I 16 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 1915. j; WANT ADS AUTOMOBILES A LTOMOB1 LKfl Want arts received at tr time, but to Insure fmpr clstrtraton must b pr sorted bvfor 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and T:4 P. m. for morning and Sunday eHtlonev Want ada received fter mb four will be under tn beading, To Lata to Cla ify." CAH RATES. Seven rniwcuUv time. 1 eaat each Insertion. . Two or mora concutlv Um V word. Od tint. I rent a word. CHAROB RATH. . Seven consecutive time. centa a nn ach Insertion. , Thro consecutive time. It cent a Una a h insertion. One time, II cents a Una, Count six average worde I a una. Vlnlmiim charaa. M cent. . An advertisement Inserted t r.tll dlacontmued roust b stopped ay All elalma for rrr rnnrt. "" within fifteen Cay aftr tb a " Uoa of tba advertlaemeiiL Toil can place your want aAs ta The Be by telephone. LODGK NOTICES. ORDER OF BT AOS nest meeting, l" be held Bunaay, i December B, t p. lm Swedish auch-Lorlum. V now nave orer 800 members. Our aim In Omaha la 1.000. Charter fee of $5 remains until next meeting. Dues .76o monthly no assess ments. . BENEFITS: - Weekly lck or ac cident, $7; 11 IB funeral. Free physi cians. SB to select from. Free em ployment bureau. Free lawye;. Stags Office, I06-S BrandeU Theater. Douglas 1684. Open till 9 p. m. idtiii awn DKATHI Flrths-Mlchael and Carrie ru?k,l ?2 South Thirteenth. oy: W. M. and Minnie McGregor, hospital, boy; .Jt! na Rehechuh. 3V2S North Twenty-third, boy: Edward and Jeesle Stelner. e Fierce, girl; John and May Woodworth, j!y pouth Thirty-fourth, girl. Deaths William Bellalr, .rioP"!' Francis Bowers, 27. ho"P'' , 'LnJ mar. W, hospital; Jo-eph Dltrich. 60. 17(4 North Thirty-ninth: William A. Mwarda. 47, hospital; Jame W. McEethron. JS. I17J Sherman avenue; Jennie Stelner. i. " 4i Pierce; France Vivian Thomaa. i t.iontha. 701 Hickory: Ellxa II. Wlthrow. r7. :o South Nineteenth; J. J. rUioda, 61. io I. w c r Faraltare. Ilnasebola Goods, Kte. PAR ri'FtNFRfor aale. 1). Tyler ITfiO t lel rang-ea. bookcaae. Webnter 13 PASK Itl KNKH. ct . will ancrtfir for ! If MH"n wt nnw, minut 7t, IIAnu coal atove: Haw ventilator; Fhone Tyler Vto W. FOH 8AUh-Her la a, claanricatlun that la of the utmoat Importance to every reader, a thta column offera aome excep tional opporttinniea every oey ana email want ad will eel I your article at its full value. Phone Tvler inno KOR SAIE-Houeehold furniture on ac count of leaving town. vapitoi Ave . Slightly Used Cars 1 1916 Model 8G Seven passenger Touring Car, new condition. List price $1,200. . .$1,000 2 1916 Model 83 Five-passenger Touring Care, new condition. List price $800 $650 These cars have been in service only a short time, have been thoroughly overhauled, rcfin ished and are sold under our guarantee. Overland Omaha Company J. It. Jamison, President. 2047-2049 FARNAM STREET. Phone Douglas 2643. o MARRIAOH LICENSF.a. TJoeneea to wed hare been granted the following coupiea: Name and Addreaa. Pert Oroaa. Blencoe, la Carrie Merry. Uttle Bloux. In... Jwrenoe McKenna, Omaha lora Ilirharde, t)maha Ja A. Itallev, Omaha Johanna Ianne. Omaha age. .. U .. 22 ...S4 ...23 ...23 ...a Whaajavar you are considering aatling or kurtna a need ear and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what thev are txttiaa you will have no regret If you uy or advertlae through the uaed car eolumn of The Hee. I'l.one Tr'er I'OO. AUTOMOBIL.K ownera, wa want you to read our booklet. "How to Avoid Carbon Trouble." ' Price, iRcta. The N. R. Hogera Co., Idvlalon A, Peru. Nel, NKHRAHKA liiilck Service rUatton, lU Famam fit Phone Douglaa 721. Overton's for leaky radiator, too, dealers, or by mall HmM Ave- Co. Bluffa. la. iJFJTrtOITKK tourlnr cur. elecirlo llqht and etarter. fully e,ulppd 13M6. T. J. Northwall Company U Jonea kt Tel, phona IJouglaa liOi. Induatrlal Garage Co.. 10th Harney eta. MK M1I.K8 of mileage In our old tire (Keouiit). ng tnera to uiu TtHK tu, Chicago 8t 1100 RtWAhl) for any magneto we can't repair uoiie rend Fnynoorre.. no N. Htn. Five-Passenger Velle 1912. forty horae power car for sale; need the apace. Will take 2M caah Apply downtown garage, 1414-1S-U now ard Kt. , AtTTii larlnv houn. Buv. aell and ex ehanaa u:d cr. 1 Famam. D. Mi Vtm BAI-K- " Tlfil . bought an m 8t. J. C. Feed. Douglaa 14C lloraea ad V eh Idea. FARM wagon. : harneaa, t: both new. Johnaon-Uanforth Co.. lata and Clerk t. DANDT 9-year-old mare, eound, weight l.ifln. mono norence isai. MATCHHD pair of marea, 1.700 lba.; aleo delivery hone, i.ouo lba. Lay owner. 124 Co. J4th. Live Stock Cattle. TOtTNO plga. Phone Florence 41. Maaleal laatraaaeaita. Barai ains - IIELP - WANTED -FKMALR lloweekeearra aad Uoaaeatiee. V7ANTFD Kipertenced white girl for eneral houaework: three In famllj tecond maid kept. Phone Harney Mr. W. F. Megeath. mil; 702i ' Ready" Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service thai will please the most critical. AV A NTF.D Strong, competent girl fori general hnuaework; no cooking; good wagea Apply Dewey Ave. COM PKTENT girl for general houee work; no washing or Ironing; good wage. MIS Burt ft. COLORF.tPglrl wanta poaitlon a cham bermaid; any kind ot work desired; bo. ABSTRACTS OT TITLR. RrTTTD ABSTRACT CO. oldeet abatraet ornra in Nebraaka. n Pranfleta xnea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abatract Co., a modern abstract offl'e. S. 17th Bt Phone D. 87. SAFB3 AWD T1HB tOCK BIPB1TI SAFES ACCOtiflT ANTS. riANOB FOR KKST. S.N per month. A. Hoar. 161J Douglaa. WANTED White girl for ger work. 420J Dodge. Wal. 2. eneral houae- i WANTKH A young white girl for light housekeeping; no cooking, iiw ia. Web. tt. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 43S-43T Ramgv Bldg. Phon Doug. T40. wantki nood alrl or woman for gen eral houee work; email family. Mrs. IL Hlmrhmann, 2225 8. lth Bt. M. ADVERTISING NOTE1.TIKS. F. fhafer A Co., 12th, Farnam. P. 7474. WANTKI)-Maid for general houaework. Apply to Mra. J. S. Hanecy, 242S Caaa. WANTKI) A girl for general houaework in a family of I. wi Harney pt. AMATEUR FINISHING. FTLM darelored free If pnrchaaad front rnoto viart ghop, 41S Be Bldg. Dept. IX WANTEIV-A echool girl to aaalat with houaework after echool. Muat go home nignta. Harney Mis. ARCHITECTS. yrverett H, DodVJ. m Pa ton Wit. D FBI. WANTED-A rood 1rl for aeneral boue!- work In family of 4. t70 podge. H. 31. WANTED Experienced rlrl for general houaework: amau lamuy; gooa wagca. Har. Sr-t. 123 B. 2d Ave. ATTORNEYS. C. T. TMrfcmaon. sil Pavtnn nrtr r. 1H AUCTIONEERS. Powd Aoctlon Co., W O W. R. gas. ITS 1 215 226 260 if 2M 4n0 4ffl 600 (.10 PI.TOHTlvT VBrTD AND JD-TT AND riANOB, PLATKK-PIANOS, ORGANS. Waa. Now 1 Corntah A Co., plain ebony. ..1.T7S 13S 1 Hoepe, oak cabinet grand .... 3f 1 Caliie-Neleon, ma., large caaa 1 Cabla-Nelaon, ma., large caae 42i 1 ('able-Nelaon, ma., large caae 425 1 Kimball. French walnut caae 400 1 Hteger, large caae, ma., nearly new 225 2 Bowdolr (KS-note) player 375 1 Kimball ma, player tt 1 Melville Clark Apollo, ma. 1 Melville Clark Apollo, oak... K0 1 W.l.rliM hlvH Inn rrm n 1 Hoape, high top organ with mirror.. 30 1 Bchmoller Mueller organ z 1 A. B. Chaae chapel organ 25 1 J. O. Earhuff chapel organ 20 1 Clough It Warren chapel organ 20 1 Mnaon A Hamlin chapel organ 20 All of theae Inatrument have been thoroughly overhauled in our factory, o that they LOOK LIKE NEW and will be aold on terma to suit the moat modest pocket nook. Money refunded If not aat lefactory. bole Repreaenfatlve of th Celebrated MASON A HAMLIN PIANOS. A. Hospe Co. 1M3-1MS Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Poaltry, Egraa and Sappltea. MXD grain. 100 lb. tl.TS. Wagner. Wl W 11 8TEHKUTI PJ matrices make th EXP. maid, family of three; general houaework and cooking; no washing. Walnut 124. GERMAN and Bohemian alrl want position a general housemaids. 140 8. lr.lh. WANTKD Olrl for general houaework, Omaha Radiator Rao. Co. S0M v. n mm to go home nights', none but good girl AUTO INSURANCE. SX0,10BILB MUTUAL INSURANCB AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. need Irppl. Apply between and I p. m. j 20R1 75. itn. BATHS. BATH-n. BaJrd Blk lTth and Douglaa. WANTED-Young women to enter I MKDTCATED vapor and modern Turkish Ml nurses' training school at City hospi tal, Norfolk, Nab. WANTED Good cook for smsll hotel. Address P. O. Box 125, Herndon, Kan. bath foe ladle and 11 Farnam Bt. "'nrtLnt ror ladle; Swedish gentlemen: lady i nwmiian maaaaaa. iouaiaa VOUNO woman coming to Omaha as atranger are Invited to visit th Toung Women' Christian association building at Bt Mary Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoe or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' gulda at Union station. BTENO.. state experience. K US. Be. BAKERIES. lHgEDERigog m. nth. xrth t?97. WOMKN WANTED Goetmenl Jobe. List free. Write Immediately. F"rank-, Un Institute. Dept. 666 J, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Of flee. Salesman, A-l proposition. WATTS REP. CO., 838-40-43 Brand. The. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mttchell Co., I7th and Martha Sta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS! btsyewbon, ta a ad. Douglaa tea Laasard Bon. Uoi Cap. Ave. T. lJt C W. Hokanaon, tJOS Lvnwth. Tyl. tlSJ-J. ILUIHOPRACTIO BflNAL. AOJU'MTI rr- C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. t4. Accountant (construction cxp.)... t lerk tengineering exp.). 80 mwiA .Iimim.1 1 1 n I n fn, nmiltev hAlieee. They are lfx23 Inchei, stronger and mora THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BTCK BLDG. durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Tto a hundred at Tea Nee office. WOULD Ilka to aell Immediately ued 7-passenger Mitchell. Harney 414. BUFF ORPINGTON pullets; will lay soon; 310 per doien. lull Bahler Bt. Colfax am BUILDINO PERMITS. O. F. Hastlnga Tim- Hickory, at'icco dwelling. lilckory. 8 1 erne r, t7t I'ltOO. ti.b0: O. F. Iiaatlnaa, giiOd-lo stucco dwelling, 3J.D0O: J. O. Z4Uu J rams aweuing, N, TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Typewriters. FOR BALE New and second-hand carora and socket billiard tablea and bowling lley and accessories; bar futures of all Inds: easy payment The Brunswick" Balke-Collender Co.. 407-HW B. 10th Bt Young Men- Here is Your Chance to Develop Mentally, Morally and Physically TYPEWRITERS for rent. 22, Bee Bldg. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked ribbon, n. izn. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exe. 1 Farnam. NEW Underwood, No. 5, Dler a Printery, Bouth Mlnrrlissrosi HOLSTE1N Jersey heifer calf from high producer on Nov. 4. Price, ILUO for qnica aaie. J. w. Welch. Henson 403. DowatitvvBi. EMPRESS, 16TII AND DOUGLAS. To Cberlsli ani protect, l-r. feature. Th Fable of the Escape of Anthony and the Saltation of Herbert, l-r. When California Was Wild. 1-reel. Hearst-Sell. No. 89. ruiNCEss. ; m7-i douulas. Francelta Bllllngton and Frank Iewis in "Father and bun," 4-aot dramatic inaa- terpieie. "The Commuted Bentence," I-reel drama. and a aelected Keystone comedy. Martk. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNBT. Neal of the Nary, No.' 3, reel. Sheriff of Willow Creek, 3-reel drama. A Corner On Cats, 1-reel comedy. LOTHHOf. tTH AND LOTUUOP. Wm. Fox presents Th Regeneration. South. APOLLO. 2821 LEAVENWORTH Tti Pretender, 4 reel Kalem. The Lure of a Widow, Vltagraph. W aat. MONROB. 25SS FARNAM. Th Chalice of Courage, an emotional six- part drama, written by Cyrua Town'end Brady, Vltagraph Blue Ribbon feature. BESSE. 34 ft N. Dancing Doll. Neal of the Navy. World In Motion. Hearst-Bells; Weekly. OttFHJSUM. 24TH AND M. Tb Cowboy and Lady, I reels. You are acquainted with the Y. M. 'C. A., its benefits and splendid class of fellows -who belong to it. iou havo been on the brink of joining many a time. Here is your oppor- j x TTl!l O i.. 1 1,1 irnll luniiy. VJIllH Doiuiua; xii j(, ii w can become a member for IVI aseona-nang muwsra, dynamo. lcW magneto, etc. mechanloa.1 Work. $10 .It rella. be Mill Good reason for selling; perfectly Die; worth run price, but will very reasonably. If Interested investigate at once, Because rail term negins soon. There are a variety ef course) for aaie. For particulars lnaulra at tba offlca of Tna cimaoa u. V Regular Membership Fee $13 Join now while this reduced rate is in effect. You will never get a bet ter investment for your money. ; M- G. A. 17th and Harney Streets W E FURNISH oook. bakara. dish- . r-AB.ni ma. si i- sa. u. ""-- mm wsshere for hotel and restaurant. International Employment Offloe. 1611 Caas. Tyler 21J. A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into caah. MOVIES FEATURES , TODAY TAYLORJ-hop for aaie. If you wish to make money without working yourself to death, investigate. For particulars addreaa ErickseoD. Box K Idaho Springs, toio. APOLLO. 2124 LEAVENWORTH. Th Pretender. 4-reel Kalem, 5 : li! t ' "t ! ill 4 ' i i i I i t BVSINESS CHANCES If your Buetnaoa Chano wril tatd listd Invaetigattoa and la Just what It la ovwiiwd, or it you are looking to start la business for yourself you will b per- feclly satisfied If you use the Buainaaa l hanc column of The Htta. Whea buy tsg or aeliiiig a bualnowi Vlione Tyler luuo. Auction! Baxter's Quick Lunch 1615 Farnam Street To Be Sold Under The Hammer to th highest bidder, BATURDAT. NOVEMBER Is, AT I P. M. SHARP. Th above will be gold on place at a time. Don't fail to attend this sale. Dowd Auction Co. Aurttoneera BESSE, Neal .of th Nary. 24T11 AND N GRAND, SIXTEENTH ft BINNfcx Neai ot lh Nary, No. a. t reela. LOTHROP. I4T11 AND LOTHROP. Wm. Fox presents Th Regeneration. MONROE, 2644 FARNAM. I The ("halloa of Couraca. an emotional six- part arama, wntten uy .yrua xownsenu Brady. ; ORPHEUU, 24TH AND 3d. Bnedal Metro feature. 1 lie Cowboy and I arty, I reel. PRINCESS. 1U7-U DOUOLAS. Francelta Bllllngton and Frank La la In Father and bon, 4-acl araiaaiio maaier- plet e. BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCES TO SKLL, or buy a bi'alnaae, call a Busvh Itorghnrr. Frensar Hik. u. sua TO OKT in or iut oc busineaa oall on OANUESTAD. a Use Bldg. Doug, M, SKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gaina in estaDiisiieo anowa. u. aa Hsoaiisg nausea for Sal. ROOMING HOUSE FOR BALE. SO-r. double flat: furniture practically new; nan diock rrom ronienene notei will aril to reliable party lor a) cash balance on terms, ttents for iia. AMERICAN bUCUKlTX COMPANY. 303 a 17th 8t. Douglaa aOls. EDUCATIONAL Hie VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH T BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Woman, kvenlng aVchoul for Vouug ate ai Women. balurday morning class In typewriting. Ion a Duffy. Owner and Uanagor. log Bo, Uth st Omah. typewriter. T4. 165. HIOH-ORAPN commercial poalttona. WEST. REFERENCE Ct BOND ASSN TB3 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 6TENOGRAPHER Bright, hustling young man for aDlendld Dosltlon with targe corporation; must be very rapid and accurate; only a-iso. l man conaiuerea; salary $75 to start. Apply. WtaST. RErEKENCK A BOND ASSN, 783 Omaha Wat. Hank Bldg. A seats, Salessaaa mnm Sollcltara. SALESMAN who ha earning rapacity of .t to ioo per week, knowledge In elec trical work or Mffh-arada advertising a- sentlal but not necessary; this territory $3.. W, just opened. Bee Mr. Ward, il Flrat Na tlonal bank Bldg. T RlCVrOtrm ron piitbih ab Nervousness, liver and stomach irouDiea; rneumatlam, kidney and general disorder. Consultation and analysis free. Limited to of fice practice. DR. KNOLLENBERO. B Bldg. Tyler IMS. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J, Buford. 430 Pax. Blk. Rod 41537, COfTM BT UAlb Coffee ca money. Us better coffe lba. high grade by narcel fuut n-t.i ' p vo., wmana. neb. reualra. La Bron 31-3fl B. tlth 8t iuloctrio MONEYMAKERS' GUIDEBOOK MAGA- ZIINca. zc Dostnald: enllvhtena van ncniy. new century Buppiy, u MOlnaa, lowa. Advertising rate. 30 word. SALESMAN WANTED. wanted Baleaman who la now em ployed and producing result. Have a highly lucrative offer to make to a man or marked sales ability, lOKSUTS. NuBone corsets. Web-Bun, bk. Red 43JJ. Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. B. Daven port, ln Dodge. D. 1MU rniTiTiNO. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qoalltf prmting. tcl Doug. ziso. m o. utn bl CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 37M. DOTTOLAg Printing Co. Tel. Dongla 44. SCALE! REPAIRING. Om. Standard Seal Co., 313 S. Mth. MW SHOO REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill . 11 Harlay Shoe Rep'r. On., tW4 Fsrn'nv RK SEWING MACHINES. G rent, repair aell needle and neta 9rr ell Inv maclllnaa. "MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 1Mb and Harney. Douglaa UQ. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Wetal Company. He . W, STORE AND OFFICE) FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scale, ahowcasee. shetv. Ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Flxtur A Supply Co., 414-1C-1S 8. 12th. Dong. 1774. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnees coll, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wk. 1344-S Douglaa Bt. Tyler M, TELECTR1C MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. P.atrt, TOWEL aUPPLIHS. OMAHA Towel Supply, fOT S. Hth. P. M TRUNKS AND SUITOASKS. FREIJNC1 A STEIN LB. Istsl Farnam Bt, TYPEWRITERS FOR RRNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for S3. U liver lypewntsr Agency, ur-m mm BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 311 g UU BC All makes for sal or rent. RENT a "Remington " not lust a trse writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa USA. ALL make. Tyler 10U. VACUUM CLKANERS. B. B, WUUama, MS St Uth. WATCH SPECIALIST Christiansen. 3d ft Paxton Bfc IS r. seem. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wadding announcements. Doug. Ptgj, Qg WINES AND LKlUOsU. ALKX JBTES, 301 -3 S. Uth St. WtBaai liquors, cigars. Plata dinner lltt loai HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUsTOV utn ana capitoi Are. xearsu in DANCtat ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackla'a. Doug. MM DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill g. Uth St, TTJRPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING, FOR BALE CHEAP Busineaa College Course. Furl and complete vc.holerahtp tn on ' r in pes i umana ousiness scnooia Olv all Information posalbl In first Ci" .f.,nl'. " Pvai letter I nanivr S1U, ADDRESS B BEB. ev Just completed, fortr-foup-naaa book of new dancea for 1915 and Ml. Claarlv d SALESMEN WANTED. I scribed. ComDlled bv Albert Turtiln. K. Two salesmen to handle strictly high- ery teacher should hav a copy. Mail Mlseellaneoa. Wale add. mach. : good eondl. C 830, Bee. $3.20 Oolden West Whisky, 4 full quart bottled In bond, pre- paia. cacaiey uroa,. umana. Coal t baaketa delivered, tl. B. Rosen thal. 1611 Leavenworth D. 6131. class proposition In Nebraaka territory now open. No matter what present con nection you now have, provided you can qualify aa to Integrity and ability and Ml rj n UIWUWI, , .7 U 1 .... V I V, t .JU. ...... State age and all posslbl Information in rirl letter. innoraa n f -o-anr s WANTED Salesman acquainted with Council Bluffs grocery and feed store trad and alao southern lowa trade to Red Oak. Ia. Des Moines Flour and Feed Co., Pes Moines, la. ; loeetl orders filled. Price, 31. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreaamak'g college. 30th A Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style: reasonable price. UU Doug laa street, pnone uougiaa B7E7. DRESSMAKING COLLKGB. Keistar'a Dreeemaklng Col.. 1628 City Na. BUT your family liquor at KMaffl Liquor housa, b& N. Uth. Douglas) 14. MElUCAXi PILES, FISTULA CURli. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and tber rectal dlaeaaea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dlaeaaea with testimonial. tUm E. ft. TARRY. 340 Be Bldg. I electrio motors. Room a. Bee Bldg. AGENTS wanted in every town our vulcanliers to auto owner profits. Smith Mfg Co., Omaha. Biff DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N. Uth. P. K7X DUCtTlllTTOU A .11 sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowaer, 314 Be Uldg. FOR SALE Metal Qarag. eron. Tel. 11. l4. M. D. Cam- DETtCCTIYES. "BILL" SUNDAY TABERNACLE Sheeting, ahlplap. doors. 1 carload 3- ply rubberold, wc a square; 300,vul feet ot umber, io to .o, dimensions zis, ix. in, iAiu, luiiois, e" .o siu nviii ui ivk, e, xi story, upright fire escapea, eacn. l. Red e-17-Chrla Jenaeu 404 N. 14th street. COAL agents wanted In every town; get trial car i. m cai. tna. KiAria. rien. I . - - ... 11 lMb VaL . . . . . , .IV. . IT H I.I..M XIX NHVIll. VIUV,. M . r UJUL opening tor expenencen, mausinai i 'l. ,ii Tvlar 11M. I n.Kn . A 1 p. .M,' I HflnO. VUUIWU U, Ml v . . RUPTURE, cured In few daya without Pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, SO Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1W. a Insurance apply at once. no lapse 616 Brandela Bldg. DENTISTS. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and Docket billiard table and bowling alleva and accessories: bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 407-400 8. 10th BC .,r A WTt" T-fc 1m-I. n.KB m a .1 1 monthlv payment accident and health 1 r. Bradbury. 1NO pain, xs ...... insurance ror large oia line company, illaheat commission contract and an al lowance for als months. Bond required. Write, giving experience, age, etc, to O . Bee. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle, 734 City Nat Hank. Tart Dental Rooms. U1T Douglaa. P. 4. OSITION wanted by an experienced general merchandise clerk who speak very good reterence. Address Clark, III W. Z6Ui St., Kearney, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE t lerlcal r- ' Olllee. Compt- Opr.. Just addition, 36; Offle girl, 37 wk. tiuaiiNiMs hla o xvcs. ri.S'N., 14" W. O. W. Htenn and rilctanhon ODr.. 376. WATTS REF. CO., g3a-40-43 Brand. The. A areata and aaleawaaaea. ALERLADIES AND SOLICITORS. Balarv and commission to saleslady ot ability who can sell high-olaaa specialty to women: reierences requireo. i oran- dela Bldg. . Faotartea aad Trade. WD need men: had to turn down two loba nor week lately: get In: learn by eur method: get ona of these Job. Cata- loau D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 3406 Leavenworth alt. WANTED Fiftv laborers fer railroad work, shin today. International Elm- ployment Office. J613 Cass. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE LEARN th barber trad by car sys- n t Kr . Ii.tni.tlnn. m n A fM. Ilnln Poaitlona waiting. Call or writ for cata- Ideal Pleating logue. Omaha, Neb., A. B. Moler, Pres. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut price; freight paid i.inmti free. Sherman A Mo- ronnall 'Drug Co.. Omaha. Nebs RELIABLE colored girl wishes general houaework. Webster zi PRINTER wants lob in country shop; married; good habits; country experi ence; also some experience on linotype. D. J. Mcuilvry, oolden City, Mo. KLiSCTROLYBia. Uloa Allender. M Bee Bldg. Red EVERYTHING rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION. "Sb Jnd pleating; covered button. rfvits: hamatltlchlng. point edging. Em- CL'.ij ' haadlnir. bralOWg. '"'"- LtABfl in naroer traae oy our ay- I . -J Ttiittoriholaa. Pennants, tern of expert instructions and free clinic aylt cut workfutJ ttiock. Poaitlona waltlna. Call or writ for catJL. Ideal Pleating Co., DUl " " WANTED Steady experienced broom makera and a few good young men to WANTED A woman of rennemenet in I work In factory and learn trade: no every town in slat for demonstrator, State exDerlence. aalary. referencea, in first letter. Gilbert, 303 Nebraaka Stat Uldg., Uncoin. floater need apply. Le Broom Duster company. Lincoln. Neb. and I km si aa 133. FURNACE AND HABBRBTRQH. 40 Hamilton. Wat tffl. raetory mmm radea. OIRL to learn halrdreaaing. Oppenhetna lloasvkaepere aad Domestic. TH E Servant Girt Problem Solved. Tk Be will rua a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad FHLB until you get th desired resulta this applies to residents ot Omaha. South Omaha ar.d Council Hluffa. Bring ad to lb uee office or telephone Trier iou. EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta Po sition aa Housekeeper or cnamoeruuaa. Web. 60Z7. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to b companion for an LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-Ctty Barber college: low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wage paid; aleo- trio massage, nyarauuo cnaira; cataiogu free. 1124 lougias Bt.. u mafia. Drug f tore Snaps, lobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. Mlacellaaeoaa. RAILWAY mall clerk wanted; 173 month: Omaha examinations coming; ssmDle Questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep t fzx J. Uoc nea ter, N, I. 1 25 ub. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. U04 Farnam Bt D. 3000. - ...unxngnN 1X14 Douglaa D. His. K.":rria,a T.lexraph Del. As HESS A SWOBODA. 1418 Farnam Bt A. PONAOHUE. 1623 Harny. Po"S- elderly lady wages expected. lust one In the family; Z7t4 Grand. Web. 3134. WANTED A competent maid for cook ing and general houaework; small fam ily; gooa wages, ui b. so in ou mono Harney 3163. WANTED A girl for general houaework I In family of two. Km7 Harney. LABORERS for construction work, I; a day. L. E. Myers Co.. Moeius. n WANTED Men to try examinations for government Jobs: 370 month: common education auincMnt. Y 3. Be. rtanitas, SAM KNEETER. 19 Farnam. Bd S14. H. Rothhol. 3813 Leavenworth. H. TO. Apply immediately. hea0! HISTORICAL tUHtMK. T 33XS. c intrt'un TheaT Lleben aVHon. 1M4 How.r.1. . . 41 IX. "Instruction. EJCPKHT lady atenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Inst ruction. 4uit Douglaa bt XeL Walnut IM. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, machine and auopuea inrousu Theater Kirn. Co.. 1404 Farnam. D. 1WT. i i I HAVE an almost new stork of gen. iixlse. ; Inventory of wlurk and fixture l ei rn ti.buo and 34.UOD: iKiulation atxut oiilalion mixed, many Pole, tler- mai.s ana Jkmeric.iis. i can trade tlita for iiMtia proixr't. Kant f7 per month and from 3LJJU to ll.su) r month: u nrr of ttits is aa Omaha man and bis manager lia left Lim, b wants a quick C. U. EATON, 11944 W. O. W. Bldg. h i'l-EN IjID otpr. unity for due interested In inililiieiy and ladios' I urnishings; etock srv.1 fixtures bivctfce I3.MJ0; populs u..n l..v; must sell on account ot fa ling I i.im tti. 0lril X 13f, Hee. i:A bIMjsJ iiUktri. laud. c;iy Dropvrt l andied, aU aUttaa. JUa Wrar, slwux C.i, la. HAVE a client who wanta a grocery. town of sou to s.uw: must oe clean stHk, not a Made proposition; can In vest Z,MX to .; give iariicuiara Also Lave a man with J.i to secure control uS bank tn wtaiera lowa or seat em Nebraska. CO-OPEHATIVH RKrERENLB UU., 101 City Nstk.nal. 1 WANT to buy a restaurant Addrea rtoom us, Wellington inn. fWANT a live, experienced man to con tinue a aouia Hat and urniantnn dusi- neaa here In the center of Omaha. Fine location, established trade, divided over head expense, small lapltal. A fine chance to own and operate a profitable busineaa. Addreaa U IM. rie. AbK for my Real Estate Bulletin. It Inciu.lea laraeat and bast list of bar- gaina In 31 stales. W. G. Templeton. sut Kee Hlilg. A LIMITED amount of 7 per cent pre ferred stock, cumulative ana emn sseewuihl. In Nebraska, unuht ranora tln at par, 1W per share. If you have surplus futui and are looking for a good af Invest cnent that will pet T per cent, address Box fai'4. Omaha. Neb., or u; lboua Douglas 3SML UUblNLaa COLLEU3. 8TUDENTS SAVB MONEY ON COURSES. For sal, with good reasons tor selling. S variety Of eourae in a reliable Busi ness School, one ot uie leaaiog auatnaa colleges e Omaha, WUt be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are coaaldering taking a (Mm iasstlsate this at oi.ee. aiuce Fail taria besini. eoon. Call office. Omaha Me. DAT SCHOOL BOTL.Ea COLLkGS) NIGHT oviUuL Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, bhorthand, btnoiry, Tysewiit tng. Telegraphy. Civil barvtca all Com mercial aud English branches. C'aUlogu lie. BOYLES COLLEGE. Uth and Harney bta. Tel. louiaa lfaia. Boylaa Bldg. Tel. D. l-, Oinaba. Neb. FUH sale, the following scholarships la a first claas Oinana buainea voitace On unlimited ootnbiuauua bimna and shorthand couia. One unlimiteu sieuoicTaphka eouraa. One ttiraa-uionUi buatuea or stane- aTanhlfi Lourw. WUl be aoid at a discount at th afflo of 'in Oinana rw VOn BALK Isrsllsre. Ilaaashold ttMda, a.te. Bargains in furniture and UAHL-VYARU. 1S2S N. 34TH. WEB.lsUl, WANTEi A competent maid for sen- Mrs. J. L. Baker, mi eral housework. S. SM Ave. GIRL tor general housework. nam. Harney JCjl. aH Ear-I WANTED Girl for general house work; small family; good home. Dous llg. 3744. gei Mrs. Lester Turley. Webster 1407. GOOD MEN WANTED at oao to learn aut work ta fill poaitlona which we have opea right now and ar waiting for conv patent men. Learn by our ayaient ot actual work an auto, tractor. lc atartlng sys. Free catalog at one. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 3uJ Farnam St Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MA IK AND FKMAtK. Enallsh. French Instructlonjns Lyric BlA -JUSTICES OF THE PKACB. .. rj iinnRNE, tit Paxton Blk. Red H. IL CLAIBOKnaj,ai 7g)L poii yM . O. W. BRITTJtBakr Block. XlGUTt" FIXTliaia., r. 1 . 4MT 14. TT Thorns. iugia JVUlvXvJ.il BJ Cuming bt WANTED Uirl for general housework; no washing. 3 In family. H. 3u. VaNTED Guri to aaslat with housework LTvB STOCK COMMISSION. Exchange Bldg. WANTED Man or woman to put out I yrxRTIN BROS CO. and Mtrtlculara by mail, 10c L, B. Har den, Hotel Neville. Omaha. MASSEtHS. jcp.'haTf ttti&!Jt: WANTED Girl for general housework; wnv not vouf Our copyright malll'ieT l- twe in family. Call Douglaa aa bfur tructlon make everything piala. r"oi- vr.aaare. women. Call D. rr ter ajptmt 14 a. m. and after I a. m. paid tic Direct bale Co., Quuwf, 111. WANTED Competent housework. 34 s alrl for rnam St. Tsl. general Har. ! WANTED A work. 110 K alii to assist with bouae- S4th St. 11. HO. WANTED Good white girl for general housework; no cooking: good wage to permanent party. 11. 4o,x, WANTED Uirl to general housework, small family, good salary. Phon is.. TS0 Mill St.. Council Bluffa COMPETENT girl for general houae work; no washing. 113 S. 3th. H. OI. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. Wal. so, airs. Allen A. Marsh. 4m2 California. GERMAN woman, over 40, alone, clean worker and good plain cook. Wants poaitlon a housekeeper in amaU fam ily wbere lady i employed, or would Ilk to take car of children by th day or hour; X6o por hour. Mr. Koch, ljll 8. llih St W ANTED Girl to assist t houaework In small horn. lth geneial Colfax 34. BITUATION8 WANTED MIDDLE-AGED lady wlsbea position as housekeeper. Apt. 32, Flo-Use, Wta and Ca pltoL Red Sl7. WANTED Light work on one floor by crippled colored girl. Mia Willi jaca- son. 1703 N. 3Kh St. Phon Web. 47. MOTORCYCLES. H A RLET-D A VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, Tha Motorcycl Man." i'u iavnwn.. ""MOVING piCTtRM MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. Mth and Doug. Mo- tloa picture macnine aau OCtLlSTas Eyes examined, glasses mted.pya i you ca. Dra McCarty. Ull W. 5. W. Bldg. tni'Nil marrlad man with ateno. cler ical experience wishes position; 360 month to start. Phon D. 4wL YOUNG married man wlaha position as pianist, playing evenlnga, orchestra or moving picture; 1 10 60 week. Phone D. 40OL POSITION wanted; am a married man. capable and truataorthy; experienced ia dairying or farming In general; alii work aa htrod man or take charge of amaU farm of any kind. V. A. Newport, Gen eral Delivery, Elgin. III. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN iJEVEN, THIS PAGE.) OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEFHTNB ARMSTRONO. SIS Be Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TL Red TUT. H. A. Bturgea. fctf Brandela Theater Bldg. FILLOWS AND BBDDINO. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattreaaea mad ta order or remade. 107 Cuming, it. m FLUMES CLHANBD. CURLED. yd. U 1m1. AIM City Nat SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Position in hotel by man and wife; man all-round cook; wife oan work any place; no objections to leaving city. Addre Y 138, Bee.- WANTED Position aa chauffeur in pri vate family, cau Ka ': ask for Johnson. YOUNG man wishes position around ma chinery. wet. 74M. wanted aa housekeeper by Protestant SITUATION mlddle-aaed lady in amaU family. Mrs. B. Roger, fro N. 17th St. WANTED Poaitlon as engineer or jan itor, competent, all around workman, good on all handy work, repair work, tainting, etc. 20 year' expartenc. N. B. imn Charles Bt. WANTED Position aa learn fireman. hotel clerk or ail around houae and yard man. Call F. W. Carts r. Phon Douglaa 7067. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good reiarences. Tat Doug laa 34t. WANTED Poaitlon by experienced ate nographer; can giv good references. Douglaa 6204. LIGHT colored girl wlshe position as chambermaid or to do housework. Web ster 7U71 CHAUFFEUR, 4 years experience wanta position with pnvet lamuy or witn truck. E. W. Petersen, 6231 So. 34th Ave. JANITOR Man and wife In hotel or apt house: can operate neating plant of any kind; colored. Chas. Jonea, 19.13 B. 17th. POS1TION aa houseman, caretaker or handyman; reliable, honest sober, long experience; extend ma an interview ana let me prove to you that 1 am capable and qualified for your offer: beat of ref erences, city or out S. J., U21 Caaa. Tel. Tyler 14M. YOUNG man. experienced In detail offloe work, file clerk, checking ana aenerai office work, living at home, wishes poai tlon In office; best of references; will start at 346 If chance for advancement on proof of ability, mono r lorenca vm. LOST AND FOUND 1 at ne Found ada In Omana's Lost aad Pound medium mean the immediate re turn of that article If advertised la The Bee. the Loot and young paper LOST Small Boston bull terrier. Female, Howard. Douglas vyst. IjOKT Cameo pin. In or near Strand theater. Reward. 103 Georgia Ave. Har ney 345S. OMAHA at COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KA1L.WAT LUHrANI. Parsons having lost some arttel would do well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain wbether tbey left It In th street cars. Many article each day ar turned la and the company is anxious ta restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4. LOST Light brtndle Boatoa bulldog, male, 3 year old, ahit around neck: liberal reward. Call Doug. 1447. STRAYED or stolen, black and white Hulateln cow, one black yearling heifer. Address lwJ Pierce St. LObT Between 33d and 34th on Vinton. lady's black leather pocket book con taining 33 in change. Finder plta return to Bee office. LOST On moss-agate stick pin. 4 small diamonds set In It, reward. Dong. 1104. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17. COLUMN ONE.). 1 V.