEVENSON. K2"fT22d. Dougla. SCXX Leasard A Son, 106 Cap. Ay. T. 163X CI W Hokansnn, 250S Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. "...wrnAniu Br-INAL ADJU'MtT Pr. J. C. Lawrence, l Ralrd Bldg. p. gun. I REMOVE TUB CAUSE OF Nervousness, liver and I Sn..i. ?lce pr",!. free- S o"P. Dli. IvXOLLEXBERO, U Bca Bldg. TvIer CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Btiford, 620 Pax. Blk. COFFEE II YMAlLT Red 45R7. Coffee CFsaTv b COKSEiS. NuBon corsets. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4W2 DANClnU ACADEMIES. " FAIXi term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6440 DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill s. 18tU St, scT1711?113 scOOL OF DANCING, Z8tn and Fn rnnm Pin . z.. a - lessons. Harney 6143. Just completed forty-four-page book of new dance for 1916 and 1916. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Er. ery teacher should hav a copy. Mall order filled. Price. 11. DHKSSMAKINO. Terry Dresamak'g college, 10th it Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 1911 Far nam Su Phone Douglas 2823. DRESSMAKING by day. All work fuar anteed. Web. 6896. DRESSMAKING COLLEOB. Kelster Dressmaking Col., 162S City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. P. BflTT DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. S1J Nevlll Block. Evt- dene aecurea in mi csw - DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, til W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room. 1517 Douglas. P. 214. ' ' "ioRuds. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 order j catalogues free. Sherman A Mo- Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. " ELECT ROLYS la, TJIoaJUlender, B4 Bee Blda-edMgL BVKRYTIIISIO FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburet, boa pleating; covered button, all ylxe and styles; hemstitlchlng, point edging. Em broWary. beaming, braiding. cording, eyalit cut work buttonhole, pennant. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2W Douglas Block. Dougla lajo. FURNACES AUD TIN WORK. WABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. t9TL " FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 104 Farnam Bt D. 3000. L. HENDERSON. 1814 Dougla. D. UM. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam SL A. DONAOHUE. 1621 Harney. Doug. 1001 " r i; R hie r a. 6AM KNEETER, 1920 Farnam. Red 6S34. H. Rothholl. 2S1 Leavenworth. II. T63. HISTORICAL COSIXME THR largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume. In the country. The Lleben A hon. M4 Howard. D. 411a. INITBIJCl'lON. English, rrench Instruction. Lyne Bid. JllTD-Ek OF THE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE. 612 Paxton Blk. Red 740L NoUry public, deposition steno. C W. BRITT. 101 Baker Block. XioilTINU FIXTURES, WIRING. DUItKIN Th0?" cumrgsI laa 2519. ing St. "TTVH STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS A CO. Exchange Bldg. MAbsELUs. Masaa ge, women. Call D. 127 for apptmt. ' MOTORCYCLES. HA RLET-PA VTDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, Th Motorcycl Man." 27ol Leavenworth. M o V 1 N G PICT I BlTH ACH IN ES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain OCCLISTkH d. glasses fttti Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you oaa. Dr. McCarty. 1111 W. u. w. csiag- OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. J08EPHINB ARm"5tRONO. (It Be Bldg PATENTS. P. O. Bamsll. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 711? PLUMES CLskAAKD. CURLED, dyed. D. Ehiele. 11 54 City Nat PATENTS. II. A, Sturges. 63 Brandel Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND REDDING, OMAHA TILLOW CO.. Mtttresses md n nr.lar r Mm.itu 1l7 fuming. D. 2407. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A TT!r Opened, repaired, romb. SAr h 7 changed. F. E. Daven-KJJ- port. 14 Dodge. D. 182L PIANOS FOR KENT. f3.W per month. A llnsne. IBIS Ponrlai PRINTING. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 12th SL CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS J7H. POTOI.A9 rrlntlng Co. Tel. Ponging M4. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 613 S. 12th. D.JKJ SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDSf AN BROS., shoe repair, til & 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co., 104 Farn'm. R144t SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair sell needle nl parts for all sewing machlnea NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Dougla ISO, STEEL CEILINGS. CARTERjPhjMetaljgompanyJll) S 1 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, aralea .hnweas. .h.l.. Ing. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Flxtur A Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 1724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnae colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stov Repair Wkg. 1206-S Douglas St. Tyler M. TELECTHIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. P.MTs, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. P. 611 TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FUELING &c STEINLE, 1808 Farnam Bt TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for f.V Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. Jl S. UUi St All make for sal or rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a typ. writer. Low rent. Call Dougla 11S4. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALT, makes. E. B. Williams. 308 S. 18th. Tyler loll. XVA'Tfll lpr.rill.IITh. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bit.. IS yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co, WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-1 S. 13th Bt Wlnea, liquor, cigar. Plate dinner 11 to I, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch, BUY your family llquora at Klein's Liquor house. 622 N. 16th. Douglas lau. MEDICAL I PILES, FISTULA CUBED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR, E. H. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated uccfully, re sults guarant'd Dr. Bowser. 114 Be Uldg. FOK RENT Apartment and Flat. Don't let Jack Frost catch you. STANDARD FLATS The good -r., high finish, steam heated, modern apartments, at reason able price; close In. i J. HOOK. 1101 N. ISth Bt. FOR RENT-New S-room apartment; die, appearing bed; pneumatic elevator: shower baths; first-class tn every partlcu- i iib., j ones rc o t. a no xnmiHiun. JOUg. &itt. 10-room brick flat; fine place for board eis and roomur; five minutes' walk I r T " ri 1 1 . ,1 HflTVtl r.n II i -v . . . i . , w . , .1 v line: vv 20-rooin brick flat; 1 block to postofflcej ''"f" mieei irom rontenell hotel: will sell furniture; 1126. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 201 S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. MoD. i-rn, apartment, including beau tiful east sun room. In West Farnajn district, for rent Dec. 1. Harney 1399. MOVINO EXPKNSES PAID. ' 1104 N. tid., 4-r. flat, steel range, gaa stove, kitchen cabinet water paid. 114. RASP BROS.. Douglas 1IK3. 90S N. 17TH -r. all mod. apt., 13.1.60. " RASP BROS., Douglas 16f.3. 7-Ii. mod. flat. 1001 N. 29th, .J. C. Q. CARLBEHIJ, 312 Brandeis Theater. FOR RENT-MODERN APARTMENT ( rooms and bath, in Urbana, 1317 Park Ave. Hot and cold water, heat and jani tor service; $40 per month. Very desir able. 7-room modern house, West Far nam district; 136 per mo. WE.STERUAARD & PETERSON, isi2-4 Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. D. 12x0. Roard ana svoonss. Furnished Rooms that otter every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding house of th high est ilas will be found in tb Furnished Room culuiuo of The Bee. Phon Tyler low. Hd & rm. fur two gentlemen. Wal. 2SS2. N. 2. id. C14 JviuUcrn room. Liuua. l.vu. Room and board in private family. II. i&3? 1H0 Kinney; Id. and rm. week. W. 16.2 CALIFORNIA, 224 All mud., hot water beat, private fain.; reasonable. H. 'Mno. BOARD AND ROOM in private horn for two. Call Webster T6"8. 2o:;t LAKE Rm. & Id., $5 er wk. W. 1103. PurulaueU stuusu. NICELY furnished room, close In. all. Ilioilern. o.i c. .-'1 r-i. ONE loitja furnished front ixiom. all modern, and one room with sleeping f ich. walking ijlaiauce. 6u6 S. 2oth Si Hjiifc'la 4123. lv.iT DEWEY AVE. Just moved in and remodeled place; finely furnished and well kept; gentlemen only. T. MODERN room; close in; for one or two busine women. Call after 7. n m Ledfci. v' TUB MILLER Hol SE. 2152 St Mary7 Aye., t-x. client Jooina by day or week; In rme location; han.ly to buslnea d.a- trict. D. uuIhs 4V'i ROOM In private home. Bemls Park dls- i'irii.ia,i it u.gireq. H. 1721. West Fttriiam-LarKe. nicely furnished room; modern; hot water heat; private; 14 7 Mplefr kleei , nig ri,., n . v 4 Fu inished rm., private family. Web. 4?0. Klc'ELY furninbed room, clow in- ail 10 ,. 1, rn. SS't S. t'd Ht tit I'Ol'C LAS Newly furniahed room iiriia.-eJ.erCMln. Red kv,1. (CONTINUED ON P A G EUL k ' EN COLUMN ONE. T