Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Proposed Suffrage Amendment! Aie
Defeated in New York, Masia-
, . chtuetta and Pwmsy.
WTerwneiminjr, aeieat 01 wuwau bu- j
t rage, In New York, Massachusetts,
and Pennsylvania; election of a
de-itioCreAlc governor In Maryland to
Buncoed a republican, and a republi
can governor In Massachusetts to suc
ceed a democrat; a gain of one repub
lican representative (from New
Yortf) in congress In the filling of
fiur- vacancies; ', a close contest for
the governorship In Kentucky, with
tTle iflfreocratlc candldnte leading on
Incomplete returns, and the defeat of
icohiyliion In Ohio, were outstanding
fvure today of the elections In ten
dates yesterday. In New York the
rroposed new state constitution was
rejected by a majority of approxi
mately 4 00,000.
.'ew.York denied woman's plea for
tip ballot by a majority of approxl
natelj 200.000; Massachusetts' vote
rgalnst suffrage showed a majority
ct -132,082. Pennsylvania's' returns
vffmslow In coming In, bnt Indicated
tat the majority against suffrage
would be less than first figures In
dicated. Estimates based on Incom
Tlete returns forecast defeat of the
amendment by from 60,000 to 60,
C00. 'J-'
Tamtnany Hall triumphed' In New
York .City by the election of a dla
ti let "attorney for the first time in
fifteen years, the sheriff of New York
rounty and a majority of the board
cf aldermen " ;
The democrats elected a governor
In Maryland,' an entire state ticket.
lesldes' a majority In the state legis
lature. In Kentucky both ' parties claimed
victory-In the gubernatorial contest.
Incomplete returns give former Con
gressman Augustus O. Stanley1, demo
crat, a' substantial lead over Edwin
r. Morrow, republican.
Mississippi, the only other state to
elect a governor, went, as usual,
democratic. The only opposition to
the democratic ticket, . headed t by
Theodore G. Bilbo, was made by so
cialist Candidates nominated by peti
tion. : v
In New York, former Congressman
"William S. Dennett was elected In- the
Twenty-third district to succeed the
late democratic, congressman, Jacob
Goulden. . Dennett Is a republican,
republicans will' succeed republicans
In the Thirty-firsts and Thirty-elxtb;
congressional 'districts of New Yprk
and the Twenty-fourth' district of
Pennsylvania. . -
Braufl W. MeCaJI. the republican who
will succeed David I. Walsh, a democrat,
as coventor of Massachusetts, woa by a
plurality of mora than S.O00. Th repub
llcana ratafnoJTfontrol of the Massachu
setts legislature. .
The republicans returned to power In
Philadelphia, where their candidate,
Thomas 13. Smith, wa elected mayor by
70,000. .
In New Jersey, the republicans gulned
two state senators aad two members of
the assembly, and will continue In con
trol of both house tt the legislature.
State wide prohibition was rejected In
Ohio by a majority of more than 40,000.
Last year the amendment was defeated
by M.1U. The republicans elected mayors
In ' Cleveland and Cincinnati. Charles
iSllror, a progressiva, was choaen mayor
of Toledo.
The city of Toledo voted against a
twenty-five year atreet ear franchise and
will take over aU llpea ountrolled by the
Toledo Railways and Light company. '
A proposal that the city purchase the
local street railways waa rejected In De
troit after a bitter flsht.
The election of members of the Virginia
general assembly will Bend a heavy ma
jority to the senate and house pledged
to the enactment of prohibition legisla
tion when the state goea dry by consti
tutional amendment. November i. lilt.
The majority agalmt woman suffrage
In New York state, late returns Indicated
today, will be from ltf.000 to Suo.uoo.
Indications from Incomplete returns
were that the final count would show
that mure than 6o0,lVM ballots had been
Cast for "votes for women."
l:et urn from New York City, complete,
and about 0 per cent of the upatate vote
Indicated toduy that the majority against
adoption of the new stato constitution
would be epproalmatoly o0.0u0.
ISOSTON, Man.. Nov. L The repub
lican party renamed control of the leg.
iM'.atlve department of the stale gov
ernment yesterday after an Interim of
. five years when Samuel W. McCall, a
former congressman, waa elected gover
nor by a plurality of over Governor
lavld I. YVaUh, democrat. The re
mainder of the republican state ticket
was elected by larger pluralities and the
republicans made a net gain of seven
teen seats tn the legislature.
The proposed amendment tn the conett
tutlon granting' the rUht ef suffrage to
women waa defeated by a majority. of
iaz.oia . . t ; . ' i
The complete vote of the. state, tor
goveruor and on the. suffrage amend
ment Is aa follows: .
Hoverncr r-mnuel W. McCajC repuo.
Uiao. IU..WS.
1'avld L Walsh, rttrjwrat. ESll
William fhaw. prolilWllon, ))6U. :
Nelwm li. t'lafs.. progresalve; 7.U31.
Kuffragu-t'or, 4i.e. against, J.tK.
The reniAJnJer of the slate tickets
elected, all republican. Is:
Lieutenant governor, Calvin CooIIiIko;
aeerelary ot stale, Albert I'. LariKtry;
trtmnnr. Charles I.. Hurrlll: auditor,
Atonso U Cook: attorney geueral, Henry
C Attatll. '
The makeup of the new legislature tn:
Senate Republicans, thirty-four; demo
crats, six; a net gain of on republican.
House ItepuUlcans, IDS; democrats,
eventy-three; socialist, one; a net gain
cf sixteen "Tepuyilcajva. This give the
republic ns a majority of 120 on a Joint
Fallot. ( '
One feature of the election . was the
dwindling of the progressive vote to a
figure wtil-.h deprives the party of legal
tur.ding la the state. There year ago
I7.ris 8. Lit J, progressive candidate
for governor, polled I'Jt.lvt votes, and 1113
e lnorea-vd ttils to LTT.C. runuln ahead
of the 'tjju! Ikj'i nociuee. IajC year
' t 1V) vote vere cjt by the pro-
former -.Bulgarian minister
tb Russia, will probably lead
the forces through Roumania
to attack Bulgaria, in case
Roumania joins the allies.
I . !v-'v.
I i ' f J
r ; 1 17
. a 'i ' yr-i7
i t N
(rVcsnlvcs for governor' and "yesterday the
party, so. far as Masaachuaetts la con
cerned. Collapsed. Both nird and Joseph
Walker, last year's progressive nominee,
supported McCall and the result Indi
cated, that they carried back into th
republican camp the greater part of
their following. '
'. The prohibition, on the other hand, at
tained the status of a legal party by poll
ing more than the required I per cent
of the total vote.
New York onstltatloa Hejeetea.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1,-Woroen suf
frage waa beaten by a majority ef about
S 10,000 and, the revised 'state -constitution
rejected by approximately 80P.OUO In the
state wide election yesterday, ' returns
today show. , ......
..Tho legislature will be virtually the
same ''completion aa It was thMi 'yeat.
Politically, the senate, to which Only1 ono
member was elected yesterday, 'remains
unohanged. The ' assomMy, which con
tained ninety-nine repuUllcans. this year
will have ninety-eight next year. One
progressive, a socialist and fifty demo
crats will complete the body. It has been
three years since there waa a socialist
In. the assembly.
A majority of the mayors elected In the
state were republican. Albany, Amster
dam, Kingston, Poughkeepsle and Roch
ester named republicans, Troy, Utlca
and Mount Vernon ' elected democrats.
Thereon Akin, a former congressman,
ran as an Independent in Amsterdam
and was defeated by James R. Cllne.
George H. Lund, former socialist mayor
of Rchnectady, . waa returned to that
Democrats generally were successful In
dreaUr New Ycrk. Alfred K. Smith ami
Edward Swann, democrats were elected
sheriff and district attorney respectively
In New York county by majorities esti
mated at from eo.Ouo to 60,000. In the other
four counties James Cropsey, district at-,
torney of Klqgs, was the only republican
elected to a high county office. Tne
board of aldermen tn the city Is over,
whelmlngly democratic.
In republican circles the defeat of the
constitution was taken philosophically.
All the leaders were well pleased with
the showing the party made In the as
sembly race.
Pennsylvania Batfs Esrini(i.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. (.-Although
the constitutional amendment which
would have granted the women of Penn
sylvania the right to vote waa defeated
at yesterday's election, the vote against
It wa not nearly so large as waa Indi
cated by last night's meager returns. In
dictions early today were that the plu
rality agalnat the amendment would be
reduced to between 60,0A and eo.000. A
number of counties outside of Philadel
phia returned majorities for the amend
ment while late returns from others were
materially reduced. In Philadelphia suf
frage polled 6S.6M votes, while 10G.S71
ballots were cast against It
Thomas Smith, candidate for mayor,
and the other members of the republican
organization's ticket for city and county
offices were vlctorloua by nearly 70,000
plurality over Oeorge n. Porter, the can
didate of the Independents.
Although President Wilson polled 64,101
democratic votes in this city, 13. Gordon
Bromley, the democratic candidate for
maor, received only 6.30S rotes yesterday.
The complete vote for Smith was lSt,.!
and for Torter M.K21.
Suffragists refused to accept yeeter
day results as a defeat and planned to
celebrate their "victory" by holding a
big Jubilee meeting here tonight Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw, president of the Na
tional Woman Buffiige association, and
other leaders In the movement were on
the program for addresses. . At this
mooting plans will be laid to continue the
work for the enfranchisement of women.
Although It will te at least three years
before the question can be submitted to
a. vote of the people suffragist leaders
announced their Intention of beginning an
Immediate campaign to secure the pas
sage of another amendment by the next
state legislature, which meets In 1917,
and also the general assembly of 1919.
Whitlock Explains
His Recent Actions
WINONA, Minn.. Nov. t Special Tel
lock, American minister to Belgium, haa
transmitted a lengthy report to the
United States government reviewing In
detail the step taken by him and the
members of his legation staff In connec
tion with th execution by the Oerman
military authorities of Mine Edith Cave II,
a British nurse.
The minister declares that the reports
made by him on the aubjnrt constituted
merely a recital of fact without expres
sion of opinion, and that he had sub
mitted them to Ambassador Page at Lon
don for hla Information, but not for pub
lication. The British foreign office, made
them public.
Publication of the letters, Mr. Whit
lock says, greatly - embarrassed him In
Brussels with the Oerman authorities, al
though he add that th latter now seem
satisfied with his explanation, and there
la no Indication of further difficulty.
Stop That Con m h Now,
When you catch cold or begin to cough
take Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. It
penetrates the throat and lungs. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Rirhnise Plan Completed.
LONDON. Nov. 8. It is understood
that a committee of bankers and others
working on the Amerlean exchange
problem haa nearly completed a plan
which. In their opinion, should consider
ably stabilise the exchange rat on a
higher basis than that now ruling.
Voters Reject Proposal to Acquire
Street Railway Linei and Prop
erty in One-Fare Zone.
DETROIT, Nov. 3. Detroit voters
yesterday rejected the proposllon to
purchase from the Detroit United
railway the atreet car lines and prop
erty within the one-fare eone. The
plan, which, to he successful, re
quired a two-thirds majority, received
less than BO per cent of the votes
cast, according to figures available
late tonight.
The official count from 180 pre
cincts was: 18,570 for, and 18,967
ayraense Repa bllrana Win.
SYRACUSE, N. T., Nov. I W. R.
Stone, rcpubllran and progressive elected
mayor ovrr Wills (democrat), S.M4.
BUFFALO, N. T., Nov. 1-Arthur R.
Krelnherder, Charles M. Heald. Charles
B. Hill and John F. Malone were elected
city commissioner under the commission
form of government In effect January
1, Of the four candidates, two are re
publicans and two democrats.
Tbe commissioners with Mayor Louis
P. Fuhrmann, will control the affairs
of the city, the mayor's continuance In
office having been provided for In the
commission charter bill.
Th feature of th election was the over
throw of Colonel Fran eta O. Ward, who
haa held tho office of commissioner of
publlo works for fourteen years.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Returns from
eighteen of the larger cities In the state
show twelve republicans, five democratic
and one socialist mayor elected. Oeorge
R. Lnnn. former mayor of Schenectady,
Vs the socialist
NORFOLK, Va.. Nov. (.Fusion In
Norfolk county, which for years has con
trolled municipal affairs, met defeat to
day. The democrats elected their candi
dates for state officers, and four of
the six supervisors.
TOLEDO, O.. Nov. $. With but a few
precincts yet to hear from, the twenty-
five-year street car franchise of th To
ledo Railway A Light company, con
trolled by the Doherty Interest of Nw
Tork, waa defeated tn the election her
today by at least $.000 majority.
Pt'BBLO, Colo., Nov. I. Pueblo today
voted to retain single tax by a com
fortable majority, according to returns
from fifteen out of thirty-flv precincts
of the city.
CINCINNATI, O.. Oeorge Puchta, re
publican, wa elected mayor of Cincin
nati by a plurality of about U.OOO.
Use The Bee' "Swapper" column.
Shin Order to Americans.
CHRIST! A NI A, Nov. J Vla London.)
Norwegian ship brokers are unable to
tnke more orders and now have been
forced to allow American companies to
handle all orders for new ships. Four
motor ships of 6.000 tons en oh for the oil
trarle already have been ordered at Amer
ican shipyards, deliverable two In May
end two In October.
The most
conveniently situated hotel
in Neva York
At the
Thirty-lhlrd Street Subway
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
by weight. A bushel meaaure heaped up la 5 to 7 lbs. abort
Nebraska Early Ohlos In single Bushels (60 lba.) BOc
In 6-bushel lota 48c
Buy now, price bound to be higher when cold weather up north
stops easy shipping.
Red Globe Onions, 14 H lbs 29 c, Cwt. fl.03
Cabbage, Solid Wisconsin, per cwt flOc
Iowa Corn, per can 7c, Cstse (1.60
The Blouse Sale la Continued Thursday-
ii ' ..
My! How
My Feet Hurt!
Here's Relief.
We are showing a
ehoe specially c o n
Btructed, one size small
er in the instep and heel,
two sizes wider in the
sole, giving a snug fit
over the instep and heel
and plenty of room in
the sole, allowing the foot
to rest In the natural po
sition on the' ball of the
foot where the weight la
Carried. . Only the finest
. grade of soft kid leather la
used with flexible soles es
pecially tanned aad will not
burn the feet. We carry
this shoe in button and
lace, dress and common
sense toes.
Parcel Poat Paid
1419 Farnam St,
Thursday we will pull the "Safety Valve
to keep our immense stocks down to th
proper limit with a great sale of
1,500 Pairs Fine Dress Shoes
V',--iv-' o
-essess""s- ,
: S
Then will be represented practically
all sizes and widths in
Patent and Dull Leather,
Black Satin, De Laine, also
Shoes with Colored Cloth Tops
They are all good styles, high arched
lasts, curved heels; a splendid range of
NOTE Consider the reputa
tion the size the years the experi
ence of Drandeis Stores all of
which is "wrapped up in every pair
of shoes you buy here. Your safe
guard against dissatisfaction.against
wrong styles wrong prices and
wrong qualities.
There is not a pair in this entire lot
that is worth less than $3.50 the ma
jority are worth more. Tho price for
Thursday will be
"What Kind of Coal
In a Baseburner
Nut or Number Four Sizes
$11.00 Per Ton.
We are the only dealer gelling the Number Four
' size. You'll like it better than a mixture of
Nut and Range.
In a Range or Heating Stovo
Economy (Certified) Lump-Egg-Nut
$G.50 Per Ton.
A wonderful coal at a low price. Clean, quick,
hot! This coal has converted hundreds of folks
who used to pay more money for no greater value.
In a Hot Air Furnaco
Petroleum Coke (Certified)
$9.50 Per Ton.
A thoroughly-tested reliable fuel that is better
. than Hard Coal 98 7o heat! No ashes! ' Try
it. You'll have no regrets.
Ozark-Arkansas Anthracite (Certified)
$9.50 Per Ton.
A hard, chunky coal, with the right burning
qualities. Holds firo 48 hours. Especially good
in Fall and Spring.
. Yellowstone Lump (Certified)
$7.00 Per Ton,
Sootless no clinkers every piece consumes
entirely. Fine in the fireplace.
In a Hot Water Plant
Pyro (Gas-House) Coke (Certified)
$8.50 Per Ton.
Mix it with Economy Egg ($6.50) or Cherokee
Nut ($5.00), half and half by weight You'll
find the mixture the most satisfactory fuel you
can possibly buy for the money. It gives you
long flame, intense, clean heat and very little ash.
Ask TJs for Further Suggestions! '
N. . Cor. 17th and Harney. Entire 3d Floor.
Yards All Over Town.
To Clo$ Out
Theae are remnants and full
plecea left from our October
aate, which we are willing to
let go for a little money to
dose out
Is laid Iinoleisa Bcssaaats,
to 12 square yarda to the
piece, worth up tt
$1.66. square yard.... I s
6-Foot . Mated line) rasa,
good patterns, worta to tfe,
sale price, at square 39c
'Few' Fall'' tiecis Left of
18-4 11-foot linoleum, worth to
TOe, all good patterns to A in
close, at sq. yd l"L
Timely Reminders
Standard lines in practically
every stse and shape. Prices
range from !5c to 13.75.
Should be ordered now to aroid
the inevitable congestion and
possible disappointment later in
the season. There la every ad
vantage in this.
, (Book Dept.)
We are vry proud of bring fa
vored with your convention. W
hava been loo kins; forward with
pleasurable anticipation to your
visit, recalling the deep tmpraasloa
you mad on us last year.
You are cordially Invited to visit
"Omaha' Greatest Attraction.'
Brandela Stores, and take full ad
vantage of all th convenience
that have been provided for you.
Tula la a store that la always
attractive not a store of on day
attraction now and then not a
tor of spas mod to effort but a
sture of very-day attractions, a
tor for any day and always, a
sur of day -In and day-out vaiue-glvlne-.
.1 S.aZ
III B l.. , -,)- r .Lim. i , nnmiii ,.
Wherever you go there is
one name that is magic
among connoiseurs the
1 s e t
password to purity, richness, V
smoothness and fine old age
"Cedar Brook
To Be Sure"
The! argest selling brand of high-grade
Kentucky whiskey in the world; tne same
today as in 1847. Sav "Cedar Brook"
ana be certain of rare old fashioned goodness.
At leading Gubs, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels,
and also at all leading Dealers.
Cedar Brook
Tie Height of Hltfn Ball Quality
a -
3 j ti ,.