TTIE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1915. 20 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ii Very Etrone. AdToncing Three Cents and Some Eren Sell in; at One Dollar. CORN UCD OATS ALSO EA1LY OMAHA, October . IfX Jonathans, feiwy. Jonathans, hNL, MW; rewankeaa, Willow Twig, Mnntarnana. t-100 !!. j Illinois Pen levis. Hit tM. )nanw, medium fnilt, tl TO to tlB hunch; Changulnola and I'ort Umi, Jumho. 4e IH. VK?h,TAbLK-'bh. IVia Ib.S ead llaHiH-a, doi., $UW; ImX lettuce, 40c; eelary, I Jumho, 7V1; w-rfT arn. 7bo; Mlcmgan, on Ion a, Waahlnrton ml, to lb.; yellow, 1V In I timtiM California, l to peppers, basket, tAej peraley. dru., t'-ci rutabeeas, lb., IHe; cauliflower, lb., HVs; was and gTW beans, baaket, 11.00; Span, lah onlona, 1.M crate. I'oIiIom. Colorado k fc. I . ,MW ft... ttii OKIn U . Rri The wheat market wu rery st reng potatca. tmr, r "0; jerseys, bbU today, most of the lt selling J tn; vinrlnlae, M1.. I2MI. Msber. whlla a fw aal-a were reported, Nit walonta. No. 1. lb., lksj Braslls, t an advance of. wily Mi "V - I IS1": filberts, lie: pecana, lHc; alrronaa. Corn waa quoted cent hlsber "J. J 1 Nonpareil", lb., 19c; I'rekea, 14o: lXL't, cent lower, tba yellow corn commanding ,7 N- ,,u iit,, ja,.; t Anguldocs, lVi. the premium, while tha mixed and white , jvinut-i j,-0 1 rw, it,., o; roasted. : com waa unchsnred to H .cent lower. I salted, can, $1.16; Jumbo, raw, 7o; roasted, Oata were unchanged to 1 cant lower, , , but moat of the aalea were cant under OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET L Cattle Eeceipt Llg-M and Pricet Steady with Thunday Tat Iambi Are Lower. H00S TOT TO TWOTY HI0HER OMAHA. Oct Jt, 111 flecelpte war! Cattle. lioga. Bhet Official Monday 1 t4 Of flrlal Tuaadar l."M M4 4 Official Wednesday.... .Mt !. M,l with last week. 41.000 abort of two weeks bee1 smaller than lor im dava laat rear. Tradina waa vary dull so far a fat lainhe were concerned. There were not many hare, and Ihoaa on hand waro noth ing extra, ao far aa quality waa con cerned. Added to this. (a kers did not aee.m to bo very easar for them, and thlr first blda of 4 finally bought practically everything offered, a load of yery good nativea taxing t I, tha mar ket waa quotably lfco Tetw jreaterday, for while there waa nothing real good here parkara would have bought choice lambs at tha earns price, ), had they been here. Values are practically steady with a week ago. Feeder trade waa not very Drink at any lew yeaterdar's crloea Kys was cent higher. Clearances: Wheat and flour ayjual to Z.M4nio t,u., corn. 11.0U0 bu., and oau. til. wo bu. . Liverpool cloaed with wheat unchanged to Id higher and corn unchanged. Primary wheat recelpta were t.57. hu.. and shlpmente of l.0oa bu.. agalnat recelpta of ."!,0t bu. and shipments of l.K.t.i0 bu. laat year. Primary corn receipts were 4?7.oflO on., and ahlpmenta of K.0nO bu., agalnat re celpta of 4TJ.W bu. and shipments 01 tea. nno bu. laat year. 1N,Mll Primary oats receipt wars tOW.WO bu and ahlpmenta of m.V bu.. against re celpta of l.O77,0T bu. and shipments ot K1.0W bu. laat year. caiilot RPfrapra Chicago Minneapolis luluth Omaha Kanaas City 8t. Ixna 1 7 in 133 1a M 21 tl XXI uin.,ir l.a Theae sale were reported today I Wheat-No. 1 hard winter: , 1 cr. 1 AO No. t hard winter: I cars. !, car, No. I hard winter: 1 car iW lb. and amulty). 1100: t- car. c; 4 cre. fc. 11 cars. V,c: 1 car. c; ,rs ; 1 car. V. No. 4 hatd winter: 1 ri't1 tMMc; 10 cars, t3c; 1 car, fVc: c ars. ite- S rare. Kc: hk car, rwi-. -y Hample 1 car, fci .1-1. "TV - i car, Kc; 1 car. c: 1 car, 70. I-'; ?Io. No. t Vprtng : 1 car. ot I 1 car. &c; 1 ar. MVc- 'i0- Pri ? HP . a . - gaTW. VA X vaBL L H I. tar, car. No, ca I yellow: t cars Z'no VmUedT 1 car; t9cV Naj rnl.ed: 1 car, lHe; 1 car, t,c; 1 ra f; Sv'corn: No. 'f-whl.e: I car. tie. . t white. 1 cara. 69c No. I white. 1 r. Mic No. I yellow: i cars WkC No. w; a vi, ' i ars, iV: cmr' . t car. bc. ,Nn. I miea; a wia 6o. Oata C whtt;: 1 car. t!.C Stan. f.ujct 1 cara. e. No. t w hlte : I frs. ,?c t cars. V; 1 cr. 2Wr white: 1 cara. ..ic, d.nlai I Mo. No. 4 mixed: ro, '."rcir ran 2Hr; 1 cara, J2c Rr-No. I. tteTNo. t: I4- cars. o: I car. W'-io No. 4: t cars. Mr: 14 cara. llc Bainpla. 1 car. 0a ltoruy No. 4: 1 car. Mc. Omaha C,h mes-Wheat: Not tur key. ll.01Wl.0t: No. t turkeir. t -lOI. !r''. on. Kn 1 hard. lxi'.o; So"! 4 hard? iwV: No; 1 1 prln . WJ No. I spring, WWW; No. I durum. B-H Sic? No. f durum. i W.Z?lKl tltc. Corn: No. J white, f no. white, WWc; No. white, W"e"i No. t white, tHtWJJHc: No. t white, ! nP-.r w"' r'-iii- aiiumoleWe: No. I yel- InW fl014'HWC: WO, a yeim, ' it n1ST1og, toe. M I SCELJl N lOOt'PJ-Crackeidack, MM; half oaae, tL7. latea, dromedary, box. tlvt: sugar walnut oatea, ii w. Honey, case, ti-lh. nocoanuia. Dag, m . Corn pope, caaw, M.M; half case, tl; popcorn, 44 1-1 b. pk case, W W. Airline, oaae, tl MX Iff YORK OEKClab MARKET Qaetatloas af Ike Day Tartewa raaaaaaaltlea. NKW YORK, Oct . nUTV-Barely ateadv; anrina natanta. t&.3MIAM: winter patents, tb.6.u; winter straights, tu.Vt 'HEAT pot, strong; No. 1 durum. I1.1M4 f. o. b. New York: No. 1 northern. mimmm . k. Mark.. mH nil t. a f t at mita Vr'.ri-- toS ""' wars Still unaold at a rather late e-etimete t rlday .1J . hour, although what trading had been m-m .1.1. 1. ... m K r0 oona waa on a quotahly steady beats. 7. , J. W 't? JfSo itS On KHni sold early at WW. the fleahy SrmJd.yViwteki'oJlw? it 2? " '"ng along wltn the feeder.. A. a S i!wr UMI eneral thing teeners are etrong to lO'rf dtt! ! Tl: ! S S3 11 IM s "c higher than laat Friday. Elm! J..rtk!"r0 2Ii Mhi Fat aheep were very scantily supplied, Th- "fSfEjEl lhi"rwcpts nd the few here solon a atdy ba-ta, iT'n .vT Tn.ha beat ewes taking t&.SO. Ewes sre lie live lloi-k m."!,e"rV'.ir ti TdaTa ,$1 owar than laat week a do., and while I. nfJ"5t f?r 10 there have been no yearling, or wether. 119 111 71K aa 4.BIV 1 aood in lamna reeorra. lf : he following tall. iwi U year Ings. fair to choice, tH.i 60; ear- ces.of hot, at tba Omaha live toc f. ,4n. MOl-aTTS: wethers, lair to arket for the last tew oaya. wiia tn1t aod to choice. uluth. ILtTla: No, 1 northern. Manitoba, il H c 1. f Buffalo. Futures, firm. ecember. tl 10H. TORN-spot market, steady; No. t yellow, 7ie, prompt. OATS bpot market, firm; No. t white, 41WH2c II A Y Market firm; prime, 11.86: No. t tl.iM(l.Ml; No. t, II It-al.iu; No. t, ti.6s; ahlpplng, ti:c HOT" Hteady; atata, common to choice, Itit, tttftoc; 1914, KfUo; Pacific cue at, 1U, l-(Tlfic: 1914, lll tn. HIUES-Ateady; Bogota, tOO1i Central L.UATH KH Flrmi Hemlock firsts, t9' Oct. 3. sac; aeconoa. bikj; ac. PKOVHIONU Pork, steady: mess, 17 6i); family, 21.K?-'4 00; spot market clears, t H.fctM.M.. ifeef, quiet; nieaa, l.ew917.00; family, tivnoflnw. Lard, weak; middle west. t-Mfa.M. tnmna rA ta I s f 181B. l1i I" Cattle r0T7 16.791 Hog i.?M.u itwr Bneep prices m parlaens Date I 1914. I 1914 I 111 I lll l 1BU I 11'. 1 ' t 70 7 11 T T 4t T a IS 1 4i 7 tt Y M TU a 7 6 DUN'S REYIEY OF TRADE No One Donbta Sow that Brighter Day Hat Definitely Dawned and Forward More Continues.. - , SESTHLOT GREATLY IMPROVED here the laat few daya It la probable that tha same decline la quotable on mem. Quotations on aheep and lamhe: lmba. rood to choice,!; lamba. (air to Oct 11. Oct. 11. Oct. It. Oct. 14. Oct. 1. Oct It. Oct. 17. Oct. It. Oct. 1 Oct. to. Oct. 21. Oct. n. Oct U. Oct 14 Oct M Oct 2 Oct 17 Oct M nixed: VKQ-. No. t mUd. MW0! so. 4 mixed, wmiwo: No. t mled Wx c; No. t mlird. ,sit,f Vio. Oata: No. 1 hits: r,c; standard. tMf bh No. I rnlxed, N frftc white, M'iMf; PiO t wmie, ""JTJ. Parley: Malting, 50'.f.4c; No. 1 feed. . Rye; No. 2, No. I, Chicago cloalng prices, furnished The Pee by lygan Ilryan, stock and fraUl proker., .in pouin pin'n -" ' Articlel Qen. I High-I low, t Wheatl I . I Dec. 1 WNtf 1 1H 1 03 May 1 3'-fr 1 04 Corn. 1 iec rrvr.iS' My!694i,0(ai0(e Oat.. lec.!:H'ff391' May !KrHaW !T4 Pork. 1 Dec. 14 10 14 Jan. It 46 14 75 Lard. Oct. I 7H Jan. t t mr t UVk Rib.. pet. t t MH Jan. B 024 t lml I 1 001 SK4J. 1 0i C'loael Tea y. tvwl ltosn 1 o4 10214 1 145 14 M 14 1H It 46 14 76 14 46 H ttm I7SH t 06 t 06 9W RA ttfH t 02H t IIS, t B4 B Bid. , CHICAGO ORAM ARO PROTHIOWi a-aasHwasMI Feataras f tke Trodlaa; Clwalat Prtcee Board sf Trade, CHICAGO. Oct. .-Off1ctal annoutiee ment that Oreat Britain was not engaged In any peace negotiations whatever helped to give decided strength moat Of the time today to the wheat market here. The close, although weak, was l'c to IVWHo net higher, with Decem ber at tl V nd May at tl.WVi. Corn ftnlahrd He off to Vo up: oata, with gains of and provisions at an advance of WiVve to 660. Dentala of peace rumors had substan tial bucking in forelan buying of wheat future, here and the cash wheat mar ket In Omaha. Besides, there was a liutahle revival of Kuropean orders to nurchaae flmir at Minneapolis. A good export btialneas In wheat waa said aleo to be under way at the seaboard, wltn estimates of total sales reaching as hish aa l.Jm.ouO bushels Dtmlnlwhlng of re-, celpts In the northwest counted further amninat tha bears, and so, too, did a sensational upturn in freight rates from Argentina. In addition gusalp waa cur rent that free Canadian wheat would not m a poeelbliity thla year. About the only bearteh reaction of tha day In the wheat market took place Just at the cloee. Something of a display of se lling Treasure then, was apparently due tu a d"lre by lonit. to realise profit lefore the end of the session. On the t.thr hand, a notable suatslnlng Influ ence was the fact that the Winnipeg market had gone to a gwxl premium ver tha Ltpceinber option here. Corn fir Iiecemher and May delivery advanced In line with the wheat strength and to sums little extent as a result of the tlg upturn In ocean rate. from Argent iua. Knlarged. country offerings tended tii lower ths October delivery. Active export demand lifted oats. Hnlea to ths seaboerd aggregated tOuO.ouO Iiuaheds. Packers' buying brought about the nmn in pmviainna. it waa earn that srilp. . ping transactions here in the laat few daya Included lu.UD.uiio pounds of meats . and C.Wa'.iaW pounds of lard. OMAHA iK. ERAL. MARKBT. t IVK POrLTRY-Brollere: to IwJ JXMinda. In aeparate comp., 17c; over m to pounds. l'. iprlna. any else. uWc. I'"ck. lie, liena, over 4 pounds, par , -.... iwuos iuinea neiia, vacn sdc liuusters, IWo. Turkeia. ISc: old Toma. !; under t pounds, so. Uucks, mixed. ie:, tun leatnerea and rat, sc. . " . . uc, young, i 10 1st pounda, c jiomer oquaus. 14 os. and over, tv V u lufc: No. 1, must weigh os.. tl .60; under I os., too. rigeons, any kind, per doa . too. KlSM-Halibut. lie; salmon red. llHoi aalmois pink, Oc; catfiah. ISc; bull heals. t-, iioui. ic; piaa, ic; whlleCiah. - . ryfi'ivm. xsc; pi fcaraL 1UU. OYBTfc.lUi-Chpalie: 1'utk Small Irge Oais. Cans, tana r-iannaro. ....! &o c ' t)o Northern: btandards tl M Ko 16e Selects , 11 DO fro c ("). MOO too 4bc ntr.r- ci ts o. 1 ribs, rev:; No. ribs, ltic; No. I ribs. lJScj No. 1 loins. HSc- No. 1 loins, loc: No. t loin.. Ho, No. 1 chuck a, luc; No. I chucks, kc; No t chucka, K; No. 1 rounda, No. t round.. lc: No. t rounds, lie: Nu. 1 pistes, ru. piaies. vc; no. plates, I a CHE KSK Imported Swiss. 4o; An r Icnn bw lee. lac; block 8wus, tBo; tw.ii. J -tv; oj.iea. nw, triplets. I7Vc; Tt).,g omenta. jo- una laoal prick, p iiiui.uraer, -;o., sues rew York wlnis Is-n'i iunxr:ed rYoh UooueforL 4U. ! rult ii-J prices fumlshe4 by r Hl ITf-Oranes. California valencies aod ., ti. box; li and law, lout I'jx ; 1 its, m, 11. sas ani e uu twL !-i.i na. eu fancy Ciulden BowL kma. Ln; tfim. 14 U box: extra faucy Bun- Kii-t till .-i w. moo iwx: Hetl liall, f w . liratHrfrult, Ks, Ms snd Ij. O box. Prachea. Colorado l.r-itaa, erate; Calilornla blya. fcjC fruit. I'tara. sMchiari Keifera. 1 lb box; V mlcr .eir.a, 42 36 box; butnea CWrUt, S" X Imjx. lrapa. Toksys, 11.36 crate: :. Iilmn and Naw York srabea. He Vol. Al'pUa. Idaho fancy Jonathan. 1'. ku Irji; tiU liuujt, 6X?t box; WaaUiugiua Kaaaaa City Ural a aai Prwvlsloas. KANSAS C1TT. Oct . WHRAT-No. t hard. tl.0ierl.OJ; No. t red, tl.179l.Ui December, ?Tic; May, SVv9o. ()RN-No. 1 mixed. tl&c; No. I white, tc; December. tio; May, 6Mi0Xo. OAT8-N0. t white, VCc37Sc; No. 1 mixed. e4I86c. MUTTK It Creamery. tc; firsts, 0J econrta, 16ej packln7 ltH5. m)S First e, 17o; seconds. So, 1'uULTRY Hens, lie; rooaters, tc; broilers, 16c . t Mlaaeapelta Grain Market. Minneapolis, Oct. -wheat De cember, trnto: May, tliV4; No. 1 hard, ti.ont; No. 1 northern, IVotL01Tfc. KUJUlt Unchanged. H A HL.WY OWUfaVO. HYB WV1107C. BKAN-flvOO, tX)RN No. I yellow, t7fl!t. OATHNo. t white, t4V36o. FUAX-tl.fcl.. t. Loala Urala. Market. T. IiOUIS, Oct .-WHBAT-No.: I red. 11.18: No. t hard. 11.07; December. 1 .07Vn 1.02a,; May, 11.04. Cvikjn No. 1 old, uo; jno, i wnite, new, CtVkC; December, 6uc; May, 67Sfflj'i'kio. OATa-No. X 17c; No. t white, aominaL 1.1 yer pool Orala Market. IJVKRPOOU, Oct, WIIBAT-Bpot No. t Manitoba, Us Id; No. t, lis 4d; No. t hard winter, old, lis Ifed; No. I Chi cago, new, lis Id. COKN-Bpot 1 Plata, 7g Id. Week'a Weol Baslaeas. BOSTON, Oct The Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrowl "This has been considerably above an average week's bualne.a hare In wool. Prices are not particularly higher, but they are firmer and alight advances have been made in a very few Instances. On the other hand there are a few In the trade who .till lack confidence in tha strength of the market "Advices from tha goods centers are to the effect that buatness Is better. Bplnners of knitting yarns are receiving a very good buames. and weaving yarn spin' nara are aleo setting a better trade." Scoured basis, Texas: Fine, twelve months. 4ii'c; tine. el(ht months, to tio. California Northern. eMMAo; middle county, 626ti3c; southern, 664fv Oregon: No. 1- staple, eastern. 70o; eastern clothing, Cao; valley. No. 1, ton ao. Territory: Fine staple, TOSTlo; fine me dium auple, 6e4?70o; fine clothing, 9Atia fine medium clothing. Cto; halt blood oemblng. MPTOSc; blood combing, VuSu. Pulled extra, aHTOc: AA, t6t)io; fine A, 6tii3oo; A supers. tucOto. Coffee Market. NKW TOniC. Oct .-Tha market for coffee futures market was less active to day and prices eased off under realis ing. After opening steady at a decline of 1 to 7 points, active months steadied up a point or two auring me miuuie of the day on rumors that exporters were! buying from the local stock, continued firmness In Brasll and further buying by foreign or Wall street houses. Lister, however, the market eased off with March selling down from f.l3o to 170o and May from .km to a mo unoer prom taking, and the cloee was I to 11 points pet lower. Bales. Ss,7t0 baga. November, 6.70c; December, C73c; January, February and March, 7Sc; April, t.T7o; May, 4S2c; June. 6.17c; July, 62c; August ajaptemoer, i.twc pot market nnn; mo ts. tho; Bsntos is, ta . ' Omaka liar Market. FRATRIB HAT-Cholce upland, t10X 10.60; No. 1. t SOCIO); No. t, tt-OOUt HO; No. 1. isvuoaoo; cnoioe miniana, iu.w; No. 1. 1.60i60; No. t r.6a60; No. 1. J (W; choice lowland. ta.OO; No. V 70044.00; no. a, t4.ootr1.oo; No, a, ttootj t.00. PTRAW-Wheat M.008.W: oat or rye. t. 607 03. Al J" a ur'A cnoice, niwurnw; rto. 1. tll.6aU.vO; No. 1 ttOOtflOvO. e t Mi t tvH s a a 1 ri", 7em4 Si I llk 7V 1 7 46 7 24 7 M t 64 t Mi 7 03 t M a 7 01 7 11H t m t 7 0V 7 0s7 05 t aol 1 u a IS I o I T7I IC4 I tl If I 4 I W It) a I IN I 04 7 M IN 7e 7 76 It 7 Ml I 4:0 7 67 7 to 7 47 7 74 I M I 64 a tot T7( t It tM t r1 tri 1 t 17 t tl t r t KM I Sb a 161 Ml 11 Ml 1 41 ttftl tri I 66 1 1 "! 11 601 I 47 I 14 1 131 7 te "euuoay. . T-s.-tntm latiAAlttnM of llVO gteCk st the I in Ion stock yards, Omaha, far twenty-four hours ending at s ooiock yesterday: iutvn.i n it t-ano. CattlaUoga.Bneep.ti eee. 1 c. m. a it p.. . 1 ' w n luian ........... .. Missouri Paclfio I Union I'aoKlo I C. A N. w east., s C. N, W,, west... t C, Bt P., M. A O.. .. C. M. 4k Q.. east... i C, B. at Q., west... M C, R. 1. sV P., east, t C, It. 1. P.. west. . Illinois Central Chicago i. W M t i e. 1 i i to.2u6.60; ewee. fair to good, t4.76UO.2a; ewea, f cedars, t4.60ri6.40, HepresentaUve sales: No. fit Booth Dakota lambs Kl native lamba ll native lamba ' (61 Wyoming lamb. 600 Wyoming lambs Av. .. M .. 0 .. .. 5 .. T7 r7 Bo. Dakota feeder lambs.. 69 470 Montana feeder, lambs.... 66 1,041 Wyoming feeder lambs.... M 11. Mentsna ewea 101 Krt Montana ewea loo 141 Montana feeder ewea M 12 Montana feeder ewea...... 84 tit) Wyoming feeder ewes.... tl Pr. I 76 t 75 I 76 1 76 I 76 I 65 I 86 t 65 t 60 6 60 I f. 6 20 I 16 CHICAGO ' LIVE STOCK MARKET Desaaa4 for Cattle Weak Ilei strong? Sheep Cneettled. CTIICAOO, Oct 29. CATTL.B Re ceipts, ! head; market weak; native beef steers. f.10310.60; western steers. H.60tft 0; cow. and heifers, tl.60tt.ld; csives, i.Btpil.uo. IIOOS Receipts. 11.000 hesd; market strong, unchanged to 6c higher: bulk MK.4f7.26; light, ft.607.46; mixed, tH.V 7. BE-; heavy, tS.IT7.6u; rough. 6.Ji6.4; Digs. H W-M.rO. SHEEP AND I.A MBS Receipts. 12.0tW head; market unaettled: wether. 14.009 ewea, ,)t.; lambs. .aoj.a Pig Pork Rent Ilfe 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens . . . 13e NKW TORJt, Oct. 29. Dtin's Review of Trade tomorrow will ray: Not only I. there no step backward m general bualneaa, but each week the penduium of prosrexa awing, over a wider area and confidence 1. further rtreneth rned. Recent vanarlea of the weather have hot been conducive to the beat re sults In retsll distribution, yet substantial ralna are nevertheleaa apparent In this direction. The forward movement gath ers momentum In spite of vsrlous oppos ing influences such aa the unataMlity 01 forelfrn exchange, the congestion of frelxht at terminal points, and continued dlaacnalnn In ths rink a of labor, and whlls expunalon Is still moat pronounced In war ordpr lines, on- the whole conditions and proapecls are much leas cueckered and Irregular than formerly. Few dis cordant notes mar the cheerful tone of reports from the leading centers and trades and since popular Impreaalons largely control events, tha notable Im provement In sentiment has an Important beating upon the future trend of affairs. No one now doubts that the brighter day has definitely dawned, but chanse of aplrtt finds expression In the launching of many deferred undertaking's, while more new enterprises are being started than for several years paat. Instead of the marked hesitancy and caution previ ously manifest, large projects are con ceived and carried Into effect In a man ner that attests the Increased confidence pervading the commercial world. Weekly bank clearings t3,9W,7ii,878. I.nadna stock Market. IjONDON. Oct. 29. American securities opened higher In sympathy with Wall street and, despite the rise in exchange, Closed firm. HILVER Rar, ti 1-1M per ounce, MONEY-Sa4 per cent DISCOUNT KATES Short bills, ifp 4 per cent; I months. 4V6M 16-16 per cent Tic Pork Butte ..13o Bteer Pot Roast Hc Young Veal Roast 11 He Young Veal Chopg 14 Ho Porter Houae Steak 17H Mutton Roast 7 He Lamb L?rs lH Mutton Chops HH Skinned Haras 144 Sugar Cared Hams 10H txtra lean Breakfast Bacon, l4c Sugar Cured Bacon IS He rXCZAXi I to t T. M. Isjnb Chops 6c to 10 P. M. Pork Chops 10 1610 Harney 6t. Phone Douglas 2799 PUBLIC MARKET Bvaperateel Apylea aad Dried Fralte NHW YORK. Oct 29. EVAPORATED Al'PI-FS Firm. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, strong; apri cots, firm; peaches, steady; raisins, quiet , M . 71 6 n t 6! 7 64 61 tt I 160 I 10 I 147 ..... 401 lit ' 74 127 - , ee et) a4 iitoT e. 697 47 430 1.0M Total reoelptsi.. 41 M ' ' DISPOHITION HKAD. Cattle. Hot. Bheep. Morris Sk Co Swift A Co 144 Cudahy Packing Co 141 Armour A Co 660 fichwarts A Co Lincoln Packing Co I Cudahy, front country.. .... r . a, tewis i Huston A Co..., J.J1, Hoot 4fc Co J. H. llulla U F. Hues V a. Kellogg Werthelmer A Degen... tl HL F. Hamilton ... t4 Bulllvan broa. Rothschild A Kreba...M Mo. A Kan, Calf Co.... Christie Hlgglns John Harvey banner Cllne Dennis A Francis. Other buyers ..... Leaden Weol galea. rLONDON. Oct 1A The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to ..4U0 bales. A better selection of cross bred, was In active demand and firm, Americana paying ts for sltped lambs. Russia was a keen buyer of scoursd merinos. Included In the sales of latter were New Bouth Wales at In Id and Queensland at Is td. Ooltea Market. NEW YORK. Oct. -COTTON-pot steady; middling uplands, U.tOo; aalea. 11 bales. Cotton futures opened rirmt Deoamber. 11 Mc; January. 1116c; March. 11.40c; May, hbh" .tiiiv. ti.sie. LIVERPOOL Oct H. COTTON pot eaaler; good middling, 7 lad: middling, lmj; low middling. 6.l4d. tkUee, 10.U00 bales. Terpentine aa It eel a. IAVAKNAH. Oe. Oct tA TT-TTePKN". TINf Hteady, tlo; sales, none; receipt. bhla.; shipments. M7 bbla stock. 0 !M7 bhls. u-kciKi irt . im vl , . u celpts. 1 1 hhV; shipments, t-- Vbls. stock. 6,K3 bbla Quotatlona: A, H, C. O, W. r", O, M.4mT 4 46; H. 14 42414 60; I, 4.4.V(,4 6i: K. t4.7b; M. 16.66; N, 66 00; WO, KX; WVV, 16.60. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. t M ETAI A I-ead : Offered at t47t. Spelter, not quoted. Oopper: llrra; electrolytic is OOtji 14. iron: ttteaay ana uitonangea. Tin. tM.6oa tt (. At Tjondosj Copper! foot. 171: futures, tn lw; eieetrolytln, tt 10s. Tint 4t, I tA lbs; futuree. I I s Antlmuny. AU6. Lead. 1W iipeiur, 71 10s a . Jaaeek Mve ek Market. T. JOSKf'H. Oot A TTLja Re ceipt., head; market ateadri ateera, t4 6u.60; cowa an J heifers, ttOCje.U; calvea. M60i:50. HOilS Receiiita. t.tOO bead; market teady to too blgher; top, I.I0; bulk of aalea ki 6&u7 to. 6HBKH AND lMRH-Reeelpta 1,000 k. A .L .1 -In, I n.. - ftu 7K ' f , .. . aw. M ' p.vl& Totals Lflbt t.ta t.M CATTLK Only thirty-seven cars of cat tle were reported In. so that there was really not enough ot any one kind to particularly interest buyere or to try out the market As a result tha trade showed little or no change, prices for the nioat part remaining about steady with yesterday. There waa a fair In quiry, considering that It waa a Friday, and the few on sale changed hands in sood season In the morning. There waa nothing good or choice among the of ferings to make a noteworthy top to the market Quotations on cattle: Prime eornfed beeves, 176010.00; good to choice fed yearlings, t.0u1.78; fair to good fed year lint. 6 6xb 0u: common to fair fed year lints. M.oel.&0; good to choice heavy beeves, .(.-(r.7t; fair to good eornfed beeves, tn.3Wi.0O 'common to fair corn fed beeves. 16.7Vdt.JO; prima grata beeves, ttOtll.tOj good to choice grass beeves. tl.Mt.W; fair to good grass beevSs, M.76 4(.6u; oommta to fair grass seeves. 6.60 B 4 76; good to choice grass hslfers, t6.0Uty 7 00; good to Choice grs. oows,; fair to guoti oows, .VOig,76: common to fslr cows,; prime feed ing steers. t..0or.e0; good to - choice feeders, l7.4utiS.u0. fair te good feeders, ttt37.40: common to fair feed er.!, t6.7B$f6&0; good to choice atockers, tT.tom.u0: fair to good stockere. t4.7tM21.60: common to fair .lockers, !.60i8A7t: stock heifers, t&76(H.76: itntk oows. M.TfcfjOOO: stock calves. M.603.00; veal calves. 7.vu0 i.oo; puns, stags, etc, . Kepre.untallve sales) ' NEVADA. Ill Steers.... 11 7 146 feeders.. XO0 I 71 i COW......1UUJ 176 COLOIUDO. Tt feeders., tat 1 16 lit feeders.. 7t J 10 tl feeders., tdi 176 M feeders,. -it 1 ti II feeders.. 7WI 7 00 17 feeders.. Su W I feeders., M I W : M feeders.. 64t f tt tt feeders., tot 7 It WESTERNS. Child A Aooeny Mont " 40 steers. ...Ull 7 10 tt steers.. U1H TM It steers. ...11W 7 10 16 steers, m.1316 7 06 t steers. ...lliil 7 10 4 steer... ..UU 7 It John F. MoXInoon Wyo. II feeders.. Itut 7 X It feeders.. 740 7 It 6 feeders.. iOst I 76 11 feeders., tie t T J. F. (tpencer Wyo, It feeders.. KM 7 66 t cows 104t t 60 K O. Pack Wva 1 feeders.. 711 7 10 11 feeders.. HT 111 J. J. Hilton Nev. 44 cows M t 00 44 cows...- tat 0t I steers....lW6 t 76 M. P. Lewts-Mont 16 Steers. ...Ii? 7 40 10 feeders. .1017 K B. ' etory Mont. Steers.. ..llul 7 to 1 steer... U1 710 li. slunebroker Nebw I heifers... 666 6 40 4 feeders.. 670 6 II W. a. Munn Wyo, I oows lfltg I 76 16 feeders.. tt7 7 tt Perkins Anoeny Mont. St steers. ...mi 6 76 M steers..UW T It 6 steers. ...1JU) 7 10 Rel Bros. Wyo. II feeders.. 630 7 16 44 feedcra.. Ill IB 6t feeders.. 617 T to U feeders.. luil 1 06 HOOB Supplies were very moderate. and while ra ports from other points were lar rroin enoouraging local values soorea a full liXWuo advaaoe. tohlppere started the ball roiling by buying close to half the offerings at prioea that were any where from a dime to loo, and in spots close to a Quarter higher, several loads selling aa bigo as 17.20, the day's top. lackers all needod a few hogs, and after shippers had taken so targe a share of tba supplies they had only one thing to do, and that waa to follow the market already eelauiiahed by the outaioera, A good active trade resulted, at prioea that were all of lOiwiuo. or generally a big Ua, higher than yesterday's average, la other words, values recovered most of yeeier day's break, and with the exception of the top quotations war nearly on a par with Tuesday, bulk ot ail the aalea landed at IT.OOA 7.16, with several bunches as birh as 17.20, snd a few, among which were three loads or laanos at current pnuea are fully too and in spots a quarter lower than at the close of last week, and are fully tl M btlow the high time tan days ago. Receipts were slightly smaller on yes terday, but were terser than on moat previous dsys ef the week. Asent thlrty alne ears, or I X bead, wars reported In making the teiaj tor the five daye U.i4 head. Tldt la a shortage of f.OOO SS com pared wt( beta last week ana twe week, ago, aad is 4,600 smaller than for the same days last yesr. ttepplies fot the week te late are tiie smallest for the firet five days pf any wee since early (a August ltli. A. . Pr. Kansas City Llv Stock Market. KANAAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 29. CATTLF3 Recelts, 000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, 1U66U 10.26; dressed beef steers. H.OOu 60 western steers, S..r7i6 W; stock era and feeders. t-.7.tfJ60; buils, M.fct 6.00; calves, 100 la 00. HOO 8 Recelpta, t BOO head; market higher; bulk, td.rOS7.26; heavy, .8utfT.3i; packers and butchers, 17.1107.26; light . t.WV5(7.6; pigs, ,36 S, i BMEjfJi- amjj i,AMM.t txeceipta. tutu; nesa; market weak; iambs, i.b.'c.7&; yearling., pi 7Stf7J6; , wethers, 4.7o6.40; ewes, Io.60fi6.00. M. Itale Mve Mock Market. ev T cT' T a wA - . M n k -ml Receipts, l.lon head: n. arket steady: na tive beef ateers. I7.60ai10.2n;. yeailinga steers and heifers. ts.6Oicl0.S5: cows. 6400 4&S.0O-, stockers and feeders, l,0gi.76; southern steers, V'iI8.50; cows and heif ers, I4 004KW; native calves, IS.OCIO.W. jiuu9 Heoeipts, j.wu neaa; market higher; pigs and light. 6B.2MH.60; mixed and butchers, 7.10&7.0r good heavy, 17.63 457. . BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 97) head; market steady; lambs, IS.OOHj 9.00; ewes, t6.o3iit.6o. . Ions Cttr Lira Steckt Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Oct. !. CATTL1S Receipts, 609 head; market steady; na- llva m.mmm tlRJW.OAn. - (I ti t . . . cows and heifers. 14 'eOii.00: ca'nners. 12.60 45 4.00; stockers and feeders, 16.65(116.00. tiuus-Kece nts. Z.orn head: market 10ff 16o higher; hesvy, M.DOS7.U); mixed, 4.8Tk a mi; llgat, fO.WtfO.BOi DUIK Ot SSJeS, .SuVll A90. I 8HKHD? AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,M head: market steady: ewea. tfi.OOiQu.U: amos, i.iMae.iiik Stock In glgkt. ReoelDta of live stook at tha five nrln- clpal western markets: Cattle. Hos-fl. Sheen. South Omaha l.oto .Oio floux City 600 l.ooi 1.600 Kansas city.., ouo i.ztio 1,001 Bt Louis M 1.100 . 1.700 2M Chicago iae 11.000 11.00) gagar Market. NEW YORK, Oct. -Ri:OAR-Rw, nominal: centrifugal, 4.46o; motaaaes I 4c; refined, firm, iiugar tut rues opened Total receipt. 6,KX) 16,600 to.760 Drr Oeode Market.' VTBW TORK. Oct. M Cotton ennda steadier; yams, firm; wool, more active; carpet auction sales, active. AtRosonblumo Better Groceries for Leas) Money. 84)8 N. 16th SL All Pbojies Douglas 6282. . We deliver without charge to all parts of ths city. When you want clean, fresh groceries at prices as low aa possible consistent with good quality, then call Douglas 6212. 20 lb. Pure Caiifl Sugar (or 81 Sold only with every grocery or der amounting to 12.00 Or more, sugar and flour not Included. 10 pounds Cane Sugar 60c. with every 11.00 order,, not including sugar or flour. $1.55 Meadow Gold S9t IS lbs. pure Cane Sugar. .31.00 Sunset Flour, guaranteed to be good or money re- 1 )Q funded. 4 8-lb. sack. . . J 1 eOeV Washburn-Crosby O o 1 d Medal Flour Special, sack Idlewild, Diadem, Butter, lb. . Tall cans Red Salmon. . . . . 15 8 -cans fine Sweet Peas.,..J5c 3 cans Sweet Sugar Corn.. 25 C" 1 Sc cans Tuna Fish lis 2 cans Old Dutch Cleanser, 15 3 6c cans Chocolate Cream Coffee, lb 29t 3 So Huco Coffee, lb 2?)t Good Cooking Apples, peck, 10t Fine Red Onions, peck. . . .25tf Good large Potatoes, peck. . . Fancy Jonathan Apples, pk., 15 20c cane fancy Table Peaches tar .....144 36e qt Jar Pure Preserves. .22 25c pure Monarch Catsup.. 15s 2 pkga. Fresh Rolled OaU..15A 25c sack Pancake Flour. ,204 6 rolls IOC Toilet Paper. ,. ."St No. 3 Pall Pure Lardi 37 Mall orders filled from this sd. Bend for our catalog and become one of oar many money-saving customers. Ad dress Desk 7. i Frosh, DoliciouG Cand loo : At the Uherman & McConnell Stores Our Candy Department la growing very rapidly, as It should, with ltn choice assortment of confections, many of which are sold at special prices every Saturday, some special values being sold each day during tha week. Some attractive features In our Candy Department are: Llggstt s Klect Choco.ates "IN 1 ,!S Xt renway a Dainty Dutch Lellshts tt-lb, S0e; 1-lb, 003 Llgiiett s Rutter and Milk lllttersweets H-lb., 40OJ 1-lb.. BOa LiKgett's Kruit Cordiala H-lb., BOo; 1-lb- gLOO Uuth's Ilonbons snd Cnocolates -H-lb., 40o 1-ib., SJe Harr's Orlainal Saturday Candy, sold fresh each Saturday, only, l-lb...SM 0c Maxlxe Cherries for 0c Trlola Sweets for ' ...." Full Pound Outh's Caramels, Sttirdavs, at ........ 60c Value Ooodwill Chocolates. In purple box .........." Outh's Creme O'l'eppermlnt. In Chocolate, lb Milk Chocolate Coated Fruits and Nuts, Creams, per lb 60o Whole Mraxil Nuta, tiipped In cream, per lb Vncle Joshua's Old Fashioned Hoarhound, lb. "Oe Bntnrday we khnll ngnln give; to few hundred of our lady cus tomer a free sn triple of Wagett Elect Chocolate Uio dellcioue Oc iter lb. confection. Ghcrman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th aad Dodge Streets. Owl Drug Co Cor. IStk A Harmey. Harvard rhsnnacy, B4tk A Tsnsnm. XKiyal rbarmacy, 807-S Bf. 16th It a reetthec SKINNERS iL e$S &rv & 1 fmyMMP ' 1 ae- - e". Sk.-yy M il M li U MM Give Them All They Want Here' a dish the children like and make them strong and healthy. Write for recipe book free. Cook in 12 Minute-50 Difffnt Duhet IAVy t;CSt . . -'rrr.-. . ---f.r; 1 SIQNNEK MFG.4CO. 4erjr IM Aearic. 14tk Jaekaoa Streets OeMka, Neb. Tel. Tyler 1625 . Na. le.. 44.. . M.. .I t J f M t He. li it.. . ea rv aaeeV) ... 1$ 1 m m X1 ... t 14 M ... I M .tsi l-o . d e t te ..k-4 te III ..let ... 1 a pia tt 10 4 7 I 8HKEPflaciPis were very fair for a "Friday, some twenty-f nir care, or tout .uuie active U-day oa covering and some j heed, shuwiag up. This brluga the Kibuirt from trada Interacts. At Booa I week's tulal up to fcu head, a falllns lirioea were t to U points biher. joif ot nearly head as oguivarel 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens .... 13c 1915 Forcquarler Spring Lamb .... 9c Steer Pot Roast M Pig Pork Roast llc pig Pork Butts 1 No Young Veal Roast llhc Young Veal Chopg Mutton Chops 14He Bait Pork. 0c rwe Deliveries, 10 a. a, and If, a, Porter House Steak 17 Mo Skinned Hams 14ic Sugar Cured Hams 104c Extra lean lireakfaat Bacon, 18 He Sugar Cured Bacon 134 e Freeh preesf d Chickens. . . . 11 94 c Fresh Oysters, quart 45 rxompt AUeatioa to Kail Oiler a. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wottlworth ft and 10e Htore-. H3 South lth St. Tel. D. 2307. I . -etsn- .aagasv e i . i v f ran -ft i t ft &) What's Th' Use 0' Goin' Home? They Ain't Got No METZGER'S BRAN BREAD Children like Metzger's Bran Bread. Let them ; eat lots of it it is good, pure, wholesome and healthful, it will do them good. Being made of whole wheat, molasses, and an extra per centage of carefully selected, purified bran. It is nature's own regulator. Good for old . and young alike. If you prefer white bread, dont fortet tho celebrated QUAKER and PURITAN brands, which are also made by us. Per haps you are now using one or the other of these breads, but If not, try them, they Are really good. i QUAKER BREAD Is lust el honest as the name Implies; good, honest, and excel lent as a steady diet. PURITAN BREAD la ao called because of Its purity, and Its wholesomeness an Ideal food for a healthful, rugged race. A. Metzger Baking Co. Good Food for Kids TPIADC MA UJt.eVatwT Office hlrJ-sU Look for This Label Grocers all over Ojnalia are telling, us of the pop ularity of Tip-Top Bread with their customers. TIP-TOP BREAD Sales prove the truth of their statements. The name guaran-teespurity,andfreshness-andone tate tells the story of'its dainty, delicate richness. Ask your Grocer for TI1P-T01P U. P. Steam Baking Co. Coffee Delicious" 7Ue if MIA )5urimcl hAThemos 35 ' mm Si 1 v, 1 !l (Hi Ml WW TAlTOtHQMlACHa .i 9V .- it i i