Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Hew Office Building of Armour
Company it Attracting Much
Armour A Co.'s nw fflo build
ing, east of the Exchange building
t the tstook. Tarda, Juiit completed, la
attracting considerable attention among
stockmen and trader at the local ex
rhanire. The headquarter! for the eom
mlBlon division of the treat packing plant
have been removed Into thte new build
Ing and the company la receiving compli
ment. In the Exchange building where the old
office were atatloaed, there waa hardly
enough room for the office men to walk
about with convenience. The quarter were
crowded. In the new building even the
buyer have desk of their own with
plenty of room for other office necessi
ties. The building was erected for purely
office purposes. It is divided into twe
large rooms, one for the clerical divis
ion and the other tor tne uyera.
In the basement are lockers, shower
baths, and every convenience. Brand
new roller top desks replace the old office
equipment and the woodwork Is finished
in a beautiful natural oak. The company
Bpent considerable money In furnishing
and building the new quarters.
niea from Heart Trouble.
Abraham Thompson, a fisherman who
replies at Eleventh street and Missouri
avenue, was stricken with heart trouble
while sitting on the liver bank Friday
night. He was hurried to his home,
where he died a few minutes later. He
was 46 years of age and Is survived by
a wife and five children.
' . M. Uraktm Is gertoaaly 111.
Assistant Superintendent of School N.
' M.v- Graham Is seriously ill at his home.
Twenty-second and J streets. Return
ing from a current meeting of the Ne
braska State Teachers' association In
Omaha last Thursday afternoon, he was
suddenly taken 111 and compelled to re
tire. Dr. W. J. McCrann waa called and
It waa found that the former South Bid
upcrlntendcnt was suffering ' from a
severe case of ptomaine poisoning. It 1
thought that he contracted thl eating
the variety of food at the association
banquet held between morning . and
afternoon sessions.
Funeral of .Jacob Small.
The funeral of Jacob Small, veteran
policeman, who died at his home, 1006
North Twenty-seventh street Wednesday
afternoon, will bo he!d at t o'clock thi
afternoon from the residence. Rev. 8.
M. Yerlan of St. Luke Lutheran church
will conduct the service.
The funeral will be private. It 1 th
request of the widow, Mrs. Small, that
no flower contributions bo made. Inter
ment will b in Oraceland Park ceme
tery. Church Notes.
The Booster meeting of the Hillsdale
Baptist church will hoid a special meeting
'lnursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Bible
study will be held as usual at 10 o'clock
Bunaay morning. Preaching service will
be held at 11.
St. Luke's Lutheran. Twenty-fifth and
K. Rov. H. Yerlan. Pastor Sunday
school at 8:46. Morning service at 11.
Catechetical class at &. Luther league
. at 7. Miss Irene Kalhorn. leader, sub
ject of meeting. "Everlasting Life."
South Side United Presbyterian. Comer
Twenty-third and H, Rev. Albert N. Por
ter. Pastor Sabbath school at :46.
11-eachlng at 11. Junior at 8. Christian
union at 8:80. Preaching at 7:30. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at 8. In
connection with the morning aervlce there
will be the public reception of member
and baptism.
Baptist, Twenty-fifth and S, Rev. Will
lain R. Hill, Pastor Services at 11 and 7:80.
Hundav school at 9:45. Young People's
meeting at 6:30, Miss Knther (.'hrintlanson,
leader. Junior Endeavor at !i:30. The Lord a
upper will be celebrated at the morning
service and reception of new members,
baptismal services In the evnlng. Miss
Shackelford will sing at the evening serv
ices. Good singing also by a chorus oholr.
All are invited to all the services of the
church. Prayer and praise service, Wed
nesday evening at 7:30.
St. Martin's, Corner Twenty-fourth and
1, Rev. John Wallla Ohl, Rector Services
tor twenty-third Sunday after Trinity,
celebration holy euchariet at 7:30 and 11.
Sunday school and Matin's, at 9:46,
lOvrnaong at 7:30. The woman auxiliary
will hold an all-day meeting at the home
of Mrs. Frank Ames, 1403 North Twenty
fourth on Wednesday. There will be a
regular meeting of the vestry on Wednes
day evening at the rectory. The Junior
auxiliary will give an exhibition and tea
at the rectorv on Thursday afternoon.
Meeting of Hoys' club at the home of
Mrs. Vol. 1018 North Twentieth, Thurs
day evening.
'. Ma to City Oosslp.
The Red Men will give a dance at their
hall at Twenty-fourth and Q streets at
8 o'clock this evening.
A security that cannot be questioned, a
location that Is convenient and a courtesy
and accommodation that are uniform, are
offered you as a depositor in the Savings
Department of the Live Stock National
Bank, South Omaha.
BOSTON, Nov. 5. The sitperdread
naught Nevada, testing its efficiency be
fore tho naval trial board today, plunged
for twelve hours at top speed through
the water of Massachusetts bay and
finished In a gale off Cape Cod tonight.
A message to Its builders said that Its
performance was successful. It. waa
added that It would be subjected to an
overhauling at Provlnoetown tomorrow
Instead of resuming it trial immediately.
DOUGLAS, Aril., Nov. i. Wind
blowing over the Agua Prleta battlefield
tainted the atmosphere of Douglas today.
North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, Rev.
M. V. Hlgbee. D. D., Pastor Morning
worship and rally day at 10. Toung Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at
:''0. Evening preaching at T . Fellow
ship meeting Wednesday evening at 8..
Clifton Hill, Grant and Forty-fifth.
Rev. H. R. von der Llppe, Pastor Sun
day school at 10 a. m; special Invitation;
tate-wlde Rally Sunday. Morning aerv
lce at U: the Lord's supper will be ad
ministered. Christian kndeavor society
at 8:30. Regular preaching by the pastor
at 7:30. Midweek prayer meeting Wednes
day evening at 8.
First, at Toung Men' Christian associ
ation, Rev. Fxlwln Hart Jenks. D. D.,
Pastor Morning service at 10:80; com
munion and reception of new members.
Evening service at 7:80. Sunday school
at noon; Frank E. Clark, superintendent.
' Lowe Avenue. 12I North Fortieth, Rev.
A. F. Ernst, Minister Session meeting at
10 to receive members. Sunday school
and church rally day exerclnea at 10 3tf.
Junior Christian Endeavor at 8. Senior
ChriHtlan lOmleavor at 8:30. Preaching at
7:30; "God So Loved."
Westminster. Mason and Twenty-ninth,
James Franklin Toung, D. D., Pastor
Morning worship at lo SO; special com
munion service. Bible school at noon.
Young People' meeting at 7 80; topic,
"Tasks That Are Waiting for the Church
of Christ." Kvenlng worship at T:3o:
theme. 'The Wisdom of the Fan Leper.
Midweek Prayer earvlos Wednesday at
'' N
Mb 4
V , -J f : -( .
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That -i What it Cost to Hake
Alleged Attempts to Stop
Armi Shipment!.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6. At least
$ CO 0,0 00 has been expended In car
rying out alleged German plots In
this country In an effort to prevent
war munitions from reaching the al
lies, according to a statement made
today by one of the officials investi
gating the cases of Robert Fay, who
claimed to be a German army lieu
tenant, and five alleged accomplices.
Federal authorities admitted today
that they considered unreliable the
lengthy story which Fay readily told
concerning his life history and ac
tivities in connection with plots
against steamships carrying muni
tions from this country to the allies.
Fay, it is said, is now believed to
be a Hungarian, whose real name Is
Fell. '
Federal agents are now trying to
trace the source of the large amount
of money said to have been spent by
different men in carrying out, or
attempting to carry out the various
bomb plots.
Diplomatic Changes
In Japan Expected
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
TOKIO, Ot. 25. The installation of
Baron Klkujlro Iahit as minister for for
eign affairs will be followed by a number
of change in Japan' diplomatic repre
sentatives abroad as well a In th per
sonnel of the foreign office at Toklo.
Kelshiro Matsul, who was formerly sec
retary of the embassy at Washington and
has served for several year now as vie
minister, will be sent to Pari a ambas
sador to take the place mad vaoant by
th appointment of Baron Ishll as foreign
minister. Kljuro Bhldehara, minister to
The Hague, who ha also been secretary
to the embassy at Washington, will be
appointed Vic minister of foreign affair.
Gl Nakamara, consul general at New
Tork, will be named director of the de
partment of commercial affair at th
foreign office to succeed Jujlro SaJtata,
who will be appointed minister to Th
Hague. Mr. Nakamura' successor at
New Tork will probably be T. Tanaka,
who 1 now chief of th second section
of commercial affair ' at tb foreign
of flea.
In consequence of th war condition In
Europe, Japan ha decided to appoint a
minister to Switzerland. Hitherto the
minister to Th Hague has been accred
ited at th same time to Bwltserland. but
it is now deemed necessary to have a
special representatK In the little Euro
pean republic which ha developed Into
such an Important diplomatic center. The
new minister to Bern will be Kentaro
Ochiai, now consul general at Mukden.
It la understood that these appointment
will be facetted on November I.
Us Tb Be' "Swapper" eoluran.
Tomorrow to Be a Get-Together
Sunday School Day Through
out the Entire State.
Tomorrow will be ftunday school day
throughout Nebraska. It will be a get
together day for pushing th Sunday
school work. In practically alt the Prot
estant churches there will be rally day
terrlse In th place of the refills r morn
ing services. These wm be In charge of
the Sunday school pupils and In most
churches there will be programs of more
than ordinary Interest.
Officially Governor Morehead ha pro
claimed tomorrow Sunday school day, and
In so doing has Issued the following proc
lamation: "It ha come to my knowledge that
certain aocletles who have for their ob
ject, among other things, the special
study of th Bible, and nave Indicated a
particular day for the purpose of study
ing those portion that would tend to pro
mote harmony among people and nations.
"I hav been requested to give empha
sis to the movement a chief executive of
the stat. the day to be known a 'Ne
braska Get-Together Sunday School day.'
Believing that nothing other than good
could come of a conscientious study of
the Bible on the general topic of peace.,
and to subserve the best Interest of all,
I cheerfully endorse the proposition In
setting apart Sunday, November 7, 1818,
as the day when a statewide Sunday
school be held for the purposes Indicated,
and commend It to the attention of all
churches and th people generally."
With the new location at 1308 Douglas
of the Union Gospel Mission the work has
been very gratifying to all who -are in
terested In rescue mission work. Plans
have been made to have memebrs of the
gospel teams of Omaha take charge on
different nights In the week. Under the
leadership of A. M. Perry, uperlntndent
of the mission, and having back of it all
the co-operating churche of Omaha it Is
thought It Is destined to become one of
th best life-saving stations In the middle
The Gideon will hav charge of the
services each Saturday night, and there
will be the regular service Sundays
Sunday achool In the afternoon at 8
o'clock, with preaching both morning
and evening.
One of the first gospel team of the
Sunday Campaign association will have
charge of the Sunday night evangelistic
meeting at the First Congregational
church, Nineteenth and Dvenpor. There
will be lx men, either trail hitters or
business men who have received a new
vision of what Christianity mean to them
in the business world. Tbls most Inter
esting feature, together with a large cho
rus oholr singing th Tabemacl songs,
promise to make it an Interesting and
helpful meeting. A these men who are
to have charge of the meeting are taken
from the different vocation of life the
meeting will have added Interest to all.
About SOO persons assembled for th
prayer meeting at th North PreabyUrlan
church. Twenty-fourth and Wirt atreet.
last Wednesday evening. The number
on week ago was 184. Nearly all of th
new member were present.
Under th direction of Ben Stanley,
organist, there will be a special musical
ervlc at Trinity cathedral at 4:1 J
o'clock Sunday afternoon. The program
Processional Hymn Round th Lord
In Glory Seated
S. P. Whitney.
Andant from 6th Symphony.. Beethoven
Mr. Stanley.
Legend Op. 17 Wlenawskl
Air. rnii,
"O, Gladsome Ught"
The Choir.
Vorsplel from Ixhengrin..
Mr. Stanley.
Ave Marie
Airs. cunii-j. - J - .
Adagio from Concerto No. I Brucn
Mr. Brill.
Rcesslonat Hymn Rejoice Y Pure In
Heart B'ving
Grace, Tenth and Arbor, B. B Taft.
Pastor Men's prayer meeting at 9:30. Sun
da school at 10. Morning worship at 11.
Hubiect. "The Significance of Baptism.
Baptist Toung People's union at :45.
Evening acrvice at 1 30. Subject. ' Down
In the Pit." Miss. on Sunday school, 2010
South Fourth, it I.
First. Harnev Street and Park Avenue,
H. O. Rowlands, Minister preaching by
the pastor at 10:80. Subject. "Old Types
In New Forms." Bible school at noon.
Ordinance of th holy supper and bap
tism, with the reception of new member,
'calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton, J.
A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning. "The For
ward Look." Communion and reception
of new member. Evening. "Crystallsed
Indifference." Bible school at noon; O.
W. Noble, superintendent. Young peo
ple's meeting at :80, led by MeWerne
Metralf. Prayer and conference meeting
of the church Wednesday evening.
Olivet. Thirty-eighth Street and Grand
Avenue, William A. Mulford. Pastor
Morning worship at 11. Evangelistic and
baptismal service at 7:80. Sunday . school
at IS. Baptbat Young People' union at
t X Prayer and praise meeting Wednes
day evening at 8.
Immanuei, Twenty -fourth and Plnkney,
Arthur J, Morrla, Pastor Morning wor
ship at 10:.'. The lord s supper will be
observed at this service. Bible e-hool at
nen: Charlee W, Simon, superintendent.
verv member of the school Is urged to
be present. This Is Sunday school day
throughout Nebraska. Young people's
meeting at t ta. Kvenlng service at T .
Subject. "The Choir of a Moabltteh
Maiden." The ordinance of bant sm will
be administered at the close of the eve
ning service. Fellowship service Wednee
day evening.
First. Twenty-sixth and Harney,
Charles 13. Cobbev, Pastor Morning serv
ice at 11. Subject, "Gospel Facts as Typi
fied by God s Ieallna with th Children
of Israel." Kvenlng service at 7:90. Sub
ject. "The NeceesTtv of Kalth." Bible
school at . Christian Endeavor at 4:46.
Christian arte.
First. St. Mary' Avenue and Twenty
fourth Street Services at 11 and 8. Sub
ject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday
school (two sessions) at 8 4t and 11.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8.
Second, Underwood Avenue and Fiftieth
Street, Dundee Hall Services at 11. Sub
ject. "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday
school at 8:4o. Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8.
Pt. Mary' Avenue, St. Mary' Avenue
and Twenty-seventh Street, Rev. tlus
tsvus A. llulbert. Minister Morning serv
ice at l:30. 1'reachlng by the pastor.
Kelly rholr. Sunday school at noon, with
kindergarten. Midweek service Wednes
day evening at .
Hillside, 'thirtieth and Ohio, Rev. W. 8.
Hampton, Pastor Morning service at 11.
sermon and reception of members. Kven
ItiK service at 7:80. Evangelistic service
verv night next week except Monday.
iSundav school at 10, L. Stegner, super
intendent. Senior Endeavor at Inter
mediate Endeavor at 4. Junior Kndeavor
at a.
Plymouth. Eighteenth and Rmmet,
Rev. F. W. Ieavltt. Minister-Meeting
with candidates at 10. Morning service
at 10:80. Keceptlon of members and Lord's
supper. Sunday school st noon. Young
People's meeting at 8.80. Evangelistic
service at 7:30. Attorney T. A. Holllster
will speak. Wednesday at 8. !?vangel1tlc
service for vervbody. Ovnverts' meeting.
Flret, Nineteenth and Davenport, Fred
erick T. House, Tsstor; Denton B. Cleve
land, Assistant Morning service. Ingath
ering communion, at 10:80. There will be
a service of welcome to the fifty or more
who are coming Into the church, followed
by communion service. Sunday school at
noon. Large classes for men and women.
A young men's HI hie class will be or
ganised by Denton K. Cleveland. Down
town evangelistic services at 7:8ii. A gos
pel team of trail-hitter will conduct a
testimony and gospel service and taber
nacle song service. Young people Invited
Into the chorus choir. Junior and Inter
mediate Young People's aocletles at 8 80.
Wednesday the old church members will
srve a reception to all the new members,
beginning at 7:30.
St. Andrew, Forty-first and Charle.
J. E. r lockuart, Hector K triy com
munion at 8. Sunday s. hocl at V 4c. Late
communion at 11. Hev. John Flockhart,
sr., w.ll prcauh. Evening service at V:U
Good music
Churoh of th Good Shepherd, Twen
tieth and Ohio, Rev. Thomas J. Collar,
Hector Twenty-third Sunday after Trin
ity. Holv communion at 7:80. Church
school at 8:40. Second celebration of the
holy communion, with sermon at 11.
Evening prayer and sermon- at 7:80.
Grace United. Camden Avenue and
North Twenty-seventh Street. Rev.
Thomas M. Evana, Pastor Hev. M. T.
Mage of Lincoln, will preach Saturday
at K and Sabbath at 1L The pastor will
preach at 7:30. Sunday school at 10. Key
stone League of Christian Endeavor
at -30
German. Eighteenth and Cuming, Rev.
F. Ostertag, Pastor Sunday achool at
10. Qerman and English classes. Ser
mon at 11 and 1 Rev. A. Breuechle of
Murdock, will preach the word, celebra
tion of the Lord' supper at th noon
hour. Bible study at 7:18.
Our Savior' Danish, Twenty-ssoond
and Leavenworth, Rev. P. B. Ammen
tayr. Pastor. Sunday achool at 8:30.
Service at 10:80 and 8:14.
St. Matthew' English, Nineteenth and
Ce stellar. Rev. O. W. Snyder, Pastor
Morning service at 11. Subject. "Not
Doing What Jesus ." No evening
serlce at th churoh. bandar school at
10. Subject. ' Repairing th Tempi."
St. Paula, Twenty-fifth and Bvaas.
Rev. E. T. Otto. Pastor Aervloe: Morn
ing at 10: evening In English at 7:80.
Subject. "Retaining the Blessing of the
Reformation." Sunday achool at 11:80.
Young People' meeting. No. 10, at 8.
Confirmation class. Tuesday, at 7:80.
St. Mark' English, Twentieth and Bur
dette. Rev. L. Groh, Pastor At 1L sermon
subject, "The True Way to Heaven."
Sunday school at 8:46. Service at 7.30.
sermon on "Hope for the Worst Sinner "
Christian Endeavor at 8:48.
Our Savior' Norwegian-Danish. Hamil
ton and Twenty-sixth. Rev. M. W. Halver
son, Pastor Services In Norwegian-Danish
at 11. English at 8. Sunday school
at 10. Mission society meets at parson
age, Wednesday afternoon. Ladles' Aid
at Mrs. Will Nlelson, corner Thirtieth
and Lake, Thursday. Catechumen class
Friday evening at 7:80.
Grace English, 1828 South Twenty
sixth, Rev. C. N. Swlhart. Minister At
11. "A True Revival." At 8. " A Vision
of Wheels." Sunday school at 10. J. F.
Smith, superintendent. Luther le-tgue at
7, Mls Anna Swsnson, leader. West
Leavenworth and Forty-eighth Street
Hundav school (hall), at 2:80. Classes n
catechism, Tuesday at 8. 8111 Poppleton.
Thursday at 8. Friday at 4.
Zlon. Thirty-sixth Street and Lafayette
Avenue. Rev. A. T. Lorimer. Pastor
Sundav school at 8:46. Services at 11 and
8. Monday evening. November 8 the Sun
day school teacher will meet In the
church parlor. Trustees wll hold their
monthlv meeting. Monday evening. Tues
day evening, the Luther league will meet
at the home of Mis Anna Hanson, 708
North Forty-seventh. Wednesday even
ing, prayer meeting. Thursday evening,
choir practice. Thursday evening. Nov
ember 11, the pastor will organise a
Bible and confirmation olasa of adults.
Regular confirmation class will meet Sat
urday afternoon at I. .
Kountie Memorial, Farnam Street and
Twenty-sixth Avenue. Ilrv. Oliver l.
Haltrly. Pastor; Itev C. Kranklln Koch,
Aoclate Pastor Morning worship at II;
"The Beat Cltlaen Who Is He T" lOven
lh worship at 8: "All the W orld In Two
Clasaes Kind Your Plnee " Sunday
school at 8 4V Oscar P liwdnin. super
intendent. Luther l.eaiie at 1. Branch
Sunday school. Urnld hell. Twenty-fourth
and Ames, at 3 Preaching Immediately
afterward by Rev. Mr. Paltsl.,
Mfcndla. Walnut Hill. rVrty-flret snd Charles
Oliver Kevp, Minister-Preaching at H W
and 7 0. Sunday school at noon. league
at 7.80.
Hirst. Thlrtv-fovrth and Ijrlmore.
, Thomas 1'nh' II Ta tor ab'iath c'ool
; at 10. Morntnt service t It, Kpwnh
league at .. errvke at 7.5.
The Associated Itlh'e Students meet In
Lyrio building. Nineteenth and Fernam,
at 8 D. m. J, H. McNnught tll lecture:
topic, "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses.'
Diets Memorial, Tenth snd Pierce. C.
N. Dawson, Pastor Sunday services;
Sunday school, 8 a. nv. Dr. J. L
Frans. superintendent' preaching, 11 a.
m.. "Care of Children; V'nworth league,
8 80 p. nv. Dr. Frans. lee der; prearhlnq.
Be Loyal
To Your Stomach
"So p. m . "Cholc of Masters;" prayer
meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m.
First Swedish, Rurt and Nineteenth,
Rev. Gustav Friekeon. Pastor Sunday
school at 10. Preaching service at ll.
IVworth Ieegue service at 8 , Preach
ing and communion service at 7 30 Hev.
IVter Munaon. district superintendent,
will preach morning and evening. How
ard Steerg will sing at the evening serv.
Ice Next week la Wln-My-Chum week,
with special services.
Tfler Memorial, South Omaha. Rev.
Fdmund Sllverbrand, Pastor-Sunday
achool at 10. Preaching at 11; subject.
"The Church at Work." Fpworth Iasue
st Kvangellstlc service at 7:80; sub
ject, "What Is a Christian?" There will
oe a reception of new member at both
morning and evening services. The first
quarterly conference will be held at the
church Monday at :80.
Mrt'ahe, Fortieth and Fa mam. Rev. W.
H. I'nderwood, Pastor Morning service
at II; subject, "Our Best Help.'- Kvenlng
sen-Ice at 7 80; "The Life That Tells.
Sunday school at :4f; Mrs. Kntrlkln. su-
Jierlntendeht. Adult Bible class nt 8.4R;
lohn Lew Is. teacher. Fpworth Iatue at
8:V "Wln-Mv-rhum" services will be
heiil each night during the week except
t St Cream Applied In NowMla T
it. O Plkt I 'n X
.naiant re in. i no waiting. Your clogged
nostrils open right up; the air pasng-s
ef your head clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug--Rllng
for breath at night; your cold or
cttarrh disappears.
Oet a small bottle of Ely' Cream Balm
from your druggist now. Apply a little
of this fraKrr.nt. antiseptic, heallns cream
In your n strlla. It penetrates't
eveiy rlr passage of the head, co'hes th
Inflsined or sr.-ollen mucous membrau
htid relief eotres Instantly.
If Just fin. Don't stay stoffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Advert se
men t.
and you are sure to be well reward
ed. You will enjoy your meals, the
appetite will be keen, the digestion
will be good and the action of the
liver and bowels will be normal.
This really constitutes good health.
But, there will come a time when
weakness is manifested, when help
is needed promptly; then you should
II soothe; nd itriajthtm tho titiri difestivf systim and it kound
to help jroi viry natorlally. All jftara' rioord it kaek of It
S3'iinTilir-'ie'' n" rr'1 r rifaif
..- 4UuULUlUllilUllULUlllilLllllllUllliailllilUl!li,:
!Et: terete M
I I ip
? t I T ..
Umki 1 - vmt M
i ll i ll i yf4V ij; iRrriV
HI , i
TIIE Choney Talking Machine Company announce with pleasure
the appointment of the ,
BurgEss-Nash Company
Sole Representatives
for Omaha and vicinity of the Cheney Talking Machine - the most
perfect musical reproducing machine of its type yet introduced.
The Cheney Talking Machine repre
sents a distinct advance In acoustical
Bclence. Starting with a fundamental
knowledge pf the physical properties of
sound, Mr, Cheney has constructed a
machine which applies these principle
In the reproduction of musical tones in
their entirety.
The tonal beauty and clear articula
tion of the human voice and even the
personality of the singer is preserved.
It Is easy to tell yrho Is singing. In the
upper soprano registers the tones are
clear, round and full not shrill.
The quality of tone is the same with,
either a loud or soft needle.
The volume of sound can be regu
lated to the slr.e and acoustic proper
ties of a room.
Mr. Cheney, the Inventor, Is a violin
ist. The violin curve has for centuries
been used to produce the purest, sweet
est tones known In the construction of
musical Instruments. This violin curve
Mr. Cheney has applied In the construc
tion of the Cheney Talking Machine.
The Mechanical Throat Cubical air
chamber constructed on the same prin
ciples of the human throat. To illus
trate the exactitude with which the
structure of the throat Is copied, there
Is even a mechanical palate bar that
holds back and controls musical vibra
tions In the mechanical throat similar
to the function of the palate In the hu
man throat.
The "Cheney" is a machine that not
only reproduces sound, but also over
tones or colortones, wherein lies the
charm of vocal, Instrumental and or
chestral muslo. It preserves and rein
forces the pure tone In Its entirety. All .
rasping and scraping sound, due to th
mechanism, are minimized. In the re-
production of orchestral muslo a perfect
ensemble is maintained - every Indi
vidual Instrument Is heard distinctly,
and In perfect balance with every other
We want you to hear this remarkable
instrument, whether you Intend to pur
chase or not, doesn't matter. If you
already own a talking machine, you'll be
Interested In making a comparison. But
hear It. Come anytime. Demonstrations .
all day long.
ffiffl , , I Talking Machine I ' mm
P" DepuFounnFloor
Fill f 1 i r.