Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tim m:r,: omaha. ithday. oomnnu 20, iri5.
Cs'y rive Omaha Suffragists Oa
Hand to Greet Message Carrier
from Coatt.
Ornth inffraglPU turned a cold
boulder opon the suffrage eSvoys
who are carrying a message from
r&elflc coast woram voter to the
slity-fourth congress, and vtbo
passed through Om&ha yesterday.
Only five local suffragists appeared
at the cour thouoe to extend a glad
hand to the four women who are
making the overland trip by auto.
They were Mrs. F. D. Wead, presi
dent of the Political Equality; Mrs.
8. A- Capen, president of the Omaah
Suffrage ; Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, pres
ident of the city central organisation;
Mrs. Mary. Caraack and Mrs. C. S.
The failure of lor! suffragist to re-
catva. the envoys, who are Mm. Pant Bard
Field, Mia Mabel Vernon and Mlsa M. A
Klngbera and Miss Ingeborg- Kln-lstedt,
the ehauffwur and mechanician oa the
trip, fcaa widened the breach between the
eocSTeealonal unionist and the suffrage
repjlara" with which Nebraska women
are aJiaeclRtad.
Tm ashamed cf Omaha suffragists
wh wouldn't coma eut to great thts
womea Whst if they are congrreeniiwial
unionists? They're suffragists just the
axn," declared Mr. YVead. "This la Just
like a family fight. I hate it"
Bot Do Good Work.
"Thla thin of atayinfr away 1 ail bosh,
tlie oongresslonai unionists ar doing Just
aa good work aa the national associa
tion," aald Mra Fairfield.
The other women were equally vehem
ent In expressing- their dlnpleasure with
local suffrafilsta who had refused ta meet
the western women because of their af
filiation with the congressional union.
' Mra Draper Brnith, the tx-etute prcJil
Wcnt, waa said to be one of those who had
refused absolutely to oaslst In the re
ception of the western women.
Mrs. Field tu equally positive tn an
hounctnc her stand with regard to the
aational association. "It reminds me of
nothing- so much aa a potato which ha
tbeen kept a lon while, until it becomes
yJonffy and aeemlnRly of no use. Just
'jjthen a perfectly good, strong sprout will
hoot up out of the spongy old potato.
The national organisation has come to
fee an organisation of personalities, but
accomplishing little work. . The fresh
young- sprout la the congressional union.
"Women need this organisation mere
than the organization needs the women,"
ho asserted.
Mayor la On Hand.
Mayor Dahlman wos on hand to wel
come the suffragists when they arrived,
in their gaily decorated car bearing suf
frage inscriptions arid headed by a band.
When the leader of the band espied the
mayor, he struck up "Brighten the Cor
I riar," made popular byr the "Hilly Bun
' day campaign. A shade of displeasure
passed quickly across the mayor's coun-
' tenance. II. B. Fleharty waa alue en hand
to welcome the women.
After telling her audience of the women
voters' convention held in San Francisco
In September, the first political conven
tion of women ever held in this country1,
Mrs. Field told about her Interview with
Governor Moreheaa In Lincoln Wednes
day, "1 didn't like that Interview at all be
cause the governor didn't algn our petl-
- tlon. He said Nebraska voters last fall
Instructed him what stand to tuke. I
ay to him, 'Can't you lead your constit
uency, Mr. Governor, instead of always
following them? Because, If you can't,
kmii'm m tffti.ln ..... a, ra.ntun ' ' '
Paklmaa (tiaras Petition.
After throwing; numerous bouquets at
ayor Dahlman for consenting to wel
come th suffrage delegation, the mayor,
at the behest of the crowd, was the first
one to sign the petition which the women
are carrying to congress. The petition
already bears SOC.000 signatures and it
demands that congress pass the Susan
a. Anthony amendment enfranchising
Mies Klndberg- and Miss Klnstedt, who
drive the car, are Swedish women from
Providence, Ii. I. They purchased the
car and are directing' its course across
the country as their contribution to the
cause. Although both women acknowl
edge they are over SO years of age, they
suffer no hardships from their severe
trip, they say.
The women leave tonight for Pea
Molncs, Miss Frances Jollffe, sister-ln-
'.law of Rudolph" Bpreckela, the California
millionaire, who is also a member of the
party, waa detained fey Illness, but joins
the delegation again at Chicago.
the British ivarss executed
in Belgium as a spy by or
der cf the 0 cman author
ities, despite th-3 protests
of United Etatci -Minister
W h i 1 1 o c k, and whose
tragic death has stirred
this country.
ft ' l 1
1 I!
it. ;, 111
is ji
J jj
All Six Members of City Commission
Present Vote for the Keyo
cation. will ee a count iiEAnrxa
Enos Mills Wants
Money Put In Parks
and Not Warships
"War Involving America 1 more apt to
arise from internal strife than from
foreign attack," declared Enos Mills,
author and national park booster In
Omaha today.
" He was a guest at the University club
and sat at the speakers' table with hi
host, C. N. Diets, during Henry D. Esta-
b rook's speech on "National Prepared
ness and Defense."
In reply to Mr. Iistabrook's well known
ideas for a large navy and army and tre
mendous expenditures for defense and
preparedness, Mr, MHSs said:
"The cost of a battleship will develop
national parks into Ideal playgrounds for
millions of Americans, where they will
lose their differences and be a united
people on the common ground of seekers
after health and happiness, instead of
plunging them into the business of mur
dering other human beings."
Mr. Mills is on his way to Washington
for the purpose of promoting nations.!
legislation for the enlargement and de
velopment of the country's , parka He
commended the present administration's
policy of developing1 the parks so that
people of all classes may use them and
of starting a campaign of education and
publicity through free "movlos" and lectures.
Six members of tha city council
toUd to revok the liquor Ucens of
Furd A Graham, 1208 Favnam street,
ccnvlctcd la police court October 21
oa charge of illegal sale ot liquors
on the evening of October . Commis
sioner Wlthnetl was absent.
During the bearing of mooted legal
points involving the rights or option
of the council la the premises. At
torney Ritchie, for the ' convicted
6. loon men, drew the fire of Com
missioner Hummel by endeavoring
to enlighten the council on the mean
ing of the word forthwith Mr. Hum
mel contended that It means "ln
etanter," hlch tho attorney Insisted
it means "a reasonable time." Mr.
I'utumel won In a walk.
NTr Took a Orlek.
Another feature of the proceedings was
the prsntntioii of 3, T. Ford by At
torney Ritchie to the council as a living
examrie of a snloon man hi has never
'taken a drink pf liquor in his life,
j CommlRfloner Jardine made this state
'ment: "On the evening when the ftl'eged
"ealca were sold to have occurred, which
Wfis the evrnlns of the Ak-Har-Ken elec
tMoal parnde. members of my family hop
pned to be in lllr automobile near the
j r'ord & Oranarn saloon ond they reMrted
;to me thst a min on the walk was so
J Ucitlng business for the saloon."
A hearing of the case will oa held Fri
day rnorrilnjf In the district court end tho
city council lnformall agreed that If the
district court reverses the police court
ropvlctlnn the li"en Will be relntll.
Clly Atfomrr JUne, City Solicitor Fie
harty and Pity rmsr-eutor MKIuIre ad--vud
th comnHsMoners tht It In their
r-if!c dity to revoke the ll-ene of a
ealo'in keoper who has bn convicted in
a court cf competent Ju rise-Union.
Attorney rtltohle charged the city Wal
department with trying to act In a legls-
tutlra capacity, whereupon the city at
torney retained .y saying he rfvr In h"
whole life tried to usurp the functions cf
ths legislature.
Durlna" the mele of words Commis
sioner Kuifel 'l have tmtrblea of
my ewn without retng bothered with
the aaiooa men trying to unload their
troubles upon me. The police court
transcript of the case slalea that Ford
and Graham were convicted and the lrpol
department says it is our duty to revoke
the license."
"Put ,1st. Imagine that Iswyer trying to
tell we what forthwith means the very
Idea. Anybody knows that forthwith
means instanter, was ths parting shot
of -nee Hummel. ff " '
waa stopped rlsl-.t then anil (lte.
Have fteanlnr Bowel H.mii,
Take fr. K'ru's Ufa rills ni
have a dally ejy movement of the bow
els. Cure constipation. Only ?j. All
drugfir'sta Advertisement.
No Quinine in
This Cold Cure
's Cold Compound" ends
colds and grippo in
a few hours.
Charles fhllbert, 1703 South Eighteenth
street, who was releaued two weeks ago
after his arrest on a hold-up charge be
cause his mother came into court and
pleaded that he was suffering from kid
ney trouble and likely to die, waa im
plicated by Sam Baxter, hold-up, who
was arrested In St. Joseph and returned
here by Officer Harry Buford. The pe
ace have now set out to find Phllbert
again. Philhert was identified by Martin
pin u i4o as the man who held up his drug
store at Twenty-fourth and Poppleton
, Baxter was arraigned in police court
on two counts of robbery and bound ever
to the district court with bond fixed at
ti.000: ' ,
. Take "Pape's Cold Compound" every
two hours until you have taken three
doaes, then all grippe misery goes and
your cold will-be broken. It trdmptly
opens your clogged-up nostrils and the
air passages of the head; stops nasty dis
charge or noee running; relieves the
headache, dullness, revcrlnhnesa, sore
throat, sneezing, snrenezs and stiffness.
Don't-stay stuffed-upl Quit blowing
and snuffling. Esse your throbbing
head nothing elies in the world gives
such prompt relief aa "Pape's Cold Com
pound," which costs only It cents at any
drug store It acts without assistance,
taaten nice, and causes io inconvenience.
Accept no substitute. Advertisement.
Fremont Woman is
. Named President
of Belief Corps
lire. Amy Rice of Fremont was elected
president of the Second district organisa
tion of the Women's I'.ellcf corps at a
meeting held at Myrtle hall Wednesday.
Other officers elected were: (4nior 'i-e
president, Mrs. Dora Michael, Tekam&h;
Junior vice president, Mrs. Ttulh Ktofter,
Lyons; chaplain, Mrs. Clara fitovens,
Omaha; treasurer. Miss Ada Hlue of
liooptr; conductor, Mia Phoebe McCoy,
Omaia; guard, Mrs. Crams, Omaha; as
aiiUuil giiaitl, ilia, Lfcit-nbtiaiT, l'Utts-
. raoutli; muicUi.o,' Mia Whitford, Fre-
mont; j-trlotf3 Instructor, Mrs. Kate
P -R-.H.:;yii, Omuha; piess corrrspondt-nt,
lfiK. Anna Astilih, I'lattwnouth.
I'Teiuoiit m Btii-t'ted tf r-ntertttln the
next convention. Thf-re were 1M delegates
at the tinotu.s, of whom were from
out of town.
Amta.aj who touli tart In the tun-
vention program were Mrs. Addle Hough,
Mm. jiiinie Tva.yr.uT t,ni Mra Auble A.
Ada.!!, ot Onitr.j.. Jlfl, Adams is a past
tatlor,al prcaid, i,t.
Tha Union Gospel mission held its first
services in the new quarters at 1301 Doug
las street, formerly occupied by the Turf
Exchange saloon. Richard lu Metcalfe,
Rev. A. M. Perry, superintendent ot ths
mission, and Rev. A. C. Douglass, paator
of the First United Presbyterian church,
spoke, and a musical program was given
by Major McCormlck of the Volunteers;
Rev. E. V. Cleveland, Miss Beulah Row
lands and Dr. A. D. Laird. Services will
be held at the new mission every night.
To stop dandruff
and Iocs of hair
Shampoo with hot water, nibbing
thoroughly into the scalp the rich,
creamy lather of
Recihol Soap
so as to soften and stimulate the
scalp, to remove the dead skin and
cells, and to work the soothing-,
healing; Kesinol balsams well into
the rooti of the hair. Rin&e in
gradually cooler water, the f.nsl
water being cold Dry the hair
thoroughly, without artificial heat.
This simple, agreeable method
almost alwayg stops 'andruff and
scalp itching-, and keeps the hair
live, thick and lustrous.
Rminol Soap lars Be sticVlncM er aur-taaa-ant
odor in tha hftir. Via regularly foe the
toilet, it cltvs and frMhn th cwaplerira
VfOfMtorfallr. Sold whercvar toil rooU are
carried. For IrM Minpla, writ to Papt. VP,
Knuiel, BalUawra, Md.
Jacob Bauer Telia IIow IleWai
Helieved cf Rheumatism
by Tanlac,
f.0;7 r.EACISLS $19,310.43
"EiUy" fuiiday' t.tal fr-e-w!l" of
fert.s now siootitit Ut .S,?ii ii. a"cod
In ,t Ti.;.uitr V. O. Ure.
'nk iurfr V? -mUt ta t,l4,
"I have Ct.iiiiitierlain'a Tablets
'w ani to-jt.4 them to te Jat as represented.
t a u .-a t'.i. f for heavJa-:hes, iiaf apt-Us
and fetter syii'.ptuiia denoting a tort-14
V liver arid a disordered condition ot the
dlejto'Jve oifsi.a. Ti.ry arc worth their
weight la goid," writes M!s Clara A.
rV(, Klha, N. y. Giunat; avery
t Le- Advaftiaejutidt
"Tanlae has made a new man of me,"
said Jacob Bauer, well-known barber.
"I Hi fur siiuuilis with rtoui;i,iUm
and tiervouaneAji, suffered mtcniM pala
! and waa unable to sle-p at night On
dn)i day the rheiimatio v!ns were so
j severe t!t I coul-J hardly walk. I lost
I fleah ami ttersgiii and had very little
appetite. Tiie nei-ouii.i often caused
headachea and I suffered the must ex
cruciating pain.
"I was under the cars of a doctor for
moiuhs, hut d'-l not improve. 1 also tried
aliiKt every kinwn felmi of proprietary
mi dlrtna hi ii was claimed to he tmo
ficia.1 for my trouble, b-Ji continued to
grow woiae.
"Fially I u Taulac advertlavd and
decld4 to try It. 1 Leu an improving from
the first dose. After taking tha luciinro
for a few lays 1 felt better than I had la
months. When I had finished the boUle
I knew that I ws in a condition where
tu more rneiiuina of any kind was
iiaedtd. Tbn!c tiu my c&Jta exactly and
1 Sill glad to recommend to others euf-
i fering aa I was.
Teniae was deslgiivd entMii ifil y to go
, ilrert to ths seat of the very trouble.
I and tho fame of tlie ii- u.e is spread-
inB to tiie moat renujle sections of the
j country. It la now belrig eoij la Omaha
at the t herman & McConui-u Irug CA m
pari. I-. .1 an4 tKuJe etretta. Adveriiao-tixnU
Hq& to Look Lt
Than Year As
Thera are three eolden rules that every
woman who would ward off signs of a'l
vnolng aire, should foiliw:
1. Cultivate cheerf ulnes. Thro who
understand the phyaloioatcal effrct of
worrying, know thin ajlvl snoiioi vs
taken more eertously than It usmtliy la.
i. Whenever the vompiuxiuil bi-Kioa to
look worn or withered, uo orninary trser.
rollzfd tbx for a week or two. Apply
nlRhtly Ulie cold creum, erehi)t It ni .rn.
inKa with warm waier. Tills irradually
aleoi-hea the thin film, of surfai'a Kln,
revealing tha fresher and younger s in
underneath. An ounce of the wx, ob
lalria'nle at any drus atoie, is sn-jugh to
icjuvt-nate any conn lul- n.
3. Vi hen the tell-tale wrinkles appear,
or chr--.ifc and cliiu iitiaeit baia " 4,
bathe the fare a itv for a wtala lit
a aolulton of owJrJ naSv'tite. i rti.,
die-olvad in H pint of l.h ImiAiX. Tins
has a rem.rkat,le tffect in "flriiiUig- up''
an,l amooliang out the sKln. ActverUaa-luerit.
w t. '
.,' e, -
It -: f , ' Q " w
cao'tiis tHii-t, co.
f-tifrii lliil r l.ulxlt
" 44)
e - "
Utl-lnk alreaaa V
(liirtiini -
r, nrpttH, ta all .
I I wanteS h St a, (
I j atnlla a atrtpea.
1 aloe
!,( era easily
I natcbeeV erd
l'kat grtv eonnfar i )
aw4 atset. .
tm th wflrti
Meinfarred aldt
bnt, 1 KB del fl
arm, Ittwfir hip bat r J
ahartrr kit) ,
!. Slaea Sit t' I
r $1.50
, K
if CoMorU.
f l.arav ata wKSte V '
J rmlm fllle - M
P, frt caerd wll
fast wlorH. fa- f J
rf. alltiallae. for TZ
P fall aim lira. f
ft tteswlor St.SH 2 Z
, aweelal. e 4 J
t Corsets. - I
ff A aaeelal awraet. I
t relare4 v e r , J
If nbrlomra, extra i
B aaansr aarderai t i
a mat . airf '
I gaaranCeed artva M
atlal, lirm- , '
f alar f-rte Tea, f J
F It
M I 1
4S tfn
tm nm Tt
V 75c
1 1
Bwtateru, s!
Os saot lt 8 ,
f iioew'a weol i I
lwHlT 19 i
a:t rlrti wlta
4 y
lar. tt' it smalt a
e'-. elaea ta
9tx ni-s J
A Retnarkahlc Sale In Our Enlarged Basement V 9gc
I ill hi Underwear. .
We h&T taken ercrj suit from our own basement itock, tottber with avcra U
rurer,wea Jtut receircd, i&d ciTiaed Ml into tisxee wonlerfsl carsaia Iota. Buy it IJ
Friday nt err at laningt.
rwll slaa, wfele
i ( wlaaketa, V
ii mtt fleece at- t 1
tan, array um4 I 1
whle, foe fall . ,
! air heia, Reawlar k
I.S 1.a val ri
i are, weelal, pair, ' i
rorae with wdaa
I fnkrMrrr trim .
a4 e-raw t J
( ?i4 Vr-
I i It Yrv - 1 r !- ' a t. Vi I ' I '
v meet
Ai 'A i
Tim Euits. n
mktTtm and
rfmwni. v n
bin n4 myy
ktrvuu aer
rale, full lOnilart
clnta. UM and
Sara vmnrfa,
aeat mad ft.
". (IIS! irnriM
eUy BvaivKril.
laia ju,,
l-iI Friday at ,
Ihrnaah tea at ' ,
earaeti wt frent f 1
atoel wrla Siftah
helow. Ue J
t elastic mrt tm at f
frenl mf skirt ' I
V 75c !
You can tak your cLoica cf orer SCO
rlrlit-up-to-the-mliiuta etjlcs, In women 'i Rad t:i
Tlii means lay suit ia tao basement cepaiv i
, tlso over 200 new onci jnat receiysd.
Dozens of styles, every desir&fcl m&tsxiaJ, every new j
color ana nienty oi macK. I3&aa ox line tii-wo&i
chiffon broadcloth, jJl-wool finest pcplin, whJpcord,
heavy ttrz? etc. 517.50, 10.00, 022.50 525.00 values, iom worth evea
more. Tfc prtatest lot cf gnita ever offered, rigbt when yon want them, &t to mall 6 priea.
Eox buck styles, fitted tyles, virions Uvz'ih. coats ; tha gTtatsr part cf thssa suits
we fur trimmed (fur collars nd cuffs), many fcr trinwned arcesd bcttsra cf coat.
(IfSflUt llwek
llnsj and frln.
I I e e flewnrl,
aoft. warm firpt
kfaatlful kinsaaei
an4 w r s y r
llrlla. l.rnrli
' ta-aeil,
taimoa leve.
- ' I
; Suits Overc'tsv j
ft JIB Ovemtata
3 all snmt t t
. I moi.l,. Atl Mian I
; and all at
v1 S
cur cwn
3r '
r s
Over COD Women's tzd I.IbsE3 Cuita, rsaa
styles, new lota Just purchased aud c.xny c
itock that have been marked to sell at $12.48, C13.85
and il&.OO. All gToupad into one fci lot for 1 riiay. . ,
AH new, rijlit sp-to-ttate suits, many for triramed, ctlsess U
plain and fancy, triatned with braid, etc. Fine all-wool U
materials such as ssre, psplin, fancy tusturts, Rovtlty n
rnr.ts. v,
Tttat! a f
yar4a at a a e a a
AiTtrB. (-aalUa,
lllltli rim.,
teaa a a ,
, 1
tar M
yeaaar ft
aaesi. Mr. SIS.bU i
tsishi rnur-
eMhs, eta All xisvr oclsrs, all new styles, all desirable materials.
' I Mea. ana V....
i Men's All-Wal
I Maekiaaw
. lata.
tn all the aewaa
inlnrlnri. All ataea
, S 44. Ht'r
TJa valves, aale
55.00 Silk, Velvet and Dress Goods Remnants j'""
r3 uver ouo tuits, women's, tusses' ana Junicrs' cults, not
v this season's styles, but last fall and late winter styles. v
fy jl Euits that are made cf fine all-wool materials; downs cf "
good practical styles for ordinary wear, for many ocoa- '
serg-es and cheviot3, poplins, novelty cloths, fancy mix. t i '
turcs, etc Euits that were to sell at S10.00 fJ
give-away price. U
Flannel, v,
HT-laa I a I ai
while (ai-y
ala Clanavl,
salt, ware, li.eey
te S'nte Brfei
t wanted klaa ao4
1 and rlna
4 r4 wfcile alrten.
Bnu aia. ta vai 1
I i
1 1 and tp to C20.C0. Ilany extra sixes for stout women. Eiass ia black and colors up
i to is. a wonaenui lot ci suits at a ri
SJns4 tta
II a, t-la,
l.nagc sal t lBla
ta la yrtt.
ftaft ftnlaa. Value
wr S. i.-tal prt-
t s
a V J
k J BV MM ' 1
Star wrltfa an4 k
taaaEm.rt tsraaa. f
era, rraviar priaa
J.BO, rltfay, aair, f
i lien's Hose.
Frtlar will V an te la tar
ITftln-slriaf ia rl'.k and f elret Eetn.
manta, Inc'ijilcs all tha newet
weaves aaj folorlrj, la lectin
frem 1 to Hi yards, at lest Uitu
a if tfeo ferwer fHees,
Fear- l,rgt Brga!a Tafeles,
ckelfA 7ar4
I9c, 29c, 49c
and 69c
m af Flna All-
waul lwaa Gands, in
teaeths trM IH ta C
raise. IV art )t t" til. Spe
cial t-'rlday, attra tle
50c to S1.69
Imaas-fare aad M(.
f aetwrere' l)rt iaaa
eamvlea, saateaea 4
aiasiw il-rnt
l-y4. lnraa. Hulii
aell elf tha hm.t tt r SlJid
a yard. .aeh) pl
15c, 25c, 39c
A 31 -Wool lro Goed Eecmantfi,
ceoslsUiigf e lite teasea's Eewet
wcaies ftni relora, such as Ct-ter.
4ises, Fergus, Stripes, Fldit,
Tweeds aaj Hereitr Keliinra, frew
i to i-xard leiiglis. WeitS C2.C5
per jard, ihUfi ia twe lot!!, tt:
1 i1.?j'ji telHag-, yard
K4 avee ef
errs I :- -1
eaa'ta (r.ini,
af t. f-r hi
r9. ! mn,
ssectal, ysri
t C aitaa M t a
y aaeaa, alr, .
5 M '
an. a a
. t navy,
I ' fta t
HtMltM I
t kiark, (
aa aa4
Lace Curtains and Curtain Materials 1
f i
- . . X
rn j. tJ
KSinaaa' chil. i
alaa'a rtaa aa4 . i
'. SMTy rie.n4 nnl- 1
t--. tn H.M1HM a, k 1
About 2.CC0 Yards cf
Coriais, Etariiiries and other
drapery gwjds, special, yard,
1,009 Lace Curtains In
white and ecru; values to
52 pr.. special SH'iay, t
One tif Lot of Bungalow
and Filet Nets, values to 50c,
special, at yard,
fl-ln, tJ..nt
rnrsbkia ana Vtn0.t
wArwr tnn-.
Ho, anlt fnth,
frca fk-ana dr?
Irr. t-.
rrtaay, yard
j ' 61c
atal frUar at,
i 10c
C;lk- Hcse,
lriaavH Mal rAQsr
r I
Ve:ts. Facts.
Z0c Worth cf ra
tions fcr ICc
Wa-si kaiM tiwl
na,.a. a-.r ra,
fcnaifr-, : - !" r-n
Is-sa, t -!-, Hmtr
--..It 4,
If j-aia
t !
f 1
, i-lna, 1i
- an4 snir a .r
wkiH era ( -
r.a. All tmg.
VimIhi Cast Tfmug
ra, apal K
WHk ILim. faa
t.n-m, ynra ,
)au wii. ayawlal,
featti , ,
biu 1w a4 Kaaai
I.U4 tn. bolt
Oawaa r-l Eatt.
Kn4 iVaaiite Ifrisif P.
ton. kn, aawai ,
nrHa aiairv.a aif.iiaw
a. ial Fari. nnfc
Hsat-dr( Oraaa t 1ki,
afty Finn. staS,
4 - .
(.'a in' Ma IDarntasj
aaitaia, 4 . . . . .
(Ic9 !!- Wt a( Isrntln
and t'tvnn. Melt t -a,
a v J
$4 Two-Palr-Pini SsHs, fit
1 3
1 Jf TV
(both riiB ruin livedo
8f!sr,25i wrArSsg- eaasSeres ta
Usre tJiaJes, t!ae tcUtsre, irth
atti trewat r.i f tie Ker.
folk Keitlft. Tery t'ee, 1 IT
7te frsrey Kn! kefWVers, ,
at a&ir
Oar FriJay Slseplss Oitrnust Spe
c'&!, SOc Oatin Flusnel S ct ?:rs.2?c
Fer CLildrea 1 1 it yer&. ia
r tMCj tripes.
iOa asi ii'is
$X tlc
JtVl Si- Jin,
a' V n,i H t-nr .
!c s-i
! r
si 0ver-
TsHobk styles, la heety wsr.a coats.
Flatty ef d-slrl!e rvlert la QitvtA gisyt,
,k 4 rsty ta fit ssy 4 ta 14
n.ra. W Ia4 TaJa f-
teii.!, at .....OsJC
" L';Ii Caits
VHI'0 10
.nta nisun, ml
.in. ti.lcn Baca
an l " !, U
r.m Sbnia. tibni
ak4 r. in.iy
a.M t s. ti a
SjI.S" S arlni, r
tlf, Sl
. S1.69
ELearc&nts cf Cilk and Cwitca Drt&s !
Warrk ;, at, yara. Ita.
Abaat fwo yar4s af tna ti an-i Cattnni
Irna malarial. Ma (nit ! l
lan fclM, Slaavlna limsi, avaninc
a.a, cto.. ta Innvy, iiii4,
llialu and ftaral t,rlna.ln 1 ana S lacbna
i.. Ltkm turn I t ia yarn.
I- ril.lp a ma fttMmtat
ananrn, at
( i
r Stars a. '
ar's l.u, in
nrnray ia4 V.i
Vat, tr.Hli a ta
I it. St.. a tr
an r (3 l. S.- art.. 4
. 49 c
rr Fii-l-ey t.i,lr
- H a f nVa . 3 as
t I