10-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOHEU 1913. ws SGJ .A". lE .Kissel Kicks When Uther Auto Makers "Steal His Stuff" 31. EHTIRE COUHTRY 18 PROSPEROUS ViTerUiiaj: Xanag-er cf Studebaker Corporation Declares Auto Bnii new Beit Ever. EiWSTATER COPT IS THE BEST Oeorr I Wlllman. assistant le and advertising mana-r for the etude baker corporation, tu returned from visiting the lerr distributing afferKie for tHudebaker In the mlMle watt and south weet. Mr. Wlllman look advantage of every opportunity for siting up tha business situation of the different terri tories end comparing In hla Inveatlga tiona what ba could hear and ee. "No thins." said Mr. Wlllman. "could apparently here bran mora pleasing to Uia agencies I vlalted than tha tele traphlo message that were ant from tha Detroit feotorte to Studebaker rep reaenteUvea that Saptambor had proven to ba tha greatest month for tha pro duetloa of oar la tha history of Btude baker. And nothing. X know, could hava bee mora pleasing to ma than tha or Sars for Studebaker that wra ahown aa at different points 1 visited. Uealer who hava already gone above thalr oon trete told tne that with the aaeurenne btvdebaker could promptly take care ot bddiuoaal erdera within a reasonable ttme. they would mow book orders which seejulre little mora proceeding than that If signing wp. This oondltloa wtth tha automobile awataeea, and prevailing aa It seemingly aVsa with other Hoae, can Indicate only that these United State of America are riding ea the craat of a wave of un precedented prosperity. Insofar aa I can aacall. It la tea first time In the history af this eoualry that eveiy part of It haa bun prosperous at the aaine time. 1 have been all through the corn belt, and thla year's crop will bo the moat valu able the country baa avar produced. The frost which came, per achedule. waa so light that lis offset waa helpful more than anything alee. The cotton crop may not came wp to t usual si, but the price la right for tha Jrtanter, which la more consoling Uia an overproduction. . It la simply a ease t every one of tha forty-eight State congratulating one another on bright k!ee and sunshine and 'business hi gvod. Jhank you.' all around. "Advertising baa been tha moat potent factor la pulling bualneaa through the lough ot ddspond," continued Mr. Wlll man. "When one stops to think It ever, ran they recall any time when the newspa pers carried more advertising than waa the case during tha period of depression! doing further into a discussion af the subject of advertising; Mr. Wlllman said: "In direct sales, newspaper advertising la the beat medium. Of course, we use the big national megaalnea, but we do that to Introduce our produoe to gala for It tha confidence of the nation aa a whole. Whea wa spend a certain amount In a megasJae advertising campaign wa see no Immediate 'result In actual sales, but If we spend a Ilka amount with the dally newspapers our as lea leap. The newspaper brine's home an article to the reader, It ruekea a direct apeclflc, Intl mate appeal. The magazine advertise ment makes 1U Impression, but aalea - are usually tha result of tha perusal of a newspaper advertisement." fit ' -jj : S . . i i 5 . 7 M ' : - . M i '.:.: ; 1 - ; I "' :'r: Vr- A AnihKing Anita King, who drove alone la a Kisselkar from coast to coast, passed through Omaha Krlday, anroute to Los Angeles. This time, however, she rtdee on the train. W. L. Kllley of the No yes Kllley Motor company, local reprenta tlvss of the Kisselkar, and several frienda. mat Mlaa King at the station and heard tha details of her trip from Omaha to New York. A party of ISO automoblllaU met Mis King at the Thirty-first street landing, New Toik City, and accompanied here nine mllea to the city hall, where ahe delivered her meaaages to the mayor of New Tork, and where ahe waa pre sented with a beautiful loving cup as a token of admiration. Miss King bear the distinction of being the pnty woman having made, alone, the coast to coast trip. After spending four daya in New Tork City, Miss King left tor Cali fornia. F.nroute ahe was asked to visit tha Kissel factory In order to pick out tha automobile which la to be pre sented to her by the management. The car Miss King picked out Is the same model- aa the tar se drove from coast to coast except that aha has substituted a four-passenger roadster body and wire wheels. The management of tha Lna Angeles Auto show haa declared Ita intention of setting aside one day aa Anita King day at the auto show. This will be the day upon which Miss King Is presented with her new Kisselkar. Mlaa King expects to receive her car Saturday, so in all probability last Saturday wr.e her day at tha auto show. Today the Kisselkar organisation and her motion picture friends will give a banquet in her honor. developed an Interesting situation. Kis sel hrnnflit It nut leaf ir enii ennllfwl a name and gave It wide newrpaper publicity. Tne pumic reermoei and tnis yr other manufacturers began to make detachable tope. Then something hap pened. The trade name Klesei engi hated and spplled, the "All-Tear Car," began to rreep Into the literature and advertising of other manufacturers. At thla juncture Kissel stepped In and aaJd vtopt" : "Wa atnaftxi MmlMUtarl to follow US on the 'All-Tear-Car.' aa they did on the divided, front seat and the two-ooor body," Mrs Oeorge A. Klsael, president Of tha Kissel Motor Car company, "but we must object' to the use of our trade name. We designed snd brought out the convertible car In 1C4 and to mak i the Identity of our product doubly sure we applied the trade name 'Ail-Year-Car and spent thousands of dollar to let the public know about If . . ' Maxwell, Sedan . Growing Popular The winter car movement is on, say C W. Francis of the C. W. Trancla Auto mobile company, "There is not one solitary reason why the winter models and winter driving should not be as. popular hare aa It Is elsewhere. 1 "Hvery dealer on tha Auto row can see the logic In building these ars. It mean driving cars all, the year and eliminate the last objection, namely, that of com fort." I Mmsjm up 1 mm- 1 Qoodyeal Window Display Attractive , The Goodyear Tire and iuuoer com pany la arranging some very attractive window display, which reflect a great deal of credit upon Farnam street and the Auto row. The display thla week Is the third on and show a number of tires which have seen actual service, to gether with the placard ahowlng tha actual number of mllea of service given by each tire. M'SHANE RETURNS FROM THE REGAL AUTO FACTORY F. J. McShane spent the Utter part of the week al the plant of the Regal Motor Car company, Detroit. Mich. Mr. McShane says the Ilegal I putting a larger motor In the little car and are making numerous Improvements which will be din played on car coming t Omaha neat week. FREMONT INVITES OMAHA BOWLERS TOTOURNAMENT Omaha bowlers hav been Invited to take part In A tournament at FYer.iont on aom new, alley which are to be opened up shortly. It Is planned to have several orack five-man teams of the tat play at the dedication. Halt a dosen Omaha team wilt probably accept. Fre mont Is out jafter the nest atat bowling congress. , Use Tha Iee' "Swapper" column. ; ; m im w ww;-' j r 1 f 1 I mWh mm m VI 1 Bk. L Tf A at T m a" . f - ' twm - A Car for Every Month in the Year .s tl "It tt- m 1 r? a t- snAf-i . r . .ftt-- THE ALL-YEAR CAR. a Kissel idea, supplies for the first .1 . .! 1 a!., J f j v j rime me comionaDie ana continuous everv-aay use or one car rr'-iy'. i . i 1 ..j.u.a c:: - . c w'' A closed car in winter a touring car m summer. V7ic ALL-YEAFL Car- ONE car for all seasons Five-passenger Touring Car with Sedan Top Four-passenger Roadster with Coupe Top quickly attachea or detached in your own uao. 1 1 una uivcsiiaiuig, iiuui . you call or write ? We are elostaf ear lilt eoatraota with areata MOW. Thla Is a very asetreble aa attractive propeaiUoa, Write aa. a a aa aee aa at eaoa. Noyes-Killy Motor Co., Distribators - raraam lU Omaha, MeV Hudson lowing Sedan A Jew Hudson Conception MS The Hudson, which has won the lead among fine cars, will this fall attain the top place In enclosed cars. Four enclosed bodies have been created, strikingly artistic, extreme in their elegance, novel In features. Perhaps the most unique and appeal ing is this Touring Sedan. AN ALL.YEAR CAR With the windows up this car becomes a luxurious Sedan. Nothing known to luxury is lacking. With the windows down this becomes a Touring Car. Not a sash remains, not a support, to obstruct the entrance or the view. Countless men and women will find their ideal la this car. Anyone can operate it with the inside drive. And this one body supplies a perfect car for all seasons and all weathers. The car is so popular that half our output is already sold. CABRIOLET Chsna-es quickly (rem aa pa Roadster te a otoaed Cewpe. JTioa,U. I. e. b. Detroit. COUPE For comfort ee stormy dsys, yet open sad dxMcttthtl la summer, aaata lour. Price, IM&. L a. b. Detroit. . THE ARTISTIC LIMIT We have reached the zenith in Hud son Sixes, and the demand shows that men concede it Now we shall earn the same supremacy in luxurious closed bodies. And Hudson prices will multiply their use. These bodies are built by coach build ers of international repute. Anything finer is impossible. Every detail you can think of is embodied, and perhaps as many more. You will find these closed Hudsons, we think, the hand somest cars you see anywhere this winter. Hudson dealers now have closed cars on exhibit But see them early, for our output is well sold already. For full dtscriptions write for Catalog of Cloud Cart HUDSON MOTOR CAR Cd Detroit, Michigan TOURING SEDAN With windows op the sane car aa pictured above. Price. H875, U o. b. Detroit. t LIMOUSINE A distinguished model, most Insurious. Bs tra seats (ace forward or backward, and dis appear wbea not wanted. Price, $2430, L e.b. Detroit GUY L. SMITH 2563-5-7 Farnam St "SERVICE FIUST Omaha, Neb. wuryaMOi An International Motor Truck for $600 Model MA, air-cooled, $800 cuh f. o. b. Akron. O. THIS extremely low price is for a 1,000-pound truck, ready to run, with standard express body, as 6hown above, finished in rich brown. We can also furnish different styles of body on special order. Model MA ia the latest model of a track we have aold by thousand for eight years, and that haa proved itself just right for quick deliveries and light hauling. Air-cooled, heavy-duty motor the long wearing kind with power to spare. v One lever control, simple and easy to manage, K oiler bearings ia transmission and countershaft. W recommend this track to retail merchants who want aa economical, up-to-date delivery system, and to contractors to use whea hauling men and material from one job to another. At SSOO, thla Model MA is a remarkably good buy. We also have other models: M, water-cooled, of 1,000 pounds capacity, at 71 Oj E, of 1,500 pounds capacity, at $950j and F, of 2,000 pounds capacity, at $1,500 for the chaasia ouly. All priced cash I. o. b. Akron, O. Write the nearest addreaa for complete Information and ret a Vne ou International Harvester service keiora and after the sale. International Harrester Company of America (lacerferaiea) Oauks, JUKI Cedar Tail, Sa. Ooaoordla, aTaa-t OoaacU Staffs, ford, Tsa. Davenport, la. Deaver, Colo. ) xrs Holmes, Ia.1 Crawfu Ie Sataeue, Ia. f rort IXe, Ia, Veleaa, Most) Kaneee Otty. at J. I tUaoula. Hea. I ataeoa Cltr, Xa.1 Mlaaeapoila. Mlaa. I . Jeeepa, Me. SU beala, Ma Sioaa City, la.) SUea TaUa, B. S. xopeaa. AfeaU Waatad U Uaaocopled TerHtorr. Write, Wire s Tbooa E at , Business For Sale On aocount of ill health. Fifteen thousand dollar stock. ' Work four men in repair shop. One road salesman. One supply salesman and bookkeeper in office. Have "Maxwell" agency for two and one-half counties, twelve sub-agents under me with writ ten contracts for following year and now have one hundred car contract for 1916. Sold sixty cars last year. located in Cass County town of 7,200. Building can be leased for five years at time, reasonably. 90x44 ft., 3 stories with basement repair shop, main floor and town hall above fit ted with stage. Strictly modern throughout. "Will consider a quarter of land as part payment. Address Y 125, Bee. For photographs for wedding's, parties or special occasions, phone The Dee Photograph Dept. 4sm THAT PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD I . fi.' i,,y "rtr S1WEST1EBJ1