18 IIE BKE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER Opyrlght is. btoMUoari New Drawn for The Bee by George McManus oy;olly rri clad to iT AWY FROti THEM STAIR MCM N'TAKE A NAP FIND HIM OP MERE - 1 p LJ HURRY UP k ' NOW WEIL ' 77!! otM" it i ( I . vw aj sv la m m ear . r WALLOON J Vv bf57& A X 7 VV'V ? ' MS' SOMCTUN l TELU3 ME. fcVl NOT ;ONNA UK6 THCttE. KIDS! , ' HUSKERS STOP OFF , IN IOWA CAPITAL Arrive in Dei Moines to Spend Night And Will Go to Ames in the Horning. EUTEISIOED MAY NOT PLAY I1F.S MOTNFS. Oct. . peclal Tel, gran-.) Confident that they will defeat I o Io Ac Irs decisively and thus ld to their claim on th Missouri Valley ehitnrtonf Mp. Jumbo Mlehm's Com htkr gridiron warrior arrived here thl evening to penl the nlcht preparatory to making a quHk Jaunt on the Inter' Than up to Amea In the morning. The Husker came in over the Rock I:an4 en two special ear. They pulled out of Orusha at :G. It l very probablo that Captain Dick Ruhr t ford will not Hart In 'he game. I'lik hue a burn hoof, which la troubling htm and unless hla pretence la absolutely resentl.il for victory Stlrhm probably will not tho.acrappy Cornhuaker leader. Thte w.ll glvo Jimmy Oardner, an Omaha bov, a chance to show hla worth. Scetul other Cornhuekeri have minor lnjur., which are agravatln. but with Uic Xt ptl -n of Rutherford the ftrat atrlna; me:i lll be aent Into the fray. That Amea will put up a touch opposi tion U the anticipation of the Huakera. Amca alwaya manaarea to play about 100 Per cf:nt better foot ball acaJnat Nebraaka than any other achoot and aa a reault the lluekera are compelled to put up their beat imm to win. Aararlea Look Good. ..Tlile year'a team at Amoi look! esoep Jlnnlly good, despite the fact that Ita bowing acalnat Mlaaourl last Saturday wan ordinary. r"otr. a new man will guard the left wins for Amea. II la ald to be the r)iial of the great Packer In defensive play and good ou offenee. Jonea, who laytd amaahtip ball agalnrt Nebraaka laM year, la on the other and. atcKlnley, left tackle, la whale in th una anq waa given aome recognition ro tackle laat year. A brother of a former mc player, iteeva. la aeen on the oppo Ite aide of the line at tackle, and h la aid to have It en hit bigger brother In all department of the gome. Great Crater Trio. " Tli center trio for Amea command reaped. John, a veteran, 1 playing cen ter, with Deffke, who carrlea S30 pound of beef, aa one guard, and Howell th HEADED FOB THE WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP V .rv T: r - I f . h i j Li Mj. I - .ifr I HI r VwwaaVfHMa"HaMS BIG NINE TEAMS IN SEMI-FINAL GAMES V. . UMAN. It haa been ome time ino th Unl veralty of Wisconsin haa won a fuot ball championship, but th team this year tinder Coach W, J, Juneau, who a few year ago was on of the real grid iron start, look to have th champion ship rallhr. Bo far the, Wisconsin team haa not lost a game. They defnated lw ronio, M to 0 and on the following Bat- other. Th three have experience. rd'y r,n up KOT of M to 0 -"nt welaht and skill, and undoubtedly conatl tute the greatest center trio In the Mis court valley. The A K Irs' backflrld lock to be a win- Marquette. "n October 17. o-Kiilnst the Purdue eleven they scored Z8 ixilnts to Purdue's I and ln.it Saturday dofoatod Ohio Ktate XI to 0. Al.y eleven that can year. ncr. Tackor. who won Ms pur. by hi. )!con' 214 P0"!1" t0 ,,ho'r 0W0"en ' vAll.nt work last season, ha. been shifted lfour T4ta rn't h,rd to0t ba" from end to halfback, where hi 1W i , : ' . . pound, of beef make him one of the h.rd- VV!f"n !" 7". ' J!Vl Minnesota f.t men to .top. 11. Is speedy and forced ! n1 Ch bo,hK0' T hv' Ms conq.:crcr In th. hurdle, last .prln. :'m' 1,h'1y?r' bUt jTn" ".u'?"!1" to b.nt a world', record. Aldrloh. another l"""6' ,'n .h" t9 " hllevo that h .,, i ....m ... ... will win th western eonferenc title this ward r. hi, the fullback, la the hard est p'jnn:lng bttctt (lrlil man In western foot ball. He baa remarkable unduranre j tn-l c-n be ra'lcd upon repeatedly to'dlv Into the line for gains. M Horn tlnnrterhaek. In Moss th Agitlr have remarkable quaj lerback. Aa a field general his judg ment la Irreproachable and he la the moat 4-n eious open field runner In the valley, lie U dangerous In the return of punt sr.d In handling the forward pass. Ncaraklta will leave early rKlday, goln Husker Reserves Take Easy Match From Doane Squad CnETE. Neb., Oct. .-(8perll Tele gram.) In a game of foot ball here to- nri to iva Moines, where It will rest day which resembled a tea party, a teem ..id enjoy . little workout and then go 'composed of oDane regular and reserve, lo Antes Saturday morning by Interurban. ! . . . The team will return to Dea Wolne. tn. Z?JttT ?V!"? '?ll mh Bering In time to catch th. Oma I h ,C7 f 14 ' lB h? Unrein train home I l"r . oorln w aon' but Don B,i.i,.. j .. ,ne eage on me playing. Htlehm a most dangerous problem for . . ' . ' the Ames mm ia b n 1 tn quaner ti - k in v n 1 1 u in wall all roen Four Undefeated Elevens Will Clash in Series to Determine Confer ence Championship. MICHIGAN AOOIES MEET OREGON CHICAGO. Oct. a.-The Big Nine' four undefeated eleven claah tomorrow In the semi-finals for the conference foot bsll championship. At Champagne, 111., title bolder will defend their honor against Minnesota and at Chicago Wis consin will pit Its machine against th Maroon. Aside from th conference game th program Include the first Im portant east-west contost, Michigan tak ing on Syracuse and an Interesting match between the Michigan Aggie, one of the best elevens of this section, and th Ag gies of Oregon, who represent the gam aa played In the far west. Among the gamer carded are: At Champaign Minnesota against Illi nois. At Chl ago Wisconsin against Chicago. At Ann Arbor Syracuse against Michi gan. At Tianslnc Oregon Aggies against Michigan Aggies. At Nitre lanio South Dakota against Notre I'nm. Al Imllnnspolls Washington and Iee egnlhftt Indlnna. At Lexington Cincinnati agalnat Ken tucky. At Oberlln Kenyon against Oherlln. At Ovclund IVnlaon against Weatern Horry. At Alliance Case ajrnlnst Mount Union. At Ioulsille Rose Poly, against Louis ville. At Oreencastlo Earlham against De psnw. At Naiiervllle Deloit agalnat North western college. Hard Battle Predicted. Critics hesitate to prophesy which team will bo winner of the contest at Cham paign. Earlier In th season, despite re ports of ab right outlook at Minnesota, the champions to most . follower of the gamo looked unnble to repeat this season the triumph of last. Hut the unexpectedly good showing tha Gophers made against Iowa, despite th lota of Solon and the failure of Illlnol to do better than tie with Ohio made aom of the prophet waver. With Wyman, Illerman and lUUentyne, beside Long, considered ono of the best quarterback In this section, Minnesota developed a sur prisingly strong offensive and a defense of weight enough to cause trouble. The result, with no comparative scores on which to base predictions, I that j critics generally are dlxposed to expect ! a hard fought close battle. That Clark j and Pogne will take part for Illinois is not doubted nnd ntorivs that Blerman may not start for Minnesota are hardly credited. 1 Hadaera gtrons; Tram. j In the role of dark horso, Chtcngo con cedes weight and speed to Wisconsin. The DHdgers have been molded Into a loam from what a former Maroon wrota recently la th best material he ever saw. Their full strength will be In the contest, with Dow Dyers and Rbcr Simpson, al ready called a stnr quarterback, to carry the tmrden of the attack, and Captain Puck, a famous tack la, and Btavrum. a veteran end, to boar th brunt of th defense. The rout of Michigan by the Michigan Aggtea last week gives little hope to Wolverine partisan, that the attack of the Syracuse machine can be successfully j coped vlth. I Meetings between elevens of the east ! and the Pacific oonat have been so rare ! of recent that much interest attaches to the game at I-annlng. There I little ques tion of th das. of the Michigan Aggtea and their friend expect much of their fast back field. Notre Dame take on a fighting op ponent In South Dakota, but It la not believed that the latter eleven can ahow the strength which prevloua teama It haa aent agatnat teama in thl Immedi ate neighborhood have shown. AMES WORTHY FOE OF NEBRASKA TEAM Cornhoskers Will Meet Iowans at Time When Agriculturists Are at Their Best KANSAS WILL MEET OKLAHOMA The University of Nebraaka' claim to the championship of th Mlaaourl valley conference will be contested at Ames, la., today. The Cornhuskara, with added confidence after their win over Notre Dam, will meet Ame at a time when the lowan are lnthelr best fighting trim. All season official who have worked In game and followera of th valley sport have predicted Nebraska would find a worthy foe In Ames. The Iowa team la stronger this year than for many prevloua seasons. Kansas ha a battle of great importance to th Jayhawker In the clash with the University of Oklahoma at Norman. Coach Owen ha on of the best squads in the southwest and the Oklahoma vic tory over Texas last week threw a big oar Into th Jayhawkers' camp. Denied th service of Center Keeling through Injuries, Coach Olcott made a general shift In the team In order to fill the gap. The Kansas squad worked out en the Norman field yesterday. The men from Lawrence will outweigh their oppo nents fourteen pounds to each player. Probably the weakest teams In the con-j ference the University of Missouri and ; the Kansas Aggies will play at Colum bia. Eaoh haa annexed hut one game this j year. Laat Saturday, however, both eleven, bowed Improvement, th Aggie out playing th University of Kansas In the first half of their contest and Missouri holding Ame. to a 14 to S score. At De Moines, Drake and Washington will settle their conference claim. On I comparative score the gam should be closely fought On Soothern Fields. The University of Arkansas downed Oklahoma Aggie, last week and ought to give St Lout, university a strong fight at Bt. Loula, Both eleven, are In good condition. Dallas, Tex., will see another good game following last week's Oklahoma-Texas contest, when Haskell and the Texas Agglt-a meet. Southwestern college and I tha IlKlvarilln T- will nl.v -. Austin. In Kansas, Washburn college and the Kansas Stat Normal school claah at Topeka. Washburn ha a weak eleven and th Normal should have an easy time acorlng a victory. Game tomorrow and th scores of last year's contest when the tame eleven, met follow: Nebraaka at Ames, JO to ?. Kansas Aggies at Mlaaourl, 3 to 13. Kansas at Oklahoma. 16 to 16. Akanaas at St. ixjuls. U to 0. Washington at Drake, 1 to 7. Nebraska Wesleyan at Momlngaide, 13 to . Texas Aggie agalnat Haskell at Dallas, 0 to 10. Southwestern at Texas. 0 to 70. Kansas Normal at Washburn, 19 to 0. Grand Island Holds Broken Bo wto But One Trip Over Line GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Oct. .-ffipe-clal Telegram.) Grand Island High school again defended It till to the championship of th statet his afternoon In a lively tussle with Broken Bow. Neither of these team bad been defeated thla year and Grand Island had not been cored against. The local plied up II In the first quar ter when after a penalising; the ball got Into Grand Island territory and by a fluke Kennedy, for Broken Bow, escaped the defenses and secured a touchdown. Goal waa kicked. In the second quarter Grand Island played less vlgorounly, but held Its op ponent, without scoring. nt the third and fourth quarter, the locals resumed their usual gait and a little more than doubled their score, fin ishing 40 to 7. The second quarter ended with the ball five yard, from the Broken Bow goal and In the third and fourth quarter the locals' goal waa never In danger, the ball being almost always tn Broken Bow, territory. Broken Bow defeat I. assuaged by the claim that It I. the only team In the date thu. far crostlng the Grand laland line. The visitors' fought gamely and by crossing the Grand Island line. The vis itor. fougl;t gamely and by many are regarded as the strongest team meeting I be local, on the home ground. WILLYS OVERLAND COMPANY TO HIRE TEN THOUSAND MEN TOLEDO, O., Oct. S9. Ten thousand additional men are to be employed by the Willys-Overland Automobile Com pany as soon as new additions now un der construction and other to be atarted at once are ready for occupancy, accord ing to Isaac Klnsey, one of the heaviest stockholders of the company, in a state ment last night Tha output of machines Is to be Increased 1,000 a week, he said. AMES MAKING FEWfl CLAIMSJOR TEA Coach Says it Will Not Surprise Him if Cornhnsker Score is Large. SEND REAL BEAR REPORT AMES. Ia. Sept . (Special Telegram.) 'We are not making any all bid, but the squad I pretty much shot to piece with Injuries due to the Minnesota long period. However, our boy will give all they have, and If that doeen't deliver, why, we'll haive to give Nebraaka th glad hand,' was all Coach Mayser had to say of the Ames-Nebraska game tomor row. lie thinks Ame. haa a chance If the Cyclone, get more than their .hare of the bracks In the luck, otherwise they have little. Mayser eaid he would be no more surprised If the Cornhuekers piled up fifty points than If they piled up six. He gave out the following lineup this afternoon: Evans, riirht end: Dcnfclt rljht tackle; Deffke, right guard; Jones, center; Reeve, left tackle; McKlnley, left guard; Foster, left end; Moss, left halfback: Aldrlch. right halfback; Uhl, fullback; Slosa, quarterback. O'Neill Says He Acts Under Instructions CHICAGO, 111.. Oct .-Actlng on In structions of a majority of the Western lengue's board of directors, Norrls L. O'Neill, as president of the league, to day called a meeting of the club owners for next Sunday here. No special busi ness Is to come before the meeting, but It ha. been customary to hold a fall ses sion just before the annual convention of tho national convention. Hebron Ileats fleperfor. SUPERIOR. Neb.. Oct (Special.) Hebron High tchool defested Superior here today. 19 to 2. Forward nassea proved to be ground gainer for Hebron. Sidney Beats Alliance. ALLIANCE, Neb., Oct 29. (Special TelcKram.) Alliance High school foot ball team, who won from Chauron Nor mal last Friday. wnt down to defeat before the Sidney High school team here this afternoon, the score being 20 to 0. I Pont Ball Remits. At Cedar Falls, la. Teachers' College, 61; Upper Iowa, 19. At Jacksonville., III. IUInolna College, 21; Illinois Wesleyan, S. At Dubuque, III. Dubuque German Col lege, 27; La Cross Normal, 0. H. S. GIRLS PREPARE TO ROOT FOR FOOT BALL TEAM In order that th girl, of the Central High school may understand foot ball and be able to appreciate good play when they see them Coach Mulligan has un dertaken the responsibility of explaining the game to them. The coach will ad dress the girls In the auditorium Monday. The coach thinks that the rooting at tha foot ball games will Improve and not so much good lung power go to waste aa la the past. The Drexel Kid Says' (mm "Johnny Jonea is happy. His mother la going to get him a pair of Steel Shod 'Shoe tf he get A in 'Rlthmatlo. He's working mighty hard. A Boy Full of Pep needs better shoes. The best boys' shoes made are found at Drexel's. It there were any better shoes made for boys we would have them, but we know positively that. TEEL HOD HOES are the best. They oat wear two pairs of ordi nary boys' shoes. Boys' 1 to 5, f2.50; little gents', 9 to 13, $225. la button and blucher. Parcel Post Paid. 1419 Farnam th last half th oDane aggregation went np In the air and soon Morris went over for fifteen yard and a touchdown. In th final period Captain Thurber hit the tine on the fourth down with a yard Husker camp during the coming week ' " k " Baown' " bot th. .i .ii L x -V .! ;txane weakened up and marched down - - sianai ! . w - , , . go stale. Stlchm expected to have to use all or hi formations against th Catholic and he will have to develop n entirely new offense against Ame. 1 1 re win do little scrimmage In th ' practice. All-Nationals Defeat Americans at Greely GREELT. Colo.. Oct SS.-The All Na tionals defeated the All American her tcday by a score of 11 to 10. NORTH PLATTE HIGH WINS FROM GOTHENBURG TEAM , NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Oct t.-(Spe-slal Telegram.)-North Piatt High achool . donated Gothenburg here today. M to T, In one ef the hardoat fought game ever aeen her. Forward paasea figured ex tensively la North Piatt' gain. Ooth rnuirx' touchdown waa by a line plunge by Btntg. Larson kicked goal. Cottienburg played a great defensive same, but waa unabl to Intercept North P'atte's forward paasea. It stars were Clark. Nelson, Beath and Larson. Cool, North Platte, caught a forty-five yard forward pas and took It over for a touchdown- Iiaker and Jones also starred for North I'latte. th field and should have made a touch down had time permitted, but a there were only thirty seconds to play Ed monds atempted another place kick, but tailed. For the Nebraska aggregation, Bullard at quarter In the final half was one thing which made them more tg gretslve and Morrla, th little right half back, waa good. Th lineup: RKSKRVES. Predmore vae .... HennU Maloney . Hadley ... Albrecht . Smith .... Thurber . Morris .... Hhodoe ... Mc4ilaaaon Substitutes L.K C. . ...r a ... H-T ....R.E. ,...1H ...R.H ....KB. ..(IB, R.R.. feS:: o L.O.. tl: R.H.. UH F.H.. QB.. AOANE. Wallace ...... Edmonda Jellnek Johnston Collins Must Bayer Vik-kle Koeetsr TvUr White house for Sslla-e. Smith for Jellnek. White house for IKnney. Hints for Vokse. Cur. tie for Predraore. Bullard for Mclilaaeon. Touchdown.: Morru. Thurber. Goals from field: Edmonds. Referee: Wauah V!np': J' ""d ik'g. Ilnwkeeper: Haatuiga Tline ef quar ters; u ml a u tea. aleUraw Slaaa (nban. Joe Rodrlgues rated at the best first baseman In the Cuban National league .... . .. , manager AloJraw, toe Giants. of Beatrice High Is. Too Much for the Boys from Aurora BEATRICES, Neb., Oot 29.-(3peclal Telegram.) Outweighing th visitors fif teen pound to th man, Beatrice High overwhelmed Aurora High here today, I? to 0. The heavy Beatrice line opened hug gap through which Coaeh Rath bun' men poured for great gains. Auros wa. efficient with the forward pass; but never seriously threatened the Beatrice goal. Sherwood, Harsch and Jones shone in opea field running for Beatrice, while Coaler and Sheldon showed buret of Speed for Aurora. Captain Ktlpatrick kicked a pretty goal from placement at thirty-two yard. e Bat rice meets York next Friday and Lincoln the week following. The lineup: AURORA. Howar d I. E goatee (c L. tienowey i -a une BEATRICE. R- E Johnson K. T...KUumtm-k lei R. Q Ward Tltman R. O. L. O. Norgren R. T.i L. T. Poler . ..t R. K, U K. Sliaidon Q. P..' Q. H. Cosier UHIUH Harrison R. H ! R. H. Qulnn F. B.I F. U. officials: Referee. Kline Wesleyan. Um pire. B.-Mhmult. McAIUier collet. Head linesmen. Jonea, Crlnnell. Tnuchuowna: Kyle. Sherwood a. Jones. Goal kicks: KIiatrUk tkllpatrlck H). Place ktUi; Kilpainvk, w, . .... r-i n " n oRtt ..... Hubka Stoll ........ Kyle ..Shellenherg ... Sherwood Jonea THE ONLY SUCGESSFUL TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR AND DRUG USING The KEELEY TREATMENT re moves the craving for Liquor and Drugs and leares the man master of himself. IT IS THE ONLY TREAT MENT THAT WILL DO THIS, and the only one that cures alcoholic and drug inebriety. This treatment baa restored over 400,000 men and women who were addicted to liquor . and drugs; among the number are ' over 200,000 physicians. It Is the' tI AVI"T7 II Im .VI. A W..I many imitators, nut no rivals or competitors as far as RESULTS are concerned. During the THIRD OF" A CEN TURY that this treatment has been continuously and successfully ad. ministered, nearly two thousand im itation, or alleged "cure concerns have started out a our competitors; today scarcely a doien survive. Some of them so closely imitate our claims, literature, etc., to such an extent, as to Indicate a pre-determlned Intent to deceive. They appear almost under every conceivable name, fool the people for a little while and pass on Into oblivion, forgotten by the public, but not by the unfortunates whom they deluded and duped Into trying their methods. The on regrettable fea ture Is that they should be able to deceive any through false preten sions, or with their absurd and pre posterous claims, for tn many cases they drive all hope and confidence out of the lives of those whom they have thus misled. If you need to take treatment for the Liquor and Drug addiction, inves tigate THE KEELEY TREATMENT, a treatment that is known the world around and which is recognised by the public and the medical profes sion as the SUCCESSFUL TREAT MENT for these addictions. Look up some of our former patients, whom you will find la every com munity. They are healthy, happy and prosperous; many of them will tell you that they would not be liv ing today If It had not been for the KEELEY TREATMENT. All busi ness and correspondence) with ns is strictly confidential and all Inquiries answered In plain sealed envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 23th and Case Streets, Omaha, Kcb. YOUR car won't mind the weather if Red Crown the gasoline of qualityis in the tank. Red Crown makes quick starting in cold weather. Red Crown keeps your carburetor "put." At Garages Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) j GASOLI WE EVERY DROP j