TTTB BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. Vjio. COALITION CABINET FORMEDJN FRAME Briand Org&nitei Sew Ministry in Which All Parties and Factions Are Represented. KOTED MEN IN ITS MEMBERSHIP PARIS, Oct. S A new French cabinet, headed br Arlstlds Briand aa premier and minister of foreign affaira. came Into esletence tonight. This la the first time In the his tory of the French republio that there baa been a coalition ministry of all the opposing partlea and factions. It tollowa closely on the recent In novation of forming a British coali tion cabinet of cooserrstlTs and literals. The action taksn today Inftrnntnar the cabinet wu ths culmination of a dsep popular sentiment that at tht supremo crisis of the war party divisions should rive, war to united action by all the parties In common support of the nwern- j ntent. Reno Vlvianl products on the United States and our high-blown bubble will be pricked. 80 much la conceded en ty Mr. Bedfleld. who saro that this Inevitable predicament will be met from an ethical standpoint and not from an economic standpoint at all.' To Increase the tariff.' he says, might seem to be the simplest and easiest way.' But who ever heard of a democrat taking the easy and simple war of a protective tariff, demonstrated by history to be the sure and effective way. when there was a theory to be eiplolted? Ws have, he thinks, all the machinery and a goodly number of laws to handle the situation on an ethical basis entirely, lis says. -ald Cheek Shipments. For Instance, If after the war Is over It Is seen that a movement Is unW way to ship foreign goods to this country In froat quantities and sell them at a elow whluh we can produce them that movement oan be checked. At the preeent time no goods n oe shipped to tlile country from any for eign country without a manifest signed by our consular aent In that eouni ry approving the cargo. If foreign countries attempted to ship goods Into this country at a greatly reduced price our consular agents could demand the right to Investi gate the means of producing the com modity to see If the mannlacturer was selling at a lower price than he should. If the agents were refused the right to make sut-.h an inveetlnatlon the Amer ican consuls could then mfuee to eltffj the manifests and the products ..could 1.. ih none for the united jftats. There would s a chanoa. of. course, Aa ths result of ths cabinet of 1 that some goods might get by Uie Mnrvvntative f American asjenia. m in" j; twins reprreeniauvx 01 1 ,- ..,!, Imw making It only a few poUtieal groups, ths ministers uKaj for any any ons In the United resignations Htsie. to nuy or sen .m,... . . , . ' 1 . n -rr,.-t in undersell and rreslrtent smears immeamiy , v " ninuf.cturers. presented their ooUectivs immediately charged Arlstlde Briand with the for mation of a new organization combining all elements. Ths resulting coalition 14 remarkable in personnel. Including such enerabte figures as Charles D Preycinet. who was ons of Oambetta's aides In the upheaval of W70, Jules Mellne, former premier who Instituted ths protective sys. tern of Franca, and Leon Bourgeois, who Is known as "the grand old man of the radical party," which has the largest membership In Parliament. Old and Toiai Statesmen. Ths modern element is represented by conspicuous leaders of all the political groups of the country. Thus ths new coalition brings together France's elder represents ail uis nisiory 01 mooern 1 "Ths Washington correspondent wno mi thla rftanetch purports to have ' transcribed Mr. Redfleld"s esact words, harmoniously units. That is ths essential thing. Hepahlleaae Mnat lisle. "He publicans must never again permit ths democratic party to prance dry shod Into power through any Ked ses clesvsge in the republican ranks. Ths republican convention of 1912 had a brain-storm an eollsmlc fit. and fell into It. There was really little difference among the dele gates as to fundsmentnl policies, so far ss these were national In scope; but there wers dominating personalties In that con. ventlon whoso motto seemed to be "rule or ruin.' The Issue wes not party prin ciple but personal power, from which conflict there emerged a new party, with a party platform radical In many respects. Radicalism, said Larmartlne. Is but ths desperation of logic Its history has shown thst the republican psrty is not radical, neither Is it reactionary It is national and big, as opposed to sec tional and small. It is ths only pro gressive party If progress means ths ac complishment of permanent food, for it Is ths only party that has ever done anything that ultimately did not have to be undone. Once nepnbliraa, Always One. "But I am ons of those who believe In letting by-gones bo by-gones; of letting ths dead past bury its dead. I do not be lieve that a man who ever called himself republican would be happy to be called through a democracy; Hamilton, a nobis waif, without prlds of family or ante cedents, type of ths anonymous that a as destined to give name to the anonymous Hamilton, I say. wss In his theories of government centrietal, fearful of ths Im becility or neutralization of divided power, believing that for the good of all Its exercise should have the energy that comes from centralized auTfiorlty. For our government to tend beyond the ten dencies of Hamilton would tend to Im perialism. Tet Jefferson was not an an archist, nor was Hamilton an Imperialist. No. these towering fUrurrs are our pillars nf Hercules, marking the dangerous chan nel which our ship of stats must navigate If It would escape ths rocks of Gibraltar on ths ons hand or those of A by la en ths other! And so ws have, jot a purs democracy, which Is all discussion and no action, nor yet anything approaching an autocracy, but this wonderful republle of ours and this wondeful republican party of oursguardian of ths republic the party that made It and saved It and la yet to bring It forth the most glorious product of man's erf or and Qod's provi dence ths only party that comprehends the insuperabls distinction between or dered liberty and utter anarchy the hops of America, as America la the hops and beacon of the worldl "Can any man who ever called himself a republican, who ever cherished the prin- by any other name. Wherefore we must rlP"" of th" republican party or fought Franc slnos ths fall of Napoleon III. Ths new cabinet also Is notabls In having ths popular military leader, eOneral Qalllsnl as ths head of ths war office and Rear Admiral L Case aa head of ths ministry of marina, both of them replacing civil ians, . ' Ths extent of the coalition Is shown by ths following representations from the parlous parties; . The radical party Is represented by M. Bourgeois, a former premier; M. Combes, a former premier, and Reno Renoult, one of ths foremost parliamentary leader of the parly. The republican socialists have as mem bers M. Briand, M. Vtvlanl and Prof. Palnleve. The socialist group Is represented by Jules Oursde, who has been ths socialist head sines ths death of Jean Leon Juarea, and by Marccll Sembat and Albert Thomas, prominent socialist leaders. Ths democratic left has as members Gabriel Uulsthau and Jos Thierry, whil ths radical left has Ktlcnne Clementel as Its representative. Ths royalist snd clerical element is represented by Ienys Cochin. This embraces all tha parties snd groups In Parliament which (or years have been arrayed against each other. , GET TOGETHER : IS WATCHWORD OF ESTABROOK , . (Continued from rags Ons.) otherwise I would swear ths secretary) had been misquoted. Oaas at the propo sition, ponder the beauty of it, note and Inwardly digest ths logic of Itl I To Help Forelsraers. The solo object of towering tariffs la to enable forslgn manufacturers to sell their goods In America In competition with our own manufacturers, isn't It? What other posslbls objoct could thore beT But Mr. Redfleld says h will not permit this object to be accomplished, lis will add to the duties of our consular 1 agents ths function of a Paul Pry. who Investigate ths private business af- fslrs of foreign manufacturers, their get together, not aa hyphenated republi cans, but as rejuvenated republicans. Ths republican party Is big enough and tolerant enough to Include men differing as widely in opinion ss Mr. Root and Mr. La Folletbs. It Is reslly big enough to include Mr. Roosevelt unless he Insists upon flocking by himself; for our party Is concerned not at all with sections or Individuals, but only with the nation an 1 the people as a whole. "There can be but two great parties In any nation. All others are spordalc, ephemeral, tangenltal or any other high fallutln word you are pleased to call thorn comets, rlgxagglng through space, bound for God knows where alt tail and no head all gas and no substance. Fur Just as In chemistry, antagonistic sub stances fall apart at the first shock to their enforced union, so In politics the alliance of opposing Interests can never Isst. Stephen A. Douglss said as much In his debate with Llnooln, and Lincoln means of . production, ths cost prlos to did not deny ths statement. No thinking under Its conquering banner, willingly see that party perish for aught of him? Will he let the spleen of personal hatred,1 the wounds of personal vanity or the dis appointments of personal ambition stsnd between him and his fealty to a party whose principles are as eternal aa truth and as Impersonal as. Justice Itself? Mr. Taft. in his recent speeches, says that the progressive republicans, so-called, will came back like the prodigal son, meaning. 1 take It, that they will came back In sackcloth and ashes. Mr. Taft la mis taken. It Is not a question 01 xoimns hack,' but of getting together, wnen brothers fall ut they do not corns to gether In sackcloth and ashes nor through recriminations or aspersions 01 mc-uvs. They come together with a clasp of the hands, with a smile In ths eyes and with the sheepish grin of mutual and affec tionate condonation and say nothing Just so must ws republicans forgive and forget. It Is ths only right way. Are we not willing to sacrifice a llttls pride of nnlnion for ths sake of auld lang syns? Bigger and better men than ws bavs made bursar and bettor sacrifices tor me nartr. LJncoln was murdered because ne was a repuMlcaa. Garfield was) murdered nuuu ha was a republican. MCJwnuey was murdered because hs was a republl can. Hava these man died in rain? May 15 ws not. In ths memory of what thejrjCS must always mean to us, forget our petty differences and tight shouldsr to shoulder as of yore? Ltatea to this I read to you from ons of Lincoln's speecehs. so Instant zJZ In Its aoDltcaUon that It la hard ts be-, lievo it was Spoken so long ago: - 1 jsi ah ii, whn Hlil not vote for Mr Buchanan taken together, are a majority , of .uOU, but In the) lata contest ws wers divvied between Fremont and Fillmore, fan we not come together for the fu ture? Let every one who reslly believes and is resolved that free society Is wot and shall not be a failure, and who can conscientiously declare that In the last contest he has done only what hs thought best let every such one have charity to believe that every other 00s can say ss much. Thus let bygones be tiygones; let past differences as nothing be; and with steady eye on ths real lasus let us re- lMHUHurmiw urn -. - the republic. We can do ft. "Here speaks our patron saint, our monitor, our friend. Llnooln pleads with us, even from ths grave." and supplied ths names of ths merchant, to the commutes from the Welfare asso elation are taking their medicine by marching up to ths police court anl pleading guilty to on count of the com plaint and taking ths minimum fine of lan and oosts. Ths Welfare association hss begun a campaign for better enforce ment of ths laws that affect the morals ind health of the community, and It la going to be unaafs for any merchant t presume that the law Is a dead on be cause It has not heretofore been enforced. IrMklra Csmtraets Isu The ProoVlvn club hss received signed contracts from the following plavers: K. 11. Goodbred. Lawrence SI liter and Lcstei rCT;:i!:ii!!:riiiii s-4 POur Low Rent Location and: SB Inoxponsivo Building Moan J r IU4wJUsl F 7 jsl Liu PBBGESj . 1 : 53 Cla-arett Sellers ay Fine. FALLS CITT. Neb,. Oct. . (8pdsJ.) Ths sellers of tobscco and cigarettes who have been supplying th twsnty-flvo school children who were arrested and confessed last week to th us of tobacco For You If You Duy Your Furniture at the Union Outfitting Co. SPECIAL SATURDAY VALUES 53 El 3 Fine Healthy Child Convincing Evidence r. : actual condition whloa w aio as prone to forget as a convalescent 1 to lortot his recent sufferings. It seems that prosperity had vanihed wth soemnaly no prospect of return. It meana that between th rlfcton of a democratic ad ministration and th outbreak of the European wnr the rli-htBt nation In 'th world had virtually gone bankrupt. Our lonesome president, set llku a solitaire In a circle of liicompotunla, an island of theory entirely Surrour.ded by theorists wss dased ami bewildered at the do vastatlon wrought 'by governmental poli cies which seemed to his didactic mind so logical In th abstract. II regarded th phenomenon, in all sincerity, aa phychologlcal a state of mind. Hut this explanation did not appeas th hunger of th hundreds of thousands out of m ployment, who were standing In the bread line, or living from hand-to-mouth with ' nothing In either of them. They were Ilk th young dwotor to whom the cadaverous waitress had murmured '.Boiled tongue, stewed kidneys, fried liver1 Hang your symptoms,' inter rupted th doctor,' wbat Z want is something to X' ' Was a Ckeerfal Tele. "Such being th unhappy plight of our country, th first growl of the dogs of war was Ilk th watch dog's honest bark a cheerful voice in the night. War was aa explanation that ought to satisfy everybody. .W were vicarious sufferers in an Buropeait' war. Business had seen It coming. x By a sort of provision or clairvoyance peculiar to business It had known war was soon to break out. and had forthwith commenced to suffer in sheer sympathy, ae- it were. Th na tional treasury, which a republican ad ministration always leaves full to over flowing, was already a vacuum. Boms body had to cough up, and, as they say In th comic opera, our coffers were smpty. But here was a chanoa to levy an emergency tax and call It a war tax. It was an arrant subterfuge which fooled nobody. 80 far from causing our distress, th European war is all that has saved us from going to protest. Ths figures given by Mr. 8pear prove this beyond galnaay: "It Is conservatlv to place the de liveries of munitions, transports, cloth Inn, etc., since the war begun, at l"X uiO.WO to M ufO.Oui). Tills is about what the Unit (4 Htate paya tturop annually on tourUt crsdlu, alien remittances and trtltfhts. Keps Teartals Hesse. "In other : words, th war has kept our tourists at borne at a saving to us of t40O,0uO.OuS, and Europe has handed us as much mors In bard cash. But thla Is not all. Bays Mr. Spears: it. actual snipmenis are only one- quartar to one-tlilra th value of the roniracts neuttatd here. Cxi can alt down with paper and poncll and In a few minute fijut up a bill nf H.ayi.OuU OuO to ll.aMv.M that ths Allies will hav to pay hr In th neat nine or twelve iiomna. on materials already spoken for. "Bbau tne admin tat ration b credited slth this fsvsr of 'prosperity T They should be th first to disclaim It, for the ear has fceen a Chinese wall of protee- tlon protection raised to ths Nth power fantastic, chaotic, almost satanle. But ths urer must havs an snd. and then what " nr. eurporewi atocas mat nav gone vp ilk a rocket will soms down like stick. Millions of men orasy to get back to work on' any terms will dump their them and their soiling price to us. If It is found difficult to engage a consular agent who to willing to havs his nose tweaked or his vertebras telescoped as a regular concommltant of his activities, then Mr. Redfletd will make it a statu tory crime for any American to pur chsss an Imported commodity at a lower price than ought to be charged for It) If the George, Jr., Republla should promul gsts a governmental policy as naively ridiculous as Mr. Redfleld's ws would call thent children, indeed. But here this twaddls emanates from a so-called states man, an exponent of th administration, and la therefore supposed to merit a re spectful consideration which no adult can possibly accord to It. 1 , Democrats Spell Fall ere. '"But enough of th domestic side of our imbroglio. I challenge anyone to nam a stngls posltlv. affirmative, orig inal act or proposal of this administra tion that has been, or could be, of any posslbls benefit to th peopl of th United States, in that bright lexicon there Is only one word failure. ' "Ah! but there Is Mr. Wilson's foreign policy! lias not his masterful statesman ship kept us out of war? "Not Th moat that can be claimed on this scor Is that hs has not, by soms superhuman blundsr plunged us Into war a distinction with a dtffarsnc. "In th Maxlcaa affair, ha, who would bow.pos as a stlcklsr for th nlc ob servance of International law, disregarded every sanction of international law, and actually engaged our oountry In warfare. We escaped from Msxloo with no great loss of life to be sure, and throughout th trying ordeal our president was perfectly cool particularly his extremities. But ws should never havs Invaded Mexico In the first placs. Having don so as ths out come of a supsrfluoua threat mads by our president, w should hava made good the threat and stopped ths fight. In his al leged policy of watchful waiting Mr. Wil son -has been Uk an .hour glass ths longer hs waits ths less sand hs seems to have. What hava w to show for our Mexican fiasco but th bodies of a scor of murdered boys, who blood cries shanvs upon usl If in th whol of our national Ufa there has been a more fatu ous, chapfallsn, humiliating episode than Mr. Wilson's dealings with Mexico, Mr. Wilson's 'History of the American leople' falls to record it. Daty t Oareelve. "It is true that all Kurop Is In a con flagration, but that fact only emphasis our own duty to ourselves. Kurop to day, with the madness of Insanity, Is de stroying what It has taken It centuries to create Was there aver a time when America could lass afford to experiment with Its own great creative faoultles? "War or no war. I believe that th pres ent administration, having gained soma little knowledge of ths world, must clthsr recede from Its cloistral, speculative poli cies for th good of th republic, or that In due time It must be supplanted by an administration to whom xpertenc rather than theories, however plsuslbl. or hopes, however sanguine, shall be a lamp to th feet and a lodestar to th mind. What this country really needs, and al ways needs. Is a republican administra tion of Its affairs. Th man whom the republicans shall nominate for president In 1918 I not so important aa ths party principles that stand back of him, pro vided always he Is a man. upon whom re publican factions, if thsy stUI exist, can man has ever denied it. And the reason of It Inheres In tho very nature of things. Rclence tells u sthat every mole cule of the universe is In motion. In cluding perhaps the vory atomies that maks up th substance of our thoughts, fialeno tells us that this motion Is rotary and that rotary motion evolves two foroes: centrifUKal, away from th cen ter: centrifugal, towards a center, and that each force acta as a check and but ane upon the other. Everyone of Ua la conscious of these opposing tendencies In his own mentality, and la attracted to the school of Hamilton or ths school of Jefferson, according to his dominant pro- 1 cllvity. For Hamilton and Jefferson were and continue to be symbols of opposing tendencies. Jefferson, born an aristocrat. Simple Inexpensive Remedy Checks Early Tendency to Constipation. About the first thing Impressed on the young Mother is ths necessity for regu Iditty in her baby, which brings up th question of ths most dealrabl laxative for children's use. Mrs. Jesss Richardson, Phllpot, Ky., rays she has used Dr. Caldwell's Eyrup l'epsln for the rest year and that thern Is no medicine In th world Uk It. 8111 writes, "My little son, William, Jr., Just loved it because It is so pleasant to take, and everybody talkp about his be ing such a flno healthy boy." Ir. C:ild well's Fyrup Pepsin is a com pound of simple laxative herbs, free from any opiate or narcotic drug, and is the standard remedy for constipation In thousnnds of homes throughout the proud of his antecedents, was, neverthe- land. Drug Btores everywhere sell It less. In his theories of government cen trifugal. Jealous of centralised power, be lieving that Its exercise should be diffused for fifty csnts a botUs. Get a botUs of this excellent remedy, and have it In the house. A trial hot tie, free ef charge. Vs V'' 0 V f f M 3 ISlW 'SjJ IV46 fj!8ACeOl HOI I OWJ ilSSTAM TtALf Vf' T" J IKS iThis Passive Uernis Marten $ BED OUTFIT at . $1.00 CASH, $1.00 MONTHLY 73 llilust as illustrated above and consists of a heavy 2-inch H H? tubing Vernis Martin steel bed and all iron frame spring 'wlth reinforced supports and a soft cotton top mattress covered In Eg a splendid grade of ticking. This la an exceptionally good bed j3 sE3 outfit and is offered to you at a price and on terras that every- s an can afford. It shows quite plainly that the UNION is not oniy ss able to, but does save yon money on your furniture . purchases. Ea zzz Ample quantities. . . ; WM. J. KXCKAXOBOV, . ran be obtained by writing to Dr, W. B. Caldwell, cello, 111. 454 Washington St., Monti- 3 A MOST COMPREHENSIVE STOCK OF Plush i 1 as e. t - . 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Many colors and styles to choose from. $15.00 $17.50 $19.75 $25.00 $35.00 IRLS' PLUSH OR CORDUROY C0ATS-2 to 14 years; many effectively trimmed with f ur $5.00 $7.50 $9.75 Ouch! Pain, Pain. Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs OIL" Rheumatism Is pala only." Not ons rasa In fifty requires int.rnal tr.atm.nt. Btop drug (Inc. Hub soothtoK, psn.trat- ln "HL Jacobs Oil" rlht into your sors. stiff, arhlnx Joints and rausclss, and r- Usf conies instantly, "fit Jabocs Otl" m, harmless rh.umatlata ours which nsvsr dlsapvolnta am can not burn ths skin. Umhsr upl Quit eomplalnlns-1 . Qs( a small trial bottls of old, honest i Jacobs Oil" at any drug- stors. and In just a moment you'll bo free from rh matlc pain, iortntu, . stiffness and sw.illnr. Voa't suffer) Heltef awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cursd mU lions of rheumatism sufferers la ths last half century, and Is lust as good tor sciatica. lieursJrla, lumbafo, back ache, sprains. Advertisement. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. ox 5 Order Blank for "Billy" Sunday Special Bee Publishing Co., Omaha. Sirs: Enclosed find remittance in the sum of for copies of The Bee's "Billy" Sunday Special at 10 cents a copy, to le mailed to the following addresaes: ... ... . i Name Address 5 P3 16 Latest Record Selections And This Genuine Columbia Grafonola AND CABINET 70 ONLY U If m T f The one KtOVt that ac tually, to una a sl≠ era the roods." It pos itively gives y o u tsrloe the . heat with I- 'half ths f OIL ; Many stlyes to se lect from, l.ow prices and' easy terms. GOODS ROM) OVT OF TOWN ON EASY PAYMENTS. ALSO COMMKIA UKAPONOLiAS B I ltEKiHT PAID 200 MILKS. no rreigni on ppeciius or irar- n i 3 OIIOIOA. 1 t Si sa U r 01 a Wcok PAYS FOR AXY COLDM ElA CRAFOXOLA OKKUINE QUARTERED OAK PKD-3 E8TAL EXTENSION TAPLEl Like 3 illustration, Duut or genuine quar tersd oak, golden finish, round ped estal worth 116.50 j Qf sale price pX 1 itJ pj9 -rk ftl rJ UN1FOLD BED DAVENPORTS S Just like illustration, massive frames, sr upholstered in fabricold leather. 3 Worth 125.00 t 1 7 Kft Sals prico P 1 iUU YOU MAKE YOUR B, OWN TERMS HERE hi sr. a 4? sau TT ' i S MAM. jj-f I mitf s r jassw SB. W S-- " ELECTRIC IRONS A splendid M nickel plated electric iron, fully guaranteed Saturdsy 65 UhTon lttincrnd OMAHA, csxo)iuaejS2tsoa sis: E3PEOPLK8 STORE. OPP. HOTEL ROMEgd iiiiniiimiiiiiiiimiiiinum vVsTulT II