. BRINGING UP FATHER VlFE WAMTb ME "TO TAKE. YOU TO A BOHEMIAN PLACE. FOR i i tisi-t.t t JAYHAWKER STOCK TAKESBIG BOOST Decisive Defeat of Washburn Proves Cornhuskers Will Find Stiff Opposition in Kansas. NEBRASKA SUBS SHOW UP WELL That Coach Stlehm's Cornhuskers will encounter aome mighty tough .opposition when they attempt to down the Jayhawk on McCook field at Lawrence Saturday la the client testimonial of the Kansas Waahburn game last Saturday. Kansaa trounced the Topeka school, 41 to 0, and 'tis said the trick was turned with many substitutes In the frame. That overwhelming acore proves that Kansas has a team regardless of the bear stories which have now and then emerged from Lawrence. Nebraska, It Is true, de feated Waahburn as decisively, the score being 47 to 0, but the big Kansaa score does prove that the Huskers should not be particular favorites over the Jayhawk, especially as Kansas is laying for Ne braska and can be depended upon to put up the fight of the year. Nebraska's victory over Wesleyan was expected. With Rutherford, Reese and Gardiner out of the game, Procter, Seller and Porter went in to show that Btlehm has some dependable substitutes who can take the places of his regulars In case of Injuries. Caley and Chamberlain were in the game but a short time and Shaw was not used at all. All together twelve subs went into the game, and, aa Wes leyan has a really good team this year, Nebraska followers are pleased with the score of 30 to 0. ' Umf, of, W(it Upheld. . . , Notre Dame very successfully upheld the honor of the west Saturday by its de feat of the Army, while Michigan waa being worsted by Cornell. It waa, of course, expected that Yost's men would be given a trimming, aa the Wolverines this year are the worst in the history of the school. Other western games came out according to the dope. Cornell and Pittsburgh are left to fight It out for the eastern championship. Both Princeton and Washington andfjefferson were removed from the running Satur day. Harvard upset the dope by trim ming the Tigers, who were favorites, and Pittsburgh put an end to all Washington and Jefferson hopes. As Cornell and Pittsburgh do not meet, and probably will not lose another game this year, these two schools will be In a deadlock for the eastern honors. Pitt Look! Stronarcet. The honor will probably be given to Cornell, as Pittsburgh is one of those smaller schools of the east not supposed to beat the big colleges and will promptly be slandered concerning the eligibility of its players and the methods it uses so that the championship can be given to the Ithaca school. There Is, however, a well defined suspicion in this part of the country that Pittsburgh would give Cor nell quite a neat licking if the two teams should Jock horns. Yale's defeat at the hands' of Brown was expected. The closeness of the score indicates that the Blue is recovering un der Bhevlln's treatment and will prob ably put up a game battle against Prince ton this week. Hussane Declares He Is Ready to Do Battle with Joe Tousiff Hussane, who la now In New Tork taking part in a wrestling tourna ment, has written the sporting editor of The Bee a letter In Which he wishes to make a public denial of an assertion of Farmer Burns regarding his connection with Jack Curley. "I want Mr. Melady and all the public to know that, any articles signed by Mr. Curley will be carried out to the letter by myself," declares the Turk. "I never Xold Burns or anyone else that there were aiy differences between Jack Curley and myself. I also wish to assure the Omaha publio that I am ready to wrestle Joe Btecher, and, while I look upon him as the best of the American wrestlers today, I feel positively confident that I will de feat him." AEROPLANES TO ESCORT LIBERTY BELL IN TEXAS DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 7. -When the Lib erty bell comes to Dallas on its return from Ban Francisco to Philadelphia it will be convoyed on Its trip through a portion of the state by a squadron of aeroplanes. Several local aviators have announced they will fly over the relic. The bell reaches Dallas from the west by Fort Worth and leaves for the south by Houston Captain B. D. Foulols, commander of the aero squadron at Fort 111. OkL, which Is to make a cross-country trip to fan Antonio, Tex., during the latter part of the month, has been asked to time his Ult here to be simultaneous with the arrival of the Liberty bell on Novem ber 1. IS IT s HERE. ANYTHING UKe CHOP- 50NL I HARD-PLAYING STAR OF COR NELL FOOT BALL TEAM. CHARLES' BARRETT. Captain Charles Barrett of the Cornell foot ball team, which beat the University of Michigan team on Ferry field Satur day. Barrett's remarkable work in the game against Harvard, when he per sonally scored the ten points which lowered the Crimson's flag of champion ship, has thrown him into the limelight as one of the greatest football players of the year. Woman Will Defend Her Cattle with Guns CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Mrs. Scott Durand, wealthy owner of a prise dairy herd, to day threatened to shoot any state offi cials who came to her farm to harm any of her cattle. She recently saved the cat tle from slaughter when suspected of foot and mouth disease by an Injunction. Mrs. Durand today armed her employes. "I will shoot the first, person who at tempts to harm any of my cattle," she said. "I have a revolver of my own and I Intend to use It. I have been informed that the state Inspectors Intend to invade my farm. en ihey arrive, they will find me prepared." Russians Announce Victory Upon Stripa PETROGRAD, Nov. 7.-The official communication issued tonight, claims the capture by the Russians of 8,600 prisoners as the result of a surprise attack near the village of Semikovltse- (Sienikowce) on the Stripa river. G. 0. P. CLAIMS GOVERNOR ELECTED IN KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Nov. 7.-Wlth of ficial returns from only two of the state's 130 counties missing, republican headquarterj tonight was still claiming a majority for Edwin P. Morrow over his democratic opponent for governor, Former Congressman Augustus O. Stan ley. Unofficial returns, however, still Clve Stanley a lead of ESS votes. It U expected the official count will be an nounced Monday. BRITISH IMPORTS SHOW INCREASES FOR OCTOBER LONDON, Nov. 7. The Board of rade figures for October show an Increase In imports Of 16.413,000 t&.C5.000). Exports Increased 3.387.000 (tl6.8K.000). Tho principal Increases In imports were: Food, 3,000,00; chemicals and drugs, 1,000.000; raw materials, 1,000.000. of which cotton from America contributed 3.000,000. The principal .increases In exports were In Iron, steel and textile manufactures. tor Throat mm (heal. Quickly relieved by Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It eases the throat, soothes the lun?s. loo. ens phlegm: only J'c. ah druggists. Advertisement. V v. ) Bx-f t THK BEE: Orvrtght. 1'IS. International News Service, r WHAT DID EVE? DO IN BOHEMIA MASSIE V TH1 COY 11 IT REMINDS ME OF OF THE. POEM WROTE- CREIGHTOH WINS FASTGAME, 27-7 Inflicts Second Defeat on St Thomas Suffered by that School in Six Years. IMPROVEMENT BY LOCAL TEAM In the best game of foot ball seen on Creighton field In many a day, Coach Mills' gridiron machine Saturday hum bled St Thomas college by the score of 27 to 7. Tho victory Is the second any team has gained over St. Thomas in tlx yea is. The other defeat was at the hands of MacAlester college last year, 20 to 0. and St. Thomas wiped that 'out by coming back at MacAlester, 40 to 0, thU season. Tho battle was hard fought and spectacular to the finish. Creighton showed immense Improvement over Its early season play, while SU Thomas also produced something that sent repeated thrills Into the crowd. To Paul Kamanskl, the lengthy Creigh ton center, belongs the honor of scoring the first touchdown. Creighton had kicked off and recovered the ball on a fumble during the first scrimmage. A forward pass to Nigro sent the leather over the goal line, but it was here knocked out of the HUle quarter's hands and a general scramble for Its possession resulted. Kamanskl recovered the pig skin about six inches from the line, with Nlgro and Captain Shannon sprawling on top of htm. Nlgro hissed "Shove her over,'' which "SI" lost no time In doing. Takes Ball om Fumble. Creighton again kicked off and on another fumble by St. Thomas Lutes recovered with a clear field before him, but lost the pikskln, another Creighton man falling on It. Then commenced a display of terrific foot ball by both teams. Line smashes, end runs, hard and desperate tackles, and forward passes followed each other rapidly. Flanagan finally tore through the entire opposition on a trick play for forty yards, following which a neat pass from Nlgro to Hale scored Crelghton's next tally. Plats kicked goal. Score: Creigh ton, 1.1; St. Thomas, 0. The second quarter was scoreless. Far rell, Sullivan and Ward negotiated a number of nl-e gains for the visitors, but as a rule the Creighton defense was Invincible. Lutes, Flanagan, Shannon, Stapleton, and Wise time and again smashed to pieces the attack of the halting backs, and on only few oc casions was first down made. In this period a clever trick forward pass. Plats to Brennan, netted Creighton about thirty yards, and was followed Immedi ately by another peg by tlje same parties for ten more. Plats then tried a field goal, but was standing too near his own line, and the kick fell short. When Saliita Score. The Saints made their only points In the third period, but the score was earned. St. Thomas kicked off. Creigh ton made no gains and Wise punted. A forward pass. Farrell to Ward, advanced the leather, and a penalty to Creighton j for holding added fifteen yards. . Sullivan broke away for twelve yards more, and the following play, a pass from Har rington to Conmy, brought the ball across the chalk from the thirty-yard line. Several Creighton men tried to block the play, but without avail. The remainder of this quarter was spec tacular. Conway, St Thomas' wizard left end. snapped . up the ball when Nigro dropped it after receiving a forward pass from Plats and raced thirty yards be fore being downed. A few seconds later Plats repeated the performance for Creighton, tearing down the field sixty yards on an Intercepted pass. He was brought to a halt on the twenty-yard line, but his run gave Creighton Its third touchdown. A risky forward pass, which one of the visitors stabbed at and touched, landed in Captain Shannon's arms on the one-yard line, and Nlgro plunged over for the score. Darkaeas kettles Dowa. Perhaps the roost spectacular playing was witnessed In the final period, though darkness rendered It difficult to follow the amaslng attack. This quarter was almost entirely one of forward passes. Creighton carried the ball down the field by the air route, and Flanagan, the doughty half, battered his way from the thirty-yard line through the whole St Thomas team for the last score. Plats kicking goal. Then came the Saints with a vengeance Three different times they carried th leather to the local goal entirely by for ward passes with gruesome success, a touchdown failing In the first Instance when Conmy muffed an easy forward pass, next time by Crelghton's brilliant defense on Its five-yard line, and finally by the timer's whistle, the ball resting one yard from goal. This heroic series or passes waa little short of marveloiu although ultimate success each time laiieo. Flcarlagr Next Umr, With a week in which to put on some finishing touches. Coach Mills' machine ought to be a worthy foe for Notre Dam. Lutes, Plats, Shannon, Wise. Stapleton, Flanagan and Brennan all showed real class yesterday, aud Nlgro at quarUr rani OMAHA, MONDAY. XOVKMRKtt 8, 1015. J I i wieH I COULD THINK OF THE POET, THAT - HED ON ME! the team like a veteran. For the visitors full Ivan. Ward and Farrell starred, while Conway won distinction in capturing for ward passes, and his running mate, little Conmy, at left end displayed the best defensive work witnessed hereabouts for some time. The lineup: ST. THOMAS. Hrennan L.K.RK Conmy "iso i . k. l Arirmtrnng ray L.O. n.Q Farmer Kamanskl C. C (c.) Graham Stapleton U.G. L.O HarrinKtnn Shannon (o.)....RT. L.T Panrieln Hale U.K. UK Conway Nlxro U Q Farrell 'lata Lit. L II Sullivan Tlanagan R.H. R.H Ward Lutes F.H. F.H McCough Score by quarters: Creighton IS 0 7 T V St Thomas 0 0 7 07 Touchdowns: Kamanskl, Hale, Nlgro, Conmy. Goals from touchdown: Plats (S, Conmy. Substitutes St. Thomas: King for Armstrong; Kgan for Farrell; O'Con nor for Farmer; Ean for FarrWl. Creighton: Warren for Stapleton, Doty for Lutes; Meally for Plats; Moriran for Shannon; Lutes for Doty; Stapleton for Warren: Plats for Meally; Wllaon for Hale. Referee: Ghee, Dartmouth. Vm- lre: M. P. Kane, Dartmouth. Field udge: lister Caldwell, Marquette. Head Inesman: Vic Halllgan, Nebraska. Time ot quarters: 15 minutes each. Belgians in the Hospitals and Prisons In Need of Books (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) NBWi TORK. Nov. 1 Among the thou sands of Belgian soldiers now In hos pitals In England and In France, detained In camps in Holland and prisoners In Ger many, there Is a widespread need of good books, and a committee that has been formed to enlist American aid In the matter announces that books or money for their purchase will be received by rierre 'Mall, Belgian consul general In New York. The members of the honor ary committee Include Emmanuel Have nlth, he Belgian minister at Washing ton; Joseph H. Choate, Charles J. Bona parte, Rev. J. F. Stillemans of the Bel gian Relief fund and Louis de Sadcller, minister of state for Belgium, who Is In New Tork. A statement given out by the committee reads: "The heroism of the Belgian soldiers has won universal admiration. Thou sands of them are now in hospitals in England and In France, detained in camps In Holland and prisoners In Ger many, Suffering and deprived of liberty, without news from their relatives now somewhere in poverty or dead, the anx iety of those brave men must be painful. Well educated aa they are and without recreations any Intelligent person Is look Ing for, nothing can do more to alleviate their sufferings than literature in their own language. "There Is a real need among those Bel gian soldiers for books In French and Flemish, and to a certain extent in Eng lish, especially works of travel and novels, history, books on electricity, me- cnanica, motoring, etc., and Illustrated magazines of all kinds, also grammars for the study of English, French-English dictionaries and vice versa.1 Cleveland Teachers Rockefeller Guests CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 7.-John D. Rockefeller today tendered an invitation to all of Cleveland's 92.338 school children to attend the Cleveland flower show as his guests. It la estimated that -r h j regular charge for children the party will I cost Mr. Rockefeller 123,084. The children j will attend In three divisions on as many days to avoid congestion. SHARPSHOOTER PEELS OFF EIGHT IN OBSERVATION POST (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) VIENNA, Nov. 6 A remarkable feat of markmanshlp la reported from the southwestern front, where many of the famous Tyrolese riflemen are fighting sgalnst the Italians. A troop of the so called Kaiser Light Infantry, which was fighting on the Do be redo plateau, got Into most precarious position in advance of the Austrian lines. They could not retreat as the ground over which they would have to run was fully covered by the Italian guns. They held their ground for several days, while suffering greatly for lack of food and water. The Italian artillery was playing upon them with accuracy, being directed by means of $ post of observers on higher grouna than that held by the Tyrolese. I It was regarded as necessary to get rid of that post, which consisted of eight Alplnl, and a soldier who had made a reputation for himself In the Oetzthal as a highly expert poacher volunteered to undertake the difficult task. Climbing stealthUy by night as If hunting chamois, he reached a hiding place In easy shot of the post, and when the eight Italians began to stir the next morning he quickly picked them off, one after the other. Chasaberlala's Coach Remedy Most Kffeelnal. "J have taken a great many bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and every time It has cured me. I have found it most effectual for a hacking cough and for colds. After taking It a cough always disappears." writes J. It. Moore. Lost Valley, Ua. Obtainable ei y bvre. AdvertUeinent Drawn for WALTER CLOtE THE WNDOW- FEEL A draught: MANY ENTRIES IN FOR THE MIDWEST Eleven Strong- Outside Teams Send in Cash Entries and Thirty Local Crews Pay Their Fees. CHICAGO WILL COME IN FORCE Entries and requests for dates In the coming Mlddlewest tournament are pour ing In every day to Carl Cain, local tournament secretary, and Victor B. Par rtah of the publicity bureau of the Omaha Commercial club, who Is conducting the advertising campaign, la being swamped with Inquiries and requests for hotel ac commodations. Already eleven of the strongest tournament teams In the coun try have sent In their entries, and reser vations have been made by sixty others. Every clly of Importance has now been heard from and all will be represented with large delegations. Up until yesterday the Chicago bowl ers had not been heard from, but a let ter from Billy Lee. bowling manager of the Brunswlck-Ualke-Collender company states that the Windy City is sure of entering six teams, and that this figure will probably be Increased to eight or ten. With' his letter came the entry ot tho famous Mlnerallte team, which has been heavy prize winners in all national. International and mlddlewest tourna ments. The local entry, too, is heavy, twenty- nine cash entries have already been made, and most of these are teams en tered by firms who have not been iden tified with the ten-pin game. The cap tains of the regularly organised league teams are still conforming with their ancient custom of waiting until the last minute before entering. , There are about I ArUREW Hi if: I M'N-1VJ a iHubl v , mlm-. J.tKsaAl.0 l' ,. ? j DOM, Vd.. . j M -oe. kwra.! W I II aw nsmw n .f '; all The Bee by George McManus TELLN; THE VASTER TO CLOSE THE WINDOW REMINDS ME OF A STORY thirty of these teams who are sure to enter. William F. Weber, who la chairman of the local entry committee, la well pleased with the situation and la positive that the planned local entry of seventy-five teams will be reached. He la being as slated by Dick C rot to. U M. Holllday, C. E. Terrell and George Zimmerman. The present lurge entry list la due to the keen Interest being taken by the Omaha businessmen in the Mg sporting event Many who have nt been Identi fied with the game In the past have come to the front and have entered teams to represent their firms. This season's tournament will have a special feature which former tournaments have not had. The local tournament com mittee has arranged a place on the sched ule for the women. Six teama of feminine bowlers will occury the runway one night during the progress of the tournament and roll the team event only. Arrange ments have .been made so that their part in the tournament wilt be entirely sepa rate from the events rolled by the men. By so doing they will not have to com pote against the men, but will divide the prise money among themselves. The entry fee has been made $10 a team. The Hayden Bros.. Brandels Stores, A. B. Sweet Shop and Omaha Towel Supply teama have already entered. Two others, probably from the Carter Lake club, will enter to fill the squad. A general mass meeting of all Omaha bowlers will be held at the Paxton hotel this morning at 10 o'clock. The meeting is held for the purpose of acquainting the mass of bowlers with what has been ac complished by the tournament oompany and to urge all captains and officers of leagues to get busy and assist In the local entry campaign. Below Is a complete list of the teams who have sent In cash entries, both local and outside, and a list of outside cities and the number of teama which have asked for reservations: - , . I . Brandels Stores. t Corey McKensle Printing Co. Bees Printing Co. Farnam Alleys. MmmmSmmmm1mmmmiti Wm I - v ) Constipation is Caused ,, by sedentary life, careless eating, lack of sufficient exercise, and by the use of harmful laxatives and cathartics which ag gravate the very condition they arc supposed to cure. Constipation is Cured by a return to regular habits of eating and exercise, by break ing off the laxative habit, nd by the use of Nujol as an internal lubricant. , ' Nti ftCtMi..AT A PURE WHITE MINERAL OIL Is odorless and tasteless, absolute!? neutral, and is not digested or absorbed into the system. It acts merely as a mechanical lubricant Nujol is not a drug. Its um will not give quick, temporary relief. But Nujol is a genuine remedy in that it relieves constipation in the most natural way by lubricating the lin ing of the intestines, softening the intestinal contents, and thus promoting healthy and normal bowel activity. The mineral oil treatment for constipation, -first advocated by Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, the distinguished English surgeon, is now being successfully prescribed by doctors all over the world. Write for "The Rational Treatment of Con stipation' an informative treatise on constipa tion. If you cannot get Nujol from your druggist, we will send you a pint bottle prepaid , to any point in the United States on receipt of 75c money prder or stamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New jersey) t Bayonne New Jersey never; mind CLoaiss THE vitsinrtw- WATERI Omaha Electric Light Co. Hotel On' In Baker foe Machine Co. Hotel l,oyal. Flrat National Bank. Hotel Kd wards. llrr Grand Hotel. Hotel Fontenelle. Kwanaon it Aylesworih. Stors. Klopp Partlett Co. Nebraska ( lothlng Co. Tracy Bros. "I'alo" Cigar. Hotel Harney. V. . National Bank. South Omaha Merchants. Wellington Inn. Hotel Rome. 'Jetter'a Old Age. , . ', John L. Kennedy. I i lay-ItobliiHon to. , Murphy Did Its. , Krug's Luxua. Nebraska Telephone "o. No. I. Nebraska Teli hone Co. No. 2. World Herald. Wroth's Cafe. Humo Stars, Mason City, la. C. O. Taft Co., les Moines. Hotel Martin, Sioux City. Beck's Jewels. Sioux City. Your Hoom Frlenda, Kansas City. Ha mm Brewing Co., Sioux Falls, & D. Hanfords, Sioux City. Schml.lls, St. Paul. Minn. Centrals, Minneapolis; Minn. Niagaras, rUoux City. Coffins, Pes Moines. UKSKRVATIONS REQUESTED. St. 1Oiiln. Mo., twelve teams. Kansas City, Mo., seven teama, 1 ' Moines, la., five teama. Moux City, la., eight teams. Dubuque. la., one team, Peoria, III., two teama, Chicago, III., six teams. Marshalltown, la., ona team. Ht. Paul, Minn., four teams. Minneapolis, four teams. St. Joseph, Mo., three teams. Imogen, la., one team. Lincoln. Neb., five teams. Fremont, Neb., two teams. Grand Island, Neb., three team. -Columbus, Neb., two teams. Pender, Neb., one team. Jefferson, S. f., one team, Lemars, la., two teams. Oftklaad Beats Berlbaets OAKLAND, Neb.. Nov. 7. (Special. V Oakland foot ball team defeated Be rib ner for the second time this season ly a acore of 33 to 0. The forward pass was an important factor In the scoring. H. Palmquist and W. Holland starred for Oakland. i ;! r; - 1 si! I; RsyBNRSSCP?? sa ' ' lOl