6-X TTTR OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 7, 1015. CRISIS NEAR III ROM CABINET iUlitn Miniiten Exchange Epithets and One Hurls Book at Hit Col league During Quarrel. W02TT HELP IN THE BALKAU3 BITM.ICTIW. ROME, Not. 6 (Via Farts, Not. 6.) The reports that Italy will take a hand in the conflict In the Balkans by launching an expedition In Al bania received no conflrmttlon In official Quarters here. The negative attitude of officials leads to the strong conTiction that no Albania ex pedition la Intended. ROME (Via Parts), Not. 6 Sharp differences of opinion hare developed In the cabinet concerning the war. These differences bate not reached the extent of a crisis, but bare brought about a conflict In views, leading to an exciting Incident One of the ministers at a recent meet ing of the cabinet la said to havs ex tressed th view that Italy's best Inter ests would be served by asslstlns; a movement toward th restoration of peace. This caused an angry protest, and chars war mad against the s-ood faith of the minister suKSUn peace. Epi thets were enrtured In, and one of the ministers, according- to reports, overcome by Indignation, threw a book at his col league whose suggestion had caused the strife. rarr is r The Incident Is declared to hare been largely 'of a personal nature and the cabinet and country are united, with this exception for continuing the present pol- While a cabinet crisis, suoh as those which bare occurred In Franca, England and Russia bare been avoided, opinion here is divided concerning the conduct of the war, eapeclaUy as regards a Balkan expedition. Lieutenant General Count Cadorna'e will has triumphed In this respect. He said he would rather resign as chief of the general staff than allow a part of bis troops to participate in a Balkan undertaking, and bis new was finally adopted by the minister of war and the entire cabinet. Existing relations . between . Italy and Germany are a subject of Interest among Italian political observers, owing to ths lack of declaration of war upon either Ida, and because both countries seem ingly are avoiding anything which might embitter their intercourse, Parleys Talilns Place. Negotiations are actually taking place with a view to an exchange between the two countries of certain products which do not bear directly on the war. In some well-informed quarters It Is thought when Italy denounced the triple all lan oe and joined the entente allies. It mads a declaration to the entente that Its participation In the war was limited to fighting Austria-Hungary, with the object of conquering the Italian provinces still subject to Austrian rule, at the same time stating that It did not wish to ex tend hoattUUos to Oermany. This situa tion, it Is pointed out, might enable the two countries to help each other In given circumstances. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Omaha Homestead of the Yeomen Initiate i Large Class, Putting on the Third Degree. GRAUD Officers are present Little Dinner Given ; Solons by New Haven . "Cuts the Mustard'.' VrtSW TORK, Nov. I.-"A little dinner" given by John M. Hall, former president of the New York. New Haven Hart ford railroad to the railroad committee 1 ef the lower bouse of the Connecticut legislature, figures In ths testimony In troduced by the government today at ths trial of the eleven former directors of the New Haven road, charged with vio lation of the Sherman anti-trust law. The dinner was given,, according to letter written by Half, as the culmina tion of political activities In behalf of ths New Haven which resulted In the failure of a Connecticut Trolley company to ob tain a charter to build a line paralleling the New Haven. It was the Montvllle line, running from Grot on to Norwich, Conn, "I went over to the eepltol," Hall wrote, on July S, UBt. to E. C Robinson, a New Haven director, "and found the railroad committee bad resurrected the Montvllle charter and got it Into the sen ate. As I was alone, I had to fly around among the senators and get them to re bury It. At ths little dlnnsr we gave the committee- afterward at the Hartford club, they seamed well satisfied." It Wednesday evening Omaha home stead No. leM, Brotherhood of American Teomen, Initiated a clam of forty-el members, the Fremont degree team doing the work. After the Initiation Stats Man ager W. J. Tyley put on the third drree, the first time It was ever siernpllfied In Omaha. This la the first Initiation In Omaha since the new district manager, W. A. Boetlck, has taken charge of this territory. The Fremont degree team was enter tained at a o'clock dinner by the wom en s drill team and degree staff of the Omaha lodge. After the Initiation Brother Btallcop, grand master of ceremonies, from the supreme office, gave an Instruc tive) talk on the various experiences he has bad as he baa traveled throughout the United States and Canada wherever there are Teomen lodgea State Manager W. J. TUey explained the value of the Teomen policy, contending that the Teomen rates would never be changed. He concluded by aaylng that ho had already set on foot a movement to obtain for Omaha the next supreme conclave of the Brotherhood of American Teomen, which will be held In 1M7. Next Wednesday evening Omaha home stead will give the next dance of the win ter series in its hail In Labor temple. VMian ef the World. The entertainment given by Bchlller camp No. SO last Thursday evening was a great success. Every detail of the pro a-ram was enjoyed by Its membership. This Is the first of ft series of onterteaa ments arranged for the enjoyment of members during the winter. South Omaha camp No. Ill baa reorgan ised Its drill team, with Roy Huett, cap tain. Officers are holding weekly re heamats, and when real work presents Itself they will be able to do It In a sat isfactory manner. An -entertaining pro gram baa been arranged for the enter tainment of Its members and will be pre sented at the meetings during the month. Bableskl camp No. 7S will meet ' this afternoon at Its ball. Twenty-ninth and Walnut streets, to transact regular monthly business. Candidates will be Initiated. Cedar Wood camp No. 19 will meet to day at National hall for regular business. Lithuanian camp No, 444 has promised large class for initiation at Its regular meeting November 14. Joe Uvlrk, clerk of this camp, baa recovered from his in- Jury and la now ready to push entehaias- tleally the Interest of this camp. The Woodmen of ths World camp of Benson will oonduct the cornerstone serv ices of the city hall next Sunday after noon, when Sovereign Commander Fraanr will have charge. All the fraternal or ganizations ond the women's organisa tions of Benson will participate In the parade from the old city hall to the lo cation of the new hail on Main street. Idepadeat Order of Odd Fellows. Wasa lodge No. 16S celebrated the twen ty-fifth anniversary of Its Institution last Sunday, October SI, in a fitting manner. A seleot program of apeeohes and musical numbers was given, followed by a supper, after which dancing was the order of the evening. Was lodge was Instituted Oo- tober SI, ISM, by Grand Master John Evans of Omaha, who made It possible for this lodge to organise and succeed. The lodge now, has Z25 members and dur ing the twenty-ftv years of Its exist an ce 0RAI7D WARDEN OF NEBRASKA ODD FELLOWS. r a nun Vlc President of the Nebraska Stats Board of Health. has paid cut mors than 118.000 for sick benefits and still has ft balance cf sev eral thousand dollars in ths right slds of the ledger. Only two of the charter members, 8wan Larson and Ous Sella, are now members of ths lodge. With ths experience and growth gained during ths last twenty-five years the future looks to be exceedingly bright for Wasa lodge. State lodge No. 10 will have work in the Initatory degree next Monday evening. Belle Rebekah lodge of Benson win glvs an entertainment and supper for Its members and their families next Friday evening at Odd Fellows ball. Dannebrog lodge No, SIS will put on the first degree work next Friday evening. Hesperian encampment No. S will have work In the Golden Rule and Royal Purple degrees a wsek from next Thurs day. Falted Workmen. Oats City lodge No. eg will serve oysters at a card party and dance Tuesday eve ning. The central committee will hold the next Joint meeting with Soutlt Omaha lodge No. t at the South Side temple, Twentyrtfth and M streets. John I Ken nedy will speak on "The Open Door of Opportunity," Tuesday, November M. Maeeabeea. Omaha tent No. TO will hold Its regular meeting Monday evening. The entertain ment committee la planning for a big open meeting November . State Com mander Lee was In ths city during the week and arranged for ft campaign for the fall and winter. Knights and led lee mt Secwrlty Omaska council No. S29S will give ft dance at Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and Douglas streets, on the evening of No vember t. This council Is also planning to bold a basaar the latter part of the month. Fraternal TTiUoa. Kandamln lodge No. 1U met Tuesday evening, with two visiting members. The next meeting will be Tuesday evening at Labor temple, DYNAMITE CHECKS FIRE AT CLIFTON MINE PLANT CLIFTON, Aria, Nov. S. Fire which destroyed ths old copper concentrator building of the Arlaona Copper com pen 5 and also the ore bins of the same firm here was checked late tonight, and the add plant and store ef the company saved. Ths damage has not been estl-, mated. . i So far as could be teamed, the fire started on ths roof of the concentrator from an unknown origin. The liberal use ef dynamite en the concentrator building and ore bins by the fire fighters assisted In checking the fire. 1 ?3 r-" -n iMiiMtttUiitiWiiUetlM aim I t-3 f I ZI f isMimJ JliUzi laT-'sTKM g tl A 1 IL. 1 I 1 "A. ...-ei hi II ft Min l ii- c iniiLt.i i a mm ii mj n w tan vji bl 3ax m m mm kaW as m mmw w- i P of Updike's "Vilim i OMAHA" Flour (86 Lbs.) WILSON APPROVES PLAN FOR AERIAL COAST PATROLS WASHINGTON. No. g Approval was given by President Wilson tonight to a movement started in Portland, Me., for the Inauguration of a system of serial 'IF?: tr U EMM PI A II" r.L!..i . I eUv 4a.s coat patrol, along the coast line, of the i fctal I WI1 ltlILaf WUUIIIUI UIIU IVsfVJ TTltlttVl fttsmtstem. Thai mAVInMflt Vimm Kaain i ZZ1 BOM started by private Individuals who pro-1 g3 pose to place their services at the dls-' EE3 posal of the federal government In time of war. Dyspepsia Spoils Beauty A Good, fttwrp Appetite and Perfect Digestion arc the Bnire Ways to Attain and Keep the Beaut of Health. Try Btnarfs Dyspepsia Tablets TM. Nothing will spoil the complexion, dim ths eyes and cava in the cheeks quicker than digestive troubles. gust TJsa "Sty Scanty e e r e t f tnart's Dyspepsia Tablets for Oood D geetloai Xet BTatue Do the Best." The poisonous by-products of bowel fermentation are absorbed Into the blood and simply ruin the good looks of ths victim. A bad complexion, haggard ap pearance and emaciation are the specific results. By taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the digestion is made normal and ths menace to good looks and good health removed. Get too package of Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets at any drug store, or send cou pon for free trial. Free Trial Coupon T. A. grnart Oo Boa Waart Bull 3. lag, Marshall MloK, send me st once a free trial package of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. NlSM) tit, Street .... City State With Every Sale of KITCHEU AID CADK3ETS I Evory Cabinet in This Salo is Offered at a Spocial LOW Price. If you failed to got your 48- U cilfn off Desist rf r-M iho C7loili OimO Monday to THE UNION OUTFITTING CO. You Got tho Cabinet at a Reduced Prico, and tho Flour lo An Extra Gift. TlilS DIG KITCHEN MAID CABINET AND TWO 48-lb. SACKS (96 lbs.) OF pride or OMAHA FLOUR IS! IgVrLoun el i Y It 1 IIPmKFM!IIKCra All 9 CA n..., i p s2aaa ' IKkU jZ5aM:!aJI1.J: Z'L h . h IP) VlB. ?1 0 ?3 B C3 t3 WHY THIS UNUSUAL OFFER In exchange for the advertising we give them, the manufacturers of Kitchen-Maid cab-1 Inets and the Updike Milling Company, millers of "Pride of Omaha" flour nave made us a liberal concession and in order to further introduce these cabinets, the Union Outfitting Co. has combined with them and has also made a concession, for a wonderful offering like this naturally means a greater business for us. It also serves to further introduce these splendid goods into more Omaha homes, so that in the end, as you can plainly see, everybody profits and you are given two large sacks of flour free over and above the special low prices at which these cabinets are offered you during this sale. THE TERMS Pride of Omaha Flour Kitchen Haid Cabinets fllMlMPEHS STlMSll' 'I H Jfj r i Is made right here In Omaha at the big Updike Milling Co.'a mill. This. Hour is made from the finest wheat grown in Ne braska your own etate. It comes to you in the Up dike Milling Co.'b new sanitary paper lined sack a that are air and dust proof. We absolutely guarantee this flour to be. of the finest grade and oi the purest Quality. We consider this one of the most remark able kitchen cabinets for the money we . hare erer seen. Look around and compare and you will find that its equal cannot be bought elsewhere for an amount consider ably above the price we ask. Kitchen-Maid cabinets are wonderful savers of time and work. They have every convenience large flour bin with sifter attached large sanitary cake and bread box with sliding top cutlery drawers large cooking uten sil compartment and many other conven iences. (2.50 Cash and 75c weekly applies not only ' to this cabinet, but to any cabinet yon may select, so that there is positively no excuse for you not being able to secure one of these wonderful Kltchen Maid cabinets and get the two sacks, of Pride of Omaha flour thrown in free for good measure. id RIO LAGES AT HALIFAX WITH FIRE IN ITS HOLD HALIFAX. N. B-i Nov. L-The Brittsa staamar Rio Lagos, rsportod on firs at aoa, arrivo4 bars tonight The fir in No. t hold was bu ruins' briskly. Ths Bio Lagos Uft Now Tork o Octo ber tl tor Quoonstowa with a cargo or sugar. Ths firs was diaoovorod rostorday morning and as it was found Impoealbts to gt It undsr eontrol ths staamor was hoadod for this port It was aachorad eft quarantine tonisht Culls from the Wire A countryside tducatlonal camnalra to oot 50 for tho puriosO of te.v:h li( the cublio to ui nil Ik as a means of doiwealn( ths coat of living and for improvmnt or Mwltn was authoring oy tas National lairr council at Chi. etifo. Henry pa'rd Ilavlll of Chloaio to a : ic tea preaiuent (or uol. RfgUtxatlon and MRrrsatlon of persons having tubvrcuh'Sts v.ero advocatol ss tn surrst way of combattlnic ths spread of the !laae, brturo the Joint mevtlrg of the North Atlantio tiiheroulnata con t.rnvce and the New York t'lbnrctili'als conferenue at Albany. N. Y.. by Vr. Victor Q. Hetser, ill red or ot tn Department of UocUii of Um l'hlllpplne Ulande. "Uttle Vletro" Vlvlano was acquitted of ths murdtr of balvetore Lupo, reputed 1. .Vr In ft. Louis of tho so-calleil black int society. Ixipo sevrral months ayo killed ' Bs Pirtro Vlvlano. a wealthy SPHKhetti manutMrturer nnd couln ot "Littla Pluro." WblU detectives lrjin Lupo to tiie police station, "Little lietro?' shot and killd hlin. "Lit lis tletxo," pleaded self -drfenso. Tho medical inlaatonary corfervnee stidrd Its four-day convention at Battle C reek, HI' h. Speakers were iTililonarl.s rwenily fr" ' Turkey. Ir. E. Ut. John Vv'ard of l'.elrot aald the reports tf atriw-itiee committed by tho Turks had b-en curiiriil by the KiiKlUh frees. All I lie oilier eneakere. however, declared the publ shea storiea of Armenian maacacreo wt-re not overdrawn. Ths case to determliio whether ths stuie haa the rltbt to enact and enforce aiate-wme prolilbltUin l.leaJon was placed before the Colorado eupremo court -at leiivor witt the filltif of a reply brlet of Pred Furrer. attorney geueraX A decia o is looked for In ! iciu'i.r and is i-ctcd to form a basis fi.r the etif'Teeu.. .,t of state-wide Proht' vr'ir i 1 i'i 1 ... . in i i r. , . u n i i t, iisy ? 1 " V s Do You Consider Expense As Well as Appe avarice? Don't you often pay more than you can afford just to bo sure that you will not get badly styled, poorly made clothes? You don't have to pay a premium to safe-guard your appear ance when you buy tylepSiis jyj vaaoe soiavsacw 'The eame price the mxrld over." They are for the men ivho consider their dol lars as well as their appearance. And the price $17 fits the income of more than 63 out of 100 men. The makers saw the adrantage of specialiiing on a suit whose price would appeal to such a great number of men. Due to volume output and scientific economies on a great scale, thej hare been able to give guaranteed all-wool fabrics, high grade tailoring, plus the styling of a fashion artist whose work is famous. Come in and see one of these suits that are nationally popular. We have all the new cloth conceptions and a range of models that consider sons, fathers and grandfathers all tastes; all years. Style plus guaranteed wear for $17. Tou can not beat it, so why not try it t The Be rn3sr3ri asf-f Wfi with ri Plank 1, ,,m ' uii ii I jwn""" yf Colonial Dressers - and CKIFFCNIERES Values That Create New Low Price Records lnd these places ery attractive. Ths base of -he dresser measures 42 inches) la length with plank top and the mirror Is bevel plate. The plank top chif fonier matches the drenser and you will be surprised at '-he large storage capacity, plate mirror. Your choice of dresser or chlffonlere ige capa 11 12 Latest and This Grafonola Selections Columbia 78 Is equipped with pow erful silent Columbia 3-spring motor capable of playing 4 records with one winding. Tba Columbia tone Is In comparable and match less. ONE DOLLAR A WEEK' PUTS A COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA IN YOUR HOME. It-- til II 1 !9 VOCR OLD STOVB TAKES AS PART PAYMENT OX- A NEW RANGE OR IUSEBVRXER, H HOI 1 n kh ; risrt SEHOIoi GOODS AXII OOLtiMBIA GRAF OXOL.S HOliJ OUT OK TOWN ON EASY PAY ME NTH. FREIGHT PAIU 200 M1LEH. No freight allowed on spe cials or Columbia Grafo-iiola. COMEIXATIOM COAL ARD GAS RANGES Thess splendid ranges permit yuu to bu.' coal or wood jlik hum. Th coal rans la fitted with four larre S-ln. lids an. I the iraa part has tour evlendld pafente burners on top. A sinifle oven senrvr for Slther furpo'- XT tTfJ HOT IOST. TKB VlTIOlff XAKXS XT aUOXT 3 HOWARD OVER DtLKT HEATERS ' Our big sales of these wonderful stoves Indicate that they give ab solute s a tiafao tlon and save money. Many styles moder ate prices easy terms. See Ocr Full Line of SPLEESIO STEEL RAKGES f.y546.50 pil fitting OMAHA V SLCX)IU5&-JXKS0:i 5T5LS PEOPLES BTOKE W I 1 1 1 ' RASEBVRNERr M With larse auto matic feed maga zine and large firebox. 933.00 value, special $29io awilln etl eHfmf'l" nKiiiniinnimniMUMewn) rrnrm? wmtftrrmmnmi!ftrfttitrf ttirl t it ion In Colorado, wtUa booomsa (- iiuLUilLUiauiiiUiimUiiiltuitiL Vui Januaiy 1, XsbK