Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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TS Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor. ,
Fnteree at Omaha poetofflc aa second-c'as matter.
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Inoola M LlttSe Building.
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lAdrsee enmirmnlratlona retstlnr to news and adU
(oriai aneUar to Cnnahe Bra. Editorial Department,
Btat of Nebraska. County of Dmiglaa. aa:
Dwight Williams, circulation maiwiger of Tha Be
Publishing company, twin duly iwurn, says that tha
average circulation for the month of October, 11S,
waa M.744.
DWIOHT WIMJAMS. Circulation Manager.
Butacribd In my presence and (worn to befora
ma. this id dav of November. 1SI6.
ROBERT-HUN TEH, Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
should have The Ike mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed an often m requested.
sToTember 4
Thought for the Day
TKt trumlb of earniva of all tU yor,
When aafurs Uti (As wild tmrth go Hi way
And iptnd wKvU seasons on a aingU day.
IltUn Uunl.Jackion.
Off-year elections clearly mark the direction
of tbe current
Hats off to McCall, tbe next governor of
Just tbe same, the women have had a lot of
fun playing at the game of politics.
The disappearance of the moose looms large
as the political tragody of an off your,
Now see what the adoption of tbe biennial
elections for Nebraska has done for us!
After all those big floods of not so long ago,
Ohio could not be expected to dry up tight so
quickly. t
Republican gains In the off-year elections
will make competition for next year's nomina
tions all the keener.
( It Is evident from the returns that the coun
try is disposed to uphold the one-terra plank of
tbe Baltimore platform.
Tbe MolocbTof war 1 not satisfied with Its
toll of life. It levies tribute on ailing humanity
through padded drug prices. ; , .
Iowa university's cadet battalion is to be
drilled in trench-digging. That instruction
should have a double value It will" be useful
for those who go back to the farm, even though
they are never called out on the firing line.
Our amiable democratic contemporary says
that the republican campaign Is coming along
In a fashion 'perfectly satisfactory to demo
crats." Well, our democratic friends are easily
pleased now, but they will not be so satisfied
later. ' ' . .
At last our democratic United States sena
tor from Nebraska has. publicly announced that
be will be a candidate for re-election. Some
bow and somewhere and some time we seem to
have gotten a suspicion thai the expected would
happen. ;
Yes, but would tbe majority against prohibi
tion In Ohio have been bigger or smaller if Col
Bryan had kept out? ' ' We Invite a . de
bate on this subject between Johnny Maber's
typewriter artillery and Edgar Howard's lino
type battery.
Significance of the Off-Year Elections.
The salient feature of the off-year elections
Just held ilea In thp evidence they afford that
the people are voting upon their sober second
thought, rather than upon impulsive enthusiasm
of the moment. The tendency of the political
pendulum to swing bark from the radicalism
reached in the preceding rl of the so-called bull
noose party. Is confirmed and accentuated.
hat, for examp'e, at one time looked like a
tidal wave for woman suffrage, has met a severe
check by decisive defeats in the biggest states of
the union. The best that can he claimed by
the suffrage champions Is thst they made a good
fight and marked progress, yet they admit that
the achievement of the goal Is still beyond reach.
The rejection of the prohibition amendment In
Ohio, notwithstanding the energetic campaign
made for It, and the failure of the proposition for
municipal ownership of street railways in De
troit, likewise reflect a popular reluctance to
try experiments at thla particular time when
world conditions are so upset.
From the party standpoint the general re
sults arc decidedly encouraging to republican
hopes. The redemption of Massachusetts by
KcCall, the republican candidate for governor, In
the face of the urgent appeals of the democrats
for a vote of confidence in President Wilson,
shows New England romlns; back' to the fold.
Thla gain more than offsets the loss of a govern
orship In Maryland, because . Maryland Is nor
mally democratic, and the present republican ad
ministration there is due to dissension in the
opposition. The gain of a member of congress
lu New York state, coupled with the retention of
two more districts, testifies to a desire to re
instate republicans In control of national affairs.
The democrats will, of course, try to find some
grain of comfort here and there, bat every In
terpretation of the elections as a whole must be
favorable to the republicans.
Omaha's New Civio Ceniui
The people of Omaha are to be congratulated
cn tbe character of the men who have been
chosen by the mayor and council to constitute
the new city planning commission, because
every one of them are men of standing in the
community and thoroughly Identified with the
present and future growth of the city.' While
but one or two of them have special training or
experience along lines of city planning, the
others are successful business men, known for
their keen foresight and good Judgment and, we
believe, without personal axes to grind or hob
bles to ride In tbe matter In hand. They are,
therefore, all exceptionally equipped to discharge
the duties devolved upon them. We take it
that the new planning commission will get down
to business without needless delay, and that we
will have tangible results Indue time.
What Is true of tbe city planning commission
s, in subatantlally the same' degree, true of tbe
rubllc welfare board, which is made up largely
t'f men who have already been active on the
Rcclal Service board, or In various fields of
social work. The welfare board will also have
plenty of Intricate problems to deal with, calling
for, earnest and sympathetic consideration and
.sound Judgment baaed upon broad vision.
As a. safety first precaution careful censor
ship of church news is a vital need. It is d Ir
on certlng, it not embarrassing, to have a force
ful appeal for ministerial recruits encounter the
Psptlst official wage average of 1.87 a day
without the formalities of an introduction.
Having settled tbe rental schedule for the
use of the Auditorium, the city commissioners
should go one step farther and provide against
ny one engaging the Auditorium and waiving
tbe date to some one else for a bonus. That
tort of hold-up should be nipped In the bud be
fore it begins.
Among tha other recent acquUIUona to Omaha la
the law firm of Bevlna 4V Churchill. Mr. Churchill la
lata of Caaa county. Iowa, who haa recently come
here and formed a partnership wtkt Mr. Bevtna.
tht-riff-elect Ccbura held a rece(Alon yesterday,
standing on tha Wabash corner, responding to up
roarious freetlnaa of exult set friends.
fine display of fancy goods and art sewing- will
be made at the grand opening tomorrow of the lch
baa, 219 North Blxteenth street . .
A delegation consisting of HV T. 'Clarke. W. J.
BroaU-h and lie a Gallagher left for Chicago, to Join
similar delegations from St. Joaeph, Kansas City,
Denver, and other westera cities to protect thflr In
teresta oa frelrht rates.
A demand ia being made that tha street car com
pany place conductors on tha cars, and relievo the
driver from asking change and taking tickets, to say
nothing of protecting hlia against holdups.
The Union Pacific ia advertising an excursion trip
to Los Angeles, in. luolng Pullman accommodations
(or fiuo for the round trip.
A thoroughly competent S1 la wanted for general
house work. 14 per week, lira T. W. Blaokburn, third
'juuse north ot Leavenworth, aorta of Colfax street.
TalkLnp; of Peace Texmi.
- .Every few days thehews reports contain'
f anagraphs indicating that one or 4he Other of
the belligerents In Europe is willing to consider
peace terms,, and some of these reports even go
s t far as to outline the probable conditions to
be entertained. Talk of peace in the immediate
future, of course Is Idle. There is so much at
slake and neither party to the struggle has ap
parently neared the point of exhaustion which
compels .making terms, that these reports, are
no more harbingers of peace than tbt first robin
is of spring. Like the first robin, however, they
are Indicative' of ' an ultimate consummation,
"hey are the straws thrown out to feel the pulse
of opponents, In the realization that tbe war
aust reach a stage when the groundwork for
the ultimate solution roust be laid. How far In
the future this conclusion may be, undoubtedly
the contending nations do not themselves have
an intelligent idee, but that they are beginning
to think about the inevitable settlement is some
thing of an advance.
Investigating: Oil.
- The Federal Trade commission, it Is an
nounced. Is to undertake an Investigation of min
eral oil production, refining and distribution,
tut whether this will result in anything more
practical than numerous other inquiries growing
out of the Investigating habit Is problematical.
The greater portion of .the federal, state and
municipal investigations, instead of settling
mooted questions, simply open up a little wider
field for controversies, and this is particularly
true of the oil Industry, which has been repeat'
,edly Investigated. Abuses, it Is true, have been
uncovered, but the very fact of the complaints
which bring about this Investigation shows that
the remedy has either not been, discovered or
rot applied. The differences between the crude
producers, the Independent refiners and the
Standard among themselves and between them
and the consuming publlo are many and com
plex, and If tbe commission seeks to search them
all out and find a remedy It has a Job which is
likely to keep Its membership busy for a consid
erable time. One ot the charges in this instsnce
is the old one of unfair competition. It being al
leged that the Standard sells gasoline for 10
cents a gallon In Missouri, 17 rents in Arkansas
and corresponding figures in Nebraska, and for
to cents la New York, while the difference In
transportation cost to the latter place is only 1
cent per gallon. This section has no objection
to the commission stopping the unfair discrim
ination, if it exists, but Is not anxious to have it
stopped by raising tbe price here to the New
York level.
' Headaches aa Expensive Luxury.
If you must do things that produce headacheg
put the kettle on the stove and get out the hot
towel bandage, for the drugs you have formerly
relied on to assuage tbe pain may become too
expensive for any but the rich and prodigal.
Ihe drug quotations show that the ingerdients
ft this class of goods have tripled and in some
instances quadrupled In price during the
p4st year, with the hint that unless conditions
change they may be unobtainable at any price
hrltbln a comparatively short time. It is the
same old story, "ruade-ia-Germany" and im
ports shut oft. So If you must have headaches
prepare to grin and bear it. or go back to primi
tive methods or tap your bank account that is
unless some "msde-ln-Amerlca" substitute is
forthcoming to meet the demand.
"Billy's" Big Windup
Beatrice Sun: Though people may disagree with
"Billy" Sunday and criticise his methods, It will bo
generally admitted that he has done a lot of good for
Omaha. Tha pay he received, about 130.000. looks Ilka
a lot of money for a preacher, but Omaha has no
doubt often paid that much and got less for the ex
penditure. Plnttsmouth Journal: "Billy" Bunday departed
Bunitay nl-ht with his wad. The people of Omaha
have evidently shown themselvea "easy marks." There
would have bin more Christianity displayed by glv.
Ing that money to charity.
Ponder Republic: "Rilly" Sunday forgot to take
up one subject of Importance during his stay In
Omaha and that was: Whether or not tha fellows
who "Jump" their newspaper bill will hava their sins
forgiven on the way to heaven.
York News: "Billy" Sunday thought a full hand
with a two draw was a sufficient number of weeks to
pump the hot truths Into those mallet headed, spindle
letrgnd, beer guttling, peanut brained blokea In Omaha,
but when ha seta his forty-four centimeter guns going
In Chlciurn ha expects It wlU require twelve weeks to
convince those hard hearted, lid lifting, dirty, desecrat
ing, foul mouthed, devllleh Imps In Chicago that they
should mend their ways and hit the trail and coma
across. "Billy" can get away with thla ruff stuff
all riant and If he can hold out for twelve weeks In
Chicaa-o you've sure enough got to hand it to tha guy
for ncrva and endurance. (No Infringement Intended.)
Crawford Courier: Tha devil In chuckling over tha
departure of "Billy" Bunday from Omaha, may find
himself In the position of the Irishmen who tickled
the hind foot of a mule with a straw. "Billy" prom
ises to come back next year and make prohibition
campaign speeches.
VVayno Herald: "Billy" Sunday received somewhat
In excess of I3O0P0 for his services In Omaha, and tha
people who gave tha money appear to be well satis
fied with returns. Tha evangelist had a whirlwind
finish Bunday, emd developed Increased Interest, leav
ing amidst the loud acclaim of tha multitudes. If tha
fiery kind of a hell "Billy" preached will make people,
otherwise bad, permanently good, one la inclined to
say tha end Justifies the means.
Kearney Hub: Discussion and "testimony" aa to
the efficacy of "Billy" Sunday's revival work In
Omaha haa been abundant during tha last few days
since the evangellet haa closed his work, and while wa
note that the battle of opinion wages pro and con.
there la a pretty general agreement that he haa dona
a very great work, Is a very great preacher, and
exerts a power that would be Impossible did ho not
have tha "grace of God" In hla heart. Even the real
"finicky" ones era less disposed to condema him be
cause of his slang and his Individual methods.
Nebraska City Press: 'Billy" Sunday, self-appointed
apostolic delegate of the Almighty on earth,
has excommunicated the eight members of the Omaha
school hoard who showed good sense enough to re
fuse tha Honorable "Billy" permission to spout his
Indecencies and ungrammatlcal slang before the lm
prenalonahle tioys and girls of the Omaha High school.
Naturally the Honorable Sunday grew peeved over tha
refusal and In a sermon In tha tabernacle the other
night ha devoutly and alncerely excommunicated the
f fending members of the board: In addition he con
algned them, figuratively speaking, to that domain
whose ruler he especially flghta. Tha excommunica
tions of these men will undoutedly hurt them socially,
morally, financially and, laat but not least, spiritually.
And tha Honorable Sunday probably la satisfied with
the result. . -
Twice Told Tales
Oace Blttaa, Twice Shy.
A philanthropic lady visited an asylum not long
ago and displayed great Interest In tha Inmatea. One
old man particularly gained her compassion. "And
how long have you bean here, my roanT" aha in
quired. "Twelva years," was the answer.
"Do they treat you well?"
"Do they feed you well?"
addressing a few more questions to him, the
Visitor passed on. She noticed a smile broadening n
the face of her attendant, and on asking the causa
heard with consternation that the old man was none
other than the medical superintendent. She hurried
back to make apologies. How successful she waa
may be gathered from these words: "I am sorry,
doctor. ' I will never be governed by appearances
again." Argonaut.
Meaas te mm Esi.
"There,' lad. 'tis a bonnla laas you've married, and
I wish you both Joy," said- tha old minister, as ho
gased at tha beaming faces of the young couple ha
had Just united. "You're getting to the end of your
troubles now," he added, encouragingly, to the bride
groom. Time went on, as time will, and a few months later
tha old minister met the young fellow who bad started
matrimony with auoh a smiling faoe,
"You look pretty miserable, my friend, said he.
"Well I might," came tha sulky answer. "I thought
you told ma in tha church aa "ow I'd got to tha end
of all my troubleaT"
"Ah, so I did, lad." said tha minister, with a glim
mer In hla eye, "but I didn't aay which end." New
York Times.
Worse Yet.
"We bad a bad accident the last time wa went
out motoring."
"What was It?"
"We were ao unfortunate aa to knock down a
man and fracture his skull"
"That waa bad."
"But that wasn't the unfortunate part of It The
man waa holding a sharp knife in his hand and the
point ct It punctured our tire." -Baltimore American.
People and Events
"Ho as has gits." A banker at WaUonvilla, Cel..
haa fallen heir to a fortune of flOQ,oao left by a Cana
dian uncle, who waa a recluse and lived on W cents
. Minneapolis is recovering from the affects of tha
wet snd dry fight and has reached a point of con
valescence justifying the employment of a chemist
to determine whether a seised package of boose eon
talrs the germs of highballs.
No matter how thoroughly they are shaken up
and off, some first love tugs at tha heartstrings when
tha shadows lengthen. By tha will ot Mrs. Allen
Fuller Worse, filed at Mlnneote, I I., I3600O out of
a fortune of tl.000,000 goes to Harry S. Black, first
husband of the deceased. The rest goes to Mr. Morse
and a neohew.
A New York motor cop halted a apaeding autolst.
"I am a doctor," said the driver, "and I'm on a life
and death case." He was allowed to go, but tha sus
picious cop followed, anxious to learn who was in
danger ot death. . Ten minutes later tha alleged "doc
tor" was found prescribing champagne and beefsteak
for three In a restaurant. A nearby court prescribed
l'i and got tha money.
Edna McQrath of Chicago butted Into tha right
crowd for adventure and got everything on the card.
With youthful companions she stole an automobile,
raced wildly out of Chicago into Indiana, upset two
milkwagoua, shot yp a train crew for blocking the
road, and finally, surrendered to Hooaler oops. "Oh,
what a thrilling time we had," she exclaimed when
cooled off. lier chancea for doing time are good.
Sane la Mlnniri aa4 Nebraska.
OMAHA. Nov. 1 To the Editor of The
Bee: I see a communication In the Kan
sas City Star with reference to the Junior
senator from Missouri which I want to
paraphrase for Nebraska's democratic
senator, to whom It fits as well. With
these changes It says:
"The senator Is seeking wildly for an
Issue to distract the people's attention
while he tries to ride Into office again
upon the popularity of President Wilson,
who gained his popularity by doing things
the people wanted done, in spite of the
opposition of the senator from Nebraska.
It comes with rather poor grace for this
senator, after fighting President Wilson
and his policies on every occasion, to go
over Nebraska praising our great presi
dent and trying to foment race hatred
and strife among our people by referring
to the awful condition existing In war
ridden Europe.
"He finds the stats administration does
not ault him, so he tries to tear down
the democracy of Nebraska, apparently
willing to sacrifice everything to be
elected himself, so he may go back to
Washington and again oppose tha policies
of President Wilson." J. T.
Ask t's Something Easy.
OMAHA, Nov. 1-To the Editor of Tha
Bee: What became of all tha extra street
cars put on by tha ccmpany to take care
of the tabernacle crowds? Why can't
aoma of thm bo used n place of the
open cars the company is still running
with special invitation to pneumonia and
colda for the passengers?
Competitive Free-Will Offerlaa-a.
LINCOLN, Nov. t To the Editor ot
Tha Bee: A Lincoln paper expresses a
thought that came to me when I waa
attending the Sunday meetings in Omaha
better than I can express it. It says
"If It la true that the Bunday "free
will offering waa stimulated by appeals
to Omaha to make Its donattlon as big
aa others of the size have made theirs,
it was not free giving, but an unretlgious
pride that functioned there. Homer was
happy to have a hundred cities compete
for the honor of being hie birthplace.
But to have a lot of cities engage In
rivalry to see which can give one the
most money Is some luck also. That,
however, la not much of a test of spirit
ual enthusiasm."
Competition Is the life of trade and
evidently also of religious revivals. L. B.
REYNOLDS. A Traveling Man.
Editorial Sittings
Boston Transcript: The American sail
ors sent to sea in the leaky coffin F-4
have been officially "absolved from
blame." There are times when Joeplffle
ous Daniels rises to the very Pike's peak
ot nobility.
Chicago Herald: The government may
recognise Carranta as president, but It
will be a long time before anybody can
recognize Mexico aa the flourishing coun
try It once was.
Brooklyn Esgle: Senator Chamberlain's
notion of universal military drill in tha
publlo schools has much to commend lt
But it will be many, many years before
sny national statute can bring It to pass.
The peace theorists in state educational
systems must first be converted or elimi
nated. Then no national law will be of
Philadelphia Record: When we found
it necessary in the civil war we sacri
ficed the luxury of gab to military de
mands. We suspended the habeas corpus,
suppressed newspapers, examined the
malls, deported a few persona, and con
scripted soldiers. These things did not
become habits with us; they were weap
ona which we used In an emergency, and
when tha emergency passed we returned
to normal methods of action.
New York World: Tbe Navy league
may be an authority on preparedness,
but it Is a poor Judge of men. William
J. Bryan recently accused it of a cor
rupt alliance with the "armor-plate
ring," and it has addressed to him a
polite note asking for an apology, Mr.
Bryan never publicly acknowledged an
error or offered an apology in his Ufa
When be receives a revelation concern
lng a paramount Issue, everybody who
doubts or disputes becomes at once and
of necessity wicked and lost To agree
with Mr. Bryan is a rapture. To dis
agree with him ia a confession of guilt
When ha is not counting his gate-money,
he is separating his fellow-creatures Into
groups angello and satanlc.
Tips on Home Topics
Philadelphia Ledger: The perpetuation
of the names of some of our famous old
warships In the new battle cruisers would
be an excellent Idea. Other navies adopted
it long ago.
St Louis Globe-Democrat: The aeaaon
of 1916 has been kinder than it seemed at
times. It was, ss a whole, abnormally
comfortable for people, but many feared
the effect on crops. It la gratifying to
know that tha fears were ill founded.
Boston Transcript: When Secretary
McAdoo Inspected the new postoffice site
In Seattle recently purchased by tha gov
ernment ha found It under eight feet ot
high tide. By tha way. what la a Seattle
building lot worth now par pint?
Springfield Republican: Ths fact that
foreign countries took over 174.000,000 of
American automobiles laat year discloses
an Incidental war benefit to our manu
facturers. When the home demand Is
considered no one ran wonder that the
great automobile factories have been
buay to tha limit of their production.
Baltimore American: It Is said that tha
loaaea to date of the central powers num
ber 6.000,000 man. The losses of ths allies
added to these fully carry out tha proph
ecy that the present war would stagger
humanity. It haa done mora. It has
brought upon the world a burden ot Buf
fering under which humanity will stag
ger for generations to coma. Such losaea
are to appalling for human appreciation.
New York World: The most amazing
echo ot tha , CaveU case appears m tha
comments ot sorqe American woman suf
frage leaders who bold, with Mrs. Blatch,
that "there ahould be no distinction be
tween men and women" and that "if a
woman chooses to act the apy'a part she
must expect tha apy'a reward." That
there ia a "distinction between men and
women" haa been pretty well settled by
nature herself. Feminism wUI not eradi
cate that distinction. Wisely led. It will
not try.
Nebraska Editors
The Bridgeport News-Blade moved into
Its new home the first of the week.
Editor V. B. Cargill of the Kimball
Observer used his new linotype machine
In getting out hla paper last week.
The Btromahurg News, E. A. McCleery,
proprietor, moved Into Its new quarters
In the old City hotel building this week.
Oeorge T. Edson, former proprietor of
the Burcham Times, has started a new
paper at Filley, Oage county, called The
Fllley Spotlight
Editor Whitcomb of the Friend Tele
graph waa 72 years old last Sunday. He
la rounding out his thirty-eighth year as
ditor and proprietor of the Telegraph.
The Hebron Champion, Henry Allen
Bralnerd, editor and proprietor, devoted
three pages of bis last week's iue to an
Illustrated report of the meeting ot the
Odd Fellows grand lodge at Omaha.
I managed while abroad to secure Just
the actress 1 wanted, but on the way
across she threw up her part."
"How sick rhe must have been." Bos
ton Transcript.
Mrs. Flatbmsh So she told you that
plec of gossip, did he?
Mrs. Bensonhurnt She certainly did.
Mrs. Flat brunh Over the telephone?
Mrs. Bensonhurst No; over the back
fence. Yonkers Statesman.
"I suppose you'll be In the gsy social
whirl this winter?"
"Who! Me? ' replied Mr. Cumrox. "Not
a chance. The further my wife gets into
soclity the more she renlises that I don't
belong." Washington Ptar.
Defendant (In a loud voice) Justice!
Justice! I demand Justice!
Judge - Bllence! The defendant will
please rememher that he Is In a court
room. Penn State Froth.
St. TOUlS FteptibMo.
Were you a leaf gold tinted.
And I a wnnderinn breeze.
We'd gaily go a-flylns;
Where streams are lullahylng
Through woods by autumn minted.
To far. old, welcoming seas.
Were you a laf gold tinted
And I a wandering breeze.
Were I sunbeam youthful
And you the guardian tree.
Whore Kold and crimson treasures
I pralFpi) in amorous measures,
Mv words, however truthful.
Would doubtful be to thee.
Were I sunbeam youthful
And you the guardian tree.
Were you preen ra Hands wearing.
And i a harvest sheen.
With serenade of passion
I'd sine; September's fashion.
Till modest green forswearing.
You'd blaze, a brilliant queen.
Were you creen garlands wearing
And I the harvest sheen.
Were I the moon of reaprnr
And you the rlpenlnn grain,
In my blue dome supernal
I'd brew a draft nocturnal
To set the world a-sleeptng
And flood your brlKht domain
With the glory ever sweeping
Round castles fair In Spain.
"I have been told." stated J. Fuller
Gloom, "that It la Impossible to please
everybody. I don't know of my own
knowledge, for I have never tried."
"What's Prof. Dlggs doing these days?"
. ?. trylng to decipher a Babylonian
"Any results ao far?"
"Mrs. Dlggs has nervous prostration
and the children have been sent to the
home of a relative." Birmingham Age
Herald. "I see that you are warning against
"I am," replied Mr. Dustln Stax.
"But don't you profit by the apecula
tlon of others?"
"Of course. My warnings won't stop
em. They'll merely think I'm envious of
their superior smartness and want to
keep thorn from making money." Wash
ington lar.
Old top, I have been assigned to ask
you to Join our Boclety for the Considera
tion of Cosmic Forces."
"Gee, that sounds terrific to a low
brow like me. What Is the object of your
"I Uunno. t suppoee to give a banquet
every now and then." Louisville Courier
Journal. "My soldiers are fighting men," said the
captain, striking a moving picture pose.
"They will never be content to dig
"That's all right." responded the gen
eral. "I have no objection to them taking
some entrenchments away from the
enemy to pass the wlntsr in." Boston
Admirei the Baby.
Everybody admires a vigorous
baby, and every hopeful mother ex
pects a healthy Infant.
Experienced mothers everywhere
have told of the wonderful help found
in Mother's Friend, a sure, rate ana
dependable external remedy that re
duces and overcomes pain and distress
and which is supplied by any druggist.
This remarkable treatment makes
the muscles, cords and .ligaments
flexible expansion comes without
strain the nerves are relieved of
tension and thorough comfort is en-Joyed.
When Women Suffer
No remedy gives greater relief than
Anti-kamnia (A-K) Tablets Jxieli condi
tions generally known as "Women's
Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy
any woman that she has at last fonndj
the remedy she haa so long been look
lng for.
Indigestion Dyspepsia
Are yon distressed after eatingT Do
fou have nausea when riding in the cars
or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab
lets and get instant relief.
Cenaine A -K TabUti bar thm ft
Monogram. At all DruggUtu.
The man who
buys your goods
wlU have a vi
tal interest in
boosting P. D.
C. Incidentally,
the opportunity,
your volume of
business, your cash sales and In
sure tbe prompt collection of pour
charge accounts.
if you give him
he will increase
When in BOSTON Stay at the
A high clata modern house,' intelligent service, pleasant rooms, superior ipuJain
Ladies traveling alone are assured of courteous attention.
guaoeaan rLn. aineir. Rooms, us; with Bsth as. 00 va.
Dousic s.oo "
AmaiCAN Ptan, ae.OO eta eav up FRED g. JONte, Paoeaicresi
i f
Male tke Muffins
Good and Biff
out of the oven and oa to a hot plate golden
brown and crispy-crusted muffins for breakfast.
Put a tiny lamp of Marigold on every on ao It
will cover the tops with melted goodness. Yes,
make them good and big and serre them with
plenty of
to spread ea their flsky hearts. Marigold wfQ add to their
snpetising lasts sad givs them s flavor that you can't beat,
Marls-old Is the great spread for muffins and biscuits, bread
and Johnny cake. It's pure, good, and a real food mads
with Infinite care In white tlia cbuxasriss. Good dealers
svsry where sell Marigold.
Morris & Company
Wnotosals Distributors,
The Jerpe Commission Co., Omaha, Neb.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.