rrrrt- V-.T-T- nuitri Vrt t T..f TT7T 'Itll g TILr. Jr.r; ujuviia, mi.. . j V- : ; I i 1 - l ... . . ........ .-.. i infi ivn tv-ii'mm r 7 FOR 8.1 1. H I llb.1,1- w . . n i r. i r r, .11 ,t i. w ba-x w. WANT ADS Want acta received at any time, but to Incut proper classification must be pre- I srrtea rieior. u o ciocs noon mr nni ditton and 7 46 p. tn. for mornlnji ana Sunday editions. Want an received after urh fioura will ba under tba beading. "Too Lt. to Classify." CASH RATES. Pwren conwcuUTt times, 1 cant word ach Insertion, Two or mora consecutive Umaa, lVi cants a word. One tloja, I cent, a word. CHAROB BATES. fven consecutive times. eanU a Una ach Insertion. . ... Three consecutive time. 10 cents a una ach Insertion, Ona time, II cent, a lino. Count six average worila to line. Minimum charge, to cant. Aa advertisement Inserted to pa run mil discontinued muat bo Mopped by Ail claima for error, m-.t b. within nrteea ay after tn. Uoa of tba advertisement Too can plaoa your want ad. In Tha Baa by telephone.. TELEPHONE TTliu iw - - a n, . Ttr 11HKI. . . . . . . .... ..i.hhAn and rv. wien to muni oi - . friend, for their kindness, sympathy i ana ,i, .-! - ,k. ..A bereavement Vrbohn. Mr. and Mra. Herman B;hmld, Mr. and Mra. August Bcnimav, j;.. and Mra. Kd Poeman, Mr. ana O. Schmidt Mr. and Mra. J. H. Fim back. Mr. and Mra. Ed Dixon. W. dealr. to thank our many friends For their" kl noVs." and sympathy atari !. r . I.....". , I ..(..-!--- during OUf "S v' of the loi. ct our be loved husband ""Rtrj, joHNSTCN. FRED joitNHBN. P. A. JOHN8EN. ANNA JOHNBEJf. Mllg. IKjRA NUGENT. MKH. K RsfiI.,., MRa L. BERTCIL .v. ..nnualnna of klndl ytnpathr In our rv",nl,"1n .in! of our d-ar hu.band. brother and tp .,.. i.ul Oetiachmann, and for tna many baau.lful floral trtbutr. J alra to pra our JP appreciation and heartfelt thanV. MKfl. PKHTHA iiKTZ3CHMANN AND FAMILY. . MOVIES FEATUIIKS TODAY llaraa rt) irlra. I IIOKHK, bufiry and harne, !. Wab- ir r1. n Bftr a. m. APPOLO. J8I4 LEAVENWORTH. Tha nourh share. A 4-rarl Edition. I) ESSE, Nl of tha Nary. No. M 34 A N. LOTHROP, 14TH AND W)THROP. Wm. Fo preaenta Irlnre Uomanofr. Kanoa O'Netl In MONROE. 15BS FARNAM. Bnlla treenta TTarry Maneya.r In 'Tha Millionaire Baby," a treel Jlcd Mai r'ay. ORPHEUM. I4TH AND M. tilth Roadi, maatarplooa la I part a. PRINCESS, 1317-1 DOUGLAS. Francla Larrtmora, frh from Broad way. In Tha Iwvlra arlint. a atory of Tha Fight for a Woman's Soul. 4 acts. If" '! har min). I'ol, 'Q. &'. MATCHKL) pair of rnarea, 1,71(1 lha.; alao uYllvfry horae, J,000 lha. Lady owner. io. ztn. I. A DT'H ann1l. Thone lo'll 77. TWO hfavy tnar't, two gelninan for aale; North ?7th and Orajit, trocerjr atore. I hone Webiiter M1. U V X-eprlng delivery wwon, W. Ioug laa 41 ' J. Maalral Baritone laat rarara ta. aana phone for sala. I'enltrr, Kaa and gopaltea. MXD raln, 100 ba. 11.71. Warnar. Ml W 11 BTERKOTTHKI matrtrea make tba beat and t-heaceat lining for poultry bonaee, They are 17iM Inrhea, atrOnger and more iorahla than tarred felt and. practically fireproof. ;e a hundred at Tka T office. Pet a toe w. FF.RRKTH for aala, W pair. 4J38 Emmet Ht. Phone. Walnut X7M. J. U Wllaon. TMOKOIOHBHEU Iriab water-apenlet pupa; greateat hunters and watch doga. Wehaler Mfl or rl N. 19th Bt. Mlarellaneoaa. TOTTNO women coming to Omaha aa atrangers are Invited to vlatt tne Tf-ung Women'a Phrlatlan eaaoctation building at Ht Marys Ave. and 17th St., where they will te directed to euitaoie ooaraing places or otherwise aaelated. Ixok for our travelera' guldM at t'nl"l atatlon. 8TENO. elate experlenoe. K W. Bee. WANTED WOMAN Government clerfc ahlra. Write Immediately for details. Franklin institute tept. U H. Rochester. N. T. WANTEIt Young women to enter nurses' training school at City hospi tal. Norfolk. Neb. IIELP wAYTED MALK White Ansora kitten for sale. ' Web. tim. Typewriters. FOR A I E New and aeeond-hand carom and pocket bIKIard tables and bowling alleys and acceaaorlea; bar futures of ail kinds; easy payments The Brunswick Halke'ollrnder Co., 401-t a. ioth Ht. lert"- en. Office. 8TENO. and Plct. Opr., 5. Mult. Opr. and typlct, P' Pteno. and hookkceper, $40. WATTS KEF. CO., 83S-40-42 Brand. Tha. Faiestnan Grocery Exp. and IW Pteno. and I Met. Opr f-JJ Multlgraph tlpr "J WATTS RKF. CO., 038-40-43 Brandels The. ACCOf NTANT.eperienced In Inatall- nn anrf furniture line. 1 1 VI. EvpeM- an red white goods aftleaman, $iw. Sales man who can Invest ll.WJ to $:.B00. Co OperaUva Keferenco Co., 1015 City National. YOU NO man with motorcyle tl nay and com. BU8INKHS ttkina ntua A83 N, ! W, O. VJ. lino B1T.WARI) AITTOMOBII.E 8TOL.EN. One Ford touring car, model year 191s, No. Wf.2J. motor No, 747242, atate license No. equipped with top. wind-shield. Oray A Iavis electric starter and light ing system, demountable rims, Wlllard halterles, Stewart speedometer, four Fire stone and one Fisk casings, estra de mountable rim and casing on carrier left side car. two long scratches) on aide bat tery hog. fitolen from corner Xth and Chpltol Ave., Omaha, between and II o'clock p. m., October SO, 1915, from (. M. Rtevene. ."i0 OABH RBWARD will be paid for tha return of aald car within sis months, or Information directly responsible for Its recovery and source of same kept confi dential. $M CASH REWARD will ba paid for the arrest and conviction of tha party or parties who stole said car Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service thaty . tl will 1 - 4V. 4 .Jllinl ' 1 ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. RFJED ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract offlca In Nebraska. Jng Brandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract offl. V B. 17th Ft. Phone D. WS7. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 438-4-T7 Ramg Bid. Phone Poiig. 74QB. ADVERTIJINa NOVELTIES. Notify any local agent of tha Royal In- M. T. Bhafer A Co.. th, Famam sursnce Co., or police sny place, or U. B ' IWlTcr bi ii"u t n" Welpton, Adjuster. Omaha, Neb., Arllng-I AMAIEl It FINISHINO. D. 7474. AUTOIOBILE9 Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If yoil buy or advertise through the used car column of The Hee. Phone Tyler 10M. CAI'lLLiAC roadster, 1913; 9.0U0 miles; perfect condition; guaranteed; cost 2.Ki0; sell for ITMl carh; no trade. Boeder, Grand Island, Neb. RFJjIANCH Rlhpon snd Carbon Co., car- pon paper aqd Inked ribbons. P. PUVl ttpevTir.-frTO. a Bee Bldg. TYPBWIUTKJIH sold, rented, repaired. t entraj lyye writer Kso. lw yarnam. Mlaeelianenna. "Bll-t,!" BfJNDAT TABERNACXB Sheeting, shlplsp, doors. 1 carload, t Ply nibberold. At a aiurA. 200 ( ft of "-it: .... . . . - O. lumner. lift to M dlmenlalons 2x, Z4, 1H, 2il0; toilets, to to $10 each; brick, tl; a 1 twfl gitM-aa llnalokt IUa - rv tCA A.na. VATI 1 A T .17 NKBHA8KA Muirk Hrvre Station, 1.14 On $hr f -nock in HttpMf Hollow rgfimiii rt. ii'Fiin i-wus.niw I U V, J Iioo KKWAltU for any magneto wa can't pav Bscobd-hand mwrs, dynamos, repair Colls repd Bnyadorfe,. 10 Tllth. I pXT magnetoa, etc. mechanical ;TO. dealing ho jse. Ituy, sell and eg- 'T ' S l flron bangs u td care f Parnam. D. Mi, works. tlf B Hth Bt -h AU eh Overton's for leaky radiator. &0e. dealers, or by mn.ll U'KM Ave., rn. niurts, ia. LODGB NOTICES. AU members of local No. 1 ? a-ra of Honor, are requested, to stienti fnTfnera? of o" late brother. William H Madden, which will be held at the home. 24l7 Ohio street, Baturday after tioonT November i, III o'clock. Blatcr AKCTCTIUCT. Chief of Honor. M. U liOUCJlKN, Recorder. ATTENTION. A. O. U. W. Members of A. O. if. W. No. l. are requested to sttend the funeral of our late brother. W. II. Madden, to be he d from the family m reai.lenc. 7 IJW street, tsaturdav afternoon at t o . Members of Uegree of Honor and visit ing lodges are Invited to attend. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES JTNCil Humphrey. Funeral from family residence, low South Twenty-second atreet, Halurday rooming, ; a. m.. to Bt. Peter's church a. m. Interment. SL Mary s cemetery, Bouth Omaha. TAQOART Charles F., Friday, Novem ber a. Funeral notloe later. BIRTHS AND UEATHS. T)lrV llarrv and Hessle Oreen. 2210 N Twentieth, boy; Wtiiiain and Clara Jenk, Lurel, boy; Wllilajn and Anna J al ter, Vi Norm iwenty-nrau o .11 ilVank .nrf l.lll Kuska. ldl BOUth Twantietli, girl; John and bophle Kula, Via Mnrtk "1 umit vcllllll. UUttl Hide. girl; Oeorge and Keatrica Marshall, hoa pitaL girl: William and Edith Mills, 424 x-.ortn i weniy-uuru. iwj Katie Nelson, North Thirteenth, girl; Arihui- nt rJinn Kemtnrton. Florence, girl: Abraham and Baraa (Mute, 71 Norm Tw-nt Uith. hov. Icaths-l,reehena Laava, 46, Twenty eventh and Centers Jacob KonnellniHii, fcli, uix Paolflo; Kthel M. Adama. 12, 1402 Houth Forty-eighth; Mary U. uaugnerty, tl 24 North Twenty-third; Anna Rynea, 6H. 164 Bouth Eighteenth, South Btde; Frank 1-ath. 19. M2 Houth Beventeenth, fiouth Bide; Jacob Fmall. tt. W North Twenty-seventh; Oeorga Ortffln, 40, Twenty-first and Madison. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following parmlU to wad have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. liana M. Hansen, Omaha 20 Christina Mloliaelsen. Omaha 4U Henry A. MoKlnney, Omaha. U Chiislana 1. Trane, Omaha. tu Bam Moyen, Omaha 7 Anna tlelser, Omaha Arthur T. Moen. Omaha over l Kuth J. Brostruf. Omaha., over U VIrr Wllla. Aahland 21 Marjorle Lowell, Ashland W William Moonovlta, Omaha J Anna Orucb. Omaha Industrial Oarage Co.. roth A Harney 8t FOR SALR CHEAP Business nollee-e Course. Full and cotruleta scholarship tn ong or tne rest umana buamees scnooia WILlTtrade high and sightly lot. cash JSHknj!ir 'LllLxi 1 goo, Omaha Bee. Jne4 because fall term begins soon. Thare are a variety of eouraaa for aala. For Dartlculara lnaulra at tha office ef lil'HINEBS CHAXCE8 The fimaha Hee. mm vuur llUllim. VIIMI w,i. wMim I vn... ... . . 1 . ,wm. w.ivtw. un. rigid InvestlKatiun ana Is Just what It la picks, lackacrews, 10 penny match vend- advertlaed, or If you are looking to start i ing macmnee, duo eacn. Horse, Harness, in business ror yoursen you win oe per' fnctly satisfied If you use the Business J, C. 1 81 1. (. nance column or i ne nee. n nru 7 i jm b. win Ing or selling a buslnew Phone Tyler UWO. wagon, UAX One electric piano. Bt. Harney 142. ' Bailing a Dtiein' riiwntf fTr 4TlO0 Jewelry Stock Oolden West Whisky, 4 full aria ooitiea in Don a, p re in, rackiey Bros.. Ditiiht T Kava a II (KO tawelrv atock and fig- turea tin the main Una of the Union Piu KIc ltal'roau. 'ihls must be sold this week; $Aj0 takes It. (let busy uuicli. Block new and tip-to-date. Audrcas J. I baskets delivered, $1. B. Rosen' thai, mil lx'avenwortn l. 61X1, SMAUj hotel; good location; near stock ysrds. South Omaha: must sell on ac count of sickness; reasonable price. If A. Kueaoll. 14t3 Woodmen of the World I!Jj. on.,!ilJg,-...I'. Kldg. Phone Uotigiaa VMl, or Walnut 14tk). FOR 8 ALU- 12-gauge double-barrel shot- VI ill sale or exchanae. Jewelry atock ami fixtures. Onlv atock In good, live town of (Aixad, Nelx Will exchange for city property. Act quicsiy. tu .J. iiui.cn- inaon, lm is., Lincoln inco.- gun. In good cendlllon. C Wl, Hee. FOR SAMD-Metal Oarage. eron. Tel. H. Z4. M. V. Cam COLUMBIA Utotaphone. V9 uranneis. price. 6Si I WANT a live, experienced man to Con-1 . ,,.,,. ,,. M , n1Am n.,,,- . i ii.i .,i KurnUhin bual- 1 alactrlo motors. Room 1 Bee Bldg. tlnun a aoliiu Hat and Furnishing bual neaa here in the center of Omaha. Ine location, established trade, divided over- lieatl expense, ainsll capital. a una chance to own and operate a profitable business. Address u ztm, lies. IIELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical Office. I IM1T1. I1 amount on" ner cent lira- EXPERIENCED, accurate, lady gtenog- erred stock cumSlate and nont rapher wanted In advertising depait- H.bla ?n NahraTka Omahl coroora- nenl -ge Omaha corporation. Ona esaame, in iseorasKa, umana corpora- . . .,. "ri-- r.re?rrd pmrht rndTraToVin.1 ."o !. for r.gtU Party. ood. alary' to (nuas.m.rtl Ih.t tsvlll rt.l TU Mi- nt. Br rCOru . ruuuavwtiu, ir- sav ...x.... ar i tirA Tfirir.r stAiiarv. MrrnQiiL bilq. Aa Lltlreaa Box 62. Omaha, lND.t or c im wV- ' phone noHKlaa Km. "JZy1 . , w I 1 (ia Ws as. 1 1 VA V. wars. a asiw. aiWTAUMHf HU VI H ". JMVJll. Kteno.. gH6: hookkeeDar. tuO. Kait or utn Ht.. near large wnoiesaie I ... -. ' ' ..... sis houses, now feeding -bout fapis The. HIT. cuull'IIieilfc vuuipiria. mum ' 7 I . - '. reatly in rf aae this trade, Here Is a BTENO., 112-418 'eek place worth Investlgstlng. Populsr prico. BUBlNtSS MEN'S REFERENCB ASSfi. j'nee i.i'W. v;. xu, ca ruii. v, kj, vy. i w r. v. Foil HALK ioo reataurant; a b&rffftln I Steno. and plct. Opr.,, It tnksn aAAn Irs. Itmwrim MrnA. NIh. I Ktunu and L)li!t OtT. :.t,. . 1 . . i..-; 1 . " BtoDoffrauher .b Borgboft. Ki4ier "k. tfi v'atU Ref. Co.,838-40-43 Brandel. Thea. Rir,H-UKAlK commercial poaltlona WEST. RF.FKRF.NCE ft BOM ABSN 713 Omaha Ml rank mag. STENOGRAPH KR Bright, hustling young man for splendid poali ion with large corporirtlon; must be very tapld and accurate; only a-mo. i man conainereu, salary 7J to start. Apply. WEHT. KEr KKKNI-K Himn AM ii. 7fi2 Omaha Nat. UanK Hiatf. 8A LEHMAN, grocery exp., $150 and exp. WATT9 REF CO., 8.1MMJ Brandels ine. Agenta. Saleamen aad Solicitors. WANTED Live, hustling salesmen, both sexes, for starts article. Hood salary proposition. Call after 6 at 110 Klf h Ave. WANTED A bright young man as sales man In clsar atore: slve reference with application. Address B 153, bee. MONEYMAKERS' OU1DEBOOK MAGA ZINE. 2c noatnald: enlightens you richly. New Century Supply. Les Moines, Iowa. Advertising rate, ic wora. ton Blk. Phone Douglas 184. STOLEN From the streets of Nevsda on Oct 27, Ford automobile, lowa license No. 3&"il1, engine No. 40LSM, streamline hood, hole In dash for self-starter, rip semes back cushion. Will par for in formation leading to recovery. Ei C. Oretten, Fhertff, Nevada, la. t.)ST Mare. op n butfgy; reward. I). R123. FTLMf4 naveloned free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldif. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett . Do!., tni Faxton Blk. TO. 2t LOST Bhriners' pin. Triangular shape, with star and crescent Phone H. 2079. Reward. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persons having lost Some article would do well to call up the offloe of the Omaha ft Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It tn the street cars. Many articles each day are turned Is and the company Is anxious to restore them to the -ightfc.1 owner. Cell Doug. 4g ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, tn Pazton Blk. D. 1104. WILL N. JOHNPON, S. W. Cor. 14th and uougiaa. Douglas 49K. LOST Bunch of keys, large brass key on chain. Reward. Phone South 8.T1. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. toM Far. T. JOOl. LOST Cameo pin, -engraved Corlnne Senrle. Reward. Harney 152S. 8. A. Searle. LOST Ford litis touring car, between ISth and 16th on Davenport St. motor No. 7&M43: license No. 72fi; front fender on left side bent. The front tire on left wheel was non-skid. Reward. Tel. So. 19M. LOST Elack and white bull female; lost Oct. 22; reward, at N. 17th. Doug. 25j7. AGENTS Several of our list of fl(0 mall order houses want Nebraska names; particulars free. Taliaferro Co., Fort Worth, Tex. COAL agents wanted tn every town; get a trial car. I. in. cos, no. nain, POSITION worth up to 1-00 monthly open to ministers, teachers; Christian sales man; no books. Give phone. P 272, Bee. WANTED Salaried agency supervisor by i well-established and progressive oia Una legal Reserve Life Insurance com pany. Experience in agency worg neces sary, but chief reouialte Is ability as an organiser. Poaltion permanent and offers big future, in writing state experience in full. Address P. O. Box 13, bait Lake City, Utah. Factorlea sad Traaee. WB need men; had to turn down two lobs per week lately: get in; learn by our method; get one of these Jobs. Cata logue u. a. rree. Nebraska Automooi!S School. 2408 Leavenworth 8t PERSONAL LADIES' Jackets remodeled In the latest style; reasonable price, la 13 Douglas street. Phone Douglas 7666. YOUR furnace cleaned, II; work guar anteed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4uS4. 6,095 SUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS $3,000. For the Invalids' Pension association. The Ladles Home Journal, $1.60; Satur day Evening Post, $1.60; Country Gentle man, $1.00. 645 needed In November. Your order or renewal contributes 60 centa please phone Douglas 7163, or address, GORDON, The Magazine Man. Omaha. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt and St. Mary's Ave., whero they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE! LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instructions and free clinic Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omnha Neb., A. B.MerPjres. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maxa- Inea Wa collect Wa distribute Phone Douglas 4138 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113- 114 Dodge St. WANTED Gas fitter, reliable, country work, experienced Installing acetylene or blaugas preferred; state experience, reference, hiall and phone address. Y li!7, Bee. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Ctty BarDer college; low rate tuition. Including set of toolx; wages paid; eleo trio roaftaage, hydraullo chairs; catalogue free. 1124 Douglaa Bt.. Omaha Drug i-ture Bnapa, Jobs, Kueist Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; $78 morth; Omaha examinations coming; ssmple questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin institute, Dep't 221 J, Roches ter, N. Y. MR. FARMER-DO YOU WANT GOOD CORN HUSKEH8? WE HAVE THEM. FREELAND BROS. AGENCY. 1116 FARNAM. tin fiirr in or out ... i,.i.i,...a o.ll nB nAninu-iar iiwilMi iXi,Vwb i lit ximT. vJ.Ti iT.. airi I own handwriting. uinooin mvo. tJJL-".! "f , r"" " 4, Phone Walnut $147 Sunday. Mll 1 ml.MlU Ui.u l A .as al I ttAiia lha, I s i am - ' nrnibBGf'iii nnmm Ul Jf V w- w .sms Sl-gssw gwgaa- Theater Kxch. Co.. 140S Farnam. D. 1897. OIRL to learn halrdres.lng. Oppenhelm. ti uoa nui;iTT in tiroitertv rantlna for 121 I lieaaekecpere t D.sitilMa per month, for land, lots, acreage or I THE Bervaat Girt Problem solved. Tb Interest In business. Bog 796, Omaha. Bee will rua a Servant Girt Wanted Ad BEE Omaha gains In est rv,...a ai',niw ik tTTr K-r. Ftt;D untll yu th. desired results. iIhuth.A Hi n ifflo hl PP' to residents ot Omaha, Bouth labllshed shows. D. $620. Omaha and Council Bluffa fcflng ad te BUSINESS places, land, city property The Use office or telephony Tyler loop. handled, ail states, jlm Wray. Ailoux Mi ddLE-AGED lady to help with light clty' la- I heusewerk and to be companion for an BUILDTNO PERMITS. O. T. Ellison. IW0 Bauman, frame dwell Ing, $2,600; hi. B. Banter, 2740 North Forty ftfth avenue, frame dwelling, I2.W0; Fred S. gwan son, US40-4S South Twentieth, warehouse and factory, $2,200. FOR BALK Confsctlonery and cafe; 1 elderly lady; just one In the family; no mint, location: cliesD rent Har. I wages expected. Web, 8136. r,A Grand. " HnuiMlus llauara far Sale. WANTCD-Glrl to assist with houa.worx Nirr.i.Y furnished rooms: modern: 2404 and.care for gmal child; one attending St. Mary:, Ave. Tel: Red S9tf4. amil pr.ierrea. ruon. ttara.y r?omgLua."rf SlT otSSSk 'w" VANTED-A god BohU.an glri or rJomr.'.' 'cash"" bafarS mSfi'R? d'twHWur TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Baturday mornlnc class n typewriung. lone a Duffy. Ownsr and Manager. sot Bo. nth St Omaha. Psil.s, EMPRESS. 15TH AND LOU 0 LAS. lleartt-Sellx No. 87. Youth, S-reol Vltagmpu drama. Dreamy Dud Up ia the Air, Eiariay comedy. His Bodyguard. Labia comedy, fea turing Billy Reeves. Walnut 2.U7. PRINCESS.' 1117-19 DOUGLAS, Vniuil. lArrlmnrs Freah from Broad way, tn The Devil's Darting, a Story of the Fight for a Woman's Boul, In 4 acta. The Fortune ituniera. a ciever roineuy. On Secret Bervlee, drama with Ed Coxen, GRAND, Mwrtku 1CT1I AND BINNET. Neal of the Nary No. T. Stanley's Close Call, featurng Moatocre animals, a reel dra. Cpera of Coilugs Chap. 1 rel oum., - a-T . LOTHROP, S4TH AND LOTHROP. Wm. Fo presents Naaoe O'Netl Princess Romanoff. In APPOLO. Seatat. tlti LEAVENWORTH. The Ploughshare, A 4-raal ZldlsoBw Tilled. Kalem. Waal. MONROE). ISIS FARNAM Bells- presents Harry Mespeyar In The Millionaire Bsby.'r a 4-rel Red Bcal play. BTi.SE. ata Stas. J4TH ft N. Neal ef the Navy, No. 10. In the 1rsKun'a Claws, fmmrln Marlm lonard. Fits and chills. Vitograptt toiuroy. -j ne worm in atoiion. ORPHEUM. S4TI1 AND U. High Roada A itUi Kutsterplece In t acta. ANXOUKCEJIEXTS FXaiKJlaKjai f a C. A buaui mei Wis; fat nl. h flrat ciass housework slrl maids, cooks, waltrsa and help of all sinus fur nouns sua private famines. luieruaUubai tiuy. Oliice, Itit Cass. fc.th EDUCATIONAL WANTE0 White girl for general house work: must be a aood cook: no washing I or ironing; smaii larany; gooa wages. Phone Harney Mb. The VAN SANT SCJ100L TENOO RAPH Y BOOKKEEPING n,. nnhool for Toubi Woman. Kvenbig Bchoul for xouug Mea and I WANTED Competent girl for general bouses.org. 4 rarnam tt lei. rtar. Boi WANTED A airl to assist with house- work. 110 . utn bt it. ease. WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family, calk Douglas an before iu a. m. ana arter i p. m. W AM TED Good white girl for general housework; no cooking; good wages to uvuLiiT i.ii. .i.Miirr.iih.r will t.k, I permanent party, tt. 46.1. pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, I WANTED A capable cook and a ooinpe apelllng and punctuation taught lndi-1 tent seoond glri. Mra. N. A. bples vldual lnatrucUon. 4uM Douglas Bt 1st I burger. (19 Farnam. WANTED A glr for general housework; goeq wages. APfiy at once. na w, wtn BUSINESS COLLEQS 8TUDENT8 MAVB MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reasons for selling, I WANTED A young glri for general e variety of courses In a reliable Bust I housework; no waSQinf or cooking, ness Bciiooi. one oi uie isaaing auaineae I "" WANTKi) A young girl for general housework; no cooking. Walnut 2tbl colleges o4 Omaha. WU1 be aold vers WANrEI-O0iuiele4it girl for general reasonable-away below regular prlc housework, no washing. Jll N. list u 1119. Investigate this at once, since Fall teria I - --V ' ' ' , j begliu. eoon. Call office, Omaha Bee. WANTED A competent, ex p. r lanced child s nurset good wsgea Apply room 774 Brandels Theater Bldg. Mra John U Kennegy, DAY SCHOOL BOYLIC8 COLLEOa uinur arii uit. ICverv da Is eixrollmect day. Book-1 WANTED at Once-YHuig glri for gen- keeulng. fchorthand. Btenoiypy. Typewrit-1. rL houa.work; siuaU family. IU 741. it.MT 1'.Uratihv t'lvll Karvloa ail 1'nnv. I 14 n XnlU Bt. merclai aud English branches. Catalog ua i'NY kind" of day work. Call Colfax 4021. tree. BOYLE 3 COLLEGE, Uth and Harney Bta Tel. Douglaa lfiea GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, eleo. starting ays. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2063 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to try examinations for government Jobs; $70 month; common education sufficient Apply Immediately. i n. nee. TWENTY-FIVE men wanted at Hartley, .. ror sewer worg. a day. Doo on Co. IIELP WANTED Mtl.l: AND FICM tlE. WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Write tor samule and- particulars by mall, luc L. 8. Har den, iiotei iseviuv, omana. DON'T auit your Job yet. look beyond It: Employ spare time establishing a cir cular mailing Dureau many succssaes. wny not your our copyrignt mailt ig in structions make everything plain- Post paid c. Direct sales Co-, quincy. 111. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION wanted by young lady sis- nograpner, one years experience. vveuier im. FOR experienced Janitor or auartment house steam fireman or furnace man with city reierenuesi, call jr. w. Carter, l. 7Utn. WANTED Position as housekeeper by eoioreu iaay. aooa reierenues. lai. oous laa tm. W ANTED Poaltion aa steam fiieman hotel clerk or ail around house and yard man. Call F. W. CarUtr, Plume Douatas iwei. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA SISTE1C, 2 1 City National Bank Bldg SWArPEKS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something tha?. you no longer have any use for and get something you really needT It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find It lots or fun swapping things, write ttoom ivt, wee mag., or pnone xyier iwu. ALL furniture In 46-room hotel: reason- able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value si.buu. au dress B. C. 003, Bea AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains gee th. "Automobile ' Classifi cation. Al!TOmHII.K. aeven.Daasena-er Mttchel Kiieclal in exce lont anaDe. lull eiectrio equipment, a powerful car. wap for diamonds, real estate contracts, clear lots in Omaha, oi mortgage, o. u. vn, cure Bee. AUTO Light weight, 1916 model, perfect snape, tuny equipped, new tires, to swap lor lour or tiv .-passenger car, Address U. C. 332, Bee. tf BUGGY, revolver or musical Instrument with 100 eacy lessons to swap for saddle Kxavt tire, or what nave you now. ao dress H. C. 607, Wee. BILLIARD TABLE Brunswick, home else. 8V4x7: complete. What have vou? Make me an oner. Address . u. bib, uee CONCORD top buggy to swap for large sited Incubator, or what have you? Address a. tit, tee. CLEAR lot. 60x150. In Cloverdale addition near ivrug park, to exenange ior late rora roaUMinr: lot win atanu actual casn value oi 4a, hi 3-iJ nee. CAMERA One Minute Post Card Cam era, swap for second-hand lumber. Ad dress s. c. '2. wee. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Anctlon Co., llli-H W O W. R. tn AUTO INSURANCE. AOTOMOBTLB MUTUAL INSURANCE , oougiaa zjn. BATltS, BATH 814 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas, MEPTCATED vapor and modem Turkish uains ror ladies and gentlemen: lady uri uani ror mn m N.it an mm.. ,. 1919 Farnam St. Douglas 24J7. BAKERIES. Z. H. RETIDER, lBdrt N. ISth. Web. $!97. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES PMton-Mltchell Co., nth and Martha 8ts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS STEVENSON. S23 S. 2Jd. - Douglas KHX Lessard St Son. 1900 Cap. Ave. T. 1631 C? W. Hokanson, 26"6 Lvnwth, Tyl. 2192-J. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. n. 941 H U Mil I V U 17 U 1 1 rr-.. 1 , r , rt n.. -wMw.-.i. .Tier i.TOD: cuz nee Bldg.; licensed chiropractor; office practice. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J . Buford. 420 Pax. Blk. Red 457. COFFEU BY MAIL. Ir-frr BaK" monJ'. Use better LOIIGG eoffe. 15 lbs. high grade MCA -m m T' . . "' w ", Kicunui, to.uv. rr. j. raaue oo.. Omaha Nah CORSETS. NuBone corsets. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4392. PIANOS FOR RENT. $3 50 per month. A. UoiT. 1M notigias. PRINTING. WATFRS-B ARNHART Ptg. Co-t .J"' printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 o. win CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS $751 nOT'fJT.AS rrlntlng Co. Tel. Ponglag 444. SCALE REPAIRING. Ora, Standard Scale Co., B13 S. 12th. D WI SHOEREP AIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til & 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. tXlf Fsrn'm. R.$44 We SEWING MACHINES. rent, repair sell needle, ana parts for all sewing macoinsa, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., IRth and Harney. Douglas laa. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTBR Sheet Metal Company, 110 ft IS. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESK9. safes, scales, showcases, shelv Ing, etc. We buv. sell. Omaha Fixture St Supply Co., 414-18-18 S. l?th. Doug. 2721 "STOVE ANDFijRNACE REPAIRS. " ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stova Repair Wks. 1206-3 Douglas Bt. Tyler 20. TELECTRIG MOTOR REPAIR!. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. P.IgTS. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Suprly. Wf Uth. P. W$ TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING BTE1NLE. 1808 Farnam Bt, TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter $ mo. for $3. Oliver Typewriter Agency, iuo r sruaw. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 814 S. Utll Bt Ail makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent Call Douglas 12&4. VACUUM CLEANERS. VACUUM cleaners, all makes and prices. E. B. Williams, 308 S. ISth St. VACUUM cleaners, all standard makes; lowest prices; machines rented. J. I. PURCUP1LE. Douglas 23C0. 1906 Far nam St. WASHING MACHINES. WASHING machines, all makes and prices. B. B. Williams, S08 8. 18th St WATCH SPECIALISTS Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 1$ yr. ergy wv tiniMa ht'it' lll h'H I. A. WEDDING STATIONERS. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co, DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle'a Doug. WO DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. 18th St TURPIN'8 SCHOOL. OV DANCING. 2Sth d Farnam. Classes and private leaf Hsrncy 6143. Jus. completed, forty-four-page book of new dances for 1915 and 1914. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev ery tescner snouia nave a copy. Mail orders filled. Price, $1. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE8. 201-2 S. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 4, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, uth ana capitoi Ave. Men-cent luncn. BUT your family liquors at Klein's liquor nouse. r. lecn, jjougiaa uua. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college, SOth 4b Farnam DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster". Dressmaking Col., 162 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. P. B072. DETECTIVES. . JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence toured In all casea Tyler U2a DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, 11$ W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle.. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1M7 Douglaa. P. 2194. DRUGS. . . ... rrelo-ht Xiald on $10 ordera; catalogue, free. Sherman Mo ronnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb . ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Aiiawjaiv B4 Be. Bldg. Bed SOSt. DETROIT OAS STOVE, t burners, oven and broiler, to swap lor library table. Addreas S. C. 404, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, 3 shovels. $ rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad dreas B. C. S34. Bee. tf EXTRA good ,4x& camera to swsp for phonograph. Ad Iress 8. C. 624, Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; coat $10.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address S. C Hi. Bee. tf ENGRAVING BLOCK (King Bee) Want to trade for Victor records, or what have youT 6. C. 309. - GASOLINE range, good oven tn swap for kitchen table or tireless cooker. Ad dress, 8. C. Bu3, Bee. GAS STOVH, gas lamp, braas umbrella stand, hlghchalr, kitchen table; will trade for trunks or auit cases, steamer trunk preferred. 8. C. 601, Bee GOOD steel range cheap. $10. Will take apples or potatoes In trade. 8. C. 604. HORSE, harness and panel top laundry wagon, or trade for good delivery horse. Write 8. C. 615. Bee. EVERYTHING FOB. WOMEN. ACRDlON.jHde. knlf.. w"-". Jg eye et cut work buttonhole PermnA. ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. Douglas ! FURNACE. AND TI WORK. WABERBTROH, 402 Hamilton. Wat 97L FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1304 Fa roam St D. $000. U HENDERSON. 1814 Oouglaa . D-UCJ. Member Florists Teleuraph Del. Ass a. HESS SWOBODA. 1CI Farnam St A. rXNAOHUBJ4aHArn.y. Doug- FURKIHIlX- SAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam, Red4SS4. H. Rothholg. " T-"v"rth- " rM- EXPERIENCED yard and hous4nan de sires position with private family; good references. Webeter S1V0. COLORED man and wife, no children. desire position together for house and yard work or Janitor and housework to gether. Thoroughly capable to take care of heating plant of any kind. Best of references. Address Chas. Jones. 1243 8. 17th Bt WANTEIs A good white girl for general housework; no coaxing; good wsges to permanent party. Phons Harney 4oij. WANTED -Girl for general houaawork; good wages, uau h. ynn ft. rt. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, good salary. Phone if T Mill Ht . unctl Bluffs. Bovle. Bids-. TV. D. ImIU. Oiuahe, Neb. FOH sale, the following scholarships la a rirat c aaa omana tuaiuas cmwti: One unlimited combination business and shorthand courwa. On. brmoo'Cb.-uimev, .bsne- AN IK.liable, white, Irl for ..u- s-rai nla course. I ' lt"u"""' - " " will ne soia at a oubobud a ute viiioe wanted at onoe t:xDenenced maid Of Th. Omaha Pea. I for general V.?uaeworit. or young girl I TO aSriat WliA MVUW.nrftl BO WUOIIU. v ai. i FOR SALE FOR 8A1.B Here la a claastnoatlogi that 7S. W A NT ED A gool wh(t. girl for goiieral housework: small lamuy. Mra ti. A- la of the utmoal unportance to .very I Simon. 2X16 S. Kd St. Harney 4101 SSaaY' "miUm".X,.ryr' SS ST a I WAN" TED A t once a white glri for gen :7i -.rli ,2,11 .ii iV.feU -? lit era! housework in 4-room apartment; atnail want ad will sell your article at IU full value, pnone TV lor into. Faraltart. Il.aaeh.14 U.W.U, BARGAINS IN FURNITURE family of I; one who can go home nights. Har. S'!7 er liar. sum. Kt. I WAKTKrUComtwt.nl slrl for houae. AND I work: no washing; very desirable ulace. HARDWARE, 1K N. NTH. WEB 107. with good wanes; pleasant room. Apply . .:im . . . rr- r-liam bo. sotn ct. liar. iKiuaiii aua aoia. 4. v. iteei. i - - h 1i1 Farnam Bt. Douglas ii4S. WANTED G.od reliable party for g.n- CA RPETS. stove. -.TTTTririrZZ SSr FURNITURE for sale. Wardrobe, suit able f ir ntfb e or clothing house. Call at i:H5 N. 3lith St., er phene Walnut T64. Desks FURNITURE for sale, house for rent, reasonable to reliable parly, 1. 774 JiOMESTK' range for aale on acct of moving: aril ehear- 4.10 Nicholas Wal. 764. Iloraes aa4 Vrklrlca. FOR KALE A fresh cow and 14-month hri fer. 1'hotie Walnut r3. FARM wauoii, $; hanieaa, 4-. both new. Jotiusuo-L anfortn Co., isttt and Clark Sta. HAY-44 per too. Waguer, 401 N. ilka Bt WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply Ub B. xzd. Doug. WANTED A girl for general housework? Har. 22'. lJ" Fo. 54tii Bt. EXl'ERll-jN'CKD white girl for general housewerk, small apartment, 3 In fam ily. 1 hone Harney 4u or caU hit 8. 4d Bt. WANTED AT ONCE. YOUNG GIRL FOR C.ENEltAl. HOI SKWnus. TEL. llAKNr.I 741. 1304 S. aiTIt BT. M laeeilaaevas. COOK White woman to cook In small country hotel. D. W. Cupp, Bcranton. la. YOUNG) man wants position as pianist evenings; nonunion; either orchestra work or moving picture show; reasonable price. Writ. A. V. A., Helen Apia., No. U city. CHAUFFEUR and experienced, capable auto repair man, wun best of refer ences, now employe.!, wishes to make change; can do anything there l. to be done around auto, or garage; would con sider driving for private party or care tor cars; reasonable salary; aatlstaclory service guaranteed. Address C. W. nus em, i . m. o. a., city HA V lil good five-year-old mare, weight 1,200. W ill gwap for automobile or any. thing I ran use. Address 8. C. 413. Bee. 1 WANT a good Ford auu In exohange for cement work, brick work or stucco. Addreas 8. C. SJ3. Bee. $20,000 Interest In a new manufacturing plant that will soon yield very big divi dends; choice location; money and good property considered. Address E 6, Bee. O.N'tl rainproof suit and hat slse 38; 80 ft. seine, 2-in. mesh. 4 ft deep s-ln. fish spear, 7-shot 22 revolver, 11 11. A R. break open revolver, 38 H. 4V R. safety police hammerlee. revolver, 1 pr. line man's spurs, six. violin, practically new; one pair brass auto side lamps, one 10-year hunting case watch, excellent timekeeper; 1 rear motorcycle lamp, pump and attachments, I good canvas gun cases, 1 7x7 round hunting tent Will trade for solo comet, repeating rifl. or anything 1 can use. 8. C. til. Bee. PHONOGRAPH What have you to awao for phonograph with 180 records? in gooq snape. Aa areas w. o. sw, wee. MIDDLE-vAGED lady, competent, trust worthy and neat, desires position aa houaekeeper in residence apartment or rooming house: best ot references. Laura Johnson. 1111 Chicago Bt. Phone D. fnt. A young man of fine appearance, high scnooi soucauon, wun tour years ex perience In the commercial world, desires to luieup with some live business firm where he will have an opportunity of advancement. Best of references. Ad dress B 264. Bee. WANTED BienogiapUio position by youug man; 6 years' experience: can da some bookkeeping; good references fur- Dinned Bo. 80. WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper. 1123 Pacific. MAN and wife wishes position on farm or In country; no children. Address 316 N. 17th Bt.. Omaha. WOMAN wants work aa cook in restaur ant, hotel or In pi vats family or to take care of sick. c. Cook, 1'MlVs So. Uth. LOST AND FOUND Last or Found ads In Omana'. Vtmt and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised la Th. Be, th. Lost aod Found paper. 114, TWIN Cylinder Indian motor cycle. i'c-i lj ,ww. c,Muiimi who eiectrio lights and born; good aide car. To trade lor wnatr Auto preferred, a. c. 857. Bee. HISTORICAL COBTUMB.S - .... Howard. i. tiia. Than I . 1 ril or , - "instruction. English. T " Inatructlon. $o Lyrle Bid. "JUSTICEI, OF THE PEACE. xs x r-T AIBORNE. 413 Paxton Blk. Red 7SUL n uii r C, W rry. 3ftl Baker Block. "languages. Language, taught; privat. or cla.a Webster vx. IGliTfNtrFIXTURES, WIRING. , . T, t ininmu. Douglas 2613. lJUlvlVllN " rj3 Cumins Bt LIVE STOCK, COMMISSION. ..inTTM mtna At CO. Exchang. Bldg. 7 - MEDICAL RUPTURB. Rupture treated succeusfuHr by an safe. scientific) methods. The majority ar. cured without a surgical operation. We nave treated many hundreds of men. women ana cnnaren. 1110 coat is deter, mined sifter' examination, and time re el u Ire d to cur. two or tnree weeks. Call t writ, for further particulars. Frank 11. wray. uuit. ax, lie. Eld.. Omaha. Neb. RUPTURE cured In few days without Pain. Call or writ. Dr. Wray, $04 Be. Bldg., Omaha. Established im. -a Dr. Kmollenberg, Tyler 193; 312 Bee bld'gl ucense cniropracior; nice practice. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL exchange Piano Player, which which will fit any piano, music cabinet with 60 rolls of music, for Kood cook stove or chickens. Also new eiectrio iron, for winger, or reasonable offer. 8. O. 601. Bee. WHAT have you to trade for good wash machine, vulcanlser, 12-gallon oil can and one automjblle Jack 7 Address a. CL 422. Bee. WHAT have you for a second-hand or gan, in gooa snap. 7 Addreas a. C 417. Bee. WILL trade carload of wood for horse ur cow. Auurees d. did, wee. WHAT have you to offer for 126 new vacuum washers? Bjnt ari.de ir.t.u. factured; sella to users at $2.60 each. Ad, dress H. C. 606. Bee. WILL swap large roll-top desk and chair for oak directors' or office table, or anything I can use. Address 8. C. 819. Bee. WILL swap a $400 Chickeiing Bros, piano for Ford roadster In aood condition u C. 602. Wee. WANTED To trade a good stock remedy territory, with best firm in Omaha, for anything I can use. S. (,'. 611. Bee. 1914 Y ELI E, electric light and starter, In good shape; 6-passenger; to trade for good, light roadster. Address 8. C. Sot, care Bee. WANTED to trade full, five Iron beds, mattresses and springs, good as new, for sanitary couch, pad and cover. L C. 5"6, Bee. WANTED To trade a good flve-passen-ger Veils car, in good shape, new Urea, for email car or team of horses. 8. Ca. 610. Bee. 1 FOR RENT Apsrtsirsu and Flats. Th. For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Tn. iiee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas, and fill th. needs of any on. desiring t. rent Phone Tyler 10 6TOVE To swap, large else hard coal stove, gooa as tisw, almost new carbon Iron, for apples, potatoes or what have you 7 Addreas 8. C , Bee. BTEVENS "Bpecial" .23 target rifle; both open and peep eights; excellent condi tion. Want giod banjo. Address S. t: 3, Bee. BET I. C. S handbooka. containing com plete course in general Illustrating, want camera or typewriter (portable pre ferred), or what have youf Address a. u. t.14. Bee. LADY'S natural pony fur coat slse 40, for what have yuuT 8. C. 4JU, Bee. TO BELL er trade your shots an ur rlfla 8m FRIEDMAN. Ull ouglaa TO swap, tnirty-volume set English and American Encyclopedia of Law, In spiendid condition, for high grade rug. Might consider other houaehold good. Have two sets and do not need both. They're good thinks for any family to have whether lawyer or not. What have vou. H. ". SM. Hee. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN, THIS PAQB.) "motorcycles. .. WT-DAV1PSON MOTORCYCLES. hlnea. Victor Roos. bV Motorcycl. Man.03 Leavnwortb. -"MOVING PICTURtt MACMl. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain OCULIST. irvea examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs ' M?Carty. Ull W,6. Bldg. " OSTEOPATHY' PHVSICIANS. JOSFPHINB A RMBTRONO. 411 Be. Bldg. PATENTS. P. o. Barnall. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUt. H. A. Bturgea. US Brandels Theater Bldg. " PILLOWS AMD BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses msds to order or reuiad.. 1907 Cuming, D. 14t. PLUMES CLEANED. UPTaXu TIMS LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port. 140 Dodge. I). UUl BTEAM-IiEATED WINTER HOMES. STANDARD FLATS Few vacancies In these desirable S-r. steam-heated, fine finished and deoo- lated. modern apartments. Free hot water all year; Janitor service; walking distance; on liveliest atrect In city. Our quality and price, not duplicated any where. T. J. HOOK. 1W1 N. ISth St 4-Iiooin Apartment Beautiful four-room apartments In th. Alsatian. 116 Bo. 36th St. Rental: 1st floor. $- and $40. 2d floor. $37.50 and 4U60. Peters Trust Co. 1S22 Farnam Bt. Douglas S9t. . FOR RENT New 3-room apartment; dla. appearing beds; pneuniatla elevator; shower baths; flrst-claa in tvery partlcu. lar. Flora Apta., M1 Jones St o - 903 N. 17TH. 4-ro .m. all mod.. Apt.. $35.50. Mrkor p iv fa- AJOUglaa ltK3. 4-Hra mod, ex lit ; D ug. and Pk R. 4KaT $38.00 Ten-room brick flat; fine place to boarders and roomers; five minutes' . walk to Union depots; on car line 'd.' AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Mli and Douglas. Doug. 5013. 903 N. 1TTH. g-room. RASP BKOfi. all mod. Apt., $35.60. Dougius lii3. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 19, COLUMN ONE.)