Fr he Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Pag W NEW ADVENTURES OF Ptesenfed This JMJFJ e ?.rAnrn) :M :...f7.i READ IT HERE-ThenSeelt In Motion Pictures ? I tit ,.jrfy YithTha fewous Paths' Players WRITTEN BY GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Author of "Qst-Rich-Quick. WalUmtetd" DRAMATIZED BY CHARTS W. GODDARD Builder jfyh World's Qrsatsst Serial INTRODUCING BURR McINTOSH - - - - . J. Rufus Wallingford MAX FIQMAN Blackie Daw President Wallingford stepped forward. "I know the man," he oald, entering the paying-tellers cage. The account la cor rect, give him tha money." Ha picked up tha check, and put Ma O. K. on lit. ' "What do you mean by this?" ha demanded of H. U. 10 LIT A ROBERTSON - - - Violet CPrr1(ht 1HI by The Star. Co. All For. elga Rlghta Rose r fed. "THE MASTER TOICI." A 8 big and genial Jim Wallingford and lean and dapper Blackie Daw swung oft the train, the two Warden girls ruahad UP to meet them, eaaer and excited. ' "We thought tha train would navar coma," aid Violet, slipping her hand through. Blaekle'a arm, and casting down bar laahea after ha had fated quite lone; enough Into bar sparkling blue ey.e. "You're mora thaa an hour lata. "I bad tha train atop to aether thane wlo lata for thee," grinned Blackie, and with a tremendous nourish praaented bar with a month little white boa, tied with a florist's ribbon. 'And I euppoae yau plucked tha coxae from "No," growled Praaldant Prlne, hie dimple deepening aa ha reallaad that, the bookkeeper waa atlll thara. "(Jet back to your work, Qualey." "Wouldn't It be a kindness for ue ralaa a private fund to cancel that note of the Wick er e' Manufacturing- Company?" aaked Presi dent Prlne. Tha suggestion waa thoughtfully recelTed. "Than tha bank would not need to report tha loea," speculated tha high-ahouldered ona, A young man knocked and came In. "A gentleman wlehea to apeak with tha board," ha told President Prlne, proffering a card. Each of tha five directors glanced at tha other-. Nona of them glanced at tha young man. "J. Rufus Wallingford," read tha praaldant aloud, and tha dimple deepened In his oh In. "Never heard of him." Ha aaya that ha wlahea to addraaa tha "Rather low," atated tha bookkeeper, tha Color coming gradually back Into hta cheaka. "Very well, Qualey. We'll hare theaa notaa paid In currency. I'll lasua tha demand In wrltlner. It'a a good thing for a bank not to let lta currency supply gt too low. Can cel all these notea with your tlme-etamp, ahowlng the data, hour, and minute of can cellation, return them to ma by eleven o'clock, and enter them as paid. In cash." "Tea, air." heartily agreed Qualey. Thera waa animation In his tone, tha moisture of relief In hla eye, actual oolor in hla chaaka; conaulted bnm hart-. liurhml Kannla Warden, tha hoard In tha handling of deteriorating loans -own cheek e. ties a specialist in oanaing trouDiee, flush of welcome still on her brow She waa happily untying tha ribbon bow, and big J. Kufus waa smiling oown at ner in plrssed content. "Business before pleasure," ha chuckled. Ha led the way to a waiting bu,a, and aa It atarted, tha rattle of tha Infernal oontraptlon Eava them aa much privacy aa If they had ten locked In a vault. "What do you Know about Prlne?" "Not as much at we had hoped to And out," reported Fannie. "Ha practically owna tha town, and wa know that ha la guilty, for be recognised ua when wa went Into hla bank, and dropped hla ayea Wa'va Investi gated all tha dlrectora of tha bank and all tha employees. Tha dlrectora wa can't get anything out of." "They're a aporty crowd," Interrupted Violet. "They spend a tremendoua amount Of money. Tell them about Qualey. Fannie." '1 waa coming to him." went on Fannie, bar brown eyea deeply thoughtful. "He's tha bead bookkeeper at tha bank. Ha knows ua, too." "He Jumps and Jerks every tiros ha seas a. ao wa let him aaa ua aa of tan aa poe sibla," added Violet, not noticing, in her ex citement, that aha waa clutching Blaekle'a little ringer for emphasla Ha let her do It, and grinned. "He's screamingly funny," laughed Tioiet. re ported tha young man. Silence. Everybody waa thinking. President Prlne walked out of tha other door. He strolled around Into tha paying teller's caga and counted tha morning's checks. "Send htm in." directed President Prlne, re turning to the boardroom, and, a minute and a half later, J. Kufue Wallingford stood be fore them, thoroughly at ease and in smiling possession of theiii. every one. "Gentlemen," aald he. In a round voice which had a suspicion of tha oratorical In It, "I am a professional goat," and ha chuckled jovially at -them, hla troad ahouldera heav ing, hla ayaa half cloalng, and tha color of hla facs deepening. e . e e e e e "Wa win," declared Wallingford, to Blackie Daw, as the telephone-bell announced President Prlna. 'It'a a aafa bet to tell any crook ha'd better cum a and aaa you. Ha always comes." Blackie roaa to go. "According to your program. I don't ejet a peaking part in this until tha Uat act," ha observed. "Stick for tha chat." grinned Wallingford. "A crook'a always mors uncomfortable with two In tha room' President Prlne proved the truth of that "Tea. air." fluttered Mr. Qualey, and taking Wallingford. "And let ma warn you loose that list Into tba vault of tha bank, be leaned Jawed bankera to buy aoma atlcky taffy and hie head for five mlnutea against tha cool Veep right on chewing It until you get on aurface of locker S81. When be brought tha that two-forty train. Sign theee resigna famlllar notea to Wallingford, ha laid them tlons, and don't fill In the datea." Producing down, and crumpled up In a chair Ilka a a big red pocketbook. ha handed them each ripped balloon. a thousand-dollar bill and a ticket to New Daw. "Are you trying to ruin) tha People's "Very good," remarked Wallingford. light- Tork. Bank?" I injra thick, black cigar. A tall, thin gentleman with a black mua- 'They wouldn't give ma my money," loudly i;urrm.j auyyiji acne warned up 10 in. winoow or me par- exniained asr. uiv. "i don't want to nut Ing teller In the People's Bank, and laid tha old- officers in bad. but th4 truth about down a check for ona hundred and fifty Frlne and the rest of them had to come out thousand dollars.- before tha day'a over, anyhow, and 1 wanted i.urre:icy,, na ooserv.a. my money: The paying teller, who waa an elderly man "Shut up. you fool!" ordered Wallingford. with severe epectacles, examined tha check quite visibly angry. "Coma Inside, and wait on ooin hubs, ana macule uaw rrom aa until your money can pa counted." many anglea as possible. "Give ma room, will youj! will you!" "H. Q. Daw," ha volcelessly formed with Blackie excitedly requested of the depositors Mb lips, and a knot of concentration sprang who were crowding him. Theri were nine of between his eyes, lifting his spectacles, them sow In line, and there wis na depoaltor nam. was a new one io mm. ana ha m rrom or ine receiving-teller's window. hla references. The account waa Blackie Daw picked up a blsi yellow suit case, and ' Kememiber," he cau tioned tha paying teller, aa.hs moved away, "no ine gets paid until I t mine!" The paying teller looked at the receiving teller, and the re ceiving teller' looked across at the paying teller.' Both were lost In profound Wonder as to how that account of H. O. Daw'a had coma on tha books; but they did not epeak. No employee de-. aired to know anything whlrh would be embarranalng. on a wit ness stand, with tha sole excep.' tlon of tha mandolin player; and he was handicapped. "Shall I leave you the little toilet-bag. Jim?" asked Blackie Daw In tha office of President Wallingford. and , ha affection ately patted the yellow suit case, now stuffed with money. "He's rabbit-eyed, and hla ion a oara actually observation by losing a degree of hla auavlty twitxh Km ha'a atartled. HIS neck sticks tha moment ha caue-ht out of tha middle of bla collar Ilka a stalk black-muataohed partner of Wallingford. of asparagua growing through a hoop." "Mr. Daw; Mr. Prlna," Introduced Walling- "Thin little fellow, ah f Wallingford sad ford urbanely. "Mr. Daw la one of my trusted Blackie looked at each other thoughtfully. man. His specialty la Jterlng bsntruptcy " - 1 9 misfit It An ffM r. ' m , ,u, ..full Ma. " ... verse of a nervoua Fannie. "And attention to blm source of Information. sixii&wzz Bichii"co-mV'n to look " h wr ,orry ttfjiMS.1'1 " ,T,nu we've been paying so much Cn?t'.nln, tt. . w Tha president, tha secrstary, naur" W th,nk 7W tbo7.h. hd. ddT.o..t0f-VhW Jb. hlgh-Bhouldered 3 nation. . ,, w.ninford nushad forward. ,B t on wltn th upturned k i '' issi ism -- - Jrit: 4.- amiaas - - t. . I . 'y - r i V ' 1 I jsJJW"1SBi sysfssBBaMxatsraBBiSwOTnaTC nn, hsj -wfs-: r-- ? : :--:-'.V:Wv i ' - v "- ft- : IK'). V -2 x "-r - kVwJ... M ))) ;'f v 'K-"Vsr ' " aoat II. , vt i I .3 f U 111 I V v c - v; ) ' i i .... i ' vM'-;::i.;i ii i v I - i v- , . xVEmrrr - i v s Tha tf ariasj grills, aasrer excited, vmshssl to tbeaa. but ha was holding, hla wrist with a grip which was leaving nnger-marka. "Wa set tha tual caah. do wet Of oourael" Wallingford blow a placid smoke ring. . "Not so, hs said. "Not sor "Oh Lord!" groaned Qualey, his ayaa popping. "I don't aee why wa can't re sign in body and ba done with it," growled tha fterco-whlakered little director, who had bean out of town and waa being WVro lest!" exclaimed Walllngferd. Umim to that saoP . 1.1. .k.l. w.lll.tlitril rniihad forwtrd. " l" Unur "Herr yelled a roloa outslda. -H-yl Hsy The chair looked Inviting, but a man aat hud- BOS?w eoh.r'V!; ? hlrn-. . tharo, brand new. and for tha exact amount there!" . i.d back In It ao deep and ao low that ha . l""' mentioned on tha check. "Have you any H.nnlng beside tha bus was a boy so JJ tramandous psychological disad- sbout our succeaaora." atated Preeldeot PJIna, meana of Identification. Mr. Dawr freckled that he looked like a Bpaaiah ome- '"taga. WalZgford. alttln opposite In a w"-?ulo,k,r of ,Jhan the othera. -The man who took my money should ba let. He held hla cap In hla hand, and his lSbilr tmlrly towered o'ar him. "Tou J"" J" flmplo daapanad with mlaglvlng aa abla to Identify me." atated Mr. law. blow- earrot-oolored halr ylnj. H ;! 1.7. . at tha bank thla morning. WHh WamnVfort aund'Th'Lek01 -VS- l1F i th,n b,ua thpd ot raok ,Bto th oatatleally aa he saw Blackie and Walling- j f understood anything more with Wallingford around the tick of the gilt dome. ford, and Jump o roar otap of tha that ." ton f hav gr.ndfath.r. - "I can't pick him out." returned Mr. Daw. bus with a flying leap. Ha Jerked opan tha caludfwllt of curl0.Uy." lliL,J mLltlo Sn' aUettioV !n' w" B,ck "t Inaolently to Urn. for tha ball strap. -Qualey. laaTln. 'n'Jrur.rA mZ iLA'. w..wo "11 J"f"hJLJ! -lfhVrro najr.slty for ahoutlng." pro the bank!" . , , . . , waverlnajly In tha ays. Somebody haa mle- ,,rt.. .. w'"u"' wuu tested the paying teller, glaring at Blackie. "Goodbye!" cried Vlolst I Jumping; p as ths J;" of 7h, Paopla's Bant and "02?" Vbrai tha S'aroa whisker dtrM "You'll have your money'aa soon aa you're bua atopped abruptly. 0ln.J', B. M aa you thought you L f.'a ThUnr with olr -L?l 'T Identified. Thera a aomathlng lr- -WCU aaa you at tha total ,Va ?nnlo, -oouia- " , '! '"f -iS ,1k"-. regular here. I don't find your algnatura on mmA hA mirim wtri ant ana louowini avv n . - ,A . w . : - - r . . : ni Jseaup bafora tba ao eouio oner io ep fren) hU ehmlr anj look, prop.rly insulted. WV? . wi wiu after "This la an outragei" na Diuatereo. Biaekis Daw blew an oestaUo kiss ariar, BlBOkU Daw hA studied tha man'a eoun tbam. tc uh to aom. ourDOse. and now ha aa- While J. Bufua and Blackla Daw wara ,lgt Wallingford with one of thooa light- " lauchlogly d.cllntng to purchas. a vacant lot ninK aMhea of Judgment. waa a opposite rnn.a """ "Oh. alt down!" ha ordered Prealdent Emporium. ana ironung rnu. . -".-. p-n- .nd Bu,hed that dignified gentleman " f wharaunon Mr. Prlna. having been lightly tha track of the, nerve-raoaao viua.ey. ... down ., . .,.. and wlth a red faoa. "Tall him ha'a a crook, Jim." "You're a crook!" Immediately charged Wallingford, extending an impressive finger toward President Prlne. "Wa have tha goods on you. because somebody who knows too much got alx ounces too much of alcohol In hla skfn." That ahot told. In President Prlnes coun "No." directed Wallingford. with a strained look on hla face; He aat dost, with frown ing anxiety. "I don't want ma." . : "I wish 1 1 could stay," reflected Blackla, hla ayea kindling. "Tou'ro llabl to have a ecrlmraage before you get out of thla." . "I think not," calculated '. Wallingford, though tha look of anxlaty was still on his brow. "I'll hava tha town back of 'ma if Prlna trlaa to start anything. There's no vengeance in a man who's trying to save hla own neck." Twenty mlnutea later,' Blackla Daw walked out of tho back way with a hundred and fllty thousand dollars In tha yellow ault-caae, be any oos.lbU aue.Uoa. oaJled In? naii n . Th e't- Daw suddenly grow an4 Wallingford Immediately , sent (or tha "All paid." oorroboratad Sacrotarr Morris. .'Ufi 5U-- v nut ... . 9.. .. 'V? twlrllnr .nl...l hta -I...- trnwn 7 . V . ,T 1 ul1' tola mm aniverer wno a lou a peiore mm. twirling endlessly at hi; glossy srown tous- trying to delay, mat sThere's a rumor all "We'll probably all ha palled Inside of tacha. -He waa worried thla morning. He i... that tha old ofticara lootad tha .A. FI.?1 J 7. om pauaa insiae .ot waa about to purohaee a new. oar. and hs bank and raalgned. If I don't get my money ... V. Prlne'a residence. tha 'V,!L:",r:.;r;iiii: In the cheat wlth a handful of long flngera; k. track of tha nerve-racked Qualey. j.-. ti t,a bookkaeoar had taken, ea KMsally curious In view of ths fact that thia Was tea-thirty In tha morning. Straight out lose tba oomnti y, and along tha willow bank of a fettle oroek. and to a sheltered pond weae-e ho atopped abruptly and paoed sp and down oa tha sandy bank; while Toad Jeaaup, fcluadeaj bohlnd tha willows, watched him with ka.vk-l!ke kaeamaaa, until hs waa satisfied ttet tha met would stay waora ha waa. 1 5fed i nala. Wo along tha bask to artraa. "HsShr whlavarad Toad, gripping each ona tnrinilr by tha haad. "Uot him treed! roller tmM lluahr tm tintoa. aad oaraful to avtld even tha vnetpirtn ths ban uui o.cio. u wuiui, vi. " right away.- I'll-can an omcer." "In cash." added tha hlgh-Bhouldered di- lady depoaltor waa tha flret to reach rector, cracking tha knuckles of his ten tha navlnar-tellera window, while tha hav flngera In succession. Ths left thumb gave gnd feed merchant waa atlll hesitating over "Ldeten to that mob!" him soma trouDla. OUl na managed It. . hla Sannstt-alln. Tha ladv awaatlw ahnvail i ii ti.iinitu in, Btttiiii niui arw- Mr. Qualey crumpled In a chair and shrank three si sea. "We'ra lost!" exclaimed 1 Wallingford. tor. "Where e tha caahr "Wall, aa It Juat happena, thara. Is no need to handle tha actual specie, sines Mr. Wal lingford Informs ma that he la to make a specie loan of fifty thouaand dollars more There's ona wa ant nt thl. h. .hl.l. Blackla Daw aside, and pushed a check la ona need ba arrested. Prlna and Morris and t.iL1.?. w,naow- , , , the other former dlrectora must oovsr that "Whera'a Mr. Prlne, Mr. Douglasr she deficit on ths Jump, and in currency!" aweotly Inquired. "That's" .ii .v. iu.vvu... "He's not In to-day," replied tha paying wth unexpected determination. Th. and to tha aecretary's desk. specie loan or arty thouaand dollars roars teller, his saver, speotaclea straying from tha onea who took ths money and ther-r. than tha amount eollact.d. and hla client will Blackla to the receiving teller, to tha Saahler. tha oms who hi?! to thsyrs .y whsr ha waa. Then tenance could ae aeon a rapid ana worriea .ntd by th Bot.., takln tha notea them- .", . . .ii aaa as aa ael. stepped calculation as ts who tha Inebriate might iiv for a.iw.ry.- " .Ana Mr Morris Is not. to saoet tha braathleaa e OB m drunk ea son- The procaedlng. which fallowed wara brief tha knot bstween hla eyea relaxing. , w versatlon " na CI,,D- Psaldeat Afrlna reelgned from ,.ctacl.a desoendlng a fraetl- f7t a twuT. tha Thr-U" Vtol. along PlSfi'tlf''' India- U tn thor '"h4th' ,npr.?ld.nt Prlne looked at tha , ' "li1?"an ,h Pa- .1 hi l.!,.S s did not get up. Blackie Daw a first, af oearsa. and aa he peered .. . ,m lha. wit ha Jerked back hastily . ... was tba nrst. Annh tka VMal Ha'a arot a sun: and he's scared of It! Boostheepar Qualey waa, without doubt, scarad of tao gun." He stood at thf edge of tba pond, rasolver In hand, tremij'.i'ir from kaad to tsot. He hil Jun r.ilfd i his baad aa tha horror-"1' -.Un k;i'.' "'f'd throvcsi tho laaves. 1. l'.. uld uaa aa outory. he Im.i iicuwn lh rfvi.lvfr a tha aaad. adglng away from it as If It J. Rufus Wallingford arose and opened tho door with great Impreeetveness. "It you don't care to Helen to what I hava to aay. tha doore open, and nobodrs hold- door, hut watched Ith a grin. and ordered Ylaaf T tanV wm, . a. A sweetly. your sand!" chuckled Walllnaford. winlns- g teller, fcj, brow In relief. "Tou hustle rla-h around and hla t n Prlna mil tall Kim k. k j la crisp. rrasiasnt rrina resignea irora savara soactac aa dcaoend na a fraction of an . . . . hla offio. and from tba directorate. Tha lnch M he smiled diplomatically on tha lady. 1 S-1"' rod Qualey. ahak- remalnln directors Immadlataly namjd The door of tha prealdent'a office atood I" ..S" J" h JP.Z J. Hufue Wallingford aa director to fill the ajar. Now It opened and big J Rufus Wal- mona" them, if they hava to shot up tha Pit unexpired vacancy. In spite of tha fact that Ungford came out. In plain view. Tha lady, buoket-ahop, and all go broke." who, thoogh vary , much concentrated, had . In a minutes, Prlne slipped In ths notlcsd a carnation on tha mandolln-player'a oaca way ana confronted walllngrora. him a long moment, and than, aauntared to the telephone drinks. Preeldent Prlna became lesa Indignant thun he waa Interested. "I don't think I follow you." 'Til explain Mr. Daw'a business," resumed Wallingford, aa Blackie returned from tha 'Phone. "He Is willing to borrow any amount of money on his notea; and not get tha money." Waaldant Prina'a avaa aaamed to draw gala ha walked agitatedly up and down .closer together, fho aavad, than auddenly he threw off hla "I don't aee It " ha acknowledged, coat. aa4 It vfaa plain now that ba had - "No," agreed Wallingford. "If It wara so k eVatarmiaation, lor aia pais laoa simple as that, you might nave thought or aod grim aa na ran tewara ine it yoursair. Here's wnat we u ao with you: sfpr ing-board whloh haag over the water. "Btaal" Iraasnla Wardea had burst through ' tho laavea, aad taa atartled man oa tho r prta -hoard haltad aimoat In ths set ot septaaT. "Tou oaa ssrvs a waaful purpose by living, . Vt. QueOay aatd VmstaU, whsa tha roaa was a Me to Uateei to bar with calm attsation. "I kaow aura as Who aao help you. Won't you cents IU us to tho hotel, and have a talk , wlLk Mr. WailWfard Mokr. Dawr tt aas id throe sixty-five. ty iiTia,- rap salad Qaaioy, Bit a a atraaaa aw swnwini I upam hiss. Ha Bought tba faoeo ad tba e dirwotora. ona by oao. iM-eTard to twttoa ad tha first word. "Vary wad, QuaJar." said Proatdeat Frtno. In dlsmsaaal, aatd his oyaa aaaarht tlaooo t kcrvtAJ-y hLsatio for Juat ao Instant "7ortaatajry It Wt asuoh," tba fat director OovtaaliS btmaelf. Ho wore a plaid bow Ue ana as nptaraad awoa, attd tho oaly dlstraaa f his life was that bo Snicht ho distraoaad about aometblasT. "Tha amount makes a differs! oa." onappad For fifty thousand dollars, we'll atep In and ba r the blame for anything Irregular In your bank. It anybody'a plnohed. we'll atand the plnoh. If anybody'a to go to Honduras, well do tha traveling." "How T" "Ton step down and out of tho baak. with tha rati every pad note ror which you are responsi ble paid oft and entered lu tha bank's cash aooouat: then wa step in aad cover tha caah which Isn't thsra. "Tha ban..lng laws In this tHato " ho ad vised. "I -at ua do tka worrying about that. Now ?etl get down to figurea and to detalla, Mr. rlna. What are tha amounts of your bogua oourittee V Tha rabbit-eyed bookkeeper answered ths hs only ately thereafter, they elected J. Rufua Wal llnaford president, and at once Inducted that genial and smiling financier Into effloe. Secraiary Morris rsslgned. and no sooner had ha done so than ha oeaaed to twirl hla muatache. The board elected, to take hla placa, ona Paul Pollet, a short, chunky young man with thick speotaclea and a wiry pom padour. Tha fierce-whiskered director resigned and was replaced by the stranger who had aat nearest tha clock. Thia nsw dlrectora name v. as W. O. Jones, and he was so bald-headed that a ahort-slghtsd lamp-cleaner had onoe mistaken hlro for an arc-lamp. Tba fat director with tha upturned nose waa replaced by ona Chinchilla Williams, who had re ceived his nickname from tha luxuriant fringe concealing his countenance. Jim Meaaea, a big-boned maa with a red neck and a muoh-chewed muatache. replaced the director with the high ahouldera. aad thea Prealdent Wallingford. with a tap of his that the ooara deek. and a fleck on the collar of tho assist- fine mess you got us into!" hs hotly charged. ant aecretr.ry. and a pin on ths floor back "Rotten!" agreed Wallingford. "Just hear near the vault entrance. Immediately drew them out there." her check toward her. It'a none of my affair," declared Prlna. "Who ts that gentleman?" aha wanted to "I was astonished that you sent craxy Qualey know. Tba paying teller coughed and his to me. wnen we stepped out or this bank, speotaclea went up. wa left It In a perfectly aolveut condition. "Our now manager. Mr. Wallingford." ha admitted. "I think Til change tha figures on this check. Mr Douglaa." tha lady sweetly ob served. "What Is my balance, please " And I can prove tt by the books." "Tou'll never have a chance." Walllnrford told him. with a grin. "If thla were only a matter of legal consequences, yau might bluff; but. If this bank closes lta doors with Ks Mrs. uranain - asRea the paying tha anxiously, as hs counts out tha ea, teller lady a I .ntlllMI would" go into axaoutlva aesslon: whereupon thn? ' them, aad displaying his check, tha retiring directors arose, to file out and H,d. mind walling a few mlnut leave tha Peopls'a Bank to lta fata. President Prlna pauead to bend over chair of Praaldant Wallingford. "It Juat scours to ms that It might ba beat not to make that saw loan until to morrow," ho suggested. Wallingford was grateful to htm for bar ing paved tha way to a euggeetlon of bis own. "I think 111 ohanca it." ha agreed, with a slight contraction of his browa; "but If a hank examiner war. to auddenly pop In reaching Inside the wicket for a pen.' she a deficit of neariv half lta canitai tsa nni. produced her tiny, folding check-book, and of thla town will take you apart for souva- prepared to write. airs. If you don't believe It, open tha frant Tha hay-and-feed merchant tore up hla door and show yourself." ' N . deposit-slip and hurried over to a side desk. Prlna walked to ths dsor and put hla hand The butter-and-egg merchant had already on tha knob. He pauaed as he heard his drawn a ehsck for hla balance. There were own name ahouted. An. angry depasltar was eight depositors In ths bank by now. The demanding to know where he waa. . butter-and-egg merchant, waiting hla turn ,. .. . , ... ,iT.; ,.iti.. ..r-u..i. .- "m aorry you blame me." grinned Wal- to pull tha acheme that was ts square yoa. I don't euppose aaybedy figured on the paa- alblllty of a run," mer. "Td Ilka to talk with von." Thera waa a knock at tha dear. - Tha man- "I'll ha back.' promised Mrs. Orandln dolln player came In. hie expresalaa aatiraly awaetly. aa she stuffed tha money hastily unchanged. Into hsr hand-bag. "I want to telephone "Several of tha depoaltors have askad to aoma friends of mine." and. as aha dartsd aea Mr. Prlna. It he la In." ha politely re sway, the paying teller realised, with a ported, thrumming on the edge of tha door slrkealng sense of disaster, that tha minute with his finger-tips. Tha tuna waa, "Oh, Mrs. Grandln emerged from tha door, Irro- Myrtle. My Sweetheart" parable damage would be done. ' ., ).. a-annad Prlna. hell af too new manager with weak knees, hare to-morrow morning, or If anything else nta the apace vacated by the tut tho huaely Impreealvs Wallingford wara to happen, I might hava to buatla to alammad down a check Hla avea a earned oa him with a cordial good-will account for that throo hundred thouaand ot n ant hla -hw . -., -..- which waa so full of vitality that It sesrosd Bctectng spade." tiaw lunged Into the butter-and-egg man's Frln- w cash enough to last about I bumnad him nour. oy siuw coaming. eior. mat a long- flag.?! ou b"' PO"'"" tha eurreacy Ttia huff I. .. V I ...... " -"-- ' nr... .n ... .-, . v ..-.ii. lady and . .. -k--" Kuiv. piayer, no nair or nia curiy roreioca awry. w 1 ... . . t m - . . . w ii. . a Blackla i'um wwra, iwisiiu.iii.u - aiuniium. like a tonic "Well Qualey, hera we ara." observed Wal D-rroro, pieaeently. Mr. "Yes. sir." and Qualeys face bright- That's up to you." returned Prins gayly. "We're leaving thla bank In aa aolvent a condition aa it waa oa tho day of tha open- I or anfl ha. Itunlatfti out thrnurh tha the little dlrecutr wit the fiarea whlakera. an ad for tha flrat time In five yeara lobby, where almple-mladed business men .t . . J" J " 1 i . -wow wen make thla an honeet bank." were eagerly depositing their moaay. ma back becenee a fa and rod an art-- than, was packed eolldlr aad a rar same from likely to botkar around with UnparUaoat ehucklad tha big man. "Pleaae brlna ma "Mr. President." remarked W. O. or Onion ZVLa TVai iarTTrrZ itii ? ? '; TJf ";V iiw. . .A V... VT. i " aosUonaatt o 1oojw- thea. aot.s." and ha handed aver a list, one Jones, aa aoon as ths door had closed be- Tou're golag to have a run todaV aad to. time. Even Wallingford paled as hs caught JT'r.Tf' ?ta UBe ,r,oh brought back Into Qualsya hind tha last of the retlrtag dlrectora. "I knew It!" to-' "a - temper trim their toVZ Z7 t- riTaTt-Tf !i. , count"r "Hahls. . wo all go la ths vault and eplU "Call aa officerr ordored tha paying "I dar. you to 1.1 T thla bank do " bluffad --iriL-. W aTXf. 'u' ", aiaoe he first to bltak the cash," , ,. tsll.r. about whoaa aged mouth there wa Ti Walllnfofd. shuttiag tho deor. "Moreover. raM4..MsYa-a bio wrtsCs Vis eye a the sUkt of a brass buttea. "Meetl-dr's adjosraad." chuckled PreaUaat snap which Blackla rather adasirsd. they'll saeb you Just as dukckly for aey 4 aide with a sharp elbow and a wav than Blackla kt. inta the grllL to hold hla nlaoa la front of t hare.' tha wicket. To add effect to his threat, ha sst ths dssr "My money," be howled. "Tou're holding about aa Inch ajar. Tha lebbr ot the beak rrom flclt as for your own. fio get your crowd together, and shoot in that four-fifty quick I" "I doubt Jf I can get back to my own olTlca," speculated Prlne, listening to tho frequent recurrence ot his name. "Go out the front way." advised Walling ford. "Here are tha mlnutea of tha meeting: In which you resignsd. I saved them out of the minute-book on loose sheets. Tear them up, and make theee people a speech. Tell them It'a all a mistake.' Damn them a little, and tell them to draw their money." , Prlna hesitated for Just a moment, then ha grabbed the minute-sheets; tore thera Into email .bits, and threw them Into the waste basket. "I'll make thera a speech, all right," ha snapped at Wallingford, his dimple black. 'Til tell them the only defalcation waa yours!" Wallingford touched a hell, and Qualey came In, stiffening; at ths sight of Prlna. "Qualey, tell President Prlna whsrs tha deficit went." 'The Pit Brokerage Company!" shrilled tha desperate Qualey. t'Tou'U swear that. on. ths witness-stand?" "Tou bet I will!" Prins merely glanced at his bookkeeper, end sat down at the 'phone. He called up his fellow dlrectora In succession, and told them what they had to do, and how rapidly they had to do It Then he walked out Into the brass-grilled bank-caga. and made a speech; a nice speech, a frank, atralghtfor word. manly speech, tha speech of an honest banker. At first they howled him down, but. he finally got their ears, and told them how the absurd rumor had arlaen, merely because the ban; had employed a manager who was a stranger. 'Honest and capable as he was, that manager had been dismissed. Above. all things, he told them that their money waa there! Ha wanted them to draw It, apd ba ashamed of themselves, and bring It back next day. It waa a fine apeech. and they believed him, but they went on drawing their money Just the same. Tha payin teller spoks to him aa ba started back. to. the offloe. "The currency la. running rather low, sir," hs urged, his severs spectacles rising, and remaining elevated. "It will begin coming In at tha back door In half ad hour," promised Prlne, looking at hla watch. "It. will ooma in all day, faater than you can pay It out and I'll stay right here to show myself." - - Tour very cheerful parties sat In ths par lor of .the hotel, and three of them peered over Walllngtord'a ' shoulder ' while ho scratched from a little book tha fourth nams In tha liat of those, who had assisted In rob bing the Warden orphans of their father's fortune. The fourth . name . was - that ot President Prlne! "Just sven, ladles," chuckled J. Rufus, mighty proud of himself. "A hundred and fifty thouaand' dollars to tho penny. "Oh, we forgot!" auddenly exclaimed Violet. "We didn't colleot anything for tho exponas fund. WS always " ' "Great Jehoeophatr . Blackie Daw' had Jumped from hla chair as tha door opened, and, with a pale, drawn faoa, had thrown up a window. "Oet out of here!" he yelled, while Wallingford and tha girls rushed to ths other window and poked out their heads. "Whare'U I go?" aaked Toad Jeasup calm ly, cloelng the door and leaning against It 'They put me off the street ear. and I had to walk clear back from tha country. There's a man out there has a skunk farm." . "Oet upstairs Into the bathroom," or dered Wallingford. rasping for brsath. "Put your clothes In a suitcase, and hare it sunk In ths canal. Blackla, set a machine. We'll all-go for a ride." The girls were still clggUn' whan, si they drove swiftly through ths cool, even ing air, J. Rufus began to chuckle. That exponas fund," hs explained. "We'll drive straight back ta town. , I want to find that real estate feUaw." Tha town -awoka . unusually ' early next morning, gasping for breath. There waa In the air a sungeat aamethlng which spurred into Instant activity every rerulaloa . possi ble ts ths human systsm. The town moaned, and. uttered one agonised word. "Skonkr ' Never. In all the . history of civilisation, had there been such an overwhelming, per statent devastating odor aa that which per meated aad saturated tha sweet hreese ot the morning. . There vu no escape front It; there , was no hiding; there waa no relief. The town might aa well have been one armed that morning, for every ei.isen. Irre spective of age, sex, or color, was compelled to uae one hand to dose hla or her olfactory orgaa. Far a time, the disaster was so be wildering that lta aoorce could only be eon Jeotured. but at nine-fifteen Walllngford'S telephone-bell rang. . "Hello!" responded tho faint naaal roloa of J Rufua. : . "Is that you. Wallingford?" was ths nasal reply. "Well, thla la Prlne. What do you mean by filling that shanty next ta my stors with skunlts?'7 'They re - necessary to . my . business," twanged Wallingford. "I'm collecting them aa fast aa I can. - Tha Keebo Chemical Com pany la to manufacture the strongest disin fectant In the world, and akunks " "What!" The tone was as explosive as possible to a man who waa holding hla noaa tightly shut. "W elf. you can't do that" "Why can't I? It's my lot. Bought a hun dred dollar option on It last night, and I'm going to start building my factory to-morrow." choking, gasping silence. Then: "Tou Infernal grafter!" Another silence. "Well how much for your option?" Ten thousand dollars and send It over la currency." . . , ... Half an hour later the five strangers hur ried out to the bus,' thslr sxpenss money added to tha restitution fund. . Tha hotel attendants wsrs ' holding - thslr noses; the paassrs-by on ths strsst were holding their noses; ths motorraen on ths strsst cars wsrs holding their noses; old men and young men. little children, and women were at tho same ! a vol eatery obsdlencs to nature's first law. It was a elty of left elbows bald at light assies to the face. i Tha president of the reformed People's Bank rushed out of Prlne'a Emporium as ths bus started. ' "Watt a tnlnute!" he choked, changlnr hands- to get at his handkerchief. Re saw ths Warden orphans In ths bus with Blackla aad Wallingford and Toad Jessup, and his eyes fell while a bewildered expression cams Into his face. Were theaa girls at tha bottom of hla mis fortunes! Just thsn ths wind shifted, and hs shook bis unengaged fist "What are you doing to do with thea skunks?" . J. Bufus leaned oat of the bus window, -and. holding bit nose firmly with bis right bsnd. beamed gentally on tho suffsrer. I "Oh those Keebo skunks." Is ooastdanju "They go wtth tha property. Mr. hrlksJ KTs b CssKthswad