Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    TJ1K IthJrl: OMAHA, KAlUuAi, M V t,M nr,lt ti, 1!U5.
Swanson Says His Engagement
is Simply Press Agent's Stuff
Fifty Local Business Men JIake Ex
cursion Into Neighboring Iowa
After four futile attempts to make
a trade excursion over into neighbor
ing Iowa territory during the u tu
rner, fifty members of the Commer
cial club hare at last been favored
With good weather and roads, and
Went on the trip today.
With sweaters and overcoats but
toned up tight, they started at 7 a.
m., while the air was still chilly and
eharp. Fourteen cars started, gaily
decorated and bearing big signs read
ing, "Omaha the Market Town."
They will return this evening at
7 o'clock. Stops will be made at
Glenwood, Malvern, Hastings, Emer
son, with lunch at Red Oak, and on
the return Essex, Shenandoah, Sid
ney and Tabor.
Among those who mndo the trip were:
Commissioner Kobert H. Manley, Com
mercial club; William Hchellborg. t'nlon
Stock Tar1 company; J. O. Blford,
Thomaa Cuaack company; Joe Kclley, M.
B. Smith company; W. D. Hoi ford. John
Deera Plow company; Frank Hughes, It.
3. Hughea company; Roy Moore and
Glenn Wharton, F. P. Klrkendall com
pany) J, J. Mellck. 9U City National
bank building; ft. C. Petera and M. D.
Cameron, l'etera Trust company; Guy
Uggett, the Pantoiiiim; Henry Forater,
Omaha Crockery company; Penn P. Fod
rea and J. J. Iten, Iten Wecult company;
Carl Bwanson, Jcrna Commlaalon com
pany; O. T. Eaatm&n, Flrit National
bank; George Sumner, the Falrmount
Creamery company; W. H. Ilhoadea,
United Btatee National bank; A. F. Mc
Adams, Nebraska Telephone company;
Xon I, Be he Runyan Furniture
company; C. II. deWaal, Omaha Newi
company; Harry Morphy, K. K. Bruce
company; Tom Auatln, American Hand
Bewed Ehoe company; N. A. fSpleaberger,
ftpteabergcr Bona company; F. C. Pat
ton, Rlcltardaon Drug; company; I P.
ITtterbach, Byrne ' Hammer company;
David Cole, Cole Creamery company; F.
A. Welah, Bherwln-Wllllama company; T,
B. Coleman, Midland Qlaag and Paint
company; E. K. Klmberly, Paxton
Gallagher company. '
Roy Bwanaon, eon of N. V. Bwanaon.
local undertaker, denlra thrre la any eerl
ona phase to the etorlca In the Chicago
papcra of Thursday relative to a ro
mance bftwrpn himsolf and Miaa Kath
ryn MrCormlck and Miss Dorothy Ran
dolph, models at the Chicago fr'tyle enow.
According to an account In one of the
C hicago papera, Mlaa Randolph and Mr.
Swanson were prlnclpala In an affair of
the heart until Mlaa Randolph Introduced
the Omaha young man to her friend, Mlaa
McCormick. It waa further alleged that
the Introduction resulted In a romance
between Mlsa Mct'ormlck and Mr, Bwan
aon, with the poaalblllty of an engagement.
I'pon hie return to Omaha Mr. Bwan
aon made thla atatement:
"I met the young women referred to
while atopplng at the Hotel LaHalle, but
I wish to atate there la nothing In the
report that I was or Intend to be en
gaged to either of the Style ahow modela.
I underatood there waa to be a Story
about thla matter In the Chicago paper,
but I would aak you not to mention It
A Chicago paper of date of Thuraday
ahowa plcturea 6f the young women and
atatea that Mlaa McCormlck announced
her engagement to the Omaha man. the
Uvea at ZMt Clarendon avenue, Chicago,
and la aald to be a young Woman of ex
ceptional beauty.
Another alleged phaae of the etory la
that Mlaa Randolph Introduced Mr.
Bwanaon to Mlaa McCormlck and the lat
ter won the heart of the young under
taker, the former young woman did not
tear down the ecenery at the eUyla ahow
because her friend "cut her out." In
fact, Mlaa Randolph la aald to have con
ferred blcaxing upon the match aha la
aald to have unwittingly made.
Mr. Bwanaon laughed at tha- whole
affair and declarea he la tha victim of
an Interpreting preen agent.
Art Gild to Bo
Open This Evening
The Omaha Art Gild will leep Ita ex
hibition open at Farnam atreet until
t o'clock thla evening.
Prof. Paul II. Grumann of tha Univer
sity of Nebraska haa been In the city
trying to negotiate with tha Gild to
hold Ita exhibition In Lincoln during De
cember. South Omnha ech-ola will also prob
ably put a selection of the beat plcturea
on view during the coming week.
A fellowship banquet waa given by the
Chrlatlan Endeavor aoclety of tha Clif
ton Hill Preabyterlan church Thuraday
evening In the church parlors. About
eighty-five young people sat down to
the aumptuoua repeat. Tha paator, the
Rev. B. R. Van Der Llppe, prealded aa
toaatmaater. The prealdent of the so
ciety, Mlaa Ruth Dutcher, gave the first
toast. "Our Society." Mlaa Grace Jar
dine apoke on "Ideala" and Mlaa Helen
Hlcka on "Our Opportunity." A tribute
to tha Sir la of Clifton HIU waa given
by Mr. John Mayer. Mlaaea Grace Relf.
Werda Darby.Mayme Jardlne and Beaale
Wataon responded with remarka on tha
subject, "The Boya of Clifton HIU." The
program concluded with a toaat by Mr.
Jerome Paaltiger on "Fuah," and the
happy gathering of young people aroae
and aang "America. "
Lynn Andereon. 106 Bouth Twelfth
atreet, an-eated on a charge of keeping
a disorderly house, forfeited a $ft bond
by failure to appear In police court
Fifteen lnmatea forfeited caah bonda.
Bertha Houston, 14-11 North Twenty-
flrat atreet, waa fined 110 and coata for
conducting a disorderly houee.
Kecovers $100 f or
, Death of Fine Dog
Judgment of $100 damagee for death of
"Boo Rex," an Airedale dog, prised aa
a hunter, a watchdog and companion by
Ma owner, waa recovered by Jamea Fare
head of Juatlce'a Kubat'a court It waa
said to be largest aum ever recovered
aa damagea for the death of a dog In
Tha Jonee Candy company, whoae auto
mobile ran over "8oo' at Twenty-fourth
and Bprague at reet a September IS, waa
defendant In tha suit R. A. Bmlth waa
attorney for the plaintiff.
The plaintiff teatifted that the dog waa
so well trained aa a hunter that ha would
' rather up decoya used by hla master. Aa
a watchdog, ha declared, "Hoo" had been
uooeaaful In keeping 100 chlckena aafe
from thlevea. The animal waa kind to
children and waa an excellent companion,
according to testimony.
Membership Teams
Will Feed Tonight
The first contest dinner of the eea-on
will be enloyed tonight at the Com
mercial club by the membership commit
tee of the club. The team of N. T.
Thoraen and Dean Ringer will be tha
gueate of the other teams, having )
cured the moat new members for thi
club alnca laat aumme. Other members
of the team are Harry I 'Keen, John G.
Roalcky and . F. M. Zorhaugh. Stanley
Roaewater la chairman of the membrr
ahlp committee, which haa the record of
raising the club'a membership to the
htgbeat joint In Its history, .with over
1,0 enrolled.
A Big Special Purchase of
eautiful Lace Curtains
To Go Pot on
And for this 00E BAY (KILT
-At The-
Central Furniture Store
. Hundreds of pairs of splendid lace curtains in all of
the most desirable weaves bought direct from one of the
largest mills in America at such a heavy discount that we
are enabled to put the entire shipment on Special Sale for
this ONE DAY ONLY at a price which will mean an ab
solute saving to you of at least one-half. In this big pur-"
chase there are positively no seconds or miswoven cur
tains.' Every curtain we positively guarantee to be per
fect. Come to this big sale expecting to find some extra
ordinary values and you will not be disappointed.
. That George P. Zlenila, former mayor
ef Omaha, In 1KW waa worth $W.00() and
that he la now peunileae la alleged by hla
guardian In a petition of Intervention
filed In a partition ault brought by C. U.
Cfcrlberg asalnat a company bearing Mr.
Hernia' name, In district court.
The petition asks for an accounting of
moneys and property alleged received by
Mr. Carlberg and aaaerta that property!
formerly owned by Mr. Hernia haa been
, Involved In a maie of tranafera among
corpora tlona.
Ed O'Connor, Curtis and William E.
Lang. Ironworkers, charged with aaaault
on tha person of Frank Spencura, Octo
ber 90, were brought before Judge Foster
and bound over to the district court
with bonds fixed at SMX each.
Frank Parent. It Inerant, who engaged
In a shooting affray with Officer Oaear
Thornton after attempting to anatch
Mra. Thornton's purse, waa bound over
to the district court on a charge of car
rying concealed weapons. Honda were
fixed at I-.
Take advantage of the Take advantage of this
extraordinary values of- opportunity to recurtain
fered in this big sale. your entire home.
Beautiful lace curtains Beautiful lace curtains in
in all of the most desirable U the most desirable
weaves and patterns at 25c w.eaYes Patterns at
each, 35c each, 40c each, 45o SI$L"
each and 55c each. . ' $U0 cach
Beautiful lace curtains , Beautiful lace curtains
in all of the most desirable in of the most desirable
j a weaves and patterns at
weaves and patterns at 60c $1 65 e $1 ? $1 9Q
each, 70c each, 75c each, 85c eacn( $2.10 each and $255
each and 95c each. each.
Have Ths Central Figure On Your Furniture Bill.
r r s aw V
u,rnr m h
11 Itf.'AX
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ti-J;l.l-llilJ''" " " ' ' .! . I y
Tha Commercial State bank will open
at the eouthweat corner of Ktghteenth
and Farnam atreeta. John F. Hecox,
formerly cashier of the City National
bank, la one of the organlxera and will
be vtc president. J. O. Loving, an Iowa
banker, will be cashier.
Mr. Hecox will shortly make an an
nouncement of the new bank a other of
noara and directora. A number of Omaha
fcualneae men will be atockholdera
Car4 Hay f (rai,.
Nothing frightena a mother more than
tha loud, hoarse cough of oroup. Tha
labored breathing, atrangllng, choking
and gasping for breath call for Instant
action. Mra T. Neureuer, Eau Clare,
Wla.. aays: "Foley'e Honey and Tar
cured my boy of a aertoua attack of
croup after other remedies had falleJ.
I recommended It to every one, aa we
knew from our own experience that I
a a wonderful remedy for eougha, colas,
croup, and whooping cough-" it clear a
air passage, soothes and heals, bu.i
avery where. Advertisement.
r S C S 6 '2 i
Si A ' ...
MS--' VI B at
Served from Six to Nine at
one-fifty the person.
A select Musical Pro
gramme by Christman and
his Fontenelle Orchestra.
Reservations may bo made by
phone, Douglas 1511.
Hotel FTontemelle
. 13 urban k, Manslng Dlractor.
unite 5 Overcoats
Bought From Two Eastern Manufac
turers at About Half Price
On Sale Saturday in Two Big Lots
Values to $18.00
$20 to $25 Values
fmiiaini I
High specialization and the adTantagea of our giant buj'ing power are potent,
powerful and popular, factors in our ability to always give our customers more value
for less price. And you men of Omaha are shrewd buyers quick to appreciate the
real, thing. This gale will be doubly attractive to you.
The overcoats are shown in the newest fabrics, including Kerseys, Chinchillas,
Scotch Mixtures, in semi and form-fitting and loose, roomy styles.
The suits comprise everything that is new in design, colorings and patterns, espe
cially featuring the two and three-button sack style with soft roll on large flat lapels.
Just the suits and overcoats you most prefer, at a lower price than you ever ex
pected to pay, $11.50 and $14.60.
Exclusive distrib
utors for Styleplus
The borne of Society
Brand, Hlrsh-Wlckwlre
and Schlosa Bros. Suits
and Overcoats, at
$15, $20 and
Patrick Duluth "Big
ger Than Weather"
$7.50 to $15
Other IacMnawg at
$5 to $7.50
Balmacaan Over
coats in Scotch mix
tures, $15.00 values,
j 1 's
1,380 Men's Sample Flannel Shirts
r' Medium and heavy weights.
Military and regular collars.
Made of fine quality French '
flannel, California flannel
and Cherry Valley flannel.
All sizes but not in all pat
terns. Regular values up to
$2.50, sale f rice
58c and
One big lot of Men's fine quality
Madras Shirts, neat patterns,
laundered cuffs, perfect in fit.
Regular values to $1.50. s ft a
Saturday ipI.UU
SO dozen Men's Sample Auto
and Driving Gloves, fur lined,
wool lined and unllned. Regular
Munslng Union Suits, in all
weights and qualities. Regular and
$1.00 to $5.50
Men'g tine quality new fall Silk
Neckwear, large open end four-in-hands.
Regular $1.00 cf An
values 65c $1.60 values. ipl.UU
The Fontenelle Will Serve Yon Well
2,000 Pairs of Men's Dress,
Street and Driving Gloves
Bought at a fraction of
their actual value. They
consist of samples and over
stock of a large glove man
ufacturer. All styles, both
lined and unlined; all
shades in both regular and
cadet sizes. Actual values
up to $2.00. Entire lot on
large bargain square Satur
day, every pair perfect, at
Just rweelved another new lot of
those fine Hand Made All Worsted
Webber Sweater Coats, in many
new shades, plain colors and
fancy trimmed. Regular values
Sale pri $5.98 and $7.50
65 dozen Men's Ail-Wool Sample
sweater uoau, all styles and col
ors, vaiuea to $5.00.
Fall and Winter
This fall and winter promises to be the most enthusiastio
one in the world of sport that we have seen in a long time.
More football and basketball games are scheduled than ever
before. Soccer, indoor baseball, and others are scheduled by
the hundreds. AU of these are served by us with the most
complete lines of sporting goods in the west, headed by men
who are conversant with all athletic requirements.
Spalding or Reach
Foot Balls Soccer Foot Balla
..11.00 to $5.00 ..$1.60 to $5.00
Basket Balls.. Punching Bags
..$1.50 to 7.50 ..$1.50 to $9.00
Volley Balls... Boxing Gloves.
I $1.50 to $3.50 .$1.50 to $12.00
a gsuu vur
120 dozen Men's medium and
heavy weight Cashmere Hose, as
sorted colors. Regular 25a 1 Q
quality. Saturday, pair... 15C
One big lot of Men's fall and
Winter Weight Union Suits; reg
ular vaiuea to $1.60. A
Wall Exercises.
Dumb Bells. Indian
Jeraeys, solid col
ors, $1.00, $1.50, $2
and $2.50.
Jerseys, striped,
any combination of
colors $2.50
Y. M. C. A. Gym
nasium Suits. Full
line of Athletic
Special attention,
paid to all special
orders for Jerseys.
Pennants. Letters
and Monograms.
Full Una of Gym
nasium Shoes, Bas
ket Ball Shoes and
Bowling Shoes. -
Golf Jerseys, spe
cial leather Golf
Coats. Golfers' Put
I ting Discs.
New Pall Hats
For Men and Young Men
When you look at this hat illustration you are practicrJIw
trying on the hat. If you like the looks come in J O il'l
in and call for a "Mayo Hat," at tpOsVV
Or a "Brandeis dQ ff I Other Standard f s"
Special Hat, at. 4 eU U Makes Pd -DxP
"We are headquarters in Omaha for the famous C 1 f
John B. Stetson Hats, at $3.50 to 4 1 J
Men's Hats Saturday at Half Price
Orer 2,000 bats bought from a New York
commission bouse at about half the regular
wholesale price, including Austrian Velour
hats, silk lined stiff hats and soft felt hats..
Values to $3.00. divided in two lota
Saturday, at 50c and
Men's $1.50 Sample Caps, at 65o
Over 100 dozen of men's high grade sample
Caps, silk lined with fur inside bands. C
$1 and $1.60 values, special Saturday. . OOC
Boys' Head wear
Boys' and Children's fall and winter head-
wear, in -every imaginable shape and color, in jplTvi vW
chinchilla, velvet, plush and fancy worsteds. XVyV A
Prices, 26c. 49c. 88c. $1.25, $1.60 H nn 1 vC SSX
.0..UU 4
Prices, 26c, 49c, 88c. $1.25, $1.60 QQ (g--.
Fur Caps
The wise man is the fellow who gets his fur cap before
the nip of zero weather drives him to it. He gets a better cap
and he gets it before winter gets him. Wins both ways.
Russian Squirrel Fur Caps $1.55
..$2.50 and S.V5J
Kearseal Caps
Genuine Alaska Seal Caps .$4.50
Better Grades $6.50 to $15.00
Natural Muakrat Caps fs.oo
For Results
Bee Wont Ads.