THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 7, 1015. A Potent, Powerful and Popular Factor Gold and Silver Laces of ovr business routine craters ia oar ability to always g1v va es tomert mora value for less price. Our Immense atocka, always new and varied, need neither defense nor cverpralse, but the simple statement that they are the boat to be bad and are priced aa low aa people may safely pay. The Quality of our merchandise. Its enduring service and exclusive neae. bare constantly been augmented by a price appeal which never baa Just received, a new assortment of Gold and Silver and Colored Novelty Laces, worth $1.50 to $2.50, ppecially qq priced for Monday, yard VOw Flouncing in gold and silver, up to 27 inches wide. 36-inch Metal Finish (Jold Allovers, yard nQ 24-inch Colored Novelty Flouncings, yard ; "Qv Black and Colored Effects. rauea xo Keep mis aiore in me vanguard of great retail Instltutlona. Featuring Stunning New Apparel Caught by Fashion's Fancy 12-A t ' " njui ' ' i" "; 1 mn'i )"'viu i j'lJi i i i n fciUMiKiHiir -- - --i ftr rriiK.ii '1 t nmmnnxm.xfc..- i----mfi iht-im.m..m in in- - - y--yiieya.i,- , a New Arrivals, A fternoon Dresses $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 The smart, pretty combinations of silk and serges and all silk, shown in many new and different models. All colors and sizes. New Silk Sweaters The demand for these smart garments has been so . t frrvTicf m n n v upw Irion a )i a xrn aan nr-i rri n a trA n-nA mn t I.,,,, t, new arrivals show all the latest to be shown. Beauti ful self-colored and two-toned; many new stitches never shown before. Some with fur bands n a and collars, rrices range $10.00. $15.00, VJ"VUU $19.00, $25.00 and up to tl New Showing of Silk Petticoats Many new ideas are shown in the new fall silk pet ticoats, the wide full flares, new ruffled effects, many with fur trimmings. All colors and sizes. C J Sk Oil Prices range $3.50, $5.00, $5.98, $6.93 4IUU .... vA. w I'll w v V AN The Season a Latest Craze White Broadcloth - ii i- i i - Black Fur Trim med Suits The "Smart Set" of the east are demanding the most fascinat ing tailored suits ever originated. Beautiful white broadcloth with black fox, Hudson seal and black , raccoon trimmings. We have several models to show and can insure exclusiveness, at $49,$59,$65,$75 New Broadcloth Fur Trimmed r 1 Suits, $35 Special lot of smart tailor mades. New . Russian belted and flared models. Pretty colors in Belgian blue, navy, brown, black, green and blackberry. Sizes for misses and women. (7 Yfes New Black Velvet? Velour Coats Although heralded as very scarce, we can show you several very interesting models made in the pretty flared bottom, wide belts and military collars. Fur collars, cuffs and bottoms. $49.00 to $89.00 Silk Plush Coats at $25.00 A rrrnun of Coats made in crood lustrous silk plushes, plain and fur trimmed, with heavy satin linings; some made with wide belts, large cuffs and collars. Several different models to select from. Dancing and Party Frocks $25.00, $35.00 and $49.00 A dainty collection of effective gowns for the re ception and dancing parties. Delicate tinted taffetas, charmeuse, crepe de chine, nets, laces, etc., effective in this filmy loveliness. Misses' and women's sizes. Val ues that will be sure to appeal. V- v Remarkable Purchase of About 7,500 YdSo Stylish Fabrics Another Shipment of Those $1 Crepe de Chines We have just received an other shipment of those slightly Imperfect, extra heavy all-silk crepe which delighted hun dreds of our' customers ' last Monday, and by fortunate cir cumstances were able to obtain 150 more pieces of this beauti ful silk, in navy, Copenhagen, tan, mode, old rose, lavender, plum, wisteria, brown, Myrtlo, reseda, emerald, burnt orange, and, amethyst, taupe, silver gray, etc., etc. (4 f f Worth $2.50, ) U U special, yard M a 64-inch All-Wool Costume Series 64-inch All Wool Sootch Fl&lds 62-inch Fine All-Wool Trench Sergei. M (.. 64-inch Gabardinei 60-inch All-Wool Armurei 64-inch fcedfor J Cords 54-inch All-Wool Epingle 60-lnoh All-Wool Poplins 64-inch Novelty Stripes 64-inch All-Wool Broadcloths 64-lncli All-Wool Cascade Crepo All-wool dress goods, suitings and coatings in medium and heavy weights, embracing all the most fashionable weaves and colorings for fall and winter wear. There isn't a woman who can fail to find among these splendid fabrics correct materials for tailor-made suits, automobile and street coats, af ternoon dresses, house dresses, separate skirts, waists, etc, at such prices that will move them quick. ' Values from $1.50 to $2.50 Yard Dressy Radium Lace Blouses 'fvvrw'?rrr?51 AND , t. fir rv II .V - i . II 64-inch Ail-Wool Zibelines, in . blue and black 64-inch AU-Wool Novelty Tweed Suitings ' e ' 64-inch All-Wool Diagonal Berg;,. 64-inch All-Wool Chinchilla , . Coatings , . . 64-inch AU-Wool Norelty Coatings 44-inch Silk and Wool San Toy 44-inch Chndda All Goods Sponged and Shrank FR Monday. All Goods Sponged and Shrunk FREE Monday. 59c New Dress Goods 54-inch All - Wool Black Broadcloth, good twilled back, regular $1.00 value, Monday, yard 42.40 50-inch AU-Wool Dress Fabrica, consisting of French Serges, Coating Serges, Stripes, Crepes, Vigorous Suiting, Nov. eltieB, etc.,- in a wide range of. the newest fall colors. Regu lar $1.00 values, spe- HCn cial Monday, yard I VC 36-inch Pacific Mills Serges, Whipcords, Granites, Checks, etc., in all the new wanted col ors. Regular 50o qual- JCn ity, Monday, yard ...... C Now So Fashionable $5 to s12- We have just received these new blouses from New York. Lace blouses are the newest crare. They come in cream, flesh, white and black. Some of these fine cobwebby" laces are combined .with velvet This $2.00 Set Scrim Curtains Special for Monday at S1.59 Three pieoj: ivory or ecru color. Hemmed all eady to n&ng; wen made ana will stand tne launary. Iffil Special show. Special show Ing of Cre tonnes, yard 39c Special show ing of Bunga low Net, yard 59c Special show lng of Duo Scrim, worth 60c, yard. 29c 1 'ii. t ii i Birr" i i .iiii v V I i sette Curtains, I , t y 1 i i 12 00 Hi M-b 1 k I - $1.59 M3 I ! 1 r I I'M Special show, ing of Quaker Curtains, $3.00 ' values, pair Sale Japanese Blue Print Lunch Cloths Ntpkiruj and Scarfs, in the newest patterns of Chrysanthemum, Bamboo, "Wisteria and Macrame, made on a nice quality Jap anese cloth, hemstitched ends. - 18x54-inch Scarfa, 50c values .. 30 62 inch Lunch Cloths, $1.50 values S1.00 72-inch Lunch Cloths, $2.00 value $l.SO 12-inch Napkins to Match, dozen ....&0 Linen Section Main Floor. Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets The woman who is particular about her health and appearance can be suited and enjoy satisfaction in the wearing of Bon Ton Corsets The new corset is higher bust with Blight curve at waistline, with straight line in front and hack, hut the low and medium top has not hen discarded, and ome of our newest models have about three-inch tops. Tour corset is the irrcatmit frtfr nf ance, as well as your comfort, and so we suggest that you see our wonderfully complete showing of Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets. Be fitted and have our eorsetieres explain their merits and select the one suited for your individual figure. Bon Ton Corsets for mediuft figures, in handsome broche, pink or white; medium top with free hip sec tion, long skirt with elastio inset at bottom which gives comfort when seated j 6 a hose supporters PD.UU Royal Worcester Corsets For slight figures, low top, but high enough in back to give support and not crowd the figure. Medium length skirt shaped over limbs, does not bind the figure when seated or dancing. This model is it mm n Jif W4. especially adapted for girls in school.... Other Bon Ton models, at $3.00 to.. $1.50 C1C An R7l Worcester Corsets, )IUJJ irom $1.00 to $3.00 You Should Be Interested in the Brassiere That Fits Best Because the very thought of the brassiere is to improve the contour of the figure, and this season the way the brassiere fits ia most important, because the figure line is becoming more shapely, the bust must be rounded to conform with the autumn styles. Warner Brassieres, In sjres ' op to 62 50c cvr I f iff ilfamerx I "Warner Brassieres" are well modeled and beautifully tailored and meet the requirements of the lsrge, r' ium and slender figures. We carry the front and back-closing styles in Warner Brassieres so that every type of figure can be fitted. The styles are dainty and serviceable and can be worn un der the sheerest blouse. Other models daintily trimmed with embroidery and laces, $i.00 to J3.00 Advance Shoe Styles New Tan Calf Button Shoes, made with genuine buckskin tops, French . cord bound. Pearl buttons, hand sewed soles. Correct shoes for fall wear. (q r( (WeU make, AU sizes, pair...J)0.t)U iSeamJess Shoes for Women, black kid. patent mm ; nutton style. All sizes; special, pair .$4.50 Finest Cotton Fabrics 16-Inch Finest Grade Dresa and Wrapper Percale, made by the celebrated Pacific Mills. Beauti ful styles and colorings. Full bolta. Regular 12 Ho O l -values, yard OC 32-Inch Engllah Shirting Mad ras, neat, fancy cold-woven card ed effects absolutely fast colors. 19c value, special m . Monday, yard luC 27-Inch Extra Weight Outing Flannel, beet woven fleecy nap, both aldea alike; warm and dur able. lOo value, Oi yard 0-C Genuine Irish Ponltn htrhlr mercerized yarn, dyed fabric 19c and Zoc value, lengtha up 12c to 15 yarda, Monday, yd Genuine Appleweb Nurse Stripe Gingham, all the ataple and Red Cross regulation atrlpe, faot woven dvei. 12Ue value. O off the bolt Monday. yd....C-yC 3$-Inch Fancy Printed Snko llne, Eddyatone Manufacturing Co. 'a best grade. Light and dark colorings, neat floral, figure anV ataple designs. Off the oi bolt. 124c value, yd OC Beautiful Book fold Curtain Madras and Swiss, direct from the Manvllle Mills. Neat embroidered dots and figures; plain and hem stitched borders. 12 He and 15o value, to close out Quick- n ly Monday, yard V"J"C 27-Inch Fancy Outing Flannel, extra weight and flniah. Warm, fleecy nap, both- sides alike. 8Hc vilue, special fln Monday, yd U"jt 81x90-Inch Bleached Sheets, extra weight, heavy linen finish; seamless. 3-incn hems fZf torn and Ironed. Each UDW 36-Inch Bleached Muslin and Cambric, fine .Boft finish, frea from dressing. Full bolta to aelect from. Yard UyC Blankets and Comfortables Tomorrow we will offer a lot of exceptionally fina all-wool filled blankets, edges slightly soiled but absolutely perfect otherwise. White, gray, tan and plaids, extra large aire. Many have wide allk binding. These ordinarily aell from $5.00 to 16.00 a f 7 QO pair, Monday 4t70 Extra Heavy Cotton Blanketa, largest cotton blankets made, weight 4 to 4H pounda to pair. Very durable, soft wool nap fin ish. Well worth 3. sale price, pair .$1.98 Silk Mull Covered Comforts, very dainty patterns in pink, blue, lavender and yellow, covered with dotted silk mull, wide plain bor ders, tied with silk ribbon and filled with best grade white cot ton down. Regularly rQ sold at $4, each Oi.VO Sateen Covered Comforts, me dium and extra heavy weights. Wide plain borders, good heavy aateen coverings, pure white new carded cotton filled, tied and stitched. Material to make would cost 12.00 to 12.50, ct AO Monday, each Ol.VO 'V. JL