THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: OCTOBER 31, 1915. MOTORING ABSORBS SOCIETY Splendid Indian Summer Wetther Xeeps Social Calendar to a Low Ebb. HALLOWE'EN BREAKS SPELL O'KEJLL MATRON GUEST OMAHA FHIESDS. OF SHE WILL BE A NOVEMBER BRIDE. CHICAGO MATRON GUEST OF MRS. M. A. BUEHLER. SHANOHAI VISITOR TO OMAHA DURING THE WEEK. i J J 1 1 i 4 & I 5 I i f f i ! i Sorlal Caleadar. IfONPAT- . Ir and Mr. A. C, FtnK and Dr.. and Mm. John Tottn, dinner for Ml Katherin McClanahen and Ir. Hr,,Ke. Mr. . W. Hon-r and Mri. Welter Hopewell, luncheon at Vnl vrmltT. cluh for Mine MeClanahan Thiirwlur Mnrnln Rowllna; cluh. I'inchmn at ComiwrHil rUib. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Olrlfflth. dinner for Dr. and Mm. Wlllard Scott. Whit fhrlns Whit club, Masonic temple. TtDAT- Fimt Turdr Mornlne Mualcal rVio row-tips. H"tcl Tontanelle. I p. m. Pr. find Mm. H. M. MeClanahan, dinner for Mlaa Mrt1mihn end Dr. flonaae. lA Palle I'snrlne; club Chsml-er. iH-butunte limine cluh. MIab Clarlie, hostess. Sojourner' Knslnt"n club. Mm W. W. Hoott. hostess. Prettiest Mile Oolf Club, Mm. A. M. Hmtth, hostess. V KIN HS'P A T M M Hnake-McClanshan weddlne;. Dundee Wnmin'i cluh, luncheon lit fnlveralty cluh. Kummy club, Mrs. M. M. Kiln. THlKnAT Mm. TruI 0nher. luncheon for hous tiK-itu, Mine Wlnlffd Hp and Mlas Mildred Wscner of Ksnas City. Mis Ahhle Uneven nd Mlas May Komer. luncheon at Hotel loyt for rrof. Urlrdsch of Milwaukee. Kaffee Klstsch for I'rof. rledh. Mm. William Howen, hostess. HtibarHptlon club dance at Tun'lna, with dinner precedinf the dnnce. Ivlks club dancing; party. Cnmus club meets. Omaha Woman' IT-ess club luncheon. Hotel I-ciyai. 1 p. m. Panclns; club, Chamber. Amlea Whist cluh, Mn. Oeora Keebler. losteas. New Dinner-Dance club, Omaha cluh. llr'rit Luncheon club, Mra Harold Pobotker, hostess. How lon ! th continuing Indian summer to keep a restricted oclal calen dar? They ay, nmi of the hlshbrow, that society la a rary arUHclal affair, without tout or tru conception of beauty. I am wonder-In. Haven't I seen how thin hav con thla last week? Thera ha been practl call nothlna- doing, lust bcau the weather ha been o fin. Tha only affair that wera not put off wer some fixed atari In the aocial firma ment and tha entertainment of s-uests But va tha ueta wara, wllty-nllly, taken motorln. They let on. a all wall behaved ut ahould. tbat they liked It. Parhap. It waa tha nm tala from popular host after hostess Just metorlna;. tno-torlna-no on would ba o dead aa to tay Indoor uch weather aa thla! Only tha vary youn set, tha kiddle who enjoy a mow storm more and n day after Wordsworth's own heart. showed any social Inclination tha last week. With Hallowe'en affairs thay did keep thins stirring and make some copy for this pa. Tby wer not dull affairs, either, thoaa Juvenile parties. On tha contrary, they wer quit Individual In their deco rations, showing a strong preference for striking ornamentation, as corn talk and such. After all, this Is admitted to b "the aga of tha child," and a little mora propaganda of tha John Dewey school and kiddle nay soon monopolise the social page ltaelf. Among the Visitor!. Mm, J. A. etahl of Oakland, Cat, la vIlBtlng Mr. and Mra, A. A. Wadameyar. Mm. Frank Bradford Of Columbus, O., la the gueat of her aunt, Mrs. T. T. , Peters, and daughter. Ml Hester Peter.. Mia Keller and Mlas Oeorgla Keller, the guest and tters of Mr. Charles B. Keller, left yesterday for thalr bom In Virginia. Mies Willis of Kearney, who w4 hem as a dclegat to tha Woman's Auxiliary provincial branch, was tha truest of her later, Mr. Tyler Belt. Ml Abba Bowen, head of tha Herman department ' of tha Peru State Normal, will ba tha guest of her mother, Mra William Bowen, from Tuesday to Hunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Adams of FhorkWn. Wyo., are the guests of Mra Adam' parents, Mr. and Mr. J. F. PrentU. Mra. . Adams was formerly Mies Marguerite Prentla of Omaha. Mls llortena Ead. who has been vis iting In Aurora and Tork for tha last few weeks, has returned home. At Tork Ulna F.ada was a gueat at tha wedding of Mlas lilancb Cox to Mr. Waldemar Nla-man-Mrs. -Oarrett A. tmb of Clinton, and her brother. Dr. Lyman N. rail, of Los Angeles, arrived last Saturday by motor and wer tha guts of Mrs. K. CL Har ton until Wednesday, whan they left for Clinton, accompanied by Mr. Charlea Marsh. Kotes of Interest Mm. Jack Barber, who has bean hers with her slater, Mr. Daniel Btapleton. for several weeks, left Saturday for Fhoentx, Art., to Join Mr. Barber. They will take a house there for the winter to be Mr. Barber's ranching internal. Mr. Charlea Rlgutter atended a moat ing 'of th organisation known as the Fossils at Chicago last Saturday. A din ner was given at tha University club thera by men who were at on time publisher of amateur newspaper In their youth ol them aa far back aa ICT-n-TI. Mr. Elgutter took over with him cople of th Excelsior, published la Omaha In thoaa early days, tha "Jolly Joker," take or Break'- and "All Sorts." all Omaha publications. Change ia Residence. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy are now set- tied in their apartment la the Colbert. Mr. and Mra B. E. Price wUl move Into their new home at Mul Burt stret th first of th week. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin & Chny will move from th Helen apartments naxt week to th house at 6111 Underwod ave nue. Ilw .nl iLfM 1 . ... I ... .-. . ...t.un ww move una uwir new noma at mui Harney street next week. Mr. and Mra J. E. Goodrich and son, Emeraoii, hav takaa a suit of room at th Wellington Inn. until their new horn on Lincoln Way and Fifty-third street, Evanaton, 1 completed, which will b about Christmas time. To Honor Prof. Greidich. MUs Abba Howen and Mis May Homer will be hostesses at the Hotel Loyal Thursday at a luncheon given to German teachers In honor of Prof. Max Grtedach, director of th German-American Teachers' seminary at Milwaukee. After tha luncheon Prof. Grleriach win t the gueat of a motoring party about Uis city and later honor gueat at a Kaf ft) Klatach at tha homo of Mia. Wil liam Bowen. , HUoweVn Affair. The spirit c( Hallowe'en dominated all affair of the Wat week. Hallowe'en decorations being used extensively. This waa so at th tirthday parly given V ' 2t.Roy Ibwzisencl Thursday afternoon by Mr. Charle It. Thlem for her daughter, Gertrude's, thirteenth birthday. MUs Julia Slenacka wa th witch. Those present wera: Mlnaes Ilernico Clark on. Anna H"kman, Ve.-ta Melvln. Kleanor Judeon, Helen Spencer, Claim Taylor, Evelyn Henaon, Helen Ore?, Mlaac Frances Patlon. Adeline Haneen, Edith AtcCurdy, Helen Ktenlcka, Ituth White, 1 'ti villa Itihn, Nettle Huth. Gertrude Thlem. Richard Novak enter Mr. and Mra tained at a Halloween party Friday evening. The decoration were sug gestive of Hallowe'en. The evening's en tertainment conflated of games and dancing, Thoae present were: Miaaea Mlae Nell Walah. E. Harrow. Kathrvn Walah. Anna McMahon, Hertha I.lchnovsky, Theresa Homann, JHoa Hannon, Vena Kavanaugh, Mabel Melcher. Marl Moilovern, Delia Barrow, Maaara. Martin Conhoy, Morgan Heafey, Jr, J. P. Sullivan, 1-eo Hannon, Will Melcher, 1'at Mc'iovern, fsnrah Aah, Winifred Col. Meaam.-. A. A. Dougherty, Kd Cahlll. Oeorae Smith, Frank Smith. Bert Tanner, Jo Power. m. j. narrow, Meaara. and Mesdam) Onrge Parks, Jr.: W B. Haselmlr. John Mulcahy, Mrs. B. Blanchard. Miss Helen McCrumb entertained a Hallowe'en ' party Thursday evening, After supper was served fortunes wer told. Tha guests were: Miaaea Miaaea Helen Doyle. Helen McCrumb, Ooldle Hnunln, ' Agnea Chrlatlansen, Vera Sullivan, Helen Kchlaxar, Evelyn Sannherg, Marl Honacn, Mildred Sandherg, Helen Ward, A Hallowe'en surprise party waa given to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dasbach Friday venlng. Tha guests wera: Misses- Miaaea Mary Flnnegan. Emma Stroud, Agnea Hayduk, Myra Dorfey. Ellaaheth Kana, Ines Murphy, Nora Flnnrgan, Itoee Dlnkens, Mary Cheaek. Maud Murphy. Camilla Kana, iianle McKlvor, Mariarat Chermey. May Ogden. lieiena Heiaser, Meaara. Henry Gurnat. Meaam O us Hark man. Ieo Flnnegan, Charle Unon. Ernst McC'atney. Io Flnnegan, Henry Land wehlkanL James Manaaek Mrs. C. IK L-arson Miss Orao Ollla entertained tha M. M. B. club at a Hallowe'en party at her home Friday evening. Hallowe'en decorations wara used throughout Th vening was spent la game and musto. Thos present warsi Misses Mlsaes Oall Courtney, Jane England. t lenore Oabome, niynie jwnaen, FJorenoa Jenaen, Hasel Turnqulat, riorenoa lUohard- Grace Ollle, inn. Helen Ullle. Helen Miller, Mrs. Harry A. EVemden entertained at a Hallowe'en party Friday evening at her home. Hallowe'en decorations wera Meed through th houee, also fall flow er. Peak caps wer worn during the evening. Prise wara won by Mr. and Mra Orosa. Those present wera: Meear. and Mcadamee Walter Qroaa. J. F. IMmlck, K. F. Hevden. 1 V. Ularn. Harry Knapp, Mlas Freda Petersen entertained at ner home Friday evening. Tha room wer decorated In chryeanthtmuma, pumpkins and cornstalk. Thos present wera: Miaaea Miaaea Helen Trexler, Cella Noone, Stella Korden, Avonell Stlckley, Irene FlorwIU Laura Petersen. Oretohen Elbert. Eileen Edward. Mildred Schommer, mia Konlgaberger, I nea HokI. llrtM Mahaffy. Marirory Furgem, Meaara. Jack Lany, Carl Ildy, Illlnert Petemen, Walter Petemen, Oarvtn Brown, Wilbur tt. John Petemen, ltaluh Wtlann. Messrs. Jack lrlaooll. Bart Kruger, Tom Doyle, Homer Eaufeom, Itobert Boarkmore, William (J Inner, Tom Petersen. Harry Drlacoll. Mrs. A. i . i-eteraen. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Petersen. Mr. and Mr. Rockwall gave a Hal lowe'en party In honor of thair son, Ixui. Th evening was spent at game and a nloa tlm waa had by all. Th follow Ing wara present: Mlse Luella Kockwell, Mildred Omen, Helen Boae, Henna Chrlatenaen, Meaam. Howard Johnaon, Harold Johnson, ttiarit Forrey, Ijomn Green, Edwin Mayor, Misses Katherins Bmlth, Ruth Buach, Ila Lannlng. Ethel Weldner, Meaam Vernle Bryant, Albert Krauae, Herbert Wensel, Louis Rockwell. Mr. and Mm M. Berry. Miss Sarah Fink and Miss Edith Mat it hew gv a Halloween masquerade party Friday evening at the homo of MUs Fink. Tha guests Included; Miaaoa MLiaea Meroede Shepherd. Mildred Cramer, ha rah Fink. PatUe Atkinson. Marie Atkinson, Edith Matthews. Meaam Maaara Dwlslit Chaaa. Ernest Abrahamson. Eugene Simmons, Hryan Sackeii. William Canipen, Edwin Kahn. Crelsrhton Folk Entertain. Tb "university mixer" dancing party was given by the students of tha dif ferent departments of Crelghton univer sity at Chahbera" academy Thursday evening. The hall was beautifully deco rated with the Crelghton color of blu and whit. Electrical affect, produced by artiatlc chandelier, from which Crelghton colored globe war suspended from th oelllng. attracted much admlra tkn. Each corner of the hall was turned Into a cosy alcove, displaying the colors and Insignia of the different fraterni ties. Tha hall was taxed to He full capacity by students, alumni and their frK-nda Th program was unique, each dance having been dedlcatid to some depart- EJva Gratam ASHLAND GIRL WHO WILL WED TODAY. ment of tha university. Tha dances wara designated a follows: "U-N-4" Two-tttep To our patrons, Tha toothpaste dip. The legal stride. Tha medicine dance. The college hill hop. - PHI mixers' plod. Tha dentist' trot. Th lawyer charge. Tha doctor's glide. Artist's dremm (waits). Th toothache Juml. ?hs gymnasium plunge. - ha mixer's mix. Tha university favorite. Th Crelghton canter. Th patrons and patronesses were: Mayor and Mrs. James C Dahlman, Mr. and Mra. Paul L. Martin. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Better, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Hip pie, rof. and Mra. J. Curtis Arledge, Dr. and Mra. C. F. Orowley, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Bruntng, Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Foots, Prof. Louis J. TePoel, Dr. J. A. Graham, Mr. Dan Butler, Prof. John E. O'Brien, Mr. John A. Bennewlts, Prof. Hugh Olllespta and Prof. C. H. Nswton. Brownell Hall Dinner-Daaoe.' Miss Euphemla Johnson gave a dinner and masquerade last night for tha alumnae of tha classes of '12, '18 and '14. The dining room and table war decorated In red, tha school colors. The gym was decorated In Hallowe'eu style, with a very spooky effect produced on tha darkened stage. Miss Johnson was assisted by the seniors of tha clan of 'It. who are: Misses Misses Hsrriette Ashbrook. Alice Forbes. Gnraldlna Heaa, Marguerite Hoggs. Jeanetta Green- Helen Johnston, ehlvld. Martha Leavltt, Jeanette McHride, Marie Fander, le i.iaie Maine. Mildred urumm. Helen Y. Reynolds. Marv Fuller. Alice Sedgewlck, Heulah Clark. Callle baddl. Edna Mulligan. Weddin1 Announcement!. Mr. Clement K. Lambert and Miss Ethelyn Da Vor, both of Omuh.a. wera married at Blslr, Neb., on October VI In tha Methodist Episcopal church by tha Rev. A. B. Marsh. The young couple will reside In Omaha and will be at home to their friends after November 15 at their apartment In the if".orutlne. , Tha marriage of Mlas Helen Roasen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C L. Rossen, to Mr. Louis Neble. son of Mr. and Mra H. P. Neble. was solemnised at tha home of tha bride's parents, Friday evening at T o'clock, tha Rsv. T. 1. Mackay offi ciating. A wadding supper followed the cere mony. Tha guests wera: Mesars. and Mssdamos Co phus Neble, ilana P. Neble. Miaaea M iaaes Etta Larson, (tertrude Larson, Maud Neble. Messrs. Richard Larson France Neble, bernlc Lulck, Ann Graubevk, Olsa Lai-sun, v Messrs. Herman Buerdorf. Shower for Bride-Elect Mlaa laabel Smaller gave a miscellane ous shower at her horn Thursday even ing for Miss Elva Graham, whose mar riage to Harley J. Deems of Shenan doah. Ia.. formerly of Omaha, will tak place November . Tha guests were: Miaaea Misses- Elva Graham, Louella Rl merman. uraca waian, imnm uuvajr, Ma Walsh. Addle Deems Bernlc Alexander, Laura BeaL Alta Haaer. Meadames Mesdames E. Uhuemaker, B. B. SoannelL 11, W. itowlelt, Melrose, Mass. Webb-Fulton Wedding. Mlas Prances Pulton, daughter of Mrs. Mary Fulton, was married to r. Harold Webb of WUilock. Or., at tha HUlslda Congregational church Tuesday evening at o'clock, Hav. W. 8. Hampton of ficiating. Tha bride worn a gown of Ivory satin, embroidered In silver and lac trimmed. i and carrtcj brtde' roses. Mis Frances Peterson, the bridesmaid, wore pink satin and carried pink rosea. Mr. Philip Jewett was beat man. Preceding tha sermon, Mlas Mabel Ful ton, slater to the bride, aang "I Ixva You Truly." Mr. Vernon Bchleh played the Lohengrin and the Mendelssohn wed M j ' ;Xvc ding march. The ushers were Mr. C M. Howell and Jr. J. Bulck, After November 16 Mr. and Mm. Webb will be at home at Wlnlock, vjre. University of Omaha Affain. A masked Hallowe'en party was given Friday evening at Redlck Hall by mem ber of tha University of Omaha sopho mor and preparatory classes. Th large rooms in the building wer decorated for th oooaslon with Hallowe'en effects. Games of a varied nature, Including song, story telling and fortune telling mad th affair th moat Interesting aver given at tha school. Among thos pres ent wera: Misses Effle Clelland, Ruth Paters. Jean Berger, Rita Carponter, Helen Tinker, Gladys Talmadge, Olsa Anderson, Pearl Galnea, Fern Gilbert, Elizabeth Gordon, May Leach. Mlases Etta Barentaon, Margaret Nattlnger, Marlon Peamall, Ruth sundland. Father Knapp, Lillian Anderson, Ruth Collins, Florence Dow, Ruth Klmborg, Helen Hotls, I.otta Johnson. Elisabeth Selbert, Liiira Marsh, Ellxabeth Bcrryman.Ethel Moore, Amv Zschau. Martha Rail. Mildred Clausen, Ruth Cox, Qulta Eddy, Ida Graham, Aloha Jenkins, Naomi Lowe, Lula Miller, Edith Olson, Oertrude Reynolds, Vaoml Summit, Luotle Ely, Joy Lampman, Katharine Hlchey, Messrs. Edwin Rails. Edgar Ernst, Emerson Goodrich, Floyd Woosley. Samuel Slotky, noy Greeting, Maymie Rolfson, Frederick a Wit sell, Gladys Keehler, l"na McPeak, Edna Opper, Jean Roberts, Laura Ax ford, Anetta Noume, Dorothy McMurray, AHtha McWhlnney, Kathleen Carroll, Natgine Talbot. Messrs. Earl Clark. Karl Tiuknor, Perry Allerton, Chester Dutcher, W illlam Campen, Robert Clark, Wl illlam Thompson, Frank Krampert. Howard Delamatm. Mark Lowe, narry i.eiamair, t-ri w niitaaer. Jersld Bruce. Wink Gacnebln. Chester Calahan, lister Hansen, Karl Duncan, Michael Llpp, Hoy Schmidt. Ernest Adams. Walter Gilbert, Verne Jewell, Andrew Dow, Victor Jorgenson, Nathan Levitt, Paul Hungate, Ted Korbmaker, Paul elby, Ralph Leach, Richard Perry, iohn Belbert, wls Wolf son, Kenneth Wldenor, Leland Lewis. Harold Sheets, James Smith, will Hooerts, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Water. Dr. D. E. Jenkins. Tha Sigma Chi Omlcron sorority of th University of Omaha held Its annual ban quet for now members Saturday evening at Hotel Loyal. American Beauty roses and dainty hand-painted plaoa cards were tha table attractions. Miss Rule Campbell, Esther Knapp and Florence Dow wer among new members pledged for tha oomlng year. Member present wara i Mlsse Misses Betty Berrymsn, Jlrlen Johnston, Kffle Clelland, Gell Charlea. Rule Campbell, Florence Dow. Minnie Johnson, Marlon Peamall, Etta Barentsen, Anoetta Nourae, Rita Carpenter, her Knapp, Miss Laura Axford entertained a num ber of her college friends at a canoeing party Thursday afternoon on Carter lako. Following tha voyage about tha water tha party gad supper at ths home of Miss Axford. Those present were: Misses Naomi Lowe, Ruth Collins, May Leach, Lillian Anderson, Elisabeth Selbert, Misses Quito Eddy, Olga Anderson, Jean Berger, Olga Jorgenson. Laura Axford. Hallowe'en in Benton. Miss Edna KUIlan entertained a num ber of young women at her home Fri day evening at a Hallowe'en party. Tha rooma wera deoorated with cut flowo-s and other decorations appropriate for tha occasion. Those present were: Ml Misses Gertrude Calvert. May Hanna, Daisy kteele, Mary Roth. Emma Pliant, Nell Bmlsor, Edna Killlan. Vera - Freman, Ruby Davey, Jesai Belli. Mildred Tltael. Heulah Byera, Josephine Muff. Maud Harrier. I. 8tlger. Myrtle Stnlaor, Irene Moulthrop, Anna Campbell. Mrs. M. Kroyer. Stork Soeoial. Born to Prof, and Mrs. M. F. Miller of Columbia, Mo., at Presbyterian hospital, Omaha. October B. a son. Mra Miller will be at th home of her parent, Mr. j jL?.i t - r v. ," r- fi f St: OUR NEW 8TORIS FRONT ONB O r THE ATTRACTIONS Or OMAHA. WE ABE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING MASKSS El-Sol! SS BIckD1 BUSH PIAN0S' bhtlfi.ld Silver. te.a tiete. Vlnrolaa and Mustci Instruments, each line eo,,Me Viiiorefconil. 'or"na 1513-1515 Douglas Street. A. H0SPE CO. U5 f ... 4" f cv:'v W''Aj:ft"7 I'M MRS. C. 8. LOBEN'GIER. and Mrs. C. J. Ernst, from about No vember I until Thsnksglving. Hallowe'an Surprise Party. A number of friends surp-iscd Mls.i Helen Redmond at her home Frld.iy evening at a Hallowe'en pnrty. Musi': and games furnished the miiNemH-ita for tha evening. Primes were won oy Meurrs. Earl McMahon and James .t.ger. Those present were: Misses Helen, Redmond. Grace Roaalter, Florence Vance, Eva Hartlander, Gertrude Hrennan, Maaara Bruce HHggs, Ouy McMahon, Earl McMahon, Vred ;lowd, Leo McMahon. Misses Peggy ilrennan, Mai Karat Dee, Bertha Wrede, Tresa Tromp. Messrs. Jamea Uerger, Edward Madden, Fred Strong, Guy Slauey. Brice-Meredith Wedding. The marriage of Miss Clara EstelU Meredith, daughter of , Dr. George W. Meredith of Ashland, to Mr. Thomns H. Brlca of Omaha, son of Mrs. Frederick Brlce of Clearfield, la., will be aolemniied Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the homo of th bride's father, tha Rev. Mr. Allen. (Continued on Page Four Column One.) LET SANTA COMBS HELP YOU IN SELECTING XMAS GIFTS But don't wait until the last week before you start to do your shopping. Santa Combs has store just chuck full of beau tiful and useful articles that will make excellent Christmas presents. Start your Christmas shopping tomorrow. Come to Santa Combs' store .where articles selected now will be held for you until you are ready for them. rill 4JLU xIewelers f IIM CWCMA ST OMAHA OMAHA ART GILD FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION NOVEMBER 1-6. Milton Darling Gallery (2030 Farnam St.) Open Daily 8:30 A. M.-6 P. M. Admission Free. coniuriE PAULSON COHCEQT PIANIST AID TEACHER OF NAM miaaoe atudio. 831S Z.afaytt At. rhon Harney 1780. THE HOME OF "7 -1 M ' The Best Fall Fiction Is Sold at BRANDIES' STORES for "ladd13j L V7j7 ry MIT TTrT TJ "Laddie," by Gene Stratton Porter -Heaaaaee at Billy Goat HUt," by Alloa Rica. "Araryle Caa. by Arthur Horn blow. "Niirr Makers, by Arthur Hornblow. "OrliiH," krB.H. Bower, -aweetaasle Cev,n by Geo. Van Scoalck. la Beareh ( a HaakaaeV by Cona Harris. "Senator Brash," by Franrla Lynda, Oa t Kvery Man," by Larry Evans. Hobble, Ueaeral Bfaaager, by O. H. Prouty. "Dlaae f Greea Taa," by Leone Dalrymple. A Feel and Hla Meaey," by Geo. B. MeCutcheon. -Daddy l-ealega," by Jean Webaler. Wenaaa Tkas Gavest Me," by Hall Calne. riahenaaa'a Lark, by Henry Van Dyke. V.-V Ryea, by Henry Harrison Birth a( a Natlea" (Clansman), by Thomas Dixon. "T. Ttaiatrln," by Francis H. Burnett. "Inside f 0a." by Winston Churchill. "Flylaig V Ranch,' by R M. Bo war cm V J Vv trwTTri anrr f4tw i npia li THE SILK SHOP mm i If EVERY MANi J JJ January 1st AND EVERY YARD OF SILK AND VELVET IN OUR SHOP MUST BE CLOSED OUT BEFORE THAT TIME. THE PRICES HEREWITH QUOTED ARE A FAIR EXAMPLE OF THE REDUCTIONS WE ARE MAKING Georgette Crepes, Smart Silk Suitings, tf n ff Pompadour Silks, Pussy Willow Silks, I P vU Heavy Crepe de Chine, Swell French j Jl Per Plaids, etc. Values up to $2.25, at J Yard $6.00 Black Chiffon Velvets, per yard $3.95 $2.50 Boulevard Dress Velvets, per yard 1.65 E. A. BESSIRE 211 CITY NAT'L BANK BLDG. A for Women Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet and Cut Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons. Ideal Button and Pleating Company 107-9.11 Ho. 18th St. Phone Doug. 1936. Omaha, Nebraska. WEDDING INVITATIONS, MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS, DEBIT CARDS. The iV. C. Leary Company 716 So. 15th St. Phone D. 18U0. JSOrVUVlER. nroans in Phoa Hamey 188. : : uooawin corsets Are Leaders, for They Pol and Bap port th Body Correctly and Com. fortably. Prloe $3.60 to f 10.00. Por Demonstration Re IDA C. STOCK WELL. 8M Brandal Theater Bnlldlnr. Phoa Eoufla 3434. Let The Bee get you a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free ART AND IVIUfSIC ; ., t & -x. . r. I I- Kni - f-s ? r,v i ' aiP f- AROMANC-eOF HiiyocKT imL UOI HSttAM MO J The Silk Shop Will Move Into Larger Quarters About vy5 TT M S.J-- 7 jiwf"ii r iMr " Phone Doug. 1158 Fontenelle Hotol. 1(14 Douglas St, BROTHERS somibito okocskzxi. 88th and raraan. KOTELTURPIfJ "ii tsi bust r tsi crrr 17 POWCLL ST. AT MARKET BAN rRANCISCO CVCftV CONVCNICNCK AND COMfOKT UMOPtAN PLAN. $t.eO ANO UPWARD ICC Auto Bua MetaTratna and aWerner fL"" : ' ( a J , " - 1 (ateRaaaa PIANOS: CAB LSON PUKOM. WHITNEY over ana Bronse, lottery asea. Cards, 1513-1515 Douglas Street. MffT