Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Apply Sage Tea
if TTn J Y To flrntr
11 .111111 AO UHtljr
Grandma Used Sage Tea and
Sulphur to Darken Her Hair
and Nobody Knew.
Tha um of Sss and Sulphur for restor
ln faded, (Tar hair to 1U, natural color
data bark to grandmother's time. Hhs
wed tt to keep her hair beautifully dark, 1
glossy and abundant Whenever her fcalr
fell out or took on that dull, faded or I
streaked appearance, thla almpla mUtura
m applied with wonderful effect. I
.But brewing at home la muaay and out-
ef-dats. Nowaday, by aaklng at any I
a . . k.(1. f ..w...k'. '
Rage and Sulphur Compound," you will
get thia famoua old recipe which can be
depended upon to reatore natural color
and beauty to tha hair and la splendid
for dandruff, dry. feverish. Itchy acalp
and falling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist says
It darkens tha hair o naturally and
evenly that nobody can tall It has been
applied. Ton simply dampen a sponge or
soft brusd with it and draw thla through
your hair, taking ona atrand at a tlma.
By morning tha gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two It be
comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and
abundant. Advertisement.
This Change In
Location Will
Benefit YOU!
We entered Into an era of
lower rent and far lees gen
eral expense when we took
oer the "Rochester Clothea
Shop" business and as
sumed their store room at
. this1 location. We can now
PAY a little more tor the
clothes WW buy to sell at
$10 and 16. Much of what
formerly went Into rent mar
, bow be placed In CLOTH
and MAKE UP. .
5 Clothes Shop
Men's Suits at
$10 and $15
nor Grand Hotel Tttdg.,
Cor. 10th and Howard fits.
fain npiiaiipna
, HAM imiUYtttt
ansa - n a unpnalia
Bill. 1 1 a f 1 1 ' If I 1 1 V-
Mill. UAiiucnuuo
Soal TJss Voiaoaons e-Oalls4
Bjapexflaeas Kal sVsnovsrs.
., Tom may escape permanent Injury If
tou um o-calll hair ramovara. but you
cannot seeaps an Increased growth ts
cauee after i each removal the hair la
bound to grow out more hrteily and In
tlma It will become so ooarae that notfe-
Inm . will remove it but a rasor.
The only aafa way to remove hair Is
i tn devitalise It It ia Uenleea to Ui
' pastes or rub-on preparations because
Vthey only remove hair from tha rfece
of tha akin. DeMlracle. tha o. '.final
'liquid depilatory, devitalises hair by at
1 tacking it under tha skin as wail as on
.'the akin.
. Imitations of DeMlraol are aa worth
less aa paates and rub-on preparation
becauee they lack certain Ingredients
. that DeMlmnla aloha contains whloh
'- irtva t the power to r-b hair of Ita vltai
.Ity. Kemember DeMlracle la tha only
depilatory that has a binding guarantee
in eerh mrHl whloh entltlea you to
vour luuiv if It faila Insist en tha
genuine PeVflrarle and you will get tha
original liquid hair remover, others are
wortnleM Imltallone refuse them.
' DeMlnuele la aoid m SM and 2.0 bot
' Ilea. The iarser alia ia the moat aeon
oroloal for dermatologlata and large
uaere to buy. If your dealer will not
supply you order direct from us. The
truth about" the treatment -of -euneWlu,
' oua hair mailed tn plain afed envelope,
' . on requeat, DeMlracle Chemical Com-
Tiany. Iiept B. Park Ave. ana ivta e..,
, New Tork.
Nothing; excites more criticism than a
woman with her face all daubed with
face powder In her desire to hide a
. faulty or an aging skin. Initead of
ual&g powder, which dogs and enlarges
the pores. It Is far better to use a good
faoe lotian that will Improve and per
( manently benefit ths skin. By dlosoW
. lng fous ounces of spurmaa In a half
Ijplnt of hot'waur you can make an In
expensive lotion that will do wonders
as a akin whltensr and complexion beau
Ufler. It removes all shlnlnass. sallow
"ness and roughness, and gives ths skin
. a smooth, velvety tons, while It does not
rub off easuV llks powder, nor does It
show on the akin.
By waahlng ths hair with a teaspoon
ful of canthrox dlaaulvsd in a cup of
hot water, afterward rinsing thoroughly
, with clear water, one finds that It dries
quickly and evenly, is unstreaked, bright
,soft sad very fluffy, as fluffy, in faot.
that it looks more abundant than It la
and so soft that arranging It -eoomee
a pleasure. This simple, lusxpensiv
ahempoo cleanses tha hair and scalp
thoroushly of all dandruff and dirt
- and leaves a clean, wholesome feailnx.
AU scalp irritation will HaipitJt. . and
tha hair will be brighter and glusaler
than ever before- AdverUaemant
V ,."",iv , : f
Patriotiim Prerents the Officials of
Russia from Precipitating Strike
ia All the Factories.
fCrrpnn1nca of tha Associated Praaa.)
LONDON, Oot. . Ths prorogation of
tha Russian Duma, according to account
that hava reached London from members
of tha octobrlst and progrraslva ps'tlcs.
waa one of tha severest vl which rro-
met alnca It rams Inui being. Only tha
ohaer paflotlsm of tha men who guided
tha majority In that oody prevented tha
prorogation from becoming disaster of
the moat fsr-resrhlng Import At ona
tlma It threatened to precipitate a rteneral
atiika In all the factorlea applying tha
army- atrlke which would hava loft tha
army helnleaa.
Tha following account of tha . crisis
oamos from member of tha progreaalva
"Flrrt of all, it I noressnry to realise
exactly what thia Duma meant to the
Rueslan prople. That people waa endur
ing tha hxavy mental strain j( a Ion?
?r" of. r!'?-!'1'" " '
Z v 1 . .
J" J""" hundred of mllea from tha
'ron Wounded soldier, returning to tha
hf'rt of ho. coun'r' ,,ro"lht to town Md.
"' that made tho lack of
""minltlnn mora than an Intellectual
Problem. Tha raault was that tha corn-
non people wi-re clamorous for ' (pen
crltlclara snd some sort of control of the
bureaucracy, which It fait was responsi
ble, and tha Duma seemed to all classci
tha only hops of suoh crltlctera snd con
trol. For a tlms It wss refused to them.
Then, under the stresi of tha fall of War
saw, the government decided to yiel-J and.
summon the Duma. j
Poarteea Dlatlaet Parties.
'The Duma, conscious that the nation
for once was united behind it, aatcntahoa
everyone by the thoroughness and frank
neaa with which It U tacked, in a hundred
speeches tho probUms that had been tn
tha minds of all. It soon became svident
that this was to be a different sort at a
Duma from those which had preceded It.
J It was to be a parliament la fact as well
jas name, for the membership, always
heretofore broken up Into tiny political
' groups which mads ani'tMng llks con
certed action wall nigh Impose! bio, began
to wield Itself Into two or three parties
and a real majority part began to ap
pear, for the first tlms In history.
"There are fourteen so-called parties
represented la the Russian Duma, as fol
io wai
Extreme right, nationalists, prorreaatva
nationalists, light octobrtsts, semstro
octrobrists, . Isft octobrtsts, Poles, Mo
hammedans, peasants, progreaslvea,
csdets, labor members, social democrat.
; social democratic minority party. -
"Whlls thus disunited tha Duma was
weak. But things began to assums a
very different aspsct when MlUukor,
leader of tha oadats, and Ouchkov, laadsr
of tha octroblsts. working together,
suoceeded In forming what was called tha
progressive bloc. They combined all the
parties In the preceding list sroept the
first three and the last two. Then for
the first time the government waa faoed
by a Duma with the power of making
Itself felt The majority enjoyed by the
progreaalva Moo was absolutely over
whelming, ! ' ' t i , t-
The Neat stave.
"The nest stage In the story was the
result of ths peculiar character of the
Ruastan politician. No sooner . do any
two Russians agree on anything than
they sit down to draw up a platform or
program, dealing not only with the
matter in hand, but extending far afield
to all the subjects upon which they are
sbls to agree. So with this progressive
bloo. No sooner had ths constituent par
ties agreed to units for their work In
ths Duma than, la spits of ths fact that
every man was solely concentrated on
doing what ahouid be dona for tha win
ning of the war, they met to elaborate a
serious program which should show all
ths subjects on which thsy wsre agreed.
They produced a program . embodying
shout a dossn points, including such un
timely matters as the reform . of ths
ssmstvos or municipal councils, a broad'
snlng of the electoral franchise, recogni
tion of trade unless, and the eatablUo-
rnsnt of a ministry not recruited from
the ranks of rnotaldom.
I'saVs Or4e aa . tha Tabls.'
. "It Is obvious that the fsw points noted
are enough to constitute the widest
possible reformation In the Russian sys
tem of government Leaders hava slnoa
asserts that thsy did not mean thla
program as anything but a statement of
-ultimate hopes,' and that for the mo
ment they were oontsnt to concentrate
their attention en matters of war legis
lation. But the publication of the pro
gram gave the conservative governing
clasass a tremendous shook, and official
dom took the opportunity to say, "Look
what these people are determined to do
under cover of the national emergency,
"Premier Gorenvykln, who was one of
those greatly aroused by the program,
rushed off to the csar and obtained a
decree of prorogation, as a eply to
what hs believed to be a threat against
his official existence. It Is said that
when hs laid ths decree before his col
leagues of the cabinet thsy all, with
ths exception of one man, sided against I
him, but there lay the oser order on
ths table1, and ths thing -was done, the I
enraged Duma being polHely told that It
had successfully accomplished Its des
tiny. "But for the patriotism of the members
ths result might have been chaoa. For a
tlms Mlllukov threatsned that all mem
bers of his party would resign from their
positions on ths oommittees formed for
dealing with questions of munitions and
other war matters. This would hava been
aa Incitement from above to a Twtierai
and disastrous ttrike atlllukov was for- 1
tunatsly mads to see the danger of It
and ths leaders of every party set them
sslvas to preventing any disturbance. .
"The story is not yet finished. Ths
Duma has learned lis power. It has
also, perhaps, learned the virtue of tact."
(Correspondence of ths Associated Frees.)
BERLIN, Nov. t A special commis
sion ea new fibres recently appointed by
the minister of war to find substitues for
Juts and hemp, which products have been
excluded from the Oermaa market by ths
war, has established aa siperiuental
station at Harburg, ea the Kibe, oppoelts
Hamburg, where It will uodertaas ex
periments on native plants, especially
nettles and hop vines. Nettles grow la
ths German forests In great quantities,
and a successful method of making them
available far fibres would be a great
boon te tha ooontry.'Eunice'Ensor
(Continued from Page One.)
ela' milk and bread that will be aup-
plled that they may feel .that their bur
dens are lightened as they plod along.
Candidates Aaaemhl.
At 11 o'clock tn the Blue lodge room
of tha old Masonlo temple the candidates
will assemble, where. tbey will meet the
recorder and relieve themselves of their
coin, that their trip over the Bands may
be made easier. After that they wilt
be permitted to go their respective ways
until I o'clock in ths afternoon. At this
hour thsy will all meet at the City Audi
torium, Fifteenth and Howard streets,
where they will get all that will be com
ing to them. In other words, they will
be Initiated Into the mysteries of the
Shrine, these officers being In chsrgs
of the work:
Potentate F. F. Whltcomb
Chief Habban F. C. Kogera
Aailstant Kabban C. U bhook
High Priest ami Prophet. ...H. II. Kruser
Oriental Uulue T. U Comba
Treaauicr W. E. Khoadea
Recorder VV. T. Kourke
first Ceremonial Matter B. R. Stllea
Second Ceremonial Maater..O. T Tlcknor
Captain of tha Ouard J. M. Butler
Outer Ouard D. W. Tlllotaon
.F. C. Tym
.James Coir
Assistant Director ......A. C. Kugul
Aaalstant Director,
.Oacar Liebeii
Venerable Bhelk
..J. A. Howard
A. D. Kalconer
J. A. Woodman
Captain of Arab Patrol.
Keeper or wardrobe
J. Ia DeLong
F. W. Fitch
... O, H. lAvidKe
William Gardiner
r. octrtclan.
..R. S. Huntington
Maater of Transportation.. Michael Clark
Track and Bllde Inspector
Thomas Falconer
Official Decorator.. due Rense
Ouarolan or ISovteea J, E. Slmpaon
Dervish of First Instance.... C. H. Mullln
See lml ana Baterlalalagr."
Candidates who survive ths ordeal will
by that tlms hava become full fledged
fihrtners and will bs fit subject to par
ticipate la the social function at the Au
ditorium In ths evening. Ths evening
entertainment will be for the wivee of
the members of the Shrine, as well as
for tho members themselves. It will' bs
an artist concert, a reception1 and a ball
and will continue until midnight
For the evening entertainment ' the
Shrine has secured some of the best
local and fore Ism talent available. There
will be an orchestra to discourse Instru
mental music., besides ths following
named Chicago celebrities, who will sing
and play.
Wavs Whltcomb, soprano i William
Claire Hall, tenor; Amy Emerson Nelll,
violinist and Edgar A.. Nelson pianist.
In addition to tho reoeptlon. mualo and
dancing, during the evening a number
of Shrine Initiation features will be added
to the regular program. These ars added
la order that tha women, who ara barred
from beoomlng Shrlners, may know some
of the seceu of the lodge room. ,
Am Aeate Beasoa.
The moon was casting flickering
shadows over a pair of lovers aa they sat
aide by aide In Battery nark. He glanced
out acroaa tho water and aaw tha Statue
of Liberty In the shadowy gloom.
"I wonder why they have Ita light ao
small?'' he broke In on the blissful silence.
"Perhaps." arawered ahe In a soulful
tone, aa ana coquettish ly tried to slip
from his arm, "the snmller the light ths
greater the liberty." dlarper's.
Complete with floor bin, rxrea
Jars and almnlncm top; whit
etusnieta lnalde. 8ee this rab
Usee at Use gpa 1 Q OC
dal prioa aPIOsaJ
Senator Burton to Be Guest
of Omaha Next Wednesday
Ndbrska republicans hava planned to
slve Senator Theodore E. Burton of
Ohio, a warm reception upon his visit
to the state of Nebraska, November 10.
Prominent republicans In the larger
towns throughout the stats have been
active In perfecting the detalla of the
entertainment to be tendered to tha
Ohio stateaman. Party leaders In Omaha
have taken hold of the matter eameatlv,
and they ars heartily supported by the
Commercial club, which tenders a lunch
eon wt behalf of the city, and by the
McKlnley club, which takes crge of
ths afternoon reception for tho distin
guished guest
Senator Burton will make, two notable
speeches In Omaha. The first, to be
given in the dining hall of tha v-ommer-
clal club at the noon hour, wilt be af-
dreaaed to the buslneasmen. At the
speakers' table will be aeated about
twenty prominent men from various parte
of the atate. After a brief Introduction
by one of the officers o fthe club, Sen
ator Burton will deliver an addreaa under
the caption, "1916." While the drift of
hla argument cannot now be predicted.
It Is said by those who know him well
thst his remarke will partake of a die
cues on of commercial and Industrial con
ditions brought about by the enforce
ment of ths economic policies of ths
Senator Burton's principal sddress will
be delivered st the Fontenelle hotel as
sembly room, on the evening of November
10. Former Senator JoaeDh H. Mill.iVi
Death Calls Well
Known Figure in
Russian Circles
(Correspondence of tho Associated Prens.)
PETROORAD. Oct 11. A marked fig
ure In ths ranks of Russian officialdom
has disappeared In ths death of P.. N.
Durnovo, the minister of ths Interior In
ths cabinet of ths late Count Witte. He
had occupied leading, but still subordi
nate, places In that ministry for a gen
eration, and after be and Count Witts
,reslgned together he was a member of
ths Imperial Council. Hs attained ' the
leadership of ths conservative wings- of
both the Council and ths Duma, and held
this Influential place until a few weeks
before his death.
A speech he delivered about the time
the progressive majoritfos of theas bodies
wsre formed caused the leadership to
pass Into more conciliatory hands and
contributed to the split of tho conserva
tive forces and tha strengthening of the
Durnovo entered the publlo service as a
naval oflcer In 1861 Ten years later hs
was transferred to ths ministry of Jus
tics, having mads special studies In law.
In 1SS1 hs went to ths ministry of ths
Interior. Three years later he Waa en
trusted with ths Important post of di
rector of ths police department which
he held until 1893, a period of deepening
reaction. During the next aeven years he
was senator, and one of those composing
the highest court of Russia From 1900
to 1906 he wae assistant minister of the
Interior.; In the latter year Count Wltte
selected him aa a fitting Instrument for
suppressing' "evolutionary disorders and
to bear the odium of repression, in
Catarrh and Stomach
Trouble Suffered Much
Took Per una Re
suits Wonderful
Mrs. John Underwood, No. 1 Cypress
Avs.. ColunVbua, Ohio, writes: "Having
had catarrh and stomach trouble ami
having; suft ersd vary much, I, after be
ing doctored a long while, as a last re
sort, took Peruna. The result waa won
derful. ' X would hijrhly reoommaad It
as a rood remsdy. I 'still se Peruna
and would not be without It. I always
have It In ths house,"
Our booklet, telling yon how to keep
well, free to all. Ths Psruna Co, Co
lumbus, Ohio.
Those whs object to Unid piertlrHnss
oaa now procure rtnus Tablets.
Nickel plated, two
burners, special val
ue Mond'y only $1.39
No. 1 Size, only. 53c
No. 2 Size, only 63o
No. 3 Size, only 73o
Glass, brass or zinc,
special, only . . .34o
Special ... -....98c
10-qt size only. .18c
12-qt. siz only. .22o
14-qL size only. .24o
Oak Stoves up from
Cook Stoves, up from
Oil Heaters $3.25
Tireless Cookers, up from
The) sanitary line cabinet stove,
with 10x20 rrrtv whits) past
splasher, alum In am broiler.
; $37.00
will open the meeting. and former Beri
ator Norrla Brown will Introduce the
speaker, whose subject on this occasion
will be, "The United Statea and the
War."- . ,
Count Wltte's cabinet he played a highly
Independent role. Disclosures in the po
lios department led to a demand from
Count Wltte for Durnovo's dismissal. As
a result, both left the office together.
Durnovo was a man of strong will, much
capacity for work, and firm faith ta the
old order of thlnas. .
Lost fttortre of the Wa.
What became of that miRhty gun which,
twenty-four mllea away, tiirvw shclla liuo
Dunkirk at flve-mlnute intervals?
What are the explanations - of those
periodical spells of big gun firing heard
by Dutch Islanders? I
Those aerial ralda on the Krupp works,
what did they amount to? i
What waa the desree of exaggeration
In the atoriea of the death of von Kluck I
and the German crown prince, the tale ;
of the retirement of von Tirplti? i
Waa the Queen Elisabeth sunk at the
'Dardanelles, as reported, the von Moltke j
destroyed In the Bay of KiKa aa cole- :
bra ted In Petrograd and London?
Soma of these stories sre doubtless
woven of pure fiction. Some are true, ,
but the details, crsved by the news read- j
inK world, hava atruck a anas; in the
temperamental cenaora or have been
buried under the avalanche of aucceedlng
events. Those of us who live long enouKh
will read the answers in tne nisiorn-s
of the war that Is. nnlees the historians
are all klHed off. Toiedo Blade.
Beaaty a Job Maker.
Kansas girls who desire to be steno
Kraphera and draw a salary from the
state, are wonde.mfr if they should take
a course with a beauty doctor before
taking the civil service examination. The
rulea of the commission aa announced
ahow that personal appearance and de
meanor count for thlrsv pointa.
Stenography, typewriting, grammar,
spelling and penmanship between them
count for the other eeventy points.
But the a-irls are figuring on the possi
bility of being' fairly proficient in all
those and vet falling to get on tha eligible
list because they are dowdy, because their
hair Is not done In the latest atvle, be
cause a shoe is run over at the heel
or because they are toe freckled. Topeka
I Always
It In
ItIs K ' . I
A Good V ,
Remedy, i . A V. 1
Extra heavy tin,
copper bottom and
stationary handles,
regular $2.10, spe
cial Monday . .$L57
60 ft. of Cotton Line
only .... ...... 12c
M $5.95
Gas Heaters $2.50
Isunps HeaXers Irons
Percolators Toasters OrilU,
Beertoa' Machine Motors
Varunm ClesMiers.
Never mind
price WAS
J3 VLgf
And the value of every garment is so
apparerit that every woman in need of
a SUIT should be here Monday while the
' selection lasts. .
Not bought specially, but from
our own high grade stock.
y Every good and seasonable material is to be seen
" in styles that cover the Field of Fall Fashion. Mili
tary -braids, fancy covered buttons and good looking
Fur" are 'the principal trimmings. Our usual high
class make and finish is to be expected.
Monday While the Suits Last
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
f e Make Men's Hats!
And Retail Them at $2.50
Dresher,The Tailors 1L
Phone Tyler 345 if You've a Cleaning Job.
Dresner Bros. Gleaners
2211-2213 Farnara Street, Omaha.
Model M
International Motor Truck
Model M, $710 cash f. o. b. Akron, Ohio
THIS price includes chassis and standard
express body, as shown above, finished in
rich brown. We can also furnish different styles of
body on special order.
This is the truck which mads International Motor Truck
reputation. Thousands of these Model M trucks are ia every
day use in praoticaily every line of business. Retail merchants,
wholesalers, contractors, gas, telephone, electric light, and power
companies find in tha Model M a truck that pays from tho
minute it starts to work.
1,000 pounds capacity.
Water-cooled, haavy-dtity motor the long-wearins; kind with
power to spare.
Sealed govtroor, preventing orerspoedinf.
One lever control, simple and easy to operate.
Besides Model M, the full line of International Motor Trucks
Includes Model MA, air-cooled, 1,000 pounds, at 600 Model E,
1,500 pounds, at t50 and Model F, 1,000 pounds, (chassis only),
at flSOO. All prices cash f . o. b. Akron, O.
-. Write the neaxeet address for complete information about the '
trucks and about International Harvester service baaWe and after
the sale. ,
International Harvester Company of America
QiasTia sTs.f Ca4ar rails. Is. I Oe wills, Zan.T Ooaaofl Bluffs,
Xa. (Hl DmiMpcit, la.; XMavac Oula-i tm fet-laaa,
Ia.t Iraaasiaa, Za-I Irt todga. la. Kaiaaa, SSuuX Kaaaaa Our
T-1- Wtosaa City. Sa. SDaasarolla, SUaavl aa.
tvmrnvK X-i IVoala, Sbvj KasNUl U9, te-t Snwia Ass, X I
Ssaasa. sVaa,
Agents .ua ia Uaocoiaaasl Tasntary. Wnta. Wire as- Thans)
what the
Yes; every time 'you buy one you'
boost an Omaha Industry.' But;'
that Isn't the. ONLY reason you .
should wear a Dresher-made Hai.-'
Buy one because you are retting
the"BEST that's In Hat-dom. Soft'
.or stiff any shape any shade
any size at $2.60. We not only
equal those "eastern" factories, but
go them BETTER. A full stock of
the hats on exhibit at the Cleaning
Plant and at Dresner The Tailors.
See the line complete at