JO Till: NEK: OMAHA' NOVEMKEIt WANT ADS "ent bus recened at ny time, but to insure proper classirit atlon mum re pi rted before It o'clock noon for evening l'Mn and T:46 p. m. for mnrnmi ana fundsy editions Want ade received ef ter such hour will be under th beading, 'ioa Let to ClmMfjr." CAH BATFA fven eoneeeutlv Unw 1 ceo t n word rh Insertion. ' Two or mora commend times, 1H ent word. to Urn. I cent a. word. CWAHGK RATES. 8)wn consecutive times, t ent Una Vj Insertion. .... Thre consecutive time, la cent una ach lrrUon. Cna time. 12 rent a llrt. Count six average worrit to Iln Minimum rhrt. 20 cent. An advertisement Inserted t r"n ntil dliKniiiatl must b atoppad by written order. . . Al claim for error m"t ba mad Within fifteen Cava after th Ut lner Horn oC lb advertisement Ton can place your want .d la Th Be by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER ! CARD r THANKB. WE wish to thank our frlanda and neigh bor. Camp LW. M. W. A., and Union rclfto employe for the sympathy ahown ua In h sickness and death of our h'ls nd and father; also for tba beautiful floral offering and aervtre i rendered. MR8. A. DUNCAN AND FAMILY. W wish to thank our neighbor and friend for their kindness, yiupathy and floral offerings In th d bereavement and loaa of my dear wlfa end mother. August Schmidt. r.. Mr. and aire. John 1'rbohn. Mr. and Hra. Herman Schmidt, Mr and Mr. August Schmidt. Jr., Mr. and Mr. Ed Dmrnin, Mr. and Mr. W. u. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Flam beck. Mr. and Mr. Kd Dixon. W wish to thank the many friend for their klndneaa rendered during the tckness and death of our beloved hus band and father; also for the beautiful floral designs. . MRS. AUGUST OAPF. AND FAMILY. MR. AND MRS. WILUAM th.N- D ROT II. BIRTHS AKD DEATHS. Birth Emmet nd Florene Rack, 82 Gordon, boy; Alexander and Ann Jaku bowakl. 8001 T. South Kid, girl; Ephratm and Aim l-avlne, 3' North Forty first, plrt; Slgverd and Anna Skal. ta Wirt boy and girl; Richard and ltltla Hcrger. 620 North Thirteenth, Bouth PDethsVr. Mildred Wllllnms. North EWertth: Mra. Catherine Mar on. 71. hospital; (Mi J. Griffith, I, hoapltal; Maml 8. Miller. 60, 3122 Sher man avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following permit to wed bar bean Uaued: Nam and Renldenc. Age. Harry O. Couneman, Jr.. Omaha Z Xtorothea D. Itolllday. Omaha 21 Jemea I Harrison. Lincoln, Neh 29 Mat tie B. Laughlln, Lincoln, Neb 28 Arthur Bngelmt'n, Atlantic, la... ?1 Anna FYeeee, Mlnden, la 19 Walter Ell'ott, Fort Dodge, la. J7 Lena Wallace. Fort Dodge, la Charle X Granlund. Newman Orov. jHr ChrUtlna Stenanek. Grand Ialand, Neb. a Otto Jtinre. Bat Omaha W Clara Rcheachy, Ft Umaha If ward Belden, Omaha 21 Mabel Jamea, Omaha Itonnla N. Kireer. Omaha Oatherin IeWltt. Omaha Bl'ILIlIO PEHMITS. Joe Majuka, COB Bouth 1 With, .frame dwelling, I2.J0O; Hlatt PVlrfleld. frame dwelllnir a follow: 4WT Cum ing. 1JOO0; 41 Cumlnir. IJ.M0; ittl Cum Inr. li.bU); M Burt. 2.to0; HomaJi rratt. J;j Ida, frame dwelling, $2.W0; M. Ma allko. K Bouth PUth, fram flwell ni, tW; Ulrkett Muall. BoutH Elev enth, fram dwelling, TODAY S a MOVIE I PROGRAM iZS2?5ZS2S2SS2CS2SESZ5t2Sr!Ii33SESrj3 Dawatswa, EMPRESS. 1BTH AND DOUQLaJ. 21 carat Bellf No, K. Th Apache of Pari." i-rl Kalera dr. Tun at a Ball Oam,' PRINCESS. 1S17-1 UOUQleAS, Th Penalty. S-reel Waatarn drama. Vivian ItsuU In The VV'aap, a-rel dram. Vuttlng Pp. to Blaep, comedy. Norlki. GRAND. 1TII AND BINNEY. Four Reels ot Good lectures. LOTHROP, J4TH AND LOT 11 RO P. Georg Ada' comedy, Juat Out t Col lege, In (tv reel. Paramount trajvel picture. ATPOLO. JILKAVENWORT. Th Oood for Nothing, -rel Easanay. TIow John Cam Home, Vltagraph. W eat. MONROE, I5SS FARNAM. William Fox preaenl William Famum In BAM SON, a modern story of etrxmg liean interest. ftoaiat klqle. BESSE. I4TII AND N. TODAY! 1uh) 1 11 DAY I b II VIA WIRELESS In five reel. Get-RJrh-QuI' k Wal'lngfoid In two reel. ORPHEUM. I4TII AND M Plllle. the HI'l BiUle, drama, free America. First. Aided hv tne Movies coinedv. Vh White King of Zarw, drama. A MOVIES a T FFATIIDFQ X TODAY A 1 n APPOLO. tSli LEAVENWORTH. Th Oood for Nothing, 4-reel Esaanay. iiTH tt N. VI Wlrele. I pH. featuring Call Kim and Hooth McRae. LM PiTEbS; iTflF AND DOUGLAS Th Apache of Part." 4-reel Kalera dr. LOTUROP. X4TH AND LOTHROP. Oeorg Ade's comedy. Just Out of Col lege, In tsv r-eis. MONROE ' Zllh FARNA.LT Wi'.llain Fog preacnta WU'.lam Famuin In hAiiieoN, a .inout-rn s ory of sarong I,. art interest tuot the bible lor t. ANXOUNCE5IEXTS f"h -. at f at. C. A Hu-ma-a ntea NOTiCitS Why not become a dancing teacher gnd earn big money? I mil p.xpare and frul you in 1uainess when coiupeteuL u . fir I v a 1H Harney etrttt.' Omaha. i-'. fuiiiUa fir.t i laet Itounewotk girls, ii.i.l.i. tnks, K.rtt.Hi. Mt.d t.clp of ail .!in' ii.r ln.tuls ami prlate i a. (i.lfiUjll.iiml A.:up. Oli.MI. Cass. ( ArTOMOniLKS henet-er you are considering elllng or f'"'. uvl r r and you want full lu for your money or you want people who are willing to p getting you ill h' buy or advertlae th to nay for wnat they are ve n-i regret it yon imiih the uaed car column of The Hee. I'l.nne Ty'r 1M. k Mll-m of mTieage In your "ldtle (Rebul t) Fend tnm to L)LlJ TIRE CO.. IM1 Chli'ago Ht NKHRASKA Kill 'k Bervlc notion. Mi Farnam PI. I'hone Dourlna 1T. line RKWA Rl for any magneto we cant repwlr Colle rend R-v''orfe. . JIO N. lMh. Al iu. cleatiiiK hua oiiy. "II and . change u: d car fa farnam IV31i Will pay cah for Ford car, any con- 1 d It Ion n-a.illm l Overton a for leaky radiatoi. 5pc, dealera. I or by mall H'-4 Ave.. Co. Rluffa. la. glne In firat-clnna condl'l. n. at -.'!. l'h ne Harney Induatrml Unraae Co . xh Harney Pta Ft 'It SA IJO Kord roadater, not ne W. A. Reynolda. 2105 Farnam. . P. lal condition: extra tlrea: ilrat 1.MU take It. Dougla HO 23. HU8IXE88 C1IANCKS If your Rualnea Chance will atand rigid Inveatlgatloa ann la Juat what It la adverttaed, or If you ar looking to atart in Duaineae Tor ynuraeit you will n per- i fecliv aatlafleil If you tlx th Rualnea Cliance column of The Roe. When buv- I Ing or eeiiing a ntialneae Hlion Tyler l(w. Want a Grocery? Read what I can offer you: My booka show a net profit of f2.V) per month. Turn my stock twice a month. Absolute y no competition for alx blocks, any direction. Ilav up-to-date, Ireah stock of every thing. 76 per cent of trad la caah, remainder aa anod aa e-old. In thickly p-ipulated neighborhood, on : atreet car line; have good school trade. la a going business; trade ahowlng In crease every month. Is splendid op rt unity for man and I wire or n-mn P'isines. Mv aole reason for selling Is that we are comielled to leave the city. Thla atock and trade Is a bargain at tl UK, hut I will sell for I'") caah. I will be glad tn prove every statement In thla ad. Address I, g'R. Hee. T'i 8KI.I, or buy bi-slnes. call on Buaeh aV Rorehnff. M'k n. M1K TO tIKT In or out ot business call on OA NO F.ffT A l. 42? Ree Bldg Doug. M7. THKATKHH Kuy, Icaa or aell your the ater, machln and uppliea throuvji Theater fxch. Co., lew yarnam. it. mi. I2.0M Kwl'ITT in property renting for 121 per month, for land, lota, acreage or . . 1.. . .. i 11 f..' i X i. in'irpi III uiisiii"ai,. r,ia I wuiii-. BISK f)mah Theater Supply Co. for bar- gains In established ahnwa i. x"? Ul'SINKSB places, land, city properly handled, all atatea. Jim Wray, loux City, la. Double bowling alley, fully equipped, for aale or trade. John sperm, rttrang, neu. WANT a good grocery In exchange for my (-apartment brick flat, new, all modern and up-to-date, located In the beat part of Omaha, worth 10,fltJ. AUo a fine, fr-room houae In best part of Coun cil Rluffa: will trade one or both for a good grocery bualneaa; glv full descrip tion in first loiter. Adores nil turning Ht , Omaha. FOR BI.K My lumber, hardware and coal business In Dakota City, Nb; only yard; county seat town. Fred Lynch, Dakota City. Neb. EDUCATIONAL The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH T-BOOKKEEPINO, Day School for Toung Women. Kv.nlna aVhool for Young Met) and Women, Saturday morning claaa in typewriting, ten C. Duffy. Owaer and Manager. SM So lth St. ' Omaha. luX.'KHl' lady stenographer will take pupil; shorthand, touch typewriting, stalling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Instruction. t04 Douglas 8L TL Walnut 3i7. flU6INKSS COLLEOB STUDENTS BAVR MONEY ON COURSES, foe aal. with good reason for sailing. variety of eouraa In a reliable busi ness ttchooi, on ot me leaaing Duainea college Omaha. Will b sold vary reasonable way below regular erica. If you ar considering taking a cottree lavestlgal thla at one, sine Fall tarr beglua anon. Call office, Omaha He. . DAY 8CIIOOI BOTLFJ4 COLLrXJB NIGHT et-.lOOD Every day 1 anrollmect day. Book keeping, shorthand, hteiiotypy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Com mercial and kngllah branches. Catalogue r' POTLE9 COLT.BOE, Uth and Harney 8t. Tel. Douglas I Ma. Roylea Bldg. 11. D. Ibab, Omaha. Neb. FOH !. th following acholaranlpa la first claaa Ontalia uuainee coiivg: ,inllmllut eikmblnatliin buainaaa and rhoHhand course. 8n unllmiteo steiiograpnio sour, n three-monuia' buauieaa or atano course. Will be sold at a dlaoount at th otflo of 'in Omaha . FOR SALB rOR 8AL.BV-llsr U a clasem cation that la of th ulmoal tut porta noe to vry reader, aa thla column offer soma xou tkinal opportunitie every day and a mall want ad will sell your arilcl at Its full value. Phone Tyler I'WO. r'araltars, Maekld Ooada, tat. BAROAINS IN FURNITURK AND 11ARDWARK, t N. UTH. WEB.1HU7. AUV i Iv'it ggvs. Furnlsihlniea of an t-Koom Horn, Tu?dy, Nov id ,U 1 P. M. a a . i 11- I n r..l a ifitrriAVi ell L1 W will aell at auction, one piece at a (.... II.. .,..11,1.- mtitrm lln.n. a.nit Mm. plt furnishing of Uil home. Don't lall 10 atieiiu t"is sain. DO WD AUCTION CO., Tor auction date and term, oall Red ca LEAVING U1T-" . CI. uuJ.H VTa fUr 1MIIIIH4II . 1.11,1. . . v . v, a.u. In beet condition: daiuly beater; cost lib new. but wi l eu I ir iJi. it l. yo. avH, or call at IV4 N. nh Ht. 1 lut-L. bought and old. J. C. Reed, Ut'Mt ,.,1 p,r,m tn. Douglaa ii. FOR BALK Furniture from a 4-room houae. 17tl Deavenwortn. CAKPKTM, atovea and bugKlea. D. tiM. ITRMTL'KK for aale. Wardrobe, suit a tee f r otflce or clothing house. Call at His N. JMh Bt., or phone walnut t:, ACUUM cleaners, all make and price. Fl B. Williams, lut . Uth tSU llorap efc leira. FARM wagan. : harness. ISO; both new. Johuaon-Lanfortn Co.. lath and Clark ts. IIOH8K, Luay and haruesa, 1X Wau- ai.r t M Call after a. in. XIATt llhU pair of niarea, l.TuO lb.; also oe.i-iy nurse, IM tlx. uti OWN Kit, 154 8outh I4!h. tliHin bore and wukoii. Col. 410. Ul N.M. TWO hiali-grade Jerafy row, free It, 11, W II Mel" Uen. mu 8. 41th Ave. .INCH farm waxon; good condition.; IAi. 4 oi'aa m. :.- epainina. I'u.ilrt . m u aanlln. M X D grain, luu Iba. ti n. W agner. WM W 11 PLYMOUTH spring bullets and 1-year-old I i) Ing hens. . all W alnut Pel ktvek. French poodle dog, rale or trade. D. K4. White Anor kitten for aa e r' . i .1. Tilt iliOI'tlH HltED Irish Water fepanITi Pupa. Or. atrat hunters snd Watcb doi. Wt ,ter J or JC H No. ltn bt. Ti senrilrrs, FOR SALE New snd second hand ramm and pocket bl llnrd lahiea and bowlinal tin s and acxtanories; l-sr fixtures of all it. ds: ei.ev la.w.U'iitr The Rniuswick. l alke Ci,.liuJti t o.. eui-e-O a. ivth kit IT, I. k , I TVl k' ... . r. . . u.. L . I . . I ., and rheapeat lining for poultry housa. They r 1Z3 Inches, etrongar and mor 4 irahle than tarred felt and piacticajly Ittepioof. 'be a k u (wired at 'Iba itm fiu FOIl HAI.K T pewrltera. IVI'KWItlTKRS ald. rented, repaired. entral T)ewrlter Kc. Famam. fl 1VK.H typewriter. f?. I H HI'lg KEUAKCH Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked rlhhona. D fc1?. Mlaeel HHroni, "Rll.b." Pt'NDAT TABERNACT-B Pheeting, ahlplap, donra 1 carload, I pl r ljt' rclll. H. a a t tt r, tt rtf Inmher, 1S to I3, dlinenlalnna lx. xt, lt 2x10, toilet a. td to 1 each, t.rtck. 13. 3 etory, unrlKht fire eecape $.vi h. Tel. Red !17-Chrle. Jenaen H No. lh treet. FOH HALF. CHKAP Rualneaa College Coiirae. FolT- anl cnrrjilrte echolarahlo In on ef the teat Omni burlnea arhoHa. Good mwn for eelllng; perfectly relia ble: worth full price, hut will he ery reaannlilv. If Intereated investigate at once, becauae fall term h"rln aron. Tliere r a variety of couraea for al For particular Inquire at tn office of The Omaha Re. TCJ r7Vil1en Weat V'hlky. 4 f uTl rK.'i Xllouarta bottled In bund, pre-V-' w ,ld cackley Brot, . Oi.n ha f'nnl baaketa'dellver.-d, tl. B. Ro n-V-Ul" thai, 1'Wl Ieavenwoith I. ti:l. MI 'HT sell Immediately, latent coaater j lilke, apring tandem carrier attachment, cheap Wr te K. O. Nelson. Cook. Neh, FOR SAt.RMetal Oarage. M. D. Cam- i eron. Tel. II. t electric motor. Room S. Bee Bldg. AHIIIMI machlnea, all make and F - r - n ' 1 1 1 1 h, n O a jricrsj, r. z. r uiiiiniit mm a,n ou HKLP WANTED FEMALB t I, rl iflllce flood P Bltlone Be ua lii aiNKSa MKN t RUKKIUONCB AB8T, If W. O. W. COM HTOM KTKit opera'.or. 40. WATTS RKK CO., fc-40-U Rrandala The. BTKNOORAI' DlCTAHIIoNh OI'KRATOR IHCT. OPR. Ac BTF.NO . COM I'TO MKTK R OPR M l'hTI'5 RA I'll OPEICATOR ROOK K KKPKH WATT' KKF. CO., X3,402 Rrandela Th. COM r"r. Operator, $. WATTS RKK, CO., K.W-40-4? Rrand. The. CORSKTIERKS Our proposition will ur prkae you; handle heat line, mak more money; aplriullil openlnga for smart wo. nen; catalogue free; exjierlem-e, refer ences. Wade Coraet Co., L Btallon, New York. Kaetory aa41 tragea. OIRf, to learn halrdresaina. Oppenhelr. llsiaeheeBera mm rttimeailee, THE Bervant Ulr Problem solved. The Uee will run a Bervant Olrl Wanted Ad FRk-K until you get th desired result. Thla appllea to resident of Omaha. Bouth Omaha and Council bluff. Bring ad to The-Be offlc or tulepnone Tyler 10UO. M1DDLK-AOKD lady to help with light houaework and to b companion for an elderly lady; juat on In th family; no wagea expected. UVb. siSi. tiiA Urand. CXIMPBTBNT white girl for general houaework; 1 In family; good horn for right girl. H. 4o!. It B. 42d. WANTED Girl to assist with houaework and car for small child; on attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney i Due. WA NTED Olrl for general houaework; two In family. Call Douglas tat before 10 a. m. and after 7 p. tn. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. U24 Farnam Bt. Tel. liar. 61 WANTKD An experienced girl for gen eral houaework; no washing, good referencea required. Mr. M. H. Newman. tiiO Howard. Phone Harney 2316. WANTKD Capable glil for housework; desirable position: good room; refer ences reuulred. I'M 8. &lb St. liar. 8U77. WANTKD Two experienced general housework girls with good reference. 4 n. antii st, WANTW Olrl for general houaework In small family. Call Douglaa txt before in a. m. and after 7 p. m WANTED A g:rl for general housework, small family : no wuhlni. 12D N. Anth St. liar. tK. YotiNO widow woman with child, would ' like to car for children from mo. to t yra. old. and will make bablea' dresses, 10c to lite eacn. 114 N. 10th. WANTED Oood girl for general houa - work: a In family. Mra. Oeorge Barker. Jr.. Iafnette Ave. Wal. 21. WANTKlv, for housework. Wal. 117(1. e I U I L' D . a ...1.1. . kn.. V.. VV ' I . kj, III..... . a.vuw mftk vlrlM tnlraklln,i " " hi, m ....... '1IIC,.. mil r-i WANTliD Kxperlencod whit girl for I ki.,,.n.n.Li ITamilv n A Ml a'll't'l K, WIH..VI ...... v. V alilntf rf Iwmlnir flnnil arajraa Call liar. lawa. No. 4iU St. WANTKD-Cmpetent whlU girl fog houaework In email family, whe'r eo- ond girl 1 kept. Wage Har. 4va 1320 bo. 4tH tel. WANTBD A girl for general housework. on who can go noiu mgnu. couax 41M. WANTED A girl for general houaework and cooking; email family, good wage; references. 423 Douglas. Wal. 243. WANTED Young girl to help- with houaework; no waahlng or cooaiug. wal nut 11T. WANTED Rellabl whit girl for gen eral houaework. 8 In family. Wal. 45. WANTED A girl to awiat with house work. 110 H. 84th Bt. H. S. WANTKD-Oood alrl for asneral houae work; I people In family. Web. 8180 alter T. p. m. Call at Kf-ox Heward. WANTED Callable girl for general housework; Oerman or Bohemian pre ferred. Harney 741. 1304 p. Uth Bt WANTED Experienced girl for gene rl houaework: nj washing, two la Ian illy. Hrney HUB. lffl 8. With St WANTED Olrl for general housework. . - 1 1 . . . , i . . , ... . . i . a. WANTEI Olrl for general houaework. m S. 8Mh St I'hone Harney 4D0. SVANTED Oood reliable party fur gen- ..-I t.. .Lr .. LilnU .. 1 . I .. i .1 r i ,i uuu.r .ui v . .... i , , m, . , . , , . ..u home; permanent. D. 2"M. ttl Farnam. WANTED Rohemlan girl or woman for rieneral housework. t-l N, ith bt ione lotiglaa 1W75. WANTED -An experienced girl for gen eral houaework. hcre second sir! Is kept; must be abl to cook. Mra J. Klein, rtamev n. WANTED iirl for general houaework. 7 per week Laundrvs kept. 8sog Cass. WANTED Otrl for geneial housework, mall family. 2b40 Harney bt Har. WANTED Olrl for general housework, small family. Mra. CreUsn. 1U N. 8:d Ave. WANTED Olrl for general houaework In family of three; second maid kept; references required, phone Harney 7t. Mra. W. F. Megeath. 1712 S. 8Id Ave. M lacel la aeea. TOITNO woman oomlng to Omaha aa stranger ar Invited to visit tne Young Women' Christian association building at St Mary Av. and nth (it. where they will t directed to aultabl boarditig place r otherwise assisted Look for eur traveler' guide at I'ulu.t station. BTRNO. stat experience. K 1x6. he. OFFICE CLERK Bright, caimble young lady, writing a very good luind. for po sition wher ablll'y will be well rtwnrd d sn ail salary to start, but oxcellent fuiure. WEST. HFFKRKNCB ROND AUd N, Trl Oman ist. i tnt t'l.ig WANTED WOMAN Oovemmenl clerk. ahlp. Writ Immediately for detalla. Franklin Juatitut Dpt C I II. Rochester. N. Y. WANTKU- Young woman to enter nure' training school at City hospi tal, Norfolk. Neb. HELP WANTKU IALK 4 ten lle. SALESMEN, grocery. '5n and xpene. Stviio. and bookkeeper, . WATTS REF. CO., i4-40-i2 Brand. Th. H li ll-UA 1K commercial poaltlona. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASb'N, 7f Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. . "r"r ' . . 11 " . i . b l KNtXiRAt If r K lirlght, hustling young man for splendid post Ion wl it Is.g corporation; must be very rapid and accurals; only A-rso. 1 man considered; slaty 5 to start Apply. WE&T P.K KUtKNCK & BOND ABJ'.V. 7",LL'lL,h ,v'- ,',n,, ,Jvf- OKRriAKjld. NO Fliti-FEE. Hri.t cuniniei cial luisltlons. Rit!KRS REFCO., 441 Paxton R'o-k Sf t-'S'lV vr,h....,-W ,i n tl'.k . ...l"".. .T ! WATT- HEP CO.. ja-o-u' Ei audi i 1u. HKLr WAXTKIl MALK Arrnl-, aeteameai aaal ollel(er. EXPFRIKNCKIJ crockery and g1aware aaeaman. flta) and expenaea. Apply 1) W. ). w. WON F.TMAKKR.f Gl'lDKH()oK MAGA ZINR, 2c poatpald: you richly. New Century Hupply, lea Molnea. Inn. d'ertll'g rate if word. AOFNTS Several of our Hat of ml) mull onjfr nouaea want iNenraaK, names; parttcuiara ire. Tallalcrro Co., Fort Worth. Te. t'OAI. agerita wanted In every town; uel a trlril car. I. M. I'm, vn r'atte. Neb. PtBITION worth upto"$.( monthly on-n 1 1 lt.1 at .rl l..rl.r, I ' 1. r4 Ian man; no hooka, (live rhnn". P TA. Hee. i Fartorlea anal Traea. WE need men; had te turn down two Jol pot week lately; get In; learn by our nvlhod: get one of these Joba. Cata logue I). R. free. Nehratka Automobile ho, I. 24rtl l em erw ortn St. MOLEK DARBKlt COLLEGE I.FARN the barber trnde by our y lem "f expert Instruction and free clinic I'oeltton waiting. Call or write for rata logue. Omaha, Neb., A. B. Moler, Fre. LKA HN-TiTpT R XrITe 1 1-T K A f B . Trl Clty Barber college; low rate tuition, Including eet of toolx- wages paid: tier trio marriage, hydraulic chalra; catalogue free. Il.'t DouKlas Ht.. Omaha. ll'rug I ti re Sri.-. ,e. Jcl.a Kneat. Hee Hldg WA NTED 60 laborer for city. 614 B. 1.1th St. OOOD MEN WANTKD t one to learn auto work te fill pos'tlons which we have open light now and are watting for com petent men, Uim by our ayatem of actual work on autoa, tractor, eleo. atarting sy. Free catalog at once. AMKRICAN AUTO COIXFOE. zflfva Farnam Bt Omaha, Neb. WANTK1 Men to try examlnatlona for government Joba; i0 month; common education sufficient. Apply Immediately, Y 2 Be. HELP WANTED MAI.r A M r'C. Mt,r. WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilator. Writs for sample nd particulars by mall. 10c. U 8. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha DON'T quit your lob yet. look l.eyond It, Employ apare time establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many aucrcases, wny not ycuf Our copyright malil ig In atructlona make everything plain Post paid I&c. Direct tale Co., Wuincy. 111. RITr.TIOXH WANTED POHITION wanted by young lady at- uu.i.m.i, nut year experience. Web. ter m. WANTED Position aa housekeeper by etfilnr.! l.ilv .iuul nrHnn.. T. i I l. RKKPKCTAHI.K Oerman woman, experi enced In city and country housekeeping, wishes position housekeeper or plain pnnlc ne timw .,. .11. ...?.. .1 Naumann. 101 11 S. 11th St. WANikll I'd. it ..i.i . I . . ... fir.,... hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, I'hone Douglas itsiT. MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent, trust worthy and neat desires position as housekeeper In residence apartment or rooming house; best of references. Laura Johnson, Ills Chicago Kt. Phone D. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper want position at fair salary. Colfax MS. YOUNG woman want position a house keeper In country. Oood reference. Call Webster 818. J7B4 Orant St. WANTED A Job of corn husking by man with good team and wagon, where board It furnished for both man and team. Phone 3-U. 24) Benton Bt., Coun cil Bluffs, la. WANTED Poaltlon by mechanical draughtsman. J. U Ferguaon. 242 Uen ton bt., Council Bluffa, la. phone 18. WANTED A position as draughtsman; experienced In both mechanical and civil engineering work. Jamea Ferguson, 84 Benton Bt., Council Bluff. la. I'hon &2S. EXPERIENCED man wishes position a Janitor, machinist or fireman. Ad dress Stilt Cuming St POHITION in buffet, club or cafe aa bartender, ohecker. cashier or handy man: reliable, honest and sober; long experience; best of references; city vr out; will consider any offer. Johnson. 2118 Chicago Phone Doug. 872J. MAN and wife, aa caretaker of resi dence or work of any kind In hotel, club or apartment house; excellent refer ence will consider any offer, city or out Johnson, 2111 Chicago. Thon Doug laa 8722. BT R( N( woman. 86, wishes work ; no In cumbranc; will do waahlng and Ironing lso a good cook Se ' week go home nignts. tteierence. call Doug la 8447 morning or evening. EKPKRIKNCED girl wants to do gen eral houswork or aa nura stlrL Phone wainui av. Experienced man want position as janitor. Phone Walnut RJ. M11DI,E-A0ED lady, competent and reliable, dealreg poaltlon aa child' nurse or to tak car of an Invalll; reference eschanged. call Web. UG3. In inornlnga, tatween and 10. ' STENOGRAPHER, with years' experi ence, desires poaltlon; can furnish good local references; will work for 860 a month. Georgia Swan, Phone Pougla twwp. wwm iu. notei xiariey. YOUNQ colored man, thoroughly ex perlenoed. wlahe poaltlon a house keeper: can tak full charg best ref erence. K VA. Be. LOST AND FOUND Let or Found ads In Omaha' a Lt and Found medium mean th Immediate re. turn of that artlcl If advrtld la Th pe. in uwt ana r ound paper LOST On bunch of white aigrette, be- iwwm uusyeus apartment ana iran- .1. ..AM llA.,.1.. J J SMALL, Shrinara' pin; reward. Mr. Mun .. ii ... i ii i .. OMAHA AV COUNCIL. BLUFFS STREET HAILWAI COM PA-NY. Parson having lost son. article would do well to rail up the of nee ot th Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left 11 in in street cars. Many arttcto aach day ar turned tn and th company I anxious to reetor tnem to tne -ijrntrui ewner. call Doug. 41 THE lady who found ling Inscribed "R. M. B.," near DU Dolhrop, please call vveoeter nsu. LOST Cameo pin Sunday morning In or near M. E. church th and E. South Omaha. Return to Mr. John L Hill rol bo. Uth bt Doug. &730. A RROWN mre strayed or stolen from 4Mb. and Nlt'holaa. Wal. SU31. PHSOAC ,08 BL'BSCRIPTIONS EARNS W.Cmx"" For the in alula' pension association. Th I lit lea Hum Journal. 81 JO: fcaiur. dav r;venlne P.iat. II .60: Country Gemla. man, fi.w. D43 neratxi in iNovriuuer. Your omcr or raucti coQinnute tu cents. r tease. inon injuki iitvl or address, GORDON. Th Mag aalne Man. Omaha. TOl'Nit women coming to umaha aa stranger a re Invited to visit in Young Women' Chriatiun aaaoclalion building at 17th St. and St Mary a A., a here they will be dire ted to suitable boarding place or othurwis assisted. Txxik fur our travelers' guide at th Hnl.t atatka. THE Salvation Army Imluatiivl home ao llcll your jld clothing, furnltur. maaa inca. W collect W d.atrtbut Phone tni.ula 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect eur lew rumc lilO-llli- t Horte it. lul'H furnace cltaned, 11; work guar anteed tentrnl Tin Shop. I King 4.-4 Bulta. gowns and rainodel- Ing at reasonable price AIA BIDIth, X"t Nation. Bak Bid city SWAPPERS tXJLlTHH Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longet have any use for and get something you really need? It coats you Bothnia to kiln th beHppvr' ci jb and ou el.l find It lot of fun sisappin tliinas. Writ Hooin lut, lie Hldg.. or phone Tyler luu. A OOOD steel range and other furniture to trade for a ti venuorl vr good rn. 8. C. LV. Al.l. furniture In room hotel; rfa-n-ahle rent on building; Bouth SI1; will enchanue for real eatate; value Ad lrrc ft C. fO Re. Al'TO.MOUl L, t r other automobile baigaina ace th "Automobile" claaalfl cat Icin. Al'TOMOHILK. aeven-paen;er Mitchell Bpeclal. In excellent hae, full electric equipment, a powerful car. Hwap for dlmiionda. real estate contrarta, clear lot in omaha. or mortgaxe. 8. C. t care Mee. Al'TOLIpht weight. 1115 mo-lcl, perfect ahape. fullv equipped, new tlrea, to ewap for four or ftva-paaaenger car. Adrlreaa II. C. S.32, Bee. tf Pl 'J'lY. revolver or musical Instrument t a Kn w ca.y It soiia l"J anu ht hiiu , tire, or what have you no. Ad drens S. C. IW. He". . LRC.11 runabout in perfect con.ilitnn; cost new H7.".; worth fltK): to for good fttrn.ture of equal valu. Ad dress S. r. M. Hee. CAMERA One Minute 1'osl Card Cam era, swap fur nd-riand lumber. Ad dress S. C. i2. Re. DETROIT OAS STOVE 6 burner, oven nd broiler, to swap for library table. Addreaa H. C. B"4, Bee. OARDEN TOOL Spade. 2 ahovels, 2 rake, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad dreaa 8 C. 834, Bee. tf CAMERA Combination positive or nega tive, to trad for something I can uje. fl. C. Kt. Pee. 4x5 camera, exchange for larger camera. H. ( . U Ree. DISHES, garden tools, gas lamp, mahogany rocker and settee, brass umbrella stand. Will trade for trunk or suitcases. Address S. C. Sol. Ree. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost glO 'sJ. Will swap fcr assortment of lata Edison (Amberol) records. Address 8. C. SO, Bee. tf ELEGANT eeven-rassenger Mitchell ape olal, excellent shape, full electric equip ment; a powerful tar and good looking car; will swap for Omaha lots, home and Int. two smaller car, or diamonds 8. C. 793, Ree. FIRJ-T-CLA68 dentletrv for houe paint In u:. Address B 27. Bee. OASOI.INE range, good oven tn swap for kitchen table or flreles cooker. Ad dress. 8. C. i3, Bee. Uooii single delivery wagon and good single harness for ftirnlti re of any kind. What have you? Address O. U7, Hee. IIAVH good five-year-old mare, weight 1,200. Will swap for automob.le or any thing I can use. Address 8. C. tiX Be. M OTORCTC L E 8 1 H12 Twin Indian mo torcycle; clutch machine. To swap for auto or anythng I can us. Addreaa S. r J.T7, Bee. ON K delivery wagon top, on nickel plated E-flat cornet (famous Bowker short model, perfect condition; six Wen dell Vacuum washer, new; on heavy Iron cigar mold press, on small cigar box prens. Will trade separately or to gether. What have youT Address 8. C. W.2. Bee. PATENT Exchange patent on good disc sharpener. A money maker, for auto mobile. ddresa 8. C. 0H. flee. PJANO Urand new; never been used. Will exchange for anything worth 8-A What have you? Address 8. C. 831, Bee. 6CHUBERT piano to trade for diamond. P. C SM. Bw, 1914. TWIN Cylinder Indian motor cyole. nearly new. Equipped with electric light and horn; good aid car. To trade tor whatT Auto preferaed. 8. C. 857, Roe, SET of diahea, garden tool, two ga lampa and aanltary couch; win trails for valise or trunks, steamer trunks pre ferred. H. C. 501, Be. STOVE To wap, large alze hard coal atove, good a new, almost nsw carbon Iron, for apples, potatoes or what have you? Address 8. C. 609, Bee. STEVENS hammerlesa pumpgun, new; Winchester. li7 model, new: on rain- roof auit coat, pant and hat, alze 88; 1-foot aelne, 8-Inch mesh, feet deep; -lnch fiah apear; .82 break-open revolver; nunting coat ana vest, we so; pair or. lineman's apur; Ptrad. violin; on pair brass auto side lamps, 10 small; 10-year ruarante watch; on aluminum rear mo orcycle lamp; pump and attachment wnat nave youy n. c. sot, ree, SIDEBOARD Oak, beat condition, to . A k. . . . . a ' " a - 'l n. n ml wu.i ii. fvf D, m, , . TO SELL, or trad your shotgun or rlfl. . VUflTIIU . Nl 1911 IIamuI.. . 1914 VELIE. elect rlo light and starter. In good shape; 6-paueuger; to trade for good, light roadster. Addr 8. C. 604, care Bee. WANTED To trade a good flv-pasaen-gcr Veil car, In good ahape, new tires, for small car or team of hone. S. C. fio. lie. WILL exchange Piano Player, which which will fit any piano, mualo cabinet with 50 roll of mualo. for good cook stove or chicken. Also new electrlo Iron, for winger, or reasonable ofisr. B. c. 601. Ree. WHAT bav you t offer for I'M i new vacuum washers? Heat grade loai-u-factured; sells to users at 1-5 each. Ad dress S. C. 06, Bee. WANTED To trade a good stock remedy territory, with best firm In Omaha, for anything I can use. 8. C. 811, Be. FOR RENT Ap-rtut-Bta and Flat. Th For Rent advertisement aPDearln In th For Rent column of Th Be daily cannot be beat for variety that will pleas nd fill th need of any on desiring to rent Phon Tyls W4X The COLBERT 39th and Farnan Streets Fully completed, ready for occupancy. Apartment consist of reception hall, liv ing room and dining room, finished In fumed oak; sun room, two bedrooms, beautiful bath; servant's room and kitchen. Very complete. D. V. Sholes Co. 815-18 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 49. J-R. APT., 2 batha, sleeping porch, larg rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date; largeporch In front, private; fof rent rnuw. nana. Apt, u. !. El.EOANT ti-room, with 2 baths. 2 ex poaurea; also 4 room and bath. Nw Hamilton. Doug. 24o. ATTRACTIVE flat, 8 room and sleeping porch, with or without garage; rent 8i.W. Phone Har. 4so4 or Har. 7606. tolt RENT Nice 4 ur -rm. mod. apart ment, with heat:, very reaautiabl if rented at once. 4'JU8 Nicholas. ONE 4-room and one a-rooui apt, Th rtamuion. ioupisa r4n. )10 Comfortable, lare 8-r. apartment part mod., block to car and stores, good ne'a-hborhood, 1M17 Elm St. D. 807S, ST. CLARE. 24th andIIarney, ou I and one 4-r. apt. Harney 547. Hari aa uaa. FumlatitKt Kounii tnt oiler verv mod ern . onvenleiic and comfort In prlvat fsudlles or boarding houses of th h gn est claaa will b found In th Furnished rtoom vuluibD of Tu bus. Pnon Tyler l). PARK litM Two furuiahed romiis with board, nice location, nnvate fainiiy, all modern, on car line. Harney 518a, WEST HoTEL. r S. 24th St. Eleganily furnlahed atearn heated rooma, by day or week, with or without board. R. and boa'd for 1 lroii. Colfax 27S9. Furnlahed or unfurnished rooms. II iill. B. A rT4 and ti 25S2 Kt Mary AvV ' t modtrn furnished room, prlvat family. jtar car line. ii .s. .vt im. ePKClAl. LOW hAiks TO PERMANENT GUESITS. HOTEL EANKORD. lih an J Farnam. H Ti'l. H VRI.KV .(h r.nd Karnara. JACKSON. 2717-Bcautlfully furnished rooma. with or without board. SHERWOOD AVE.. 141-8 newly fur nished rooms In a prlvat family; bom privilege to th rtgnt perl Its wit b'rd. nrar ear II '. Wvhster 7171 rmlalird kuvim, FOR RENT Nwly fun Uhed room. 3 to IV !-'14 Is.uafss Hed "Ml (CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN, THIS PAGO Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the mo3t critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RFFD ARPTKACT CO, ctdeat aarad " ' " in ruenraaKa. F"i tfrnn-i inn. Kerr j iiitr uunmmr". antt ai'iiiili Ch a modern abstract office. 8 S. Kth St Phone D. W87. nri.t f -.. . . v. -...... ACCOIXTAMTS. E. A. DW0RAK, 0. P. A. Ramaw Ridg. Phone Pong. ADVEnTMIXO woVEI.TIES. J M. F. Fhafer Co.. 12th. Farnam n. 7474. AMtTKI R lMHfl, FTT,VJ isve'oed frea If rtirchasd from Photo Craft Shop, 411 F"e Bldr. IVpt. D. ARC1IITECTB. Everett S. Dorwi. R12 Paxtnn Blk. D. MRl. ATTOR.MCYS. C, T. Dickinson, fll Paxtnn Blk. D. I01. WT-,Ni 'OHNFON, 8 W. Cor. 14lh and .'viiBinn, UOIICIIIfl 4H. AlCTIOWEErtS Dowd Auction Co., 1115 1 W O W. R J-KS. At TO iwrit 1IVCE. ,AJCro,OBTT''! mutual insurance CO.. Dnuvlruj JS19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. VT Far. T. mot. BATIIft. BATII-214 Balrd BlkT 17th and Douglas. MhA,ZFT ?Por "n(1 Turkish Iiil9 Farnam St. Done Ins ?,m. flAKFRIE. H. P.7 DER. iniN. lth.W eb. S?97. BR ASS AND IROS" FOUNDRlEsT" Paxton-Mltehello.. 27th and Martha St. CARPENTERS AND CUIVTR ACTORsT STEVENSON. S23atii. Douglas 8CX). Ieaard AV Son, 19u Cap. Ave. T. i?t. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'HTI rr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. I Ml. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford.J20 Pa. Blk. Red 4587. COFFEE BY MAIL. : '' Cn-f-fciCk m"n- l better ., by parcel post, prepaid. W. A. Pkalfe At Co.. Omaha; Neb' CORSETS. NuBone coraet. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4.392. DANCING ACADEMIES FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. S440 OENEVIEVB HAUFLA1RK. Rom hotel. DE LtTXB ACADEMY. Ill 8. I8t St. TURPIN'9 SCHOOL OF DANCING. Wth and Farnam. Classes and private lesson. Harney 5143. Juat completed, lorty-four-pag book of new dances for 1915 and 1918. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev ery teacher should hav a copy. Mall orders filled. Price. . DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th tk Farnam MIB3 STURDY. 2116 Binney, Webster 4989. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. KIstera Dremaktng Col., 1628 City Na. DYERB AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 130 K. 12th. P. 5071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, $12 Nevlll Block. Evi dence secured in ail case, lyier usa. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W.O.W. Bid Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat IJank. Ta ft Dental Room. 1517 Douglaa. P. 2181 DRUGS. DRUGS t rut prices; freight paid on fid orders; catalogue fre. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. TJloa Allender.24 j?e Bldg. Red lot. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, lde. knife, gunburst, bog pleating: covered buttons, all slsea and styles; hemstltlchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work buttonhole, pennant. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglaa Block. Douglaa umu. "furnaceb and tinwork. HABERSTROH. 4028 Hamflton. Wal. 1971 " FLORI9T4. BATH' 8, florist. 1804 Farnam St V. 8000. 1 HENDERSON. 1814 Dougls. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph DU Aa n. HES3 BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. PONAOHUK. 1622 Harney. Pong. 1001 rinniGR. SAM KNEETER, 1920 Farnam. Red SS84. instkXction. English, French Instruction Lyric Bid. ' JlJiTlC E OF the PEACE. H H CLAIRORNE, 512 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public,, deposition steno. C W. BRITT, 801 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; prtvat or cUuujea Webster 5C64. "LIGlITIJiG KUTtRKJ, WIRING. riTrrTrTr Thomas. Iougla 2519. IJlJIvIVliN 241 Cuming Bt. Tl 1 rE If OChr tO M MISSION. M ARTIN BROS CO. Egchange Bldg COTl7ME AND LODGE StPPLIES. MNFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical eostumea In the country. Theo. Lichen 4k Eon, Ull Howard. Doug. 4115. THE largeat atock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lie ben Son. lr.14 Howard. D. 4115. " ; MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. ! hargaln In used machlnea Victor Rooa, The Jaotorcyci Juan, tnu utn.iiiwuria ""MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion, picture machine and film bargalna OCl LISTS. Eye examined, glaasea fitted, pay a you can. Dr. McCarty. 1111 W. 6. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSIC I AN . JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, git Be Bldg " PATENT. P. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Sturgea. Brandela Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDD1NO. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses made U oruer or remade. 1907 D. 247. PLIMES (LEANED. CURLED, dyed. P. Kisele. 113 City Nat PIANOS FOH KENT. 12 50 per month. A. Hospa. 1511 Douglaa FRIWTIWO. WATFRR-PARNHART Ptg Oa, wmy printing. Tel Ioug. 2190. 534 8. Uth St CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 8754, DOT'OT.AB Printing Co. Tel. Potigla 44. SAFE AND TIME Lot K EXPERTS. fl A TTT0 Opened, repaired, comb. LS A P changed. F. E. Paverv. xx L-- port. 14" Ddge. P. lMt SCALE REPAIRING. Cm. Standard 8cn!eCo.. 518 8. 12th. D.3U BHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til 8. 11 Itaiiv Sho Rcp'r. C"., t0' Fim'm. R3448 SEWING MACHINES. We repair sell needles and " w parts for a'1 sewing machlnea "MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Hnmey. Douglas 1881 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTETtPheet Metal Company, 110 8. 19. STORE A N D0 ITU E FIITI REI, DESKS, sales, scale, showcases, shelv ing etc. We buv, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Bupply Co.. 414-1H-18 8. 12th. Doug. 1724. STOVE AND Ft RN ACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnac colls, etc. Quick ervlce Omaha Stov Repair Wks. I.'OS-S Douslas St. Tyler 20. TELECTHIC M 'oTO Rll EPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. P. 887. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply". 207 8 11th. P. 58 TRCNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING ETETNLE, 1808 Farnam Bt TYPE WRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for 81. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 811 S. 18th tit All makes for sale ur rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a typa writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa 12x4. VAlliLM (.LEAN felt. VACUUM cleaner, all make and v prices. E. B. Williams, 808 & 18th St VACUUM cleaners, all standard makes; lowest prices; machine rented. J. I. PURCL'PILE. Doug la 2360. 1906 Far nam St. WASHING MACHINES. T7 ASHING machlnea, all makes and " price. B, B. Williams, 808 B. 18th Bt WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. xn. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcementa Pong. Ptg. Co, WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-8 8. Uth Bt Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor bouse. fc N. lath. Douglas uot. MEDICAli PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. K. Tarry cures plies, fistula and ther Tectal disease without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrhe for book oq rectal disease with testimonials, DA, E. R. TARRY, 240 Be Bids. FOR RENT Famished Rooma. ROOMS for two students. 2125 Douglas. THE MILLER HOUSE. 2152 8t Mary' Ave., excellent rooma by day or week; In fin location: handy to business dis trict. Douglas 4502. MODERN, newly furnlahed rooms, first and second floor. 1018 N. 21st, South Omaha. Phone South 8725. NICELY furnished room; clo In; all modern. 531 8. 22d St NICELY furnished room; cloa in; all modern. 531 S. 22d Bt CAPITOL AVE., 1812 Steam heated rooms with lavatories!, suitable for two. Fur. room and bath. 303 Leavenworth. NICE, large room In private family, block from North 24th car; nurs or clerk pre ferred. Web. 4217 MASON, 2915 Two modern rooms. n suit, furnished complete. Harney 4148. SUITE OF NICE ROOMS. In privets.1 congenial family; not far from car. tit N. lth Web. 843. LA ROE, modern room, newly furnlahed. 118 North 26th St. Harney 8195. NEWLY furnlahed rm. near town. D. 8220. PLEASANT, modern furnlahed room. close in; quiet home. Doug. 7SI9. ONE room for I m t. and ou for I persona, large and airy. With or with out board. Private family. Douglaa lfilO. ROOM In private family, good location. 2.1. u Pot lucitiii Ave. iier s. PARK AVE. 1U0 Private family; baa at tractively furnished room; best accom modations; bom privileges; two-tulauta car service. H 8'13 Mol'EKN, newly furnished rooma, first and aeo nd floor. 1018 N. 21st, South Omaha. Phone South 3736, 2214 DOUGLAS New. y furnished room. Furnace heat Close In. Red &S61. WANTED Two roomers in privets fam ily; walking distance. Tyler 22NJ-. ONE l iie lint room, all modem, walk lng d s'snce. 606 8. 25th Ave. Doug. 411 GRAYSTONE H0TEL7"23 Cass; every iticderti convenience; rates reasonable. Ilsuiirkrfiras Hooma. Wn DA VENPORT TWO OR THREB NICELY FURNISHED HKPO. ROOMd. VFW rftICK FI AT. 2 or 8 nice rnai., houackeeping 111 fl. 11th. 1 VIASuN-one room for two geutle nien: use of den. H. 76u2. HeHat-a aud t til lag. North. (-ROOM houae on I lot near Krug Park. Ideal pluce to ralae chicken. Special Inducement to desirable tenant T. Batch- ford. Hed 7t"3o. ilOVEN rooma and bath, all modern. St 4 Manderaon t;t. Phone W. 8J16. FOR RENT Keautlf ul modjrn real dene. T room and bath, rut wataf heat. Larue guraae; at &) Florence Blvd. Pnone Colfax 3980. 8-ro-im, all modern. 1x17 Ithrop. 22 60. WALKING distance, l&ig Dodse, s-rooin. modern. frS. key, 240; call Web. 4;, t-H Mill'KKN Iiiiuim.. So Weh. 2o7. 271S Ohio bt.. 7 rooms. 617. lKiug ELEGANT 6-rooin ruttage modern -CPt neat. Apply 3J10 Hamilton St 8-HOOM houae, with acr. s of fruit; 2 blocks from car line; furnished and unfurnished. Call Walnut 8. Kent Reduced Nice 8-room house, modern except heat' storm wind, ws, arranged fur two fajnl lies if so lit. tied; rent t tin Corby bt Tel. Web. (CONTINUED ON PAQE SEVEN, COLUMN ONE.Jt 4