Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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1 i
S 5
Council BMfs
Minor Mention
0nmU Brafa tym o
rka Be la at 1
lvla. Drugs.
Vlctrola. A. Hoape Co.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. UB.
Uegant dress cvrlta. ITS. Martin Petersen.
Gardner Press, printing. SOI First Av.
UvU Cutler, funeral director. Ftaon Z7.
Fllmi developed free with an order for
prints. Frlcke lrug Co.
AM) FlXTLIlKH. Phone .
For wall psper, decorating nd paint
Ins, see Berwick Ill South Main.
ir. If. A. Woodbury. denlet, moved to
8a pp block. I'hona Black inS.
Mutual Bldg. and lan Assn. 1M PearL
Furnltur and chattel loan. 4 usual
ratea. EiUb. IS years. A. A. Clark Co.
Bend ia your old hat. We can clean
dye and block them the latest style.
Owki Cleaning Works. JS4 Broadway.
I'hons 171.
Pelatlves of Arthur A. Blankman have
appenJed to the police department to
lei In locating him. He left home two
weeks aao unci no trace ot him naa been
found, lie la 20 years old.
This Is really the only favorable
weather we have had for outdoor paint
ing thla summer the bugs end gnats are
nearly all gone. Take adventaga of It
lt ua have your work. Y e co pleaaa
you. H. Borwkk, S. Main St.
But one marriage license was Issued
liere yesterday and none the previous
lay. The license wst taken by 'Walter
Bradley Pierce of Mllee City. Mont.,
and Ida lloim Terry of Council Bluffs
They gave lhi-lr ages as il and U. respec
tively. The city council held a meeting as
committee of the whole yeaterday and
devoted more than -half a day to
considering matteia that had Wn re
ferred at previous moetlnga of the coun
cil. The aldermen aient some time
going over aewer district No. S, for the
purpose of determining the basla of as
sessment of the costs. No decision waa
reached. The other matter were all of
routine character.
Frank Bedo. aged M. and his slater. IS
years old, en route from Kansas ui 11
Cory don. la., became stranded In Coun
rll lduffa vesteruav. They were penni
leea and hunary and with ho means In
aluht for coniinulng their Journey. They
wisely appealed to a friendly policeman
a tu. weiv qj.i-Kiy permuted to tell their
atory to Chief Vlen. Immediate and
temporary provision waa mane tor tneni
at the Creche until they could be sent on
their Journey.
Captain vTelford -of No. 1 flra atatlnn
ha act a new record. In the department
for real and truthful fish stories. Yes
terday waa his day off and he apent It
with rod and Una at Manawa. 'When he
returned In the evening he had Just
exactly fish. Tliey were baea, ringed
pike, eroppie and several big channel
rat. Klahlng at the lake la unusually
e-ood on account of the great Influx ot
fish from the river during the high
water last summer.
The funeral of HU' Tommy Green, 4-year-old
eon of 1 r. and M as, Thomas U.
Ureen, who lost hi Hie when he fell Into
the fountain basin In Fatrmount park,
will be helil thla afternoon at ' o'clock
at the residence, MX Clurk avenue. The
Service will be conducted by Itev. J. T.
one pastor of the First Congregational
rburch. little Jack Hughes, S-yeax-old
eon of Mr. and Mr. J. J. Hughes, hla
companion, who had wandered into the
park with him, la heart broken over tha
sucident. Tha little fellow la hailed aa a
reel hero. After trying In vain to get
the drowning boy from me water, ne ran
to tha home of the child a uncle, aeveral
blocks away, to aet heir. Only a baby
himself, be showed he had a wlae IttUe
bead and did all within hie power to save
Ma companion.
Mr. and Mra. George H. Jackaoa re
turned yesterday from Dea Moines after
attending the grand lodge moling of tha
Urder of the haaiern Mar. Other oftlO'ul
representatives of tha order, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Klllpack and Mra. II. J.
Mointoah, returned on a later train. They
report il to have been tha greatest meet
ing the order haa yet held In tho slate.
At the official reception Thursday night,
which concluued tha sessions of Ins grand
lodge, the officers stood 'or two hours
and fifteen minutes while a oonllnuoua
stream of members filed past them. There
of members filed past thtm. Tnere 1
ere mora than SUA) lodge menvwrn tn
the line. A grand ball waa one ot the
turea of the evening. , The order haal
on with phenomenal Vapidity la luet.t
Ut two years and areatest In tha lul I
year. ,
Christian Kohner, aged S3 year, died
at 4 o'olock yeaterday morning at the
family reetdenue, U4 Kast fierce street.
Mr. Kohnei wa born In Owltsvrland.
AlarcQ 14, i3J, but had ben ae resident of
America for many years, lie served as
soldier ta the civil war, a private In
Company I, Seventh regiment, Iowa cav-
tlry. lie was a retired farmer and for
he last twenty years had made hla home
with hi daushter, Mrs. C W. Dachller.
tie la survived by two sons, Jacob - of
ulUrtou. Neb., and William of Ban
croft, Neb., and three daughtera, Mra.
achtler, at whose home he dld:
Mrs. Bertie Astel of Klalr, Neb., and
rs. klary Rspp of this city, . The funeral
wlil be held Buuday afternoon at S o'clock
at tha reatdence on 10at Pierce. Hev. It.
U. Lorans alii conduct the eervlcee and
burial will take place at Kelrvtew ceme
tery. Rally Day Expected
To Bring in Many
A fin program haa been prepared for
rally &t.r at tha Epworth Uethodlst!
CBurcn tomorrow, it win be given by
th Bueday school. Th largest at
tendance In tha history of th school is
expected. Tb expectation la that more
than fcuu children will be present, brought
Into tha church by th activity of th
other children.' Following Is th pro
gram, beginning at t:IS a. to. I
t 4b Song servle.
10:00 Prayer. V. C. Copeland.
Claaaea study tha lesson.
lu ao Marching, tn of primary depart-
"Onward Chriatlan Soldiers.
brighten t!i Corner Where Tott A re."
Prayer, Kev. H. T. Davis.
Iuet, Mr. and Mra. Heardsley.' '"'
Muslo under direction ot Mrs. Craig
Johnson: Violin chorus, Wet Kn3
Juvenile orchestra; solo. Miss Edith
lAlmanaon; duet, Olen Iuggerand Matilda
How land;; aolo, Kay Udell; Mrs. C. U.
Hough, pianist.
KK. Mies Mab Hough.
tollo duel, t . A, Karger and lira, A.
1 trading. Miss Ruth Baautnont.
ixlo. A. C. Wilson.
I'.fmarks. Kev. 11. T. Davta.
lut, Mr. John Vatarova and Luetic
Jiadlng. Mlis Vera Williams.
Holo. Miss r'reda Kennedy.
Cloalng song, school.
Man Terrorizes the
Suburbs of Bluffs
Telephone call from frightened and In
dignant women residing on Madison ave
nue outside of tha city limits cauaed aev
eral deputy sheriff to make a apeedy
trip tnere In aa automobile yeaterday aft
ernoon. Th report were that a man
armed with a revolver wa terrorising
tre people la th vicinity and that the
women of the neighborhood were protect'
lug their homes with shotgun. When
lx-puty Sheriff Uiilaspy and other
leached the locality the man wa gone.
Cole's llish Otti Haacea,
A beater and cooker all la one. Price,
. IZ.ia. . P. C. D Vol Hard ear
Co., WH liroadeay.
Non of th whit officer under sus-
plctua ha been arrested.
Council Bluffs Man
Button for Next
Herbert Rogers of Council Bluffs has
devised- tha official button and supplied
the slogan that will he used In the na.
tlnnaJ democratic 114 campaign. He
applied for a copyright early In Juno
nd then submitted hla design to the na
tional democratic committee at Wash
ington and also to Krcretary Tumulty.
It waa given careful consideration and
officially adopted. Bo confident were the
members of the national committee thnt
It was tha proper thing that they re
lieved Mr. lingers of the expense and
trouble In getting out the first trial sam
ples and placed a largo order for the
manufacture. The flrat order waa for
buttons only, and these have been sent
to varloua parts of the country. Tha
press dispatches a few days ago an
nounced tha appearance of the official
badge at Buffalo, N. V., and said that
thousands of them were sold the first
afternoon and were being worn.
Mr. Rogers aptly applied tha railroad
managers' slogan to national politics,
"Safety First." He devised a handsome
design, with the lettering surrounding a
profile view of President Wilson, with
the American shield aa the background.
The badge la In coirs, red, white and
blue on tha shield and embossed white
Keeline Residence
Has Burglar Callers
Who Get But Little
When Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Keeline
returned ta their home, 1 Second avenil,
Council Bluffs, at ;0 o'clock last even
ing after an absence since 7 o'clock they
mere astonished to find a large cut glass
vase sitting on the dining room floor and
tha electric lights going all over tha
house. A further examination disclosed
a suitcase and grip Into which all of Mr.
Keeline' best clothes had been packed.
A hurried Inspection showed the house
had been In the possession of burglars
during tha greater part of the time vhey
war absent Every room upstair and
down had been searched, the content of
closet Inspected and all dresser and bu
reau drawer opened. Silverware had also
been partly . packed ready for removal
All that was missed was S3 taken from
the room of tha maid and a small amount
of change from a handbag belonging to
Mrs. Keeline.
The burglar had evidently entored the
housa soon after Mr. and Mra. Keellna
had gone out When tha maid, who had
gone out earlier In the evening, returned
at I o'clock ah found tha kitchen door
open and, supposing that Mr. and Mr.
Keeline were in the house, went to her
romm without going Into other part of
the house. She evidently frightened away
tha burglar when ah entered, a she
beard hasty footsteps. A key had been
used to unlock the door. Captain Bhafet
and Officer Sloan responded to the call
from Mr. Keeline. but the prowler had
long before left The burglar had pulled
down all of tha window blinds and had
used tha electric light throughout the
Brine your little brown Jug and w will
fill It with homo made cider, pressed
from Jonathan apple, direct from Dor
land' farm. Jug and all for 40 oenta;
pumpkin for your Jsvck-o'-lantema, S
and 10 cent each: new black walnut, ts
cent peck; popcorn, I cents; new
spinach, SO cents peck; a rimes' Golden
apples at IS cent peck; Jonathan apples,
30 cents; fresh kraut 10 cent quart;
dill pickle. IS cents: homa m,H. .i,.!.
M . " .
." ir, new turnips, w
.cell peck; cabbage by the 100 pound, at
cent pound; extra flna sweet potato
m - t. .... . "
now nave new cod
flah In at SO cent pound. Bartel a- Miller,
leiopnon so.
A forged American Express company
money order, on of bunch of fifteen
atolen from tha company' office at
lorla last June, wa returned here yes
terday after It had been cashed here and
unsuspectingly passed through banking
channel and tha Chicago clearing house.
It waa returned by tha company' audit
ing department at Chicago to tha United
Clothing 8 hop here, where It purported to
have been presented and cashed on July
14. , The amount waa small and tha Inci
dent la only Interesting on account of
tha many expert hand It wa passed
through before It wa finally detected by
the auditing department after mora than
three months had elapsed.
Real SCatate Traaafers,
The following real estate transfer filed
Friday wer reported to Tha Be by tha
Pottawattatnl County Abstract com-
tt Konlgmacher to A. F. 8mlth,
lota 11 and 11. block 2, MuGees
addition, w d $ 1
Nancy Helton to Otto W Srhenk,
lot I and C, Hock , Rraul A
Clark ub. w d K0
Aioeri Asmussen to Albert F. Han-
ooaay, tot . In Mount Uncoln,
w d : tun
Chris F. Ureen to Victor C. Bwan-
son. or sen of section 33, town-
hlu 71. ranae 43. w d torn
H. U. McUee to U W. Hchnelder.
part lot . Palmer's sub, w d 1
, 11. Wood to Bun Caahlo and Fay
rcuno. parr lot , Aud a uD oc
S3 and U-iT-44. w. d 44
. C Filllberg to M. K. Rnwlea,
lot IS. block 38. Ferry addition,
w d 1i
Beeale Prouty to R. 8. Clay, part
101 s. divk i. iuuana second
1UUIMUI1, U ....... p.. ............. ,
Albert W. Jensen to Vernon W.
Jensen, lots 7 and x, block I,
Itsrce's sub. w d
Ohio Cultivator Co, to J Katelman,
I and 10 feet of lot . block li.
IIUVJ VWU, w U ... ........
Mary Paulson, et al. to John Paul
. i . . i . .
son, part ot lota a. and lu. block
31. Avoca, and part of lot M.
Avoca LAnd and Loan company
aut of aecUon . In T7-39, q o d....
Eleven deeds
If you want a guarantee that protect
you on your piano, purchase It of A.
Moape Co., 07 Broadway, Council
Bluff a, la.
WATPR tank iNn nRnwNS
RED OAK. la.. Oct. St. (Special Tele
gram.) While Mra. Charle Btenaett. II v.
lug tw mile northeast of Btenaett. this
county, wa busy with hsr work this
afternoon, her little son. Billy. 14 month
old got out of her alght and when aha
went out to find him ahe discovered his
lifeless body In th water tank. Ha had
climbed up to tha top of th tank and
fallen In and drowned.
Waa. M'aata Shewt.
BAC CITY, la.. Oct 2Sl Out of th W
applicants for bunur Ucensea la fcVei
county, thla year, on waa a woman, a
license having been Issued to Mrs. Earl
Walaner to carry firearm and engage
la hunting.
Designs a
Wilson Campaign
Herbert Rogers
Woman Dies from
Burns Received
Seven Weeks Ago
Mr. Tlllle Aukland died at Mercy hos
pital yeaterday afternoon from the ef
fect ot burn Inflicted by a gasoline
stov explosion at her homo in Macedonia
even week ago. Mr. Aukland wa the
daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. Richard
Eyre, !04 East Washington avenue, this
city. Mr. Aukland wa brought here
eleven day ago, tour week after the
fearful accident that cauaed her death.
Dr. Donald Macrae and Dr. John 8. Mo
Ate a, who took rare of her after her ar
rival here, . realized that there wg
scarcely a chance ot saving her life and
gave the relative no hope from the
start. Mrs. Aukland was enveloped in
flame when the gasolln exploded and
all of her clothing wa burned away be
fore tb fire wa extinguished. Deep
burn were Inflicted on nearly one-half
of the surface of the body.
Mr. Aukland wa 35 year old. For
many year she was a resident of Council
Bluff. She I survived by her husband
and four sons. Mr. Eyre, her father,
1 a commission merchant at 11 J East
Broadway. Two sisters, Mrs. A. B.
Wright and Mr. Will gtrohbehm. reside
here. The body wa remcved to Cutler
to b .prepared for burial. .
WEBSTER CITT, Ia..,Oct. 29.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Mr. Luclnda Adame who
had lived In thla community alxty years, I
died at' her homa thl morning at the
aga of 1 yeara. She was In th very,
best or health until an leu recently ana
broke her hip. '
Subseas' Captains
Ordered in July to
Spare Passengers
WASHINGTON. Oct. 80. A memoran
dum from th German government ex
plaining tha unsuccessful attempt of a
submarine to torpedo the Cunard liner
Orduna waa mad public her tonight
for tha first time. It reveal that a
early a July , last, more than a month
before th attack upon th Arabia, Ger
man commander had Instructions not to
Ink "large passenger steamera" without
Tha document also contain th state
ment that th aam submarine that at
tacked the Orduna halted tha American
bark Normandle and, though finding It
carrying contraband, allowed It to pro
ceed unmolested because there wa no
guaranty that th crew would bo rescued
If left to their fata In amall boats. Tbl
la regarded a .Igniflcant In connection
with th last not of th. United State.
in th case of th. William P, Frye, In
which Germany waa asked for assur
ances that if American vessel carrying
contraband wer unk pending arbitra-
Uon of treaty right th crew would ",
b subjected, to tha risk of small boats
in in oin sea.
Th Orduna memorandum, dated tn
Berlin, September t. waa given out with
certain other correspondence supplement-
ary to the second installment of the o- u. x. Grave, a apeclal agent of Wool
called white book Issued yesterday by: wine's, had collected, he said, numerous
th Stat department. Important documents bearing on Schmidt
LONDON, Oct. Ja-Th foreign office
ha received a dispatch from British Con
sul Bhipley at Tabris, l'ersla, which aaya
that 36,000 Syrian mountaineer from tb
T)arl and adjacent dlatrlcta hav taken
refugo In Balmaa, and that 10.0u0 more are
expected there. All are destitute and un
less help Is received many of them will
Inevitably perish, aa winter la rlosa
I nul Shipley adds that th American
, th. t-mted Ht.t.. rn.ui 1.
Ing to do all that la possible, but that Its
fund are entirely Inadequate to meet th
requirement of th situation which Juatl
fles an urgent appeal to th charity of
tlreat Britain. Mr. Bhlpley auggeat that
all fund be sent to him for distribution
through th American committee, which
he believes Is th beat agency for giving
effective relief.
CHICAGO, Oct. 10. TU condition of
Mlse Mary thlnu of Cedar Rapids, la.
who waa found near death from poison
last night la her room in the Blackstone
hotel, wa much improved today, accord
Ing to hospital aurgeona, Th young
woman, who- had registered at the hotel
under an assumed name, wa said by
an aunt te have been la th habit f
taking druga to alleviate aevere head-
fvchea, from which ahe suffered.
Council Bluffs
"Musio Story Ladies" to Tell the
Boys and Girls the Beauties
of Music.
eV.u a- ft tvt a. at Kalamant nf 9.
r-c ,.. .' .h. .......
of the public schools by the Federated
Mother' club, an organisation of more
than women, with local clube in
each of the public school district in
the city. It was through their Initiative
that gardening cluba were organised,
which proved to be one of the most
beneficial movement ever attempted In
tne city to inspire me coys ..u a'- occupanU of the car. Karl Hudson. 208
profitably use their Idle time during the south Nineteenth street, and M. K. Kin
summer vacation, culminating In the big riaman and son, living at tha same ad
exhlhlt of the result of their Industries dress, wa don to Ming the boy proper
held In the Auditorium building In Sep
The Federated club haa pinned a high
clasa musical to be given at the Audi
torium on the evening of November . It
I to be given under tha auspices of the
Boy' and Ulrls Garden clubs, but di
rected and staged by women of the fed
eration. Henry Cox and th Omaha Sym
phony orchestra and the Elk' Imperial
quartet have been engaged.
Worara ta Talk.
For the purpose of arousing greater
Interest In th schools a number of
women well known In local musical cir
cles will go to the different school and
give ehort chatty talks to th children
on music. They will have the program
for tho' November concert and will ex
plain It fully, not because H requires any
explanation, but for the purpose of point
ing out to the children in familiar words
the meaning of many of the terms useJ
In music, explaining what an orchestra
Is, making clear th necessity for the
different instrument and part. o th
children will hav a clear Idea ot what
a sixty-piece orchestra really la. There
will also b a number of "bright women
designated a "Music Story Ladle." "bo
will visit tha acnoola and tell about the
composer and their compositions, so the
child may understand and appreciate the
beauty of music Th. method will na
turally arouse keen personal Intereal In
the forthcoming concert and stimulate
those who are to take part In It. These
women have been designated a the
"rnualc story teller:" Mr. J N. Beard-
ley, Mr. E D. Judd. Mr. Robert Mul
lls, Mrs. W. J. Loverett. Mr, clarence
Ilafer, Mra. Henry Peterson, Mrs. Hol
land Baker, Mr. Frit Baumelster, Mrs.
J. E. Wallace and Miss Vivian M. Uray.
All of the money that 1 realised abov
the expenses will be used in promoting
the interest of. the garden club. The
wonderful exhibit at tha Auditor! m,
which Am college expert pronounced to
have been the best of the kind in the
state, cost th Federated Mother' cub
mora than SSOO. Of thl went Into
casn prises won by the youngster with
their exhibit. -
National Guardsmen
Talk .with Garrison
WASHINOON. . Oct. JO. Members of
th executive committee of tho National
Guard association, aome of whom hav'
expressed opposition to ths continental
army feature of th administration' na-
tfonaal defen program held long confer-
ence today and tonight with Secretary
Garrison, officers of th general staff
and the national militia board. Mr. Gar
rison explained th War department'
plana In detail, and while It la said that
no agreement waa reached, department station wo. x, pending investigation by
officials are hopeful that tho National United State Emigration Commissioner
Guard leader will agre to the program 8.- I Wltflold ot Omaha some time to
before th discussion ar concluded. I0"- Th m"n "rested on a call from
The executlva committee which Is com- lth central station and 1 upected of b
posed of state adjutant general, la her ln niPcted In a violation of tho Mann
ath. invitation of Mr. Garrison to ive. Allen a nd
.pend a week In Joint e.lon. with th. ; Pw?fc f' th? "!' h"d
militia board for consideration of the
army' part in tho defense program to
be submitted to congress this winter.
SoZ of Ih VJ. Officer. to
look with disfavor on th, proposal to
ralsa a federal continental army because
they think that tha National Guard
ahould be depended upon aa tb coun
try's second line.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. SO. Four do-
""""ve. cna-ea .
runk board departing steamer
' tod ,n ?f tU? dUmf "I
. . . . -i . . j .
lary evioenco cuneciea ucn iwi hiviuh
Lea Woolwlne, district attorney of Los
Angeles, In his prosecution of Matthew
a o..hM,l.t hrwj,.a with murder In win.
wUh th, dyruirnmn, ot th.
A ,,.,, Tin,,, tn mo. Having searched
,runB of uetectlv Charlea J. Smith
aboard tha steamer John B. Stetson.
boUn1 for u,, Angelea. and falling to find
th. ,t0ien naoera. th. pursuer returned
ashore In a launch.
alleged guilt In San . Francisco. Ho fra
ternised with hi brother detective. Smith,
in hi hotel room last night and while
they were out dining the paper were
Then he thought Smith waa a Schmidt
man and had him chased.
CHICAGO, Oct .-In th flaoal year
following th outbreak ot the European
war the nation' shoe bill declined ttt,-
000 0C0, according to John E. Wilder pres
ident of the National Association ot Tan
ners, .which Is in convention hero. Mr.
Wilder added that during the economical
streak Americans made their old toot
wear last longer, but that they wer again
In the market for new shoe aa ot yore.
erick Olllmaa of Vallejo, OaL. widow of
a gunner on th submarine F-t which
sank In Honolulu harbor, waa today ap
pointed flag maker at the Mare Island
navy yard by order of President Wilson.
Mr. It. HlaheliMer.
OUNWOOP. la.. Oct St. (Special TI
grara.) Mrs. V. L Ueinsheinter. widow
of the late president of the Iowa State
Bankers' association, died today in1 Chi
cago. The funeral win he held at OUa-
weod at t o'clock Sunday aftarnooav
Coroner's Jury Bring in Verdict of
Accidental Death in Case of
Otto Sedlacek.
Accidental death" was the verdict
brought In by a coroner' Jury In the case
3u6 South Nineteenth street who Jumped
en untu iic tt.-iouinn iiiaoui aiojj
wa taking a ride and .waa thrown vio
lently ta the pavement at Twenty-first
and I streets Thursday afternoon at 4:Sd
a clock.
The Inquest, conducted at the Lark In
chapel by County Coroner Willis Crosby,
revealed that all In the power ot the
medical attention. He waa hurried to
hi home and Dr. Chaloupka called. It
wa at first thought to be a minor Injury,
but death came suddenly at S:10 o'clock.
Although tha little lad barely regained
consciousness. It wa only for a few mo
ment that he wa able to reason cor
rectly. Th car wa going three miles
an hour. Just arriving at tha top ot tb
hill on Twenty-first street between U and
W streets, when the boy Jumped, striking
the pavement with alight force, but on a
vital spot Just abov the right temple. Be
fore death he wa unable to recognlxe
even hi own mother.
The funeral will be held thl afternoon
at S o'clock at the residence. Interment
will be made In Laurel Hill cemetery.
After the UevlTitl.
Churches of th Bouth Side all plan
to hold special service Sunday morning.
afternoon and evening. Such meetings
have been held at the First Baptist
church, Bouth Side, with signal success.
Wednesday evening atxty-flv people at
tended and FrPlay night the biggest
night of all. 300 were present. The latter
meeting waa given with a social pro.
gram. Each meeting haa found the
large number of converta who compose
the majority of th attendants. All
were ever ready and willing with test!
All churche are making a strong ef
fort to build ' up their young people'
societies and keep the new "trail hitter'
In the congregation. Rev. J. W. Morris,
new pastor of the Grace Methodist
church will preach his first sermon to
morrow. Baptismal and enrollment
services will be included In all Sunday
evening meeting.
Seniors Have Borne Time
The senior held the day with success
yesterday at th South Side High. Fol
lowing an all-morning mass meeting in
which a big program of musical events
and speeches wa given, the school was
dismissed. E. C, Ftuley, mathematical
Instructor who wa head of Uncle Sam'
eduoatlonal system In the Philippine
Islands during the last four year, tec
tured for an hour or more on aoma of hla
experience In the Philippine.
Bryan Nixon, champ foot ball tackle
and original .Imitator of Charlie Chap
lin, played tha roll ot "Cholly" yeater
day at the mas meeting with consider
able aucoes. Several vocal solo wer
ung. In th afternoon tha entire class
accompanied by sponsor and member
of th faculty, went on a hike to Flor-
ence. Th Omaha water work waa in
apected. A hike waa made to a point
about a mile north of th street car
line where luncheon was served. The
crowd left the high school at 1:30 o'clock
and did not return until about 7 o'clock.
Orsfs C'harae Sasplckoaed.
Mlk Burnlk, Twenty-seventh and R
streets, I being held at tha local police
on th charge of suspicious character.
Pel lee Heady (or Toalght.
Fifteen extra cop will guard the South
"-r "V" -. , J""".. .
frQm aU p&rU of th a WMk
special officer hav been dispatched to
th different point of trouble.
Motorcycle Officer Bert Hlatt 1 on th
Job and with gas off and light low be
haa broken up many a gang by suddenly
sliding noislessly In on them In th dark.
Ordinary Hallowe'en Joke will be toler
ated, but will be checked where the de
struction or even dislocation of property
la concerned.
Last year th police encountered con
siderable trouble In keeping order among
Hallowe'en Jokester.
Captain Brlgga powerful car waa all
that could pull .an automobile, tripped
Splendid Economies Evident in
f opienc
I Surprising
I Bargain
I in Alondav
in monaay SI I 1
Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves Silk and Wool
Dress Goods - Dinnerware Laces and Dress Trimmings Rags and Linoleums
Sample Furniture Shoes House Furnishings Linens and Domestics, Etc. Etc.
Nearly every department in this big store joining Monday in a phenomenal underpric
ing on dependable and desirable merchandise.
Big Special NOVEMBER GROCERY Opening Sale
hf la Mur month' sasPly. bay for
eeafc and save from to SO pa ea
ea the eea ef Uvtagv
oaaaouTtD io....www
Why pay to tl.00 for a aack of
flour when you can buy the beat I'la
mond H brand, made from tha best
selected No. 1 aprtng wheat nothing
finer for breaoX plea or 1.34
c&fcea, per aack
10 bare Lnaynond C, Beat 'Em All or
laundry ttfueea White iuncTy Boap
t I be. beat White or Yellow Coram- al
lb, beat Rolled White Breakfaat
Oatmeal for S3
4 ll. fancy Japan Rice or Pearl Ti-
loca for SSe
tSklnnur' Macaroni. Vermicelli o
Ipaxhettl. pktr TH
4 It-ounce caus Condensed Milk.. So
1-lh. can Wax, Btrl eg, Ureen or 1.1 -n
Beaaa TH
1-1 1. cana Early June Table Pea Sle
No. 1 cans PuU'a beat (lolden Pum -kin.
ltotnlny or Bauer Kraut, can TVe
No. I can PorK and Bean TH
No. I fancy Sliced or Halved Califor
nia Peaches, packed tn heavy ayruo,
Per doaea
of all hut the engine, from the middle
of the lake at Rivervlew park this morn
ing. Word came from that district to
Ihe local police station that some one
had deliberately stolen a car. stripped It
of all Its outer valuable part and ent
It at full speed Into the center of the
lake. After working everal hour tb
captain had the car on dry ground t S
o'clock. From latest Investigation ail
that could be learned concerning it
ownership wa that It had ben aold In
Nebrska City.
Straw for the Dice.
Because ho wouldn't give up a "bone"
he had borrowed to "ahoot craps" to
Nora Burh, a woman friend, Charles
Smith, colored, raised such a racket at
an alleged colored disorderly house that
the police were able to detect the center
of trouble and make a raid. James Wyatt,
526 North Twenty-eventh street, was ar
rested a proprietor and aeveral others.
Including women, were taken to the police
Smith vu having the time of hi life
rollln the bonea" when Nora demanded
hi cash box. That let the fly out of th
box. The placo wa booked aa a disorderly
house. Detective Allen and Dworak and
Officer Potach made the raid.
Iharrtei oiee.
Sf t.ulre'a Lutheran Twent v-f If th and
K Rev. S. H. Yerian. pastor. Sunday
school at S:4n. Morning service at 11. Sub
ject of eermon, "The Protestant Reforma
tion." Catechetical class at a. iumer
leaaue at 7. Subject. "The Open Bible."
ueaaer, Mr. M. c uncnman.
Hillsdale Baptist. Forty-third and T
Rev. Shellcross. paator. Reaular. Blhle
study hour at 10 o'clock. Preaching seiv-
ice at il o clock, no evening service win
be held.
First Baptist. Twenty-fifth and II-
Rev. William R. Hill, pastor. Sunday
school at 9 45. Preaching at 11 o'clock.
Pubject, "Tne Ahldl.ig Tanernncie.
Young People's services at S .'Ml. Haptlsmal
service and short sermon at 7 .JO. Everyone
welcome to all services.
West Hide Interdenominational. Thirty-
eighth and Q Kev. William J. Snalicroaa.
pastor. Sunday school at v:o. Morning
worship at 11. Topic, "Are You Con
vened" Chnatlan Kndtavor at :!.
Kvemntf urslilo at 1:a. Topic. "After
the HevWai." A cordial Invitation ex
tended to every trali-hltter who may
make this church their home. Hmliland
Sunday school at 3. 'reaching at 4, with I
Kev. bheiicross in charge.
1'rosoyteilaii labernacle, Tweniy-miro.
and J streets. Kev. K. L. Wheeler, Pas
torbible school at t:4b. The eiuersnip
and Dr. V heeler will receive all trail
Hitters and oIik-ii . ihiIl. io Join w.tu
the Flrat Presbyte:lan church at IL
l:aptiaine and enrollment will follow,
tame service will be repeated at 7:30.
Chriatian Endeavor at topic, "In
crease and Efficiency." A large attend
ance Is expected, bieclil music will be
had at the evening service by new choir
master and re-organlzed choir. All pews
tree and public cordially Invited.
South .Side United Presbyterian, Cor
ner Twenty-third and H, Hev. Albert N.
Porter. Pastor Sahbath school at :4S.
Junior leaKue at 3 in the afternoon. Young
People's meeting at 8:30. Preaching at
7:30. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
St. Martin's. Corner Twenty-fourth and
J, Rev John Wallls Ohl. Hector Services
for twenty-second Sunday after trinity:
Holy eurharlat at 7:30.. Sunday school at
:45. Morning prayer at 11. Riht Rev.
Benjamin Urewater, D. D., bishop of
western Colorado will preach. There will
be no evening service. Monday All Salnta'
day and Tuesday All Souls day, there
will be celebrations of the holy eucharlst
it 7:30. Strangers always welcome.
Magic City Gossip.
Robert Conrnd. dishwasher, giving ad
dress as Hroken Bow, was arrested thla
morning at 0:16 o'clock by Special Of
ficer John Zaloudok on charge of being
a suspicious character.
An order waa eent from the central po
lice headquartera requiring that all local
patrolmen look over tne winter uniforms
and see that . they were equipped with
overcoats at once. ,.
E. V. Zelander. 1601 Berry avenue, re
ported to the local police that her Ford
car, left at 1814 Ohio atreel, yeaterday
afternoon, wa atolen last evening at 8
The "Oh Me. Oh My" girls bowled last
Wednesday at tha Brunswick alleys In
stead of Friday evening, their regular
evening. They will continue under tha
new schedule.
The Red Men's lodge will give a dance
thla evening at Its hall, 318 North Twenty-fourth
For Rent Seven-room house, newly
decorated, bath, gas, electric llRhts; close
in. Corner Twenty-third and M.
Members of the congregation of the
West- Side Interdenominational . church
will give a Hallowe'en aoclal at the
church hall at Thirty-eighth and Q streets
Monday evening. Young people of the
church will have charge of the program.
Whether the depositor ha 81 or 11,000 on
deposit with the Savings Department of
the Live Stock National Bank of South
Omaha, the interest la the name 4 per
cent compounded each alx month.
Th South Side Pleasure club will give
Its second grand ball, Wedneaday even
ing, November 3, at Rushlng'a hall at
Twenty-fourth and J streets. Kaggy
Rubin s band will play. The third grand
ball will be given Wednesday evening,
November 17.
ROMS (Via Paris). Oct, S0.-Th. Cor
rlere d'ltalla says Pope Benedict ha
made representations to the Austrian gov
ernment as a result of the recent raid
over Venice.
The newspaper adds that the pontiff,
after the first Austrian bombardment of
Italian coast town expressed a strong
desire to Emperor Francis Joseph that
undefended cities, rich In treasure of art,
hould be spared such attacks.
The best Bode or Oyster Crackers.
per lb THe
K. C. Corn r 'lakes, pkg :Se
(irape Nuta, DKe loo
Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb. ,.aoo
least foam, pkg. 3p
Oolden bant oa Oof fee, a fine drli.
per lb BO
M. at O. Blend, the coffee of qua Uy,
haa no equal, pounds fog tl.OO
iis snsw cmos xmx rmurrs
Fancy nw California Mulr Peaches.
lb TH
Kancy New California 40-7 Prunea.
lb. TH
New Fancy California Cooking FIkb
Per lb. H
Fancy New Apricota, er lb..,..18He
Kancy New Hedlees RaJatna, lb., SHo
Fancy New Hllver Prunea, lb.. . 18 Vp
14-oa. pkg. Seeded lUiatna. . . .'.1SV0
New Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel.
lb SO
Imported t-Crown PI as, per lb--..So
1 reported Fard lU-. lo lae
Imported Hallowe'eQ Date, in pkaa.,
each m
New Comb Honey, per rark...XTH
tii-oa. lar Pure Straiued Honey... si
The Bee Creasaary Batter, . 9An
eartom a hoik. Ik a&aJO
Try HAY D E1M ' First-
SI NRISE, Wyo.. Oct. SO. Employe cl
the Colorado Fuel and Iron company at
the Iron mine here. In a maas meeting
tonight adopted the Rockefeller Industrial
plan recently put In effect In the com
pany' coal mine In Colorado. The plan
wa presented to the men by J. B. Me
Kennan, general manager, and C. J.
Hicks, executive assistant to President
I. F. Welborn.
Marnfcv Itm li nfl.
SOFIA fVla T-ondnnV Oct. 80. DomlnlcW
I. Murphy of Philadelphia. th first
American coneul general in Bulgaria, ar
rived here today.
If Back Hurts
Take Salts to
Flush Kidneys
Says Backache is sure sign you
have been eating too
much meat.
Uric Acid in -meat clogs Kid
neys ana irritates the
Most folk forget that the kidney,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged
and need a flushing occasionally, else w
have backache and dull misery In tha
kidney region, severe headache, rheu
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach,
sleeplessness and all aorta of bladder dis
orders. You simply must Veep your kidney
active and clean, and the moment you
ftcel an ache or pain In tho kidney region,
get about four ounce of Jad Salt from
any good drug store here, take a table
spoonful in a glass, of water before break
fast for a few day and your kidney
will then act fine, Thl famou salts la
made from the acid of grape and lemon
Juice, combined with llthia. and I harm
less to flush clogged kidney and stimu
late them to normal activity. It also
neutralise tha acid In tho urine so It no
longer irritates, thus ending bladder dis
order. Jad Salt Is harmless. Inexpensive;
make a delightful effervescent llthia
water drink which everybody should take
now and then to keep their kidney clean,
thu avoiding serious complication.
A well-known local druggist says he
sella lot of Jad Salt to folk who believe
In overcoming kidney trouble while It la
only trouble. Advertisement.
Humphreys Seventy-seven
For Grip. Influenza,
Many good things are condemned
because they are not properly used,
so be sure to follow directions.
To get the best results, take "Ser-enty-seven"
at the very beginning of
a Cold.
If you wait until you begin to
cough and sneeze, It may take longer.
A small vial of pleasant pellets,
fits the vest pocket.
25c and $1. at all druggist or mailed.
Humphreys' Homeo, Medicine Co., 166
WtlMnm Htreet. New York.
DrvBgi P Bails
This Institution is the only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated tn their ow.
ample grounds, yet entirely die
ttnet, and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one buldlng
being fitted for and deroted to tb
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no other be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
roted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
November Sale
Don't Fail
r to See
the Monday
The beat strictly fresh Kgga, do. S3e
The best No. 1 storaire V'". dos.See
Fancy New York 'Vhlte. Wisconsin
Cream or Young America Cheese, p r
lb BOO
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese,
per lb. 45o
Fancy lHinestlc Swlas, equal to Im
ported, lb ,..,,....184
IB lb. Best Bed Bive e g-1
Ohio rotetoe IOC
11 lb, good Cooking Applea to the
feck for la
Arse market baskets Fresh Beet
Carrot or Turnip for.. 800
4 bunches Fresh Beet. Carrots or
Turnips for ......S
4 bunches Fresh Radishes....... So
4 bunches Fresh Lettuce So
9 large Huun Bunches So
Fancy Holld Cabbaae. for kraut, lb.lo
Fancy Kulid Cabbage tor Iraut, 10
I ha. for Too
say a hi oi laaoy xauma. Wash.,
Jonathan Applea, aCa- (T 1 oo
day, aoa
oeeiai ta Meat Sept. for Monday.
ado Pall of Pure ltrd aao
Ho Pali of Pure Ijtrd eao
No. 1 Freab Wlenlea. lb. . .1S0
No. 1 Minced Ham, lb.. '. '. . . . .15e
V r