Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 19, Image 19

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Mr. Phan.Phooled by Phoot
Copyright, IMS, International News Vervtoe.
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About Hundred and Sixty Thouiand
Ken Volunteer for War, Though
; Hot Half Accepted.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
DUBLIN, Nov. 13. Recruiting In
Ireland has been placed upon a new
basis. Hitherto the work has been
Intrusted to voluntary committee!
formed In each county, with a cen
tral recruiting council for Ireland.
The lord lieutenant of a county,
usually a peer has been at the head
of the work In his county. .
Meetings have been held In every
part ot Ireland, and much seal has
been displayed by the speakers at the
assemblages which have included
representatives ot all parties and
The result has been announced by
Major General Lovick Friend, the com
mander of tit forces In Ireland, the en
listment of 81.009 wen for the Infantry.
1UII.OOO Volnr t.-rr.
As the percentage of rejections for un
fitness haa been a hlfh aa 60 per cent,
the total numbir from Ireland who of
fered ti-emflve for aervlce In the army
waa about W5k00. Ireland at the out
break of the war hart mora than its
proportion of men In the army and In
the revervea and this total has been
described by the hlgheet military au
thority In a public letter n "maffnl
Xicent." There rouit be added to It also
Ireland's recruitment for the navy, to
which a substantial number of men have
A freah appeal has been made for more
men to fill up the wastage In the Irish
divisions at the front. To keep them up
to atrtngth. a recruitment ot about 1.100
men a week Is officially stated to be
necessary and unless the Irish divisions
are to be filled up from Scottish and
English drafts, that number will have
to be found in Ireland.
Ireland was chilled by action on the
part of the military authorities such as
that which refused to allow the Irish
division to have its own colors. Even
yet, though the oolonles and the Ulster
division have distinctive badges, the
other Irish divisions have not.
There also is a feeling that the eg
plolU of Irish regiments at the front
have not hsd all the publicity they
deserved. Except for individual exploits
such as that which gave Sergeant
O'Leary the Victoria Croxa. they are felt
to have a poor show la the dispatches
or descriptions of the official eye wit-
book containing the names of persons In
Richmond to bo notified in case of emer
gency was found among Kupperts affects.
NEW TORK. Nov. tt-H. Carl Kup
perC a real estate sad bond broker of
Richmond, Va., shot and killed his wife
and then killed himself In an uptown
hotel today. Vtom a diary left by Rup
pert, describing his movements In the
last three days the police learned the
oupta BS4 frequent quarrels. A note J
Livietta's Captain
Says Bomb Caused
Explosion on Ship
PORT ARTHUR, Tex., Nov. 12. The
fire on the Italian ship Uvletta, which
sailed from here Tuesday with a cargo
of oil for Buenos Ayre, was caused by
an explosion believed to have been a
bomb, according to a report of Captain
Rloo of the Uvletta to the Italian consul
Captain Rico and the entire crew of
the Uvletta, twenty-six men In all, ar
rived hers today on the tug Russell after
beaching the UvetU In thirty feet of
water off Bablne shoals, The firs on the
steamer still was burning tonight
"I am positive a bomb started the fire
on my ship." said Captain Rico, an opin
ion which was concurred in by every man
or the crew. "The explosion was terrific.'
Every lamp on board the Uvletta waa
smashed by It Members of the crew
were dased by the shock, but quickly re
covered themselves and put out the life
boats. We were picked up by the Rus
sell after nightfall." .
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. ll.-FIre here
today In the plant of the Thomas P.
Skelly Bolt company. Inc. which Is In
directly filling orders destined for Eu
ropean belligerents, caused a loss of more
than $20,000. An officer of the company
said that It had not been determined
whether the fire was of Incendiary origin.
Serb Government Is
On the Move Again
PARIS. Nor. lt-A dispatch to the
Havas agency from Athena, da'ed Thurs
day, ssys the Serbian government has
retired from Mltrovltza toward Kruohavo,
'northeast of Prilep.
Bulgarians Gather
Before French Front
PARIS, Nov. 11 A dispatch from Ba
lonlkl to the Havas News agency under
date of Wednesday says:
"The Bulgarians have retired from
Bbuna and have concentrated before the
Frenoh front around Ceme, In a heavy
fog that has prevented operations for the
last twenty-four hours.
The Serbians are attacking Katehanek
from the north and have captured the
"Tetovo has chaged hands several times
In violent fighting. It la now held by the
Bulgarians." . ' '
LONDON. Nov. li-The minister of
munitions, tt Is officially announoed, has
appointed Lord Murray of Ellbank to act
temporarily In the honorary capacity of
director of ; recruiting for munitions
works. . The appointment Is made with
the purpose of giving executive effect to
the poHoy of the ministry of munition
with regard to securing the most effoctivi
and eoonomto use of munitions factories
and the distribution of skilled and un
skilled labor, both male and female,
among thsnv
Save Tho Baby
Uso tho reliable
Halted Milk
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Endorsed by thousands ct Physicians,
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M HORUCK'S, the) Original
AMSTERDAM. Nov. 11-(Via London.)
A dispatch to the Tldd Tuesday from
Belgium confirms the report that Em
peror William has commuted to penal
servitude for life the death sentence
pronounced by the German court mar
tial against Countess Johanne Da Believe,
Mile. Louise Thuller, a school teacher,
and Louis Severn, a chemist These three
persons were mentioned In the official
proclamation announcing the election of
Miss Edith Cavell, a British nurse, as
having been sentenced to death by the
German authorities In Belgium.
To Bo Sure"
TO be sure, that's the thing to say if you want to be
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rtgAf. At all leading Deelars, Clubs, Bars, Restau
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perity to be sure that no opportunity
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