Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Sajn Kan Apprehended by Meant of
Laundry Mark it Her Ai-sailant
Miss Stella Srhnoor. S15 North
Thirtieth street, who wm held up
and attacked October 2 while she was
in the company of Clarence Ander
son, positively Identified C. W. Wash
ington, colored waiter at the Pazton
hotel, who wag arrested by Detec
tives Rich and Fszanownkl, as the
nan who committed the deed.
Miss Bchnoor waa able to identify
Washington by his long face and ape
like jaw. So prominent are these
characteristics that Miss Pchnoor Im
mediately pronounced Washington
the man as soon as she saw him.
Same Ialrr Mark.
The thin and drawn face and th ape
like Jaw haa prompted Chief of Detective
Maloney to believe that It Is very prob
able several of the other aenaatlonal
holdup which occurred Id Omaha while
the supposed "ape-man" was terrorising
the city, ahould be credited to Wash
ington. Efforts wlli be mad ta have
other young men and women who were
held up and attacked the first part of
thla month identify the light-complex-toned
Additional Information was obtained by
Maloney when ha discovered that the
"Dickie" Washington wears in lieu of
a shirt, carried the aame laundry mark
"W ." as did the handkerchief which
was thrust Into MIm Bchnoor'a mouth at
at the time of the holdup.
Miss Agnea Hokanson, IflOB Hawthorne
avenue the domestic who was found
in an unconscious condition at Thirty
first and Seward streets as the result of
an attack, regained consciousness Tues
day night and gave detective a com
plete description of the man she says
committed the act. Kh also declared
aha could identify the man if she saw
him. Accordingly Detectives Dunn and
Kennelly arrested ten auipeots, but all
were discharged when Miss Hokanson
aid the man waa not among their num
ber. The police hope, however, to make
the arrest of the culprit shortly.
Auto Hits Dog and
Machine Turns Over;
Eiders Only Bruised
John Jot, SltB Ohio street, and his sons,
Carl and Albln, and Oscar Sunden, were
the victims of a thrilling automobile ao
clrient at Eighteenth and lsard streets
yesterday morning. Mr. 4Vf suffered
slight bruises, Carl Lof has a dislocated
shoulder, Albln Lof la nursing a sprained
' wrist and Mr. Sunden was scratched In
several places.
Meeting an automobile headed Into
Eighteenth street, another on the same
street and trying to avoid a large black
shepherd waa (he combination , which
spelled disaster for the Lof party.
The Lof car struck tha dog and a front
wheel of the car flew off. The machine
turned completely over.
John Lof, who waa at th wheel. Is
at a loss to explain Just how It all hap
pened, but he declares he was fortunate
In that no serious Injury resulted.
Th dog was Injured, but was able to
rua away from th seen of th accident.
Fights Two Holdup
Men and Gets Away
Two holdup men encountered the
wrong customers in Will Friday of Gil
bert, la., when they attempted to relieve
him of hi valuables by the procesa'of
force Tuesday night. The stlckupa
threatened Friday at Tenth and Daven
port streets and Friday Immediately put
up a fight. He made his getaway from
the noldups, but only after receiving sev
eral knocks over the head with a blunt
weapon. Friday went to th police sta
tion to have hi wounds bandagsd and
Inform th pollc of th affair.
' Howard Jenkins of th Grand hotel In
Council Bluff was ordered to throw
up his hands by a Ion bandit whom
he encountered at Eighteenth and Cali
fornia streets. Th disturber of th pub
lic peac mad an ay with lit of Jenkins'
C. J. Wheeler of Bud O rover, la., re
port, to th polk that while lie waa
visiting a pool hall on Douglas street
Tuesday night a slick pickpocket lifted
17.73 from his person.
Wants Restraining
Order Against Wife
Edward W. Tiowinah asks tha district
eturt fr a restraining order against his
former Wife. Nellie M. Bowman, from
whom he secured a divorce last Fvbruary,
alleging tbat her. actions lead hits to
believe her a dangerous character.
An agreement entered Into before tha
divorce waa granted provided thajt he
would pay her t0 a month after the
divorce, which, be aaid. he paid unttl
Beptember IS. He says h found that she
was living with C. L. Clark, a chauffeur.
In the Wlthnell block. As proof that ah
should be restrained, he alleges she has
cut up Clark's machln and struck him
with a beer bottle and has called up
the plaintiffs horn and bothered him and
his relative.
Ed Smith is Taken
111 in Court -Boom
Attorney TA P. Smith became U ud
donly in the district court room yesterday
morning Just as the bearing of th
IW.WO suit of th John T. Fab y com
pany against th Updike Grain eompaay
was about to begin before Judge Kstelle.
Mr. Smith was removed to his horn,
131 South Thirty-fourth street. where be
wa reported resting easily. The phy
sicians diagnosed th illness as acute in
Hs4s Over A ami a.
Mrs. Jennie Miner; Davidson, Ind.,
writes: "I can truthfully say Foley Ca
thartic Tablets are the beat I ever used.
They are so mild In action. X feel like
I have been mad over again." Oood
health haa no greater enemy than con
stitution. Foley Cathartic Tablet keep
the stomach sweet, liver active, bowel
regular and banish biliousness, sick
ilealacbe. sour stomach. Stout persons j
welcome the light free feeling they give. I
W.d every where. Advertisement J
New Books
Ralph Henry Harbour. D. Appleton
Co, Pictures In color by John A.
Coughlln. 1. SI net.
Thla volume contains seven stories, giv
ing various episodes of a boy's life. The
first with a capital foot ball story; sec
ond, an amusing tale of a collection of
atampa which sent th boy to college;
the others, a fairy tale of magic foot ball,
the purchase of a rat-kllllng dog and the
extraordinary results, etc., and lastly,
a comlo base ball game. In which Joneale
and the "All-Stars" win In an amusing
ROBIN THE BOBBIr. By Vale Downla.
Harper Bros. Illustrated. SO cents
A charming story of masculine tender
ness. A little boy la th renter of the
tale, perfectly conscious of the brightness
he sheds about him. "Tou never heard
of a home without a woman In It did
youT" asked Mr. Fraser of his negro
servant "No, suh, I nevah did. suh.
But I notice children sort of liven a place
up like." was th answer. And that's
what th hero did.
BANDST'B PAL. By Gardner Hunting.
Harper A Bros. Illustrated. II. pre
paid. "Randsy' Fal" Is the story of a friend
ship between a boy who had everything
and a boy who had nothing. Their love
for a dog drew them together, and each
boy helped to shape the character of the
other. In order to aid his poor companion
th rich boy took a Job at th same office
In the city. They encountered various ad
ventures, but their difficulties only served
to bring out the beat that was In each
and to make them firmer friends.
By Kthel Hnsers. Oood Health Pub
lishing Co. 11.24 prepaid.
"An Intimate presentation by means of
enthusiastic text and exceptionally fine
photographs of the 'Mother Camp' of the
Girls' Camp Fir organisation, originated
by Dr. and Mr. Luther Gullck. The book
makes camp fir II f more alluring than
OL1J. Iiy Katharine Peabody Olrllng.
Frederick A. Stokea Co.
The story of a little 8-year-old Swedish
girl, and how a woman was brave enough
to die for her little ones and how S-year-old
Hannah cared for the smaller child
ren. An exquisitely written little story.
ilton Haines. Harper A Bros. Price
1.26 net.
A thrilling story of a supposed naval
war between the United States and a for
elgn power. Ther are submarine fights,
an attempt to destroy the Panama canal,
and a glgantlo battle between two fleet
Thla book deals with the campaign at
sea of the war whose land campaign
was the subject of the author earlier
book, "The Last Invasion.'
THE EXTRA DAT. Hy Algernon Black
wood. Maomlllan Co. Cloth, U mo.
Price fl.K.
A group, of delightful children learn
to gain for themselves an "extra day"
which as a matter of time doe not count;
and this day Is filled with beautiful
adventures. Mr. Blackwood has never
hit upon a more original Idea and he
haa never been happier In th working
out pf a them. Because It deala with
tha joyouanea of life this book will re
mind some readers of The Bluebird of
Maeterlinck, but In style and spirit It
Is altogether Of Its own kind.
Zero. Harper A Bros. II net
"Trench mates In France" recounts the
adventures of two French boys at the
front In th present war. In addition to
th exciting Incidents, the book contains
Just the kind of explanations boys are
asking every day about th detail of
armaments, airships, bombs, etc., and ex
planations of strategy and th new kind
of tactics this war has developed. The
boys take part In the battle of th Mam
and th advance of th French. They are
both wounded, but recover and are ready
to return to th front. A map of north
ern ' Franc and clear drawings of
trenches, guns and aircraft help the
reader to understand the technique of
modem warfare.
nedy. Harper Bros. 60 cents net
James H. Kennedy, whose book for lit
tle readers, "Surprise Island." waa pub
lished a day or two ago. Is not only an
editor and historian, but a devoted grand
father. His little granddaughter discov
ered early In life that there was no one
who could tell her more Interesting
stories; tale of surprise and talking an
imals and quaint folk; so one day Mr.
Kennedy wrote down for her the story
of "Surprise Island" and brought It to
the publishers.
Joy Sutphen Tells
Botarians of Woes
of Amusement Man
Much amusement was derived from lis
tening to the troubles of the "amusement
man," as narrated to the Rotary club at
Its regular weekly luncheon. The speaker
of the day was Joy Sutphen, local man
ager of the Brandels theater, and he told
his tat of wo in such a graphic manner
that on of the listener remarked, "Well,
after hearing all that I wouldn't dare
atart to tell the troubles I hav In my
J. O Flford. manager of the Cusack
company, acted as chairman and a new
stunt was Introduced In a roll call to be
repeated at th first meeting each month.
by which each member present rises find
Identifies himself for the benefit of his
Doa't Be Constipated.
All kinds of ailment result from con
stlpatinn. Dr. King's New Life Pills
are mild and effective, prevent consti
pation. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement
Jitney License
No. 13 is Revoked
10. Morton, Jltneer, living at S14 Park
avenue, regrets that he waa given Jitney
lloens No. 13. HI license haa been re
voked by th superintendent of police
because he was convicted of cutting the
rout specified In his application and
which he ahould have maintained to be
within th law.
His rout was on Farnam street from
Fourteenth to Fortieth streets. He did
not go to Fortieth street on several occa
sions, li was alleged.
Thla waa the first revocation of a Jitney
license since the new ordinance bepame
Catarrh is such an Insidious disease and
has become so prevalent during the past
few years that Ita treatment should be
understood by all.
Science haa fully proved that Catarrh
Is a constitutions! disease and therefore
requires a constitutional treatment
Sprays, Inhalers, salvea and nose douches
seldom If - ever give lasting benefit and
often drive the disease further down the
air passage and Into th lung.
If you hav Catarrh or Catarrhal deaf
ness or head-nolaea, g to your druggist
and get one ounce of Parmlnt (Double
strength). Tak this horn and add to It
pint of hot water and 4 ounce of gran
ulated sugar; atlr until dissolved, take
one tableapoonful 4 times a day.
This will often bring quick relief from
th distressing head-noises, clogged nos
trils should open, breathing become easy
and mucus stop dropping Into th throat
This treatment has a slight tonlo action
which makes It especially effective In
caaes where the blood haa become thin
and weak It I eaay to make, tastes
pleasant and costs little. Bvcry person
who wishes to be free from this destruc
tive disease should give this treatment
a trial. Advertisement
He is a Man
the Girls Hate
THERE la a man in town whom the tele
phone operators .universally dislike,
lie's the man who so prides himself on
his memory that he seldom uses the
Telephone Directory for anything but a paper
This man will call a number like 456 with all
the assurance of a trainman calling stations,
when he really wants 646. Then he'll blame
the operator when he finds that the subscriber
he really called for is not the one he wants to
talk with. v
The memory has a way of playing queer
pranks jwith numbers sometimes. Besides, tel
ephonenumbers frequently are changed. So
it's a pretty good rule to always consult the
Telephone Directory before making a call.
When calling a number one should speak
slowly and plainly, separating the figures, as
4-V-6, so the telephone operator will not miaun-derstand.
Harrison Heads
Beal Estate Men
C. F Harrison was elected president of
the Omaha Real Estate exchange, to
serve one year, and the following other
officers were chosen, at noon following
luncheon, at tha Commercial club room's:
Vic president, K. M. Plater; secretary,
Fred Crelgh; treasurer, Harry Wolf; ex
ecutive committee, Byron It Hastings,
George T. Morton and W. H. Thomas.
if so mm
will fleiDYou
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint
ment to sooth and heal. Nothing purer,
sweeter or more effective at any price.
Samples Free by Mall
Caueara Soap and Otatmsnt sole iirlwa
tlbeml staple of esoh awllxt rraa with ll-p. book.
Aaftraa past-sard "cuUeura." Dept. M. Bostoa.
Do not hesitate to promptly heed the
warning your kidneys give you when
they begin to lag In their work. When
you feel those little "squeaky" pains in
the "small of the back;" loss of appetite;
highly colored urine; weariness you can-
noi account lor it means that your Kld
neya ate not doing their work properly.
The result may be fatal If neglected.
The remedy Is a simple mauer If you
act promptly. Go to your druggist and
set a box of genuine GOLD MEDAL
tiaariem Oil Capsules. Haarlem Oil has
been a standard remedy for all kidney
and bladder troubles since ltUS. It la Im
ported direct from the ancient laborator
iea at Haarlem, Holland, lie sure you get
me genuine uuiu mkuau Haarlem IH
Capsules. No substitute will give the
proper result Prices, t'c, 60c and $10).
Your money positively refunded If you do
not get prompt relief, and soon feel the
old-time ginger of youth. Advertise
ment. And You Wake Up With
Beautifully Curly Hair!
Town Tattler.)
This Is a secret that will, I know, be
appreciated by my lady who dialikea the
tedloua and "nervous" task of twlMlng
her locks around a heated Iron, perhaps
singeing the hair, burning off the end,
and blistering fingers or scalp In the op
eration. From any druggist procure a few
ouncea of pure liquid sllmeiine and at
nignc pour a in lie onto a ciean tootn
brush and draw thla down the full lenalh
of th hair. A simple thing to do, but re
markably ertectuai, as will be apparent
In the morning.
The hair will have a wonderfully aoft,
fluffy eurlineas, much more natural look
ing, glossier and livelier in appearance
than where a waving Iron haa been uaed.
Sllmerlne doesn't mak the hair sticky or
greasy, and there will be no trouble doing
it up In any atyle desired. Olga Ormsbee.
center. JJ jlj6
We're as anxious as can be to make
city most pleasurable, and any accommodation
cheerfully granted you. You'll find our Thursday, Friday
the sphere of profit to your pleasure. Watch the papers.
Latest Creations
Appropriate for All Occasions
The New Dress Hats My Lady Wants Now
Those Smart New Chic Hats
That Are Up to the Minute All With That Unusual
At $7'M
s Authentic Copies of
New French Models
Showing the new
White Velvet Hats
White Plash Hats
.11. M Wf 141 UIIUUN
White Velours
Gold Lace Hats
Silver Lace Hats
New Mid-Season Styles in
Untrimmed Hats
Made of white vtlcet, white plush, also new
ihadei moderately priced at S1J)8 to $5.00
Phenomenal Bargains in Women's Outer Apparel
Thursday in the Busy Suit Department
Coupling utmost becomingness in design, and
125 Elegant Fur Sets on Sale Here Thursday
All manufacturers' samples in most wanted furs, including Fox Fitche Martin
Seals, Civet, Mink, Beaver, Raccoon, etc. Every piece backed by Hayden's' Quality
Guarantee. On Sale at Prices not usual before February Sales.
35 HANDSOME COATS, manufacturers' samples of garments made to sell to $G5;
mostly Russian Poneys and Near Seals; newest styles; sale price, Thursday. .$39 75
$5.00 KL0SFIT UNDERSKIRTS, messalines or silk Jerseys, on sale Thursday . $295
For Quality Goods and a Saving of
uusi vi jtcffig j My Miuyucn s rirsi ir rays.
II lb, beat Pur Can uraruiaia
Sugar for -UMi
To make good bread, plea, eakea or
Maculta you muat have good flou.
We reoommend our famous Iia
mond H braruh per 48-lb. sac t 18
If bara Beat-'rUn-.-All. Diamond C or
I-aundry Queen White Lun.'r
8op for Utm
ts-oa. Jar Pure Fruit Preaerves. too
t-'anry Queen Ollrea, quart Jo
H-lb pkg. Baking. Chocolate ....18
Pchepp's Shredded Cocoanut, lb., li
Yeaat Foam, pkg. .'J
(3rap-Nuta, pkg. 1
K C. Corn Flake, pkg 6
W. O. C. or Kruniblea. pkg TV
Cnlder'a Tomato Ho up. per can..T'
Advo Jell, for desaert; It's quall'.r
goods, pkg TVi
It Pays TRY
The latest and newest authentic
styles that fashion demands in
"Snap of Style
excellence in quality of workmanship and
materials with surprisingly little prices.
$25.00 Tailored Suits at $17.50
Over 200 of them for your selection. ' Box
styles, belted effects, fur trimmed suits,
braided suits in broadcloths, poplins, velvets,
corduroys, gabardines, etc.; all colors and
3izesl6to46;thechoic- (7 7 T
est values shown in I
Omaha, at
Far Collar Coats
$20 and $25 values, in
broad assortment of
classy winter styles;
broad assortment of
fancy mixed fabrics
in box coat or belted
designs; all have fur
collars; wonderful
values at sale Cl C
Sealette Plash Coats
A splendid quality
Salts Sealette plush,
beautifully ' trimmed
with opossum or rac
coon collar,' the sea
son's nobbiest styles;
over 100 of them for
selection; special,
Thurs- C9C
day p&D
f lba. fancy Japan Rice, pearl Tat-
liK'a or hand picked Navy Bean 8So
Lrna bottle Worveater Sauce,
mate Catsup, pit k lea sssorttd
kinds, or Prepared Mustard, :r
bottle Sit
T iha. beat Bulk I.aundrv Starch iio
Tall eana Alaska Salmon loo
4 eana Old Dutch Cleanser IV)
( eana Lu Lu Scouring Soap... 3o
MacLaren's Peanut Kutter, lb. UVkO
(Jolrten Santo breakfast Coffee, per
pound SJo
The best Tea Slftlngs. lb iatae
Cooking Ouloa Special Thursday
Bad or Yellow Oateua, per peck -it
16 lbs. , .ISo
I-arre market baskets 203
tail Taa the Wholes ale Market
II T rC Make Our
Store Your
your visit to our
in our power will be
and Saturday sales will add
At $5:
Several hundred
Trimmed Hats in white
and the latest shades
The Finest Materials
Skilled Workmanship
Correct mvo styles that
just arrived from the
east. Beautiful, artis ic,
Trimmed Hats
New Trimmings
Such as velvet and plush flowers; fruit,
etc., in white and new colorings. Novelty
feathers combined with fur, and a score of
other smart new trimmings at 25c to $2.50
it i :
lf lCf
w 'j?
25 to 50 in the
ow nr.
Faery new California Mulr Peaches,
Fancy new California d-VJ'&unV-.
. P ' eixi
New Fancy CaUfornl Cooking;" Fig
Pr ID. La.g
Fancy New Aprlcota. per lb.! '. ' "iiv!
Fancy New Seedlesa Kalsins. lb! SV,a
Jsncy New Silver Prunes, lb. iav2a
New Lemon. Orange or Citron' peV-l
. lb ao
Imported S-Crown Figs, lb jrvj
ierr m . :
Imported Fard Dates, lb..
... .uuiuwscu uaic. In DkKi.
each e,Ho
New Comb Hney. per rack... 170
J-oi Jar Pur Strained Ilouey.. as
In. I.. IF.. 1 1 . . . .