Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Official Effort from Berlin Telli of
Defeat of Attacks by Czar's,
Troop in Three Sector.
BETRLIN, Oct. 2S. (By Wireless
to Sayrllle.) Ucpulse of Russian
attacks In the Dvlnsk rrglon and
near ths central part of tho line In
the east, as well a sureess for
General Von I-'nslnpi'n's troops In
tha southern sector, are recorded tn
today's official statcracnt by German
army headquarters.
Field Marshal von Ilindenhurs's nTnr
has repulwd Russian attacks rr.iuls
against the positions recently takrn by
ths Otrraini northeast of Oerbunowkn. In
tho Dvlnsk sector, anrl .tlermn troops
strain have occupied Ihe cemetery of
BsassaJy. In this region, evacuation of
which was reported yesterday. Two of
ficers and 1M men were takrn prisoners.
The failure of a strons altark by the
Russians against troops of the army of
nines Leopold of Eavarla near Thts.
herssy la announced
General Ton Llnsingen's army In the
southern sector hss captured Kudka, to
the west of Csartorysk.
OstpMt Fljnts la France.
PARTS. Ott. 2". The official communi
cation riven out by the French war of
floe this afternoon Is as follows:
"There hare been reported last night
nothlnf more than some outpost engSKe
msnts and reconnaissances of small Im
portance, which everywhere resulted in
ur favor."
Recruiting in
IK Great Britain is
Given Impetus
LONTVYN, Ort a There has been a
great Increase In recruiting throughout
the country during the past week, ao
oordlng to a number of newspapers. The
Manchester Guardian says recruiting Is
now going on at a higher rats than any
reached slnoe the early months of the
war. King Oeorge's proclamation and the
execution of Miss Edith Cavell In Bel
glum both having been the causa of bring
ing many into tha ranks. The Increase,
It Is noted. Is despite tha tact that Lord
Derby's scheme for calling men by sec
tions, drawing first tha unmarried and
those not engaged In work connected with
tha military production, has not yet bees
put Into operation. Manchester and Bir
mingham are Included among tha centers
showing the best result.
One of the chief obstacles confront
ing tha authorities Is the attitude of many
mployera, who. Instead of urging their
men to join the colors, are not only re
fusing to grant them allowances, as was
done In the earlier stages of the war, but
will not guarantee that employes who en
ilst shall bit reinstated In their positions
on their return. This matter Is being
Investigated by labor leaders, who prob
ably will make a report to Lord Derby.
Arthur Henderson, president of ths
board of education, haa addressed a cir
cular appeal to teachers throughout tba
country arging all those who can to sn-
HsL i 1 tf . .' v .- .-.
Hibbs in an Auto
Collision Enroute
Home from Lincoln
While returning from Lincoln yester
day afternoon in his automobile, F. L.
Hibbs, manager of the National Print
ing company, about seven miles out, col
lided head-on with ths car driven by F.
H. Hartsook of Greenwood.
Mr. Hibbs ear was badly damaged, but
he was not injured. Mr. Hartsook, how
ever, was not so fortunate. He was
thrown off through spare, sustaining sev
eral euts and a number of serious
bruises about tha head and body.
At tha time tho cars met. they were
passing through a dense amoks coming
from a fire along the Burlington track,
where section men ware burning ths
graa. Ths Hibbs' car was being driven
at a speed of about eight, and ths Hart
sook car, fifteen miles per hour.
PlTTSBmniT, Oct. The headless
body of Miss Sophia McCallln. daughter
of tha lata William C. McCallln. former
mayor of Pittsburgh, was found lata last
bight on tha Pennsylvania railroad tracks
at Roup, a passenger station within the
city limits. The body was so badly
crushed that Identification was Impossi
ble until this morning, when her absence
from tha office of K. S. Morrow, city
comptroller, whose secretary she was.
started an Inquiry. Identification was
established by a diamond pin bearing her
name. The circumstances leading to her
death are unknown.
How To Make the
Quickest, Simplest Cough
(A Jttrntuy
Meek Better haa Ready.
Made Hta sias tea sate Si.
(-) frully Ovaraiticed
This home made couch syrup Is now
UmkI i a uiure iiomes tliau any oilier coukB.
remedy, its n oni t mA, eaite and itr
Utiuty in conqut-ruiK Uilrriiig couitlia,
client and tin oat colii, is really remaik
aMu. ou can actually feel it take ooKL
A Jar's ue will tmualiy overcome the
ordinary cou;u reliuea even whooping
cuuq iuiikly. hplendid, too, for bruu
ciniis, spaxuiudic croup, bronchial asthma
and a inter rouLs.
Get from any druiniht V ounces of
riuex (ii o'liu worti. , pour it in a pint
inline auu. nil the iiott if v. itu plain granu'
ialed su'sr syrup, lint gives
ts you -at a
cost 01 uiilv im cental a tuil
pinvoi urner
rough svrup tlian vuu could buv for 9i.!0
'J akra tut a few tuinutcs to piepare. r'ull
diitx-iioiis ilu i'liicx. 'I antes good and
Iii'ver spoils.
ou will be vk'afcuntly surprised liow
quickly it loosen drr, hoarse or tiubt
couyhs, slid ieals t!. intlamed mno
l.i an ea in a paii.lul rough. It also stops
the formation of f.t.!.-viu in the thrust
Bui tmiiiliial tules, iJut Indian the per
aifrnt Ioobc cou jih.
1'inex ia a uiot valuaM concentrated
Compound of primine Norway pine ex
tri:t, rich in (.'omacul, which is SO Ueai
u.jf to tl. nit .ii"uta.
'lo avoid diaiiHii;tnier.t, be sura and
ksk your dnn.'V'it lor "v! Vs ounces i'lutx,"
Sod don't lie, ,-pf f hlthill tlx.
A guarantee of aUoiute satisfaction,
cr money promptly refunded, Ke with
this preparation. Ihs i'lues Co St.
Viayua. U4. ,
SUSPECTS IN GERMAN BOMB CONSPIRACY The picture also shows some of the
bomb-making materials found in the room of Robert Fay, who, with Walter L. Scholi and
Paul Daeche, ia under arrest for conspiracy to blow up munition ships leaving New York
and factories making munitions for the allies.
i i & - 3 1 Iff -v v. tCT : i x - -, . - V-
it . j.' .. , y- v - . j
-rr mn m . i i r - - r rnw n mi n n iniiri n f r --- 1 iriMijii 'ii
Bono Afrg44 Fqvnd tri fY9 Moott,
(Continued from Page One.)
laat four years not a bank robbery of
nots haa taken place In tha state. The
committee haa had reported to It seventy
sight cases of swindling and forgery. It
haa caught and prosecuted thirteen
forgers and swindlers, and has paid five
rewards of tlO each In tha year. It haa
printed fifty-two warnings and given
them general distribution and has fur
nished pictures of culprits to various po
lice and detective agencies. One-half of
ths Income of the committee has been
expended on this work in ths year.
A ten-minute session of ths American
Bankers' association was held during the
morning, when the Nebraska officers of
this national organisation were elected.
O T. Eastmsn was elected vies president;
Josss C. McNlsh of Wlsnor was elsoted
member of the sxecutlvs council; J. T.
May of Fremont was sleeted member of
tho nominating committee, and 8. H.
Burnham of Lincoln alternate member of
tha same committee; Dr. P. L. Hall of
Lincoln was elected as a member of tht
new section of ths national body created
last year. ' T. I' Matthews of Fremont
presided over this brief meeting aad C.
E. fimlth of Tllden acted as secretary,
t'ommlttters A re Named.
The auditing committee, resolutions
eommlttea and nominating committee of
ths state association wers snnounced at
ths morning meeting ss follows:
Auditing-. A. Mlnlck, Crawford; J.
L. Willis, Dalton; II. D. Wilson, Ne
braska City.
Resolutions Dr. P. L. Hall, Lincoln;
C. K. V. Bmlth, Beaver City; H. O.
Meyer, J. N. Trammerhauser, Ewlng; W,
A. George, Broken Bow; H. M. Chllds,
Nominations F. B. Draper, Fred Volpp,
Fcrlbner; W. A. Taylor, Hastings; T. H.
Boyles, J. P. O'Donnell, W. H. MoDon
elJ. North riatte.
The big banquet of the association la
to take place at the Fontenelle this eve
ring at 7:30. Henry D. Eatabrook of New
Tork and Rev. Wtllard Bcott of Brook
line, Mass., are ths speakers.
Bookkeeper Held
in Connection With
Employer's Death
CHICAdO. Oct. .-Leonsrd C. Buck, a
bookkeeper employed by tha brokerage
firm of which Franklin R. Voorhees was
ths head, was held by tha polios today to I
be questioned regarding the slaying of
ths broker, who was shot to death aa ha
ass entering his boms last Saturday
A woman whom Buck said was his wife
slso was detained. The arrests were the
first made in the pussllng case since
Voorhees was found shot In front of his
homo In a fashionable residence section.
Aside from tha report that he was a
victim of a war plot, because of his so
Uvltles In purchasing munitions of war
for tha allies, the slnglo clue on which
the police had to work was a mlslng
rlamond. which had been snatched from
the victim's cravat
Detective Burns reported that while
Buck stoutly disclaimed any connection
, with Ihe murder he admitted having de
frauded Voorhees out of about fl.tiiQ by
raising checks.
Bishop J. H. Tihen
Speaks at Denver
DENVFn. Oct S.-The cwm nation of
Father A. J. Bciuiler as bishop of the
Roman Cuthollo diocese of El ruao, T..
wss celebrated ner today. ArchbUhop j!
B, Pltaval of Santa Ke officiated, saa ated
by Bishop Henry Oranton and Rlahop
Pairtck A. McUov.-rn.
u,nIUiinru manors una laymen I
of the Catholio church In the west Wit
I nested the ceremonies, which took place
at trie immaculate Conception
cithe r
Ann ng ad irwsses delivered were those
by Right Rev. Henry J. Tlhen on "Our
Holy Father, the Pope;'' Klht Krv. J K
mass. "Our Country." and a sermon on
"The F.plscopacy," by Father William
Following ths consecration Bishop
Bchuler spoke.
A banquet which will close tha cere
monies is to be held tonight. After a few
days' visit in Denvtr with friends among
tha clergy. Bishop Bchuler will leave with
his paral commission for El Paso.
Omafeisi Wsuama t Marry.
CHICAGO. Oct . (Special Telegram)
Edward Plnkerton of Baa Francises
waa licensed here this afternoon te marry
Miss Lottie Arson of Omaha.
Every Blast Furnace in United
States Working: Say and Night
to Its Capacity.
NEW YORK, Oct 28. So great
haa been the general revival In the
Iron and ateel trade of the United
States, It was said by authorities to
day, that with virtually every blast
furnace and steel-mill In the country
working night and day to capacity,
the demand for iron, steel and steel
products cannot be satisfied, and It
ia today almost Impossible to buy, for
Immediate delivery, pig iron, scrap
and ingots In sizable quantltlea at
Industrial plants la the country.
'Within three months, the price of
pig Iron, long regarded as the barom
eter of trade, haa Increased approxi
mately 35 per cent, and that of ateel
and steel producta (except ateel
rails), haa gone up about 15 per
At ths present time tha demand for
pig iron and for tha various lines of
steel is in excess of the producing ca
pacity of tha furnaces and mills of the
United States," reads a statement Issued
today by Judge Elbert H. Gary, cflalr
man of tha United States Steel corpora
tion. "Tiie manufacturers are unable
to make deliveries entirely , satisfactory
to the purchasers with respect to a large
majority of tha different kin da of fin
ished ateel.
"There la nothing to indicate that TTiere
will be s decrease in the demand for
any of theas producta for some time.
While piioes received are atlll low, they
have been and are Increasing, and. ap
parently will go higher, that fair
and reasonable profits may be expected.
"Of course, these very satisfactory con
ditions are mora or less affected by
tha war business, so-called, yet It la un
doubtedly true that there la a better
feeling throughout the general Iron and
steel trade than has been experienced
for some years past."
Experts who have followed ths rising
fortunes of Iron and aXeel within the
last twelve mouths, asserted today that
tha volume of business, both domestic
and foreign, at present ia more than
double what It was a year ago, and that
there are today ITC.OOO men employed at
tr,,n u' '' plants throughout the
United States who were not on the pay
rolls a year ago. This Is about a 60 per
cent Increase.
Ths fires havs been lighted in virtually
every blast furnace In the United States.
In tha case of ths steel corporation the
last remaining Idle furnace, at Columbus,
O., Is now being put Into operation.
Reel and steel products are rolling out
of ths mills today at the rate of 60,
000,000 tons a year. It Is conservatively
estimated, and Iron Is being manufac
tured at ths rate of 40.000,000 tone.
Hallroad Plaeea Olsi Order.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct Orders for
lTEi.000 tons of steel rails were placed by
tha Pennsylvania Railroad company tc
; day. Those rails oover ths 1916 require
ments 'of ths road.
In addition, an order was placed with
the Baldwin Locomotive woras for the
construction of seventy-flvs heavy freight
looomotlvea for immediate delivery.
Producers Meet
With Consumers
CHICAGO. Oct. a.-The first national
conference of producers and consumers,
organised for the purpose of eliminating
tlie middleman and his profits, was held
here today. Delegates were present rep
resenting the American Society of Equity,
the Farmers' Educational Co-Operative
union, the Farmers' Iviulty uidon, the
i "iimnera. ine American reuerauon or
!bor end the Patrona of Husbandry.
Arthur Le euuer, vies president of the
fsopls's college of Fort Bcott. Kan., ex-
plained that the flot stup of the plan
muat be the affiliation of the fanners
and workliu;men. After that, he said,
would be municipal markets and pro
ducers stores where the middleman e
profits would bo eliminated.
Ursartairit Orders.
WASHINGTON Oct. JS. (Special Tele
gram.) Michael f. Kellv aas appointed
poatmaster at Harpers Ferry, Alianiaaee
county, la., vloa UUs Rita O. Collins, re
signed. . .
The contract for carrying the mall from
Cau ton to Mud 6iHiik, Keb., haa been
awarded to W. 11. Huaton of Mud tpnng.
Civil srvloe lamination will be held
en November 17 for rural letter carriers
at btapWton and ftuttso, Neb.
Sunken Submarine
Wil Not Be Repaired
WA311 1 NQTON. Ort. . Submarine
F-4, In which twenty-one officers and
men of the navy lost their lives last
March at Honolulu, will not be repaired.
Navy officials said today the vessel'a in
juries were so extensive that It waa not
considered practical to repair and refit
the boat.
The other three boats of the "F" class
will be tpwed to San Francisco for re
fitting, and have already been taken out
of commission until this Is done. Con
gress will ,be asked this winter to pro
vide for new engines snd batteries for
the boats, as tha present equipment is
unsatisfactory. ,
The report of the board of officers
which examined the F-4 has been sent to
all submarine commanders in the navy
In order that they may be warned to
watch for signs of conditions such
those which resulted In the
the F-t
TJsa Ths Bee's "Swapper" column.
Nebraska Wheat is
Moving to the Gulf
With Omaha . wheat ' receipts running
around 100 carloads per day, tha elevators
are not filling up, due to the fact that
almost aa soon as the grain arrives it is
blended, loaded out and sent on. Ths
result of this Is that the quantity of
wheat In storage In Omaha continues to
be st the lowest point since the city be
came a grain market.
For the last thirty days, and as a mat
ter of fact, ever since the German sub
marines have discontinued attacking
(ocean-going steamers the export grain
business out of Omaha has been tha
heaviest In the history of the market
At this time practically all ths wheat
coming Into Omaha goes to the south
and Is sent abroad by way of the Qulf
ef Mexico. .'
r r.
The man who believes in
signs knows that it is time to
purchase that winter overcoat.
Ward off winter's chilly at
tack "with a stylish coat that
will also ward off criticism.
"We have a line of wonderful
; coats at wonder-prices.
Don 't wonder about it come
in and see them.
$16.50 and" $25
"Make our store your ttorm"
Wilcox & Allen
Exclusive Clothes for Men and
Young Men.
203 So. 15th St., Near Doug-las.
I ... 1 t
" For Loss of
Where there is impaired diges
tion, with little relish for food, it
indicates a week, general condi
tion caused by luck of phosphates,
of which the system hss been
deprived. Supply this lack and
appetite will assert itself with the
returning vitality. To accomplish
this, take
Acid Phosphalo
Keep a battle ia yeas I
fa JrvM
-4 1
Long-Considered Objection to Brit
ish Interference with U. S. Com
merce Sent Sunday.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 18. Amer
ica's long-considered protest against
Dritlsh Interference with commerce
between the United States and Eu
rope has been dispatched to London
by special messenger and will be
presented by Ambassador Page at
the Dritlsh foreign office next week.
It became known today that the
note, which Is abont 10,000 words
long and covers exhaustively the ar
gument of the American government
on all phases of Interference with
neutral trade, was approved by the
Htompsqn.Belden & (b.
Goods charged Friday and Saturday appear on
statements dated December 1st.
New, plain tailored models,
new Sports and Skating
Coats, and j the more dressy
fur trimmed styles.
$11.75, $14.75,
$19.50, $25
Wi oaa Valid tba 1laret
trunk to order, or fcaa&le ne
smallest repair work, because
we Uke small repair Joba. Aat
we sU all kinds of rood
trucks, rrtpe aad salt eases at
raaaoaabls pdoea.
Freling & Steinle
1803 Farnan St.
Reductions ,A
& Friday
"$ Hundreds of new, smartly
v "j tailored and exclusive dress f St
r y hats reduced: J sfrh
president last Saturday and started
on Ita way to London, Sunday.
Alexander W. Kirk, third secretary of
the American embassy at Berlin, who had
returned to Washington, carrytag docu
ments from Ambassador Gerard, was en
trusted with the mission on his return
Journey to Berlin.
New Jersey Central
is Ordered to Sell
Its Coal Holdings
FmiADEUmA. Dot. R-The t'nlted
States district court today decreed that
the ownership of the Lehigh and TVllkes
barre Coal company by tne Central Rail
road company of New Jersey Is a com
blnatlon in restraint or trade and that
the Central company must dispose of Its
Interest In that concern.
The decree filed today la on the decision
of the court last June In the rovernment's
anti-trust suit against the Heading com.
psny, Jersey Central and others. The
court at that time suggested that the
Lehigh St Wllkesbarre company be di
vorced from the Jersey Central.
-New Tailleur Suits-
Which present the new length coat
adapted from the Russian, modeled in
broadcloth and duvetine. Fur trim
mings accentuate the natural beauty
and grace of their lines
$35, $45, $55
Other Suits, $19.50 to $105
Orsat Boabls BUI
"The Wonan Next Door"
am. An ma. tisioi outu
la Taels UWil S)ocl.ty Baaoss
Suaday ror Four Days
Trends X. Busbmaa la "Oraustark."
Tha Oalr Hlsk Clua VuJ.n l Circuit.
IWllr MatlMa. I ll Brr NUhl. 1 11.
Otfcar Acu this VMk : Tba
Mxioana. JacS Allmaa a
Smb udr. Canlurl a
Kius. TSa OaixUKlSu.
Four Mclodluua l.'ap,
OrtMivum Trawl WawSiv.
IDrlas Warata Oua.
PrtiM: UaDBM O&liarr. lua; but atau lai.
miH SaturSar aaS Sualai. SVa. NlaBia Ifta, aa.
SM aa 1W
Dally Xata..lS.tS-BOe
Bvaaa, IS aa ao-tfts
mm a. p.,., p.... cm. Musisu
qjOjlx-B '"I Baruaqua
Aa Aialaacka at Baaatf. WmJiS u4 Splaar.
T"fc lUaMipitaa Clua." bis broatlaar hi,w
a llaarlllaa. Oulf Muatoal bhov la Tovi.
ImNW Klaelrtaal NunliWfc t.'karua at Ml
tdkdl.a' Dime Matinee W Hk Dara.
Sat Kits a lat: BH1 Wataoa'a ' M Tntal "
Rent Your Vacant House by
Use of Bee Want Ads.
Cotton Prices
Break Sharply
NEW TORK. Ort. B. There was a
sharp breeJi in the cotton market here
today, with January oontraota declining
to ll.ffio, or more than fl.BO a bale, under
the cloning figures) of last night aad fully
aS.7f a bale below the high record of the
season. Belling was general and more or
lesa axdted owing to the unsettled ootid I
tlon of politics abroad, which seemed to
Increase the nervousness of tht trade
over export prospects.
LONDON, Oct. The racing yacht
Oermania, which on two occasions won
Emperor Williams' cup at Cowes, was
condemmed In prise court today as a
prise of war. The Oermanla, which was
captured at Cowes at the outbreak of the
war was the property of Lleutentant Dr.
Gustav Von Bohlen Und Halbach, head
of the Krupp works. Three other German
yachts captured at Cowes, the Iasca II,
Stella Marls and Paula III also were
Today aad Saturday
Tas Calsbrated Bmotlonai Aetr.aa
Ths Well Known Bra matin Baooeas
Sunday BlsrS OV afOTaTXBa
HI n fl Continuous 11 a. as to
I (' F 11 P. m. Ail seats lOo.
Aft.raooa aad alng-.
Chorus Lady
nrita a Z.aky.raramount AU-Star
and Asaoola's
riayera la
liimum MibamXiliiiaiaMiMMiii i null
"Seven Keys To Baldpate"
Mat, 16c, i5c J Itoj, tse, 3o, BO.