6 A Tim OMAHA SUNDAY BKtt: OCTUBKll 31, 1913. UAHY TOWNS SEHD ALL THETEAGHERS Sat Hastings School Board Decides Not to Give Its Force Any Time Off. IIAKY C0JH5O FROM IOWA, TOO The Ilntlnn Board of Education H tirged all the touchers to attend. Schuyler haa granted the three day and la corn In with twenty-two teachers. Superin tendent J. A. True has written tha fact to tha Bureau of rubllrlty tn reply to the neat little card of Invitation and greeting the bureau aent out In behalf of Omaha. Mema. Neb, la coming lth three teacher. Lynch la coming with Ita entire fore. Columbu haa granted the three day and la to be represented by the : entire force of teacher. Tolk la coming with Ita force, and Avery la coming with Ita ten teachers. Attl la, coming with tha force and Cook haa promlned Its aeren teachera aa delegates, Froscr haa promised three. Dodge, nine, and Mai mo, three. Grand Island cornea forward with a promt to dtamlsa tha school for the three days and aend the alxty-elght teachers. Tha president of the asaoclatlon la from that place. Superintendent R. J. Barr. peeved about something, and will not allow Ita teacher the three daya time to attend tha convention of the Nebraska But Teachers' asaoclatlon In Omaha tiext week. Brady. Neb., la the ona other town thua far reported, where the teach, era will not be allowed the three day time to attend the convention. In contrast to thee are dosen of other placea in the state where the board haa Ions alno granted the three day and ! from Klkfcorn. The Kearney Normal la to dismiss and end the teaching fore. Tha Peru schools ar to diamine and send the fores. Elk horn la to send It seven teacher. Crab Orchard Ita four, and Nebraaka City has promised the entire fore of forty-two teacher. The whole' fore from Lyon has promised to com. Overton I to bring seven, David City Is to bring the whole force. Central City, twenty-two, and Fremont thus far has reported tha largest delegation, which Is sixty-four, MoCook U to send all Ita high achool teacher. Sidney la to b her with even. Bel! wood, four; Qresham, five, and Battl Creek and Colyer, their entire force. The Iowa town hav begun to report the number they ar to send. Shenan doah. Clarlnda, Dunlap and Arion hav promised their teaching forces a dele gates. Joffre in London; Sees British Chiefs LONDON, Oct to. General Jofre, the ' Trench eommander-ln-chlef, cam to London today. IT went to the war of fice on his arrival. Shortly afterwards he and Earl Kitchener, the war. secre tary left together in an automobile, ( General Joffre later attended a confer- no In Downing street at which war present Premier Aeuulth, Earl Kitchener, A. 3. Balfour, first lord of the ad- 'mlraltys David Lloyd Oeorge, mlnlatsr of munition, and several British and ' . French military officers. EDISON AND FORD SHARE HONORS AT EXPOSITION BAN DIQOO. Cel., Oct. W.-Thome A, Edison, the Inventor, chairman of tha naval advisory board, and Henry Ford, manufacturer and peace, advocate, shared honors today In the presenc of a large crowd in a celebration of Ford and Kdl son day at the ranaroa-Callforule expo sition. They were aoorted to tha ground by a squadron of United Stntea cavalry and tit the Plasa Da Panama they stood under a canopy of flowers as 10,000 school chil dren filed by and showerd them with blossoms. Soon the two weia fairly cov ired with the flower and their face beamed. Meear. Kdlaon and Ford ar St looted ',o remain In San Diego until SunJav. GERMANS KILLED AFTER BEING LURED TO DANGER LONDON. Oct. .-"Account hav reached here." (ays a Router dispatch from Pctrorad of a spectacular fight on the Island of Dalen, on the Pvlna river, a' few milea aouth of Rig, whither the Russians lured the Germans, allowing them time to Install themselves before beginning a bomltardmuht from both (idea. Kpertatora from Riga, who witnessed the cannonade front a brlds aorosa the Dvlna aaw the river choked with Qcrninn rorpeea and floating down, dream, and atated that the Uerman force had been almost entirely wiped out TINKER WANTS TO PURCHASE BEAUMONT, TEX.. FRANCHISE BEAVMONT, !.. Oct. JO.-JI Tinker, manager of th Chicago Federal league base bull team, telegraphed from Shreve poht La., today to officials of the local lex as league club that he would pur chase the Beaumont franchise, which 1 fur aale. If the transfer would b reeog Olxed by the lt aue. Tinker said he would use the lluuraint cluh as a farm for young players aimed by his team. Ed ward BtrJm.in. president of the Buau- tnont club, aalj he woukl make an effort, to consummate the !.! If supported by other members of the league. Apartmenta, flats, houses anu cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." Aaulhrr I ae for Iron. tCnrrcurondenee of the Aasoelated Press. U-1. itecai:ne nmar. ni' li. l and V thhs sr iw. m u-h more vnl UKMe for other tlilnits-nctablv umxiii. "'"on the Imnerial Normal In (f eonimliuilon hus tl cued that el;KVij.i measures no longer mum lie lnado fr.nn (iiiiii. ctii that iron may te uijuo-d Iron heretofore hi been forbidden be- fu weiuhis tatuioucd (ruin, it ltav iMsea inaccuiait. Jape Hay Alarm 4'loeka. (Correspondence bf the' Associated Press) TOKIO. Oct. 3-An order for alarm eWks to the number of "(.0i has been reccivs-i I K a makers Xrxun Kiik lftnd. where cl' have U-.-ome ftraree remilt of the 'iiensi'n pf trade iia ma rnusn eminu-a. ( hllraa l'Kblne Hnlim, SANTIAGO. Chile. Oct. JO.-The Chilean Hibm.-t re.UiM-d Udav. Slotrarali of Onua Mxarn, r.rt Arrlve-1. b.11.4. f t W VOf'.g Krl.t!.tf. nt . tirrsHairCN..sidtiir'itt (X'LLMKA Jn The Bee's "Swapper" column. Gates that Pass in tho, Night i Wt A INT OCT HO ' . ''I'flwWrsdW' f -l MT" ' '-" WE JTUSN'T THINK WE 'BE THE WISE GAZABOS UNTIL- JZZW- lljilpi !l 1 nil WL WAKE UP NEXT MOKNIWG BRIEF CITY NEWS Wedding Binge Xloolm, Jeweler. r.!Dqn!s. Tailor 100 Paxton Blfc. Lighting Fixture Burgssa-Orsnden. Saaolng olasses. Hotel Rome. Web. tilt, stave oti mat It Now Beacon Pre Admitted to Praotdo Arthur Maro wlU has been admitted to practice law before the federal court. "Today' Movie Frogram" classified section today. It appeara In Th lie EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what th va rious moving plctur theaters offer. Foot Sail Oaaoe Tuesday evening there will be given what 1 termed a foot ball danc between Omaha and Council Bluff, it will be given at th DeLuxe dancing hall. The atat Baas of Omaha pay 4 per bent on Urn deposits and I per cent en saving account. All deposit in this bank ar protected by the depositors' guaran. : fund of th state of Nebraaka. For gaiety First In Lif Insurance e W. H. Indoe, general agent Stat Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mass, on of the oldest, 71 year, and beat companies on earth. Wanted la Chicago Arthur Nleden, aged to year, wanted In Chicago for passing worthless checks, waa arrested by Omaha of fleers Saturday morning and is held for th Chicago authorities. Die of Xeart Failure W. Q. Hogan, aged 47 year, night watchman at the Ramg building, whllo sitting In the of fice of the Arvd hotel died of heart failure. 8o far oa known he ha no rela tives. a a for Xaturlea to Eye Jama A. Welstead In . district allegoa that he left his farm bom and took a position as machinist's helper In th Union Pao'flt roundhouse tn Council Bluffs. Ignorance on hi part lad to a misuse of tools be says, with th result that a stesl splinter Injured hi eye. He sue fir lan.ooo. Chief Clerk tow Jelfir Effective November L WUl Qulld become chief clerk in tha office of General (Superin tendent Jcffors of the Union Pacific. Heretofore he haa been assistant chief clerk In th oflce of Qeneral Manager War. With th transfer of Qulld tha po sition of assistant chief clerk to the gen eral manager is abolished. Assets to AfizolatstratOT Following settlement of the deference between heirs of th late John Llnder, wholesale llluor dealer, leaving an estate of I300.0UO, the asset of th estate wer Saturday WHEW SESTSE! IS A" IBURDEKI . When Digestion is nearly always look constipated bowels When you think of the suffering after each meal from Heartburn, Bloating, Nausea, Headache it is no wonder you have no interest in mealtime. Soon you lose flesh and are in a rundown con dition. You must help Nature correct such ailments so that : the body can be properly nourished. This sug gests a fair trial of Stomach TAKE HOME A BOTTLE TODAY. morning tranaferred in probata court from th special administrators. Otto Vorsati, Hugh Bartsom and Jacob J. Hess, to the general administrator, Wil liam Amd, Council Bluffs. Leotar at Theoespoical Kail Some of the startling thing which hav been recently discovered by scientists with re gard to the relation of plant life to th live of human beings, and which hav a direct bearing upon the theory of evo lution, will be discussed In a lecture on "Leave and Lines," Illustrated by tereoptloon view, showing th action of natur In th growth and evolution of plant. Th lecture will be given by John T. Eklund at Theosophlcal hall, suite 70L Bee building, Sunday evening at ( o'clock. Desi't Neerieet Ceagta mw Colds. Dr. King's Nsw Discovery should be In every home. for oough and cold. Chil dren and aged like It Ma : All druggists. Advertisement BOSSIE HEAD OF ALL THE MILK INSPECTORS C. F, Bossle dairy Inspector, ha been elected president of th International Milk and Dairy Inspectors' association at ' th annual meeting held at Washington, I D. C. I During th four year of work her a 1 dairy inspector Mr. Bossle has brought ! the mltV supply up to a high standard. He adopted th monthly system of dairy ' oortng, which 1 baaed on th various ' factor which enter into dairy mainte nance and milk, delivery. Authorities on the subject hav said some nice things about Omaha's milk supply. During the Bossi regime milk dealer hav been required to deliver retail milk only la original bottle wht.-h must bear th name of the dealers. II also estab lished sediment tests. I I atatne I Rralea. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 19. "The Lyrlo Muse," a bronse statue, was stolen today from the United Slates section of the fine arte pnlare at the I'anama-Pacllto en poet turn. Exposition guards "checked In the exhibit at o'clock when the arte bulUU ln was opened, but It waa gone before noon. The statu waa valued at from flou to tM. Meehlnleta Return tn Work. CLKVF.I.AND, O.. Oct 30,-Followtng the action of several hundred unking machlnleta In returning to work today at the Hardon A Oliver company's plant, William 8. Jack, business agent of the machinists' union, tonight stated that nearly ail of the !.() macalnleta who went out at the plant of the Standard Tool company two week ago have re turned. impaired you can to a lazy liver and as the real cause EB i Her S EE SURE IT IS THE CENU1NE. EPISCOPAL BISHOPS III LOCAL PULPITS Bishop Brewer of Montana Will Preach at All Saints in the Morning. BISHOP THOMAS AT TRINITY The Episcopal church pulpit of Omaha and vicinity will be occupied today by the bluhope and priests who are here In atendance on the meeting of the synod qf the Province of the Northwest. Pulpit assign ments are ai follows: All Saints', Rlnhop Bremer of Montana. St. Andrew's, Forty-first and Charles streets, Rev. Paul R. Brookings, South Dakota. St. Btmibi'i, Fortieth and Davenport atreeta, Bishop Suffragan McElwaln of Minnesota, Church of the Good Shepherd. Twen tieth and Ohio streets. Rev. Dr. Hugh U Burleson, New York City. Bt John's, Twenty-sixth and Brown streets, Rev. A. B. Clark, Roaebud, g. I). St. Martin's, Twenty-fourth and 3 streets. South Side, Bishop Brewster ct western Colorado. St. Matthias', Tenth and Worthlngton streets. Bishop Tyler of North Dakota. St Paul s, Thirty-second and California treats. Bishop Coadjutor Faber of Mon tana. Trinity cathedral, Bishop Thomas of Wyoming. Bt Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first near Taul street Bishop Morrison of Duluth. St Mary', Blair, Archdeacon II. F. Parahall of Duluth. St James, Fremont, Bishop T. N. Mor- COmDdrlSOn IMIMMWIliMea- '-- , , , j , wmm A FEW OF OUR WONDERFUL VALUES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SPECIAL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE IF DESIRED i7TTy?r!T .JZT 3-PIE0E LIBRARY SUITE rrT7VTT)TWVt T l i; ' JJLL N MT i j BEATJTmrLLT MADE AND ARTISTICALLY nESIQNBD MIBSION 8UITB. Thre W X iSr.l TTrXrvT7 31-1 'i'r- lrKe pieces, btllt throughout of eol id oak, finished fumed. Beat and bfck J jf.f V$LA r " ' ?iTrf!l of chair and rocker are upholatered in guaranteed artificial leather. a m m mmm iWJ' Yltfll S l h" prlng under eat Table measures S9x41 Inches, fitted 1 k 7C tl'irSjr iTi 2t.d Special, three piece, only w ROYAJL CinPABSlAN WAL NUT PRINCErW DRE88UK. Bus fitted with four roomy drawer. French beveled plat mirror, measuring-. lfcxSO jrvies. Htroittfly coimtruc ana neauiuuuy finished. Very sps claJ, at $15.75 1.60 Cash 91.80 a Month. Mitral Allow, ance for Vour Old Stove. ACM PI OA K HEATER. Large else and will burn wool, coal or coke. of best polished Wellsvllle steel. neavy grate, elaborately nickel trimmed throughout. Fully guaranteed. Our low price, on'y ei.on ei.oo a Mon'n. OHXAt LIHRART TABl AfS i VJC jit' X 5 S'Jf! s'' I K&A"1? I oo4. flalake la CAf ,'SSSS. W 1 ft C T t X' SOIJD OAK MJkNK TOP rXTENSlOM TABL. 2 -fcr W are offering for tomorrow our special automatic fjf A - ftwew !; i " e7! 8't 1 one-tnotlon bed davenport. Frame constructed of H X j : . . m i?-- - -- '5 vy ' 'i'-r. R J genuine eolld ok. The bat k ana seat ar upholstered JIL I . . , . , , 1 1 Ti I I ln hlga grad JiUTrla seather. Eaaily converted into a full- U V A 1 iif 1 ' 1 t 11 VA iMrR t?i?t:r!)?.T $1701; M RfeTlIt r hMl " Caah-iLio a aConth. Jll.VJ h I X-f . f -nf I "txmicATi oumrr boot mnuiu- I JIlCOt :rmWl Ql'AhTKK c KO OAK I ujidlti ATION BIT rKT AND CHINA ll xUtT. Suk vtlh nse ar1 r c w w a am waa ar a e v uj lnss tfmwMV. raoahf ltaB MaiuUMttU, war him wn rxmia. vnrf put uir- 1 B rMti nm ar ej I J. f otiia eomptSkola, taul gtS Inrsttitre. Ovr l.T8 Cask tlM a Month. OMAIIA MAN HONORED BT DAIRY INSPECTORS. VI , I CLAtTDB F, BOSSTB. Elected President of International Milk a&d Dairy Inspector Association. rlson of Iowa. St Paul's, Council Bluffs. Bishop Beecher of western Nebraska. St. Luke's, Flattamouth, Rev. John C. Sage, Keokuk. i St. Mary's, Nebraska City, Bishop Suf fragan Longley of Iowa. , Holy Trinity, Lincoln, Bishop Edsall of Minnesota. St! Luke's. Lincoln (evening), Bishop Suffragan McElwaln of Minnesota. Will Hrnvp It. - j - model B.vly KjUI'u lee t C aj J U&s e- ;gp and z PiifM Mnttrenii. iT ' A BIG ROOM sizE;.r?lii! Mi7 I VlelfV I ii.. iiMi oriental d. ' - ' ..;. rfc.i2.T-kirJl,,l 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS STREET FIRST PASTORENTERTAINED Rer. Willard Scott at Annnal Dinnei of St. Mary'i Ayenue Congre gtional Church. PASTOR HTJ1BERT WELCOMED The. annual dinner of St. Maryi Avenue Congregational church was hel7 last evening in the Sunday achool roonr of the church. This event marked th beginning of a strenuous season that hal been planned by Faator Hulbert for the church. Th gathering of 300 member! and friend of th congregation was consplciou for it unusual enthusiasm. It was the first time that Rev. Mr. Hul bert had met th congregation a a whole sine hi enforced absence of sev eral months. Ha was welcomed with prolonged applause. W. S. Wright was toastmaster. HI introduction were th occasion of much mirth. T. W. Blackburn was tha first victim of hi wit. Tha latter proved .very entertaining in spit of the toast master's doubt W. J. Connell waa called upon to relate to the present congregation of tha hum ble beginning of th church. At the speaker' table were aeated nineteen of th original membership. Mr. Connell related how thirty-three year ago, when Omaha was mud, the Idem of St Mary' church was conceived by a small group of men gathered beneath an old elm which still stand on St Mary' avenue. Th present pastor followed Mr. Con nell. In the course of his brief remark he thanked th congregation for it loyalty to him during hi recent 111 health. Th guest of th evening waa Rev. Willard Scott, D. D., the founder and first paator of the church. He road th point that in church work, th KJ Invontlnntlnn rTe-he Complete 2-Inch Continuous Post Bed Outfit Only $15 TERMS: $1.25 Cash. $1.25 a Month. Masalv bed. ha two-Inch con tinuous posts, one-inch filler and enameled In vernl martin. Heavy I eel angle Iron sprins, woven wire top, and supported In tha center. A sanitary felt top fiber mattress with durable ticking This complete outfit, fully worth $20.00, and npeclally priced for to morrow selling at this low price. only. lvif' -l iru ' ma j . . . mr mm i foundation must be continually r- founded, that the life of the church I centered In the youth of the elAirch. Between speeches "The Kelly Choir" rendered pleasing selections. The dinner was characteristic of those given by th women of ft. Mary's In the abundance of good thing to eat, while the occasion was characterised by a splendid spirit of harmony and good will. Th overcrowded hall ws prophetic of the accomplishment of a big work which shall be In part perhaps, the pro viding of new and larger accommoda tion. Throws $50 Bill Into the Sewer Deputy a her If l and jailers at the court house are bemoaning the loss of $50 which William Smith, a prisoner, threw Into a ewer In order to keep It from being found on his person and used against him as evidence. However, the county Jail attache bad the satisfaction of seeing Smith plead guilty to larceny from the person Friday . and get a sentence of from one to seven year In prison. H waa discovered to have the 50 piece of currency sewed fn hi clothe when he waa sent to Jail for picking a man's pocket but before th money could be se cured by the Jailer Smith threw it into a sewer. Red t'roes Member "hot. BERLIN, Oct. -(By Wlreles to Tuckerton. N. J.) The Overeeats New agency says: "The Dresden Nachrlchten reports that a member of the Red Cross named Helllnger, made a prisoner or war by the French, waa shot by a French officer because he refused to betray th position of the German staff." Miteey Heats Alliance. ALLIANCE, Neb., Oct (Special Telegram.r Alliance High achool foot ball team, who won from Oiadron Nor mal last Friday, went down to defeat before the Sidney High achool team here thla afternoon, the score being SO to 0. l nM i LHAglsffn) f mill I ntrltorl WEEK'S SELLING ONLY LARGS ROOMY AND COMFORT ABLE ROCKKR. Beautifully upholstered In Imperial leather, artistically ruffled back and edge. rTame maae or Amer ican quarter-aawed Imitation oak. Our low price, inly BOo Cash ftOo a Month. Your Old Stove Taken In x change. m mi OUR REFLEX REGENT BASE BURNER. Iouhla flue system of heating. Kxtra nlze fire pot, IS inches In diameter. Beau- iiruuy nicKei trimmed, very economical and guaranteed in every respect 3.SO Cash $3.00 e Moatn, fAMOcd RBOffNT OOMBINATIOM COAX, AMD G AN1,t. Haa four xDuuM kuiMsa w e; tow koim Me mmi. WmM AaA EkSS..$52.50 eeo Cash 6.00 a JCeata.