TITE RKK: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER G, 1915. 1? ABIE THE AGENT-And a Very Lucky Day at That Drawn for The Bee by Herschfield Auction fiacettil HS LATCR-ITS SUT IN THE OFFICE IMl ADC UM roy.REBA.DIPl HAVE" TWEtflY TIMES W? 1 WAoni vsn. TTTT -vf&TD 1Wf ir Wnr VuTnow . If AHE--I . iM'RSA,3H I . f fsa-u i i .rfafl .1 tAl at, AT sasWI VF 1 i ' M ". I ! r. I I Am -cr " l sr- . .taws' in t r bit .ass i n-v . v. v-la-i- : . & i J tv vm m vz- r v -v irv &. x- - nrifonv Til DO AW THE NASSAU CLAN Game Between Harvard ar.o Prince ton Orenhadowi All Other Eastern Battles. . MYrnnt Union Kt PjTacuso .did not Tufts at Trinity (did not meet). WIIX BE SPECTACULAR COMBAT NTTW TORK. Nor. 8. The annual con test brntweon Princeton and Harvard to morrow orcrshadowi all other gridiron trugnlw of the day In the eaaL Dart mouth and Pennsylvania will meet In Boeton. Brown will Invade New Haven, Notre Diune will be the Army's opponent at West Point and Pucknell will play the Navy. YTAshlngrton and Jofferson faces Plttshurgh, while Cornell tackles Michi gan at Ann Arbor. With the playing of these gamea the complicated foot ball situation In this section will be cleared to some extent and the eastern championship claimants reduced In number. The defeat of Harvard by Princeton would leave tle Tigers on a par with Cornell and Colgate, while should the Crimson triumph over the Tigers, the Nassau eleven will be brought down to e .plane of ILarvard, Tale, Pennayl- v fin in, iAnmuum nun uuier virong leajns which have suffered one or more set backs during the season of 1916. The same applies to tb Washington and Jefferson-Pittsburgh contest, for neither eleven has been defeated and both have winning records which Include victories over big Institution teams. Will Be Spectacular Strnsrarle. The battle between Harvard and Prince ton In the Palmer memorial stadium promises to be one of the most spectacu lar struggle of the season. The Orange and Black is expected to prove a far stronger opponent for the Crimson than was the case a year ago, when the Cam bridge clan won easily by a score of 20 to 0. The early games of the Harvard schedule have shown that the team is not as formidable as was the case twelve months ago, while Princeton's forge to the front has been uninterrupted to date. The edge In playing form and all -a ro and strength appears to be with the Tigers, for they developed team and Individual power both on attack and defense early In the season. With Harvard the situa tion has been quite the reverse. Coach Haughton has not had the wealth of ma terial to work with that he did a year ago and the eleven has been slow to find Itself. With the exception of th defeat by Cornell, a team of exceptional ability and speed. Harvard haa mad about as good a showing as it did up to this time in 1914. Tet it Is remembered that one the Crimson swung Into Its gait It over whelmed Prlnecton, 30 to 0, and Tale, K to 0. One of Great Possibilities. Whether this season's Harrard eleven has the ability and power to finish out the schedule In the impressive manner the team did a year ago Is a question open to argument. The fact remains, however, that Harvard will faoa Prince ton with a combination containing the elements of a formidable attack and de fense. Individually and collectively, the Crimson team is one of great possibilities. It haa shown flashes of almost Irresistible offense and defense and should It settle down early In the game and play to the limit of its powers, victory for Princeton Is by no means assured. Princeton has uncovered a defense when occasion demanded which was almost im pregnable and an offense sufficiently itrong to penetrate Its opponent's line. It is doubtful If the attack is as pow erful and piercing as Harvard's, but this defect appears to be offset by a better defense. The Tigers' chief point of weakness has been slow play by the ends, and unless there Is a decided im provement at the wing tops, the sprinting and dodging ability of Captain Mahan may more than overcome the superior punting of Driggs. About Rvenly Matched. The Harvard leader Is one of the most oanzerous Droken lie id runners in the ant and It the turf Is dry tomorrow he will give the Princeton wing men all kinds of trouble. In field goal kicking Mahan and Tlbbot appear to be about evenly matched and this serial feature of the battle should be one of the features of the contest Chief interest in the Tale-Brown game will center in the showing made by the lllue after a week of coaching under Shevlln. The Providence team, despite defeats at the hands of Amherst and Syracuse, is a hard-playing combination and should give the eleventh-hour shift at New Haven ample opportunity to dem onxtrate its effectiveness. Notre Dame will be represented at Went I'oint by an eleven on a par with those which it has sent to face the cadets during the last two years. Ex cept for the 30 to 19 defeat at the hands uf Nebraska, its slate is clean and the middle western team should give the soldiers a hard fight for the game honra. Bucknell which faces the Navy does not appear to be so formidable, having won snly one game out of seven to date. The Principal Oaasee. The principal games of the east to morrow, together with the 1914 scores where the same Institutions met a yuar go, are as follows: . Harvard at Princeton. Jo to Pennsylvania utliiit Dartmouth at 'iostiin. 0 to 41. Brown at Tale. to 14. Ni tre Pame at Armv. I to 30 B u-Knell at Navy idl-1 n4 snoot Usfchlnst..,, ,,4 Jvffctauu i lttta- biirwh U to V illisms at Wealevan. to T. Anihi iitt at vpnnsrtcM T. . 0 to 4V t'ttrlmle at Holy iYm, 0 In t arthmar at lfayette idli not D0eO. Princeton on Edge for Big Battle With Harvard PRINCETON, Nov. . Princeton play ers are on edge for the Mg gridiron battle with Harvard tomorrow, according to head Coach Rush, who planned only the lightest kind of practice for the Princeton team today. Signal drills and Instructions how to meet the attack of the Crimson eleven was all the work Rush had mapped out. The varsity was to be lined up against the scrub team for the purpose of opposing the plays Percy Haughton. the Harvard coach. Is supposed to have taught his men, but there was to be no scrimmage. There was Mill some uncertainty as to how the Princeton team will line up In tomorrow's contest, the first really big contest of the season. Halsey, the big right tackle, who was Injured in the scrimmage practices, will probably start In his position against the Crimson to morrow. Charley Hlghley will start at left end and Lembertson at right end. McLean will start at left tacklo, Nourse at left guard, Genert at center, Hogg at right guard, Captain Qllck at quarter back. Shea at right half. Tibbott at left half and Driggs at fullback. It Is expected that 40,000 persons from New Tork and Philadelphia will come here to witness the game. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Omaha Scrubs Win And First Team is Thereby Hoodooed "It was the old Jinx that did it. ex claimed a Central High school student at the conclusion of the game with Lin coln yesterday. The jinx, be it known, is a victory for the Omaha High Seconds over the Lin coln High Seconds, and that Is Just what happened yesterday. In the preliminary the local scrubs beat the Link scrubs, S to 0, a dropklck from the fifteen-yard mark by Quarterback McFarland In the fourth quarter, with but a few more sec onds to play, turning the trick. Last year the local scrubs beat the Cap ital City scrap heap and the first team Peat Omaha. The same thing happened yesterday, and the Central rooters are Inclined to regard a scrub victory a jinx for the big team. Lineup of the second team game: OMAHA. I LINCOLN. Brogan Oohen Bqulrea Comp ... Powell .. Bacon ... Swller .. f hepard Taylor .. Harper McFarland Q.B. ...C. C IaOJ L.O UT L. R.O..... R.T H. E3 UH R.H F.B. Q.B .L.T. ..L B. ..R.O. ..R.T. ..R.H ,.I.H ,.IIH. F.B McOoogan , Jennings , KlcnardH .... Moore ,.. Denton ... Copey , Fowlllng Bunstead Dwnlson Zeyjpreson ... Bryant BBADSTHEKrs TRADE REVIEW Two Featmrea Loom Large In Week's Report. NE7W TORK, Nov. 6. Brads treat's to morrow will say: Two features loom large In this week's reports, the ever-wldeuing activity of trade and the Increased momentum at tained in many Industries. Out of these grow overtime in factory, mill and shop; progressive Improvement in inilnlrii. almost wholly dependent on domestic wants; larger payrolls; sustained. If not increased, demand upon Jobbers and wholesale dealers: more confident future buying accompanied, however, by urgent calls for goods already ordered, and al though mild weather haa prevented retail trade in the cities from running Its full course, much of the slack In this respect has been taken up by Increased buying in variouR country districts. Apparently pessimism has been alto gether untmated, activity in the stock market continues, money Is plethoric, le gitimate demand Is being supplied at easy rates, collections are freer, railwav traf fic east and northwest Is of reoord pro- fortions, the grain movement from the eadlng producing states hsa reached a new high-water mark, production of pig iron is the largest in the history of the country, prices for iron and steel con tinue on an ascending scale, and railway buying indicates pressure to get orders booked. Weekly bank clearings. 14.42.- 962.000. General Tone of Cash Wheat Bullish and Prices Are Unchanged to Two Cents Up. CORN IS ALSO QUITE STRONG -" OMAHA, November 5, WK The general tone of the cash grain market was bullish today. There was a fair run of wheat and the demand for this cereal was quite ac tive. Wheat prices ranged from unchanged to 2 cents higher. Corn was also strong and sold from Vl o higher. The receipts of this cereal were not very good, but there was con siderable denuind for this cereal. Oala followed corn and wheat and ruled from to ia higher. The demand for Mti was fair ami the receipts were mod erate. There was a continued advance In the price of rye and the receipts of this cereal were very good. Re sold from unchanged to 2c higher. Receipts of bJsTiey were unimportant and the market remained nominally un changed. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to S.474.0U0 bushels; corn, $S,0u bush els; oats. none. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to S1 lower; coin, unchanged to id hither. Primary wheat reoelpta were 3.1)76,000 bushels and shipments l.OtH.uoO bushels, against receipts of l.VAOiiO bushels and snlpmenta of 1,712,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 478,000 bush els and shipments W.'VX) bushels, against receipts of 608,000 bushels and shipments of 343.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,63.000 bush els and shipments 1.0P2.0OO bushels, against receipts of 8H4.0H0 bushels and shipments of 813.000 bushels last year. CARLOT REUK1PTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 1 Minneapolis 8W Duluth lil Omaha t)7 Kansas City... 24 St. Louis t Winnipeg ..............Uui ... 'muae sales were reported. Wheat No. I hard winter: I cars, $1.00V: 2 cars. 9o; 6 cars, wo; 1V& cars, 7o. No. 4 hard winter: t oars. Wc; 1 car. 960 ; 7 1-S cars, lo; S I- oars, Wc; S-5 car. 940 ; 1 car, S8vws; i cars, Mo. Sample: 1 car, MVfcc; 1 car, t; 1 car, IWc; 1-S oar, hue; 3-6 car, 80c; 1 oar (burnU. 76c; - car, 60c, No. durum: oars, ll.004; Vi car. 11.00, No. I durum: cars. $1.00. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car, 6c. Rye No. 1: 1 car, Wtc. No. I: 4 cars, 960. No. S: 1 car, 6o: 1 car, 96o; 2 cars, 4c. No. 4: 1 car (choice). 96c. Corn-No, 1 white: 1 car, 6!Hc. No. 3 white: 6 cars, 69tto. No. S white: 1 car, 69 Via No. 4 white: I-S car (new). 67o. No. S yellow: t cars. SlVtc; No. 2 mixed: 1 ar (near yellow), 0Vc; 1 car, 60c; 7 4-6 cars. 6Hc No. S mixed: 1 car, 6Mo; S cars, buW. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. 69Uc: 1 car. 69c. Sample: S-6 tear, 69c. Oats Standard S cars, 86Vfco. No. 8 white: 1 car (choice). 8Tc; S cars. mc; 16 oars. 34 Vic; S cars, 8440. No. 4 white: 12 cars. 34o: 1 cars, S3Vo. Sample: I cars, 32Vic: 1 car, 30c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. I tur key, 11.021. 03: No. S turkey. 11.011.03; No. 3 bard, O'Jofill.OlV No. S hard, HV tl.00'4; No. 4 hard, ,9 Vfl Wo; No. 3 spring, $1.0201.06; No. 8 spring. $1,0041.03; No. 1 durum, H.OOrt.OOH; No. 3 durum, SSVir $1.00; sample. &094Hc Corn: No. 1 white, 6 No. S white, WufMc; No. 4 white, tSigesc: No. S white, 68u9c; No. 6 white. &8"4Wc; No. yellow, 81 Gallic: No. 3 yellow, l(&lic; No. 4 yel low, 80Vtl61o; No. 6 yellow, ''5'e0c: No. t yellow, eonflfioyto; No. S mixed. E9Vtf H0f ; No. 3 mixed, WVifltSS-Hoi No. 4 mixed. 6H?fVc; No. 6 mixed, 6i(f!6M4c; No. t mixed, 6Sivti69c. Oats: Standard, l'41 ': No. 3 white. 4Ufi36c; No. 4 white, SlVB34c. Barley: Malting, 6105o; No. 1 feed, 46igtf)c. Rye: No. J, 4fVo; No. J, 94th6c. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and frail! brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street: 166 29 2ft 2 wr York Money Market, NEW YORK, Nov. fc MERCANTILE PAHKK-V per cent. STERLING KOCCHANQE Slxty-d a y bills, $161; demand, $4.ti46; cables, 34 6U16. SILVER liar, 60c, Mexican dollars. 3&c BUNDS Government, steady; railroad, strong. TIME LOANS Weaker; sixty and ninety days, itz'JV per cent: six monLha. i'u'i Per cent. CALL MONEY Steady; high, S per rent: law, IK, per cent; ruling rate, l per cent; lat loan, 2 per cent, closing bid. lk per rent: offered at 2 per rent. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. f. nf. la. ! ... M Mo F cl. Is.... 4 so couooa H N. T. C. .... l in C. 8. U. ras 11 N. Y. Oty 4s 104 so eouBoa 101 N. Y. tt t,i 11 D. 8. 4s. ras 11 K Y . N. H. II. do Mupot US cv. 4o 117 Piuim U coupon.. 1H 4 No. Ptcirio 4a. tf Am- 8nultn Ml 4n tm (A14 A. T. A T. c 4Ws. .1U7V4 0. g U rt 4s Si Armour Ol. 4s.. H-Pv T. T- la tk AlrhlsoB Q 4s.... nr'is. eos. 4t Bal. S Ohio 4s " do u. S M rvo Psclftr 1st fcRMdin u. 4s .r..Mt( miss, a Ohio 4M... . I- 8. P. r. 4a 7Zv C. B. U 1. 4s.... 9 80. Psc. ts 10,'', CJ M A B T S 4fes..lSt 40 raf 4a IS C. R. I. P. r. is. M-4 80 Kallws, 6a 1H', C. rof. Oil.... Mlnlon fto'lflc 4s... kH D A R rsf. ts.. 4M do c. is .t Brio vs. is. 7t V. . Kubbar s...ll Um. KleMrtc ts V V a sol ts Kus No. 1st 4WS.... KfViWsbaM 1st ts lii4 111. On- rrl 4s ... rWssl. t'nloo 4kS....luva K C s. rst s... 4 Wt Klsc. es. ts..l4J U a N unt- 4s.... tl'Anslo-Knnch ts ... 7!4 M K. A T. 1st 4s. 7t Bta. agar Market. NBW TORK. Nov. 5. SUGAR Raw, (trm. eentrfMsTal, 4SRc; molasses, ISle: rettned, firm, l.'i points higher; cut luaf. C crushed, S.e: motsld A, 6 96c; rubef. .7V, XXXX powdered, 6.6m:; powdered, .". fine granulated, 6 &; diamond A, IA-: coif"t('iiierB' A, 5 ; No. 1. 6.2c; fulurrs opened firmer on buying and cov ering prutni'ted by the firmness In raw nn.1 refined: at noon prices were Jil liouits higher. Artlclel Open, j Hlgti. Low. Close Tes y. Wheat! Lecl.l OfyfiV,! 107 104 May Corn. Deo. May' Oats. Ieo. May Pork. Dec. Jan. Lard. Jan May Rlhs. Jan May 10C3H eOH-uM r.i' .61H4l S9 I SW1 ,89H,'39Ts4W( IOCS 106 14 10 16 30 10 8 87U! I 9 16 2H'81ViJ 3SP 3H 11 04VW 1 OfiH'i 1 7l 14 25 16 I2V4 02Vi 9 20 14 10 16 20 8 2H 9 WKVai 9 10 8 86 22 16 S 97H t au 1 eovtcx WW 14 26 16 32ft K 20 S 92 16 1 064 1 OfiVa' 1 o&s 69T4B 3Ti sevB 14 16 16 80 8S7V4 16 S STH 10 A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN A.D PROVISIONS Featsures of the Tradlas; and Closing Prlees oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Signs of much en larged receipta here next week brought about a setback in wheat values today after the market had reached a level 10c above the low point of October 25. The finish was heavy at to So net de cline, with December at $J.04fil.ft4T4 and May at ILO&Vs- Corn closed l,0 up, oats with a gain of a shade and pro visions unchanged to 10c higher. Evident attempts to grub profits by shipping wheat to Chicago from other leading terminals, notably Minneapolis and Kansas City, gaive to traders here a de ire to realise on holding. The wish did not manifest itself in ac tion, however, until the December de livery here had touched $1.07 end had acquired a premium of 4o over May. Big export clearanea were chiefly reApon sible for this bulge, although the strength was owing also to foreign buying at Winnipeg and to advices that the crop movement from first hands in the north west showed a notable falling off. The export clearances today amounted to S.4.4,00 bushels, , the largest toUU in months. Announcement from Liverpool that ar rangements for uninterrupted shipment of supplies from Russia all winter had been ef fueled by the completion of a railroad to a new port called Eknterina did nut appear to have much influence on the wheat market here. A moderate tempo rary dip in prices at the start was the only perceptible result Corn advanced In sympathy with wheat and owing to prospects of unsettled weather and the talk of export sales by way of the Gulf of Mexico. Dlaapiotnt Ing returns from buskers were nansbroua (ts kept within a narruw range, tea board demajnd continued. Packers' buying rallied provisions. At first the market was weak becaaa af lack of support. Chicago Cssh Prices Wheat: No, S red ll.C4lll; No. I hard, nominal; No. i hard. tl.OMTl.0S. Corn: No. 2 yellow, fldc No 2 white, sr.'.vc. Ohs: No. 8 white V.,f;f7r; statid rd. 39'V'Hw. Rye: No. 2 $102. Barley. u64-iV. Seed: Timothy, to-OO tr'); cl ver. tl ''J I'oiviMnn: pork, $11.2'.; lard, So.so; ribs $; :r. '-.. n 10 .:ai. I'l'T'i'I'.H-MUhci ; creamer)'. 2,:Vso. EGG3 Higher; rsctlyw. 2,luj cases; firsts. I'irSr; ordinary firsts, T7$N7Hc; at nmrk cases Incltulcil, ami Lv. Ptl'f A TOES I'nm-tUert: nvi-lpls, 61 i-ars; Michigan and Wisconsin, V: Mlnnesntn whites, 4-Wic; Mlnnesota Ohlua. 4200, ltut-TKV Alive, higher; fowls, 13c; sprthKS, 13c NRW VOHK tlKNKRAIi MARKRT Usolntloni of the Uar on Varloaa Commodities. NKW TORK, Nov. 6,-FI-Ol 'R-rirmer; piinir ntents, $.Y40'(.V7f; winter Intents, ti drr, fid; winter straights. $i"..2.Klifi 4"). WHKAT Spot, firm; No. 1 durum, $1.16, f. o. h. New York; No. 1 northern. 1'u lnth, tl.W, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, tl 12, c. I. f. I'uftnln. Kutuies were nerv ous; Decomlwr, $1,124. (m.-Siot. funi. No. 2 yellow. TGUc, pnuni't slilpment. HOPS Market steady; stnte, common to choice. 1M;. 2.'.u)r; 1M4. Mrl2o; I'acifla const, 19171. l;Ml6c; 1914. 10'tT13o. II AY Market firm; prime, $1 SB; No. 1, $1 .80; No. 2. $1.30; No. 3. tl.OOflH.10; ship ping, 9i'. HIDE Market steady; BogoU, Sic; central America, 29o. I.KATHKU Market firm; hemlock firsts, x:ti:4c: seconds. Si'iriSilc. PROVISIONS I'ork. market quiet; mesa. Sl6.fi0it 16.00; family, lil.WifJ2.00. short clears, $ls 704iO'.Oii. Reel, stendy; mess. $16.fiiKii 17.00: family. $l.0ul9.W. Lsrd, steady; middle west. tS.iiS.M. TAIlV (JiUet; city, 7'4o; country. 19 7Vc; s-ei'tnl, S5. BUTTBI1-Firmer; receipts, 6.IW tubs or ami'ir extr.ts, SidWlc; firsts, 27MJ Z'c; second. 3it?!c. EGGS trrepular; receipts, 0.T13 esses; fresh gathered, extra fine. 39nroc; extra flrxta. 4i'c; firsts. SI 'o 35c; seconds, 27 4j.1to. CHEESR Firm: receipts, 2.519 boxes; slate whole milk flats, held apeclnls ir4tr-16e; average fancy. 16iiil5Hc; fresh specials, li'iiai-ui vc ; average funcy, JS 6 lJHc. rfl"LTRT Alive, stesdy; western chickens, 1 Write: fowls, lB15o; turkeys, IK'SBiic. Dresseii. quet; western fresh chickens, barrels, 14rfi23c: fresh fowls, Iced, UtflOto; fresh turkeys, lHJf22Ho. Kasusas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Nov. 6. WHEAT No. S hard. $1.02u l.lii; No. t red, S1.12 1.16; December, !9NW9e: May, tl-OOV,. CORN No. 3 mixed, Sl4c; No. 2 white, euijtac; December, 664jf6'Vc; May, 6RVc OATS No, 8 white, 874y3TVic; No. t mixed S4'a'36o. BUTTE Kc'reamery, 2So; firsts, S4ci seconds. 26o; packing. 19Vc Bt'tGrt Firsts, 2oC( seconds, 22s. POULTRY -Hens, HHto; roosters, 9c; broilers, 16c Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 6. WHEAT De cember, 9Mc; May, Sl.OB'ic; No. 1 hard. $1.02'4; No. 1 northern. IWHcW.Ol'V FLOUR Unchnnged. BARLEY 60-II&7O, RICE 96(3tVsC BRAN $19.00. CORN No. 3 yellow. HffWHa. OATS No. 8 white, 34140. FLAX tl.Syg'l.iH. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 6. WHBAT-Ppot. No. t Manitoba, lis 4d; No. 3, 11 3id: No. 2 hard winter, old. 12s tVid; No. 2 Chicago, new. Us 2d. CORN fipot. La Plata. 8s Id. HOPS In London: Paolflo ooaat, 3 &i6. St. Loots Grain Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 6. WHEAT No. 3 red, tl-l'ul.21; No. 2 hard, nominal; De ceinber. tl.OiVi; May, $106. 1 n n v v., 1 c i L-. v., t hli. m Iwniber, 67i';7Hc; 'May t4c. ' ' OAT No. 2. Stic; No. 1 white, nominal. Coffee Market. NFTW YORK. Nov. 6. COFFEE The market for coffee futures was unsettled today, with prices easing oft under near month liquidation and scattered realizing following the recout sharp advance. There appeared to be no particular change in the news from Braxll, and there was some further European buying of later deliveries, but after opening two points lower to four points higher the market weakened, with December selling off to S92c and May to 6.94c, or about six to nine points net lower. The close waa three or four points up from the lowest, at a net decline of nine points on November and six points on Decem ber, while later deliveries wero one to three points lower. A good deal of the business was In the way of switching frorn Iecember to late months. Sales were 73,600 bags; November. 6.92c; De cember, 8.!!F,c; January, February and March, 9I; April. 6.94c; May, .9c; June. 7.KcT July, 7.0e; August, 7.13c; September 7.1So; October, 7.23o. Spot, steady- Rio. No. 7, 7c; Santos, No. 4, 9"o. Cost and fnlght mnrket was re ported st'ojdjT, with quotations ranging from ahoin 9.36c to 9.Vio for Santos 4s. basis. Fjiigllsh credit. The official cables reported advances of fW to 12ii reis In the primary markets, with Rio exchange on London unchanged. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Nov. 4.-PRA1R1E HAY- Choiee Upland, none here. $10 &0fj 11 00' No. 1. none here, 910 oorfflO 50; No. 2. $H0UV 10.00; No. 3. tH.Oyua.OO; choice midland, none here, $10.6o; No. 1, none here, $ hft IO.11O; No. 2. $7.0O4rt.0i); So. 3, r, 7 choice lowlands, $9 00; No. 1. $7.0ru ' No. 2, W.norn'7.00; No. 8, t4.0O94l.00 STRAW Two cars on the market; choice wheat is quotable at t6 6OV00' choice oat or rye, $6.0Ht.60. AI.FAI.FA Four enrs on the market; choice, tl2.ooHf13.00; No. 1, $11 6O61I2.00; No 3. $.0uuU0.0O; No. 3, 36.000.00. Cotton Market. NKW YORK. Nov. 6. DTTON-fipot. quiet; middling uplands, 11.90?. Kalex, 100 bales. Cotton futures opened steady; r)rra. ber. ll 0e: January, 11 76c; March, 11. 97c; Mav. 12.12c; July. lt.Mc The cotton market closed barely steady, at an advance of three to six n-'lnts LIVERPOOL, Nov. S. COTTON Spot bhrely fteady: good m'ddllng. 72od; mkl dling. t.91d; low mlldling, 6.43d, sales. 12.U00 bales. Lire Stock la "lent. Receipts of live stock at thn five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hons. She-p South Omaha f 2 'nt) fidf) Kansas City l.roo 4o 3 W) St Ixmls l.tv 0 7,'0 WO ioux City i0 3.000 1 (H3 Chicago J.OOO 18,000 13 0u0 Total recrtpts 7.(M 38.300 iiJO Metal Market. NTiJW YORK. Nov. 6 -44 ETAIJi-Lead. offered at to. 00. Spelter, tl wi6 .36. (Hip per, steady; electrolytic, tit. Ull.26. Iron, firm and unchanged. Tin, steady, at 00 ff"t.60. At London: Spot copper, 74; futures sT74 7s ad; electrolytic, H Ifts. Spot, tlni li; futures. ln ir. Antimony. iai Iad. A 14 lfts. Spelter, 77. 84. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOBFPII. Mo.. Nov. t CATTLE rteeelntx, SO head; market steady: steers, fjni:.!i: cows and heifers. t4.0uw9.0u; calves. S6 UOGH-Re.eliits. SJ00 head; market stesit-: top. $7 10, hulk of snips, $6 7(i1 HIKE I ANII I.AM PS-Receipts. IV head, market steady; lambs, ta&8.7 j. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Feeders Quarter to Forty Lower and Killers Generally Steady Sheep and Lambs Steady. HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER OMAHA. Nov. 8. VMS. Rertnt wdni! rsftl Vlnvs. flhesn Official Mnntlav 16,61$ 1,611 14 11 Official Tuesilsv 7,33.1 t.17S 19.S.1R Official Wednesday ... M;l 4.02" 13.0H3 Official Thursday 6.S7S S.49S 7 tvj cniiniate r rtasy 000 i,ot Five davs this woek n .Sfl 16.410 62.JS0 Same days last week..4.71l U.0M .0S Same daa I weeks ago (7.1163 1S.2S0 K.07i Same davs t weeks sso 61.949 18.240 127.94 Same days 4 weeks ago t'J. 39 13.2K6 l..8"l oame aays last year. .20,;i M,4 us.iso The following tatrte shows the rereipis of cattle, hogs and sl.-p at the Omaha live stork market for trie year to date, as compared with last year: 1916. 114 Ino. Cattle 1.0ll,t- m,l J13.470 Hogs 1262.H26 1.914.346 838.6WI Sheep 2.S44.1A0 l,7t,166 76,016 The following table itiosi the average trices of hoss at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date I Ult. I 1914. 1918. 1 llll. 1911 1910. Oct. 19 Oct. SO. Oct. SI. Oct, 23. Oct. 23. Oct, 14. Oct. 28. Oct. 26, Oct. 27. Oct. 28. Oct. 29. Oct 30. Oct. 81. Nov. 1. Nov. 2. Nov. S. Nov. 4. Nov. 6. 7 SOVt T 28 1 24S4 7 7 39 7 S3 T 111 934 7 06 i 7 20V, 7 02 t 99 7W S2SI 6 lV 7 "41 S HI S 64 94 7 01 6 94 s 1 01 S 9N 7 09 7 06 7 12 7 12 s 7 10 7 09 7 11 7 3T. 7 M 43 C 2S t 60 S 71 7 76 7 62 8 63 T 601 S 4 7 671 I 36 T Bll S 4o S 14 7 60 7 67 t OS 7 74 7 79 7 76 7 6ti 7 71 7 7 7 71 7 7i 7 66 7 to 7 4 7 81 7 W 37 30 6 St. s t I6 S S4I S 1M 61 S tl 8 tl S44 S 47 S M 1 u 1 H t is 6 04 10! 6 101 t isN S H S 13 s s oi; 7 87 7 91 8 09 8 0 7 96 7 39 T 41 1 tl I 62 7 U s 7 6 7 69 7 64 7 61 7 66 7 70 s 7 73 7 Si 7 7 74 7 70 -ounuay. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stuck yards, Omaha, for twenty-lour hours ending at t o'clock yesterday; IIBCEI PTB CARS. 1'atlle-Hogs.Bheep.H'aes. C. M. St. P 1 S 7 I '11 ion Parlflo 4 4 15 t C. . N. W., east... S 1 C, A N. W., west... 6 7 8 4 C, St. P., M. O.. 2 t 4 1 C, H. 4k Q., east 4 .. C, XI. ok U.. west... 4 9 .. .. C, U. I. A P., east. .. 8 S C, R 1. A P., west. .. 1 Illinois Central .... 3 8 .. C'lilcago G. W S i Total receipts ... 34 M 83 7 DISPOSITION H EA D. Cattle, isogs. Sheep. , , 1 Swift A Co C'udahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Sch warts tc Co So. Omaha Packing Co. K. P. Co Benton. Vansant 4k L... F. B. Lewis J. B. Root At Co J. H. Bulla Werthelmer & Degen... II. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros. Rothschild Mo. Kan. Calf Co..., t'hristle Roth .Raker, Jones & Smith.. Banner Broa John Harvey Kline Dennis & Francis Jensen & L Other buyers 91 139 464 173 6". 13 13 36 4 S 14 60 29 6 8 11 31 3 19 67 22 d09 3.017 1,747 703 896 411 60H 29 836 "lii 1.830 Totals L618 1,930 ,3o0 ti 1 1 Receipts were very light tma moruiug, only Jo cars being reported in. buii. in run lor the wws auiounts to el.Mh beau, only a little over ,ouo nead smaller Uian last week and 17,000 head larger than a year ago. Killers of all kinds were about steady, there uelug hardiy enough on sale 10 realty make a market. '! he fresh receipts of feeders were also small, but the speculators' division was cruwueu full of siook ualtle and feeders of all kinds. Speculators have been buy ing heavily all week, expecting a large country demand, whluh has failed to ma terialise. As a result everyone was over slocked Willi cattle, there being more in the hands of speculators than on any other Friday for a long time back. In consequence of this the feeling was ex tremely weak, prices being anywhere from d,c to as much as two lower than the first of the week. 'Quotations on taitle: Prime corn fed beeves, a.7Mj lo.Oo, good to choice fed yearlings, $9 0ou. 16; fair to good fed yearlings, $x.iiiti9.00; common to fair fed yearlings. t6.:fa.bU: good to choice heavy beeves, $9.0'u'9.60; fair to good oornfed beeves, $8.00'ii.00; common to fair corn fed beeves. $6.6o'rt1.26; prime grass beeves, $.ooffitt.60; good to choice grass beeves, ti.bOusoo; fair to good grass beeves. $ti.7u'(i7.Ui; common to fair grass beeves, $."i.7MiH .76; t-ood to choice grass heifers, $'1.00 tvl. 00; K'lod to choice grass rows, to.HOo-ti.fx). fair to good cows, t6.00rn6.ft0; common to fair cows. t4.006.00; good to choice feeders, $"7.40t.00; fair to good feeders, t'i. 7(iti7.40; common to fair feeders. fc'i.7t'!6.?&; good to choice stoekers. t7.6o4j4i.00; fair to rood stock ers. H. 7Mi7.w); common to fair stoekers, 4 76: stock heifers, t&.7ti6.76; slock cows, 4 7MiiOO; stock calves. $660rut.60; veal calves. t6.UKntl.60; bulls, slags, etc., tl 35. Representative sales: NEBRASKA. IS cows 971 t 66 2K feeders . 917 S 70 19 steers.. ..1046 6 66 23 feeders.. 1069 6 80 41 feeders.. 764 6 00 13 steers.... 706 4 76 23 Calves... 340 7 W 23 steers. ...1017 t to SOUTH DAKOTA. 82 feeders.. 1119 S 66 COlRADO. 18 feeders.. 871 60 BEEF STEERS. No. A. IT. No. A. Fr. T tun T ts t 1RI U 17 1111 T 16 COWS AND HEIFERS. II M6 4 18 HEIFERS I Srs) 4 W STOCK ERS AMD FEEDERS. II 4W 4 66 It 10W lit I m I 11 it in in tl 774 4 15 24 4i IN II 9MI 4 49 HOOS Supplies were the lightest of any day this week, only aooul thirty-seven ars, or 2,6uo head, arriving. The total for the week of 16,lo is almost 6 0m larger than a week ago, but Is 1.600 smaller than two weeks ago and S.600 short of the corresponding period of last year. Shippers were back In the game thl moriitfig, tailing a pretty decent share of tne light supplies at figures that were uneven, and looked anywhere from steady to Mjluc higher. There was no advance In the top, beat selling at $7, but several lostdi reached that figure today, while only a part of a load was able to bring It yesterday. The first bids made by packers were Just about steady with yesterday's aver age, but it Is doubtful if they bought many hogs this way. Sellers, encouraged by the activity of shippers, hjug on fur 44... 14.- ..lo4 .lit ..111 111 placing the total for W.HnO head. This is a 60 advance, and In the end most of them f.ut It, while some sales made at the best time were quoted as td'i0c tip. (Icneral trade was fully 60 higher, a big suing selling at $".90, with a decent snow ing at $. and a sprinkling on down. As noted above several load of good light and butcher stuff made $7, the top. For the aek prices are a big 30o lower all around, ljist Saturday ti.A) was the popular price, while tops reached I '.. There has been a fair sprinkling of pigs here all week and the market hsa been variable. There Is nothing stable about thu demand, and good Idaho and Mon tana stock pigs have moveu largely at tii.MKyti .76, wiln an occasional sale as high as $., price heing reKulaled, of course, by the strength of the demand and the resulting amount of competition on dlf lerent days. Representative sales: No. A. h. FT. No, a. Bk. r. I 10 ... ID 45 Ill i:o I Ivvt a l 6 it 44 Ul 4W I U It (44 10 4 71 l tit so I M a Mt 10 6 so 11 ta e so M lo4 ISO I SO 44 i.i ... I H .. U4 It 10 40 4 H W I 16 It 17 ... t at a I s 71 1)1 ... 1 o PIUS. . 4 N SllFJtP Supplies of sheen and lambs were slightly larger than on Thursday, and were heavier than for any Friday since four weeks ago. About thirty-three luaus, or s.ow neau, were reported In, Die five days at more than 23.000 ngnter tnan last weeg and 44,000 short of two weeks ago, but Is larger than last year by ,OoO head. Total for the week la smaller than for any similar period since the first week of August. A good share of the offerings consisted of fat lambs, but the market got under way In good season, and a good clear ance had been made by mid-forenoon. Quality was somewhat better than on Thursday, and while sales looked steady on paper, some tradera were Inclined to quote prices a little easier. Oood fed western lambs sold at t76, as did most of the rangers. Killers bought warmed up lambs down around H.ini, and pretty fsir rangers failed to beat $60. Sum ming up prices were quoted sa close to steady, but there was undoubtedly a weaker tone to the mnrket. Values are weak to a dime lower than at the week's best time, but are strong, and on good lambs mostly 16u higher than a week ago. leader lambs were scantily supplied, offerings consisting of a few small pack ages of rangers, and some warmed up stork that was not good enough to suit killers. Nothing at all toppy was In cluded In the nfforlngs, but values were nominally steady, tlood black-face ewes, about the first here this week that showed real breeding class, went to a breeder buyer at $5.86. Moat nf the fat sheep offerings were ewes, which moved on a steady basis, selling largely at 15.60. With the ex ception of one little bulg, muttons have sold on a steady basis all week, and to day's prices are on a par with last Fri day. Representative sales: Quotations on sheep and lambs: Irrrbs, good to choice, S'.6o48.76; lambs, fair to good, ts 60178.60; lambs, feeders, t7.76vuS.60; yearlings, fair to choice, to OntyS.W; year lings, fVedera, $6.004j7.1t; wethers, fair to choice, t.6oirt.OO; ewes, good to ehnlcw, $f, l4l 60, ewes, fslr lo good, S4.76p0.26; ewes, feeders, t4.60tfrS.26. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 124 Idaho lambs 67 8 60 60 culls 61 7 66 18 Idaho wethers and yearl'gs lit S 86 240 Idaho breeding owos 11 6 86 til Idaho feewer ewes lug 4 60 802 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 64 8 48 61 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 60 T 75 Ron Wyoming lambs 68 8 76 149 Wyoming lambs. 4 S 66 862 Wyoming lambs 61 8 60 90 Wyoming lambs. 67 S 60 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Metal Shares Are Chief Sustaining Influence at the Ses sion. ' I BRISK INQUIRY FOR COPPER NEW YORK. Nov. 6 Metal shares were the chief sustaining Influence of to day s iiiai net. oilier pans 01 tne stock ll.it showing an irregular or heavy trend. 'I he inquiry for ooppers was Incessant, trading in that group attaining large pro portions, with new records for Anaconda, men aoaea a point to us recent rise, at 87: l.'hlno. lW. at no1, and Utah. ISi. at i6'. Other coppers, Including American Smelting, rose 1 to 8 points. According to trnoe reports, demand for this prod uct, both Irom domes! lo and foreign con sumers, indicates a mslerial Increase and higher quotations for the metal are pre dict ed. Specialties, more particularly those lit the so-called war classes, were again erratic, presumaU iu.. result of recent financial statements wiiuh Indicated that some of tho spectacular advances of tb midsummer were not warranted by act ual business rnndltlona Bthlenera Steel 1 1 uct listed within a narrow range and closed at 436, a loss of 6 points. United statua Steel, which was less active rela tively, though leading all other favorites, broke l' point, to eoH, and closed with out recovery. Railway shares were under greater pressure, their gains of the early week inducing further realising sales. Can- Indian Pacific fell SH. to loo, and Athlson, 1 nnin 1 ucirio. Bouinem laeirio, rew York Central and New Haven yielded 1 to 2 points. Among the lesser rails the heaviness of Missouri Pacltlo and Denver ar Rio Orande Issues suggested some ap prehension regarding latest developments a I feeling those properties. The session's activity was confined the first and last hours, with frequent inter mediate periods of dullness. Lowest prices wero quoted in the final dealings, investment stocks showing greatest heaviness. Total sales amounted to Mki.uoi) shares. sterling exchange was a trifle lower, hut assurances reiectlng new London credits were helpful in Imparting a stronger tone later. Local banks are ex pected to show a cash loss tomorrow de spite large additional receipts at gold. Bank clearings point to steady expansion of Industrial and commercial act lily. International Mercantile Marine 4 per cent bonds and certificates were the fea tures of the bond market, theae Issues advancing substantially on reports of an agreement regarding terms of reorganis ation. Total sales, per value, gggrerated t7.O40.000. United Stales bond were un changed on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were as follows: Salt. Hlh. Lew. Clnsa. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Hogs Weak Sheep Pirns. CHICAGO. Nov. 5 CATT7.. JO Receipts, 8.000 head: market weak; native beef rat tle. $6.0010. 3f.; western steers. S.4tfM.S0; cows and heifers, tl.T&tffl.tO; calves. 84.760 HOOAr-Reoelpts, 18.000 head; msrket weak at. a shade advance; bulk. 8'l.ftfj7.16; llht, tc47.30: mixed, 86 ttt.f; heavy, . 86.207.i0; pigs, ti.7V(y silBEP AND LAMRS-Recetpfi. ISOno head; market firm: wethers. t6.76ffl.S5; ewes, t3.60tiD.SS: lambs. SS.9OQ0.1Ol kt. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUISl. Nov. S CATTLE Re relpts. 1.600 head: market ateadv; native PTtL. 7-Kk3'0.80; yearlings efars $8 6orttl0.3i; caws and hel'ere SS.OIxfjil f0: stoekers and feeders, 86.oOtf7.76; southern steers, IS.fi&S.KO: cows and heifers, tt.OOtt t.fvt; native ralvea, S6.fojfio.DO. HOtlS-Recelpts. 7,000 bead; msrket lower; plus and llrhts. $6.2 & 7.2V mixed 87n'rI7?5tCher"' 4'8&"''-25; 00J heavy, FH'BEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market steady; yearltnas, $6.6o 7.:'6; Ismba, t8.a(j9.00; sheep and ewes. t0.6oB6 to. Moo, City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. 8-CATTI.W-Recelpta, Ml head; market steady; native steers, tft.6oti7.oo; butchers. tl.oUti6.f6; cows and heifers, t. 604) 6.10; ranners. 83.7604.25; stoekers and feeders, t ''' If U'r. rulves. t47ta.10; bulls, stags, Hi.. 84.7r.ftfi.75. HOGS Receipts. SOm head; mark-t steady; heavy, tfl.76'r.80; mined ;.7&: licht. 86.7taii417ii; bulk of sales. KT6. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. I.001 head; market steady; ewes, tl 50ftf..50; lambs, S7.754j)e.S0. I Kansas) City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Not. S. CATTLE Rerelpts, 1,600 head: market steady: Cme fed steers. tSfiOU; dreased f steers, f7.7b8.36; western steers. It. "nC-rt s; stoekers and feeders, U.SOtt 8.:f.; bulls, t4. 605.86; calves. $6 0010(10. HOtiS Receipta. 4.8U) head: market st.Hly; bulk of sales t7 tt7.i6; ti'-a' y. S4.76'u7 06; packers and butchers, 11.95' 7.Ki; light, S67:J7."6; pigs. 86.2&4i75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. t. head; market strong: lambs, SvnOfjg.75; yearllnss, ti.2f7.lO; wethers. i.6 iiii.W; ewes, , t4.7C4jb.76. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Nov. S.-DRY QOODS tFast colored cottons advanced rapidly; dress glnghsms hUher; gray goods and siiretlnis easier; silks firm. .too IT.7110 1.4m) 10. WM 4.1.W It. SU0 40 n 1H MVt I ton ut I. Ml 3 l.iuo task , n.inn 7 I'l.KiO itt li en isi 4.7W) tH , 1 me um , 4.1011 S. 1110 11. an , 4.MM 1 M.4on , i.7m , 1.400 40 , i 17.9110 . l,no syne Alsska Gold Allls-Chslnwrs Amorlrsn Bst gussr.... Amsrlosn (fen Amsrlcss Iiiooniotlvs ... American H. a H Am. g. a II. ptd Am. Husar Rotlnlng Aiiusluaa Tsl. Tol..., Amsfinsn Tobsooo Anseonda Goppsr AUihlson liaMwin lromntlro .... Bsltlmors a Ohio. Bihlhoffl Htssl Brookljio RSJM4 Transit. California rstmlsum .... Cansdlsn Psririo Csatral loathsr "tawali Ohio ttHOMO O. W bliwso, M. a Rt. P.. Cblnaso a N. W -hloo, R I. a P. r. Chios Ooppor Colorado rusl s Iras... Cruttbls Btssl nnw R. O. fit Mstlllsrs Bsourlll.s .... Hrlo OsnsrsJ iDlsetrlfl Ona4 Norltisra Ma firssl No. Ors otts Ousssshslm Hiplorstioa. Illinois Osntrsl Inisrtxvmush Con. Corp. Inspiration Coripvr lntsrn4ionsl Msrrsstsr.. Ksnass ( Itr Bouibsrn... Ihl,h "alWy IxutsTtlls NsshTtlU... sisiifisB Hstrmoum ... Mlsml roopor Missouri, K. a T. pf Missouri Paultlo Nstlsnal Rlsoutt Nstlotwl LsMd N'sw York (Vntrsl.... n. y . n h. a h ... Nnrfolk a Wsstsra..., Norths Psclfle , Psoitis Mall Pse.lfls Tsl. A Tsl...., PsonsTlTSfila Pullman llan Car.. Rs n. opnr , Ttsadlns H.publlo Iron atesl. aouthsrn Psrlflc anuthsrn Rsllwsr .... S1udtasr Compsay . TsnnsMsos Corpor .... Tsvss Company t'nlon Psclflo t'nlnn Psnlfln nM t'nltsd Rlsles Htssl,. . P S. U.l pfq T'tsh rioisisr ,. Wrstsrn 1'nlon Wsstlnsbmiss nioetrte Mnntstts Powsr nnsral MMore Wshssh ptdl Totsl salas for the dsr. MO.OOO sbsrss. I Oil and Roala. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Nov. 1 TTTRPUN TI .VE Strong 61I6C34C; sales. 2S0 bbls.l re relpts, 824 bbls. ; shipments, 63 bbls.; storks, 12.M6 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1.537 bbls.; re eelpte. lies bb!a.; shipments, 464 bbl.; stocks. (2.301 bbls. Quotatl ns: A B. C l V. V il Si Sie II A Lj-H.i sli . t 84 904 96; K. $6 15; M ' 85.75; N. SiOutiiii; VI, fl,SDi . so. 00, liv, lH ITS 184 JS MH n -44H 44 V ivost VM u 7 lOMt K4 4H 1H a 1V i4 u "tw 1T 4S4 lot tiki r.v HTSi liw, v, 41 17' 27S4 Mil. I. TOO 14714 .vx :w 1 v 9n.no 1.400 I. Il M.4n0 9.mo tna IT.am 46.400 , I.4VO 4. mo t sno 4.4o 12, MM 4. MM "t'.'tM too i.too I, son 4. too I J"0 too I "o 7.nn 4 7(0 4.100 n.no 94. tot I 400 1T.700 , 4 ion . lie ... 14.on rem ...194.100 tVino ... I inn ... M.ono ... I. MO 'S5 17 M4 7m eost MSI 171 liv U14 ' a iv, H UH hsvi St 64 ant t4V6 IOD'0 tl44; llVk m u' M tf.V 14M 3 I0DS4 m 127 ts, :.I4 est n t no 1M4 1U IN ta4 ti4 41S 41 St MIA MS, 9f.St MSi 114 1.14 11 l!i llli 11 U 1 74V4 7iVA It 44 ti 48 41 177 177 1M ir to 60 T n 109 JOS S4 S1 4S 4.'. 14 110 110 UH rist 41 111 MO i.t S9 t 4H 14S u H S4 lie iv St HI4 lot 10,114 M SOS4 lit 1114 m ltnvi 11 Irv4 44 4RS4 00 SDV4 k97 17 tth W4 tosi ai4 11 tl'4 lv M 94 91 14114 ltf ISi 1 ia ist 117 137 trsi at MS4 MS4 l T4 74 S4 a rnj T so n ! 871 10 89 ThE NEVADA MINING NEWS Issusd M-ssklr sod sdltsd fer si port nUnlns wrlurs, fives all In ssss all In tlius of all ho ansae In NsTsds, aad uow sod Uo pulsu out sons rsmerksbls mousr maklos otiportunlUsa. This publicsilun win b mslUd lu xuu (ur thr isoatha AHHiiLLTDLT FHtB I PON RkXJl'BST. Writ tor it leday sod ssk lur any srmcUl InfurmaUoa you tar dsstr rsgardlns atiy mitis In Nc-Tsdo SETADA MISIUIO 3TBWB IU Clsy Potsrs BIJg. g.n. nm4a. KANSAS STOCK RANCH WITH ALFALFA LAND Great hog and cattle ranch. 250 scree growing alfalfa Irrigation not necessary. (00 acres bottom farm land Ino overflow). 1,200 acres In pas ture tiood Improvements. Two sets of buildings. Abuiidtuice of govid water. Considerable timber near buildings. 1 own the ranch and wish to get In toutt, ol r act with purchaser, not resJ estate agents. Best equipood ranch in Kansas at a very low price; wllr sacrifice for oulck sale. Want some raah, eould tal.e good eastern Kansas or Missouri farm land as Dart pay and reasonable mortgage. Talk business In first letter. Box 526. B. M. KUHN, BL0 0MIN0T0N, ILL.