TIIE BEE: OMAHA. RATURDAV, NOVEMttER fi, 1015. YIEWS OF OTHER ! ROADS ONRATE CASE Union Pacific Sayi Not Contemplat-; lag Suit Now and Has Don j Nothing. ; XtELY ON INTERSTATE SUIT Among railroad attorney! the holding of the federal Judges in the Missouri Pacific case, permitting that railroad company to advance Ita pas senger rates In Nebraska from 2 to 3 cents per mile and restraining the Ptate Railway commission from In terfering In such advance, la the toplo for discussion. All of the rail road attorneys are with the court In the holding, but none la ready to say what action will be taken by the '. roada they represent, looking to a ) gait to secure a similar ruling. JDjron iara, general attorney lur i Nebraska for the Burlington, said: "So far as we ere concerned, no action has been taken. We are awaiting the outcome of a complaint before the Inter state Commerce commission. Before the commission the -cnt per mile proposi tion la to be determined, it applying to all roada." A. A. McLaughlin, general attorney for the Northwestern for the tines west of . the Missouri river, aald i Wlth considerable Interest we have watched the Mlajourl Tactile ease, but hare done nothing looking to the com mencement of a similar action in the Nebraska courts relative to passenger rates. I don't know aa we will, for It Is probable that the whole rate question will be settled by the decision of a case that Is before the Interstate Commerce commission, i In that case the entire ques tion Is raised and the finding of the court will probably apply In all states In which we operate." Bald Edson Rich, general attorney for the Vnlon Pacific In Nebraska: "While we have felt an interest In the outcome of the Missouri Pacific case, we have done nothing looking to having the Nebraska rates declared void so far as applying to the Union Pacific la con cerned. At this time we are not contem plating a suit' Yeiser Attacks Law Permitting. Wage Garnishment Garnishment of 10 per cent of laboring men's wages In casea where the sum recovered does not amount to more than the costs In- Justice court. Is threatened In a suit filed In district cofirt by Henry Olsen In which Dr. Charles Luber and Justice Vincent C. llascatl are defendants. Attorney John O. Telser, for the plain tiff, secured a temporary restraining or der from District Judge Bears forbid ding further garnishment proceedings, pending hearing of the suit Constitutionality of the law permitting garnishment of 10 per cent of wages Is Involved in the esse, the plaintiff main taining that the provision discriminates against the working man. Olsen la suing the defendants for tS.wO damages. He asserts that In collecting t2t from him they have caused him to be liable to an expense of feno and he Is alsosulng for damage for Injured feelings. Missouri Pacific to Have New Kates in Operation Soon Notwithstanding the order of the fed eral court, permitting the Missouri Pa cific to advance Its assenger rates from S to t cents per mile, the old rate la still In effect. However, It ,1s expected that the 'advance will be applied not later than the last of this week. It Is understood that the offices In fit louls have the new passenger rate tar iffs prepared and that the tickets are being printed. As soon as they arrive the new rates will go Into effect. The advance la going to be considerable. For Instance, at this time tne rate from Omaha to Plattsmouth Is tt cents, under the Increased rate It will be 67 cents. Similar advances wilt apply between alt stations In Nebraska. The advance ap plies only to Intrastate business and does not maintain with reference to Interstate travel. Hearing of Status of Municipal Court Set for Thursday Hearing of the quo warranto proceed ings Uu.tltuted by County Attorney Mag ney to teat the legality of the appoint ment by Governor Morehead of Ilk-hard K. Hunter, Arthur H. Murdoch and Rob ert W. Patrick as municipal Judges, has been set for next Thursday morning be fore District Judge ftedlck. An answer has been filed by Attorney J. P. Breen In which the allegations that the appoint mints were Illegal Is denied. 33S Ce.ek.ea (or Three Years. A grateful sufferer writes: "Tour med !die. Dr. King's New Discovery, cured my cough of three years' standing." We. All drugglstaAdverUsemenL DINING CAR HEADQUARTERS . FOR NORTHWESTERN HERE November 1 the Northwestern divided Its dining car service department, placing the lines west of the Missouri river In a division by Itself, with headquarters In Omaha. Ths waa done on acoount of the Increase In business on ths western lines. Here E. A. Smith, for a long time In charge of the catering at the Omaha Field club, will be superintendent. His offices probably will be In the headquar ters building at Twelfth and Famam streets. Ths Jurisdiction of Mr. Smith will ex tend over the dining cars sod tbe eating houses on the lines west from Omaha. YoiarlLasl'EfeQHeo To Got a BARQAIfJ From Thlo "7 FfflCUffiEE) u Saturday winds up our FORCED 8 AXE, made necessary by tbe large arrivals of Winter Garments. Every Suit and Dress in tbe bouse being closed out at about HALF PRICE. Don't miss tbe last day of this barg-ain event. Ladies' Swifts at Bflaiff Your choice of 100 Beautiful worm to iv.ov, to oe ciosea oui Saturday only .... l Last Day of t Tour choice of 90 Beautiful Suite, all sizes, worth to $28.60, M 1 all on sale j r Saturday at only , lie Dress Sale Onr entire stock of Beautiful Silk and Combination Dressos, worth up to $27.60, on sale at from $3.05 to $10.50 Specially Priced CLOTH COATS Specially priced for Saturday at $6.95, 59.85, $12.50 and $14.85 and Zibeline Coats on sale Saturday $19.50v$22.5Ov $24.50, $27.50 ssd cp EICH PUSH Coats, specially priced for Satur day, at $19.50,$22.50, $24.50,527.50 und up I I Hm.'i ' tt'.'.!!ril.':'H j m Omaha's PoTral&r Priced Ladies' Annarel Store. SOUTHEAST CORNER 16TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. Wo Aro Always in the Lead for Quality and Prices Specials for Saturday 1 lbs. pure Cane Purer ror . ...fi.oo 48-lI. k. Hunklst Klour, per sic., 1.3i Campbell's i'ork and leans, 4 cans for f 85j Tall cutis Halmon, per can. . . .100 Corn Hakes, I packages for .,..10) 10 bars Laundry Soap fur l-'snat Macaroni and Spaghetti, per package TU 11 e cans Pllced Pineapple, can, ISO I.arve cans IMe teachee, can so flood Prunes, per lb .....ti Fancy Preserves, regular lio aellnr, fur .. 10o 6-lb. sacks Fancake Flour, sack, lo l.arr onns Hants, ner can Be Bnlder's Tomato Catsup, per can, THo BOAT ftTXCXlM. Pig Pork Ixin Koaat, per lb. . ,149 Pig Pork Shoulder, per lb lo-.a Pig Pork Hutts, tw lb lo Round 8 teak. Porterhouse and Sirloin steak, lb. lo Choice lean Boiling Peof, per lb., SHe Pork Chops, Pork 6 teak and F'resn Ilsjn. beat cuts 17 Ho No. 1 California Sugar Cured Hams. lb. . 10e No. 1 Sugar Curd Skinned Kama, lb. UHi No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon, by striii, lb.. l4o .Choice Bait Pork, per lb to Choice Fresh Liver, per lb. So Country orders filled at above prices. 24th and Coming fit. Tel. D. l&SO. Fresh Dressed Chickens, Our Own Drasslng.llc 1915 Spring Lsab, Foreqoarter." . .9c Pig Pork Butts ...llHo Kteer Pot Koaat - ..te Young Veal Kuaat ...... U -t Young veai t. nn ...... .iia I'nrlT House Bteak ITHe Mutton Cliops 14Ue u.. U Iaui. bisIm Salt Pork Fresh ru Sally. Extra Iant Breakfast ' Bacon. .1B4 S nicer Cured Baoon 13.e Kkinned liuni 14le Sugnr Cu rl Ham ' 10 l-lb. Pall Pure Lard. regular prlo 45c: special 40o Fresh Oysters, quart 40o Deliveries, A. SC. l. M. SCall Orders Tilled at Above IMoes. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth 5c and 10c Store. H 3 South loth 8t. Tel. D. 2307. If Your Doctor Should Read This Ad ho would tell you that every word is true. And ho would very strongly recommend Metzger's Bran Bread BECAUSE, it is Nature's reu lator, an agreeable, tasty, whole some combination of wholo wheat, molasses, and an extra percentage of carefully selected, purified bran. Your Doctor knows that your sys tem needs just such food. Buy It Anywhere, 10c Eat it onco every day, you'll like it; At other times cat Metzgcr 's PURITAN and QUAKER brands, the white breads good, pure and wholesome. A. Metzger Baking Company I it3 rrr. rp ft3 n fPfTr.r?3 J UulJzalinio LI Uu B F1 3 j! Two 48 lb. Sacks of Updike's Pride of Omaha Flour with every UlTCIlEfl T.1AID Kitchen Cab-H inct Sold Saturday At The Union 0UTFITTI1IG CO. I Fresh Dressed Chickens. Our Own Dressing llc Pig Pork Roast .. .... . 11c H IX IwrXiallllKQOl I l UPDIKE MILLINQ GO. l 5 ? A OMAHA MLB. JA M OMAHA 1 NEB. fiAB Pteer Pot Roast Youns; Veal Jtoast ... Youn Veal Chops .. Plff Pork Butts Portnr House 6teak. iAttlh L-S Mutton Chops . Kxtra Ian UreaJcfast Sugar Cured Baoon .. BeUTeries, B:30 A. X., SUo llVjo 14Ue 13HS 17UO litis ..14.e Bacon... lo WHO ; F. K. PUBLIC MARKET Bktnnefl Ifsms 14ie Buirar Curel Ham iOo -U. Pall Iure Lard, regular prlr, 76o; sperlal 5o 1-resh Irish Dally. avrsciAik Yom I to I p, m., Iamb Chops... o From I to 10 p. m.. Pork Chops.. .lOo Mail Orders rilled rromptly. 1610 Harney St. Phon Douglas 2793 H I I ! Whaddayamean different? i ry it ana you will see. I ' It tastes so good you will always' VIIJiSi ' order Skinner's by name. fetSEtlm ' ! Writ hr ndp book free sRS-Wpiw J 5y - Ji 1 Bil, in Li 3 Weai to nt llMptial. C E. lilanchard. pestrnaster at Blanch, art. CsX. writes: "I had kidney trouble se bad I had to so to ths hospital. Foley Kidney Pills were recommended to me and thr completely rurrd m. I raunot rk too highly of thrm." Bufft-rers In very state have had similar bnrf t from this standard remedy for kidney and bladder aliments. It banishes hack. ache, stiff joints, swollen muscles and all tbe various symptoms of wakend cr diseased kidneys. Sold everywhere. Ad vert. u meat. There is no establishment which is kept more sanitary than a brewery There is no beverage made under more sanitary conditions than A7 Save Coupons and Get Free Premium Phone Douglas 1889 and have a case sent home Luxus Mercantile Co., Distributors I , : . x iisssis-'ii. Tin i - f -tt r1lsrJrVlswnswaWT1lsl THE BEE'S SPORT EXTRA Btt of Tlea All Duy tt From the Newsboy sp-1 op Biread. Is Splendid Bread TRA.DC MAMK RC. U.S.MkTCNT orrto Look for Tkit labtl If you have never tried it you can't tell. It is a firm, fine grained white bread and the crust has that rich, golden brown color which always shows the qualities of a good loaf of bread. A$k for Tip-Top when yoa bay bread 5o ind 10c tt Your Grocers D. P. STEAM DAKII1Q CO. ra 55 mt&'ThQZO 2 Sacks of Flourcj6 lbs FREE with every Kitchen Cabinds iSold Saturday. See Windows. -xsa U 1BIG OFFER F3l . i n ezenange for the adTPrtis Ing we give them R uid for the new fe3 accounts that this sale win bring us, tbe manufacturers of pa -iviicnen niaia kitchen cabinets) and the Updike AllUlng Co., mill. 3 fa of "Pride of 3 1 Oniaha" Flour, 2 have made us 3 special price eon cessions. While E5 such a wonderful c3( offering as this Q -i naiurauj means a greater bual neas for us, it t also aerres to further Introdace K ltcben Maid Cabinets and I Vide of Omaha, Flour Into more E2 Omaha HsimtA nniis solid oau KITCHEN CADinET fnriD TWO 401b. SACKS 4 linnilfiiia. svsissa sbjsj aa.H n 3 tllfta llUIIIIlla'V EJIIIIll- lifts iir s WI VII Ml lift W I all Uba VI VtlJIilBCag IFLOUn. Terms: S2.50 Gash, 75c' Weekly I 3 heto Sam A Termi Anolv la.Anv Kitchan Cabinet Van Mav Select bt Wa VTlfi1s01- t.Tlia ATI A Af t.VlA TTIAflt. TH-TM fl Tiro W IritnVlPr "WW wi4MVs) sja aaj was VaVW AWMV a Vtaa iUKWiV 4UVVeVe ; cabinets for the money we have ever seen. It is exactly like pf the illustration, and includes a full equipment of glass ware. Kitchen Maid Cabinets are made of solid oak, fin- h ished in a golden wax and every cabinet has a nickel slid- H ing working top. These cabinets are wonderful savers P of time and work, for every convenience is embodied in 3 them. For instance, there is a large flour bin, full, sani- tary, with sifter attached; a large sanitary cake and bread box, with sliding top, cutlery drawers, large cook ing utensil compartment and many other numerous con veniences. Updike's Pride of Omaha Flour needs no in troduction to Omahans. It is a high grade flour of the 'inest quality, and put up in Updike's new sanitary paper lined air and dust-proof sacks. The two sacks of flour will be delivered with your cabinet. mm FORI ALLeI ISSJi E3 Z3 1 A - " - - - star "fididy, You WorftFogeiToBmjf ullepMuT Coffee r. v .XJf 1V lams Sixteen, Latest Selections and This Columbia Grafo nola Complete for- , 112 J All the joys inspired by good music and entertainment are yours when you have a Columbia Graf onola in your home. Your family and friends can enjoy a delightful evening. Every note p rings as true, as clear, as beauti ful as when the artist sang or p played for the original record. Hjl.OO a Week Pats a ijlraionola in Your Homo. 3 f Dun s V ... J UhTon ittingC9 OMAHA V SLCOIU6w-JACKS0I. STS. UI'llmiiK Itolhi. i, I'KOri.KH HTOItK IP.TfTTfli f5 si iinnmiTnimnnianiiii nun