TITO OMAHA .SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 7, 1915. I'ONARCHY OPPONENTS YIELD Two Most Fronouncfd in Oppoii 1 tion Are Silent at the More Under Way. BOUGHT SAFETY BY PROCESS (Corresponcnc of tha Associated Press ) . TKKINO. Nov. I President Yuan Phi awl hia never publicly 1ven hla official sanction to the effort of the Chou An II net, or Society for tha Preservation of Peace, to ra-establlsh tha monarchy, but faPur of tha aovemment to uphold tha board of censors In tha Impeachment of tha mrmhera of tha society. Is generally tegaidrd as proof that tha society has tha full approval of tha president and hla advlnera. Tha board of censors, which Is a sort of arovcnrjient-s-nelllns; committee, sus tained chances brought against tha Choi An Huel, and the government referred tha Impeachment to tha minister of tha In terior. This cabinet member has now re ported that all tha promoter of the roclety ara men of cultura and scholars of not and that their object Is to anrac In theoretical dlsrusskn of tha principle of government, and not In any way to disturb tha pear of th country. Special Internet attache now to move ment of General Tuan Chl-Jul, th for mer minister of war, and Vic President Li Tuang-hung, tha two most prominent opponent of the restoration of tha mon archy. It ha been frequently rumored that Oeneral Tuan Khl-jul wa assassin ated. This, however, la not true, C-hl-Jal Retained. Last week General Tuan Chl-Jul sub mitted memorial to tha president, urg ing that with th coming of autumn his "health" had not Improved, and for this reseon ha wished to he unburdened of the special duties devoting upon him In the headquarter of the army and navy. The distinguished general craved permission t leave Peking that ba might make his way back to his native home In Anhul, snd restore tha tombs of his ancestor. However, th president graciously re fused hi requests, aa ha desires to con sult hi former jrtary of war from time to tlma on matter of high moment. Vic President L4 Tuan-hung I now enjoying greater liberty than formerly. Ita ha moved from th palao In th Forbidden City, where ha wa practic ally a prisoner, and I new living with his family In a mansion purchased for him in tha Chinese city near the legation quarter. The mansion was formerly used aa a reception place for the military club, and la situated In a beautiful garden. Price f Freedait. v This extension of greater freedom to tha vice president Is generally believed to have come about a a result of his re fusal to participate In th monarchical movement. For a time It seemed that he would ba an open opponent of th re storation of tha monarchy. His lack of sympathy with tha change la understood throughout tha republic and Ma greater freedom la believed to be tha price th government paid for hla silent acqulee enca. Religion and rellglou organisatlona are also playing an Important part In the monarchical movement. Efforta have been mad by tha Society for th Pre ervatlon of Peace to get the support of prominent rellgtonlsta. But the announce ment that Mohammedan who Joined tha society were authorised to do so by tha Mutual Advancement Society of Moham medans caused a flarehack. ( hang Tlen-tao and twenty-two other leadera In tha Mohammedan society Im mediately published an announcement denying the authority of any member to represent that body In any political movement and hotly resenting the at tempt of Individual to apeav for tha 15.0n,Ono Mohammedans living In China, Most of the Mohammedans In China live In C.nlnese Turkestan, and neighbor ig provinces, far west of th wall-known cities of th republic Us Th Bee- "Swapper column. 1 MENACES m IMF HETAM TO 1W .. ; , "" 1 1 1 1 ' ' " 1 y 11 1111 111 11 1 jy A.WMlaWaWlassssWrsmssssh in WE 11 union AM NCWCOMB CAHLTON. rsiaaiOSMV Omaha, Neb., Nov. 6, 1915. TO ALL SMOKERS: Drop in at BASE BALL HEADQUARTERS, 316 S. 15TH ST., and get a good cigar or slip down stairs and enjoy a few pleas ant moments in our up-to-the-minute pocket billiard parlor. In the meantime, don't forget that THE BRANDEIS THEA TER CIOAR AND CANDY SHOP, 206 S. 17TH ST., handles the finest line of Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars in the City. Also a complete assortment of Johnston's Chocolates and all the popular Magazines. EARL HIGGINS, Manager. m WE If TEL mm, AM HfWCOM CARLTON. waIBMT Omaha, Neb. Nov. 6, 1915. THE MESSAGE OF THE KITE AND THE KEY: Has been improved upen, concentrated and specialized in, until now we have the MASTER SALES CO. with every electrical appliance Icnewn to the motorist. And we know how and do repair all these appliances, too. Official service st alien fer Gray & Davis. Chg. to 418-20 tarnam' St. WES' UNION TEL AM. NCWCOMB CARLTON. masioaxT Loans Low Rates We can make liberal loans on down-town retail and whole sale properties. We have also a new and attractive plan of making very large loans on .wholesale properties in which twenty-one years' time is given to repay the loan. We are also in the market for loans of $1,000.00 to $5,. 000.00 on choice residences in Omaha, South Omaha and Dun dee. Payable monthly. W. Farnam Smith (Si Co. 1320 Farnam Street. Douglas 1064. Where the Dime Hao the Biggest Buying .Power FIRST HALF HISS EDtlA MAYO and BRYANT 17ASEIBURH ...'. IN 66 Always a Good Show and Only a Dime or So LAST HALF "To Cherish and Protect" ' A rower ful Irransa In 8 Parts Lola Tanner U raited among a gang of crooks and has their natural tenden cies. IK attempts to lend a better life make R most Interesting story. A CASK dFEUOENICS" A VltAirrapU Oomody. "THE PASSING STORM" A Illograph Drama. HEAUST-SELIG NO. 88 EDA MA TO VAl nl'.VILLK Mhows at IS, 14:8(, 7:30, 9 o'clock. rnOTO PLAYS before the a and 7:0. After the 8:30 and 9 o'clock . performances. ADMIKSIOX IOC Nerved Boata 10c Extra. Phone DoiikIhsj 9. V t A ' i 7 BTAJTT WAIHinV A DRAMA IN 8 PAIITS. After gambling with a customer's stock and losing, Poole, Crane and Bream are completely ruined. They draw lots to see who shall commit sui cide. All aro Insured for amounts sufficient to cover their losses. Dream Is secretly in love with Crane's wife, Helen, and he and Poole trick Craue so that he draws the fatal slip. After Dream assures Crane that his wife and child will be taken care of, Crane promises to end his life at 13 o'clock that night. - - - Instead, he stumbles over the body of a suicide and exchanges Identities with the dead man. Helen, cheated out of his Insurance money, for the sake of her child, marries Dream. One night, under the glare of a street lamp, . Crane comes face to face with Bream and Poole. He follows them and some thrilling adventures take place. Dream and Poole once more try to "frame" Crane, but a burglar's dying confession clears him. 15 renin kills himself and Poole in "sent up," reuniting Crane and his wife. The Fable of the "ESCAPE OF ANTHONY and the SALVATION of HERBERT'1 - Dy George Ade. "WHEN CALIFORNIA WAS WILD" HEARST-SELIG NO. 89 ",y "iv V .' i J"; I M I II Soas rrom "To Cherish ana Protact." Ask the man who owns one of our policies. Have yon an agency? Have yon a policy? Mr. W. 0. Wilson, President Bankers Life Insurance Co. Lincoln, Nebraska. WESTON U 9 - NIWCOUB CAULTOH. rJBasrf Aug3t 9, 1915. Dear Sir: I wish to thank you for your prompt settlement of policy No. 3072 which matured this day and your General Agent, Mr. A. IL Gray, handed me your draft for $2,073.42, which I consider has been the best investment I have made in the past 20 years, and I am this day giving my application for $5,000.00 more. I certainly advise all my friends to carry insurance with the Bankers Life Insurance Co. . . Yours very truly, WM. HOLM. ICILLY, ELLIS & THOMPSON, General Agents 913-914 City National Bank Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2819 ASSETS $9,000,000.00 TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY Matured in the OLD LINE BANKERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Lincoln, Nebraska. Name of insured. .... .William Holm Residence ....... .Virginia, Nebraska ' Amount of policy. ....$2,500.00 Total premiums paid company 1,445.00 SETTLEMENT Total cash paid Mr. Holm. : .$2,073.42 And 20 years' insurance for nothing. Home Office Lincoln, Neb. 2Z WESTELL UMION NCWCOMB) CARLTON. ' Crete, Neb., Nov. 6, 1915. . Fairmont Creamery Co., . , ' Omaha, Neb. y Be sure and Ship my order of 2k Ice Cream today, as my Sunday dinner would be a complete failure without it. ' MRS. "PARTICULAR." i i UNION NCWCOMB CANLTON. rasatoaair A Message to the Man Who Cares What He Wears My Clever and Skilled custom tailoring insures you gar ments that fit perfectly. Give me your order Monday and you can have them for Sunday. Dependable Suits and Overcoats made in Omaha. $30.00 $25.00 $40.00 1512 DODGE ST. A WESTEIk THETATE BANK BUILDING Will be known In the future as the TEL, 17th and Harney St. AM OSCAR KEELINE BUILDING .& .' - tu NCWCOMB CARLTON. Nam. Kooii. Allen Hro. Realty Co. 4 J J Amarltan Life Convantlon 71i'-3 Amxatrons-Waiah Cu. ....110-U14 A. C. Hallry 6.1 L. C. Ualfuur .41 Mn L Harbtr HI liarber-Klklna Realty Co. - 4)1 Y. J. Ilarratt Alex Beck jrr w. iteoroni Bon . x. w. uiacHbum .... Herman . Boaacha . Iaa (i. Tory tt4 Thumbs Tampball . i Ml (.'entrai 8tatea Adj. Rr. CO Chlcairo bondlrvs and Surety Co 0S-il I'r. M. K. Clark 4l- f H. Cohan ill Connecticut Mutual U( In. Co. .01 W. K. Cral; Ml R. M. Ciuimm CL'S Jos-ph Crow ., (uT U U. Day 407-I-.1 Wm. K. Parta U iHorrt. Kranenbur 4k Van Oradel. . . . 0i Innnlly 4k Sullivan J..!0 J. 11. Dumcni Co 4U-1 i. i. KUIna 41 A. T. Klrner i Carl Krlkson 3 L4woo4 Mr Company... ..,.) rasaiosMV Name. Equitable TJfe In Co. of Iowa. t-rley 4k Ixietscher Mf. Co.... Ktll 4 Plnkerton Company...,. r . Klor Hani u el FYeiriman .... O. W. Oarloch W. F. Uernarxlt Globe Reglacer Co. Th followlns; la a complete Hat of tenants occupying- th upper floor of th Keelln Bulldlnr: Name. Room, i Kama. Boo n. K. C. Sawver W. V. 8r hermerhorn 611 Dr. .1. chliar , Room. ......43 tit tns 401 ...0-U 1 :i 41T TOT .438-40 - 4i ini Great 'Western Plata Qlaaa Work 8. hi. Gunsaul U liardlns; . . irvjfui4 fWllliflua ..... M. r. HarrlnKton Hart Realty Co.. r.. J. Hurt Ray M. Hlurlna Hawck Co Clyde U Kawkln Mi ton P. li'awklna Ir. K. H. Hull Inter K. R. Hume Kansas City Casualty Co. ... i an Kattieman Henry Resting tvu-rarit Kobn U l. Laud I Jin Nat'l Dotectlve Arency . . . . ,. Hi-yd I 1-esll ?.( J. it. M scomber Krancls R. Matthews Ceo. MarahaJl ,...T ' ....7n ....T'4 ... .44 ..tOr-U ....i:t ....4"l ,.....t ,....4.' ,,..Mt ....! .... ....41 Henry K. Maxwell --lis P. E. MuGovern 418 Geo. M. McNeal 134 Meneray Uinaiia Nuraery Co... U. II. Merten I C. W. Moose John O. Moran W. T. Mora O. P. Moraanthalar Fklwln T. Morrison .............. & ri 1-xlgar M Moraman. Jr.. jonn Muuen ................... 4J ..'29 ..tu ..410 ..40 ..4.'4 ,.4T . mm 2( 140 J L. Neal Mi rrr. W. Novak, P. D. 8 4JJ nr. J a. U Nell. I). Jl S, ., 437 Pear River Groves Cu. 424 Peoples Ufa las. Co. Til Fred Petersen T01-S Platte River Valley Land Co. f,H nr. C. W. Pollard Prairie Ufa Ina. Co. Pratt Day G. W. Pratt Proudfit iooaa Leaf Co. ... Wm. C. Ramsey Richardson Hcales Co. .... C. G. Robertson H. M. Rose Konnd Jewelry Co burx1er1an1 Broa. Coal Co.. ..714 TS1-40 ) 404-U 7-7 71 eil-4 4 CI 7rt .Third F'oor. A. f. C. Hfhnoor Pecuriiy Mutual Life In. Co. n !k feelby at Bona Belden-hreck Construction Co. L. W Sots G. W. Shield Son ShOMI) Co fhuler & Cary .... W. 8. Btillman George Sucraxman M. Surarrnan I '3 ....in -49 70i- ...635-7 9 till 101 i .....231-1 202-4 .10S-11 rH ...til Charles Sundblad 101-11 AV. la Thomas Ill Thomas Realty Company ii W U. Ttionvpson 4k Hon 41 i Wm. B. 8. Thompson &4 ...437 .401 4 ...401 ...ill ...In i ...in .to;- .41)1 I . ,.7'H .. .717 ...214 .111 Thurston. Crowe Morrison R. M. Van Ness Construction Co... A. Von !ollen G. R. Wadlelffh A. C Wanner II. J. Waaner G. O, Wallace John D. Ware Western Indemnity Ct. Western Merrantil Co. Wilson A Warren t... W. K rink fc. M. Kapler A Bon. THE THOMAS REALTY CO. x.rwnri U, w. au thosus, sirr.