THE BEK: OMAIIA, nil DAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1915. By MELLEFICIA. Thursday, November 4, 1915. 0 CH. never give your whole heart up take It from one that knows! The first may seem a gooldl, but the neconiTii like a roue; And klssln' Mill la ktssin.' lad, from Antrim down to Clare, And the world la full of women and life too abort to rare. Aye, kiss away their tears, me lad, and hold them at a song; The heart that lovln' lightest la the heart that lovln' long! So, leave the girl beyond the hill, and greet the one above Och, don't be lovln women, lad; but just try lovln" love. ARTHUR 8TRINGER, The following note came to me by post the other day: "Dear Melllflda: A lady bas called me a philanderer. Tlease tell me What the meant. ALGERNON FERPLEXED." I have a wee suspicion that the writer knows better than I can tell him what a philanderer la. Evidently Algernon would be a courting and not a marrying man. He Is epring-born with a wandering taste and a. straying heart. He would live in perpetual May-time with tho flowers and the sunshine and the glad ness of life. The philanderer is not even a bad citizen. At his very worst he Is but a poor gamester, willing only to play to bla own turns. He Is at fault In BDortsmannhln. Of hi dptlny he Is only willing to take the suggestion, but never the taste; of llfo he is contented with the shadow and refuses the substance. j Of course, It la all very sweet and rapturous to live In continued spring. ; But every one does not take living's mission In this way. The vast majority of humanity la willing to play life's game to Its end, giving pay for their Joy In its consequence of pain and responsibility. Here Is where the trouble comes in concerning this philandering. But, If a man Is determined to trifle, let hira seek hlo own kind, finding his fern I-, nine counterpart In the flirt By all means, philander with a coquette, Al- gernon. Thero are women aplenty In this world who prefer to quaff but , the light froth of love. In fact, they are on the lookout for Just the like of I you. We have heard, too, of the biter getting bitten. We enjoyed It; it was a great satisfaction to know that two houses should not be spoiled by a phil anderer and a flirt. WELFARE BOARD IS SOON TOORGANIZE Confirmed by Council, but Protest Made Ag-ainst Membership of City Planning Board. THREE OPPONENTS APPEAR J. A. C. Kennedy, Thomas P. Stur- gess, J. 8. Walters, 8ophu Neble and Rabbi Frederick Cohn were con firmed by the city council at mem bcrs of the Welfare board, appointed by Mayor Dahlman on Wednesday. The board will meet for organiza tion within a few days. The council arreed to postpone the confirmation of the Cltjr Planning eom mlflalon until the meeting of the com mittee of the whole. W. II. Green, W. T. Graham and V. . Fitch requited the ro'tponemcnt with the explanation that the are not satisfied with the per sonnel of the rnmmlaftlon. In executive evasion a few days aro the city council agreed on (ieorge T. Morton. Kverett Hiiek Ingham, Ocorse Urand'-m. UTjre n. Frlns and Thomas A. Fry a city planners. MILWAUKEE SHOWKS GAIN IN MONTH OF SEPTEMBER The September report of the Milwaukee Indlratea that the period was one of the hcet In the history of the road. Pur ine the month the operating revenue of the system showed an Increase of ITT.frX) over the correeponiling month of 1914. while the operating expenses decreased 1231.807. The net Income from operation for the month amounted to $3,3S7,927, an Increase of tlS,92 over the came month of last year. Took m Neighbor's Advice. "Last winter my eon Claude had a severe attack of croup. I took a neigh hoe's advice and procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It re lieved him promptly," writes Mrs. T. II. Bell. Vandergraft, Ta. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. LOQUACIOUS JfOUTH IS HELD Charg-cd with Representing Himself to Be a United States Govern ment Officer. BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY KranHs T. Scott, a plausible young man with a remarkable flow of language, took his hearers through a mate of odd hap penings when he was before Vnlted Ptates Commissioner Whltmor on a charge of representing himself t be a federal government officer, the alleged misrepresentation having taken place at the I'axton hotel.' Ralph Kitchen bore witness against him; so did Miss Berneadotte Coffey, the fair presiding genius of the news and cigar stand; so did three clerks and a bellhop. Miss Coffey shook dice with him. Luck was against Mm and he owed the news stand V. She testified that he told her "not to be afraid," he was Just going to rerclve a large check and would get it cashed In the morning and have some small change so he could take care of this trifling matter. One tt the clerks said he represented himself to bo a pure food Inspector and talked of having a man on the South Side arrested because he refused to let him Inspect bis plant. Scott denied he had represented himself as a government officer. He declared he Is a chartered accountant. Every ques tion brought forth a flood of details which was stopped only ,by Interruption. He talked of big affairs In all the big cities from Chicago to "Sa'cleco." No question of I'nlted States Attorney Allen found him unprepared. In one breath he told of trying to get his slater In San Fran cisco by telephone, but she wouldn't talk to him because she didn't want to pay the charges of $12 a minute. In the next answer he stated he had sent 1750 to his mother. When the attorney thought to "catch" him by asking whether he sent It by postal money order, he countered It quick as a flash by declaring he had sent it In cash. Commissioner Whltmore bound the young man over to the grand Jury under tr00 bond, which he could not furnish. Read Them Every Day. It Will pay! The Want Ads In The Bee. MRS. DAUGHERTY TO BE BURIED A1 MISSOURI VALLEY The body of Mrs. r.Tiry r.::en Paugh erty, who died Wednesday morning at the home nf her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Tho?nss. ,T24 North Twenty-third street, will be taken to Missouri Valley. Ia.. Saturday morning. Services will be held at St. Patricks Catholic church at 9 o'clock In thnt city. Hurlal will be t' Mount Rose cemetery. We Know All About BAGGAGE It Is our business, our specialty we work at it and nothing else. So If you want a Trunk, Suit Cne, Orlp, or Hag come and talk with men who know such things. And remember, we like small re pair Jobs. Freling&Steinle Omaha's Best Baggage Bonder. 1803 Farnam Mrs. Johnson's Club Luncheon. : Mrs. Edward Johnson entertained this eftc:noon at a reunion aod luncheon to the executive and house and home com mittees of the AVoman'a flub, the guests Including the president, Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Hayes, president for the preceding fear. . The house and home committee pre- tented the baby of Mrs. J. E. Pulver with a spoon. The decorations were but ton holo chrysanthemums In white and lavender. Those present were: Mesdames Mesdnmes N. H. Nelson. T. R. Ward. Kdward M. r-yfert, Iouls Muser, John O. Vainer, Thomas II. Tracy, Karl 8 tan field, A. V. Preshcr, A. It. Keinald, Jerome I.lllln, C. H. Mai Icy, A. I. Northrup, W. 8. Heller W. . Nicholson, James l.iddcll. K. II. Ransom, K. S. McUafferty, U K. Sterrlcker, Uenrge Swoboda, . C. A. Sherwood, J. K. Pulver, C. ,J Hayes. Kdward Johnson, lMiwarJ i'holan, Omaha Guest in the South. Miss Helen Clarke will leave Saturday tar Houston, Teg., to remain until about Thanksgiving, the guest of Miaa Imola Unk, a former schoolmate of Miss Clarke at Mrs. Somera' school In Washington. Mlsa Louise Buckingham of Memphis, Ttun., a ell known to Omaha society as a guest of Miss Clarke, will also be en tertained by Mlsa ' I.Ink during- Miss Clarke's visit to Houston. Rummy Ciub Entertained. Mr. M. M. Kline entertained members of the Rummy club at luncheon Wednes day. The decorations went yellow and white chrysanthemums. Prises were won by Mrs. T. Mehrena, Mr. Kline, Mrs. Frank O. Browne. Mrs. J. A. Fteeland and Mrs. C. Stockham were guest of the club. At Us next meeting. In two weeks, the club will be entertained by Mrs. Henry Keating. Family Reunion, A family reunion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks Sunday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. II. II. - Marks. Those present will be: Messrs. and Mesdames H. II. Marks, K. Neveleff, J. I.evlne. A. Cohen. Mum Youscn, A. Illock, J. K. Marks. J. Marks. Rabbi 11. Orodlnsky. Motorinjf Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bloom, with their guests. Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Bwanson. l ave returned from a two weeks' motor ing trip to Chicago. For Distinguished Guest. Miss Abba Bowen and Mlsa May Hom ers entertained at luncheon at the Hotel J-oyal this afternoon for Prof. Max Crieech of Milwaukee. After the lunch con Prof. Ortesch was guest of honor at a motoring party about the city and later was given a kaffe Klatsch at the home f Mrs. Willutru II Bowen. Luncheon for Guests. Mrs. Charles Beaton entertained this afternoon at luncheon for Miss Wlnnl f red Rcpn and Miss Mildred Wagner of Kansas City, guests of Miaa Paul uel lagher. Tte table was decorated with a basket of Ophelia roses snd Individual bouquets of sweet peas. Those present were: Mesdames Charles Nash, Charles Reatun. Mesdames Paul linllngher, Charles Harding, Kenneth Pattersun, Misses Amy tlilmore, Margaret Itruce, Misses Wlnnlfred Repp, Mildred Wagner. Dinners Precedin the Dance The Subscription dance will be the occasion this evening of a number of dinners given in homes preceding the dance Itself. Mrs. A. L. Reed will entertain four teen guests. The decorations will be Mrs. Ward rosea Mrs. Edwin T. Swobs will have nine teen guests to dine with ber this evening. The dinner guests of Mrs. Daniel Staplcton will be: Captain and Mrs. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane. r. and Mrs. Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman, Mr. I.uther Drake. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson and Mlsa McCormlck will entertain at din ner for: Messrs and Mesdames H. H. Haldrtge. Clement Chase. F, W. Judson, Messrs. Messrs. Harrr McCormlck. Charles Saunders. Stockton Heth, Mrs. Arthur Remington. On the Calendar. Dr. Thomas H. Brtggs, associate pro fessor of education of Columbia univer sity, will address the University club at 1 o'clock luncheon Friday. The Unitarian Junior club will hold a social meeting at the club house, 428 North Fortieth street. Friday evening. Among the Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Freeman of Union Mills, Ind.. are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Edward Black. In and Ont of the Bee Hire. Mrs. Arthur Remington returned home Wednesday evening from an eastern trip. Mr A. B. Jaqulth's guest. Mr. Ella Vail of roughkeepsle left for Chicago Tuesday to Join a party of friends mo toring east Mrs. E. E. Stenicker's guest, Mrs. H. A. Nolte of Elkhorn, has returned to her home. Miaa R la nee Ror.nson Is spending the week In Kansas City, Mlsa Grace Bor enaen expect to go down to Kansas City to spend the week-end with her sister. Mrs. John W. Towle and Miss Marlon Towle are expected home from California next Thursday, TRIO OF DISORDERLY HOUSE KEEPERS FINED Carl Brady. Sit North Sixteenth street, and A. D. 8a your, 614 North sixteenth street, both charged as keeper of dis orderly houses, went fined Sis and costs In police court. Qua Mike, MS South Thirteenth, charged a a keeper of a disorderly house, wss fined 110 and cost. A .: . vi.v Vv Iv a- -as. Llfo'c Walk nado Easy If You Woar I'JALK-OUER'S "Oroaad Dripper" arrioal Shoe (or KajrUaa feet. The Merit Qhoes ZB OUR NZW "Ultra English" FOR MEN $3.50-$7.00 JUST RECEIVED THE NEW Walk-Over Walking Boot WITH ESEEEB SOLES AXD KEELS Especially adapted for Teacher. Let us show this shoe to you. Prlco 04.50 uu VER rJalk-Over Boot Shop 317 Couth 16th Street Brandeis Stores Great Enlarged Basement Offers Many Attractive Value-Giving Sales 60o Notion Boxes, lOo Keek boa eeatalaei Nets, JVeedlea, Tapes, I'laa, Safety Plas, Hat Mae, Threat, Elaatla, Hair rise. Wire Hair Ita. Retting aad saaay tber I tens which are at aTrtla4 f 7ZU. IOC Women's Shoea Odd aad Eas la Weaaea'a ftm She, aeetly aaaall alaee, la taa aaa hUeh. Werth thre tlsaM thOT prlea w are I TC. Men'i Slippers Per hetue wear. laaltettoa alUgater r eaabreiaereel velvet. All Um, pair . MHvinHBsssssAfleBaKBBaawBUaaifiBS&naaaKSS The Rnsftrufnt C.rn4- Rtfwn ia hs C.nrttnr- nf Attraction Friday With a Sale of Over 2000 Women's and "Misses 59c 10o Hnok Towels, 7V4o Oae Caae rl B I e a a h e Haek Tewela, heaaa4 faaey heiera. S elal far nwalag hemaes aaa aatet. 75o Daunask, 69o M IMeaea ef Fall Bleaehe4 Tahl Da aaaak, la the Mr. r I a 4 patter u, eerie I rem hlh I a a llaaaei 4 laehes wis. COAT We have put every woman's, miss' and junior's coat in the basement department stock, as well as a good many hundred new coats, just received, into four great lots for Friday. At Over 800 Beantlfnl Coats for Women and Misses. Outing n&nnel Oeaalae AaaeakeasT Oatlaa riaaaal la are white aaa faaer flsarea. B k t r a weight, reft, fleeer aaa aeia aia a II he. 10 valae, yard 3 S LZ Varions lengths, dosens D M9lJ uiJtJ of styles that .are right op-to-the-mlnntet made ef fine silky' plashes, corduroys, 'faney cloths, etc. Many hare far collars and cuffs, ethers fur-trimmed all around the bottom. Staes 14 to 20 for misses 86 U 46 for women and extra slses np to 63. Wortli $1UK) and up to $30.00. $13.8 At $9.85 Over 500 Coats at this price. We hare taken from oar own stock coats marked 112.49, $18.85 and $15.00, to- trether vnth many fine coats Just reeelred. All the best styles In plashes, corduroys, fancy plaids, mixtures, many far trimmed, new belted and flare styles i many all lined. Slses 14 to 20 for misses 86 to 46 for women and extra slses np to 68. $9.85 fa OTer 400 Splendid Tp-t. date Coats, In women's, C7 Misses' and Juniors' slses. P af Zr J Dosens of new pretty styles, many with far-collars made of plash, fancy and plain corduroy, glbellne, fancy mixtures, chinchillas, etc in all colors. Wonderful values at a very low price. All slses, all new styles, all colors and plenty of blacks. At Over 800 Coats at this price. Dosens of styles, Ions; coats. SL4 Ok short coats, fancy coats ana P s e J? J plain coats f made of fine all-wool materials chin chllla, fancy plaid, fancy all-wool mixtures and plain cloths, corduroys In all colors, etc. lour chance to set a splendid coat for ordinary wear at from H to K of regular price. U.95 i Flannel Mill Heatnants an Lengths Fran Stack Geaalne Dachl 1 a a aad I'aelfle Fleee Klmene aad Wrapper Flaaael, lengths eas ily matched. L.laht an dark areanda, neat flural figures. alaea to 12Hc, r special, Krl- d-7. rard ww Dress Shoes Infaata aad C'hll drra's Klae Ureas H bora, tan and black. Hand turned aolee. All alara up to Ci H. Special Frl-VfSr day, pair Slippers la. H aluea t x . tci Wonderful Values in Remnants and Mill Ends Dress Goods l-10c BOO Pairs Toweling; Slippers far Mrs aad Wamen, a r all alaea, wurth l.f ac, special, pr . 1 " w 19c and 2So Towels, 10c One lot of All-Llaen Hemstitched 11 a e k Tovrela, also full Hlrachrd Turkish Toncla la tho guest also. 29o Padding, 19o B4 Inehea wide, made of heavy qual ity, doable fleeced cloth to protect roar table. Silkoline SO-lnch V a a e T Printed Hllkallne aad t'omfortrr Cretonne, In nil tho new fall atnea and printings. Underwear One his lot of Mea'a Fleeced aad Rlhhod Shirts aad Drawers, eausplea and hrohea Iota. Regalar oOe aualltr, ape- 1f elal Friday. AyC Baraaeat Curtains and Rods Two Cases of Very Fine Laeo t'urtalaa. Vi laea ta OSUNJ t pair. Friday, 4VC each BOO Regular p lew Curtain ) Rods, each Lace Curtains Batra apodal lota of two aad three 52:51-98 Dress Percale . Fine aaallty, light aad dark groan da. Fall pieces, Book fold, fact eolera. Beat dots aad fig- ares. Special Friday, yard.... w Suiting Genuine Galatea Suiting, la all the waated atiipeo aad ftgrarea, light aad dark arenas' a, fust oolorsa for aoya waists aad ehtldrea'e roaipora. 1H value. SpeeUI. Friday, rard .... Five cases of Sample and Matched Pieces of All Kinds of High Class Materials, many lots of five and six pieces of one kind; use ful for misses' and children's dresses, com binations and trimming purposes. The col lection is varied and contains all the newest weaves and colorings. Special for Friday, each pieoe 10c, 25c and 39c Yards of line All-Wool French Challle Bemnants, in light and dark grounds with stripes, dots, bads, floral designs, etc-, from li to 6-yard lengths. Worth 69c yard. Special Friday, 19c Big Bargains for the Boys 7ic I4i n Friday and Satarday In the Basement. $295 42-Inch Genuine WamsuUa Bleached Tubing Nona hotter sands, weave llhe lists ICs. ru wslarht, ahsolato- ly free frosa di lag. ae vnl - aea. apodal IflC Friday. yard.Il,TW 72x90-Inch Bleached Sheets fla Flue soft aaade frosa aeod aaallty 4-4 eottoai a- la. heaas ready for vala -32c Hackinaws, Overcoats and Salts with Two Pair of Full Lined Fants, at All $1.00 and Even f&OO Values. Macklnaws In 10 different styles and shades, to fit any age boy, 7 to 19 years. Gray, green, red, brown and tan colors In plaid ef fects. 0ereoats In sample lots, to fit ages 9 to 10 years. Chinchillas and mixtures, many pare worsted lined. All colors. Two-Palr-Pant Suits In splendid shadings of gray and brown. Winter weight casslmeres. Kor folk model coat with both pair ef pants fully lined. All ages, 6 to 17 years. CHOICE FOB S2.05. Corduroy Knickerbockers. Ages a to 17 years. Regular A (in price 7a, sale price tyi Men's and Young Men'sTrousers Hundreds of pairs to choose from, in worsteds, cassl meres, tweeds and blue serges. In three big lots for Friday: LOT I LOT 2 LOT 3 $1.00 $1.50 $1.98 Men's KhaM Trousers, $1.50 values, fQ pir yoc Men's and Young Men's All-Wool Mackinaw Coats, shawl collar and belt all around. All sizes and p- ff colors. Regular $7.60 values, special 4) O . U U Men's and Young Men's Cassimere and r- ff Worsted 8uits, all sixes and colors. Friday. . . . eJ)D e U U 1,500 yards of Mill Ends of Splendid All Wool Dress Goods, in medium and heavy weights; from 2 to 6-yard lengths. Most desirable fabrics for skirts, suits and dresses, in all the most popular fall and winter shades. Widths up to 54 inches. To be sold by the piece only, worth to $3.00, Friday, entire piece . 95c, $1.39, $1.69 200 New Trimmed Hats Union Suits 68 dosea Men's Fall and Winter Welaht V'nloa Suits, ribbed aad IIm4. ta - Bad array eolor. Reaa- im ot.uu va sea. S peel a' salt . vior. itcgs. '"'75 c Including large dressy sailors, new draped turbans; trimmed in fur, flowers, new ornaments and ostrich ef fects. Mostly black, some brown, navy, etc. A practical demonstration of unexcelled value-giving to be found at Brandeis Stores Friday. Values to $5.00, sale price Friday Sanitary Aprons Pall also with set top. Rearalar a m prlea SAe. 17C Sale prlee Sanitary Nap- A klna. apeelal. lAjC dosea Gray Switches Grav Hair Switch. tm renalar $3JI0 val- aes while thrr Krlda, $1150 1 and $50 ...iTiitti'C f .t-.-J-ue.-W V Madras Repps S-Ia. raaey Shirt li Madraa aad Prlated B a 1 1 a at Heppa, la all the eholes ehlrtlaa stylea, seat black and white atrlpea aad floral fast eolers. Values to lfie, epeetal, rard, ;.8c Knit Underwear and Hosiery eii,Tif! ?htr U i U,t f001 "ae suitable ander. aSffJTal" ThM ,p,did u"w and tery small prices are olfered yoa vihea yon need them most. ia Me uascment. Wash Goods Thausaada of yards af all klnda of wash aooda, mill reataaata and least ha froaa stock of rerea!e. Cal ico BhlrtlBKa, Coat, forter deeds, thai. Ua. eta all dealrablo airrchandlor, neat evlorlnaa. Valaea ta lOe. No phoso or mall ordera filled. While the lot Inata. Fridaj yard . ;v:..2ic Women's fiat Cotton. Fleecv. lined UBloa 8nlt Patch seek, elbow sleeves high neck, long sleeves. Worth Mc, -r special, salt 3vC Women's Fine Cotton Ribbed, Fleecy Lined Tests and Fants to Match, worth regularly p Soc, special, garment XdC Children's Tests and Pants te Match, fine cotton, fleecy lined. Worth to o&c, per e Sarment Ii5C Men's Flna roflnu K.,mU.. Socks, doable heels, toes and soles. Worth 10c, r , Plr-- V?. OtC Women's nibbed Top, Fleecy Lined Hosiery, worth if lftc, sale price, pr IUC Men's Heavy Natural 1U Wool Socks, worth 24c, ic special Friday, pair IOC Women's and Children's Fine Cotton Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy, silently lmper. t feet Eack XtC Outing" Flannel T-eaaa raaey Oat. la riaaaol, Uarht aad dark arounda. Beat stripes aad eh ih a. Katra ervtaht. soft, wura. floeo aaa. Heaia s ae valaa. OC yard Mnslln PS lank ITahWaeaed Was Ha. thus soft flu Uaw VWU katts to aa lost tiaeai esstly kl.nuhsa. aUeTsUr pries do. sale i Pries 4f ii aw 23c Fancy Linens, lfo About a.: x pissts. a Btaaufae fare rs oanipla, Uao, ooaslst las of aoaarre nnd aVasrea. beaaaMtohed a sosllopsd oada. wtia aeat aa erod doelsraa. Sweater Coats SS Dosea Mea'a Sample Worsted aad Wool Sweater Coats, Boys' Shoes oatly Values to .11 ash $1.50 ua ts 1SU. Gun nsetai. ealf, hat. toa aad laeo, solid, aerilocsblo. Beat at y lea. Special Vrt day- Percale aa-iaaa Droas oalo, fall standard sloth, la all (he wanted Msht and dark tadlao styles Boat dote aad $1.59 I 7ic Cambric s-Iuch leached Caambrte Ha. ISO. Far fins aaderwoar aad hoascksld aso. Set Silky permanent ft alah. yard aUk. Se . ard .... m Front Laced Corsets la white aad fleeh colon mediant buet with flat silk em. broldere 1 trimmlnp;. 1I shirt with elaa. tie band la baek shield ander larlas HT...$i.oo Wavy Switches Nataral Wavy Hair Swltenee 18 aad Sd luebea loast re alar S1AO valacs mr perlal Friday V Corsets la aray, pink aad wklte. All bis vahaea aad eeaifortable ess, aete made of extra or lite material wltk embroidery trtm'ns;. LI or medium hip leaa-tai e fear Barters. fC Very spotdal.., ' U Va'a't' $1.98