THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915. HDMPHREY LYNCH ; DIES ATSEYEHTY Father of County Comraiiiloner Pasft Away After Several Months of 111 Health. WAS A PIONEER OF NEBRASKA Humphrey Lunch, Omaha ploneor, and father ot County Commissioner John Lynch, died at hit home, 101 Boiith Twenty-sejcond street. Thurs day nlM. H 7 7ri of age. ' Since Mr. Lynch had been retired on a pension from aerrlca with the ;fnlon Paclfle railroad, by which he had been employed for forty-two yean, he had rapidly failed In health, lie dally grew weaker and hu death was anticipated for several day. r"ortr-elirht rears afro Mr. l.ymh i ! to Nebraska. He and Mn Lynch r.n.l i twelve children who were brn to thorn i wore spared none ot the hardships of ! pioneer day a. Durlne that period Mr. j Lynch trareled exlenalveljr orer the pral j rtea both by train and hy horseback. He j had numeroua thrilling and amusing ex : perlencea with Indiana, whloh hla frtenda i and relatives In hla later yeara enjoyed S Inducing him to relate, j Once while hunting In the dlatrlct ad ! Jecent to North riatte Mr. Lynch be ! cam lost and In hla wanderings encoun j tered a party of Indiana enarexed in a war dance. Knowing; that hla Ufa would , be worthless If ha should be dleoovered ! ha hid htmeelf until an opportunity came to aacape. ! At another time he had a narrow earape ; from death when ha met a trio of horae thlevea near Cheyenne, Wyo., while doing- train work. , Mr. Lynch came to Omaha from New : Tork In 1W7. Surviving Mm besides the ' widow are five aona, John, Humphrey, ; Thlllp, Michael and Frank. Try This on Your Piano; Japs Will Sing It at Coronation Ceremonies or nmperor Thla la the official Japanese coronation song, and It la now twins: taught to thousands of Japanese ahonl children, who will alng It during the coronation ceremonies, which begin on November a. and continue for twenty daya. It was selected by the Board of Rducatlnn of Japan out of more than I.Ono aonra sub mitted and was awarded flrnt prlie. The Japanese worda and a free translation follow: Ame taurhl no muta klwaml nskl. Amduhl'i"il no. mtkural nU Waea nokllml no. notv r.mxmi. Kyo n, mlnorl no. to toa yo. Tarfho no. Ine no. oomlke nl, Hhlrokl. kumkl wo. torlaove te. Bumeramlkaml nl, tasamnu, U-omlmatnurl no. kashlkosa yo. O-okl. tadaKMkl. kvmissro n- O nml. Iwnl nl. tntsnkunl no. T-iikiiwuhi, t,do mo. Isuranarl te, T'.ml nl. kotohogu, medetara yo. TRANSLATION, rv 'low happy I tO''av. Our beloved . 'V' '""brrken Ine agenda the VP I nl ,h.r(,n' whlon i.sta as long as lea en and earth endure. O. solemn ta the divine harvest feast fP fl"" mrror offers today to the imi-erlal enre.tore, a feast, with black ir? 7 J. wJn ,roTT1 e fresh and sacred rice harvested tn the rich and glorloua autumn. wCh h.h7 m"7T t'v,', relotca witn the forelsn guests who h JoTo'ir In thi'go ImpTroVr Ur ,rrt nd rlhto" f i if r r i,J l 1 1 1 tl j .Moving Stairway ; to Be Installed in the Brandeis Store ; Omaha la going to have an escalator. I or moving atalrway, la one of Its big I department stores. Just like the empo riums of New Tork, Pnlladelphla and ! Chicago have. Ueorge Brandela has signed a contract ; for the Installation of such a device be- tween the flrat and second floors of the . old building of the Brandrla stores, and It will bo ready for use by February 1 are the object of hla vengeance. They are warned Just In time and escape with u..,,.unr. nnany reaching the settle ments, where they give the alarm and en list with troops who go back to fight the Indiana. IVlJ?!?TK n,nriT WILD NOHTH. By P. l-inife, lnihrop. Lee flhepfrd Co. Illustrated. L net. postage lOnnia The story of canoe trip by a boy and Ha father Irom Hudson Bay to Ke river; a buffalo hunt and a thrilling escape from the hostile Black feet Indiana; a trip down the Arkansas river to the Mississippi, thence ta St. Loula. A stir ring and accurate account of pioneer life. and what came of It. forma much of a real ' Cinderella" etory. In which a good half-brother la glad to be the "prince." rwinnTHY taivtt at crbptvim.r Fty Amy Brooks. IVnn Vuhllahlng com pany. 11. Illustrated by author. Tha fourteenth volume of "Dorothy Dainty" aerlea. Each new volume la a complete story In Itself and brings new Interest. In "Ivirothy Dainty at Crest vllle," which, like each of these books. Is a complete story In Itself, Dorothy and her deareat frlenda have a delightful summer at a seaside resort, and make new frlenda. BFTH ANNFJ HB1WBLP. By Emberton Otnfher. Penn Publishing company., Philadelphia. II net. Thla la a bright story of an artlst'a little daughter, who pabnta and likes to write plays. Hhe 1a fond of "day-dreaming," and la too eager to be the center ot thlnga heraelf. She ta quite Jealous when Jinny, the little street singer. In a very wonderful way comes Into her aivnk OF THE IKi.AMl rtv Montgomery. The Page rompan IKl.ANll mnanv irateo by H teuton Taylor. !.. net: L. M. Illtis- carrlage paid. ft. to. A new "Anna" story, which tells of Anne's ooltoce life, her new friends, and, finally of her romance. CimiflTMA" IN LKOEVD AND STORr. Compiled by Elva 8. 8mlth and Alice I. Haieltlne. Iithrop. ljr tk Khepherd company. Larxe 12 mi. cloth. Illustrated. IIH net; postpaid. $170. Tha noblest, grandest, sweetest and most reverend of all thrj eminent writers In varying lunda and In different times have told us In prose and verse of tha It will be flrat esc alator In the mldd'.o rlgln and seMtll.nt of Clirlstmaa. west, according to Manager R. V. Osrd- ' : r of llM dm Ki.n,iM ,mri. ki..h, " ' ' ' r. v. ny para I. " nire d.r t. T e prnn , nil ine contract i no Puhllahlnv moving stairway i cimpntii'. '!lief-n''d. f cents net. , win be able to confey 1.100 pet sons per j Peter Coridlngton left his comfortable hour from one floor to the next. , borne to enter hla father's factory, under l If the device proves satisfactory, aim- nn assumed name. With hla friend. Nat. liar ones will be Installed throughout tha Brandeis stores, , George Urandeia aaa Tha old Boston store building, where tha first one wilt be tried, la being made Into a store excualvely for men. and In- i eludes tha clothing, furnishings, hats and sporting goods departments. (ald Wot Walk with Hheamatlsm. A satisfied patient writes "Sloan's Lini ment cured my iheumutls.n, nm grateful. I can walk without pain" only Zf. All drugglata. Advert lament. , New Books he mastered In turn the dstalla of thla fascinating but difficult Industry, and became by courage and faithfulness a power In tha factory and with h:a father. TKI.T, MB WIIT STORIES ABOtT C)IX)R AND SOUND By O. H. Claudy. Illustrated by Thomaa Wrenn. Itobert M. MiiUrlde A Co. $1.26. A new volume In Mr. Claudy's "Tell Me Why" aeries which takea up tha origlna of art and music and by means of the questioning of Its little hero and the wise and simple answers of Ita big hero, tella young people about the first i paintings and tha first musical Instru ments and tha aeven colored rays of tha sunbeam, and other such matters. life as an adopted sister, and claims the attention of every one. But Beth Anne's Invahte nature helps her to find Joy In a more generous attitude.' Saturday Will Be a Day of Rare Value-Giving in All Departments for Women Radical Price-Reductions the Order of the Day Look for the Two Big: Sale Racks of New Fall Suits and Dresses JAN: A DOtl AND A ROMANCE ' Tty A. J. Dawson. Harper A Bros. 11.35 net. The story of a wonderful dog half wolfhound and half bloodhound of hla first training In a quiet English neigh borhood, and of hla active career In Can adian wilds. And the human charactera of the novel are ahown aa they appear In the dog's eyes. JFAN OE THE LA7.Y A. By B. M. Bower. Little, Brown Co. 11.30 net. A girl on a western ranch chances to do some horse riding stunts before the manager of a moving picture oompany who has brought his outfit to that region to make pictures of western life. Bhe Joins the oompany and la featured as "Jean of tha Laxy A," and with the money thus earned she endeavors to free her father from the charge of murder and to find the guilty man. Two stories are A Hint to Mothers of Growing Children A Mild Laxativ at Regular InUrvah Will Prevent Constipation A vital point upon which all schools of medicine seem to agree la that normal regularity of the rxrwela la an aaaentlai to good health, Tha Importance of this Is Impressed particularly on mothers of growing children. A very valuable remedy that should he kept In every home for uae as occasion arises la Dr. Caldwall's Syrup Papain, a compound of elmple laxative herba that ha been preacrlbed by Dr. W, B. Ca'dwell, of Montlcello, 111., for mora than twenty-five yeara, and which can now be obtained in any well atockei drug atora for fifty cents a bottle. In a recant letter te Dr. Caldwell, Mra II. C. Turner, 144 Main St.. Buffalo, N. Y says, "I bought a bottle of Dr Caldwell's Pyrup Pepsin for my baby, Roland Iee Turner, and find It worki Just like you said It would. It Is flue for the atomarh and bowala." A 'bottle of Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pep THE SUITS Include tha season's fa vored styles; Box Suits, Russian or plain tailored effects In Broadcloth, Top. lin, Gabardine. Whipcord and Serge, In black, navy, brown, green and plum. $'F750 Were Formerly $5 to $10 More THE DRESSES Include those styles for either afternoon or street wear In 811k, Serge or Vel vet, or combinations of the different cloths. Thej come in all the desirable colors and In every late style. tew1;. p Our nillinery Sale of last week was such A tremendous success we wired for more hatg and offer again for to morrow. Your absolute choice aiy hat in stock Every Hat Goes Untrimmed Shapes. Values to $5.00 Luxurious New Velvet Suits But a Luxury Every Woman Can Indulge in at These Re markable Prices: $19.50 $25.00 $35.00 for $30 Suits for $35 Suits for $50 Suits ; That's all there is to the story. They're all very late models; they're all fur trimmed and they're offered to you at substantial reductions just when the season for vel vets is starting. We have them in all colors. Special Saturday Coat Sales S7 PA For mixture and rill noTelty coats, In all the popular colors, styles and mate rials. J13.50 For new mixture or solid color coaU In a big va riety of materials, colors and styles. ror stylish, new coats la plush, broadcloth and novelty materials, In all colors and fur trimmed. (25.00 98c NEW SILK PETTICOATS Messaline or Taffeta $1.98 STYLISH NEW WAISTS Laoe or Silk $3.45 SEPARATE SKIRTS All Colors and Materials Values to $8.50 $4.75 LINGERIE WAISTS Regular $1.50 Values 98c mosastb un Trains sin should be in every home. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writlns to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 414 Washington St. MonUceUo, 111. Javealle. JANE STUART AT RIVKRCOfRT. Hy (iraoe M. Itemlck. The henn Publishing company. H.. net. Jane Stuart's aunt, Caroline, has a merry house party of young people In the country where tUephen and other friends of Jane have a Jolly summer, camping, exploring the -countryside ami finding new puxales everywhere. There are two g.-eat mysteries In the shape of a very little boy and a very tall young doctor, who flnnlly discover each other. But It li Stephen, assisted by Jane to win hla great victory, who Is the real hero of the book. HF.LHN AND THU FIFTH ("Ol'dlNg. H- lwih r.radrord Gilchrist. The Penn Publishing company. 11.25, net. Helen and her friends of the Find-Out club ere Interested In finding some rela tives for Judith French, an orphan. They aucceed In a surprising way that brings thv club and Judith lntr some embar rassing situations. But Judith bravely finds a way to turn It all Into good tor tune for her and happiness for the club. MARK TIID INrtrSINESS. By Clar ence B. Kel'and. Harper Si Bro. lllu treted. fl. net. Ita hnnli Vwilit Ih. Iw.iMlrf'.f 111 f M I boy of 'Mark Tldd" and "Mark Tldd In! the Backwoods." Further sctl .Mlu of the Ingenloua fat boy and how Mark and hla friends won out. A story for every boy who wanta to get ahead. ! MAKING GOOD. My W. T. Nichols. D. 1 Appleton C o. With pktui-es In two I tclora. by 'Jeorae Vsrian. ll.U, net. The story of a boy wio not only Warned i to help himself deaplte great opposition, but who the means of helping others tit success. An Inspiring e'ory for boy. BM'K GIN' J HA Si"" KOI. KB. Ry IVirthy fKinnrll CalNiun. The Abingdon Press. li cents, net. In these sketches there ta a quaint and quiet humor, a refined end gentle pathos, ttgether with a moral sensibility that la aura to find a wide appeal. Tha author ' has displayed unusual tustght and pane. trUon in her delineation of these self contained and reres.ied New England t pea. Each story mnkes the reader eager for the next, and It la a real to Income acquainted with "Blue) Ulngham Folks." THI0 TTOY WITH THE U. . MFE8AV KRH. Hv Krancle Rolt-Wheeler. Pro-funt-ly Illustrated. Uoihrop, Use Bliep ard company. tl.W. The aeventh volume In the United States Service serlea. thla book takea a typloal American boy as Its center and shows bow tha United Btatea government cares for the lives of Its cltlaens 1A the revenue cutter and Ufa saving services and In mine disasters, and tills how expeditions for re ue are sent Into unmapped reglena f the earth. JOE MANNING. Bv Irving Wtlllama D. Applolun A fe. With riiturcs In two colors, by William BnettsUoe. H la. net. The tnte -eating story of soma boye In the middle meti who form a club and spend much of their time ta camping. A fine out-of-doors story. TMF. TriAl', OF THE BLACK HAWK. 1- I-nl i Tomllneon. lJ. Api'leton A Cu. lllusireted. U K. net. The thrilling experieneea of two brothers. Joseph and Hubert Hall, who In j )& while working ta the fields of their , liilno'.s home are warned that Black Hawk i u again en "-be trail" and that they A RRAli CINDEURLIjA. By Nina Rhoadea. Illustrated. Iothrop, le A Phepard company, tl. Tula new atory tells of a very lovable little orphan girl, who had inherited a passionate love of really good music from her talented father, and had enjoyed the beginning of an excellent mualcai edu cation bcfor he was taken away from her. Then there are dork days for the brave little girl, broken by a few hours In "fairyland." In other worda. aa even ing of grand opera whloh aha enjoyed aa few could do. How aha got her ticket BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the "Swappers' Column" (.-ji U Kfl H FfflB filE 0l 24th and L Sto. South Omaha ualify High - - Prices Low f ' rtf'. ,ir' -.2 ! r! 'iiSt "T ip?! ' 111 ir SPECIAL Hug Ualucs It is a known fact that Rug Prices have greatly advanced, but our or ders were placed so our usual low prices still prevail. $1700 Oil a 8ceunl cms Brussels Rugs. . Ail 2 Seamless Vetret Uugs. . . . 912 Axmlnater Unas Special Value In Small Rugs iy iKlome Pride Range OCT UP IN YOUR HOME FOR Complete Line of "QUICK MEAL" Quges See Oar Hen Daylight Display Room LIDRARY TABLES In all woods golden oak, fumed oak, mahogany, etc., specially priced at the Home. See them. 1 K.,,,cy Inger Twin Six $ Completely Equipped... Mister Dealer, You Have a Field to Yourself Selling This Automobile- TT Eliminating every single feature that makes Enger Twin Six pre-eml-jj nent as a car of value, it is as good and better in every other respect as the best fours, the best sixes and the best eights selling today for the same and more money than it sells for. 1F Enger Twin Six has as good and better leather in it than they have; Enger Twin Six has as good and better upholstery; none have better springs and few as easy in any priced car; Enger Twin Six is painted as well as any four, six or eight and its equipment is as complete aa that of any car, regardless of price. This must be acknowledged by the four, six and eight dealers. fTTrp Now couple this up with the multifold advantages of twelve-cylinder (f construction over four, six or eight, in power, speed, comfort, silence, and a clear field in which to sell it no price cutting, no discounts, and see, Mr. Dealer, where you 6tand in the matter of making money, selling automobiles. e are alloting territory now on Enger Twin Six Better wire for an agency Don't wait to write. , Foshier-Enger Company 12th and Farnam Omaha, Nebraska Cfc? ptop Oka?