THE BEE: OMAILA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1015. Try "Brownatonc" Hair Stain FREE! The Fountain of Youth 11m at lt lleon Kounil In "llrownatone" The One IVrTprt Slain that U Kntlrely Harmless and 8ure to tilve liest Keaults. You need not tolerate gray, streaked rr fa clod hair another day. It takes but S few moments to apply "Brownatone" with your comb or brush and Just a 1 I t tie "touching up" once a month should keep your hair the beautiful shade you most desire, Kesulte a) way? the same always pleasing. Will pot ruli or wash off and- guaranteed to contain none of the dangerous In gredients so often found In "dyes." Prepared In two hade. One to produce golden or me dium brown, the other, dark brown or black. We will send absolutely free, for a hort time only, a trial bottle of BROWN ATONE If you will send us our name and address accompanied by ivr 10 neip pay postage ana paching. This offer Is made for you t try BItOWN ATONES lalr Stain, ai tlnd for j-ourself Just how superior 1' to all so-called dyes." combs, etc., eic Sold and guaranteed in Omalia by Bherman ft McConne'l Prog Co. stores and other leading dealers. FREE TRIAL BOTTLE COUPON The Kenton Vharmacal Company, 89 r. Pike fctreet, CoTingiea, Ky. Plesse send me vour trial bottle of BROW NATO WE Hair Stain. I en lies 10 cents (sliver or stamps) to help pay postage and packing. Name Address Town.. State Do you wish golden, medium, dark brown or black State which Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. FO R HEADACHE that throbbing, persistent kind --brought on by nervous strain, brain fag, overwork, worry or anxiety, ia caused by lack of phos phates, necessary to the health of nerves and brain. Renew the sup ply of these vital elements, anj relieve the head torment by using .HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Non-Alcoholic) Keep a settle k yew Imsm A Sure Way To End Dandruff There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this Is all you will need), apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it In gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hiaJr will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Advertisement. Magical Effect of New Face Peeler To maintain a clear, rosy, youthful complexion, there's nothing so simple to Mec and yet so effective as ordinary mer coltzed wax, which you can get at any drugstore In the original package. Just apply the wax at night as you would cold cream; iu the morning wash it off with warm WHter. If you've never tried It you can't Imagine the magical effect of this harmless home treatment. The wax causes the worn-out scarf skin to fume off in minute particles, a little at a time, and soon you have entirely alied tli offensive cuticle. The fresh young .I ii.ii i ii nmv in i n n inn mi girlish looking, so free Tom any ap- earance of artificiality, you wish you iad heard of this marvelous complexion rt'iiewer secret long ago. To Ret rid of your wrinkles, here's a formula that la wonderfully effective: 1 ox. powdered saxollte, dissolved In H pt. wltcli haxel. Bathe the face In this and you will be simply astonished at the re sults, even after the first trial. Adver tisement. Monarch Weather Strips Keep Out Draught whv hnv fttorm Buh. wticn you -.n hivi Monsrh Metal trv res. v sr Btrtp at leas cost, and get 71 per cent tnor efficiency T OAVES YOU FUEL DUST AJSD BOOT. SCakee windows aad doors per f sot stops aU tattling. Sooa pay for itself. Qt prices, Uteretare, st& frea F. H.Turney & Co. 603 Ware Bluck. Oaaaaa, Z. asst. HOTELS. H0TELTURPIN tl TBI BEAST St tag CTTT" IT POWELL ST. AT MA BAN rRANCIiJ CVCSJV CONVCMICNCK 1KD COMFOBT gUROPCAN PLAN. Sl.Se AMD UIW0 - - , ft Nebraska CHADRON NORMAL SYSTEHYERY LAX State Accountant Report that Ste noprapher'a Booki Are Used ' for Cain Itemi. MUST GO OVER BACK VOUCHERS (From a Staff Correspondent) IJNCOLN, Nov. 1. (Special Telegram.) That the books kept at the State Normal school at Chadron resemble a butcher block book. Is the report of State Account ant I e France In his showing made to the governor after Inspecting the Chad ron Normal. "The books have- been kept in such a way that their auditing la Impossible," the wording of the report. Front June, 191L to February. 1912, the first eight months of the school, the rash book , was kept In a couple of stenographer's j note books and the cash book which has . been In use since that time has no page numbera The books show w.i.nM f Balance oi 12310 on band on September 1 of this j year, but vouchers for rour year oaca will have to be checked over before It can be ascertained If the amount la cor rect, v Marine lasaraaee Here. The Tokto Marine Insurance company of Toklo, Japan, has applied for a license to do business In Nebraska. A certificate accompanying the application ahowa that the company has deposited In New York the sum of $200,000 which entitles It to do business In this atate upon a proper show ing.' POOL STILL GOING AFTER BACK CORPORATION TAXES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 1. (Speclal.)-Of the 1.000 corporations organised and doing business under the lawa of Nebraska more than 600 were delinquent in the payment of their annual occupation tax October 1, but Secretary of State Pool succeeded In Inducing some 250 delin quents to pay up, the penalties collected amounting to 1761.60 during the tnirty day period. The secretary of state has great hopes of getting In many hundreds nf dniiara from this source within the ensntnir alvtv days. The entire collections in the office of Secretary Pool during October foot up to a total of 17.279.61, apportioned as follows Corporation permits VS?'K Corporation penalties rf& For filing articles of Incorpora- tion 1,M6.10 For filing notary commissions 73.00 For filing brands ?-W For filing certificates and tran- scripts SO For filing labels and trademarks... .W Sale of statutes .w All nther sources Total $7,279.61 Business In the automobile department of the secretary of state was quite brisk during October, the registrations of new machines footing up a total of 1.789, ex clusive of the renewala on automobllea and all motorcycle registrations. ROCK ISLAND DIVISION HEAD AT FAIRBURY CHANGED FAUlBURY.'Neb.. "Nov. 1. (Special Telesram.) H. B. Allen, division super intendent of the Louisiana division with headquarters In E. Dorado, Ark., arrived In Falrbury today from the southwest and assumed Jurisdiction over the Ne braska dWlslon. succeeding W. A. Shea- han. retired. Vnr ihrM months organised labor of this Place has protested vigorously against the unfair and unjuat treatment at the hands of Mr. Sheahan. A mass meeting of engineers, firemen, conauo tnrm trainmen and switchmen was held I In this city August 16 and general chair men of these respective orders irom v-ni oxrn addressed the men. On August 19 a committee went to Topeka and pre sented their grievances to General Man ager A. E. Sweet, who assured the men that he would make a change at Fair bury. A few weeks later Mr. Sweet came to Falrbury and Interviewed members of the Commercial club and found that the majority of the members were In sym pathy with the railroad men. . Mr. Sheahan came to Falrbury from Colorado Springs in June, ipi4. He has given out no future plana. Girl Crashed fader Wagon. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. L (Spe cial.) Climbing upon her father's wagon as he was returning from a pit wltn a load of sand. Agnes Curtln, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Curtln. residing on a farm In Hamilton county, fell backward and one wheel passed over her before the wagon could be stopped. Horrified, the father picked up the child, but death. It proved, waa almost In stantaneous. The singularly bad luck of the family la enlisting the special sym pathy of friends and neighbors. Last winter Mr. Curtln sustained a severe fire loss. Child Gets Sick Cross, Feverish If Constipated Look at tongue! Then give fruit laxative for stomach, liver, bowels. 'California Syrup of Figs" can't harm children and they love it. A laxative today saves a sick child to morrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bow els, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother) If coated, or your child la lietless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or baa sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoon ful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because it Is perfectly harm less, and in a few hours all this consti pation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" Is ofttlmes all that is necessary. It should be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs," which baa full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that It Is nwde by the "California Fig Syrup Cora pan y." A d ve rt laeme n L CUT THIS OUT OLD KVtiMSII ItKOrK FOM CA TAHRIIAL IrKAFXENS AND HEAD NOlsKS. It you know of some one who I troubled with Catarrhal Iesfness, head noises or ordinary catarrh rut out this formula and hand It to them and you will have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deaf, neas. In England scientists for a long time past have recognised that catarrh la a constitutional disease and necessarily requires a constitutional trestment. Sprays, Inhaler and nose douches are liable to Irritate the delicate air passages and force the disease Into the middle ear which frequently means total deafness, or else the disease Is driven down the air passages towards the lunss which is equally as dangerous. The following form ula which Is used extensively In the damp Kngllsh climate Is a constitutional treatment and should prove especially ef ficacious to sufferers here who live under more favorable climate conditions. Secure from your Druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double strenstn). Take this home and add to It k pint of hot water and ounces of granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quirk relief from distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and hearing Improve as the inflammation of the eustachlsn tubes is reduced. Parmint Is used in this way as It acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system and has a slight tonlo action that facilitates the re- cover or tne patient, l n pmpunuun r nti. n,l u nUsssnt to -k, Kvery person who has catarrh should give this treatment a tnai. au vertlsement. Rideell's Suit is Argued at Lincoln (From a Staff correspondent., LINCOLN, Nev. L (Special.) The suit brought by Fire Commissioner KJdgeu for the purpose of compelling State "treasurer Hall to pay warrants of the state fire commission, was) argued in the supreme court today. No appropriation was made by the legislature to pay expenses or the rire commission, adn Mr. Rldgwell says that such an appropriation Is not needed, vn the other hand. Treasurer Hall had an opinion that an appropriation Is needed and e nthla proposition a suit was begun. In his brief filed with the clerk or the court this morning. Treasurer Rail through his attorneys, Burkett, Wilson and Brown, and Berge and McCarty. cite several instances where the courts hare upheld their contention and quote constitution and statutes In other parts of the brief. The constitutional provision atatea that "Each legislature shall make appropriations for the expense of the government, etc." The atatutee are quoted that "No allowance ahall be made for the incidental expensea of any atate officer except the same be made by general appropriation." - The fire commissioner bases his stadn on the statute which reada "The state treasurer shall hold the money so received Into the treasury as a specific fund for the maintenance of the said office of state fire commissioner and the expenses Inci dent thereto." Attorney General Reed a ndhls assist ant, George W. Ayers, are appearing for Commissioner Rldgell. Mates from Gaare Coanty. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special. ) John H. Jones, for the last thirty years a resident of Wymore, died at that place Saturday of tuberculosis, aged 48 years. Mr. Jones was a stock buyer and well known throughout the county. He is sur vived by a widow and two children. William Elerbeck Saturday purchased the Implement stock of G. O. Rains & Co. on South Sixth street end will con tinue the business In the future. A considerable amount of new wheat Is being placed upon the market at this point, but much of it Is of such a poor quality that It Is almost useless except for feed. The grade runs low and the test la also below the average. Ilamlltea Coaaty I'loaeer Dead. AURORA, Neb., Nov. 1. (Speclal.) Mrs. Emily Sophia Peterson of Monro precinct of this county died at her honv last week. She was 76 years of age Bhe was born In Sweden. She marrlct Carl Axen fifty-five years ago and came to this country with her tiusband several years later. Her surviving children aro Mrs. Sophia Nordell, Aurora;- Miss Emily Axen, Long Beach, Cel.; Mrs. Illlds Busier and one son, Axel Axen of Mon- j roe precinct. I Heas Baraed at Springfield. 8PRENOF1ELD, Neb., Nov .L (Spe cial.) While Lee Biodgett and family were away from home their house caught fire from a defective flue and burned. Only a few articles of clothing were aaved by the neighbors who assembled and kept the fire from burning the barn and outbuildings. This was the home of the late Emanuel O Bchaal, who died three years ago. The loss was covered by insurance French Submarine is Sunk by Turks BERLIN, Nov. L By Wireless to Bay- I vine.) The French submarine, Torquolse. has been sunk by Turkish artillery fire, according to an official statement Issued by the Turkish war office under date of October 31, as given out by the Overseas Newa agency today. Its entire crew, com prising two officers and twenty-four men, were made prisoners. The French submarine Turquoise was a craft of tot tons dlsplscement, Iu4 fee! long, twelve-foot beam and was equlppet with six torpedo tubes. Its speed above water was twelve knots, while It wti capable of making eight knots sub merged. It was built in 19ut at Toulon. A Cold Is Dssierssi Break It New. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is fine for coughs and colds. Soothes the lungs, loosens the mucous. Only 26c. All drugrfsta. Adver tisement. Glr Sees Pkystelaa. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 1. (Spe cial.) Rather startling allegations are made in a petition In the district court In which Pearl Timmons, a girl aged II oa the day of the filing, asks I Iff, 000 dam ages sgalnst Dr. C. A. Fllppln. The plaintiff In the case is at home with her mother In thla city, the latter being a widow. Better Rablee, The crusade for better . babies - has apread from coast to coast, and taken firm hold of American Mothers. Fe women realise how much the 111 health of the mother Influences the unborn child, both physically and mentally. Women who suffer from mysterious pains, backache, nervousness, mental de pression, headache, etc., should rely on Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, which for nearly forty years haa been the stand ard remedy for these ailments. Adver tisement 1 Nebraska ! Nebraska ' li Democrats Sour and Glum Because of Bryan Dry Plan (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Nov. l.-Snecial.)-"Well. that means the defest of the democratic party In Nebraska." astd a certain dem ocratic state officer this morning when ssked If he had signed the pledge ac cording to the orders sent out hy Mr. Bryan. "I wish you wouldn't talk about It." said he as he looked down toward the end of his nose, disconsolately. "I feel like saying a whole lot and I don't want to explode when you republican newspa per reporters are within hearing. This Is a fsmlly matter and It's a darn se rious one, too." Democrats at the atate house are feel ling like this after reading Mr. Bryan's manifesto. Pry men appear to be the most bitter against Mr. Bryan In trying to bring the prohibition question Into a campaign where there are national Is sues to fight out and state officials to elect. Just why a candidate for a slate office some of them for a record term who has had nothing whatever to do with the prohibition question should be com pelled not only to commit himself for a dry program, but to go out and advocate prohibition Is more then moat of them can understand. PRESTON CASE COMES UP AT AURORA THIS WEEK AURORA, Neb., Nov. 1. Special.)-In the district court today Judge Corcoran began the trial of the case of Preston V. Preston, In which Mrs. K. P. Treston of Uncoln Is suing for separate main- , tenance. She does not ask tor a divorce from her husband, but simply wants $75 per month. One of the peculiar circum stances developed In the trial Is that the parties to the suit entered Into a con tract of settlement at the time they parted. Each took one of the children of the marriage and Mr. Preston agreed In this contract te pay Mrs. Preston 130 per month during summer months and 10 per month during winter months. She declares that he owns WO acres of Hamilton county land and at the time the contract was entered Into she had been led to believe that he had but forty acres. Notes froaa Teeasnseh. TECUMSBH, Neb., Nov. 1. Fred K. Bodle of Tecumseh has been elected cashier of the Tec urn sen State bank to fill the vacancy caused by the death of A. O. Shaw, former cashier. In the Union Paclflo wreck at Randolph, Kan., recently. The third week of the union evange listic campaign has closed In Tecumseh and it is announced the coming week will be the last. The attendanoe at the meetings Is large and the enthusiasm seems to be good. E. E. Cathcart has sold his drug store In Tecumseh to M. O. Heme! or bosi George T. Eileen, who recently sus pended publication of the Times at Bur chard for the lack of support, has established the Flllsy fipotllght. Mr. Edson had expected to start a second paper at Table Rock, but was not able to get a suitable building. Parties who, have been running a paper at Iwlston will continue the paper at Burchard. 4 Ozs. MAULL Memorial Services forjudge Allen Field (From a Klsff Correspondent.) MNCOI.N, Nov. 1. tS-e. ial.V- Me morial services were held today by the supreme court In memory of Judge Allen O. F.eld ... of Lincoln Short were , r K J. Halner. A. J S.wyer. F. made by M. Hall. K. r. Brown of Uncoln and N orris Brown of Omaha. Tovrn of Marpfcy lias It Al'RORA, Neb.. Nov. 1. pedal.) With a t.ew bank opening Its doors and a station agent about to go on the job and a nev station promised for next year, the little town of Murphy, lying seven miles west of Aurora. Is on the boom. Preliminary steps were taken last week for the opening of the bank, but Its doors will be opened up today for regular business, with M. F.. Isaacson as cashier, W. I. Farley Is president and A. W. Hickman Is vice president of the new Institution. The bank hne 12,M capital stock fully paid up. Its directors of Axel Axen, David Sims, M. E. Isaac eon. A. W. Hickman and W. I. Farley. y.lkmnnd Throws Moormeler. BRA1NAKP, Neb.. Nov. 1. (Special.) One of the fastest wrestling matches ever staged In Hralnard was pulled off Saturday night between r red Moormeler o Courtland. Neb., and Joseph Zlkmund of Bralnard. There was not a moment's rest for either man from the time the gong sounded until after twenty-two mlrt utes of hard struggling Zlkmund clamped on a crotch and half Nelson and pinned Ms opponent to the mat. The second fsft was secured by Zlkmund with the same holds In nine minutes. TROUBLE OF THE SCAM HAIR From Dandruff. Itched and Caused Scratching. Hair Came Out. Entirely Relieved hy CUHCURA SOAP AND CUTICURA OINTMENT "My bead was affected with dandruff and scalp trouble. It came on gradually, day It was worse. My scalp was itching and caused Bis to scratch my bead. My hair casne out gradually, aad the dandruff cowld be seen on say coat coll sr. The trouble lasted three months. "I noticed Cutlcura Soap and Ointment advertised la the paper, and I sent for a free sample. I secured relief. and then purchased more. I applied them as stated in tbe directions, and after con stant ass for three weeks I was entirely relieved of my trouble." (Signed) Paul P. Koweleheca. 130 SSr4 BV, Detroit, Mich., Jan. e, 1915. Sample Each Fret by Mall With 32-p. Skin Book en request. Ad dress post-card "Cotlaare, Dept. T, Sen." Bold throughout the world. every ow Much Spaghetti Does Your Money Buy? Why should you bo satisfied with a less quantity when your 10 cents will buy a full, honest, 14 oz. package of famous Faust Spaghetti. Most housewives know about the fine quality and flavor of Faust Spaghetti, but do you know that when you buy a 10c package of it you actually get more than 15 more Spaghetti. Ask your grocer to show you the weight quan tity printed on the package before you buy. If it isn't there, don't buy. If it's less than 14 ozs. do likewise. You'll find the weight quantity printed on every package of Faust Spaghetti 14 ounces net weight Comes to you direct from bright, airy, spotless kitch ens protected by a dustproof, moisture-proof carton. Faust Spaghetti Full 14 Ozs. for 10 Conts BROS. Five Weeks' Revival Planned at Hastings HASTING. Neb., Nov. l.-(Speclal Telegram.) Planned as a factor In the state-wide prohibition campaign as well as for a religious awakening In Hastings, a five weeks' series of revival meeting wag begun here last night. A tabernacle has been erected and the evangelistic work will be done by Dr. John H Il.m. i llton and Miss Cartwrtcht of Cleveland nion ana mi (, T utomobllf , , evangelistic party In a dosen utomobllrs made a booster trin to anm fifteen different towns south and west of Hastings. IfTrJHlHiH Ovor Thirty-Fivo Years of Success Duo to Honosty, Gafcty, Certainty The Keoley Remedies hare been administered for mora than THIRTY-FIVE YKAR3 and are recognized by the public at Urge, as well as the medical profession, as being the most efficacious treatment known for the diseases which they are designed to over come. We have cured thousands of veterans of the War of the Rebel lion In the National Soldiers' Homes of the country, whose ages range from fifty to eighty years. . We have cured several children under five years of age, who were addlrtfd to morphine and opium, such addictions having been scqulted through the mother's own addiction or direct administra tion. No constitution Is too delicate for the Keeley treatment, as the remedies are perfectly harmless. We have cured hundreds of soldiers in the Regular Army of the United States, and have letters from officials of all ranks, from major generals to lieutenants, commendinx the Keeley Treatment In the hUhest terms. Wo hare cured hundreds of soldiers In the Regular Army of Business Men, Merchants, Laborers, men of all occupations, and of no occupation, to the number of 400,000. Among them 10,000 Physicians. The treatment remores all craving or desire for liquor or drugs, restores the nervous system to a normal condition, clears the brain and makes a man out of a nervous wreck. Patients are not confined; there Is no Irritating or vexatious re straint. There Is n6 nausea or other sickness attendant upon or caused by our treatment. Improvement begins at once and continues throughout entire course of treatment. We have special accommodations for ladles, where they can be entirely exclusive, and can be treated as privately as tn their owu homes. Printed matter and particulars by mail In sealed plain envelope. 411 letters promptly answered and treated strictly confidential. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Corner 25th and Cass Hts., Omaha, Neb. The ONLY Keeley Institute In the Slate of Nebraska. Browncll II nil Downtown Studio B18 McCague HulldlnKt 15th and Dodge Bt., Omaha, Nebraska. Piano Emily Weeks Deomgoole, Sophie Nostits-Nalmska. Violin Luella Anderson. Pupils may enter at any time. Telephone, Red 446. For terms, address, Brownell Hall, Omaha. St. Louis, Mo. Harry Feist Loses Arm by Accident HASTINGS. Neb., Nov. l.-8pedai Telegram.l-While he wsa lifting a shot gun that had been handed to him by a companion who was settling for a hired automobile, Harry Feist, brick mason and prominent labor leader, had his left arm shot off above the elbow by the weapon when the trigger was released by the run ning boerd of the car. The same shot wounded Qua Ponbech on the face and chest. A 'Tor Sale" ad will turn second-nen& furniture Into cash. FOR LIQUOR and DRUG USING . j H0C A pkg.