Tin: BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER. 1015, WANT ADS Went arts iwiikI at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre sorted berore 1J o'clock noon for evening efl"ln and T:46 p. m. for morning and fiunday edltlona. Want ada received after uch hours will be under tba beading. Too Let to Classify." CASH RATES. . SV-eTI consecutive times. 1 cant wort c miction. , Two or mora consecutive Umee, IV cents word. One time. I cent a worU CM A ROB ILVfES. Here ronseoutlve times, cenla Una each Insertion. . Three con eecu tire ttmec le cents a Mns earS Insertion, Cne time, II rents a line. Count lx average words to a un Minimum char. 10 cenla. An advertisement inserted e until discontinued muat be stopped by rlttn order. . . All clalma for error must o made within fifteen Cava a.tr the laat Inser tion of the advertisement Ton can place jrour want ads !n The Roe by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. DEATHS AND ri-HRRAL NOTICES MANET Jamea. aged 62 year. Funeral will be held from the family residence. tTnl North Fifty-eighth avenue. Benson, Thursday, 8:30 a, m. to St. Ber nard's church. 9 a, m. Interment at Blair. . CARD Or TIIArtK. We wish to thank the many Irlendei and neighbor for their sympathy and klnd m nd ha tteatitlful floral offering Incident to the and bereavement and loea of our dear and beloved manner. MRS. HAM W. SCOTT. MRS. LEWIS J. WE1GEL. mis. c. o. hall, MIlS. liL'CETTA LOGAN. TV, wish to thank the many friends who were o loyal during the slekne.s and death of our dear one, Al Hopkins, who departed thla life on November 6, 115. and also those who tendered tho floral tribute.. OT,KWH wIfB. ADIHK HOPKINS, mother O A. HOPKINS, brother. DAISY HOPKINS, sister. LODGE IfOTICES. ORDER OF STAGS next meeting will be held Sunday, (December 6, 8 p. da., Swedish Audi torium. We now have over 800 members. Our aim In Omaha, Ii 2.000. Charter fee of 5 remalm until next meeting. Dues 75c monthly no assess ments. BENEFITS:- Weekly Blck or ac cident, 17; f 125 funeral. Free physi cians, 25 to select from. Free em ployment bureau. Free lawyer. Stags' Office, 306-8 BrandeU Theater. Douglas 3684. Open till 8 p. m. Attention Members Omaha lodge No. 0. I O. O. M. : Meeting of Importance Wedneaday night, November 10, followed y apeclal entertainment and refreah monta. . KFIJJO A, MOROAN. Die, CARY K. WHITE:. Peo'y, BIRTHS ANII UKATIU, Blrtha Charlea and Oladya Carter, hoa Pllal, boy; Jacob and Winifred Olliba, hoapltal, boy; Ilolert and Cleo Klnkado, tvX North Twenty-aeventh avenue, Ktrl; Jens and llattle Thomaen, 1 Mail, girl; John and Grace L'rlke, liM Uuutfl Twenty fifth. South Bide, girl. Deaths Lewi Woods, S3, 1002 South Thirteenth; John Dale, 85, 1538 Oeorgla avenue; Itoala Hervert, 7 morlns, 1x7 Pouth Nineteenth, South Bide; Mra. Nora Hrenner. i IUO South Twenty-aecond, Mouth Bid. MARHIAOB LICF.NSKS. licenaea to wed hava been granted tha following couples: Name and Addreaa. Age. Kdward fc'chaaffer. South Bide, Omaha.. 4 May Hike, South bide, Omaha 48 ffRoy Richardson, Omaha II Myrtle Broofca, Omaha 20 Herman B. Fhackleford, Omaha... over 31 May Barter, Des Molnea, la over 18 , BriLDINO PERM ITS, Wagner Rroa., 1301 Davenport, tempo rary ahed, IDOO, TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dsestues, 1STII AND DOUGLAS. EMPRESS. Hearst-Sellc. No. 88. ."Juet Air," 8-reel feature. '"The Passing Storm," 1 reel. "A Case of Eugenics," 1 reel. PRINCESS, 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Xloreno La Badla and all-star cast in Mr. Meeaor.'e Will, 4-act drama, adapted from H. Rider liaergard's noted story. Love and Bittera, an unusual comedy. tee America First. Interesting travelogue. Keeping Up With tha Joneses, cointo car toon. Asrlk. 16TH AND BINNET. GRAND, Trane Wilbur In t-rael feature, Tha Blood r iiur tirotnera. Seeing America First. Keeping I n With the Joneaea, cartoon. reeil;i at the Aulo. comedy. LOTH HOP, 14TH AND LOT11ROP, Vltagraph presents The Chalice of Cour tage, wrliten by Cyrua Towruend lirady, wim ifiuif i ne jaiaiiu di iekeneratlon. Sunt si. 2824 LEAVENWORTH APOLLO, Hearst Bella; No. H. Jim West, Oambler, 3-reet iAbtn, Vhltewashlng William, Kalem. Weal. MONROE. 2 55 8 FARNAM. MART KCKFORD In Tfaa of the 8torm Country. Uttle Mary'a Greatest Bucceaa. HESSE, 24 ft N. TODAY ONLY. "YOUTH" The Vltagraph company never gave us a tx-uer pic i ure. OUPUEUM, 34TU AND M. The Card Playera. S reela. Diamond From the Eky, No. 34. ANNOUNCEMENTS VK furulh first claea housework alrle. maids, cuoks waitressi-a and help of all spinas lor noieia ana private familiea. International Kir.p. Offli-e. Uil Cast K. KIlftriK at 7 M. C. A hujin a nea W K r I llMhil cooks. I,ake. dlan- waahera for hotela and resiauranta international h nipluymeul Office, lull lass, iier iioij. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are consid-rlng selling or buylL.- a used ear and run want (uil value for your tnuuey or you want peopie Whe are U.log to pay for what they are editing you will bave nn regret if you t,ur or aaveriute turouKO ti.u uoei v esulun.n of The Bee. i'Lune 'llr 1u0. 1MiHAbKA b"i,k h-iit-e MMttuu. Ixlt (uuw aw i iiuiit iuuiaa in. rnvTF.s FEATURES ill TODAY DESSE, 24TI! AND N Youth, Vltarmph drama, today only. MONROE, 1655 KAKNAM. Mary Flrkford In Teaa of tha Ptorm Coun . ry. OHPHEUM. 4TH AND M. Diamond From the Sky. No. 2. rRINCES3. 1317-18 DOUGLAS. Florence La Pa die and all-star caat In Mr. Meeeon'a Will, 4-act drama. AUTOMOR1 LEB 1H BALK OH TRADE Model L White nteamer. SO If. P.. in fine ahana e:id ! ood looker, beat leather upholater;, two i-w 11, j v"" car, preatn' erpraiaeq vaiu i,io. win take ), or win trade for emaller car, or anything worth the tnnni-r. U. II. Floyd, Iewlaton, Neb. Overton e for leaky radiatoi, S"c, dealera, or by mall luKM Ave.. Co. Illuffa, la. Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th Harney B'e. 300 MILKS of mileage In your ol.Ptlree (Rebuilt). Bend tnem to DUO TIRB CO., 1611 Chicago Kt AUTO FOR SALE. Ptoddard-Dayton. Pavoy Roadatcr. tm. Call Tel. Colfax 4U. ii:, in0 RKWARD for any maicneto we can't repair Colle repd Hayadorfei. J10 N. Wth. AUTO, clearing houae. Huy, eell and ex change urd cara. 2?n Fa mam D. JSi. Mntoreyelea. IIFNDERSON. 4-cyUnder A No. 1 condition, gaa tank, liunrta, epeedo meter. New. June lo. clear bill of aale. Muat aell to tm-et mortgage, price ILK). Addreaa L 401, Pee. BUSINESS CHANCES If your IluMneea Chance wfll stand rigid InveallkatloD and ta )uat what It la aavertlaed, or If you are looking to atart In bualneaa for youreeif you will be per fectly aatlnfled If you uie the Rualneaa Chance column of The Hce. When buy- ing or aelllng a bualneaa t-liope Tyier looo. MUST aell at once, butcher ahop flxturea; I-- box. 8x12, full glaaa front; diaplay refrigerator counter, li feet, been uaed 6 mo.; a aeta Dayton acalea, I blocka, other toola and fixtures. V. D. Abel, Clarke, Neb. I WANT to buy a restaurant. Room MS, Wellington Inn. Addreaa Auction! Auction! COMPLETE RESTAURANT OUTFIT. Thursday, Nov. 11, at 1 p. m. at 1615 Far nam Street. Constats of one 40-ft. lunch counter, 40 atoola, I 10-gal. coffee urns, kitchen range, I gas atovea, gaa plate, wall caae, cigar caae, heating atove, plate rack, 2 tables, U chalra, National caah register, large double refrigerator, amall Ice box, knlvea, forka, apoona. dlahea, glaaaea, aol upa and hundreds of other article too numerous to mention. Dowd Auction Co, Auctioneer. A. W. IlAXTKR, Owner. 1 WANT a live, experienced man to con tinue a going Hat and Furnishing buai i.i m here In the center of Omaha. Fin lovutlun, eatabliahed trade, divided over head expenae, email capital. A fine chance to, own and operate a profitable bualneaa. Addreaa O 2tW, Ilea. ASK for my Real Km ate Uulletln. It includes largest and beat Hat of bar gains In 31 atatea. W. O. Templeton. 4u3 lice Rlda. TA YIX)Rf Shop for aale. If you wbih t make money without working ynuraelf to death, investigate. For particulars addreaa Krlckaaon, Hex M, Idaho Kprtngs, Colo. A LIMlTfcU amount of per cent pre- .tnl. kiiwiiiI.Mu. n n 1 mm. anseaaable, In Nebrankt, Omaha corpora tion at par, llOu per share. If you have surplus funds and are looking for a good, safe invenunent that will net 7 Si per cent, address Box K2 Omaha, Neb., or tele phone Douglaa 31W0. TO 8 ELL or buy a ui'slneas, call oa Husch a Horchoff. Frenxer Hik. o. ma TO OKT in or out o( bualneaa call on OANOKKTAO, M Ilee lililg. innig, 34. TH K ATKRS Huy, lease or aell your the ater, machine and auppliea throuKh Theater ?xch. Co., 1404 Karnam. D. 1IW7. BKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in established shows, u, ai. KU81NIC.HS places. laud, city property handled, all atatea. Jim Wray cioux City. la. FOR 8ALIC Confectionery and cafe; liar. ex.. good location; cneap rent. lavestweata. Our Nebraska, farm morV 7 agea are not affected by European wara or panica. Amounts 4400 to fc.0uu, Wa collect all Intureat and principal free of "charge: M years In tha Netrka farm loan field Wltnnut a loss is our recoru. KLOKK INVESTMENT COMPANT. sat Omaha Nat l Bank )Mg.. Omahv-e EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH T-BOOKKEEF1NO, Day School for Young Women. Evening School for VouuB Uta and Women. baturday morning elaas ta type writing, lone a Duffy. Owner end Manager. 304 So lsth St Omaha. EXPERT ladv stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting. spelling and punctuation taught Indi vidual instruction. u AJougiaa tL AbL Walnut 2-i-'7. BUSlNKrtb COLLEGE. STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sails, with good reasons for selllno. g variety of courswa In a reliable Lusl- ueaa School, one or tne leading auaiura colleges of Omaha, Will be aold very reaaouabla away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate thla at ci.ee. sines Kail teria begin aoon. Call orrice. Omaha lie. DAT SCHOOL BOYLEd COLLEGA NIGHT bCilOOL Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotry. Typewrit. Ing, Telegraphy. Civil Service all Com mercial and Eiigllau brauchea. Catalogue Ire. BOYLF.S COLLEGE.' Uth and Harney sta. Tel. Douglaa 15A6, Boylea Bldg. 'leu. D. Leu, Omaha. Neb. VH sal, the loiiowing aciiolaralilpa la e first class Omaha Lustneea College: One unlimited combiuaUuu buaiueaa and ehonliand course. On unlimited ateuographlo aouraa. On three-montiia' buaiueaa or ataoe graphte courae. win b acid at a discount at we ornoe of Tba Omaha Boa. FOR SALE Kerallare, ttowaehald U4t, Ete. Bargains in furniture and hahdw are, 1ic n. 34th. web16u7. FURNITURE for sale. Colfax 413. 4U10 N. 24th St BASE Bl'RNKJt, coat . will sacrifice for$40 If takenat jonce Walnut J4ai. 3 ateel range, bookcase. Webxter T'2v HARD coal stove; How venuUur, I'hone Tyler 2U W. I)tKl.k bought and sold. J. C. Reed. "tih l'7 Fan. am St. Douglas aitti FOR SALlu Here Is a cmaaincatiun thai la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers soma excep tional opportunities every day and a tmail waut ad will eell your article at lis lull value. Phone Tyler PUD. Iluraes sad rhlvles. FARM wagon. $: harness, $: both new. Johuaon-Laoforih Co.. 16th end Clark bU. IOU SALE I'AVHT 9-venr-nM mare, sound, 1.1. Phone Florence 151. relght HAV-Is per ton. Warner. 1 N. 16th BL 1 1 kl ATllUlli pnir of "mar, 2,700 lbs.; also delivery horse. J.OnO lbs. Lady owner. 124 So. 24th. Live Mock d tattle. YOUNG plK. Phone Florence 41. f-o.ltrr, Eaa and aappltea. MXDjrraln. "0 lba. I1.7J. Wsgner. fflHll ITKHKriTYHlTi matrW make, "the beet and cheapest lining for poultry hoieea. They are 17x71 Inches, ttronEer and mora urnble then tarred felt end practically fireproof. Tie a hundred at The I tee office. Tr nevrrliera. FOH "ALE New an! eeeond-liand carom and pocket bll'.lnrd tablea and bowllna" alleya and acceaaortea; bar flit urea of all klnda: eiiev taymenta The Urunawlck lialke-Collender Co.. t!-4 P. 10th St TTPKWHITKRS for rent. 2.N Ilee HMa. H F.LI A NCR Rllilmn end Carbon Co., car bon pay.er and Inked rlhhore f. H'l? TYPKWKlTKttS aold. rented, tepaireO. Cntrel Typewriter Fc. 1W Farnam. M leeeklaneoaa. IlolXTr.I N Jeraev .titrr te fmm t.i producera on Nov. 4. Price, ILi.fO for ohi'-k aaie. j. w. woch. Itenaon 403. "HILL" BCNDAY TABERNACLH Pheetlng, ahlplap, doora. 1 carload. I Ply ruhlM rnlii. tie a ei'iare. 2f,i) ft. of lumber, l& to 2f. dlmenlalona 2x, 1x4. tr. 1x10: tnlleta. U tn llil .irh: brick 11 x atorr, upright fire eecapea $r each. j ei. ivea tui i atreet Chrla. Jenaen 404 No. 14th FOR 8 A I.E. One ehare of jtock In Happy Hollow CI iih. c 2T,. Bee. FOR SALR CHF.AV Bualneaa College Course. Fufl and eomutete nchnlarehla In Ana of the beat Omaha business schools. Good reason for aelllng; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he eol) rery reasonably, if Interested Investigate l once, necauee fall term begine loon. Tli ere are a variety ef rouraea foe mim For Uartlculara lnaulra at tha ofrifla ef The Omaha Be). ELECT1UC M0T011S 1- H. P., 2?0 volta, 3 phaae, new $ 37 2- H. P.. 220 volta. 3 nheae new an I II. P., 2 volts, 3 phase, new (0 Hi P., 'm volt. 3 phase, new 47 DYNAMOS. 3- K. W., 110 volt. 1 1. c, new I T3 4- K. W., 110 volta. D. C. new loo 3-K. W., 130-60 volta. new SO l-H. P. gasoline eiiL-lne 30 l-H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor 103 LU BRON FLKCTRICAL WORKS. 31 S H. 12th St. Waloa add. mach ; good condl. C 3:io, Hce. CA RPENTF.R toola, shovels, alediiea. Pick, Jackscrewa, 1C penny match vend ing machines, 6oc each, llorse, harness, wagon, fluO. One electric piano. 4. U. 1023 ft 29th Bt. Harney 24J. CO Qr.Goln West Whisky, 4 full hsl.l I quarts bottled In bond, pre-t""-'!,.!!!. Caekley Broa.. Omaha (Innl s baskets delivered, fl. 8. Roen Wl" thai, Ifill Ieavenworth D. 6131. 3 electrlo motors. Room 3. Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Metal Oarage, ron. Tel. 11. mi. M. V. Cam- IIELP WANTED FEMALE 4 Irrlenl r - tllllee. STENOQ HA I'll E R Experienced, rapid. aceurate, rxoculive ability and brums; splendid position for one who can qual ify: salary about '" to atari; give age, experience, references, etc. 1' 313, Omaha lice. Steno. and Diet. Opr Dictaphone. Opr VP. S3 Comptometer Opr 1.15 WATTa REF. CO.. 838-40-42 Brand. Thea. DICT. OPERATOR and Stenog fi0 stenographer 4o NO FILING FEB. BUSINESS MKN'H IIF.K. ASSN.. 140(1 W. O. W. Bldg. Airnli and Saleawomen. SALESLADIES AND SOLICITORS. Salary and commission to aulenlady of ability who can aell hlKh-clasa apecialty to women; references required. 616 Bran dels Bldg. WANTED A woman of reflnemenet In every town In slate for demonstrator. State experience, aalary, references. In first letter. Gilbert, 2U3 Nebraska State Bldg., Lincoln. Factory sa4 Tra6es. QIRL to learn nalrdrsing. Oppenhelnv Moaaekeepvr s4 Domestic THE Servant Uirl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad Flih B until you get the desired results. This appilca to reaidcnta of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Biuffa. Bring ad to Tha Hee otflce or telephone Tyler liKM). EXPERIENCED colored girl want po sition aa housekeeper or chambermaid. Web. WK7. WANTED A girl or woman for general housework. 2ull Charlea SL WANTED Experienced maid for general housework and cooking in family of 3; no washing; good wageaN Walnut 1246. WANTED For general house work, $7 week; laundress kept 3 days. 868 Caaa. UIRL to assist with general housework; no washing. 8313 Cuming. Tel, H. MAID wanted at Clarkaon hospital. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; juat one In the family; no wages expected. Web. 81Jo. 1764 Grand. QIRL for general houaework. nam. Harney 2421. 8ol7 Far- W AN TED Girl to aaalat with houaawnra and car for amall child; one attending t nuui usu uay preierrea. i non itaruey 166s. WANTED Girl for general houaework: two lu family. Call Douglas KM before v a. m. aim atter I p. m. W A NT EDCin n pe t e n t k i ri for general houaework. 3Ji4 Farnam St. Tel. Har. iii VN ANTED A girl to asaist with huua work, llo S. Siin SL 11. -i-m. WANTED Good white girl for general houaework; no cooking: good wages lu permanent party. H. 4j12. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, good attlury. I'hone 16,'j. 7?ii Mill St.. Council Bluff. COMPETENT girl for general houae- wora ; no washing, lis s 34th. H. til. WANTED Expei kneed ;lrl; family of three. 8116 I'oppleton Ave. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housewurk; thrva In family; second maid kept. Phone Harney 7uJ4 Mrs W. F. Megeath. ColAiKKUJ woman, good cook, want work by day or week, prefer by week. Webster 47uy. WANTEli A trlrl for general houaework. 146 8 i.lh Ave. Douglaa !U51. WANTED A gxd girl for general house, worh. no co.. king, .ma.l .ajnily. Mrs. B. A. Simon. 2:116 B. .T.'d St. phone H. 4101. WANTED A good white girl at once for general housework, no cooking, good wasea. Harney 4.i73. WANTED A girl for general housework no cooking or washing. fct. Mary's Ave. WANTED Experienced house maid Mra Thomas Kllpatrlck. Har. 816. WANTED at Once Young maid for .n. eral housework: Cermuu or Bohemian preferred. Cull Har. 741. no; S. .Vth St. WANTK1 An exHTi-nced nurse to take juooh i aur nerrencea re. quired. Mrs. John K Kennedy. Wal. 6JR. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and care of children; reference reuulred Harney 4XL4 WANTED A rlrl work; small lam for a neral K Uy- Apply 2.-61 Jones. Artment 6. W ANTED-Cuiii" etent girl for general houaework; references required. Har il 13.13 So. Uth St. WANTF.I Maid for general housework Mrs. I'has. O. Rich, 61o3 I'apltol Ave. W ANTE 1 A girl for h u'vTcrk no wastilng or rooking. Wal. H76. VANTE1 A girl to assist with house work; references required. Walnut Hi. 347 N. 41st St. WANTED Girl to ansist with general housework, care of 2 children; no waeh ttiv t ell Har. 8 06 WANTED White mrl for eeneral Ivuse work 4 in family. Apply Mr. Mach. S4i 8. Id t WANTED At once, an exprricmed whit girl to do neneinl housework for small family In five-room aiiartinetit. Muat know how to cook. One who can go home nl.ht and who Uvea near Sth and Cat ois. preicrreu. Apply Ualuut $-4. HELP WANTEII FEMALE H. . WAN i"F.I) A girl or mlildle-aged woman .fo- general honaewnrk, no washing and good waes (enrgla Ave. "WANT ET Til rl t c assist with general housework in small home. Colfax 2n't4. COLOR F,D girl wantXp.'"lon aa cham bermald; any kind of work desired; So. 25. M laeellaiaieoaia. WANTED Young women to enter nurses' training achool at City hospl tuV. NorfokINeb. WANTED Good cook for amall hotel. Addres P. O. Box 122, Hermlon. Kan. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers ant Invited to visit tne Young Women'a Christian association building at St Marys Ave. and l?th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaslsted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at 1'nlou station. STENO.. state experience. K 15. Bee. WOMEN WANTED Government Job. List free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. CS6 J, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTEII MALE 4 lerlcel mm Of rice. STENOGRAPHER. bright, hustling. clean cut young man who can work Into reaponMlhle position later; prefer some knowledge of bookkeeping; salary to fit ability. Give age, references, ex perience, etc. 8-314 Omaha Bee. SALESMAN, Gaa Englnee. $100 and com. SALESMAN, Iowa territory. lf0 and ex. SALESMAN, Neb. territory. Sal. depends STEMO. AND DICT. OPR. -6 MLLTIGRAI'H Opr ' WATT B REF. CO., R3IM0-42 Brand. Thea, STENOG., As t. to Sales Mgr 3'JOOO Htcnog., excellent future, week 12.60 Salesman, groceries; expense and..ln0.) Hotel Clerk (WeaU; board and rm... 25.00 Salesman, young man 60.00 BUSINESS MEN'S REF. ASSN., 14W W. O. W. Bldg. SUIT A RE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fita you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE" CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. CLERK R. R. accounting. $7.". WESTERN REFERENCE CO., M8-40-42 Brandels Theater. lkWOKK EEl'ER, some system experi ence; muat be rapid and accurate; give age. salary and previous employment. Ad dress F. 410, Bee. H IGH-ORA 1K commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE 4 BOND ASSN. 72 Omaha Nat. Tank Bldg. STENOGRAPH KR Bright, hustling young man for splendid position with large corporation; must be very rapid and accurate; only A-No. 1 man considered; salary $75 to atsrt. Apply. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND AS3N, 72 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Agents, Sateasneai ollcltara. MONEYMAKERS' GUIDEBOOK MAGA ZINE, 2c poatpald; enlightens you richly. New Century Supply, Des Molnea, lown. Advertising rate. 2c word. AGENTH wanted In every town to aell our vulcanizera to auto owners. Blif proflta. Smith Mfg- Co., Omaha. COAL agenta wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. GOOD opening for experienced. Industrial Insurance salesman; no lapse debit; apply at once, 616 Brandcla Bldg. WANTED Omaha manager to sell monthly payment accident and health Insurance for large old line company. Hlgheat commission contract and an al lowance for six months. Bond required. Write, giving experience, age, etc., to C 48, Bee. Factories sb4 Trade. WT5 need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lntoly: get In; learn by our method; get one of these job. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile school. 24D6 iiavenworth BU WANTED Fifty laborers for rallrwd work, shin todav. International Km. ploymcnt Office. 1612 Caaa. MOLEK DARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our srs- tern of expert Instructions and free cllnlq. Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha, Neb., A. B. Moler, Pres. WANTED Steady experienced broom makers and a few good young men to work In factory and learn trade; no floatera need apply. Lea Broom and 1 Mister company. Lincoln, Neb. , LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools: waaea uald: aleo. trio massage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue rree, i ut Mougiaa ei.. uwtna. Drug ( tore Snaps, Jobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. Mlaeellaneoaa. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; $7S month; Omaha examinations coming; sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep't 221 J. Roches ter. N. Y. GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, cleo. starting sys. Free catalog at once. AMEHICAN AUTO COLLEGE; 3u63 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. LABORERS for construction work, $2 25 a day. L. E. Myers & Co., Boelus, Neb. WANTED Men to try examinations for government job; $0 month; common education sufficient Apply Immediately. Y 3 Bee. HELP WANTED MALK AND KKM4LK. WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilator. Write for aarapl and particular by mall, 10c L. 8. liar den. Hotel Neville, Omcha DON'T quit your Job yet look beyond It; Employ spar time establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many successes, wny not ycu? Our copyright mailt kg In structions make every thing plain. Post paid tic. Direct Sales Co-. 3uincy. 111. WANTED Maids, waiters, dishwashers. pantry girls, housework girls, for ho tels and private families. International Employment Office, 1613 Cass. WE want 6,000 men and women In the next thirty days; live wire partners In every town and city to help us handle our faat Increasing real estate and gen oral agency buaineas. Wo will share enormous profits with those who will join us now. You receive a life member ship. Write today for free particulars. B. F. Loos Co., Des Moines, la. e SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED stenoftraphlo position by be ginner, has l ad son. experience. Phone Colfax 019. SITUATION wanted by Stenokrapher and clerk, 5 years old, T years experi ence. bHiary no object to start. Phone Harney riXi. TOUNO, single colored man wants posi tion as no'ise ana yaro man or janitor work. Can furnlsli referencea. I'hone Webster 4h.6. lOll.Ml married man desires position as salesman; 7 years experience In general merchandise. Mack Gotlschaik, Hi South Hutu St. I'hone I'oug. 7v77. WANTED Position as a team fireman, hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, Phone Douglas 7if. MHUiLE-AUED lady, competent, trust worthy and neat, dealrea position aa housekeeper In residence apartment or rooming house; best of references. Laura Johnaon. Ills Chicago St. Phone D. 8722. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug laa 24 SITUATION wanted as housekeeper by middle-aged lady In small Protestant family. Mra. E. Roarers. 66 N. 17th St. WANTED Position by experienced ste nographer' can give good references. Ikiuslas J"v LIGHT colored girl wishes position as chambermaid or to do housework. Web ster 7u72. CHAUFFEUR, 4 year experience wanta position with private family or with truck. E. W. Petersen. 62.11 So. 24th Ae. JANITOR Man and wife In hotel or apt house; can operate heating plant of any kind; colored. Unas. Jonea. la-J S. 17th. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ada In Omaha's Lost and Found nuidluin means the immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee. the l.ot and Fiund paner LOST Small ronton bull tt-rrer. Fema e. Ilea aid. Douglaa bvJ9. LOST AND FOUNII. 'LOST a lodae pin with name, Rrandes arid ierman-Amcrienn ting "lgraveu en It. Rward. Call Wehetcr 1773. 1A ST Mure, x n buggy; reward D. f123. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Pcrtona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha ft Council Bluff a Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the atreet C!rs. Many artlcioe each day are turned In and the company la anxious to irestore them to tho -tghtful owner. Ca'l Doug. S LOST On Ashland road to Ltnroln, Olda mohlle huh cap. Reward. Dr. Neiaon, 1018 North nth. PERSONAL TOUNO women rnmlns to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vlatt 'he Young Women's Chiiatlun association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or othcrwle assist"!. Took for our travelers' guide at tha Uali station. THE Salvation Army TndustHal home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga tinea. W collect. Wa distribute Phone Dotiglaa 4i and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1;10-1U2-1114 Vlodge 8t. YOTTR furnace cleaned, $1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Dnusrlns 4.:4. DRESSMAKING nv day; all work guar anteed. Web. 6834 8WAPPER8' COLUMN Wanted t" Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longet have any use for and get aomethlng you really need? It costs you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping thing. Write Room 104, Bee Pldg.. cr phone Tyler 10"0. ALL furniture In 4f-room hotel; reaaon able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value tl.MX). Ad dress S. C. F03. Bee. AUTOMOBILE Seven-paaaenger Mitchell Special, fine shape, full electric equip ment; trade for diamonds, real estate contract lota, or clear land. A really fine car and a good looking car. B. C. Pee. A WATCH bracelet. 26 yra. guarantee, or 12x14 rug. good condition, to swap for leather davenport. S. C. 629. AUTOMOBILES For other automoolle bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO Light weight, 1915 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tlrea, to swap for four or flva-passengsr car. Addreaa fl. C. 33 Bee. tf DOG Thoroughbred Irish water apanlel pup, to trade for poultry. Underwood typewriter, or what have youT Address 8. C. U2. Bee. BILLlAi. TABLE Brunswick, 8Hx7 complete; home alze. What hava you? Make me an offer. 8. C. 641, Bee. DIAMONDS -worth $300 to trade for lot, equity In house, or good second hand Ford. Addreaa S. C. 62.1. Bee. DESK Oak roll top desk for printing- or office equipment What have you? Ad drees S. C. 6J6. Bee. NEW dresser, oak finish: will trade for good Iron bed and good spring?. S. C. 610. Bee EDISON Phonograph and 45 records fc baritone, or what? Address Y 130, Bee GARDEN TOOLS Spade, x snovels. 3 rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4- minute Edison records, or anything. Ad dress 3. C. 334. Bee. tf GOOD 6-pa8nenger Overland touring car, will swap for painting and plumbing. Addreas 8. C. 363, Bee. GOOD sized bay horse, will make good delivery or express horse, down In flesh, but good In life, value 345. Will trade for furniture or what have you? Address S. C. 640, Bee. EXTRA good 4x6 camera to swap for phonograph. Address S. C. 624. Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven. vibrator type; cost $10.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Am'jerol) record. Address S. C. 333. Bee. tf ENGRAVING-BLOCK (King Bee) Want to trade for Victor records, or what have youT 8. C. 359 GAS STOVI0, gaa lamp, brass umbrella stand, hlgtich&lr,. kitchen table; will trade for trunks or suit cases, steamer trunk preferred. 8. C601, Bee. GOOD steel range cheap. $10. apple or potatoe In trade. Will take S. C. 606. HAVE m carat diamond to trade for auto car. Must be in good conditio and priced right, and late model. Address 8. C. 627. Bee. HAVE a brand new electric piano, with violin and mandolin' attachments; nlckel-in-slot. use 16-tune rolls: mission ! finish; electrlo lighted and leaded glass front; win trade lor a late model car. Ad dress 8. C. 6M. Bee. I. O. 8. HANDBOOKS Set containing complete courae in general Illustrating; wanted, a camera or typewriter, portable preferred, or what iiuve you. 8. C. 614. Bee. IF YOU have a good used auto to swap for something brand new and good, then answer thli ad. Address S. C. 362, Bee. IMPERIAL vapor bath cabinet.-rubber lined and scarcely soiled, used but very Uttle, also complete kasuilne ituhtlng system; air tank, hollow wire, two 1,0 0 candle power lamps, etc. Juat the thinx lor farm, store or realdence. la abso lutely saje aa tank la kept outside. Want a yearling calf or fair sUed nog. Address H. C. t2ii. Bee 1 WANT a good Ford auto in exchange for cement work, brick work or stucco. Address 8. C. 6J3, Bee. 1 lo 10,M) shares Sunset Coal Stock, pax value $1. for land or automobile. Ad dress Y 136, Bee. LARGE sise base burner to trade for double-barrel ahot gun. 8. C. 607. Bee. LADY'S natural pony fur coat, six 40, for what have you? 8. C. 620. Bee. MOTOR One Wayne electric, 1-16-horso power. 110 volts, 60 cycles, In good run ning order, to trade for Vk-horse power or larger, In any condition. S. C. 608. ONE new model F-3 Gibson Mandolin and leather case, coat 3KJ.&0. and In perfect condition, on account of excellent care. Will trade for diamond. Address 8. C. 604. Bee. ONE rainproof suit and hat a lie 38; 60 it seine, -in. mean, e it. ueep; s-in. fish spear, 7-shot 22 revolver, 8s H. & H. break open revolver, 18 11. ft R safety police hammerleas revolver, 1 pr. line man's spurs, n slxe violin, practically new; one pair brass auto side lamps, one lu-year hunting caae watch, excellent timekeeper; 1 rear motorcycle lamp, pump and attachments, 3 good canvas gun cases. 1 7x7 round hunting tent. Will trade for solo cornet, repeating rifle or anything 1 can use, o. c azi. Hee. PHONOGRAPH What have you to awau for phonograph with 180 records T In good shape. Aooresa P. j. bj, rtee. STENOTVPE My Steuotype has been uaed only a lew days, and I will swap It for anything that 1 can use; worth two-thuds the caah value of a new stenotype. What have youf Ad dress S. C. 631. Bee. STOVEPIPE radiator, new. To neat an upstairs room without any cost Ad dress 8. C. 6.W. Bee. 4?l'ENOTYPE Brand new stenotype will trade for typewriter or anything i can uae. Addreaa S. C. 637, Bee SEWING MACHINE b-d rawer, drop- head sewing machine, tireless cooker, delivery wagon. W ant typewriter, or w bat have you. Address 8. C. 634. B-e 391S Hooser hard coal stove; will trade for double-barrel hammerlesa shotgun of any standard make, p. C 611. Hee. THREE 84x4 auto Inner tubes; baritone horn; some good Jewelry, good furni ture: amall cook stove: elegant standard novela and other books; will trade for talking parrot two ca,nary cages or any thing elae I can use. 8. C. 6m. SIDEBOARD Go ul oak sideboard to ex chaus for good by 12-foot rug, or what have youT Address S. C. 361. Bee. TO SELL or trad your shotgun or ritla. rice f lUf.i'aA.. uu 'wmm WANTED TO TRADE Typewriter for liard coal base burner in good condition. S. O. 635. HM. W ILL trade 1J acres of Nebraska land for rooming house, pool room or cigar store. Will cons.der any offer. What have you? Address Johnson. 4J0 N. Ljiq M Phone Tyler 1WV WHAT hat you to trade for good wash machine, vulcaiilxer. 13-galion oil can and one autonullle Jack? Address 8. C. . 2J. li. e. WoRTH of clothing for light touring cr. Address 8. C !3. Bee. ICONT1NUED ON COLUMN SEVEN, TU13 PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service thai will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLH. RF7FD ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract orrice In Nebraska. !"6 Brand-Is Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract -o., a-mooern anirci om. 306 S. 17th St. Phoni D. 6x7. ACCOUNTANTS, E. A. DWOBAK, C. P. A. 433-4,77 Bmr Bldg. Thone Doug. 7406. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer ft Co 12th. Fa mam. D. 7474. AMATEUR FI.MSIIINQ. FTLMS developed free If purchased from Photo Ciwft Shop. 416 Be Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS Everett DocMs, W3 Paxton Big. P. Mfl. ATTORNEYS. O. T. Dickinson, ril Paxton Blk. D. 104. a AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1113-16 W O W. R. 336. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBTLT? MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglae 219. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. Vf Far, P. 200L BATH S BATH-314 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MFVZCA7KTy vbor and modem Turkish baths for ladle and gentlemen: lady ?n,nlant for ladles; Swedish massage. 1919 Farnam St. DouKlas 8T. II AKF.H1E1. g. H. RFEDEnirW N. 18th. Web. 8297. BRASS AND IRON roUNDRIEsT- PaxtoiMitchellCo., r7th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRA CTORsT STEVENSON, 8a' 8. gd. Douglaa 6C0. Laaaard A Son, 1800 Cap. Ave. T. 1631. O W. Hokanaon. 2S06 Lvnwth. Tyl. 219?-J. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. I REMOVE) THE CAUSE OF Nervousness, liver and stomach troubles; rheumatism, kidney and general dlaordera. Consultation and analysis free. Limited to of fice practice. rR. KNOLLENBERO, Bee Bldg. Tyler 1938. CHIROPODIST. " Carrie J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4587 COFFEE BY MAIL. . Save monev. tt. k.,.-. V-Uliee l"e' J6".. high Frade hV nn --A . . . 33.60. txr a erT. i . iw". prepaid, W. A. Pkalfe ft Co.. Omaha. Neb. CORSETS. NuBone corsets. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4392. DAKCl.tO ACADEMIES. ' FALL term open at Mackla'a. Doug. 6440 DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. 18th St. TTTBPtV'S ir'MrtnT. ro m 28th and Farnam. Classes and Drlvat leaeona. Harney 5143. Juet rnmnlol.il fni.iv.f.ii. .... - .vnz-iKuj-yniig UUOK OI new nancea tnr iqik - i m a r. i i j scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev- i j waomr anouia nave a copy. Mali orders filled. Price. $1. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 30th A Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 1913 Doug las street. Phone Douglas 6757. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster'e Dressmaking Col., 162 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. P. B073. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 813 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in aii cases. 7ir DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bid Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat. Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. P. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at eut prices; freight paid on 310 orders; cataloguee free. Sherman k Mo- Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Cloe Allender. 434 Bee Bldg. Red 806a. "EVERY THING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, jrtdf. knife, .unburst bo Dle&tinK l u ve-i au uuun-i 7 tvlea: hemsUtlchlng. point edging. Km- k..M.rv heading, braiding. ooraing. avalet cut work luttonlioleB. pennants. Ideal Pleating Co.. 3W Douglaa Block. Douglas wo. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERBTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. MTL vLOHISTft BATirS, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. L. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1261 Member FlorUts Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS A BWOBODA. ltli Farnam St A. DONAOHUElttajlarney. Doug. 1001. rURnlEttk BAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 6834. H. Rothholx. 2S18 Leavenworth. H. 27S3. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. thw larreat stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Thn Lteben Son, Ud4 Howard. D. 4115. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. Lyric Bid. JUSTICE a OF THE PEACE. H H CLAIBORNE, 613 Faxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C. W, BRITT, 301 Bakr Block. TiaUTjNG FIXTtllES, WIRING. DURKIN ""'curmng'st 8a LIVE STOCK. COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. MOTORCYCLES. H A RLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man." 27u3 Leavenworth. """MOV ING PICTURE MACHlNEsT OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS'. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty. llil W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. CIS Bea Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red Till. H. A. Bturgea. 436 Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS A N D BEDDING. OMAHA PILIX3W CO.. Mattresses mad to order or remade. 1907 Cuming. D. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A T?DC Oldened, repaired, comb. sjVr changed. F. E. paven- M '-'-' port 1J AJod.e. D. UUL PLUMES CLEANED. f CTTRLFP, dyed. D. Flsele. IIS City Wat. PIANOS FOR RENT, t M per month. A. Tlospe. 1513 Pouglaa PRINTING. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qnalltf printing. Tel. Doug. 3130. (24 8. llth SU CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 3754. DOt?GT.A8 Printing Co. Tel. Potiglas 444, SCALE REPAIRING. Cm. Standard Scale Co.. B13 S. llth. D W1 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til & 11 Harley Shoe Itep'r. CV., XX Farti'm. R.84S SEWING MACHINES. W e rent, repair sell needles an4 parts for all sewing machlnea, "MICICEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ' 18th and Hamey. Dour I a 1MX STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal "company. U S. IS) STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, arales. showcases, shale Ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 3724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wk. 1206-S Douglas St Tyler 30. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. D.88TS, ' TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. lit. D. 63S TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A STEIN LE. 1808 Farnam 5l TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter $ mo. for $8L ' Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnanx, 1 BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 813 S. IStlt St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas l&L VACUUM CLEANERS. T ACT7TJM cleaners, all makes an4 prices. E. B. Williams, 8Q8 8. 18th BU WASHING MACHINES. WASHING machines, all makes and prices. R B. Williams, 808 8. 18th St, I WATCU SPECIALISTS Christiansen, 3d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 ye. exn. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Dong. Ptg. O04 WINES AND LldUORS. . " ALEX JETES. 01-8 S. Uth St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, 10a, HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, ' 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch, 1 BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 623 N. 16th. Douglaa 1809. MEDICAL err va wravm a m.wiiw. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula aeA ether rectal diseases without aurglosj operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book 00 rectal diseases with testimonial. rm, E. H. TARRY. 344) Bee BJd. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 314 Be Bldg. SWAPPERS' COLUMX WHAT have you that Is worth $5,000 that you will swap for a business that yon can sit at your desk and make $150 a month without any worryT I am dolna; It and you can. too. Will swap at Invoice price and must do It at once on account of falling health. This is a chance for some one to get a business that will pay the year around and get it worth the money. Oive full particulars in flrat letter Address 8. C. 6m, Bee. WHAT have you for an Eclipse urn and child's bed, all in good condition. auuiqh o. v . ouo, xiee. WATCH Gold watch for lady's bicycle. "WILL trade my used Overland runabout, nearly new. In fine shape, for two work; teams; must be sound, in good order an I ready for work; no pluga. Call Colfaxi 940 after 6 p m. FOR RENT Apartment atnel Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing tn tha For Rent column of Tho Bea dally cannot ba beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring ta rent Phone Tyler lftO. 4-Room Apartment Beautiful four-room apartments In the Alsatian. 116 80. 86th St Rental: 1st floor. 335 and $40. ' Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. Douglas 898.. 20-U. FLAT, across street from Fonte nelle hotel. Will sell furniture, $125, 10-r. flat Fine place for roomers and boarders; 6 mlnutea' walk to Union depot, $38. AMERICAN SDCrURITT COMPANT, 2o3 South 17th St Doug. 6018. ELEGANT 6-room, with 3 baths, 8 x posures; also 4 rooms and bath. Nw Hamilton Doug. 3546. STEAM HEATED HOMES. Standard Flats The good 6-room high-finished, steam heated, modern apartments. Free hot water. Janitor. Walking distance. Rea sonable prices. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. l'th St ONE 4-room and one 6-room apt, The Hamilton. Douglas 2M6. MOD. 7-R. apt.. Including beautiful east sun room, for rent lec. 1. ti. isn. $10 Comfortable, large 3-r. apartment, part mod., block to car and stores, good neighborhood. 1917 Elm St. D. 6078 2407 Blnney. 6 rm. brick flat Web. 731. FOR RENT. new. 3 and k-room apart menta, disappearing beds. pneumatlo cleaner, shower baths, first class In every particular. Flora Apte . 2&61 Jonea 8t o Ssari mmm. avveiaaa. Furnlahecl Rooms that offer every mod am convenlenoe and comfort In private fandlles or boarding bouaea of the high est class will be found in Uie Furnished Room coluiuo of The Bee. Phone Tyler luuu. Furnlhed room with board. In private family. Harney 8118. BOARD and room In private home for two. S4U2 N. 8uth. Web. 7d0. N. 2;'d.. 410 Newly furnished room with hoard: I'V onr or wee. re. l oard and room. Private family. Col. 884X. TWO newly furnished rooms In a private family; home nitvllegea to the right parue with board, near car Hue. Web- ster 7172. lVlO Blnney: 11, and rm t". week W 1 0 1 1. No ?31. 614 Modern rooms. imi. ivi. b!ARl AND ROOM In prixale home for two. Call Webster 7f-e. TCONTIN'D ON-PAGE THIKTEEN). COLUil.N ONE.1