TIIE BEE: OMATIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1913. e CARRYING THE SUFFRAGE PETITION TO WASHINGTON Mrs. Sara Bard Field is making the trip from San Fran cisco to Washington with a petition for uf frage signed by 5C0.000 names. She reached Omaha Thursday morning and was photographed for The Bee. In the picture are: Front row Mabel Vernon and Ingeborg Kindstedt. Second row Sara Bard Field, M. A. Kindborg, Mayor Dahlman and Mrs. S. A. Capen of Omaha. r VV... I J 1 ' -""' . , ' , , t f .,., . ; : j '. t "'i o . ;.--. .X X ;: tp&'&Wih U7 4 : and took Hn. Eddy frr automobll drlv about th rlty. Th sam day Mrs. Oors Phelp gav a dinner at th Grand hotel In Mm. Eddy honor. Subscription Dance Club. The Subscription Dancing club glvn It opening dancing prtT this evening at Turpln'a wulrmjr. The committee In charge of the affair Include Mr. John A. MoShane, Mra. IT. IT. Ilaldrlre, Mri. W. A. Johnnon and Mrs. Arthur Rem ington. The mmbera thia year Include: Hmwii. and Wesdanirn Waller I'Hge. Jonrh Pnrker. M. A. Hull, V. M. Wllhf ltn. J It. lialdrU. '. li. Keller. Harry l ununtnga, janle Kniim. jr.; il. I'. Tukey. r. W. JudKon, F H. lnvla. Frank Hnmllton, F. 8. Cowglll, Oeorire T'rtnla. S. H. McKren, Henry VVyman, Jnroon I.. I'axton, I'm id liHUin, John Towle, Hairy HurKley, I., r. I'roroof. K. H. Ki-ott. Vr. l'lr."',. W. H. Wheeler. B. M. Fairfield. Arthur Onlou, (. C. Re.JIrk, K. If. lne, W'. A. Kraer. V. C. Oeorne, M. ('. Feter. Gould IXeta, V. V. Hhelton, K. H. SiTiigue, thla afternoon at the homo of Mra. , standleh for Mian Kathertne McClana han, a Novrmher bride. farden flower were need In the drcoratloua. For Mn. Lobingler Mra. Charles C. Belden and Mra. Car roll R. PeMen entertained at lunchocn at the Commeri lal club thla afternoon In honor of Mr. Charle B. Ixblngier ami Mica F.mma Hunker. One Hundred and all guccta were aeated at mal table decorated with flower In baskets. The ladies asulstlng the hoteaea were: Medamra Medamea C. K. Johanne. Frank t lark. (. W. Nolil, W. T. Newele. O. H. Rlt-knell. K. (;. M'-otiton. O. W. Ryan. A. W. Gordon. M. I. Cninerin. O. T. Kaftmnn, C. II. Hallirt. lraper Smith, John A. MfBliane, . F. A. BroKan, n . m. Mucnoia, r;. T. Bwooe. Il.'C. Howe. J. Clarke Colt, A. V. Klnaler, C. W. Hamilton. K. W. llxon, l.ulhrr Kountie. John L. Kenmdy, J. De F. Rirhardu, Clement Chaae, C. A. Hull. Gurdon W. Wattles, J. E Hummer C. C. Allison. Mesdamea Mabel o:den. F. P. Klrkendal!, i. M. Sle'.calt. K. C. Barton, Mtea Mary Munchhoff, Kate MeConrack, weseir.- A. I.. Heed. Mrdame Arthur Remington, Chariea Offutt. Warren Rogers, I. H. Wheeler. Jr. Mlnses Palsy Doane, Id Hharp. Messra. Rardall K. Brown, Chariea Saunderx. C. W. Hull. Is. W. Wakeler. Chariea Deuel, Frank Burklcy. Ptmkton Helh. Earl Gannett, o By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, October 28, 1915. T Un't verr day, nor every year, for that matter, that Omaha hag a a guent out of Durke'a Peerage to entertain. Hut please do not think I I would not Infer, for the world, that Lady Gregory's title U the lure which hag brought the smart ones to worshiping at her shrine. Yet, as Locke said In his altogether charming; "Alice for Short," "A baronet Is a baronet." Hut that was speaking of London, tt ts ail quite , afferent In the west. Sir Horace Dunket comes and goes as unob irunlvely as he wishes. One of the striking points of Lady Gregory's visit to our city is tbo utter abaenre of any thought of her title or her rank true, they are run ning to the Public Library to read up about her; but It la what she has aritten and not her standing In Burke s that Is eagerly sought. "What Is Lady Gregory?" asked a debutante of her mother. "Why, child!" exclaimed the mother, raising horrified hands; "don't let any one hear yu ask such a question. Don't you know Lady Gregory Is a dramatist, a powerful dramatist, and the greatest patron of the Irish theater?" "I know all that," said the bud; "but that la not what I meant. . wanted to know if Lady Gregory Is countess, or a marchioness, or the wife af a knight, of If ahe gets ber title of 'lady' through courtesy because she Is the daughter of a nobleman." The mother laughed. "That is so," she aald alowly; "she has 'lady' be fore her name. But, don't you know, I never thought of it until you brought it up now. I have been too occupied realising What Lady Gregory bag written and accomplished for the Irish drama to think of anything else about her." Mr. Beeion'i Mother Diet. Mrs. Amanda Miller of Lafayetta, Ind., mother of Mr. A. O. Beeaon, died last ' evening In Lincoln at 1:30 o'clock at the Some of her daughter, Mra. It, J. Greene. . Mra Beeaon, who waa called to Lincoln by Mra Miller's lllnesa iaat Monday, waa with her mother when aha died. It waa a plaJi of Mra. Miller to spend - a month with each daughter In Nebraska every two year, and h had bean visit ing In Lincoln for three week preoeedlng her death, expecting to coma to Omaha ' Thanksgiving to apend a month with Mr. and Mra. A. G. Itecson. Mra. Miller last vlelted In Omaha, two ' year ago thla autumn and la well remain- bered and beloved In thla city. The deceased la the widow of John I Miller of Lafayette, and I survived by son and four daughter. Mr. M. W. Miller of Lafayette, Mr. Green of Un culn, Mra. Beeaon of Omaha, Mra. Rufu Jennings of Berkeley. Cut., and Mrs. Oliver W. lterce of Laia.velta. Sancinsr Parties Announced. The Blity-slx tanelng club will hold Ita first dancing party of the aeaaon at '.'liambera acamedy Friday evening. There will be a Hallowe'en dancing party at the !rnjrte park club Saturday evening. The dancers will appear In sheet tid pillowcase disguise, and th decora.' lions will carry out the Hallowe'en Idea, Thla evening the Vnlveralty Mixers, Vrelghton college organlxatlon, enter tains at a dancing party at Chambers' Pagaloo club glvea a dancing party at Metropolitan club room tonight. Frflnco-Belsrian Relief Plant. Thlrty-flv women Interested In relief work for the bereft Franco-Belgian met at th home of Ml Jessie Millard on Wednesday. The women decided not to spend so much time on sewing, but to 'raise funds to purchase material, which would ba aent on to Mis Grace Zorbaugh to provide work for the refugee there Mia Zorbaugh I a former Council Bluffs girl, who I general secretary of tha British-American Young Women' Christian aasorlatlon at Parla. Blxty dollars were raised at thla meeting. Mr. Warren Rogers, who head the Franco-Belgian relief organisation, and Mr. George A. Joslyn, are al.to recelv Ing contributions for th Friendly Camp, an organisation of refugee in th south of Franc, Th Franco-Belgian society will hold It next meeting along In th middl of November, at th home of Mr. John A. McHhan. Mr. Arthur Crittenden Rmlth will en tertaln th December meeting. Omaha Musician in Kama. Omaha people were very much In vt dene at a recital given at Topeka on Wednesday evening. Miss Frances Nash and her companion. Mis Worts, went there, as Mis Nash appeared with George Hamlin, tha Chicago tenor. This la th first of a aerlea of recital Mia Nah and Mr. Hamlin will give this winter. Mr. can Dufflcld alio went from Omaha aa acoompanlst to Mr. Hamlin, and on hi return ald they were all very well re ceived at Topeka, Dinner Precedmg the Dance. , Following out a custom established Iaat year there will be a number of dinner nrtle preceding tke Subscription Dane club affair thla evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pa will en tertain on of tha largest dinner partlea, having twelve guests. Mr. and Mr. II It. Bpragu wtll enter tain at a dinner preceding th ball. Their guest will be: Messrs. and Mesdamea H. 11. haldrtge, A. U Reed. Vr. J. E. Hummers. Mis Ida bharp. Messrs. Mesir. ItamlHll Brown. IS. W. Hart of 1 arl Gannett, Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mr. Henry F. Wyman will en tertain on of th dinner parties preced ing th ball. Th Hallowe'en atmosphere will l carried out In the decorations, with the addition of yellow chrysanthe mums. Covers wtll be placed for: Messrs. and Meadamea Harry Tukey. ' J. H. George, ira. Chariea iirruit. Mr. F. A. Brogan. Mr. and Mrs. F. IL Gaines will hare aa their dinner guests: Messrs. and Mesdamea W. A. Frner. M. A. Hall. Frank Judson, C. W. Hamilton, lan Baum. Th dinner guests of Mrs. Warren Rog er will be: Messrs. and Mesdamea W. H. McKeen. David Baum, Mrs. lan Wheeler. Messrs. Messr. Harry McCormlck, Frank Burkley. Clement Chase, Mrs. J. M. Metcalf has recalled her In vitation for a dinner this evening, and will entertain Instead proceeding th dance on November 11. reception wtll be tendered her thla even ing from ( to 10 o'clock In the room of tha United States Bank building. Th object of thla reception la to give an tu members of th Dramatic league and their friends a chance to meet the fa mous dramatist and patron of Irl. art. The affair la informal and street dress shall be In perfect good form. In th receiving line will - be Lavdy Gregory, Mis Kate McHugh, Senator Hitchcock, Mra Edward Porter Peck, Mrs. Leonard Everett, Mr. Ixw rle D. Ohllds and Mrs. Howard Baldrlga. On th board of directors of the Drama league who wtll assist are: Meedames Mesdamea Charles T. Konnlte, Kdrur Morsman, jonn A. jncMnane. Artnur uuiou, Diocesan Reception. The diocesan reception to th member of tlio visiting aynod will be held this evening from S to 11 o'clock at th lint veralty olub. An oroheatra will play throughout the evening and refreahment will be aerved. Those receiving will be Bishop and Mr. William. J ean Tancock and Mr. Tancoek. Rev. T. J. Markay and Mrs. Mackay llev. LJoyd B. llolsappl and Mra. llola- apple. Jtev. Mr. Collar and Mrs. Collar. Mr. and Mra. Fred Davis. Musdames Mesdamea John V. French. Philip l'otter, Walter Page. Tracy, A. J. Foppleton, IefUe. With Lady Gregory. Embowered In Klllarney rosea), Omaha oclety paid trlbut to Lauly Gregory this afternoon at a luncheon at th Omaha club. Cover war placed for Ldy Gre gory. Meadamea Harry D. Cummlnga, Bdward Porter Peck, Ctiarlea Kountxe, i. 12. Summer. Rdgur Morsman. George Bernard Frlns. Warren Blackwell, John A. McHhane, Howard Baldrlga, HI. M. Fairfield, Artbar Gulou. Mlsaea Kate McHugh, Jeanett McDonald, May Irene Wallace and Edith Tobltt. At 4 o'clock Iidy G regard gav her lecture at th Brandola theater, and a Warren Blackwell, K. M. r'alrrtelfl. A. M. Borglum, A. W. Jefferls. J. V.. Summer. Misses H. Li. Oummlngw,. A. V. Hnnchett. W. C. Shannon, Ida Hnnchett, George B. PlinS. M iHsea May Irene Wallace, Jeanette McDonald, Edith Tobltt. Messr. Measr. Francl A. Brogan. Joe, ph Polcar. Thoma J. Kelly, T. W. McCullough, ti. v. urair, naDtji r . conn. To Honor Mr. Eddy. Mrs. C. Q. Eddy of New Tor, th gueat of Mra J. M. Metcalf, was enter tained In Council Bluffs Tuesday. Mrs. Eddy la a member of the Baylies family, pioneers of Council Bluffs. trs. D. R. Plnney gar a luncheon In honor of Mrs. Eddy, and In the afternoon th old settlers gav a reception In her honor g.iest of Mr. M. T. Barlow, expect t leave Monday evening for Portland, Or. Mr. and Mis. N. r. Swanson and son Roy. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Bloom, left last week for Chicago for a iay of two week. The trip wa made by automobile. Postponement. Instead of this evening, the PUuth Bld Progressive Card club will entertain Fri day evening at It hall, Fourteenth am Castellar streets, at 8.3". A "For Pule" ad will turn socond-han. furniture Into cash. W. Farnam Smith. Harry McCormack, Luther Drake, A. n. Warren. H. W. Hart, Council Bluffs. Today' Event. Mrs. Ferdinand Adler entertained at a bridge luncheon at th Hotel Loyal. Mr. Mylea Standlah and Mra Fred Thoma entertained five tables at bridge W. D. K. Club Shower. The W. D. K. club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at a shower given In honor of Mr. A. Jonea at the home of Mr. Frank Spellman. Pink and white were ued for table decorations. Those present were: Mesdamea H'pchmi'ii B. D. Allyn. F. Dougherty, I. Dolphin. F. Hlch, A. Jnnea, M. Morell. W. Meyer, V. Spellman. Dr. Prune r. lean at the Deanery. , On Friday afternoon, from 4 to o'clock, Mrs. Tancock entertain at' tea at the Deanery in honor of the ladles' auxiliary and delegates to the synod. The Indie of the diocese will assist Mrs. Tan cock. On hundred and fifty guest are expected. The dining room will be dec orated In red roae and the reception room In yellow chrysanthemum. Mr. Brill, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Ben Stanley, will give a violin solo. Personal Mention. Miss Anna Sogaard and M. Delche are registered at the Hotel McAlpln In New York City. Mrs. Downing of New Tork, who is the ADMINISTRATOR NAMED FOR THEUNDER ESTATE By stipulation and agreement of all ol the heirs of the late John Under, wealthy liquor dealer, William Arnd of Council Bluffs was appointed adminis trator of the estate under bonds of S50,0M). HOME MADE HAIR TOHIC Removes Pnnrlrnff In From One to Five Nights. The following simple recipe, which you can mix at home, or have put up at any drug store, at little cost will remove dandruff In from one to five nights. It does not color the hair and Is perfectly harm lea: Water One-half pint. Bay Rum On ounce Ttxola Compound. . .One-quarter ounce Glycerine One-quarter ounce. A half-pint Is all you need. Rub II wt'll Into the scalp at night and after a few applications the dandruff and scalp eruptions will disappear and th halt will stop falling out and be soft and glossy. Advertisement. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE CALL OF SANTA COMBS rT Think of it less than two months until Christmas. Kind of startles you, don't it, to think that the holi day aeaaon la so near, but Santa Combs baa ' been preparing for It for months, and now hi store abounds with timely Xmaa gift sug gestions. TP Come in today and make your selections. We will hold the ar ticles you select until you are ready for them, but don't put off any longer making se lections. Till . ,CUlVElXRS 1I isas) eewejuu t oana T ET GOBLINS gambol unrestrained- let witches ply their craft but don V for get, thii Hallowe'en, the lure of luscious S5?? Cream or. Ice CVeams The Home of Art and Music. ail ansa iii.aal MiallaA-A'asWni ajtses.- 'v, """" ' H-"rm- - f - art.... jai - -J.A . J J ; .11! I " I ' 5 y I I " I S I t 1 "i .11 I i. r v r L i la pi i 8 9 r3 n MMNMiMAataw -1 Ol'R NEW STORE FRONT ONE OF THE ATTRACTIONS OF OMAHA. We are Exclusive Agents for the following Pianos: MASON & HAMLIN PIANOS, KIUNICII & BACII PIANOS, KIMBALL PIANOS, BUSH & LANE PIANOS, CABLE-NELSON PIANOS," WHITNEY .PIANOS, HINZE PIANOS, GENUINE BRAMBACH GRAND PIANOa Our Art Collection conalBts of: Oil Paintings. Water Color Paintings. Mexso Tlnta, Etchings. Engravings. Photographa. Gold Framea, Natural Wood Frames, Kraims for Photos. Pohlaon Novelties, Cordova lather Goods. Artitlcal Flowers, Lamps, Brasa, Sterling Bllver and UroQie. pottery Vases, Cards, Sheffield Bllver, Desk Sets. 1513-1515 Douglas St. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas St. For the Hallowe'en parties for. every occa? don in these last few days of glorir ' irons October we suggest pure, delicious Ice -Crcanv Your nearest druggist dreonfcrtioner'wni $e glad to 11 your order; lll!ill!!i;i!!nil!llli!i!lllil!M irinm 9' . : -.mi 1 THE HAM WHAT AM Dmmt With Stont Tmt 511 Th Aimtmr Star Bsetm Jtmnmr's OInmarjna4 Jrmmr't Crmpt Juut Drwjiirt Farm Samiagt MBXar CamiJ hds ft Jh PRODUCTS; v, Ik- I I M w In the Stockinet Covering i v.:w. V:f ;;.'i::v;;:. V-'.i; J Krcwtre A mour taiur. Pot.afptiador, The cleanly Stockinet is put on beform mL- I ! L-J Gm.l.1 .L. iii nam is sim. uuvwcu i ii.t in thia sanitary protector, all the dell cats "bouquet" and rich, Juicy flavor mrm rainaA nA intensified. Tooth. some to the last slice I Whether yoa j buy a ic or a whoU ham, insist ' on Armours roar. Ilk ass.sr'i Stmr Maaa, aasary aKma maimlaiaa tha Armaar Qaatit Sim latarat ARMOURCONPANY soatat imn, rrr, faama XagUg loes. ITU amg tcmaa Me. Oamaaa, Bh,