Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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nil a W WA A AW
I unvjiiUD umij nun
' Charlfj Zneblia Telli Commercial
Club to Not Simply Crow Like
the Rooster.
"When the boastrul rooster crows,
you know the aunrtse is co
incidence, but vrhen the hen cackles,
you know she has delivered the
With that sort of an illustration,
Charles Zueblln ot Boston, noted
publicist and student of civic affairs,
told the Commercial club in enter
taining and witty fashion at a public
affairs luncheon, that Omaha ought
to advertise its goods and Its rood
deeds, Instead of making nice sound
ing but meaningless boasts about Its
Importance. "Advertising and Civic
Advancement" was his subject.
"Instead of posting big signs concern
ing 'Omaha, the City of Opportunity and
.Prosperity' along the railroad entrances
to the city," he said, "toll the worlrl of '
your municipal water works, which
have taken Omaha "out of the class of I
bark-number cities.
"Tell folks about your great and beau
tiful Central High school, and of the
municipal Audtorlum and municipal con
certs, your great Commercial club and
jour real hotel.
'"Do things noteworthy and conspicuous.
Then you will get on the map In big
letters. In fact, then you will be one of
the kind of cltleg that make the mup.
"Make Omaha so good and beautiful
that Omahans will want to keep on living
here, even after they have made a for
tune and are ready to retire.
"If, as It is already said, you have a
park within fifteen minutes' walk of
very Omaha residence, and they aro
good parks, the fact will advertise Omaha
better than all the announcements of
great b,nk clearings."
ilr. Zueblln urged municipal ownership
of all utilities. He declared that no city
can really own its municipal government
until it owns Its streets and that private
business cannot be tended to while It is
mixed up with public business.
Two Little Musical Tots Give Successful
Concert to Buy One of Thema Piano
Well Known Omaha Women Are
Sponsor for Affair, Which ii
Success All Around.
Entire Program Made Up of Diffi
cult Selections, Which Are
Played with Skill.
Picket Duty Leads
To Row at Theater
Police reserves were called to the
Princess motion picture theater on Doug
las street last nltht to quell a disturb
ance there which resulted from the boy
colt recently established by the opera
tors' union.
Early In the evening, sneezing powder
was turned loose' in several parts of the
thester, simultaneously. A few minutes
afterwards, other persona emptied vials
of chemicals on the floor, causing a
nauseating odor and forcing all the pa
trons to leave hurriedly.
The management had aired the place
out and started another ahow, when Mrs.
Kmma Crumm, 1709 Center, secretary of
the I'nlon Label league, who was out
side doing picket duty, got into & quarrel
with Mrs. Sam Harding, wife of one
of the owners of the theater
Mrs. Crumm is said to have slapped
Mrs. Harding in the face, and In a few
minutes, the street was in an uproar.
Police arrested Mrs. Crumm and Wal
ter Denny, the latter a movie operator,
who was also picketing the place. A
cltarge of assault was placed against
Mra. Crumm. and Denny was charged
with disorderly conduct.
In police court the case of Mra Crumm
was continued a week and Mrs. Crumm
was placed under 1500 bonds. Denny was
C. F. Harrison, who ft as recently been
nominated for the presidency of the Real
JCstate exchange, spoke before the
Hconomic league last evening on the
municipal street -'railway of Ban Fran
cisco. Mr. Harrison visited the exposi
tion city, but a short time hack, and
was very much Imprressed by the success
efficiency, the highest of, any member
of the municipal traction enterprise ot
that city. He demonstrated by figures,
and notations he had secured of how
really prosperous the 'Frisco people have
been in the venture.
Following his talk, the league drifted
Into an Informal discussion of municipal
ownership, during which I. J. Dunn
brought out, that the only legal fran
chise granted to a traction company In
Omaha, was that given the old horae
car line, nearly fifty years ago. Fur
ther that at the expiration of the period
stipulated In the franchise, the property
of the company was to belong to the
city. He advised that the commission
be notified of this fact, and an investi
gation conducted. In his opinion the
Omaha street railway company is op
crating over territory covered by the
orglnal franchise, which it is possible
may still be valid.
Music lovers enjoyed a rare treat
Tuesday evening in the unusual spec
tacle of two tiny misses, 12 years
old, Anna Leaf and Olga Eltner, one
year older, appearing In concert, a
n Inlature symphony orchestra of
men, selected from Omaha's best
orchestral resources, furnishing the
accompaniment. The concert was
fclven at the Metropolitan club, the
proceeds to go towards purchasing a
(Mi I table piano for the budding young
1 ianist, Anna Leaf. Olga is the most
promising young violinist in the city.
Well known Omaha women contributed
much to the success of the affair, a large
and representative audience of music lov
ers crowding the large hall. Among the
women whose Interest In the young mu
sicians has been unceasing are Mrs. F,
8. Cowglll. Mrs. R. B. Howell. Mrs. J. M.
Metcalf. Mrs. Nate Mantel, Mrs. W. U
Harris, Mrs. Samuel Kati, Mrs. N. P.
Fell and Mrs. A. V. Klnsler
The little white-clad maidens were al
most hidden from the view of the au
dience by the loadg of blossoms with
which they were showered The Mg hit
of the evening was the Mozart piano con
cert a played by Anna Leaf with the or
chestral accompaniment, lxula Schnauber
acting as concert master and Slgmund
Iandsberg conducting. The contrast be
tween the tiny pianist and her accom
panists tirought down the house.
"Perpetual Motion," a violin number by
Olga Kltner scored another big hit. This
most difficult aclectoln was gtven in a
most artistic manner, the tempo and the
music Interpretation being fnr in advance
of the player's tender years.
The entire program was made up of
difficult selections and ones that are
commonly heard on great artists' pro
grams. The excellent tone, the strength
and the muslclanly conception of their
work was a source of wonder to the large
Cudahy Packing Co.
Incorporated Under
the Laws of Maine
The deed transferring the property of
the Cudahy Packing company, an Illinois
corporation, to the Cudahy Packing com
pany, a Maine corporation, was received
at the office of the Douglas county reg
ister of deeds and Is now being registered
insofar as It has to do with the property
In this county.
It carries federal government war rev
enue s tarn pa to the value of SCOTS. The
dee is printed in a book of fifty-four
pages and gives description of the com
pany's property and leaseholds In nearly
every state and some places In Canada.
It was signed by EM ward A. Cudahy,
president. The board of directors voted
to make this change In the corporation
at a meeting October 14. No change Is
made In the officers or directors. The
transfer is a legal matter because of ad
vantages derived from being Incorporated
under the laws of Maine.
Three weeks after their' wedding day
Mabel Clara Petersen struck him, used
harsh language toward him and refused
to do the housework. Is the allegation of
Harry J. Petersen In his petition for di
vorce. They were married May S, 1915.
He says she deserted him October 15.
On the grounds that he Is an habitual
drunkard Mary Goodrich asks a divorce
from Stuart, to whom she was married
In Omaha in 1908.
Minnie A. Tavender seeks to be di
vorced from Harry Tavender, to whom
she was married In Granby, Mo., In Sep
tember, 1891. She alleges nonsupport.
Alleging that James W. Bouk did not
support her, Addle U Bouk seeks a di
vorce. They were married In Douglas
county November 5, 1902.
Divorce and the custody of her two
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sons are asfced by Mary J. Lennen. She
married Thomas 8. Lennen in Grand
Junction, Colo., in March, 1909. She al
leges cruelty, nonsupport and desertion.
James Dally and Kate Connor, both
residing at Twentieth and Martha streets,
suffered several bruises and scratches
Tuesday afternoon when the horse pull
ing a buggy In which they were rid
ing ran away at Sixteenth and Center
streets. Possible more serious injuries
were escaped when the dragging reins
caught on a telephone pole, locked around
a hook thereon and Instantly Jerked the
horse to an abrupt stop before the buggy
upset or was demolished.
Rub Rheumatism
Pain From Sore;
Aching Joints
Rub pain away with a small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil"
What's rheumatism? Pain only.
Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty
requires Internal treatment. Hub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly,
upon the "tender spot" and relief comes
Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless
rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which
never disappoints and can not burn the
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a
small trial bottle from your druggist, and
In Juat a moment you'll be free from rheu
matic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness
and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief
awaits you. Old, honest "St. Jacobs OH"
has cured million of rheumatism suf
ferers in the last half century, and Is
Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum
bago, backache, sprains and swellings.
"Mogy" Bernstein took threa shots at a
burglar whom he surprised In the act of
breaking Into his home at 2215 Davenport
street last night.
Bernstein was Just returning home- In
his machine when he saw the man- try
to pry open a window. He quietly walked
up to him, but the prowler heard him
and ran, Bernstein pursuing and shoot
ing. The burglar got away.
Gall Relngold, 415 South Fifteenth!
street, charged with being a keeper of
gambling devices, was brought before
Judge Foster for trial, but the complaint
had mysterloualy disappeared over night.
The case was continued until Thursday,
when several duplicates will be struck
off to Insure an Immediate hearing.
Us The Bee's "awapper" Column.
Our Jltuer o'frr Thla and Be.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip,
enclose with 5o and mall It to Foley ft
Co.. Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
in return a, trial package oontalnlng
Foley's Honey and ' Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney
rilla, for pain in sides and back, rheu
mstWm, backache, kidney and bladder
ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing ca
thartic, for constipation, biliousness,
headache and sluggish bowels. Sold
yry where. Advertisement
Poster Beds
At Popular Prices
This One Like Illustration.
Genuine mahogany, dull finish, full eize beautiful
panel back a very pleasing design
strictly high grade a splendid value, , S W
We are now snowing about 50 patterns of
Poster Beds in mahogany ranging in price
$25 $29 $35 $37.50
$42.50 $45
We Invite Your Inspection.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South lGth St.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or as the German folks call
it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any phar
macy. Take a tableapoonful of the tea.
put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour
through a sieve and drink a teacup fu'l
at any time. It Is the most effective way
to break- a cold and cure grlp.-as It ppens
the pores, relieving congestion. Also
loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold
at once.
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefore harmless. Advertisement
Many Nebraskans
Accompany Body of
S. F. Oilman East
The body of 8. F. Oilman, the Nellgh
miller who died Monday at his hunting
lodge In Cherry county, passed through
Omaha en route to Davenport, la., his
old home, for Interment. His two daugh
ters, who were with him when he died,
passed through yesterday. Accompa
nying the body Is the party of fourteen
Davenport friends who were hunting
with him. M. C. lVters of this city anl
the following delegation from Nellgh
and other points In N'rbrnska. who will
all go through to attend the funeral:
J. V. Pprlk. general manngrr of Mr.
liilman's buslnei-s enterprises; II, It.
Hauser Viul Wll'liim Wi.l'e, represcntln t
the Masonic fiavinltv; S. l. Thornton.
Jr., reirernt'n th. Neliah Commercial
club; C. H. tilMiTKlceve, representing the
city council, all nf Nellgh; Frank Kuln
bow, malinger of the Oilman mill at
I'll rco, and A. V. Yoern, manager of th?
Valentine mill. They leave on the rtoc't
Island nt J 4. Mr. I'eiera will also ac
company the party east.
Surprised on Their
25th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Knholm celebrated
the twenty-fifth anniversary of their
wedding Tuesday evening at their home.
MM Parker street. They didn't know
they were going to celebrate It In any
big way until S o'clock In the evening,
when the Kev. Dr. L. Groh called and
offered his congratulations. They were
glad, hut surprised that he knew any
thing about it
In a few moment the bell rang again
and this time a whole crowd of merry
folks trooped In, wreathed In smiles and
bearing gifts. They had gathered In a
house across the street while Dr. Oroh
went ahead. There were alaty-t'hree
guests altogether and the evening was
spent In the usual delightful way on such
Mr. and Mrs. Ktiholm were married In
a house acrosa the street and have llvej
In their present home all their married
John Ptolra. T416 P street. South Fide
filled suit against Swirt A Co. for dam
ages under the worklngmen's compensa
tion art, because of an Injury alleged to
have been received while he was work
ing on the beef klll'ng floor ot the de
fendant company. He ask AO per cent
of his weekly wages of lit for Su weeks
as provided by the law.
I's The lice's "Swapper" column.
Otto Stickler allcgra that I Roily
Hummel and Itysn Hummel went Into
the second story of the Middle State
garage, 'M Karnam street, the night of
October and threw out Into the alley
the machinery, tools, appliances and
stock and books which he had there In
his business of running an auto repair
He says he had spent a large sum of
money la the equipment and was making
t-IM net and has been damaged In the
sum of I5,K for which he asks Judgement.
Turn Hair Dark
With Sage Tea
Grandma kept her locks dark,
glossy and thick with a
simple mixture of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
The old-time mixture of Bags Tea and
Sulphur for darkehlng gray, streaked and,
faded hair Is grandmother's treatment,
and folks are again using It to keep their
hair a good, even color, which Is quita
sensible, as we are Irving In an age when
a youthful appearance Is of the greatest
Nowalaa, though, we don't have th
troublesome task of gathering the sage
and the mussy mixing at home. All drug
stores sell tho ready-to-use product called
"VVyeth'a Huge and Sulphur Compound"
for about AO cents a bottle. It Is very
popular because nobody ran discover It
has been applied. Pimply motaten your
comb or a soft brush with It and draw
this through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair dlsarpears, hut what delights th
ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is
that, besides beautifully darkening the
hair after a few applications. It akto pro
duces that soft lustre and appearance of
abundance which la so attractive; be
sides, prevents dandruff, Itching scalp
and falling hair. Advertisement.
None of 'cm are in it at
fun-making with the Kat
xenjammeri, Happy Hooli
gan rnd little Snookuma.
is best appreciated
when the cost of living is high
est. You can afford to let all tho
family spread it on thick.
The Armour Oval
Label also identi
fies the Armour
quality in
Star Sfcilrut Htm
Star Bactn
Ltaf Lard
Crap Juict
Clvtrhlm Butter
And $vtr 100 ftrlbttl
contains only the same pure ingredients tht you use
daily in yooi 'wn kitchen. Better even than butter
for shortening. The uniform purity is guarded by
Uncle Sam's constant
n S
a"" 1 ' i
x wuzzvaoir,
ath and Q BMs.
rhon RoaUi
To yG&t Wk
HEflBD, rata
TSbosq CuOU
lorn S
slsflHHsl w
An absorbingly
chronicle of the privite livei of
royal pcreonMe by Frimttn Cmthgrtn
Hmdtiwittt for yean m ncmbar of ikm la
timat ctrcisM of European court. Tail
of the lovetraftediea and romance ol tho
Hababuria, tbe Hoheaaollcrna, and the)
Romanofla of the Inner bietory of the
anarriarfea ia the reignini houaea of Spaia,
Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Hou
mania, and Bulgaria; of the teanpeetove aJ
lianceaof the hour bone; and of the woo
Inge and weddinga of the Brit tab ft oral
family. Lars eeUvs,, Ulastsale.
12.001 k stall, 12.11.
A striking1 and forceful book that will arrest and
hold your attention. Written by Altxtnitr Futhr,
Doctor of Law. It offers Judicial and restrained
presentation of tbe German view-point and sets
forth Germsny'a clsimi to juitificslioo in invsdinf
Belgium, citing treaties, state documents, legs!
authorities, etc., in ber support. It contend (1)
thst Belgium wss not ntuirtl; (2) thst the treaty
Juarsnteeinf ber neutrality had been Toid for
years ; and (3) thst internstionsl law permitted
Germany's action in this special case, 2as,
Cloth. $1.50; by Mall, SI. 62.
Practical rule for healthful
living based on modern science,
authorised br'sad prepared la collsbera
tioa with lb Hyslsae Rfrac Board
ol Ike Life Eslaasioa lotilwu, lac., bf
Irtimi f'iiktr, fk.D., Protestor ol Po
litic) Economy, Ysle University, sad
F.ufnt Ltmmn Ftik. M.D.. Director ol
Hysica ol the lnitltuta, with lore
word br WilUtm Htwrd Tmt. The
late aad best proMatstioa oa iadlvid
ual hrslcae. aad thst car ol th penoaal
aad lamilr ktoaltk. that I th smmI bc
CHunr duly ol erv bus sad woataa.
1 2i, Clatk. 11.00) kf Mall, 11.12.
A new and thorough-loinf book of
prscticsl business direction, suggestion, and
example by Sktrwi Ctdy, A.M., based on
the real psychology of dealings between men
snd msn. Not to much a book tut busi
ness a it is a book on how t it more bui
Iness. Present a scries of forceful and il
luminating islks on Nstionsl Chsrscteris
tics, Service, Your Own Vslustion of Your
self, The Mind and How It Work, The
Imsslnativ Method aad Its Um, Principle ol Ap
peal, Proportioa sad Enphwit, Aaalrsio s business.
Correspondence, VsriotM Stylos ia BeeiaeM Lotter
Wriiin. Syiieat ia Mail Order Corrnpondeare, A
Study of the Grocery Busine. Collect ion br Mail,
etc Should b reed by every nmse ia bueineet or
who propose to so into K. Crews, , Cleth.
2.00 bf Stall. 2.I2.
A help-book for mothers,
by Ltuii tiicl. ; M.D., the
well knows specialist ia childrea'
disease end lantou writar os all
that perteint to Ik car aad wall
being ol lb little one. Inform th
totber rcsardiag lb tbouaaad ad
oa details of veailletloa. bathlnl.
clothing, ad personal arnica thai
mesa to much to lb growing
child; describe eoatmoa ailment sad
their ireatsMat, ultt what to do till
th doctor comet, etc. Every ntothar
owes it to bereclf and th health aad
kappiaeet of her child to owe aad
study this wonderfully helpful aew
book. 1 1. CletS. Illultrat.
tl.2l kf Mall. l.7.
Aa extraordinarily fasclnsting volume of
secret diplomstie history written from th
intii iyA Anonymous High Political Ptt'
ont. In a series of remsrksble revela
tions it turn the white light of truth upon
the tangled web of intrigue that has led to
the present astonishing alinement of forces
in the Balkans, the pivotal point of the
truggle now going on for world supremacy.
The author has been a frequent visitor at
the cowl ol th Nar East and ha ther conlerred
with Carman, Kuwiaa, Servian. Buldartaa. Rouman
ian, Greek, aad Tarklab diplomats. Tout aceuiriad
aa Bseqnsied tret-hand knowledge of hi subject.
Head this booh aad irip en lb actual fact of
th com. Crews, Si. Cleth, It PhetsarMors
lllsttratless. 11.00) k Hall.
A grest new comprehensive book by Grtnvilt Kltiitr oa this important subject, concentrsting in one volume the fruits of many
year of prscticsl experience. It sums up the advice of the world's foremost authorities upon every phase of public speaking and is
th oaly iialv. encyclopedic, ad ihauativ work of It kind ever leausd. It vried aad osclasiv eooleet are arranged alphabetically by topics aad made
Immediately acceeeibl by complete lade. School, librarian, aad Individual aludaata will tad tala aa admirable guide, aad every orator, aninlatef, lawyer, aad
sua ia public lit should hat It at hi lbow. It,l Bre, Cletb, Over 700 Ps. 11.00. Fall Flsalbk) tsslhsr, 17.001 bf stall, 24 Csl Iitra.
Hit, .j t.