Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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NEW $12,000,003 VIADUCT, said to be the largest concrete railroad bridge in the world.. It is between Clark's Sum
mit and Halstcad, Pa., on the main line of the Lackawanna, and by means of it 3.6 miles have been cut off the distance be
tween New York and Buffalo.
Omaha High's Left Half Stagger.
Over Goal Line for Team'
Only Touchdown.
Fmpim lime .
24th and L Streets Gouth Omaha
Not Ono Day. Out Every Day
NORTH PLATTK. NK. Nov. U-(Pp-clal.)
The line ripped to nhreda and the
: hackfleld replaced by eecond men. the
.' Omaha Hljrh school lout to the North
Platte school here today, 48 to 7.
Omaha's only acore came In the fourth
atarg-er, having been knocked out. Inter
cepted a forward pnaa and dashed thirty
yards for a touohdomn. Every fan on
'ie field yelled himself hoarse at thla ex
hibition of pure nerve. Smith kicked goa.l
A south, wind was blowing- when the
Bame started, Omaha won the toss and
chose to defend the south goal. Omaha
returned the klckoff ten yard. A for
ward pass and a punt Rained twenty
yards, after vhlch North Platte trained
the ball and Omaha aparently lost henrt.
After fourteen minutes' of fast scrim
mage, Oool, North Platte, took the ball
.round the end for sixty yards for a
.Jourhdown and kicked fro I. Score, 7 to 0.
Line rinnaxes Follow.
In the second period, O'Connet replaced
Hood. North Platte's ' rlffht (ruard , In
even minutes. Bogue, North Platte, car
tied the ball over after a series of suc
cessful Una plunges and a twenty-yard
forward pass, Thompson to Jones. Cool
kicked goal. Cool Intercepted Morearty's
attempted forward pas and sprinted
seventy (It yards for a touchdown. He
failed to kick goal. "
With four minutes to play, Thompson
punted thirty yards. Cool took the ball
thirty yarda around the end for a touch
down. Ha kicked goal.
The second period ended with the score
17 to 0, and the ball on Omaha's twenty
yard Una, - -
Crowley mad several Jons; punts In the
third period. Three minutes' playing.
with line plungea toy, Cool and Christ and
Va twenty-yard punt by Thompson enabled
I Christ to take the ball around "the end
thirty-five ' yards for a touchdown. Cool
kicked goaL
Omaha's defense, seemed : to weaken.
Logan. Omaha, bucked the line for nice
gains. Open playing and fast backfleld
work .rought the . halM to Omaha's
twenty-yard line at the close of the third
period. Score, M to & . ..
Honmrtr the Hero.
Bhortly after the opening of the fourth
trtod. Mo mart was knocked out for
Kve mlnutea, after which he made his
BDectaoular run for a touchdown. After
a series of Una plunges by Baker, Kelley,
Christ and Johnson. Brjue took the bail
over In a two-yard line buck. Cool
kicked goal. Hood replaoed O'Oonnell.
North Platte used line plungea entirely
now. Taking the ball, quickly down the
felld. Kelley too the b&U orer. Cool
kicked goat
Omaha substituted Mason for Reese,
Bwller for Paynter, and McFarland for
Newton, but failed to gain ground. The
game ended with the ball near Omaha's
goal and the score 48 to 7. Lineup:
viitn LlK.iR.EL Thompson
Paynter 4 LT. R.T..... Boe
Reese (0 10. R.Q .. Hood
n..r C R Calhoun
Krogh R.O. UQ Crook
Crowley .- R.T. UTw Baker
Smith ........ R.K. LB Overman
Nichols A. Q.B. Q B Jones
Moreartr L.H. R.H Christ
Lotan R.H. L.H ..Cool (c)
Peterson F.B. F.B Kelly
Referee: James Keane, Notre Dame.
Umpire: Lester Caldwell, Marquette.
Linesman: Vincent Haskell, Nebraska.
Went to the Hospital.
C. B. Blanchard. postmaster at Blanch'
ard, Cal., writes: "I had kidney trouble
so bad I had to go to the hospital. Foley
Kidney PUla were recommended, to. me
and they completely cured me. I cannot
speak too highly .'of them." Sufferers In
every state have had similar - benefit
from thla standard remedy for kidney
and bladder ailments. It banishes back'
ache, stiff Joints, swollen muscles and
1 the various symptoms of weakened
or diseased kidney a
Sold everywhere.
Chadrom Beats Alliance.
RHADR1N. Neb.. Nov. 12. (Special Tel
egram.) 'the foot ball team of the Chad
ron Normal beat the Alliance team here
todav. acore. 26 to 8. Cantaln Ulysses
Wiley of Chadron Normal was knocked
out twice. First came a blow on' tho
ear from which he recovered sufficiently
to Dlay afterwards and then a sprained
knee laid horn low. He was carried,
off the grounds, lie will soon be able
to walk. He says the game was worth
Defeat for Hastings High.
AURORA. Neb.. Nov. 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Aurora High school today de
feated Hastinga, lis old rival, in .foo
ball, 14 to 13. When Aurora 'made the
aeuond touchdown. It failed for goal. Um
pire Jamea Harvey of York, allowed an
other kick, because a HastinKS man was
orr sue. Aurora kicked goal, but it was
contested by Hastings. Umpire Harvey
and Kereree White of Huntings, agreed
on tne nnai aocre.
My New Drafts are nelievLnjj Thou
Banna of Sufferers from this
Cruel Disease without
; Medicine.
Forward Toss of Ball Enables
1 Methodist School to Lay Out
Doane Timers.
CRETE, Neb., Nor. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) A long forward pars In the last
five minutes of play from Durham to
Hughes gave the Wesleyan Coyotes tho
winning touchdown in the state champion-
rhlp battle on Doane fielditWa afternoon
before the largest crowd of the season.
The Wesleyan team cams on a apeclal
from Lincoln about 1:30,, with a crowd
of over 200 rooters, and the competition
in rooting between the two schools was
Intense For three quarters Coach
Schlsaler's Tigers fought the heavy Wes
leyan team to a standstill, and held the
ball In the Coyotes' territory " for the
entire forty-five mlnutea, .
Tn the last period Wesleyan had a Uttle
the edge on the locals, but the Tiger de
fense held, and after two unsuooeaafal
attempts at passes a long, one from Dur
ham to Hughes, while everyone was
watching Eaton gave the Coyotes their
opportunity to score.' -
The game was bard fought throughout
and the teams were evenly ' matched.
Wesleyan was slightly superior on the
straight foot ball, while Doane clearly
outclassed In the open game.
In the first half Doane held the ball on
the visitors' ten-yard line on three occa
sions, only to be held 'for downs and lose
the ball. The half ended with the ball
In the Tigers' possession on Wcsloyau's
twenty-yard line.
An attempted place kick from the thir
ty-five yard line by Edmunds failed, as
did likewise a drop kick by Henman.
Durham on line bucking and on the
defense starred for the visitors.
For Doane Captain Johnston was in
every play and celarly demonstrated his
right to all-state center. Time and again
he stopped line bucks without gain, and
it was his "pep" which put confidence
Into the on tire team, the like of which
has never been shown by a Doane team
King starred obth en receiving forward
passes and on breaking up end runs, as
well as carrying the ball from punt for
mation. Koester was there In all depart
ments of the game at Intercepting forward
passes, running with the ball and tack
ling dangerous runners, when they got In
the clear.
Edmunds at tackle was a whirlwind and
deserves all -state mention. Whltehouse
played a wonderful game at quarter, run
ning with the ball for good gains and
making some dandy forward passes.
The Doane reserves will go to Clay
Center Saturday to play the high school
team at that place.
Tho lineup:
Durham. Referee: Rarely, Nebraska.
Umpire: HalllKan, Nebraska. Head lines
man: Luke, 1 Hane. Timekeeper: Has
tings, Ncbraxka. Time of quarters: .15 nX).
Prrdne to Coast.
ritcher Hub Perdue of the St. Louis
Ordinals may go
exchange for Roy
to San
Francisco in
Yanks Ckana Minds.
The New York Yankees will not go to
Ocala, Fla., after all to do their training.
Alexander ..L. ,E.
McLoughlln ..L. .T.
Hlnman Q.
Hughe C.
Hudson .......L. H.
Huckner R. .O.
Williams H..UH. T.
Hull K. .K.
Culbertson ....R. H.
Durham V.H.
Eaton Q. . H.
L. B.
L. T.
R. O.
R. T.
......... Collins
R. F King
L. H.... Koester
R. H Wallace
F. B Klein
Q. B.... Whltehoueo
Substitutes: Hlnman for Culbertson
Swan for Hlnman, McCormick for Wil
liam a, Wlll'ams for Swan, Gentry for
Huckner, Klndlg for Wallace. Touch
down: Hughe. Ooal from touchdown:
Splendid Laxative
for Elderly People
Ha, Ben Pficribmd by Wmll
Known PhyicianB for
Many Year.
The infirmities of age are especially
manifest in a tendency to constipation
and call for treatment that will afford
relief In an easy, natural manner. The
rapid action of cathartic remedies and
purgatives that shock the syntem should
be avoided, more especially as the relief
they offer is only temporary and Is us
ually more than offset by disturbance to
the vital organs caused by their violent
Nearly thirty year ago Dr. W. B. Cald
well, Monticello, 111., prescribed a com
pound of simple laxative herb that ha
since become the standard household
remedy In thousands of home. It acta
easily and gently, yet with positive effect,
without griping or other pain or discom
fort. Mrs. Rachel Allen. Oalesburg,
Kans., Is seventy-one years old. and after
using a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Byrop
Pepsin, wrote that it had done her a
world of good and that she Intends to
keep It tn the house aiwaya
Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's
I ' J i
' .C"" 'A '1
Papain for fifty cent a bottle. It Is a
splendid remedy and should V ,n every
home. A trial bottle, free ' charge,
can be obtained by writing to Dr. W.
R. Caldwell. 414 Washington Bt, Monti
cello, m. : .
L. !! f
A Sale of Over 1,000 Plush, Corduroy and Cloth
00 sso
f A r m
) A
ft H
n n
) y 1 u
' mml tm MM
No other such store can show such a carefully
selected assortment and a better variety of styles,
and nowhere in the city are prices so low.
Fur Trimmed Cloth Coats
The Oldest
Exclusive Ladies
Apparel Store
in Omaha
In decidedly clever, fetching new "Winter
models in three-quarter and seven-eighth
lengths; far trimmed collar and cuffs nigh
choker and convertible collars; new pock
ets ; full and half belted effects ; styles galore ; all
sizes for women and misses.
Rich Plush and Corduroy Coats
If2 Sy
fit 1
.JSSiyJr. Aouts. Muscular.
I ' fr-Jk'r' BcUtio. Luabtio,
iyjTJ ''2"'-i "u "'"t,'er rrin
jMiJ ' no matter wieru
W-Xvf if loated or liow i-
Frederick Dyer
Send Postal for Dollar Trial FfEE
To everyone suffering with Rheuma
tism I make this unlimited offer: Send
me your aklrt-sa and I'll semi you uv
1 eturn mail U
Reeular l o 1 fai
Pair of my Ne v
loot lrafts to try
fi'eo f resit tro'ii
my la.botatoryn 1
rea'ly to lit. , n
their soothlnif h"lt
the li'l.iute you put i
tiiem on. u ney aro
rt-l-ovlinr t h o ii
hiiihIh of the worst
cases of ltlieuma-
tif-m. Chron.o and
letters are com.
Iiik on every mail.
from lit ovr th world. tllinic of ihm iuiyiu i(
oiy Drafts in the mnt dlltiiult cnet. mva after
14 wi1 40 yra' mlterlng and aftr the mit tx
pDwtv treitnivntB had fllt-t. .No mattrr wbat
your aca or how manr other attampta ha.a
failed, 1 want jou to 1 ry My Drfla Frea with
out a rant In advance. Than, aftrrwrda. If yixi
ax fully aaniafliMl llh tha Lanefila retelred ju
caa aanl ma one Dollar. If Dot. almply writ iu
SO, and thV Ct vaa ncithia 1 vnur mtA
1 laara It all tu yuu. You oau in that I
uldu't bava iurh uuboundad ratth In m Drafta
I did uot fl buaillva ttwL tuav art bure
'3 i
Also beautiful Broadtails, Zibelinea, As
trakhans, Boucles, fine Broadcloths and Im
ported Mixture Coats; some fur trimmed,
others plain ; models delineating the popular
ripple and full flaring styles so much in vogue
this season ; all sizes in every, style.
Seal Plush and Corduroy Coats
Models that are shown at $30.00 and $35.00
elsewhere will be found here at this special
price;, not merely one or two styles, but
every authentic fashion of the season is rep
resented, featuring many ultra stylish belted mod
els, in Plushes, Corduroys, Zlbelines, Broadcloths
and other Pile Fabrics; fur trimmed collar and
Fur-Trimmed Plush Coats
proaipt and aura
than any utber
reuady I know
of. Don't hcsl
taXa. Remember
I'm taaalng all
the rik of fail
ure aiA you. Mr
alue,ble llluetnited
book oa Hheamatlera eomea
Ilk Ue Trial Draft. Ad.ini Kredmlrk,
That closely resemble the expensive nat
ural seal; also Coats in other rich Tile Fab
rics that can scarcely be distinguished from
the genuine Peltry from which they've been
adapted. Skunk, Natural Opossum and Beaver
trims the collar, cuffs and invariably the hem of
the coat. Distinctive models in an unusual
Bis Showing
New Skirts
Hundreds off
New Blouses
$1.95 to $6.50
Vwy J30Q-I310 J
play Room
Home Pride Range
Homo) for Only.. 26.50
9x12 Seamless Brussela EnS ..Mw..e. 88.75
9x12 Seamless Velvet Ragt 314.00
9x12 Axminster Rujjs $17.00
Special Values in Small Bugsv
The main things
to consider when you select
an office are location, safety,
service and comfort.
Location With the Court House Plaza opposite and
unequalled street car service, the location
is ideal
Safety The building is absolutely fireproof. It is
surrounded by fireproof buildings.
Service Seasoned by years of careful management.
it offers the best of elevator and janitor
service. little things are always taken oare
. of immediately. Light, heat and water in
cluded without extra charge.
Comfort This is a building that was built for com
fort and not for economy. The corridors are
wide, the windows are large. There is every
modern facility and comfort in
"The Building that U alway mem"
The only rooms that yn etvn offer now are th folio win, bnt If
they do not meet your requirements we -will be clad to place jro
on our waiting list.
Hoom222 Cboloa offloa suite, north 11M, very de
av.-. (treble for doctors or dentists; wsJtJjo
room and private office; (30 square feet. 45.00
Room 509 Room on the beautiful court; anta lislC.
a bargain 818.00
Room G36 fnlT raeant room on the onUtd) of the
building. Paoea dlreetly on Bevftntoonth
street. Partition for private orOoa and
waiting room. 81m 117 squara feet J18.00
Prrm 105 At tha head of tho stain, om U floor op-
poatto Tno Boa bqstne otfloa. SUe 27
qaare bet S30.00
Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103.
Let The Bee et you a good job,
"Situations Wanted" ads are free
1m. Ori. at. Jacaaua. atua. Bead Todo