I THE- BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1915. nry" T" t T IYiK KEXT A purl me t and Klsts. WROOM art : s!so 1 room snd k'tchen; mortem. The Hamilton. Doug, 2MV KH RK.XT-JIUDKUN A PA HTM KNT. ft rooms and bath. In t'rbana. 1H17 Park Ave. Hot and cdd water, heat and Jint tor service; ) per month. Very desir able. 7 -room modern house, Wwt Far nam district; $36 per mo. WF.STKRUA A KD PETF.TtPON", 3y-4 Krsnd'is Theater F!rlg.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. D. I'INE steam heated apartment, 4 or rooms, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. HOHHIN.o. 112 FARNAM BT. rXJR REXT fi-i onn flat, strictly modern; oak finish. 21"4 California. I'hone Red rw. . FOR HKXT-Mfl Hlnney St., 6-r. brick flit. fT.sn. Weh. 731. CHICAGO. 2fl3. Nice K-room and bath. Aiavtmrnt. Pnmlihril Apartments. FURNISHED apartments for rent; six large, sunny rooms on second floor, storeroom In basement, also room where man sleeps who takes care of furnace for that privilege; Is beautifully furnished; will be let to responsible tarty for four months or longer; rent only $32.50 per month; references required. Phone Har nev '31. Hoard ann atmime. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod em convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Uee. Phone Tyler 1000. Room and lioard in private family. H. tt'ui. Hoard and room Pi ,' ate i amil.v. Col. 3M8 lidO Blnney; bd. and rm. $5 week. W. 1512 CALilFuRNiA, 224 All mod., hot water bent, tinxate lam.; reasonable. H. 24-;ft. N. 'iM. M4--Modern rooms. Doug. ImU. HOARD AND ROOM In private home for two. Pall Webwter 'Vm. ROOM suitable for two men; good board. Webster B1CT. URQE nicely furnished room in private family; close to car: lit minutes to post office; will rent reasonable; board If de sired; references. Web. W4. r'antlli4l Itooms. NICELY furnished room, close In, all mortem. 531 S. 22.1 St Newly furnished room in prlva'e f imilv; modern flat. Reasonable Webster jw. ONE largo furnisned front room, all modern, and one room with sleeping pinch; walking distance. 606 B. 2x,th St. 1'ougins fi-i. B65 S. 34TII Iarge, modem room In nci nouse; private iamiiy. nai ny on. Nicely furnished room for rent; privata fnmily. l ady or man and wl e. Col. PLEASANT south room; 2 men preferred; $7 each. 3411 Webster St. H. 7120. THR MILLER HOI'SE. 2152 St. Mary s Ave., excellent rooms by day or week: in fine location: liundy to business dis trict. Poimlxs -5o2. ROOM in private lioine, Bemls Tark dis trict: breakfast If dmlred. H. 1721. West Farnain Large, nicely furnished room; modern: hot water heat; private; walkinK distance. I'none nunmy n.. NICELY FURNISHED RooMS, REAS ONAULE. nol.HtLAS '- , Wfl Maple, fur. sleeping rms., W.j6S4. Furnished rm., prlvato family. Weh. 4S20. NICELY furnished room. closu In; all mnd'Tn. i.tl L d t. S. 21ST AVE., 510 Nicely furnished; mod ern rooms; close In; quiet home. TeL louglas 7il. FURNISHED room, sultablefor girl or Kentiemen, cneap. rteo S. 21ST AVE, 510 Nicely furnished, mod ern rooms. cloBe in; quiet home. Tel. Douglas sia. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam, HOTEL H.VRLF.Y, 2flth and Farnam. 2214 DOL'G LAS Newly furnished rooms. Furnace neat, l lose in. revi TWO nil modern housekeeping rooms, 2721 Jackpon. ' I nf arnish-il Rooni, 8 OR 4 unfurnished rooms.Web. 8795. ONEor 2 Tunfurnlshed rooms, strictly mod ern; parties without children. D. 450Z. HonsekeepliiK Rooms. DAVENPORT, 201 S TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED HKPO ROOMS; REASONABLE RENT. fXhNAM, 2S22 Two nice housekeeping rooms; tlectricity, steam, gas range. I'urnliliril Houses, 8-ROOM modern bungalow, completely furnished; near car. 1801 I'lnkney Bt. 7-R. liuUBeTurnl"hed. H. 331. MY home for 6 months or longer, near 89th and Harney. Phone Harney 1871. Houses aul liittsn'i. Aorth. . I.T0 SEVEN rooms and bath, all modern. .. . . . . , ... 1 1 . i. n : nz4 Aianuerwon pi. vvcu. .m-w. 6-ROOM house, all modern, 332 N. 23d, RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm windows and doors; price reduced to $1H. Web. 5O00. $526 PARKER ST. 6 rooms, $18. Doug. 613. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, V4 block to car. 4613 N. th 8t. M. A. Past. 4S1 N. 38th SL PhoraB Colfax 1178. FOR SMALL FAMILY Entire upstairs of residence; 3 nice large rooms and bath; modern except heat; clean and comfortable; $10. Web. urn. 6-ROOM cottage; mod. 1"31 B. lst. H. 2H WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge, s-room, modem. $25; key. 2640; call Web. 4875. WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge, S-room, modem. $25; key. 2640; csll Weh. 4875. Rent Reduced Nice 8-roora house, modem except heat; storm windows: arranged for two fami lies if so desired; rent 122. i&U Corby Bt. Tel. Web. 7881 NICE 6-room cottage, with bath, gas, electrio light, shades. 2610 Wirt St.;. $18. $-R. mod, cottage. 24(16 Emmet. Wreb. M. NICE (-room cottage, north side, mod. ex heat; will take part rent each month In carpenter work. Tel. Web. 1239. 6-ROOM cottage; partly modern; the rent Is reduced. 8424 Sahler. 6-ROOM house and barn. 931 N. 26th Bt. 7 ROOMS, 2427 Charles. $18. Weh. MX. oath. 2706 Howard, mod., oak fl metal w'th'r tripped windows; beaut. Int. U'al. 2.,17. OiTTM3EsT2rt-ll SO C'TH 20TH AVE. $14 PER MONTH. Two 7-room houses, 8. W. corner S3d and Howard. These houses have been very completely remodeled; new fur naces, combination light fixtures, hard wood flojis, new paper in every room ind closet. Summer porch, acretned in; In fact everv comfort, $10. ALFRED THOMAS 308 1st Nat. Bank. FOR RENT New mod. 6-room house and sleeping porch, full basement, east front, excel 1 nt neighborhood, close to car Hue. fcouth 71. 7-ROOM house, sti icily modern, with gaiage; kplend d neighborhood, JJ Marcy; .. can itarney STRICTLY nKdem. 7-r Hanscom Park. cottage, oak floors. $36. Tel Har. 4-J9. -UOi,M. modern, A Poppleton Ave. MODERN 7-room house. 1519 Park Ave., 6 Phone Harney 1665. K: PARK AVE. 6-room mod. home, $15; gnrage extra. Carey Cleaning On. H. 73n7. 6-RiHjM cottage. Ill S. l!i St., $15. Water paid. A I.I. mod rn, f ne repair, 8-r. ; Wo 8. :i'ih St., near Mason. N' 2810 Av 6-room house. $10. Stores, moves, packs, ships; t-horse van and t men, JL25 per nr.;. storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 A Ty. 230. SOUTH OMAHA RESIDENCE, four rooms, city water, electric lights, small stable; near Corrlgan school. $8 per month. 8. A. Searle, Owner. Phones Douglas 680 or Harney 1678. 6-r hour, mod. ex. heat. 850 S. list. I . IDEAL new bungalow with sua room, $"0. Walking distance. 18 jscs n. Harney U3.. Apartmenta, flats, houses and oottsgee can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent l OIl HKXT Houses and tottsaes. West. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Owner of elght-rooro. mod ern, stucco louse will allow desirable psrty ore months iTiit free. If taken within ten days. Bent, Including heat, fiHi per mo. Omaha Rental Kxcnange. Doug. :$19 Miscellaneous. Globe Van&Storage Ptores. moves, parka, ships; 3-turs vaa and z men, II. i" pel nr.; storage U per s-K. cottage, newly decorated; rent cheap; mod except heat; storm wiu dows. 31 JO Corby St, Weh. 1345. Gordon Van Co. tl N 11 Hi SI Tel 0 394 or Hsr. 1MT. 111 8. S3d St., 6 rooms and bath 3"0ii Franklin St., 6 rooms and bath. &I7 Franklin St., S rooms and bath. I'HONE KOIXJUAS 2M. MOO. 5-r. cottage, full basement, reason able to adults. 147 8 . Jxth. Har. 4n4. I12.uO 2220 Mark, 4 rooms. $U.(v2:22 N. 1Mb, 6 rooms, toilet. $14.00ln N. 2ith, 4 rooms, toilet. $15.w " 18 Seward. & rooms, barn. IL'S.oti 213 N. ISth. 8 rooms, bath. $:t..(i0 g;2 St. Mary s Ave., 12. r. mod. $46,1103310 Davenport, 6 rooms, mod., new. RINOWALT, BRAXURlg THEA. EE the Ceo! ml Furniture Store s FREK l"TVTAT, f.TST ELEGANT 5-ro mi cottage, mod rn ex cept heat. Apply 8210 Hamilton St. Maggard's SS Ing, paclniig, snipping. i:i Webster St pins MMH 6-ItOOM cottage, partly modern; good condition. $1.N). 423 N. 84tli. H. 27X1. FIDKLITV I-'Mtih Phone Douglas fSS for complete list of vacant housee and apartments; also for storage, moving. P'th and Jackson S WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district. Phone Red 7S54. WI'ltDliTTK, i-2i), Vroom bouse wlh bath and furnnce, $. Call Web. 454. H.mcjw Crelgh Bona & Co., Be IlUUb in all parts of the city Bee Bldg Jr T3 J KP- moving, L.K66Q lacking k storage FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SFPAi.A'lE, locked iNjoms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA AN AND STORAGE CO., R'ti S. lfith St. Doug. 41S. Mores and Offices. 8-ROOM house, strictly modem, hot water heat, $30. 2716 Burt St. NEW brick store with basement; comer 24th and Ersklne, near 1-aie. $35. 8. A. Searle, owner. Douglas 660 or Har ney 1525. REAL ESTATE FARM H.4AC1I LAAuS FOB SALE Kansas. CHOICE Improved In Phillip county, Kansas, black soil. Exchange for cat tle, other land or casa $6,4uO. Hellyer, Republican City, Neb Arbraska. FOR SALE 1(50 acres, one-half mile from Clarks, Neb.; 80 acres in wheat, balance in puBture, hay meadow and timber; good DUUUings. trice )i per sun, nau io-u. W. D. Abel, Clarks. Neb. 160 ACRES raw land to break In Keith county; 5 miles from Ogalalla. If in terested write A. A. Urler, Klngsley, la. ....... . . . .... (k . U - f.nM Vim ball, Neb.; near railroad station; $12.50 ' ..-ill : .1 . 't .. V. La .1 per acre, win uuiibiuci iiiian v residence property in pari paymeuu dress 1, Bee office. South Omaha, Minnesota. 40. 80 or 160 acres good heavy soil, well settled nart of Todd county. Minn.: I good roads, schools and churches. . Price, lis to ner acre, lerms, i uer acre cash, balance $1 per acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. BchwaD tiros., ions Plym outh Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. W iacoaalK. ttpttj-ti WTRCON8IN Best dalrr and general crop state In the union; settlors wanted; lands ror sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway. M nneanolls. Minn. Miscellaneous. WAVE TOU A FARM FOR 8ALET Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux city, (la.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Nunday ror one month, giving- sixteen d on twelve dif ferent days for $2; or CO words, $4, or 75 words. $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. 250.000 readers dally in four great states. FARMS WANTED DAIRY farm for rent. About 400 acres. Two miles from Council Bluffs. One of the best dairy farms In the country, $F per acre. Apply to Oeorge O. Clark, 18 Pearl St. Phone 174. Council Bluffs. Ia. IIEATj ESTATE FOn EXCHANGE I WANT to trade about $10,000 worth of scattered lota and two small houses for an apartment or large residence. Might consider business property. Will pay cash difference if proposition warrants. M 311, Omaha Bee. WESTERGAARD & PETER SON EXjCIIANGES Well-Imp. eastern Neb. farm, all In high state of cultivation. Price. $115 per acre. To trade for cheaper land or Omaha property. 7-room modern dwelling, West Farnam dlst. Price, $5,000, to trade for cheap land. 260-acre well-Imp. farm, near Omaha, for sale at big bargain. Will consider some trade. We have a sec. of cheap western Neb. land to exchange for Omaha residence property. WE.-TEROAAKD tk PETERSON. 3C2-4 Hrandela Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. D. ItaO. REAL ESTATE LOANS. $ino TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. wean ciii mm a f arnam Sta CITY end farm loans, $, 6H, per cent J, H. Dumont A Co.. 416 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand riunuure into casn. WANTED flood farm and city loans at inwem rates. PETERS TRUST CO,.' 122 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. w. ii. a nomas. male nana Mldg OMAHA home. Hast Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATH CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas $715. MONEY on band for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Natlmal Bank Bldg. r,C' CITY I.OANS C. O. Carlberg. n " ' Frsr.di... Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE VORTH STDR -IIOI'M h use, modern except h-at. 3027 Manderson. Owner, Douglas 81'81. BUNGALOW New, 4-room, bath, electrio lights and gas; comer lot, t blocks from car; $100 down, $26 a month. Douglas 7393. HEAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS Fine Chance for Investment 0x260, 1 block from Ames, 1 block from Fontenelle Park, $700. 60x150, north side of A me, near Dth St., $jO Quick sale. $1,000 Cash for Both. TeL Walnut 140 or addrtas F 41L Bte. HAPPENINGS IN THE J1AGIC CITY Alexander Pacala Arretted by the Local Police Upon Federal Charge, DEMAND FOR NIGHT SCHOOL Surrounded by secret service men and , detectives, Alexander Pucala, Ruimsnlin, ! living In the South fMde, wanted) on sev i ral charges by the Vnlted States gov ernment, wa arretted yesterday after noon at $:! o'clock at the Havens hotel. Fifteenth and Davenport streets, by local officers. Detectives Allen and Olllen of the South Side police force were the ar resting officers. They were accompanied by Deputy "United States Marshals Tatea and Nlckerson. The man is wanted hy authorltleti at Zanesvllle, O., on the specific charge of sending obscene literature through the malls, lie la also wanted in St. Joseph, Mo., on more serious charges, Locsl detectives visited the boarding hoiwe and found John Mosar and Jim Poco, also Roumanians, hurriedly pack ing their trunks as If to make a hasty departure. Arrest followed and Detec tive Allen obtained the Information that Mosar was to meet Pacala at the Havens hotel the next afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. According to appointment, the detective and government men were-at the hotel and made the arrest Immediately after tho wanted man entered. Ho will be transported to Zanesvllle at one to answer the charge there. It la probable that St. Joseph officials will want him next. Nlrh ohnn Wanted. A night high school in the South High school building Is the popular Idea among local educators and citizens. Since the launching of the venture In Omaha hun dreds of local people have been calling Principal Moore of the local high school dally desiring to enter a night school at the building at Twenty-third and J streets. Every evening a ecore or more of working young men and women appear at the high school building and ask when the school will start. Some weeks ago a call was sent out to ascertain the approximate number of those who would wish to enter a night high school. The statistics were sent up to the Omaha authorities, but no action was taken In the matter. Now that the Commercial High plan has become so popular hundreds are wishing for a South Side night school. To a probable ma jority car fare to the Omaha school would be too much for them to afford. The facilities at hand at the local school make it an ideal center for a night high school. With every practical line of en deavor possible, from printing to domes tic science and sewing, given a prominent place at the school building, with the modem and up-to-date equipment repre sented, the local school building is re garded an Ideal center for a high school where all practical Industries that would be beneficial to the working student are to be had. Suspected of Shootlngr. James Ruse, 114 South Thirtieth street, wanted for several weeks to answer charges of shooting Into family resi dences, in two Instances during the last month narrowly missing occupants, waa arrested at noon yesterday. The young man is only 16 or 17 years old, and dis appeared shortly after the two shootings and eluded the polloe until yesterday, when he waa taken by Detectives Allen and Gillen. On the night of November 1 a bullet was fired into the window of the R. A. Welsh home, at 320 North Twenty-second street Mrs. Welsh waa sitting before the window In a rocking chair and saw the flash of a revolver in the street aro light an instant before she heard the sound of the bullet. The bullet, which was In direct line for her heart, accord ing to the detectives, became lodged in the seam between the screen and the window casing. During tho same week, Alex Zalphis, 3014",! R street, was shot while at home. Tho young man of the description of Ruse fired the bullet, dropped his gun and ran. Positive Identification occurred yesterday at the police station. The re volver was a .82-callbre and the bullets found In both cases correspond to the slightest detail. The police are certain that the lad fired both bullets and are holding him on suspicion. His sudden REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 6-Room All Modern Bungalow New $3,950 $300 Cash Balance on monthly payments. For description phone Wal. 682 today. Call Doug. 2V26 any weekday. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS ACRE and quarter of ground, all bet to fruit and bearing; elKht-ruom house on premises: well and cixtern; must Fell cheap; 3S)th St.; tiirce blocks south county line South 1557. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, with one-half acre of beautiful ground; little ways from street car line: price re.isunablo. 1st aud HsKkell Sts. Harney bSHJ. $638 equity in 6-acre apple tract, In bear ing l:il6. near All,any, Ore.; will trade for vacant lot or w.ll sacrifice for csah, or what have you? On easy payments. Mrs. Whitney, 2!i04 N. Sih. Webster 54.17. HAVE about 2uu clly lots In growing city In Wyoming. Will trade for real estate near or in Omaha. Make an offer. Address M-416, care Bee. NEW 6-room modern, close In; naved street, all paid; fine location; oak fin ish and floors. Equity of $l,7u0 for $l,luo cash. Harney 5M6. $!-i0 equity $360, new, modern cottage, 2311 N. 61st Ave. I'hone Benson 540 J. LEGAL NOTICES . Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of iMreetors of the Short Line Irrigation District at their office In the Village of Bayard, Neb., for the purchase of- fif teen thousand five hundmd eighty-two dollars face value of the I per cent serial bonds of said district until 1 o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of December 1915; said bonds are Issued under aud by virtue of an Act of the legislature of the state of Nebraska, approved March ith Uiti, Session Laws 1M, Chapter 70 and all amendments thereto arid pursuant to a vote of the majority of the quailled elec tors of said dtetilrL The Board nunxlv I ra--rve the right to reject aiy and ail ' bids and will in no event sell any of MKj bunds for less than ninety five per cent I of the fat-e value thereof. By order of Uie Mi-ara or wireciors iSigned) CATHERINE ROBERTS Secretary Short Line Irrigation District. NWjut disappearance- after tho two episodes strengthens their theory, tadent Jubilee In Town. Several hundred high school students paraded the downtown district last even ing after the game with Ixigsn High school at Lotus Mirk yesterday after noon. The delegation, headed by the new High School band, rnsrehed through all the principal Meres and theaters. They tarried In The Uf branch office for Sev eral ni'ntitcs and plyrd several airs. On the fool ball field the entire student repnesentstlon marched over the field In circular lines ran vlng nt the bead of Ihe procession a nestly-bnllt coffin rtrspd In black cloth. Tho band executed a fitting funeral selootlon and the ent re crowd sang out the dreary verdict, "lxiga.n Alnt dot No Chnnce." The remainder of the crowd on the Hdc-llneji cheered. And It turned out that the Iowa team renl'y didn't hsve any chance. The score was IS to 0 In fsvor of the South Side High school. Sntctd Mrnt'lv N Solved. Rarpy county officials have been unable to Identify the body of tho m'ddle-aged man which was found one mile this side of Child's Point on the Missouri river bank Thursday noon. The local police have been notified that a certain prom' nent local resident and business man, who was old and feeble, suddenly disap peared one day last week snd left no trace of his prearnt whereabouts. The description of the man found with a hole In his head and a revolver In his right hand, g'vlng evidence of suicide, tallies almost accurately to that of the man who disappeared. An effort will lie made to Identify the two as the same person. Veteran Policeman Dies. The death of Percy Ambler, veteran stockman and former policeman of the South Omaha department. Is being re gretted by all local policemen and of ficers In the department. Crepe Is hung about the doors of the police station In recognition of the former police officer. Ambler at the time of his last sick ness was In the employ of the stock yards company. He la well known In the South Side. The body will be sent to western Nebraska In the earlier part of the week for burial. Centorlon Musical garresa. The tnuslcala given by students of the Omaha Conservatory of Music, Patrick O'Nell, leading, under the auspices of the South Side Centurion club, last Thursday evening, turned out a distinct success. O'Nell, a popular Irish tenor, only Just recently engaged In the con servatory, received great applause and proved a master at singing "Art," a mas terpiece. The rooms were prettily decorated with palms and cut flowers. The lights were shaded. Preparations are already under way to stage the great opera, "The Bo hemian. Girl," on a future date. The conservatory pupils are already working on the execution. The proceeds of the concert will be given to St. Bridget's school, recently erected. Sunshine Class Party. The "Sunshine class" of the Hillsdale Baptist church gave a party Friday even ing at their church. The evening was passed with games and singing. Tnose pressnt were: Edith Anderson, Eve yn Earnhardt, Irene Boyer, Ida Carl, Bertha Clayton, Lucile Hayhurst, Edith Ilarvet, Cathrlne Heldt, Marie Longbehn, Bessie Laurltsen, Pearl Saunders,, Ellaa-tth Sodomka, Marie Vomacka, and Lillian Williams. Drnmatlo Clab Presents. The Dramatlo club of the Central In terdenominational church will make its initial bow to the public Thursday even lng, November 18, presenting a delightful little oomedy, "The Deacon's Second Wife," by Allan Abbott. The play will be staged at the Temple theater, Twenty fifth and M streets. Rev. H. K. Cornish of the church, who Is some actor himself, la training the claas personally and promises a perform ance much above the average work. The following la the list of those who win participate: Mrs. Fits, Deacon's first wife Lydla R. Rhyno Deacon Harry O. Wilcox M Ron, a mischievous boy. William Carrol Nancy Melissa, hie sister. . .Bessie Rhyno Cousin Kate, Deacon's second wife Agnes Bwanback John Bullock, Wall street broker Uuy Rhyno Mrs. Bullock, his wife Pesrl Rhyno Hartley, his son Everett Perrln Ernest Rench, a friend Dale Bechet Mrs. Brown, a neighbor Mrs. H. O. Wilcox Philip aanbose, an artlHt... Lloyd Co r sett Dorothy Bullock, his sweetheart Rye Pearle Special musio between acts, Bl Dolna-s of the A. O. IT. W. at South Omaha Vnder the A aspire of the Central Committee. All the lodges of Douglas county will hold a joint meeting at the A. O. U. W temple in Bouth Side, Tuesday evening Nov. 16. All members of the order an Invited to attend. Hon. J. U Kenned) will deliver the address of the evening His subject will be "The Open Door ol Opportunities." Grand Master Frank A Anderson, Hon. A. L. Sutton and Hon C. O. Lobeck, Rev. R, L. Wheeler anc others will give short talks. Refresh ments will be served. All members o the order are Invited. Come out and Joti. the greatest meeting of the sason. (knrrh Play Krlda. Eighty young people of the First Chris tian church will give a rousing enter tainment at the church, Twenty-thlid and I streets, Friday evening, under the a us. pices of tho Christian Endeavor. "TNe Marriage of the Midgets" or "Tom Thumb's Wedding," are the comedies and Interesting playlets that the yount; folk will present. The children will also sing many old fashioned songs. Those already listed on the provrsi er--: "aivr Th-e 1.- Among the Cold," ''When You and I Were Young, Maggie." "Oh, Promise Me" and other songs. The public Is urged to back up the entertainment. lllvh Nchoni tea. Ifonor pupils sre to have their picture published In tho next issue of th "Tooter." The senior class voted to go on a ha tack purly in a week or so. A goo time, la expected. Prof. Voancek of the South Hluh s-ho Is intending to take his ( hem nil y clus to visit the Omaha Smelting works i. the m-iir luturo. Many of the normal training girls vis Ited 14ncoln grade school last Monday The class learned many helpful hints li iIim art of teaching the yonnser foik. The Catch-Me-Pal club met last Thur day afternoon In the hiKh school. Bun. ness of ik lit Importance was illm uns, In conjunction with the regular progran Principal Moore culled a mass meetln last Thursday morning to arouse splrl In the school for the Logan foot bal game. New yells were Introduced by tin cheer leader. Pupils are again reouested to atten Bible class at the First Preabyterlai church, corner of Twenty-third and streets, Mondays, W'ednidays and Fri days. The meetings am called at 8 15. Hddlo Johnson, president of the Caleb Mm-PuI club; Frfink Orchard, Howar, hocourt and William Smith axe planum to Apend November , 26 and 27 in Lin coin at the Slats Purity ltat.ua conven tPm. Woman suffrags was debated at the meeting of the Vellum club in the high sehoul auditorium lat Friday afternoon Nellie Nichols and Csthruie Barre up In. Id the affirmative, while Lucie Nitsctie and Eleanor Alexander debated the neg ative, 'jhe sfl iruiiillve won. It Is regarded here that the South Illch foot hall team could defeat Central II Uh. as shown by the results of the games p'aye.l hy both. Repeated rhl)enacs have elicited no reply from Omaha s Cen tral managers. The students' printers In the printing department have done splendid work since the Installation of the printing ap paratus. They have not only produced two Issues of the "Tooter.'' but have made a record of slxly pages an Issue. The Wln-My-C hum club met last Mon day In the auditorium at 3 li o'clock. A very Interesting program was nlven. So-viral girls of the schools made short perches The club will meet tomorrow aft'-itioon ami every Monday afternoon hereafter. Coach William Yerlngton Is forming an alumni denst,ng teniu. A prsilice de bate for the fust tviuih 11 mil school trio Is the object tiarwood Richardson, Frank Faux and bYsnk Bro.nlwell are Suggested lv the coach If they ale Will Inn to debate. South High school now has a school band of twelve pli-ocs According to the lewder R. II. Johnson, the organisation will expand to twenty pieces before the first semesti r is i in. H une goo.l music was rendered at the Logan foot ball "amp at Luxns park yesterday afternoon. The Oavel, Vellum, Catch-Me-Pal. Wln-My-Chum. Help-A-Chlld, Dramatic and ll'klng clubs, are now going at full speed. An eiphth organisation, a scientific club. Is contemplated In the near future. The Storv Teller's lea.sue, a normal training society. Is another new organisation Miss Fow ler has been appointed ui'sn i f the girls of the South High school. The Drsmstle club, so long contem plated, has st last been organised. At the first meeting a constitution was drafted and officers were elected. Offi cers are: President, Raiph Ooldherg; vice president, lul Wlrth; secretary. Wini fred lturd; tresaurer, Brest lalav SediaceK Prof. Pike of the science department took his physics class on an inspection trip to the Swift s Packing company last Wednesday afternoon. The physics professor ulntis to take the Class on an other Inspection trip to one of the sev eral railroad round houses of Omaha. The object Is to Investigate the best ex ample of steam preasure In steam engines. At the state enraventlnn directors of the Nebraska Slate Debating league author ised President Fogg to change tho debat ing question for the 1M16-16 season. This was done because the uuiloii. "Re solved. That the Interests of Civilisation Demand Disarmament Rather 'llian Armament," was considered prejudiced and in favor of the affirmative. Mem bers of the local debating team have twen working on this question all summer. The Gavel club mot last Monday even ing In Ihe old Board of Education room. A stood crowd ut students sateivucu. William Yerlngton, facuaty sponsor, is more than pleaeed with the good work of progress of the club this year. Ixmis Wlrth and Eddie Johnson debated v ran Brfadwell and Brvan Nixon, on the sub ject. "Resolved, Thst the United States Naval Increase Policy Should ne Aodpted." The lajter upheld the affirma tive and received the decision. Mngle City Gossip. Mrs. Ernest Dell entertained the Pell Pee'o at her home Thursday evening. Mrs. Manson of Omaha was the guest. Office space for rent In Bee off.os, 2.V8 N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. The English-Lutheran Aid society will give a basar and dinner at the Mcfrann hall, Twenty-fourth and O streets, De cember 1. The women of St. Agnes' church will give a card party Tuesday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock at the McCrsnn hsll. Twenty fourth and O streets. Six prises will be given. The Child Conservation circle and Mothers' t ulture club will meet with Mrs. John J. Roth, BJighteenth and Q streets, South Side, Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'cleck, The Woman's auxiliary of St. Martin's church will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Otto Matirer, 1120 North Twenty-fourth street, Wednesday, No vember 17. Wont ads for The Bee may be left at The Bee's branch office, 2,118 N St. Rates, 2o a wcrd tor oen time, 1HO a wor I eac'i cay for three days and lc a word acti day for a week. Prompt and courteous service. A class of about twenty South High school girls visited the Skinner macaroni iactory of Omaha and the D. J. O'OBrlen candy factory Friday afternoon. They were chaperoned by Miss Bookmeyer an J Miss Koplets of the domestic science de partment. ico Cahlll, former police reporter for The Omaha Bee, who went west a year ago for his health, dropped Into the city to visit a few hours with friends In the "outh Side. Cahlll has a responsible po sition wph a firm of national repute and s succeeding very well. An Invitation entertainment of special Interest will be given by members of Csmp No. 1096. Modern Woodmen of Amerca, Thursday evening, November 18, at the Independent Otder of Odd Fellows hall, Twenty-fourth and M streets. There will be music, songs, cards, something ?ood to eat and a goud smoke. You cannot afford to take any hasard- ous rlak with your hard-earned sav ings. In times of prosperity thcr Is a ureat temptation toward snaculatlon. The shrewd Investor Is satisfied with absolute security for both principal and Intereet. Such Is afforded by the Certifi cates of Deposit of the Live Stock Na tional Bank, South Omaha. Special music will be given at the Orso Methoulst chruch. Twenty-third and K streets, this morning. The largs choir, under tho leadership of 1'rof. Baker, will sing at both services. In the morning he choir will sing Gounod's "By Baby lon's Wave" and "There Is a Fold" 'Cowen). In the evening, "I Welted for the I.ord" (Mendelssohn) and "Keek Ys '.he Lord" (Roberts). The funeral of Mr. Anna Slnclslr, aged 1 years, who died at her home. 14417 Vorth Twenty-fourth street, Friday morning at 10 o'clock, will be held this fternoon at 2 o'clock from the resldencu to the Oraceland Park cemetery. Rev. Itobert L. Wheeler of the First Presby- Breaks a Cold In a Few Hours First dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" relieves all grippe misery. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of 'Pspe's Cold Compound" taken every wo hours until three dnses are taken vlll end grippe misery and hri'ak up a evere cold either In the head, chest, 'ody or llinlis. It promptly opens ologged-up nostrils nd air pnxsnges; stops nasty dlxcliarge r nose running; relieves sirk headache, 'ullness, feverlshnosM, sore throat, sneez- ng. soreneHs and stlffnesw. "Pspe's Cold Compound" Is the quick t, surest relief known and costs only ' cents at drug stores It acts without sHhttaive. ta.slcn Til - e, and causes Wi In nvenience. Don't accept a substitute. Advertisement. fli-J GBOTTB BROS. CO. Ueaeral Distributers Oauha, Hen. H y J I ; -' r'.Kj " " s5" terlan church will officiate. Whs la ur vlved by a husband and foor eblMren. si of whom are In the city attending the funeral. John Nixon, foreman In the Armour packing plant at tt. louls. has resigned his position there snd eomes to Omaha to make permanent lorstlnn here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mxon Eighteenth and Missouri avenue, South Side. Nixon made the all-state foot ball team three yers ago. rent ent 1n the local h'xh sch-ol. lie expects to take up a position wl'h the Burlington Railroad company with headquarters In Omaha. ltronrnttf a. When a severe cold settles on the lungs It Is called bronchitis. There Is danger of Its lesdlng to broncho pneumonia, and for this icason It always best to go to led nrd take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy as directed until well along towards rerove'y Mrs. Cbarl- K. Woodrd, flatdy Creek, N. Y., writes: "Chsmberlaln's Cough Remedy cured me of bronchitis last fall. When I be.-an using It I wsa so hoarse at times that It whs difficult for me to speak above a whisper I resorted lo tho use of this valuable medicine and found It very soothing and healing. In a week's time I wss well." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Detective's Bullets Destroy Thief's Loot The old story about the excited mer chant who excitedly begged a policeman pursuing a thief to "shoot In de legs be csuse de ctat's mine" was almost car ried out to the letter on lower Douglas street last night. Harry Saunders, negro, seised a autt of clothes fram In front of the pawnshop of A. Farbnr, 1116 Douglas, and wsa mak ing off when Infectives Sullivan and Fleming came along. Fleming fired sev rral shots at Saunders and finally stopped him. All of the builds missed the negro, but two of them took effect In the stolen suit, which was flsrlng out behind the fleeing negro like a flag- In a breese. Flemings reward waa a. atony glare from Farber. Tho Preferable Train to ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS Is the Great Western's Twin City Limited, 8:30 p. m. from Omaha, 8:50 p. m. from Council Bluffs, because it "gets there first;" St Paul 7:30 a. m., Minneapolis 8:05 a. m. Electric lighted throughout; sleeping cart, buffet club car, chair cars and coaches through without change Omaha to St Paul and Minne- apolis. Breakfast if desired in buffet club car. The early arrival gives longer business day and makes business appointments and" connec tions doubly suro. j Oreat Western day train for the Twin Cities leaves Omaha 7:29 a. m., Council Bluffs 7:50 a. m., arrives StjPaul 7:40 p. m.t Minne apolis 8:15 p. m. YOUR TELEPHONE IS HANDY. P. F. B0N0RDEN, 0. P. & T. A., 1522 Farnam St, Omaha. Phone Doug. 260. Jtftoioxassa For Our Little Busy Bees Free Dolls Q f , . : ..... -A' T).fy ;A '. 1 f.'v. . f-.l Vou Can See Alice nderbiltHotel THIRTY FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE The most cowtnknlly situate J hotel in Neiv York At the Thlrty-ihirJ Sired. Subway WALTON H. MARSHALL THE OLD STOCKING DEPOSITORY In NOT a safe place for your money, ho- trr er gmall th amount may b. Thla bank 19 a afe placw for it and raya COM POUND INTEREST, If yoti hare only ONE DOL LAR you may start an ac count bere; and. many a fortune baa bad no lanrer foundation than tbe first dollar tared. This Beautiful Doll will be given Free to the little girl, under 10 years of age, that brings or mails us the largest number of doll's pictures cut out of the Daily and Sunday Bee be fore 4 p. m. Saturday, No vember 20. Tl)ls AilVa earn Is Alloa, he Is tw anty.flre lnehea bight has light brown balr and brown srs, and la bean, tlfolly drssssd. Her picture will be in The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures of Alice you can get, and be sure to turn them in to The Bee office, before 4 p. m. Saturday, November 20. If yon don't win thla tMlte, perhapa you can gret em mma week. Only one doU wl k to any on parson. .. at The Dee Office 1