.. C- niE OMAnA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 31, 1915. 9 A .9 MEXICAN SOLDIERS ATTACKJJ. S. CAMP Twenty Infantrymen Charged by Gang of Outlawi Open Fire on .Them from Trenches. CAERANZA MEN KILL FIFTEEN BROWN8V1LLH, Tex., Oct 10. A new attack by Mexican bandits on a patrol camp of United States sol diers and the reported killing of fif teen bandits in a battle with Car ranta soldiers, acting under orders of first chief Veniustlano Carrsnsa to clear the border of outlaws, were developments today In the border situation. Details of the reported fight on Mexi can soil, which was said to have occurred fifty-five miles weat of Matamoros. still mere lacking tonight, but color was added to the story by the dispatch of 150 soldiers up the Rio Grande by General Eugenlo Lopet, commander of the gar- rieon at Matamoroi. It was understood they were to aid In prosecuting the search for outlaws who have been harrying the Texas border counties by incursions from their hiding places across the Rio Grande. First reports of the fight between the bandits and the Mexican soldiers cams from Reynoea, which repeatedly has been a souros of reliable news concerning bandit activities The Mexican bandits who attacked a patrol of twenty United States infantry men at Capots ranch early today charged the camp from three directions. The sol diers were In trenches and opened fire on the Mexicans at fifty yards. The fir ing continued for perhaps ten minutes, when the Mexicans retreated in the di rection of the Rio Grande, three miles away, and escaped. The infantry were parts of Companies E and H, Twenty-eighth regiment, la command of Lieutenant M. R, Walner. "No Safety for Americana." DOUGLAS, Arts., Oct. SO.-At least fifty and perhaps 100 Americana still In that part of the state of Sonora controlled by Villa partisans were placed In grave dan ger today by the posting at Cananea of printed copies of ths protest which Carlos Randall, acting Villa governor, sent to the State department at Wshlngton. This protest declared that unless per mission given General Carrsnsa to trans port troops over American territory to Agua Prieta was Immediately . revoked "there would be no safety for American citizen tn Sonora, muck less for their property.' At Cananea alone American mining In terests have property valued at millions of dollars. The document posted there was signed by J. M. Acosta, a Yaqul chief, In ths form of a notice to ths Cananea prefect that the governor had seat a protest to Washington. Seven Americans already are In the hands of Villa troops, according to In formation available tonight. James Carr, sr.; James Carr, Jr.; Lawrence Carr and William Do ran are held at Esqueda, and three linemen employed on the Eltlgre power line, Archie . McDonald and two others named Neleon and Greene, are prisoners at Fronteraa, It was at first believed that tMsse man were kept from coming to the border to prevent Information leaking out of ths movement of Villa troops, bus. friends showed much anxiety after learning of the Randall threat. Reprrsentatloae to CsrraaM. Representations have been made to gen eral Carranxa by the United States ask ing for positive orders to military authori ties in ths vicinity of Matamoros to pur sue and arrest Mexicans raiding la Ameri can territory, it la understood that each orders have already been Issued. The Bute department received today the protest of Acting Governor Randall of the Villa government In Sonora. against the transportation of Carransa troops through American territory en route to Agua Prieta. There will be no response to Randall, but as ths -communication la understood to have conveyed ths Informa tion that General Villa as a oonseQuence of the movement of troops lluough, Amer ican territory would not hold him self re sponsible for the protection of Americans, the consul at Nogales probably, will be Instructed to Inform Villa official that the recognition of the de facto govern ment will not relieve them of personal , responsibility for Injury to oltlsens of the United States. No Interference in Affairs of China WASHINGTON, Oct SO.-The United States has declined to express any opin ion as to whether It approves the pro posed changs In China from a republlo to a monarchy. It became known today that some of the Interested powers In seeking to sound the Washington government Informally had learned that ths latter would talcs no step that might be construed as an Interference in the Internal concerns of another sovereign state. Interest In the fsr eastern situation, which has for months been overshadowed by the controversy of ths European war, was revtved In official quarters by a dis patch announcing ths resignation of ths Chinese premier, Hsu-Shlh-Chang. This development was regarded as significant because a few weeks ago ths premier made a public statement aaying that as a former official of the Manchu dynasty hs would not serve under another em peror. Supreme Chancellor Young Visits Omaha For ths second time that such an event has occurred In ths history of Nebraska lodge No. 1. Knights of Pythias, that or ganisation received a visit last svenlng from the supreme chancellor In the per son of B, & Toung of Ada, O., and In diana poll., ind. Mr. Young Is on a trip across the continent In which hs will vUlt every state in ths union. Thursday night he was entertained by the Knights of Pythias of Hastings and Wednesday night at Lincoln. A big crowd gathered at ths lodge rooms last nirbt and for two hours were entertained by their visitor's Interesting good fellowship talk. Besides Supreme Chancellor Young, Grand Chancellor Oeorge W. Meredith of Ashland spoke, as did severs 1 othera A banquet fol lowed. '-onnntli. TrrmlMtril. CALCUTTA (Via London). Oct. SO.-The Indian government &nrwiii ik. tnallon of Ihe occupation of Huslnre, Per sia, the Perelan government bavin taken steps to Insure order and the security of Witiah interests. NOTED PYTHIANS VISIT OMAHA Nebraska Lodjje No. 1, Knights of Pythias, enter tained the Supreme Chancellor of the World, Hon. Bri. 8. Young of Ada, 0., on Friday. In the group are some notable Pythian s. Top row, from left to right: James 0. Dahlman, W. W. Young, P. O. 0.; A. A. Taylor, 0. 0.; Lower row: John II. Bexten, P. O. C; Brig. S. Young, S. C. Mrs. B. S. Young, Dr. 0. W. Meredith, 0. 0. cs lift (r f f .-S 'i' MRS. AUSTIN NIBLACK. f.V - I I I A J i CHURCH SHOULD BRINGYOUTH IN Greatest Need of Present Day is to Draw Young People. Into the Ranks. PRISON METHODS ARE DISCUSSED "The chasm between the church and the young people of today Is the result of the old belief that piety and pleasure cannot be compatible," re- Paul at a mass meeting of the Epis copal synod held at Gardner Memo rial hall last night. Rev. Mr. Schaad was Introduced by Bishop Beecher and spoke on "Community Service and Parish House Problems." "It is my belief," he continued, "that the church should be a community cen ter, particularly for ths social and recre ational life of the young people. Legiti mate pleasures and pastimes should not only be sanctioned by the church, but promoted as well. Tina fop ReereaHoa. It la the leisure hours, not the work ing hours, of the young people that are more Important to the state and church. The time In their lives between school dsys and that period when they estab lish homes of their own Is when - the church should see that recreation la wholesome and good. The forces of evil are ever alert when the whistle blows to lay off work, and the church should be more so and see that youths and maids go where pleasure Is of the right sort. The community center part of the church. Is ths answer. . Keep them in their own community, .for when people stray Into other communities than their own they lose that sense of responsibil ity that Is the guiding mark. This, not withstanding the fact that the foreign community may be Just as wholesome as their own. "The church must make it as easy to go In ths straight path as It Is In the crooked one, and can do so by more at tention to the recreational form of com munity service." Rev. Mr. Schaad asserted the winning of the youth to the church was a need that should be given more earnest at tention and went on to show how ths church had been farming out its com munity service to associations and or ganisations for this purpose who got the credit, while la reality It Is ths church money and help that made these Insti tutions posstbls. The direct work of community service, social, dvto and edu cational, by the church was his plan. Work a aad Oat of PrUoa. Rev. r. L. Palmer of Stillwater, Minn., gave a very Interesting talk on modern methods employed In the handling of criminals in the big Institution In that city and was followed by Deacon H. F. Pare hall of the diocese of Duluth, who spoke of the work being done with the offender after his release from prison. The mass meeting was well attended by laymen, as well as members of the clergy, and all the talks were received with much enthusiasm. Ths closing ses sion or the synod will be held this after noon at 1 o'clock In ths crypt of Trinity cathedral. Mtseellaaeaas. . The Associated Bible Students meet la Lyrlo building. Nineteenth and Farnam. 3 pm. Dr. C. W. Farwell will lecture: topic, "After the War WhatT" The pub lic Invited. Seats free and no collections. Union Gospel Mission, 1306 Douglas, A. M. Perry. H iperlntendent; D. E. Cleve land, Husiness Manager Services every nitcht as usual; special service Saturday nights by the Gideons. Sunday school I p. m. Everybody welcome. National Fontenelle Spiritualist, Uli Cuming Mrs. Ella Gardiner. Message Bearer Service Sunday and Thursday evenings. S:16. Peoples 515 North Eighteenth. Rev. Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Morning, sermon to converts. Evening. "Is the ttm,?.H a 8chol Board Really Going to WSun?ay school, noon. Oosuel meet inn. Thursday evening oF,,J"tDRe,forme,d- Twenty-third and Deer Park Boulevard. John K. Hawk Sunday school. :45. The special Sunday school rally and "Stay for Church Dav, will be observed M irnlng worship at 11; aermon by Rev. J. r. Hornina of St. Joseph. Re ception of members and holy communion. Christian Endeavor at T p m. Kvenlns worship at : sermon by Rev. J. c. Hor ning. A cordial Invitation is extended to members and friends. Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth and Ohio Sunday school normal class, t. Sun day school. ;45; preaching, 11. Religlo service. :; preaching by Elder H. 8. Lytle. Ath the Moose hall. South Omaha. Sunday school 11; preaching at I by Elder James Huff. Independent. Rev. Dr. T. Wllklns; sub ject. "Possibilities of the Human Soul; T, "DemonHtrations In Divine Healing and Paychometry. assembly haH. City Na tional bank building. Sixteenth and Har-n-v. United Brethren Nineteenth and Loth rop, W. O. Jones. Minister Morning service. 11: retention of new members: baptism of new members; communion. ! Kvenlng I f'; evanEelistlK service. Ser mon I'v the pastor. Bible school, 10; Chris tian Kndesvor. 6:30 p. m. Midweek serv ice. Wediwfcdxy, 7:30. ' TOPICS FOR ADAY OF REST Serrioei Will Be Resumed in All Protestant Churches After a Lapse of Seven Weeks. WILL GREET THE TRAIL HITTERS Services In all Protestant churches In Omaha will be resumed Sunday morning after a lapse of seven weeks. Ths major ity of ths churches remained closed dur ing the "Billy" Sunday campaign. Ths churches are making extra efforts to ac commodate the Increased attendance which la expected to be a result of the revival. Plans ar also being mads ' to take into membership In ths church the "trail-hitters" who signed cards at the Tabernacle. The second annual union reformation festival will be celebrated Sundav to Tuesday, Inclusive, by Immanuel aad Zlon Lutheran churches. Sunday Is given to reformation services, Monday svenlng to ehuroh family gathering! at Immanuel and Zlon. and on Tuesday evenlna bath churches will unite In Immanuel church ror the main festivity of the series. Ad dresses will then be given by Rav. T. A. Under. Omaha, and Rev. JossDh A.Aa. dsrson. Boxholm, la., secretary of the uguatana synod. The Lutheran Refor mation chorus will sing. The monthly musical at the Kountse Memorial Lutheran church next Sunday Svenlng Will nmnwus at 1 IX. wt.h an organ recital . by the organist, Mrs. F. B. cwyumn.. mumi Moore and Mrs. Melcher will sing "CruoUU." by Faure. The Congregational church will hold a special "Ingathering servloe" for converts November 7. A large number are expect ing to come Into ths church and a large proportion of ths congregation have re consecrated themselves during the Sunday campaign. Baptist. First. Park -Avenue and Harney. H. O. tTo in- hMllutr-MornlnSi preaohlng fragments." Evening, 7:80, sermon sub ject, "The BUgmaa" The ordinance of baptism wlll.be administered at both morning and evening services. Sunday school will assemble at noon. Young Peo- r " " iVA m m- "Pedal serv ices will be held every night during the week except Friday and Saturday. Dr. Earl of Dea Moines will nrurh A rw.i.i choir led by Ralph Sunderland will lead mo suiKina. Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnknsy streets. Arthur J. Morris. Pastor-Morn-I"?, worship at 10:30; subject selected. Bible school at noon. Charles W. Hlmnn. superintendent; this service wtlt be of spe cial interest to the school and every member of the school is urged to be pres ent Young people's meeting at :. Eve- iuiis wurmp ai i. mi. in ordinance or baptism will be administered at the close of the service. All who signed cards fer Immanuel are urged to be present at the services on Sunday. Services will bo held in the chureh on wedneadsjr and Thurs day evenings of next week at 7:. Grace. Tenth and Arbor. B. B. Tart. Pastor Men's prayer meeting. ;; Sun day school, 10; morning worship, 11; sub ject "The Ever Burning Altar Fire." Baptist Young People's union at :iS. Evening eervlcs. T:; subject "Ths Dream of Youth.' the first in series on ths "Life of Joseph." Bring your Taber nacle songbooks both morning and eve ning. Mission Sunday school at t, JDie South Fourth. Calvary. Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, 3. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning, "Our First Lesson in ths School of Christ" Evening, "A Sure Cure for Doubt" Bible school at noon. O. W. Nobis, superintendent Young People's meeting at :. led by M. C. Rush; prayer and confession meeting on Wednesday evening, subject, "Running ths Race,'' . Olivet, Thirty-eighth and Grand Ave nue, William A. Mulford. Pastor Morn ing, IL subject "Ths Splrtt-Fllled Church," Object lesson for children. Eve ning, (; evangelistic sermon, followed by baptismal servloe. Young people's choir, Sunday school, at 10; K. H. Palmqulst, superintendent' Young People's union, 7: prayer and praise servloe, Monday and Wednesday evenings. 1 Ckrlstlaa. First, Twenty-sixth and Harney, Charles B. Cobbey, Pastor Morning service, 11, "Why the Evil Spirit Returned." Evening servloe, 7:80. Rev. Tr.rmas K. CrambleC president Bethany College, Bethany, Pa, will occupy the pulnlL Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. S14. Bible school. . 48. North. Side, Twenty-second and Lothrop, George L. Peters, Pastor Bible school, 30; morning service, 10:46; theme "Lov ing tike Church." Evening servloe, 7 SO: theme, "What Mast I Do to Be KavedT'1 Intermedlat Endeavor, S; senior En deavor, e.la. ( nrlatlaa leltsse. First Church of Christ. Scientist. St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street Services, 11 a. m. and S P. to.; subject "Everlasting ' Punishment;" Sunday school (two sessions), :46 aad 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening meeting, S o'clock. Second Church of Christ,' Scientist. Dundee flail. Underwood Avenue and Jlftleth Street Services. 11 a. ro. : sub ject. "Everlasting Punishment; - Sunday school, 46 a. ny ; Wednesday, evening meeting. o'clock.,, CeagreaattoaaL Pry mouth, - Eighteenth and Emmet Streets. P. W. Leavltt Minister Morn ing service at 10:30; sermon on "The Trial;" ' reception of members) Bible school with adult classes, LJ o'clock; even ing, 7:38, evangelistic meeting. Tabernacle songs, sermon by the pastor, "The Ap peal; John Norborg will give his story. Converts' meeting. Wednesday, 8 p. m. St Mary's Avenue. St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh Street Oustavus A. Hulbert Pastor Morning service. 10:80, muale by the Kelly choir; Sundsy school, 13 o'clock, with kindergarten, pastor In charge of services; Rev. Wlllard Soott, D. D., first pastor of the church; will preach: midweek services Wednesdsy evening at V4 o'clock. Certral Park. Corner Forty-second snd Saratoga streets. J. R. lleaid. Pastor tumlsy school, 10 s. m.; morning wor ship, 11 o'clock; Christian Endeavor. ( SO p. m.; evening worship, " SO o'clock. A special welcome for strangers. Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio Streets. W. S. Hampton, Pastor Morning services, 11 o'clock, communion and reception of members; evening service. 7:30 o'clock, sermon by the pastor; Sundsy school. 10 a. m.. L. Stegner. superintendent; Senior Endeavor, 1:30 p. m.; Intermediate En deavor, 4 p. m.; Junior Knileavor, S p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesdsy, S p. m. First. Corner of Nineteenth and Daven port streets. Frederick T. Hnuee. P... tor: Ienton FX Cleveland. Assistant 1 10:80 a. m. home coming service. "And Yet There Is Room;" 12 m.. Rally day In me nunnay scnooi; organisation or men s Bible clsss, all young men Invited; 4 p. m boys and girls and young peo ple's rally for the organisation of a new Young People's society: 7:30 p. m.. opening of a new downtown Sunday evening gospel service. Young People's chorus, with Tabernacle songs. Episcopal. Church of 8t Philip ths Deacon, Twenty-first near Paul Holy communion, 7:80 a. m.; ma Una, 8:30; holy communion (choral), and sermon by Bishop Par tridge, 11 a. m. ; no evening service. St Andrew's, Corner of Forty-first snd Charles. J. F. Lock hart, Rector Holy communion, 8 a. m. : Sunday school, 8:46 a. m,; morning service, 11 a. m.. Rev. Paul Roberta of South Dakota will preach; no evening service. Methodist. Pearl Memorial, Twsnty-fvurth and Larlmore. Karl E. Bower, Minister Sun day school, 8:41 a. m., J. W. Maynard. superintendent: morning worahtp, 11 o'clock, reception of members by letter and on probation; Eoworth league, 4 30 P. m.. speolal service, all young people welcome; evening service, 7:30, reoeotlon of members; prayer and fellowship hour. Wednesday. 7:80 p. m.; official board will meet Wednesday evening after fellowship hour. Jennings' Memorial. Fifty-first snd Hickory eft reels Morning: Sunday school at 10 o olock; preaching by John Dale at 11 o'clock; reception of members. Even ing: Oeneral gospel meeting at 7:80. Special services will be held by ths dis trict superintendent Tuesday, Wednes dsy, Thursday aad Friday evenings at s o'clock. , Swedish. Nineteenth and Burt Streets. Ousts v Brickson, Pastor 10 a m., Sun day school: 11 a m., preaching service? subjoot, "Fellowship and Her vice;" 6:30 a. m.. Eoworth league service; 7:80 D. m., preaching service, subject, "Fidelity and Reward. Trail hitters welcome. New members received during the day. Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles Streets. Oliver M. Keve, Minister Preaching servicee, 10:80 and 7:80; Sun day school, IS sa.i Epworth league, t.M u. na. Trinity, Twenty-first and Blnney Streets. Rev. John F. Poucher, Pastor The morning service will be the first con ducted by the recently appointed pastor. Ths occasion will be used for the recep tion of members. In ths evening ths subject will be "The Eternal Refuge." First. Twentieth and Davenport. Titus Lowe, Minister S:80 a, m., Sunday school; T. F. Kturgesa, superintendent: classes for all ages. 11 o'clock, merning wor ship, "After the Campaign. WhatT" 4:80 p. m., Epworth league, fine meeting for all young people; 7:80 p. m., evangelist service with Tabernacle hymns; sermon on "Gods Universal Claim." At both morning and evening services opportu nity will be given to unite with ths church.. The children's nursery will be open as usual. Oak Street South Twentieth and Oak Streets Sunday school. 8 46 a tn. ; ser mon by the pastor, 11 a, m. and S p. m. Epworth league, 1 p. m. Mew members will be received Into church fellowship at both morning and svenlng services. Hanscom Park. Rev. E. D. Hull. Pas torServices. 11 a. m., wltb reception of members, and at 7.SJ p. m. ; chorus choir, Walter B. Graham, d'reotorj Sun day school, 8:45 a. m.. B. A. Wilcox, superintendent; Epworth league. 4:40 p. m. ; midweek servloe, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Hirst, Thirty-fourth and Larlmore. Thomas Blthell, Paster Sabbath school, 10 a. m. i morning service, 11 o'clock; Epworth league, 4:30 p. m.i evening serv ice. 7:80 o'clock. . Diets Memorial, Tenth and Pleros Streets. C, N. Dawson, Pastor Sunday services: Sunday school, 8:46 a, m.. Dr. i. L. Prans, superintendent; preaching, U a. m-. "Advioe to Converts;" Ep worth league, S:80 p. m R. II. Cheno with, leader; preaching, 7:80 p. nr. "Evl denoes of Regeneration;" prayer meet ing Wednesday, 8 p. m.; baptism and reception of members at morning and svenlng services. MoCabs, Fortieth and Farnam Streets. W. H. Underwood, Pastor Morning servloe at II o'clock, subject, "Safe in Our Father's Hand;" evening hour. 7:30 o'clock, "Do All tn the Name of the Lord Jesus;" Sunday school, 8:46 a. m., Mrs. Oeorge Entrlkln. superintendent Other services: Bible clsss at 8:46 a. m., John Lewis, teacher; Epworth league at 4:30 p. m., Mrs. Ethel Thorpe, president Converts from the Sundsy meetings will be received at all services. A reception for new members will be held at the parsonage, 4334 Farnam, on Tuesday even ing, November I. Latberaa. Augustan a. Fifty-eighth and Reed. Ben son, U. O. . BUomuulst. Pastor Sunday school. 8:45 a- m.; offering service, S p. m.; Luther league at home of Charles Adam son one week from Tuesday. Ebeneser, Twenty-fifth Btreet and Ames Avenue. C. U. Rloomqulat, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a m. ; morning service at 11, reformation sermon, theme, "That Which Is Hid Shall Be Made Manifest," text Mark Iv n-at. Kountse Memorial, Farnam Street and Twenty-sixth Avenue, Oliver D Baltsly, Hi. D.. D. D.. Pastor; C. Franklin Koch, Associate I'astor Morning worship at 11, "The Oreat Reformation evening wor ship at . "Only the Shell of Religion," monthly musical with organ recital, be ginning at 7:46 p. m ; Sunday school. 8:46 a. m., Oscar P. Goodman, superinten dent: Luther league, 7 p. m.; Branch Sunday school. 8 p. m., Druid hall. Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue, associate pastor tn charge. Zlon, Thirty-sixth Street and Lafayette Avenue, A. T, Lorlmer, Pastor Hunday school, 6:46 a. m.; service, 11 a. m.; re formation aong service, 4 p. m , seven numbers will be rendered by the choir and individual members: reformation ad dress by Rev. P. M. Indberg. Monday evening, reformation social; principal ad dress by Rsy. O. O. Berg, Funk. Neb.; the choir will participate with several numbers. Tuesday evening. Joint re formation festival, together with Imman uel church at the Immanuel church. Nineteenth and Csss; the Zlon and Immanuel choirs will take part in the Miss Helen Cudahy Wedded in Chicago Home Saturday Of great Interest to Omaha society Is the wedding of Miss Helen Cudahy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cudahy of Chicago, but formerly of j Omaha, and Austin Nlblark, sen of Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Nlblark of Lake Forest. Ths Cudahy family formerly lived in Omaha. Two hundred guests witnessed the oar smony, which was performed at 4 o'clock yesterday , at the residence, SS Banks street. Rev. Father Fltaslmmons of Holy Nams cathedral officiating. A large re ception followed the ceremony. Mrs. Frank Wllhelm, sister of ths bride, was matron of honor. Her hus band. "Yank Wllhelm, Is ths son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm of Omaha Miss Frances Nash, daughter of Mis. E, W. Nash of this city snd a life-long friend of ths bride, was maid of honor. Aldan Swift of St Joseph, whose wife is a sister of Mr. Nlblaok, served ss best man. Mrs. James Ward Thorns Is an other sister of ths groom. Another Omahan present at ths wed ding was Mr. Robert Buma After the ceremony ths young couple departed for Virginia and Hot Springs and later will attend ths Yale-Harvard foot ball gams before returning home. program; two addresses, one by Rev. F. O. Llnder and one by Rev. Joseph An derson, Boxholm. Is. Friday evening ths Men a society will meet at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson. J00S North Thirty-fifth street; subject for discussion will be "Oustavus Adolphus;" Introduced by Mr. P. A. Kdauist. Our Sa viol's (Danish), Twenty-second and lyeavenworth, P. B. Ammentoy, Pas torSunday school, 6:80 a. m.; services, 10:86 am.; evening, young people's meet ing: Thursdsy, young people's meeting; Friday, Bible class, i p. m. St Mark's (English), Twentieth end Burdette. L. Oroh. Pastor 11 a. m., "The Great Reformation;" Sunday school, 8:46 a. m. ; 8:80 p. m., pastor preaches at immanuel hospital; s na meeting new ones. Grace (English). IK Rotitn Twenty sixth. C. N. Swthart, Minister II a. m., "Man's Refuge;" 6 p. m., "The Oreat Re formation:" Sunday school. 10 a. m , J. P. Smith, suoerlntendenti Luthsr league. 7:16 p. m. , song servloe. West Leaven worth and Forty-eighth Street Sunday school In ths hall, 8 t. m. Confirmation classes: Thursday, urn ana I p. m. trrv dey. 4 p. m. St Paul's, Twenty-fifth and Bvana, E. T. Otto. Pastor Sarvieea i Morning at 10, Reformation day sermon: evening at 7:80, subject. "FTulte or tns Reforma tion:" Hundav school. 11:80 a. m.. new scholars can enter classes at any time; confirmation class on Tuesdays at i:o p. m. In school, enrollment still open; men's class on Thursdays at S P. m. In pastor's study; ladles' class on Mondays at 7:80 p. m. ; choir on Fridays at 8 p, m. Immanuel, Nineteenth and Cass, Adolf Hult, Pastor Morning service a Re formation service, 10 a. ma Sunday school, 11:45 a. m.; erenaong, I p. m. three-day Reformation festival begins Sunday, October 1; Immanuel Ladles so ciety. Wednesday, at C J. Samite laon, 111 South Thirtieth. Presbytertam. Dundee, Flftisth and Underwood Av enue, Rav. Harry B. Foster, Pastor Sabbath school, 1:46 a m. Preaching ser vices, u a. m. and 7:3s p. m. Christian Endeavor. 6:80 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, I o'donx. The ses sion will convene at 10:80 Habhath morn ing to meet with any desiring to unite with ths church, either by confession or by ehuroh letter, also at ths close of ths Wsdnesdsy evening prayer meeting. Pub lic reception of new members and bap tism at the morning service. Third. Twentieth and Lesvenworth. Rev. Robert Kerr, Pastor Sunday school, with men's Brble class. 6:80 a. m. Public worship and sermon by pastor, 10:46 a. m. ; topic, "God's Requisition Upon Christiana of Today." Christian Bndeavor prayer meeting, 6.80 P. m. Evening woi shlD and sermon by the pastor, 7:46 p. m. ; tonic "The Fulnesa of ths Oosoe pel. " nes slon will convene at the close of each service to receive new members. First United, Twenty-first and Emmet A. C. Douglass, pastor- flei men for new converts. 10.80 a. m. ; topic, "How to Suc ceed In the Christian lifa" Evening ser mon, 7:80; topio, "The Convenient Time." Bible school, with clssses for all aces, 13 m. Young People's Christian union, 6:80 p. m. Midweek meeting for prayer and conference, Wednesday evening, 1:80. Church of the Covenant Twenty-seventh and Pratt. Oharlas H. Flemlns. Pas tor Morning worship, 10:80; topic, "A I Remarkable Illustration." Bible school at noon. Endeavor at 45 p. m. Evening worship, 7:80; topic. "Why Hs Hit the Trail." Ooapel services every night next week, except Monday, at I p. m. The most remarkable of the trail hitting experiences will be given by the trail hit ters themselves. Falrvlew, Fortieth Avenue and Pratt, Charlea H. Fleming, Pastor Bible school, t p. m. Afternoon worship, 8; topic, "The Master's Bounty." The Lord's supper, reception of members, etc., st this ser vice. Parkvale, Sixteenth snd Oold, R, W. Taylor, Pastor Rally day exercises by Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11: subject. "The Heart Right." Young People's meeting, 7 p. m. Evening presch Ing. 7:4ft p. m.i subject, "The Sunday School Movement." Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Orant. B. R. Von der Llppe. Paator Regular ser vices resumed. Sunday school, js a m. New members will be puhHcty received st 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor society, 6:80 Fi. m. Preaching by ths paator, 7:30 p. m.; opto, "The Iay of Oreoe." Midweek ser vice Wednesday svenlng at S o'clock. Cajrtellar Street Sixteenth and Castel tar. Rev. C. C. Meek. Pastor Morning service. 11 a. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Batath school. 6:46 a. m. Junior Christian F)ndeavor. 3 30 p. m. Intermediate Chrla tlsn Endeavor, 6.80 p. m. Senior Chris tian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Central United, Twenty-fourth and Dodse, Hugh B. Speer, Pastor Momlng worship with sermon by pastor. 16 80; subject. "More Than Conquerors Through Him That Doves Us." Sabbath school, with classes for alt sges, II m. Young People's meeting of thanksgiving, prayer and testimony. 6:80 n. m.: Miss Margaret Solomon, leader. Evening worship, T SO j Of great interest to Omaha society Is B J the wedding of Miss Helen Cudahy, 9 1rj f " ' 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bdward A. B t jr B B I ' ' ' Miss Cudahy, who Is a most beautiful young woman of the TUtan-halred type, has been unusually popular in society since her debut Her Interest, in philan thropic affairs has been distinctive. Last year Miss Cudshy was president of ths Junior laagus and directed a number of affairs given tor Chicago charities. '. J', m.. with sermon by the paator: sub set "Salvation." Cau ths Lord depend on you 7 First, Young Men's Christian Associa tion Momlng service, 10:30. Sunday school st noon. Wednesdsy, 7:30, p. pi., those who wish to unite with the church the following Sundsy are requested to meet with the church members socially, also a short preparatory lecture will be given. Communion and reception of new mem bers will be the following Sunday. Chris tian Endeavor meeting will be held st Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks', Sunday at 6:80 p. m. l?ss Ths Bee's "Swapper" column. ' It's Here! t I ar- VjT7E TAKE pleasure in announc inf our. appointment by the Aeolian Co. ai exclusive representa tives and distributors for Nebraska and) Western Iowa of )t gfoUan ."Tocalion -turn mtmrrnn thatcaia seat a Minos sssonss gaoM vova aacoane- A Complete Line of Models ire now on display and sale at our warerooms Talking" Machine Dept. on main floor. In spite of ita Finer Musical Quality and many advantages, the Aeolian . Vocation costs practically the same as any other phonograph. You arc cor dially invited to inspect it. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co, 1311-13 Farnam Street TTa offer a geddeoly lotcreitliig proposition t BcllaaU Dealers lovaiag lor a Good Ageacy. MAN SLAYS WIFE,, FOUR RELATIVES' - Defendant in Divorce Suit Tarns Gun on Ilimself After Killing: ' Five Members of Family. BABY DAUGHTER AM0KQ VICTIMS BOISE, Ida.', .Oct. 30. William. Cameron, mr.ll rrrler . between Plcabo and Cftroy, Ida., shot and killed ulfl wlfo'n parents, Mr., and Mrs. John Adnison; his brothrr-ln-law, Junius : Adamaorj, his . little daughter, sped IS months, and his wlfo. and finished his work by shoot ing himself In the head at Carey to night. Catnron wns still alive at last reports, hul there wore no hopes for his recovery. AH of his victims were shot in the head, and. with the exception of, Jsmea Adamaon, all died Instantly. ' ;" ' ' ' 1 ' Csn.rron. whore wife was suing him for a dhorie.'cumo to the Adamaon home In search of her. He entered the kitchen door wKh s revolver In his hsnd. Adam son, sr.. who had the baby girl In his arms. Blurted to dldarm htm and was shct in the head and Instantly killed. ( aineron then pursued the others and Khot them all down with the eiceptton of Adumaon'a unmarried daughter, KJIth, snd Cameron's three other children, who escaped. Shoots Self' Reside Wife's Body. ' The body of Mrs. Cameron was found shortly before midnight In sn outhouse. Phe. like Csmemn's other victims, hsd been shot through the head and Instantly killed. Beside her lay Cameron, himself. wlih a bullet In the head and probably fatally wounded. Ths three elder chil dren of the Camerons snd Edith Adara snn, all of whom fled with Mrs. Cameron when the shooting began, were fojiiid un injured. Cameron was recently srrested for an ssesult on his wife snd given a Jail sen tence. Throush the Influence of friends he was released In a shorttlme and had bran brooding over his domestlo troubles Since, ' , Young Phil Armour J At Work in Yards CHICAGO, Oct, kX-Phllllp D. Armour, III. todsy began his .work at tha Union Stock yarrfe,' where he is to learn the business, "from the ground up," with a view to some day becoming ths bead of ths big packing' plant which his grand father founded. He was shown ' no favors snd had to he "on the Job" like any other employe at the packing house. Young Armour's training is In pursuance of the custom . established by P. . 0. Armour, I. of making ths future head of the business find out all about . It from the Inside, DENIES REPORT-KAISER HAS v MILLION IN BANK OF ENGLAND AMSTERDAM (Via London), Oct. 30. The North German, d alette, tha official organ of the German government, a copy of which has been received here, i denies a report In circulation that Emperor WI1- llam has a private credit of H.000.60Q In ths Bank of England. i it s4Sbb8bb1Bbs 'Lb J