Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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3 A
Thera Is a Big Difference
between tl.e irof
lonl vocalist and
the untrained voloa.
The same !s ni of
t he song of the train-
1 anil untrained
cautery. The canar
ies) which we Impo-t
from German v are
r.llr mii"lre.lly edu
rtttd elnwerw.
Our famous
"Living Mwie Box"
Beg. V. S. Vat. Of Ho 808 53
Intra entirely different from any
other canary you ever hpnr. and ia
great entertainer, trains! to sing by
artlftral Ittrht In evening aa well aa
during- the day.
V sell these birds on S days' ap
proval In your own noma undor a
written aruarantee to sine to
your entire aatlafartlon at
each, only
Thla la the canary season. They are
elllnr fat. And. while wo have a
Urge stock on hand, It Is question
able how long will be able to Im
port canarlea, as the supply In Ger
man la very limited. Come In early
thla week and make your selection.
F.laxGeisler Bird Co.
117 Taraam Bt. 17 Tsars la Ornah.
i 1
Buys Out Stock, Good Will and
Fixtures of Rochester Clothes
Shop in Her Grand
Hotel Building.
Will Shortly Move Present
United Clothes Shop to Room
Now Occupied by Roch
ester Clothes Shop.
It yery often takes a change of
scene to keep up with the demands
of business progress; the merchant of
today cannot stand still; when oppor
, tunlty to Improve presents Itself he
must change, move, transform, or re
v model, as best fits the case.
The latest "big" move In Omaha
clothing and furnishing goods circles
Is that Just consummated by The
United Clothes Shop, which has so
ypularized the location at 1512 Far-
nam St., m the Aiercnants Hotel
The United Clothes Shop has
bought out stock, good will and fix
tures of the Rochester Clothes Shop,
and will soon move ita own business
to the location of the Rochester
Clothes Shop. In other words from
now on you'll find the United Clothes
cnop, wun us tasty styles ana popu
lar "$10 and $15" suit prices, at 16th
and Howard Sta., in the Her Grand
Hotel building.
In- going into Its newer location
the United Clothes .Shop will, as In
the past, feature $10 and $15 Suits
for Men, but, in the newer location
will also feature an attractive stock
of popularly priced furnishing goods,
Just as the Rochester Clothes Shop
bas been doing right along. ...
Far less rent and general expense
is the magnet that will draw the Uni
ted Clothes Shop to its newer loca
tion; it is Belling its line of garments
at phenomenally low prices, and any
llttleylift that may be gotten through
the advantage of doing business in a
leas expensively conducted store will
quickly be felt in the quality and
price of the goods. In other words,
you'll buy better suits than ever at
the "United" for $10 and $15.
Aa in the past the "United" will
feature clothes in styles beyond ques
tion: late, well made uu salts at lift
nd well worth $15: and $15 suits
that would do credit to concerns spe
cializing on $20 and $25 suits.
Note the early change of location;
make up your mind to save what can
be saved on clothes for the coming
winter. '
Don't forget! The United Clothea
Shoo will henceforth take over the
business and occupy the present quar
ters of the Rochester Clothes Shop
at 16th and Howard Sts.
Mayor of Lincoln Announces There
Muit Be Prohibition Candidate ,
for Every Office.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. J8 .-(Speclal.l-Demo-cratla
candidates for of fire at the primary
next April who will not pledge themselves
to prohibition must take to the woods,
for they will not receive the support of
William Jennings Bryan during the cam
paign. Such In a short way Is the announce
ment mad by his brother. Mayor Charlea
AV. Bryan, to newspaper men this after
noon at his office In the city hall, called
to meet with him at hla request.
According to Mayor Brysn.- Mr. Bryan
will probably not be candidate himself,
but expects to come to Nebraska about
the middle of March and will devote most
of the time until Ihe primary In advo
cating prohibition In this state.
"The paramount issue of the coming
campaign," said Mr. Bryan, "will be the
liquor question. It Is the principal thing
before the public today and we will use
our every effort to prevent these special
Interests controlling the democratic party
and fastening themselves upon It.
Find Caatflrtates.
"We propose to make our work as ef
fective as possible and with that end
In view will support only candidates for
state and legislative offices who are
with us In the fight against the liquor
Interests. In case no candidate files
satisfactory to us, we propose to see
that some man does file who Is satisfac
tory to us. Neither do we propose to
waste our strength by a division of forces
between candidates. When there Is more
than one dry candidate for the same
nomination we will fix It so that our peo
ple will support the one satisfactory to
the dry forces. There must be a dry can
didate for every office, and if any can
didate Is not willing to make a cam
paign on that issue we will file for a
candidate who will.
"We expect to make a vlgoroue cam
paign. Mr. Bryan will spend most of
hla time In the state and we want the
candidate for governor to be a man who
will take a stand for prohibition and
make a campaign on that Issue."
Jail Primary Now.
When asked It a wet democrat should
be nominated at the primary It he would
be opposed by Mr. Bryan, the mayor
simply said that the present proposition
was one of the primary and that the
matter of the regular campaign would
come up later, but the manner of his
conversation was such that there Is in
dication that any man who Is opposed
to prohibition who happens to get the
nomination on the state or legislative
democratio ticket, may expect no help
from Mr. Bryan or his followers.
- "Personally," said the mayor, ''I would
prefer that this issue had not come up
for two years more so that the presi
dential campaign might not be Interfered
with, but as it ia here we will meet it.
I might also say that thaA Is the senti
ment of my brother."
Banquet March 19.
On March 19 will be held a big demo
cratic banquet. This la the usual time
Tor the Bryan birthday dinner, but In
this case, according to Mayor Bryan, the
dinner will be one which will be the
starting off of the prohibition campaign
by Mr. Bryan and from that time on the
fur will fly.- At that dinner there will be
speakers of national reputation who will
talk prohibition, and that issue will be
the Issue from that time on.
When asked If the dry Issue would be
carried into the congressional and sen
atorial campaigns, Mr. Bryan said that
that matter had not been determined
upon, but there was every indication that
It would.
When asked the question direct if he
would be a candidate for governor, the
mayor answered evasively by saying that
he was not prepared to say. There were
several good men who might be selected,
Fifty-Six Years of Happy Wedded Life
x it n
. ,",
' ' V - v ..v". x . ".,
f . y;v. - ) I , . . .
iy Us ' . 1)
J. w.
How You May Throw
Away Your Glasses
The statement is made that thousands
wear eyeglasses who do not really need
them. If you are one of these unfor
tunatos, then these glasses may be ruin
ing your eyes instead of helping them.
1 liousands who wear these 'windows"
tnay prove for themselves that they can
dispense with glasses If they will get the
following prescription filled st once: Oo
to Sherman McConnell or n nthr
ctive drug store and get a bottle of ilon-
upw lameis; uu a two-ounce bottle with
water and drop in one Hon-Opto
uicu "uu hub Harmless liquid solu
tion bathe the eyes two to four times
daily, and you are likely to be astonished
Sm the results right from the start Many
who have been teld that they have astlsr.
riiatiam, eye-strain, cataract, sore eye
Ida, weak eyes, conjunctivitis and other
lye disorders, report wonderful benefits
from, the use of this prescription. Ciet
this prescription filled and una It; you
tnay so strengthen your eyes that glasses
will not be necessary. Thousands who
aie blind, or neaily so, or who wear
f lasses might never have required them If
uey had cared for their eyes tn time,
rave your eyes before It is too late!
Lh not become one ot these vli tlms of
neglect. Eyeglasses are only like
trutches and every few years they must
changed to fit the ever-Increasing
weakened condition, so better see if you
can, like many others, get clear, healthy,
strong magnetic eyes through the pre
scription here given. The Valmaa Drug
Co.. of Toronto, will fill the above pre
scription by mall. If your rugKlt cannot.
Ad vertlsement.
Fifty-six years of happy wedded life
was rounded out on Tuesday last by
Mr. and Mrs. James William McCarter
of Lexington. Neb. On October iS. lRnS,
Mr. McCarter was wedded to Lydla Ray
mond at their old home place In St.
Lawrence county. New York. Two years
later he enlisted In a New York regi
ment, and served until ls&, when he was
mustered out at Washington. He Re
turned to his home In Ft. Iwrence, and
In 1874 with his wife and children came
to Nebraska, settling In Pawson county,
here ho luce r. sided and prospered.
He Is a large land owner, although long
retired from active farm life, and also
has Investments in Lexington. For msny
years he served as a preacher at Metho
dist missions In Dawson and Cuter
counties, and still takes an active Inter
est In church work. His Miare of the
life of the community with whloh he cast
his lot In pioneer days has been large,
and he finds himself now, at the age of
77 honored and loved by a wide circle of
friends. His wife, who la 7!, hsa shared
with i-ltn trinls of plunder life, making
her first Nebraska home In a sod house,
and rearing her family under difficulties.
She also shares Ih the comforts ant
Consideration that surrounds them In
their age. EVven of their ten children
are living and are: Mrs, George Wheeler
of Iexington, Mrs. P. F. Raymond of
Kearney, William L of Stapleton, Gil
bert R. of Cosad, George I of Omaha.
John J. of 1-exlnrton and Mrs. I-ouls
I'hllechek of 1-exlngton.
X. D. Hatkall of Wakefield Offer.
One Hundred Dollars for Beit
One Composed.
Ernest ToTJarcL
Saline County Jail
In Good Condition
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Oct. SO. (Special.) Saline
county, according to a report filed by
I. W. Shahan, secretary of the state
board of charities and corrections, has a
pretty good Jail as. far as the Inside ia
concerned, but the walls are so frail that
prisoners . have to Ce kept In the cages
all the time. The jail is well equipped
with all modern conveniences.
The poor farm consists of half a section
of good . land, 100 acres of which Is In
good meadow and the balance under
cultivation. The farm has good buildings
but he falle dto say whether he was n'nd a11 r them mr about what a ood
the list or not, up-to-date farm requires. That the farm
is wen jooaea alter is evident ior tne
superintendent, M. P. Blakeley, has had
charge for twenty-eight years, whloh is
evidence enough of his standing with the
boards which have come and gone. He
receives a salary of 11,000 a year and
the county furnishes everything. Seven
old people are cared for on the farm,
four men and three women. The farm
has ten horses, fifty-four cattle, ISO hogs
and 40) chickens.
EST POINT. Neb.. Oct 25. (Bpeelal.)
The marriage of Mr. Louis Wolff and
Miss Frances SchJautmann was sol
emnised as St Henry's church on
Wednesday morning. Rev. John Pieper
performing the ceremony. The attend
ants were Leo Wolff and Harry Schlaut
mann and Misses Cecilia Bchlautmann
and Annie Wolff, relatives of the parties.
They will make their home at the store
at St Henry", where the groom Is In the
mercantile business.
The operation performed yesterday at
Nicholas &enn hospital, Omaha, uson
William O. Ackerman of this place has
proved successful and the patient la do
ing well. The disease was appendicitis.
Mr. 10(1 ward Munderloh and Mlas Anna
Groth wero united In marriage at the
Klon German Lutheran church in Nellgn
township on Wednesday by Rer. William
Harms, pastor. They were attended at
the altar by William Groth and Fred
Munderloh and the Misses Louise Mun
derloh and Dora Meyer. They will es
tablish a home on the Peter Schmidt
farm,, near their former home.
The regular weekly blue rock shoot
was held this week at the farm home of
BIDNET., Ia.. Oct SO. (Special.) The
formal opening of Sidney's new Masonic
temple was the greatest event In Its way
ever witnessed in Sidney. Some of the
most prominent Masons in the state were
present and took part in the program.
Past Master John C. Shock ley of Ran
dolph, the oldest Mason in Fremont
county, gave a brief history of the Sidney
lodge, whloh la the oldest In this county,
being Instituted In 1W0. Attorney A. L.
Chantry delivered the address of wel
come, which wag responded to by Dr.
H. P. Piper of Randolph. Judge Thomas
Arthur of Logan spoke on "Masonry In
General," and Grand Secretary Newton
R. Parvln, on "Masonry la Iowa."
Two hundred and fifty attended the
Peter Nelson on tho Put Bin- Th. filbnquet Former Congressman W. D.
lowing scores were made. O. Wurs-' Jamleson f Shenandoah was toastmas.
bacher. SS; J. Radebach. 21: Armand i ler- Th following were the toasts:
a c ... tl.i ..., I "Why By the Sauare?" Attnmev t m
Haeffelin, 80; A. Bass, 19; Peter Nelson.
is; F. Jarrett, 1; K. Nelson. 18. and C.
Nelson and Mads Sass. each 17.
News has reached the city of the mar
riage at Sacred Heart church, Oleyen, of
Conrad Elckemeyer and Mlas Mary
Peltsmeler, popular young people of the
West Side. The ceremony was performed
by Rer. B. Teves. pastor.
Best Sporting
tight In The Ram -
Jutl bos score of all big leagues!
port cartoons that hit the bullae.
FALLS C1TT. Neb.. Oct SO. (Special)
Miss Ethel Walbridge and Miss Orace
Flnley. operators at tne local telephone
office, have just returned from a two
weeks' vacation visit to Valparaiso, Neb.
Miss Flnley. who is chief operator,
brought a surprise back with her in the
shape of a marriage certificate.
She was married at Belleville, Kan., on
October 26, by the county judge, to T. A.
Whiting of St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Whiting
Is traveling salesman for a packing com
pany. Mrs. Whiting will continue In her
present position as chief operator at the
local telephone office till the first of the
year, after which time she will resign to
go to keeping house.
ny uy tne aquaref" Attorney T. 11.
Stevens of Hamburg; "The Lodge Goat"
C. E. Fllesbacn, Shenandoah: ' Mason rv
and Religion," Rev. C. O. Smith, Farra.
gut; ' -he Eastern Star s Place In Ma
sonry," . Grand Secretary Newton Ray
Parvln. Attorney Earl Ftrgusffn of
Shenandoah and Judge W. SL Lewis of
Glenwood also took part in this program.
The building cost approximately SIS.Ouo.
Dr. O. O. Chappell, worshipful master,
presided over the exercises.
Tree mark lragBiat Acquitted.
TECUMSEII. Neb.. Oct 80.-8peclal.)-In
the Johnson county district court a
Jury found E. E. Cmtbcart. a Tecumseh
druggist, not guilty of selling intoxicants.
He was Indicted on a charge of selling
bitters, which, the druggist claimed were
not intoxicating. The jury found for
Mm. Henry Thomas, a Cook saloon
keeper, pleaded guilty to selling liquor
contrary to law and was fined SS and
costs by Judge J. B. Rpr. Mr. Thomaa
paid. Judge Rper is arranging the
bond for George F. Dorsch. a former
druggist at Sterling, who stands indicted
on a forgery charge. It Is likely the
Dorsch case will Hot be heard at this
sitting of the court.
Contest On at Hickman to Find Oat
What Publio Square May
Be Used For.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 30. (Speclal.)-Have
the authorities of a village, city or slate
the right to turn the city park or other
public grounds Into a cow pasture and
rent out the same so thst cows and
other domestic animals may browse off
the green grass Instead of having a lawn
mower propelled by a strong man, cat
the same?
This is a question which is brjtg tussled
over in a Lincoln court. Yfle village
board of Hickman, a thriving village In
Lancaster county, leased the village park
to a woman for the purpose of pasture
for her cow. One morning she went out
to the park to "abstract the lacteal
fluid" and found the cow dead. Two
bovlnrs hanging around the park were
accused of ving the cow to death, and
the woman has askrd damages of $100
from the village, and also, the owners
of the animals, to reimburse her for the
loss of the cow.
The defendants object to paying for the
cow and claim that the feed on the vil
lage lot waa so luxuriant that the cow
gorged herself and died from too much
green grass. Twenty-two witnesses are
being heard in the case.
I The plaintiff declares that she paid the
village board $10 for the privilege of
allowing the cow to feed In peace where
plenty abounded, and the rlgnt of the
village board to lease the park for feed
ing purposes is one of the points to be
Several yeans ago a populist state offi
cer used to pasture his cow on the stste
house lawn and some comment was made
at the time on the right of a state officer
to the grass without paying for It How
ever, tht cow fed and thrived anddld
not like the Hickman cow, die either
from too much eating or from assaults
by other cow animals.
SIDNEY, Neb.. Oct. SO. ( Sped al . ) A
sad caso was brought before United
States Commissioner Joseph Oberfelder
on Friday. A brother and alster. aged
12 and 10 Were arrested hv IVruitv
Sheriff George Gunderson at Potter on
cnarge ot breaking Into the poatofitce
store and extractlns- from the cash -
later the sum of $8. The burglary was
commuted about 5 o'clock in the morn
ing, and atene were taken hv lh nn
maater, Fred Nelson, to catch the guilty
parties. He learned that two children
had been buying candv and aorfa i
quite freely around town, and, getting
them into his store. Mr. Nelson cross,
examined them, and both admitted the
theft It was their first offense and
the postmaster was willing to condone
them If they would make restitution anri
promise to behave themselves in the fu-
tnre. The law on this point Is very par
ticular, and Mr. Npl.nn
- " ' ,'I HIV. , U
tne "tnapector-ln-charge" at Kansas
City, and he advised they bn given an
examination before Commissioner Ober-
reiaer, to be dealt with as the circum
stances might require. The girl and boy
bad a hearing today and ih .... ..
continued for a week, and the children
piacea in tne custody of the deputy
sheriff. The father of th eHiM...- i-
employed by the Union Pacific railroad
ana is a man of excellent character.
There Is a possibility thst the case will
be dismissed.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. SO. -(Special.)-A priio
of HO has been offered by John I.
lls'krll of Wakefield for the best poe.rn
on Nebraska composed by a resident of
the stale, the seme to be Used on the
occasion of the celebration of the semi
centennial anniversary of the sdmlslon
of the state.
Mr. Haskell suggests that the metre
of the poem be so fixed that the poem
may be set to music and become a state
song and has asked State Superintendent
Thomas to whom the notice of the poem
was sent to select three Judges to de
cide on the merits of the poem.
Mull It-erlTM Cash.
State Treasurer George Hall received
this morning a warrant from Washing
ton for 11.401.15. There was no. ex
planation accompanying the Warrant,
giving any Information what It was for
or where It was to be applied. Up In
one corner In red Ink waa printed "Agri
culture," but to what department of
agriculture, the treasurer, not being a
mind reader, la unable to determine.
Inspectors WH Meet.
State Inspectors of the pure food de
partment will meet at the office of Food
Commissioner Herman next Monday tor
the quarterly conference, when matters
pertaining to the department will be dis
cussed. These meetings have been a
source of considerable benefit not only
to the Inspectors, but to the department
Itself and In the mind ot Commissioner
Herman haa been one of the reasons for
the efficiency of the department.
nit. mMimrwv ix kkw ottickw.
Arc You Digging Your
Grave I'iith Your Teeth?
When over ftt of Ill-health Is attrlbntM t
nnsound Teeth and three tiroes the number f
rentlat now located In Omaha could not do the
work necessary for the people In need of them,
la It not a fact that you are digging your grave
with your teethT
Save Your Teeth
If you haven't any, I can give them to ftnt In
various kinds. Thsy will Improve your looks,
your health, and stand by you for I r"S at
Do Not Forget
the ear of vour rums. Pyorrhea can b enred
and I eKn do It. Receding, soft and bleeding
sriins loosen vour teeth ani In the course of th
riiean ens swallows about S gallons of pus.
Safety first.
Pt.rreUIn Filllnir, 91.00 t.
end for Boeklsi ea Vsasual XBtlitrT.
20 Years In Omaha.
DIM .22 Woodmen of the World IUdg. Phone D. ITM.
14th and FartiMin St., Omaha. Honrs, 8 to Sundays, 10 to lsV
Three New Clues
Found in Double
Crime at Kronberg
AURORA, Neb., Oct. 80. (Special.) In
the finding of a SJ-callbre revolver, a
heavy club and an Iron bludgeon close
to trails leading from the homes ot
Nels Nelson and Fred Luff, It seems
apparent that some third party made
the assaults upon both Nelson and Luff
which recently astonished and alarmed
the peaceful Danish neighborhood In ,
the vicinity of Kronberg of this county.'
The revolver waa found Friday lying
on the beams ot a cement bridge rlose
to the home of a younger brother of Nels
Nelson. It was discovered by one of
the large searching parties which went
over the country thoroughly between the
homes ot Nelson and Luff, following the
two trails which were discovered yes-:
Lying on the ground under th beam
of th bridge upon which th revolver
lay was a heavy piece of Iron which had
evidently been at one time a part of a
cultivator. A club which had formerly
been a single-tree was found about
thirty-five feet from the trail which led ,
from Nelson's home. The revolver was ;
a long barrelled gun and It contained
one empty shell and five loaded ones.
It was the theory advanced by those who '
found the gun that it had been placed j
In the bridge after the ahootlng of Luff, i
Just one shot was fired at Luff and
this passed through his scalp, making
a painful scalp wound, but one that
would have no serious consequences. I
The trail which led from Nelson's !
home showed the steps ot some person j
running who undoubtedly wore heavy!
rubber boots. After running through 1
several wheat fields this person threw,
away the single-tree near the school ;
house Just a mile west of Chris Fedder
son a comer. This was In a wheat field
which was drilled early In October. The
club lay across the rows ot wheat
clearly showing that It had not been
there at the time the wheat was drilled.
It was a heavy hardwood single-tree ,
and could easily have caused the Injury
to Nelson's head and shoulder by a
swift hard blow.
This trait led north from th school
house and down to within 100 feet ot
where the gun and Iron bludgeon were
found. At that place th trail was lost
in th publio road.
Th trail which fed from Luffs house
showed rubber boot tracks for about a
half mile, at which place rubber boots
were found and th trail proceeded
thereafter in tracks evidently made by
a person in his stocking feet This trail
led almost exactly to the bridge In
question. Luff waa shot Just after dark
last Fridsy evening.
1c- Cont Salo Coming 1c
Wo shall hold another of the famous One-Cent Sales
first introduced in this city by ourselves nearly two years
Two articles will bo sold for the price of one ot
them plus one cent.
You have seen these sales advertised in Collier's and
other periodicals of national circulation. Watch the
papers next Wednesday and Thursday. Several hundred
articles runfriiiff in value from 5o to $2.00 will be sold for
regular price of one of them plus lc.
Hero ia the way it goes:
Two 6c articles for (W
Two 10c articles for
Two 26c articles for -SO
Two 11.00 articles for 81.01
Two ft. 00 articles for S2.01
Sherman & IVIcConnoll Drug Co.
One Cent AeJe Next Friday and Ra tarda y.
Rebuilt Overcoats
Save the price of a new overcoat by having us clean, or
dye, nnd rebuild your old ono.
Have a now velvet collar, now sleeve or body lining,
turn up the edges of sleeves, and maybe a half inch off the
bottom, then carefully press it, and you have almost a now
To Dry Clean Overcoat $1.60 '
To New Velvet Vollar 1.00 to $1.50
To Mohair Sleeve Lining. . . . 1.50
To New Body Lining. 6.00
To New Buttons 25 to .50
To Edges on Sleeves 50
To Out Off Bottom 75 to 1.00
To Four New Button Holes.... GO
If dyed, figure $1.50 more.
See what your coat needs and you can figure close to the coat
before sending it In. We guarantee satisfaction.
We are cutting off a great many Jackets these days and making
t belt out of the goods. Bring yours In and talk It over with us.
We also rellne Jackets. You can furnish your own, material,
or we will furnish It. It costs from $3.00 to $4.00 for rellnlng.
plus cost ot material.
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
1513-15-17 Jones Street. Branch Office, 2016 Farnam St.
Phone Douglas 963. South Side, 528 No, 24th Bt.
N. B. During the month of November each woman who sends na
any cleaning, dyeing or repairing, will receive free, a beautiful
Pantortum thimble. ,
Tes)wiseh Ploaeer Is Dead.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Oct. 30.-gpec!a!.)
Following three years of fsillng health
John P. VIckroy died at hla home In this
city yesterday. lie was born near JMtta-
ourgn, n., ana was eg years or age. The
early life of sir. VIckroy was spent in
Bureau county, Illino and he was mar
ried to Miss Ella McCullouch. January
It. U70L Three children were born tn
them, on only, surviving, a daughter,
aura. a. m. Moor or Maxwell, Neb. Mr.
VIckroy had been a horticulturist, ela.
vator manager and had engaged n other
employment during the active years of
his life, ill widow survives.
Notes from Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 80. (Special.)
Jolut Janeemer, a pioneer of Gage
county, died suddenly Friday at his
home at Ilallam, Just over the county
Una in Lancaster county, lie was about
TO years of age and is survived by a
widow and a large family.
The body of Q. A, Utka of Wyrnore,
th Western Union lineman who was1
electrocuted at Forte so, ne. Mo., Thurs
day, was taken to Ottumwa, la., for
O. Otho Hears has resigned as captain
of Company C. Nebraska National
Guard of this city to take effect at once.
Mao L. Abbott Is next tn line for th
office and will probably be elected at a
meeting of Company C, called for next
TUaday evening.
Lavld K. Luttbeg ot Omaha and Miss
Mattl Jones of Beatrice were married
Friday morning at the Methodtat par
sonage. They will make their home In
Css Th Bee's "ttwappor" column.
Are You Satisfied Where You Are?
If so, HTICK, Rut
If you axe Not, and you vnnt to get a business under conditions
where tndlvlduiU Talents and a Good Kecord are quickly recognised,
The Security Mutual Life Insurance Company
I l'as something to Interest you.
Wi have an optninjr tor a man full of Jvp and Ambition; One wlio Knows
thst he ran Make (Sonri under Favorable Conditions, und who Is willing to
tay the 1'rlce t Success in 1'lnin Hard Work.
Coinmunkate With
C. J. KltKMKIt, JMslrtit ftLanaffrr.
The success of a product cannot bo at
tributed to advertising alone. It must
possess merit to warrant the good-will
and confidence of the buying public.
Pure malt
I 4
has enjoyed a wide-spread sale during
the last half century and more, because
of its merit and the confidence of its
'Duffy's is unlike any other whiskey
does not even taste the same. Chemical
analysis proves it to be different, vastly
better and more reliable than ordinary
beverage whiskies for the delicate stom
ach. A tablespoonful in water before
meals and on retiring, assists digestion
and promotes better health.
Every family medicine chest should
contain a bottle of Duffy's for use in
emergencies and slight indispositions
which frequently occur.
NOTE Oct Duffy's
from your local drag.
gtsg, grocer or dosJ
er, 91 per bottle. If
he cannot supply
you w rite us, we wUl
tell you where to get
It. Medical booklet
t actimi - liuitlt
Urtutly htdwxd
The Duffy Malt Whis
key Co..
Rochester, N. T.